The Exeter Times, 1923-7-26, Page 11i.
q U1-"FYFIRST, YEAR No. 2556
M O R N I N 0, JULY 26th. 1923
,.ti,:t, 1 I ,t!
l+. ' 1r,3,._ , L E ` ER7 CCJCT CII
s.a�....,y.,....1a�,111�3illlillllNllllllIIIlllillllrllllllllllllllllllll IIII IIIIllllilll�I�tNIIIIIIIiIU nnI IIhtIIIIIC 16111 Ilii _ ��
en's Straw Hatst $ L60
Only 4 dozen Men's Straw Hats, in newest styles of rough and fine
Stra black andbrowni 1 5 ciearin atone
ws, bends regularly up to $ .7 all g
price $1.60 each.
Boy's Cotton:Jerse�� ,
10 Dozen Boys' fine cotton Jerseys in navy, .brown; ;'grey and black,
sizes 22 to 32 long sleeves, just the, thing for hot weather, regularly 60c'
summer clearing price. 49c.
Brand ®� Shirts riS 1.25.
We are local selling agents for the celebrated "Big, B" work .Shirts.,
This is one of the, largest shirts ` ade. In 'good . ualit : materials ver
special value at $1.25 each. - 1
Ladies' and Misses' Viirltite W ash
Ladies' Whits Wash Skirts`, clearing at these priee5 $1.00, $1.45 aird
$1.95, Many of these. are half price and less.
Summer Wash Dresses
A few nice Wash Dresses for children, Misses and Ladies, at greatly
reduced prices,
Boy's Wash Suits greatly reduced iti,price
Middies at 98c.
16 only Ladies' and Misses good ' quality Middies, plain white; also
with -colored trimming, regularly up to $2.00 to clear at each 98c.
Silk Poplin Skirts` 2895
7 -only Ladies' Silk Poplin Skirtsgood colors, clearing less than half
price at $2,95 each •
Summer Wash Dress Goods -A11 lines must go regardless of cost.
Running n ho s
S e ...and Khaki
Just the" thing for • the holidays, will give the greatest wean for the
least money. We keep all styles at medium prices:
• 5 Patent .:Slippers-
This is, your chance, about 20 pairs, made of 'best Clarke's Patent,
Lady Belle make @' $3.75.:
Monday evening, July 23, 1923.
The minutes • of a Municipal Council
m ti
Absent Councillors 1+7llerizz8 eo,n
leering Sale ofOSIMMIS
and Davis,
-minutes of the meeting, held
July 9th, were read and approved.
A letter from the 'office 'the
"•a Kaustine Company, Ltci Dundas,
E Ont., re `bowl lost in transit. The
same had been located and returned
to,Dundas arid was again being for-
warded to Exeter:
The report -of County Clerk, G. W.
Holman, re levy for County purposes
^for the current year as follows Gen-
eral County purposes, $+1722.24.
Highway rate 807.30;' special Good
Roads 269.10. Total -of $2798.64,
The following accounts were read
and ordered paid: Cecil Ford, labor
cemetery, $18.75; Sohn Kydd, labor
$15; R. McKenzie '& Son, supplies
charity, 12.58; Peter Coleman, team
1$22.00;, Fred"; Cornish, labor, $15.25
R. E. Davis, team, $ 8.25 ; Clyclle Hey
wood„`team; $11,00; Fred Iading,
labor, $3.75; Nelson Vale, labor,
21.50; John Parsons, labor, 15.00;
Jas, Parsons, labor, $2.75; Jeremiah
Heaman, labor,' 2,50; .Tolin Iiunkin,
labor on -want,. 20.00;;
A petition was received and read
from ratepayers on ;William• street
from Huron to. the South boundary,
asking that that portion of the
street be watered. -No action.
Adjournment by Francis,
J. Senior, Clerk.
In a previous issue eve;,pub11sh•ed the
lisp of pupils who had_obta;ned credit
�a. Lower School Subjects, :
) � •i
pan the
stancing obtained an exam',inatiions
conducteri during the; year by the
High School Staff. Two hundred and
•_ h,r �
even passes i,n, <ind>vidual ;uh-
iects were granted; Cand_dates fail
Mg upon, these tests were given the
opportunity .of -talci ig`the�Department-
al Examinations, and e'ght mare creel-
its were obtained as follows,
Lis e„ Gardiner, physiography, 4.
