The Exeter Times, 1923-7-19, Page 6SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION . HAY MOWS AND, Tkuil A,NNUAL FRE LOSS IN ONTARIO. The farmers of Ontario have at last begun, to realize,' so ettye Prof. W. C. Blackwood of the Ontario Agri- cultural College, that eaeh and ete'dY D 1114\06 Those travellieg from -place to place are subjeet to changes -of water, ehangee oNADIA-asi VARIETIES OF FARM' a diett changee of temperature, changes CROPS GROWN AT HEA.RTISniaoliiiictstspetyhecrotualdiiiltgiosn.s,• and de hinidted DELIGHT FARIVI, CRAZY, N. .5r, 'Ender these circurnetannes it is no r °ea yeen ete e, erampe •• The Heart's Delight Farm at Cliazy, whwid" dthnY si.11°,uld 6nbieei! (hardan New York State, e,oesisting of eleven, paios,in the stomach, seasio%Iles, thousand acree, is one of the most noted farms in America. it is interest- . . other loceieness and fluxes of the ?we • Poin'or on ting y a ;Little Knowledge Often Save Many Dollars . I3Y CLIVE 13. PR(CE. One can safely Say that filitY Per , known ae plaster of as) is us,o. , - cent. of the farmers' buildings in Can extensively to adulterate ziec white, A JULY 22 John the Apostle, A/lark 1: 17; Jolln. 13; 21.25' 19: 96 27, 21- 20 23. Arts 4.'13 20. Rev. 11-9. Golden Text - Gad is love; and he that This can also be detecte A tbe • A under the Israeli as the pure Zinc or Job n 4; '16 ada iiee'd painting, The author reech- ed this conclusion when, croesieg the country by rail between the Great Lakee and the Pacific over two differ - dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God In manner as it does not worle as freely d Lessog eETTIVG---11118 Week we their particaelar church, was the deof leads ent routes and noticing the condition learyta is a white stone o study the Lie et John e po oS the lectikliegs along the .right -of- I vin s with ores, of lead, eilver and Like Peter, he was ealled fimm the John, the Transformed. John bo• asr the country through which 11 meteury. This white stone is 'ground nets to become a fisher of, mon. We' came a din -tent men after he lead fel- 1. • -h IS elem to a veey fine poevdoe thee cleaned, of recognize a distinct difference beteveeii lowahip with Jesus, John 19:25-27 If You are among the fifty per cent. all foreign, eubstances by aeldrOcess the characters of "Peter and john.' shows eus a man who is a contraet to • paseed, This coesiste; of mix- Peter is the leader of the disciplee; . the picture We get earlier in the leas natierial economy LO play his Pert ing to learn, when on a reeent vise mend Dr. Fowlee'e Extract of Wild paint them this year you evill have lug it' with water' and remning it John is the lover. s In I. JO1IN'S GREAT IVIISTAKR, LUKEI LIAO thenl IS bound ny tae as, e To all theee transients We eau reeoro- I whose buildings need paint, and you ca a • the attempt to wine out the diegeacel to this farm, that the hundreda Strawbeley as being the most reliable made an investmeet that will be offset through a series of settling tanks, of the past few yeave 11' 1 acres of spring grains under cultiva-d and effeetive remedY that can be taken, mem mays. It will add mote than the last tank, the Mille -like substance name, rather he never seeroe to think purpose of paint, when composed oS a bottom of the tank. This is removed, name of Christ. This incident showe !! 9:49-56. of dollars have been lost en ,the de- time were, in all instances, varieties what it cost you to the value of your is allowed to remain until the water Vs. 49-51. Casting out. devils iv, thy scan • 'that the r son. ff the former picture shows mi a man, self-assertive and intolerent, these verses portray a disciple wile was self forgetful. It is deeply signee h John came to write place, and it will add years to the life clarifies, then the water is rim off and name. Note that this person was doing his Gospel he does not mention him - when etrection of our best farm buildings. which had been originated in Canada; as it has been on the market for t ha pest 78 years, and has proven itself, wailed a doubt, ,the best remedy for all bowel complemte. self. It is not that he conceals his 01 Your buildings. However, the main a pure white substanee is neft in the. a good work and also doing it in the There is nothing surer than. the fact the oats and the barley at Guelph, and good WO k --------------- i.om of himseif. There has been an amaze . was not confined to the disciple