The Exeter Times, 1923-7-26, Page 8Er Fa erviee,; VISIT PHONITI 16 For Service, Stewartsw China D'epartin.eut. Midsummer shipments of China aid; Glassware have freshened our unusually large stock, and the China lover and gift seeker should find pleasure in inspecting these new wares, Worthy of Special Mention Dainty Vases of Citt Glass priced from 40c to $1.50 Glass Flower Baskets—very popular and very useful, 50e to $1.00 Odd Cups and Saucers of Aynsley and other China, 50c to $2,00 Sherbut Glasses and Gobletsof very clear Cut Glass for only $3.00 the half dozen. Land -made Wicker Trays Mahogany Trays New English Chintz ware in Vases, howls, Plates and Pitchers Ash to See Our new Yellow and Black Dinner Set with either China or guaranteed porcelain cups and saucers, This is one of the most admired patterns we have ever had in stock. „Make certain to see it before you buy a dinner set. 25 DOZ..ODD WHITE CUPS ON SALE AT 10c EACH Quality Groceries and First `Class Service at less than Cash and Carry Prices Royal Yeast Cakes 05 Choice Seedless Raisins '15c Tb Sunnaid Seeded Raisins 2 for 35c 3 doz. White Jar Rubbers 25c Laundry Soap less than' 7c bar Christie's Soda Biscuits 15c Ib Best Cheese, fresh cut 23c Ib Maple Leaf Salmon—IA-26c Maple Leaf Salmon -1's -48c Guaranteed Red Salmon, 1 lb tin 25c Cascade Salmon Y ib tin ZOc Cascade, Salmon ....1 Ib tin 150 3 McLaren's Jelly Powders 25c Our Special Blend Tea still 55c .Not just one or two cut prices but everything you need at Rock 'Bottom Prices J. A. Stevart mnainanimmulnimannimmotwon jFuPr�lture DiIr and Fuoeral Dir66tor *HEN YOU BUY FURNITURE HERE, OUR AIM IS TO GIVE YOU SERVICE AND SATISFACTION, AND A PRICE THAT SUITS YOU. WE STAND PREPARED TO CATER TO EVERY HOMES FURNITURE WANT, HOWEVER LARGE, HOWEVER SMALL. LATEST DESIGN, LARGEST STOCK, BETTER SERVICE, FAIR PRICES. THE HOME FURNISHER. M. E. 6M!'DINE Conductor of Funeral Service Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment LONG DISTANCE CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE 01 -ERA -HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 743 Night call 74W SOME SENTENCE The grammar tells us there can be No sentence without a verb—but Gee! Ther.e'sone r know of anyways, It's when the court says "Thirty days." • An enquirer writes us us to explain what love is. Love is a peculiar thing. • The man who drives his car out on Sunday or a holiday and gets home without having been in a smashup has no right to say that the day of miracles is past. and asks Answer. yld res Ltd e 245 Stores in Ontario and Que Specials for Thursday, Friday, Saturday Machine Sliced BACON PICNIC HAMS 33c. a ourid 22c. a pound NEW CHEESE 25c, lb. COII'.N;,F+LAKES SH. WHEAT CHOICE CORN :JELLY .ROLLS SPECIAL TEA Pure Cane BLUE ROSE SUGAR. RICE 10 pounds 1.13 3 lbs. 25. ......:<3 for 29c BRUN. SARDINES ....4 for 25c ..;.2 for 25e (:3LARK'S VEAL LOAF ....19c 2 for 63c25 SUANUTR BUTTEIL DRINKS 23o Location MA IN STREET EXETER, ONT. THE EXETER TIMES Market, report —The following to the report of the Exeter • Market, corrected e`wery Wednesday. Wheat 85o Oats 52e Barley 60c Manitoba Flour $3,$5 Pastry Flour $3,,40. Model Flour $3,70 Feed Flour $2.10 Bran $1,60 Shorts $1.70 Young chicks under 2 lbs 21e Young chicks over 2 lbs 230 Young ducks oyer 4 Tbs 16c Old Ducks 12c Old Hens" over 5 Ibs 17c Old Hens, 4 to 5 lbs 12c Old Hens under 4 lbs. 9c Old Roosters 100 Dairy Butter 28e. Creamery Butter 36e Eggs Extras 25c Eggs No. l's 20c Eggs No. 2's 15c , Lard 17 to 20e Hogs $S.25 LOCAL • • #04)**t.16 ye1+10*••0 • Owing to the Sunday School pic- nics of Main` St. and James St,;_our delivering day will