.. ivla.ngaret Johns Art; & Botany, 4
Ada Mitchell, Botany 3
James Penance, Art, 4.
Oscar Tuckey, 'Art : 4.
Wm. 'Cochrane, •Art now complete,
Harold Fishes, Art, %1
The lnumbers...ii,ndicate. the,
standing' for the year.
The n:ggreghte; palss•es now. total 245
out 'of 278 attempts', ;or over 88 per
cent., an ,excehleaft.mecord liar, • our
High ,School,
�'lllll 1111((11 I IIIIIilllll I
111111 II IIIIIIII I ell
I I IIII IIIIIIillllll 1111111 II II
I I IIII IIIr11111i1i1ltNHI111111NNIIHi�lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll•-��'
Pl m th Bi
y out nd es,
650 feet,, to lb. 13•5(2c per rt).
Hay Fork Ropes 22c per Iti.
Sling Ropes $1.50 per pair
Hay Fork Pulleys 85c
NewPerf etion St®ves.
for the Ilot Weather
3 Burner $26.00
4 Burner, $34,00
3 Burner, Superfix $50.00
Ovens, •$6.00; Wicks, 40c,
Seasonable Hardware
Screen Doors, $2.45,
Screen Windows, 45c
Screen Wire per yd, 26 to 40c.
Door Hinges c Spray..
Screen Do i Hz etc. g Sp ay
ers, 65c and 75c.
Carborundum Stones, 90c and-
ndScythe ' Stones, 15c and 35e
Pure Paris Green 75c ill'
Arsenate of Lime, 45e
Cowease $1.00 per can '
$2.0o to 4.
per square
amart s
Mrs. F. Witwer is improving nice -
Miss Netta Pryde is holidaying at
Mr. Fred Beaman is ' holidaying
at " Balla; Muskoka.
Miss Weekes has returned after
visiting at Hagersviile,
Flax pulling " has ;started. The
crop is short this year.
Miss Margaret Madman, of Lon- f
don„cis visiting in town.
Mrs. A. ,N. Creech and son Hugh
are'visiting`in Detroit.:; `
Miss Ruby Chreech is visiting in
Stratford for a few weeks.
Mr. -Morley Wison, of Dresden, is
visiting with Mr.=.J. W. Powell.
Messrs. H. Elworthy and A. Eas-
ton ;were in Kitchener Sunday.
Miss Margaret Penrice, of London
is holidaying with her mother here.
Mr. F. A. Chapman, of Leaming-
ton, called on friends iii, Exeter last
week. •
Mr. Wm. Rousom, who has been
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bis-
- sett has ' returned to his home. at
North Bay, Mrs. Rousgm remaining
for a few days.
,. At. the recent
at Exeter centre, the following pu-
pils prepared by Mrs. Harrison Gam
lir gaining ill were successful in rainin dis-
tinction: Miss Gertrude Knight,,
honors in 'vocal adv. senior grade ;
and passed' in violin• intermediate
grade; 'Mise Lula irlorlock, honors hal
piano senior grade;`• Melville Down,'
first class in piano adv. intermediate
grade; Misses Elva Hunkin and Ed-
na • Pearl Wood, fleet class interme-
diate grade in 'piano; Robert Gam
brill, first class advanced senior
grade violin. All were 'examined in
the; theory of music for their respect-
tive:' grades: and are to be
, "congratu-
laiel onthe fine work shown in both
practleal and theoretical nnusic, Mr,
Arthur Howell, of 1Wlontreal, was the
Thursday' last
y wa as the big day for
the Primary class of the James St.
Sunday School. It was their annual
picnic on the church lawn, :` Over
eighty of the little peopple' were out
in their best bib and tucker and en-
joyed the afternoon in playing games
followed by lots of goodies to eat
The teachers were in charge.
The Ladies' Aid of Caven Presby-
terian church held a most successful
garden party on the lawn of Mr, E.
J. Christie, on Friday evening last.
Friday was. one of thesehot days
when about all a person felt like do-
ing was eating ice cream and drink-
ing lemonade. Caven .ladies happen-
ed to strike the right day for the
evening was ideal. The grounds and
booths were made very attractive
with Japanese lanterns and bunting.