blid• ing change in the mail who earlier on to stand the tetal loss of his buildings was being tested out. form comPlete weather-proof cover -1 In this form It is knowa as sulphate been inspired to service and endowed e wanted an uppermost scat in Christ's Kin sdom Th lesson To • us is that hay, someer or later leis turn will come origineted at Guelph more recently, erlY mixed and skillfully applied, i$ to ready for use. Others without that small eircle had s good eombination of ingredients prop -1 dried, and ground again and is now - ;1 s master that he could; detect at once the 1 slakes a good paint," its orily bad fea- folloever of Jesus, hut that he is not that if a farmei: -persists in putting! the spring wheat at Ottawa. The 0. 'and crops through spontaneous com- ing to all the evood and metal in your of baryta, and is used to adulterate witat power, Forbad , because Christ lored mee not for what they bustion of the hay. Mr. Fred Palmer, 217 Dalhousie St., Brantfoed, Ont., writes:-"tWhen I first went out to the North-West, the water played havoc 'with, my bowels, and being, in a remote spot I 'could. not get anytlung to give me relief. I -wrote andteld my wife the time I WEIS having and she sent nee e. bottle of Dr. Fowler s into the barn poorly cured or moist, A.C. No. 104 variety of winter wheat, Without thls protection both wlete lead and were bet Tor what they could become. structure. eine, BarYta f olloweth not with us. John's obJec- 2. The insurance eomparies cultural College, conducted within the not speak too highly of it for what, it qualities of a gocicl voice, even if the follower of the disciple band, and 'Safety first."pat four years show exeellent re- diel for me. 8 The farmers who know by ;sad, • ' • sults tram seeding sweet clover alone Whenever the ohildren leaye had both wood and metal S4011 deteriorate! slicle$ free from under the broeh and ton is not that this pegen is not a It was said recently of a gi!eat choti- 1. The Fire Marehal advises "eau- CLOVER. • a • JULY SEEDING OF SWEET Although the usual procedure frl IS tO fOr cOmpetitive bids on the; opaque, beieg the fact that it is less lowed in getting a job of painting don;! titre -work semi let the job to the lowest bid -I an all -lead paint. and does not cover as good as These a•ro just a few of the pig - tion." Experiments at the Ontario Agris Extract of Wild Stra,wberrea and I eau - a• •s trouble from eating fruit' and drinking strange water, which they have <Idea; for tile Past fi-ve Ye' -'as, °I1' tremit Qf and have it &finitely stated in living in the country, our male; remedy contract a$ to the kind of material to the relative quality of oils. Is 'Dr, Powler*s.' " experience what barn fires mean epeak loudly against attempting to store pomay cured. hay. unsatisfactory. , 4. The Agricultaeal College svarne all farmers against the extreme dans ex which actiompanies the practice. 5, The individual farmer places ioorly cured_ hay' in his bare at his Own peril. All who know agree that the prac- tice shoeld be stepped and Edmpped 'immediately) that means tide near, now, before yffu put in that wet or in the month of July. s which toole place laid than July were Haymaking Hints. There is an old saying, "Make hay evhile the sun shines," with which Prof. Wade Toole of the O. A. College agrees -and fortunate is the farmer who g•ets sunshine for the job. How- ever, with hay to harvest, one cannot anways -wait'for the weather, One of therefore lacks true saection and owner was sieging wildly out el tune „s authority, and guidance. Forbid him and in the wrong key. Christ loved not . not against us . . for us. A3.- John even vrhen that disciple showed del -Ione should have some Imewledee though •he was not a pertner in the; egotism and intolerance, for withal of sjust What a good Paint coasiets John had great Possibilities which • me, meats used to adulterate paint. , We disCiple band, he was 'a partnea the work which that band was doing, StrI;CI , wore revealed hs ife. • should also give some consideration to s be used and how applied, For all exteeior work there is only The T. Milburn CO., Limited', Toronto .A job of painting done with some one available that is capable ef dry. Price 50c. a bottle; put up only by Ont. easily. It may be handled in the same most as good as no job at all. Pure linseed oil, reasonably fast and Toineing the t of th° cheap, adultereted materials