be, changed from Wednesday to Thursday. W. J. Statham, Mr. Harry Sweet visited, in Sea - forth over Sunday. Mrs. Wesley Snell is visiting with relatives at Dutton. Miss Rose Laiuport ",is holidaying in Galt and Hamilton. • Miss . Jessie. Manson, of London, spent the week -end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hubert Jones are holidaying al Grand Bend. Mr. Harry Puke, of Toronto, is holidaying at his Norrie here. Miss Beaulah Kohler, of Kitehen- er is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F. tiVitwer. Mrs. G. E. Tuckey, of Loudon, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo Mawson Mr. Edwin Baird and friend, of Kitchener, spent Sunday with Mrs. T. G. Creech. Miss Ruth Clark, of Chatham, vis- ited for several days with Miss Dor- othy Balkwill. Mr. Lloyd Rivers, of Sinicoe, is holidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rivers. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wood,,_ of Hamilton, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. Walters. Miss Vera Steele, of New York, visited with her aunt, Mrs. R. Skin ner for a few days. ' Mr. J. G. Stanbury has purchased' a new seven passenger, McLaughlin car from W. J. Beer. Mr. and Mrs., Ray Hueston, of London, are hoidaying with the lat- ter's mother; Mrs. J.."Taylor. Miss Alice Pfaff returned to her 'duties at the postoffice on Monday after holidaying for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Frayne and family, of Brantford, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frayne. Bev, Janie* POoteo no Ao. Minister 10 a.m,---Suuday Sch.00l and )31010 Classes Services as usual. Boy Scouts meet Friday evening. JAMES STREET METHODIST 3111.07;5.7.MEollnDi:°gIllalUCelltliliCHYs's B. A" l'ast°14 11.00 ---Public Worship. Subject— "God's Seraphim" 3 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible' Classes COMMUNION DAY DENTAL 'SURGEON • graduate of the ,Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Unr- versity,of Toronto. Late District Dental, Officer, tary District Number One, London, Main Office; Main St. Exeter, Ont. Phone 34, Eleter; Hours 9.00 a.m. to 5.30, p.m. Office hours at ZURICH ONT:, Tues. and Fri, 10.00 o'clock ahni to 5.00 o'clock p.m. Phone 79. Good used.' Heintzman piano for sale, cheap. Terms will be given ito snit purchaser. Reply in writing to Box• X'Times Office. FARM POR SALE—One hundred acres on the lith concession of Us - borne, with good bank barn, floored throughout with cement, drive shed and wind mill, water in barn. Brick house with furnace, hard and soft water handy. APPly to Mr. A. Camm Exeter. Ont. Bett's Bakery have installed a bread mixer and will now be able to supply the public with more bread and better bread. • WANTED—Cirl for general house work, at 429 E. Grand Boulevard, Detroit. Liberal wages—Apply to Mrs. Henry Courts, Exeter for par - FOIL SALE—FORD TON TRUCK,. will deal on half ton' truck. See Harvey & Harvey. POT.IND—;A. side curtain for auto- mebile. Owner may have same by Paying for advertisement. Apply at Timos Office. GODERECH RACES Remember Goderich Horse Races, Civic holiday, Wedn'eSdAX August ist. 2.30 trot or pace, piirse.$100.