-Vendors, dressed in costume, sold
bananas, from a push cart, hot di gs„
toy baloons, etc.' were also sold, while
the woman with the thousand ,,pock
ets charged 5 and 10c s for draws,.
Even the gypsy fortune teller was on.
hated and 'did a very thriving' busi-
es t The Exeter Band enlivened the
Proceedings with some stirring mus-
On Wednesday, July 18th, at 8.45
a.m., the marriage df Bertha, Jane,.
second daughter of Mr. . and Mrs.
David Mack, of town, to Mr. Thomas
Cyril Selby, son of Mr. E. Selby, Tor-
onto was solemnized in the Caven
Presbyterian church. .Rev. 'Jaynes
Foote officiated. • The bride looked
lovely in a gown of tan and blue shot.
taffeta with hat to nlatolz and wear-
ing a corsage of Gruss and eTeplitz
roses. The only attendant was little
Kathleen Jean McEwen, neice of the
bride who was flower girl, carrying
a basket of sweet peae. Mr. and Mrs.
Selby left on the morning train for a
nes . On their return
trip to the
t pSau e
$ Y
they will take up their residence in
Toronto, where Mr. Selby is a, -drug-
drug,gist. Their many friends will join
with The Times in extending congrat-
Rev. A. A. Tramper left this week
for Winnipeg, Man., where for the
next five weeltu : he will supply the
pulpit of Holy Trinity clrrtrch." 1VIr.
Tramper' silpplied the pulpit of this
church last suniiner and his services
were so acceptable that he waS in-
vited to rettirn. Mr. Crump, a stu-
dent ,from Iiuron college, London,
will supply for Mr;' Trumperr,
An auto accident occurred zed about
two miles west of Crediton on Satur-
day afternoon when two auton'zobiles
were, upset in the ditch and the oc-
cupants of both cars had a miracu-
us escape. Mr. and Mrs A. E.
Kuhn and children accompanied by
Mrs. Clarke, of Crediton, were on
their way to Grand Bond in their
Gray Dort car. Mr. J. Dempsey, of
Centralia, with his nephew driving a
Ford car, attempted ' to pass. They
were nearing a tile culvert and the
road wasr
so newhat narrow and the
two front wheels of the cars locked
and both cars were overturned into
the ditch with wheels in, the air. Tie'
ditch was fairly deep and the occu-
pants of the cars were thrown into
the hollow of the ditch.
Mr. Demp-
sey received the greatest injury. His
left shoulder was dislocated and frac-
tured. The occupants. of Mr. Ruin's
car received a bad shock and were
somewhat bruised. It was, very :for-
ttunate that the injuries were not
A pretty wedding took place at
the Methodist parsonage, Exeter, ; ori
Wednesday of last week, when .Ada
Elizabeth, ;eldest. daughter " of Mr_
and Mrs. Phillip, Fassold;` ief Dash-
wood; was united` in marriage to
Milton E. Ratz, son of Mr: and Mrs.
John Ratz, Rev. Donnelly `officiating.
The bride wore a lovely gown of
ivory georgette with silver trimmings
large white picture hat to match and
carried an 'exquisite shower of 0-
phelia roses ;and lily . of the valley.
Miss Verda Fassold, sister- of the
bride, as bridesmaid, was prettily
gowned in jade green canton crepe
with overdress of radium; lace. She
wore a large picture hat and carried
a shower of sweet peas. Mr. Roy
Rats, was groomsman. Mr. and Mrs.
Ratz left by "motor on a honeymoon.
which will be spent at Pike Bay and
other Northern points. For travel-
ling, the bride worea smart frock
of black taffeta, black hat and wrap
of delph blue.
Mr. J. J.Knight and Mr. C. Speck_
man, of Guelph, visited in Exeter on
Mr. Arthur Peacock, of Oshawa, is
visiting, with 'Mr, and Mrs; Wilbur
Miss Dorothy Parsons, of London,
is .visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hector
Several from town attended the
Old Boys` Reunion at Kincardine
last week.
Mr. J. M. Harvey is visiting -his
brother, Rev. Linden C. Harvey at
Miss Midred Norry, of London, is
visiting withher parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Norry.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Thos. Ward, of Lon-
don, are visiting 'their son, Dr. J.
W. Ward, of town
Miss Nellie Hatter, of Chicago, is
visiting with her sister Mrs. M. Tay-
lor, of Exeter North.