I ing „ that are found on th,e market to -day, , film or binder required to produce a e 1 good lasting job, and that is the Taw these mpeoperly applied, is al - over -ripe because it then cures more However, there are a great many manner :le alfalfa but, unless the crop It is not the author's policy in this is heavy, does not usually take quite partially cured load, It is not a casei as long ;to cure. The hayloader has of "will there be fires," it is slinply a [ the essentials in the production of chaaged methods to some extent. It is that it will be cut at the good ,Practice to cut one day, tedd the ease; of whose turn it will be to suffer good hay is • - • ' ro er time. It must have sufficient following morning and rake the next not a rival. Ile should be roomed up; 1 When John loved, he ovec referring to his asceneion after his his 'heart. Henremained with Jests death, Steadfastly Jerusalem; until the last. To John's eaTe Jews knowing the .clread experience terecl into the deepest eXPerieneeS Vs. 52-56. Sent messengers; to make reason why Jesus committed ilia necessary preparations for himself mother to him rather than to 1.11 and the company' that should go NVith brothers. John gladly ac.eepted thiS • bras himeelf to go to Jerusalem committed his mother. John had en - awaited him there. 1 Christ's life and that probably is the F that hour John took her brand substitutes being used to -day by paint- him. A village of the Samarttans. He .. article to boost any particular ; ers in deing cheap work. The cheap- intended to go by Way of Samaria and tii7to his own home. ! leis messengers came to the village of ! John, the Apostle of Love. John's Ginnea on the Saniaritan border, Did Epistles eeneal such a man as is set not receive hisra The heligious ha. teed forth in the Gospels. With the pa$sing of the Sarns.ritans wo-uld naturally be of the years John grew in Christian shown most to those gedrig uu to any lone. Love, he points out, is aot simp_ of the great feasts. This was the time IY an attriisute of God, it is his being. of the feast of 'Tabernacles. Wilt thou We must prove our soeship by show - that we command fire. Here we see the ing that we have that love in our fiery nature of John. He wishe,s to de_ hearts. If we know not love we know stroy the Samaritans by lightning.Inot God, for God is love. John had This. bears out the name given by: not the impulsiveness of Peter, but Jesus to James and John-Boanerges, with a.dvaricing years the love of God -Sons of Thunder, Mark 8:17. Even burned brighter in his heart than ever. at Elijah's request,' When a ,fire is first kindled there is fire consumed king as Elias; wheel Ahaeiabes messes's ! much noise; the crackling of sticks of flames. After a while a'ers, 2 King,s 1:5-14. Know not what: and leaping manner of spirit ye are of. This Spirit these is less noise but there is a warm - of retaliation was never the spirit of , er and steadier glow. Immature en - Jesus. He came to save and not des; thusiasm passed away from John: but stroy. John' e proposed method to another vil/age; turned eastw-ard surrendered life. When at last the was not the calm, intense, Purpose of his . . the method of anger, not love , .Went to go through Jewish t • •ito , , em. ry. ' John, we see a man whom arguments curtain is about to fall on the life of the loas. °Tilly the reckless will sal , , to heed the esraiaeing. Let the has, spoil maturity to ensure curing quality, but In the field rather than try te store it' over maturity means coarse, fibrous, !ta unfit condition. LC you de the Int -1 low quality feed. Sweet clover should ter the hay will lose its food value be cut in the late bud stage. Alfalfa , . . , rlYwaY, and it will show a lack of is ready just as it begins to blossom. snowleclge of good farm prtictice oh l and the new sheets are starting at the the part of the fanner, i base of the plants. Red clover is Increased acreage of clover hay in handled to best advantage when ap- the past few years and the habit oe peoximately one-third of .the blossones during only the leaves, leaving the have turned broevn, and timothy just the second blossom falls. ',--:c1d- improperly cued, is ons of the after two main eausee which lie at the root! In curing sweet clover two methods of ,the increase. in tire number of barn: are followed. Perhaps cutting with fires. . Th, other eause is haste in the binder and stooking up like