- 00; 2.18 trot or pace, ipurie $400.00; 2.12 trot or liace, purse $500.00. Write Dr. W. F. Clark, secretary,' for particulars. - FOR SALE—A base burner, Art Garland with oven, in good -condition apply at Times Office. . Master Bud and jean Trimble, of FOR SALE--Forct. car in good Amherstburg, are guests' of Burton condition, starter and electric lights Donnelly at James St. parsonage. new tires. price $300.00. • Apply at Times Office. Mrs. Harry White, of Stratford, spent from Saturday until Monday with her brother, Mr. W. H. John_ " Mrs. Wilfred D. Mack 'will receive - Mr. and Mrs. Will Whitney and two children, Jack, and Grace were the guests of Mrs. John E. Dignan Mrs. Murray, of Toronto, and Mrs. Thompson, of Victoria, B.C., visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Skinner on Monday last., Dr. and Mrs. HolloWay, of Peter- boro, are visiting the former's sister_ Mrs. R. N. Rowe. They made the trip by motor. Several auto loads of young people irom James St. League motored to Goderich and took in the Summer School Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. ,Leon Treble and lit-. tle daughter4 of Toronto, are holi- daying with the former's parents, Pennington, of Belville, and daugh- ter glive, t'eacher, were. calling on friends in town the first of the week. Mr. Nelson Hodgson, of Dicker, Man., left for his home on Friday after visiting with , his mother and daughter, :Miss Vfola and other rel- atives and friends in and aronnd Ex- eter, Granton and London'. Mrs. George Levis, ef Clinton, and three daughters from Toronto, Miss Elva, graduate nurse; Miss Rosie, milliner and Miss Eona, school tea- cher, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Dignan last week. Mr. and Mr.. G. May and little daughter, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. It. Skinner an Thurs- day% of last week. Miss Steele ac- companied them back to, the city' where she will visit for a short time befOre returning to NeY York. arge of, the Dominion Store in -Ex- eter ever sirice)they opened ,up here „leaving next week for Mitehell, to take charge of a new branch which, the Company are opening, up e Sell to Satisfy \ in that town. The best w' 11 ter will follow bi1n. for the first time since her marriage, at her home on Victoria St, on Thurs- Ewen will receive with her. , , The Community games and Vesper Service held by the young people of James St. Church are grewing hi in- terest and attendance. This -week ected the sports. OptimistS blow the horn of 'plenty ,.while pessimists come out at the lit- tle end of the horn. "Yod seem to 'have been in a ser_ Mils accident." "Yess," said the bandaged person. "I tried to climb a tree id,my motor "What' did you do that for?" "Just to oblige a lady whO wanted to use the road." LAKE OF BAYS One of the lovliest summer won- derlands in all the Northland is Lake of Bays, entered via Huntsville, Cn- tario, just 146 -miles north of Tor - The thousand of bays which this lake may truly boast has each a thonSand surprises a.nd delights tor the riature-lover. BeYond „this' lake are other countless bodies of Water on every side; at every turn they strike the view, each with its oivn peculiar beauty and inimitable, There is excellent b,oating, bathing and fishing; ,specled , trout, salmon trout 'and 'whitefish are plentiful. Fine, 'll°(lern, Summer hotels offer gay ociall life, golf, tennis, bowling, and all the water sports, while the entire district is dotted with smaller hotels and boarding hoirses; ' Canadian National trains connect with a flotilla of lake steamboats serving all territorY. Ask any agent ol the Canadian National „ailways for full informa- toomm 110011.10 THURSDAY, ATLY 4th, p2. me o ore Our Clothing business is:grovving steadily. The reason for it is, we are giving our Customers good Materials at prices that are not ex- cessive. Good Suits at $23.00. IT' ine Grey and Blue Serges at $30.00 New Summer Underwear In the very best makes, in all styles, cut roomy, just the thing for the hot weather, All sizes $1.50. Men's Straw Hats , This week we reduce prices on all BoYs' and Men's Stra* Hats. Why not save money on your new Fleet Foot Footwear for Outiug Wear Fleet Foot is the popular Foot,wear for the hot wea,ther„ We car- ry a var'iety of -styles for every member of the family. Prices are very reasonablef White Canvas F,00twear 'Phis season's styleb with black patent trim With, loW or medium heels. Regular $3.50. SPECIAL PRICE .