Dr. J. Stanbury, of Toronto, visit-
ed . his brother, Mr. J. G. Stanbury,
over the week -end. •
Mr. Raph Hawkins who has been
visiting in Los Angeles, Cal., -return
ed home last Wednesday.
Mr.: and Mrs. Ross and child, of
Dungannon, visited with Mr. and
Mrs, G. S: Howard this week,
The Misses Bloomfield, of Goder-
ich, are visiting with their relatives
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Bloomfield.
Mrs. Jas. Boyd, of Winnipeg has
been the guest of her aunt Mrs.
David Mack during the week.
The wheat harvest commenced
last week and most of it is cut,
Threshing will begin in. a few days,'
Mr. W. J. ' Beer, Miss Olive 'Hein
and Messrs. Jas. and E. J. Dignan
motored to Norwich on Sunday:
Mrs. CIarke and two children,
Violet and Jim, of London, are holi-
daying at the home of Mrs. Gannbrill.'
Mrs: J. J. White, of Outlook, Sask.
who lits been visiting in Detroit, is
visiting with relatives and friends in
Mr. and Mrs.. jack McKenzie, of
Clinton, spent Sunday with the for_
liter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc-
Miss Katharine Johnston, z Jo s ori of or -
onto, whe has been visiting at Grand
Bend is visiting her Sister, nurse V.
Two rinks of P• bowlers are attend 1
ing the bowling tournament in Ailsa
Craig to_day (Wednesday,),
Mrs'. Chas, Dale, who has been vis-!
iting with Mr, and, Mrs„ T. Acheson
at the Central Hotel, left on Mon-
day for London,
Messrs. T. S. Woods, S. A. Steveait
W. W. Taman. and R. 0, Seldon were
in Kitchener taking in the W,O.B.A..
tournament. Mr, Seldou was elect
ea Vice -President of th,o eeeeeletion.
Mrs, Frank Woolverton, of New
York, attended the wedding of her
M•, I. C
Mr, > Selby
and Miss
Bertha J,'slack, and visited at the
home of Mr. and' Mrs. David Mack.
Mrs. John 11 Moore, of: St: Thom-
as, visited her aunt, Mrs. N. Douglas,
g s,
last week; Mr. Moore and two child-
ren motored up for the week -end
and Mrs: Moore returned with them.
'frivitt Memorial Sunday School
held their annual picnic at Grand
Bend on Wednesday of last week,
uiid it proved to be one of the best
held by the school. The day was fine
and' a large number were present.
Mr. and Mrs'. Garnet Passmore
and Miss Beatrice Howey ,motored to
Dresden on ' Saturday to attend the.
wedding of Mies Margaret Muxwor
thy, daughter of Rev. andMrs. S. W.
Muxworthy, to Mr. John Ferguson,
of Detroit.
A number of bowlers from Hensall
and several from Dashwood joined
with the local bowlers in their week-
ly tourney last Friday evening, The
winners were Geo', Snell, Jas. Grieve,
W. 1VIcK neon and W. S. Heaman
with 3 wins plus 22. J. Ptyde, J.
Fisher, G. Mickle and W. W. Taman
were second with, 3 winsl s
pu 13.
'': The remains of the late Isaac R.
Bissett, mention of whose death
was imide last week, arrived from
Dauphin, Man,, on Thursday, and
were interred in the Exeter cemetery
on Friday. The funeral,, private,
was held from the home` of Mr. I. R.
Carling. Among those who attend-
ed the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. E.
Irwin, of London; Mr. and Mrs. W.
Newell, of Stratford; Mr. Reg. Bis-
sett, ;of Chatham, . and Mf, Robt.
McFalls, of London. Mrs. Bissett,
widow of- the deceased, . accompanied
the remibins'from_ Dauphin. e
The ice cream social under the
auspices of the Mission Circle and
Mission Band was a 'success from
every stand point. The program con-
sisted of seleq;tions by a male' quar-
tette and solos by Mr. Will Skelton.
Recitations were 'given ,by numer-
ous members of the Mission Band
and 2;11 did their 'Dar ts in a very. cred-
itable manner. -
Mr. and Mrs. Tlios. I odgert- and
family, of Seaforth, were visitors, in
this vicinity- on --'Sunday last.