grain cueing and storing craps with ap-to...1 until the crop is dry saves leaves bet - date mactnines (good ju themselves ter and gives as good results as can but abustd by nv, ) 1 be obtained Or the crop may be cut many)t i . • This eaticle is an appeal to eveey, down and allowed to lay in the swath Man to aa wisely, this year mid ren for about two days' sun "and then , . , fram eema pitting age, age. load! sn1 raked bete small svMdrows. If the an unfit condition under the roof of . weather is dry about three days in any building upon which he plaees any i the windrow with an oceasismal ted - ding makes it ready to harvest. If value- Even. if it is insured, somebody Pays ihe ,pyie. •the wether is catchy it is advisable to coil the crop as soon as it is raked up. afternoon. If the crop is very heavy it may have to lay over an extra day. It is surprising how much faster hay will make, after it has gone so far, when pulled or rolled into windrows. II it is to •be coiled the work should be done soon after raking, and the hay should remain in the coils for a few days to sweat out. flowever, most of it is drawn out of the win - chows and if dry makes good feed. Timothy is the easiest to cure. If crop and weather are right the -nay be cut one morning and hauled the next afternoon and, in fair weather, is al- ways ready by the third day. It is not necessary to coil- timothy te cure. No matter what the hay crop, cut in time, rake as soon as possible to hasten drying, tedd only when green or damp and coil in catchy weather, No doubt alfalfa and -red clover may be made into the best hay by coiling but in good weather this extra work In not necessary and the loader has- tens the harvest. ERADICA.TE THE THISTLE. Alfalfa is more easily cured than The Canada, thistle can be eradicate sweet clover. If the weather is fine ed if thorough work is done at, the it may be cut in the morning and . Botany Department, O. A. College. day. It must, not be allowed to re- , 1st By (early after harvest cultiva- main exposed to the dew -too many then on stubble ground. nights or bleaching results. After 2.ncl By careful and persistent sped- raking, if the sun shines, one mire day ding dope in such a way as to prevent in. the windrow generally makes good the plants developing above ground., hay, II ram threatens coil it up ins- Srd By frequent introduction of mediately and let it make in the coil. hoed crops into the rotation. In •any event be sure it is dry when 4th By seeding with clover, taking harvested and be careful of the leaves one or two crops of hay, plowin,g shal- in handling- as they constitute the low early after harvest, and eultivat- most valuable portiort of the feed. 1 ing frequently through the fall. Red clover is the common clover hay 5th By summer fallowing. crop'. Much of it is allowed to get se ------gases----__„- -______ right time, so says S. E. Hoevitt a the raked the afternoon of the follovving of ready-nuxed paint, or to say eet and pooyest of these is a by -pro- ' a! thing that will injure any brand, duct of ernde petreleura. This oil is However, if a brand of readyn e nix d doctored up with dryers and co.11ed paint that is put up by sorne good various nettles. reliable house that has a large patron- A' job done with this kind of oil will age, is being need, it is only reason- ' look fire while it ie fresh, but at the able to expect such a company will I end of thirty days will have the ap• 'keep the quality of their goods up to ! - . . . pearance co. a job of kalsomming. their future business. , 1 Fish ell is sometimes used to adul- a Certain standard which will prote , -.I terate linseed oil. In this case the ,,,,ese,WItSgriterAessieVdairsdassagseangeMsageMse,MitMalsegease. When it is iceecold, nothit4 Oise is so sure to please -at home parties, wiesen name) • pected guests drop and for just the family. And nothing is More convenient to serve -ordered by the case front your dealer lik-o groleries, and a few bottlee kept on ice in your refrigere ator. More and. trier° a faverite every year for 22 years -- since the -first Canadian plant was established in • "I'Loronto in. 1901. Choicestproducts from nas cure make • it wholesome., Our sanitaey plant, with ,. sterilized loottles, makes it pure. ou5 andRfhh q COCJA,C0I.A. COMPA141 a -operetta Montreal) Wianiosee 'VA/uses-eat! 197s0164167"/V9teiNe*L,40a; r Care of Milking Utensils. Milking utensils during