$2.48 Boys' Print Shirts In sizes 12%, 13 and 13 These Shirts sold for $1.25. We are clearing the lot at SPECIAL PRICE -50c Ladies' Oxford and Strap Slipper About 30 pairs in the lot.' Regular prices were $2.00 to $4.00. There are a few White Oxfords in the lot SPECIAL AT PER PAIR $1.98 uthcott Bros. Big Stock of Good Furniture at PriCes that can't be Beat 'Satisfaction Guaranteed ROWE CONDUCTOR OF FUNERAL SER- VICES Phone Bis. 20W House 20J. 111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111 FOR SALE -2 Churns, 1 butter boivl and ladlO, weights, 2 sets of ailes for, light wagon. Apply to Mrs. FARMERS , • We have a car load of feeding Mo_ Ilasses for sale, 1VIaple Leaf Brand, at 25c a gallon. IGospel Tent Services continuing in the Victoria Park Sunday nights and each week night except Saturday at 8 o'clock. Everybody welcome. FOR QUICK SALE That ..up-to-date residence in the Village of Staffa, 7th of Hibbert, County of Perth, composed of 3 Vil- lage lots and 2 acres of pasture land on' adjoining farm. On Village lois there la a two storey 8 -roomed brick house, kitchen and wood shed stable hen and drive house; hard and soft water. all in first class repair, Meth- odist and English church in :Village, Presbyterian church; one niile; school, one mile. Possession at once as the' preent owner, G. Tuffin, hae bought a' farm and wants to mOye. I will sell this property at a bargain. For terfns ,and particulars apply to ThoS. CaMeron, Auctioneer; on Thames Road, P.O. Box 154• Exeter. Phone Hyndinan line, Exeter. ;FOR QUICK SALE That 'deSirable.pp,rin property, dot school on corner good: bri('''It' dwelling heries,,,„. cattle :arid, hags, .water 'in stable, sile and _drive ''honse..i This farm is in the best 'of .condition and will be'''sold with'er Without the' crop,of fall Wheat, peas and oats arid mixed hay and 'past, - tire. 'EaSy'terins of Paymentiliind for' quick sale -at a .bargain. Possession „at any time. For' term's, and Partic- ter P 0 Ph Immoonniammonsomimmr Greatly Reduced Prices Summer Underwear combination and Two -Piece Straw Hats, Ties, Garters, Sleeve Holders, Belts, Braces etc. A few Summer Suits, Outing Trousers Flannels and Tweeds .00 ammo MOM MOM .111101, MONO MOW MUM smoien Magi readola aamilmat HONE a Well, I guess it's tirue':for me to leave, said the' tree as ,the SPring- set FARMS FOR SALE—A few choice Parma in the Townships of lisborne, Tuckersmith and Hibbert. Good buildings and well located as to mar- kets. l'riced right Apply to Thos. Cameron, Auct., Box 154, Exetet ANDY EASTON „ Licensed Auctioneer for the Cann- tuents for sales can be made by call- ing' up the 'Central Hotel, Exeter. 'Charges moderate, satisfaction 'guaranteed. rito. Horse Liver Phone 5 NV CARLING B. I3arrister, "'Solicitor, &c., Loans, Investments, Insuranccr; Office, Carling Block, Main St. Exeter A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon 'Office—McDonnell's balesrftables John St. Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone 26w ' LET ELLIOTT & JOHNS Knciw when you want your Suit of Overcoat Cleaned and Pressed, or fpo Yrwe dtehoe armr De ar no duet 1 de feaolnirve odbr au nts dne e.wms se. wi:ne you want a ,New Suit call in and see 'our Samples. OUR MOTTO—Service to the Public, DIVESTMENTS Accounts Collected — Insurante ERNEST ELLIOTT