Thames Road ,
Mr. and Mr as,
Mrs. Charles Pearce Miss
Doris Pearce and Mr. A. C. Whitlock
of St. Thomas, spent Sunday in this
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Duncan vis-
ited at Mr. T. Passmore's on Sunday.
E2 POL't' LIQC4.�t
rTr .7
ervic :
etitioa Government
At the annual convention of G Hue -
County ni s�.
i y Social Service, Connell,
held at Exeter, on Thursday of last
week, in the Main Street, Methodist
Church many cornplimentary remarks
were, passed by ministers who re-
cently moved into the county th find
the organization
in such a flourish-
ing condition and doing sueli splen_
slid work for temperance and moral'
reform. Rev. J. Garbutt, of London
who was one of the speakers, re-
marked that the, Hui•en organization
was well in the. front and compared
favorably with, any similar organiza-
tion in the Dominion.
The President, J. A_ Irwin o
, f
Clinton; said that in vieva of the re-
cent defeat of the temperance: forces
in Manitoba and the possibility of
another in Alberta, he felt convinced
that there would be "a demand for.
a vote in Ontario in the near future
and urged the necessity of a thorough
organization of the temperance forces
throughout the province, such as
would make the possibility of defeat
very remote.
The public dance halls, he cnarac
terized as the prolific source of ;he
worst villainy and. the greatest ex-
isting menace to the morals of a com-
munity. He also called for a better
observance of the Lord's Day and
urged the necessity of preserving sac.,
red this one day in seven..
The ,field secretary, A. T. Cooper,',
of Clinton, reviewed the work of the.
year, showing .the various activities
of the Council in the natter of assis-
ting the officers in a• Strict and im-
partial enforcement of the 0. T. A.
and other temperance laws now in
force. He emphasized the need for
greater restriction of the nianufac-
tore and exportation of wines and
liquors for beverage purposes and
quoted provincial officers` as saying
that much of the liquor seized dare
ing the year, was Liquor that had
been made for export. The question
of child welfare, community activi-
ties and a better observance of the,
Lord's Day Act and the need of mor
al education among . the young have
been emphasized during the year and;
good results secured.
Interestiizg conferneces on law en
forcemeat and Sabbath observance
were conducted and much informa_
tion. secured and ` moors-, outlined. ,for
the conning 12 months '
A banquet in the evening was
largely attended and was followed
by a conference on the question of
rural community activities 'led by.
Rev. F. E. Clysdale, of Exeter.
Mrs. John Allison and baby have
returned to their home in Springfield Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Kydd and Mr.
after visiting relatives here during and Mrs. Win. Mynd, motored to
the week. i ,.
Shallow Labe to. visit with Ml. and
Mrs. W. B. Rydall.
We are pleased to report that Mr.
Charles Monteith is improving in
Miss Emma McPherson, nurse, is
visiting her father and mother, Mr.
and Mrs. E. McPherson.
Mr. R. Carrothers has purchased
a piano.
Master Harold Isaac is holidaying
with Bruce Eagleson.
Rev. and Mrs. Manes and Miss
Mae Wilson are attending the sum-
mer school at Goderich.
The,` Mission Band will hold a baz-
aar on the Methodist church grounds
the, evening of Friday, August, 3rd.
Miss Olive Prance, of Winchelsea,
is spending her holidays with her'
grandparents3 Mr. ° and Mrs. T. Bul-
Misses Lillian and Winnifred"`Hus
ton, of Dunville, are visiting with
their parents at their summer cot-
tage at Grand Bend: -
The choir of Trivitt Memorial
church are enjoying a motor picnic
to Goderich, ; Bayfield' and Grand
Bend, to -day .(Wedaescday.)'
Misses' Iva Francis, Mabel Johns,
Verna A. Walken and. Alva Harding
have been successful in passing their".
Normal School.; examinations. '
The Busy Bees' CIass of James St.
church along with their teacher were
pleasantly entertained at the home-
of Miss Laura,, Hicksdn Friday even_
ing o! bast week
Mrs. A. Cams, and son 'Mervin re-
' Saturday after holidaying+
for -,a week in Muskoka. Mervin left
Monday to accept a position in a
drugstore in London,
Service Grocery
Main Phone 102 TWO STORES
North Phone 47
25c. a jar
10c. cake
5c 4 CARE
2'0c4 a lb
25c. a ti
1c. tin
CHOXCF9 glee
$1.10 case
i Oc.