the hot weather should be kept clean. Clean- liness is not only essential to the pro- duction of high-grade dairy products, but also to the health of the family, especially if milk is used on the table and butter made on the farm. At Forest Grove Farm we separate our milk. The separator is thorough- ly cleaned daily. As soon as separat- ing is finished we cleanse the bowl by running eight quarts of hot water (not quite to the boiling point) through the separator. Boiling water will set the casein and snake it more difficult to wash. The bowl is then taken apart and each part washed separately in warm water then scald- ed. We do not use any special pre- parations in washing our dairy utensils. • In hot weather the sun is one of the most effective gei•ne destroyers we have. All dairy utensils used I hang or set in the sun for four or five hours. I know that it requires more time and labor to keep dairy utensils clean in hot weathei, but it is time peolitably spent. -Leo C. Reynolds. The peoper compounding of paint binding qualities of your linseed oil demands great skill and experience‘3s weakened in proportion to the am- end it stands to reason that a nianne' ount of fish oil used. • facturer who has had years of ex -o The only substitute for linseed oil perience in the business, the proper on the market.that has an,y, value as machinery for the grinding and tribes: a paint oil is the true seya•theitee ell. ing can put out a, much better mix -1 However, most of the eo-Called soya - tete than the local painter, who buys' bean oils sold to painters is merely his material and mixes it on the job.1 the residue left after- extracting -the In many districts throughout the finer grades for cooking oils. The one coantry the competition in bidding on' tad feature of the soya -bean product jobs has become so keel,. bet -ween local is that it is a very slow dryer. This painters that in order to keep up the makes it necessary to doctor it with standard of wages they have been I artificial dryers. forced to sacrifice the quality of the • When red lead, litheroge Japan 1 ' materials used and speed the work up dryers are used, the quality of the to a" point where it is impossible to paint is impaired. Tungate or cobalt do a thorough job. dryers give the best results witlesoya- This a,dultewation can be quite easily:bean oils accomplished by a painter who mixes] The most important feature In get - his own paint and has some knowledge: of the many kinds of cheap materials that are being used. These materials are -found on the marled under many different names. The raw material principally used in brush. All surfaces where the old. thc manufacture of these aclultera-1 paint is decomposed so that it rubs tions is as follows; Carbonate of lime', upon the hand should be gone over or chalk white from the chalk pits of thoroughly with a steel brush or a England and France. Chalk contains good stiff scrubbing -brush. If a good magnesia, silica and clay. ‚Paint con- grade of paint is now used and well lathing a very large percentage of ierushed he on the first coat, you will chalk has a tendency to be gritty and have a job of painting that will last does not work freely under the brush. and look well when the cheap jobs are Sulphate of lime or gypsum (also being done again. • ting a good job of painting done is to see to it that all surfaces to be paint- ed are first properly prepared. All scale and blister should. be re- moved with a steel scraper or steel i,V1100111101 7-7 JOHN'S GREAT TRUsT, joBN 19 2 5..2 7. ltihaevQeriecsearocl 1.(elnegeirnteerxecsitte,anbdut 11. Vs, 25-27. ma'are stood by the crossi whose love to Christ is greater and. of Jesv-s. The time of actual 'cruci- fixion has come. Matthew tells us that there were many evoinen standingafar off viewing the sad scene. They had followed Jeses frm oGalilee in devoted • deeper than ever it ,had been befere, Zs -gee-- POULTRY Egg eating is a habit that seems to come from idleness and the fact that friendship. Then there, was the small- the eggs are laed in open nests, Some- er group standing nearee the cross, 'within hearing of the words of Christ. times it can be stopped by fining an , g Swinhieenon'hsevesoariclds wereot tao b se 'wfourld- pblcineastrgenaitediyn ivsiewto with mustard wee red pepper and ohlaythe enleisetriss. whTihche Jesus his Inother. The time had come egg wfilhleedn, would pierce the soul of Mary Magdalena.' of whom it was said that on a tack at the rear and the eggs ': 2Viary, , are slightly darkened. The hens enter seven devils went out of her. Now she ate removed by lowering the door in is possessed of a great love for Christ front. Then the eggs cab e gathered that will not suffer her to forsake him The successful farmer co-operates with the weather to grow good crops. • , • -- Thinning Apples --:-Both Size and Quality Improved by No matter how they squeal, give the hogs their worm medicine. A farmer made a dollar a head more last year on pigs treated with santonin cap- sules. foamy and Med t Time 0 min Livev the Practice. - I Sell to a Hatchery: I keep the purebred WhiteeWyan- clotte chickens of from. 300 to 305 -egg Thinning fruit is not at all gen-1 strain. Inste,ad. of selling eggs to the eral among orchardists in • Eastern1 stores at market Price, 1 contract all of there from rebruary lst until Aug- Cana.da, and attention is directed to in al est 15111 or September lst to a hatch - the advantages of the pra.ctice •ora,hard Practices," ery for 10 eents a dozen above the bulletin "Modern a prepared by the Horticultural Division market price here. I have built up reputation for good chickens, and sell of the Dominion Department of Agri- . lots of eggs hy advertising in our culture. In the process of thinning, spotted or deformed apples are re- !town paper. -Mrs. L. I-1. moved. Where there are too many t .„,..----..... ester the poorer eines are In his last agony. Jesus • . so:to his 'mother, and the disciple . whom, he loved. John, alone ot the clisciples is near. John seems to have some ac- quaintance with Caiaphas which gave him thesprivilege of being with Jesus through Christ's trial and crucifixion. Behold thy son. . Behold thy mother. Even in the midst of his pain, the thoughts of Jesus are not of, or fee himself. lie thinks of his mother and, what is more fitting, "that he should commend the mother whom he loved to 1. the disciple whom he loved. From, thekti, hour that disciple took her. John ac-, cepts unhesitatingly the trust commit- ted to him. often. Keep the hens busy in scratching litter and turn them out on range if possible. When• they are busy out- doors they have less time to form bad habits in the poultry house. Provide the hens with plenty of oyster shells so the eggs will have firm shells and not break easily i11 the, nests. 0 E WEAK El DIZZY SPELLS Since Using rt and Nlenfe removed, thus giVing the relsainin°. From time te thne peoples have re - apples a better chance to develop. \lolled from th.e over -loading of gov- safe plan is to thin so that no two apples will be touching each other on the same cluster. In the demonstra- tion orchards at Kentville, N.S., Ex- perimental Statiote thinning experi- ments weee cal -Tiede -at With the Blen- heim Pippin with satisfactory reeults. The apples were removed about the middle of July. When the fruit was nicked, it took 649 apples from the unthieried trees, bet only 546 from the 1 trees that wete thinned to fill a ,bar- rel. The increased size of the aPPlesi on the thinned trees made up in bulk' C for the apples remOved, end the per- centage of No. 1 apples proved to be 58 per cent. against 82.3 per cent. from the unthinned trees. Shipped to Whes your liver becomes sltiggieh the En lisle market 1 t nate bum's Laxa-liver Pills aa they' Will diva- the tvecs are al all loaded, it pays to toro(t),..ktila)lesa' vraiitYb oftlynithying5,thaninadav'orsI, This yeti can do by the tee! of ma. 'The conciteion drawn is that where! erning bodies, either with men or with M. SOHN'S GREAT IVIESSAGE, 1 JOHN 7 4: 7 8 • Beloved, let us love 0926 anoh ter. apples in a ChII Many years have passed smce oin , . . and consume them." We see how miegemmeg have ha a lot of t'rouble, liiyidalestdurteyigonf liinfeihen hoeuemto fhGeao rat. 1 lately,troube ,waiinlid .waihtaetr IniyhentnigtlilettUewl aeexeirlteieoleti his character has mellowed. L,ove is tjhoev we I always, felt sick. My doctor rodsriegcl a "aemplete rest because love reigns in the heart of God -Le' end change, but this I was. unable to Goa. We con only inte7cpret men through the spirit of love, He take. / ql, not knoweth not God. It ' I became interested in Milburn's Heart said, "Wilt thou that we command fire lysiss Bertha Charratte, Regina Seeks, scribed fermal 'duties. Wise lead -1 vaar is onlY the loving• heaet that can and Nerve Pills, so atm e a ong ' 1 This is I have now taken three boxes and am ere who are seeking the permanent good of their people keep as far as possible from this danger, PE1'1111, GAS ON STOMPECO LAILD NIARDLY • EAT .A.PFIT feeling right iss to make yotm liver eight. „peas big,ought $2.01 No.spet, barrea vniiii,rss:._,CcsorriSetoiteieme NagaoatIlebokaed, a,Oveeitry., pared with $1..67 fOr the tmthinned. earnest.; attack or dyspepsia and was oleo end inaetive your w'riole health surfers, end the only way you cart get back to I ' g11 "del This is paetictilterly the case of often bad pahm after meals, a had 'u1ai the s , , waste and poisonous matter frora the :such ,,,tpsples as • syetem, and preveote as welt as relieve, , h Le or. ten eavl all complications arming ftom e liver lee racist' 10111 15.1 11118 beconie inactive, Mr. E. Hazen, Tiaist 111orenceyille, ' write; --"'l had been troubled -with my lied and felt drowsy and tired all the time, and was unable to do My vork with any comfort. I took yOtlr imarn,'n Lara-Livet Pills and to-dkry X ato a different mate end would, not be without them in the houge• ," Milleurn's Lexe-Liver Pills are n5c, o 41 sit clealete, or meiied diregt, on 1 receipt, of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toeonto, Oat. the Baldwin -which, ( eveey other year, ae; e tropss can be obtain -I evety year if•thinning is practiced understand (±0(1. 1105 11/ the briefest and fullest definition that eo much improved Penn go about my we can have of Goa. For John, Christ daily work without feeling any after ill was the hying, definition of God,e1r. • i effects, ani. have not had any weak or cine has done ni.e more geed than any - John's intolerance, Luke 0: 49-55, thirtg 1 hn.ve ever ;Nicene and I will In a valuable study of New Testament gladly reeommend.Milbunee Beast and cheracters, Rev. George Matheson. in- Nerve Pills to any woman. who is weak placid, arid unobtrusive disposition, he mailed direct on leceipt If price by the enderstood, Instead of a man or PriCe 50e, per box, at all deckle, or sists that John has .been mueli reis- and run. down." s - says that Joker was a born leader. .It 7'-'• Milburn Co.. Limited. 'Totonto. Otit, does seem as if, arben he first came te - Jesus, he was decidedly aggressive. He made a bid for one of the two uppera, most seat,s in the Messianic Kingdom. IVIark 10:85-37. He • conies' forward when the people of a Samaritan vil- lage shut its gates ani counsels a re - teen to the policy of fire and sword, Luke 9:54. He sharply rebukes one who, while evidently doing good, was not a professed. follower of ;Tests, Luke 9:49. The impression pvocluced eeed different neecliemee, but t ey hy lea ng , ' dizzy epelle for eonet time. eta- medi- aannemerioN. • di these thenese is that John didn't seem; to do me any good.. All was aesertive .Sind intoierant He was C 84'd ik 131,60101eSlaBtiotl!:ursals °sliencltlisItl'erraliciscmogs lt°h7isatre.° isliPr11:--bi't hot tnanttio nneguided zeel, „lie had as this time 'e some extent. laitlyfror°ae 'short time I felt e lot better. crucify Jesus. It was the same sphit, complete- which, frees. tinlo-to time, has reade -seam Self-satisfaction is one of the geeet- st olist,acles to accomplisintent, . • • • To criticize is one Of the easiest ninge to do. To praise whose praise n dee is often loft undoee, 1,SSli4 No. 28-e'anc,' I cont,inued uee uttiI I wag ito ca a - advnd now I am. one troutoady to re. eonfoifonity to certain, narrow views, a 1 test oChristian ,discipleship, There cornmen -0 - nave pn :m oeany whcs woulci have made a + ble , was," . 'comTutliotl with them a test 01 00:91- Bardock Blood Bilitere is matey) 1 neureon with Christ Jests eaid, feetetred only by The- T. 'Wilburn CP.) an' the (1°°1.•" ManY Christians have tried to ai'rogate to themselves • Limited, Tim:onto, Out, Christ's prerogative, and have thought Keep Kendall's always in the ham, strained muscle. a sprung tendon, a jolt or a knock demands irnme< sato altenlion. A few hours' delay will result o long larezeness..--perhaps In the loss of the horee Kendall's Spavin Treatment bea waved 111090 horseflesh than ell the other known remedies. tinder thename of Kendall's Spaviri Cure, • it is the forty.yeavold standby of bargemen, fatmere and veterinariane, Gsia 6odle of K.oedolt a torfrtg. Ask, too, A, the „rree Booh or torttofor,y to DR. 13. 6. KENDALL e,OMPANY, ENOSBURG FALLS, vu,U.s.A.