The Exeter Times, 1923-7-19, Page 5I II Illillll III � I I I I I 1116 II IIIIIlIIIINII .I IIl_Ilil I I Iillllll 1111111 ill l II I L �IIIIILIIIIIININIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli III _I I _. I �,r,. Hens � II III I I II II t I II Illlllll IIII I I_ Illllllllllllll 111111111 L__ I I III I IIIA III IIII I. L.. II „111111 I I IIIIIIIIIIIIII I I I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILILIIIIIIIhlllllllllllll1111 __1 _ HENSALL Mr. Ross4Dick is at present work=a ing in Hamilton. • order of the Hayingis the one rday and a good, crop is reported. Mr. ,nn McKay and Miss Lillie W y leftast eek on a trip to the West, 1 w ➢ Miss Anita Graham of London, -Visited friends and relatives in town Sunday Mr. Clayton Dodds of Chicago, vis- ited 'Mr. T. Shaddoek and family re- cently. Mr., Ross Walker and Miss, Mary Walker, of Guelph, are visiting at the home of Mr. Win. MacKay. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Scott, Miss Mar- ion and and Master Jack, Toronto visited friends and relatives in town this week. A Union Sunday School picnic of the PIensall churches is to be held at Grand Bend on Civic holiday, Aug- ust 6th, M1 •. Owen Geiger, our progressive g reeve, is having a nice lawn made around his fine and up-to-date dwel- ling on Queen St. Miss Elanor Linicleaifield,'of Lon- don was the guest of her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lindenfield (luring the past week. D waste time wishing you .had a good business ducation, and „HISS a splendid position, 'which is waiting to become i iPORTU 1.`1`Y • .'r . _ to a high place in. the COMMERCIAL vi"orld, MASE TUESDA , SEPT. T 4th, 192i1, YOUR LUCKY DAY byY... beginning bea COMMERCIAL, STENOGRAPHIC or' g g SECRETARIAL COURSE in The MOST SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS, SCHOOL in the PROVINCE THE SOIIOOL OP "COISEVYJERCE CLINTON, ONT. For information write ., or phone 1. one B. F. Ward, B.A., M. Addis., Pr incipal. M. A. Stone,. Corn. Specialist, Vic e_Principal. . Phone .19 8 �. O ,L.1VI C: C. '.1VI A DR.IR .. , Physician and Surgeon. Phone 70 HENSALL DR. J. W. PECK GraduateMedicine, of Faculty of McGill University, 1Vlontreal, Member of College of Physicians sicians and Surgeons of Ontario; Licentiate of Medical of : Council Canada; Post Graduate Member of Resident Medical staff of General Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15; Office, 3 doors east of Post Office. Phone 56, Hensall, Ontario. DR G. "W. DUFFIN Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, Western University, London; Mem- ber of College of Physicians and Sur- geons, of Ontario; Post Graduate ember of Resident Staffs, of Re- ceiving and Grace IIospitais, • Detroit, ?or eighteen months; also Post Grad- uate member of Resident Staff in Midwifery, at Herman Kiefer Hosn i- - tva1, Detroit, it, for three months. Office over Joynt's Block Hensall, 114 Ont. DR. G. L. SMITH DENTIST Molsons of the. Two. doors east • Dank, Mensal„ Ont. Away Wednesday afternoons. PROIJDFOOT, KILLORAN & HOLMES Barristers, &c. Office on the Square,' 2nd door from Hamilton St., Goderich. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. 6T, Proudfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran, D. B. Iiolmes Mr. Holmes will be in Hensall every Friday from 9 until 6. ,urmvnvnixaws.-a-•urnrr �a -G _ xm,.=,caati AUCTIONEER OSCAR KLOPP honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au- etion School, Specs it course taken in Registered Live StCck (all'Breeds,) Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm Sales, etc. Rates in keeping with prevailing prices. Satisfaction as- sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or v, ire: 18433, Zurich. CHIS L, E HURS'T Mrs. .Alice ,Mooney, d children, and- chil n , of 'Exeter, :are visiting for 6 few days with friends here: Mr.' and Mrs; Wm. Welsh of Exe- ter txeter, visited at Mr. Martin McTag- gart's Sunday. M. and Mrs. Squires, of Exeter, Mr.. and Mrs. John Ole and family, Mr.' Thos. Woodward of Exeter and Mr, and Mrsq i S lu I s, of Wood- ham and two Jas.•e daughters visited at the home of Mr. Thos. Harris on Sunday. " Quite a nunnber of Orangemen took in the 12th at Wingham. Mrs. Pybus and Mrs. Harris sang sang a duet at the league entitled "Welcome Pastor", • The 'league has a good turn out all throughi'he sum- mer. Mr. and Mrs. Flowers of London visited friends Here -On Sunday. S. S. NO. 6, 11BERT The following is the result of the promotion exams. .of S.ti.. No. 6, bert. Those marked with an aster- isk failed:— -1 l'ronio •e t d to Sr IV—Gladys ndys IIou- hton 69 ; Felmer Chappel, Ra Hou- ghton, nn ,.69; - y nnond Norris 67;hristina McKaig, g, 62; Mary Allen, 61; Joe. Aldington, 60. Jr. IV—Elsie Richie, 86; Verda Gardiner, 7 8 Grace. McLaughlin,, 71, Archie Hoggarth 7l; Kenneth Kiein feldt, 60; Winona Norris, 53. Sr. III --Willie , McKaig .65; Jean b McLaren, 60; Harvey Austin, 47:; Karl Walker, (promoted',•because of illness.)' Jr. III—David Ritchie, 80; Har- old Gardiner, 66; Rena McLaren, 62; Leonard Haughton, 33"`. Sr. Il—Janies"Austin'', Vera Allen Marjorie Kleinfeldt, Norman Park, Gladys Kay, John •Houghton. Jr. II -Johnny McDougall, lst—Margaret Allen, Lindsay Gar- diner, Bessie Austin, ' Harold Austin. Sr. Pr.r-Dorothy McLaren,` Beryl Norris, Alvin Crawford. R. I. McIefollane teacher, Miss Irma Rar}nie, , of Detroit, - Mich., spent a short time visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rannie, the later part of last week. Mr. and Mrs: Geo." Douglas and Mrs. Milne Rannie and family ale endoying life at Grand Bend where they are. camping at present. Mr.. and Mrs. Jas. Stewart of Sea forth, and little granddaughter, Kathaleen Charlesworth, of Toronto were the guests" on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bolton. Mr. -and Mrs. Albert Whiteside Jr. and little. daughter, of Hamilton, are visiting the former's parents, •Mr. and Mrs. A. Whiteside and Miss Violet who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jia, returned with them. Mr. N. P. Warrener, who has been working in ,Pontiac, Mich., , for the past few weeks is in town again. We believeMr` Warrener W r nen n it sterids mov- ing over to.' Pontiac with his wife and fancily soon. Don't forget the annual Ford Dice a.ic to be held at Grand Bend" on Wednesday August` s 1st. A good program of s posts has'been arranged" and everything, planned to give those who attend a real good day's sport. The. death: occurred in Stanley, lot 15, Babylon Line, on Saturday last of Mr. George Stephenson, at the age of 61 years. :The funeral took place from his late residence on Monday at 2 p.m., internment being made in Bayfield cemetery, Quite a number from Hensall and vicinity attended the football; Match held in Brucefield on zsaturday even- ing last ., between Kitchener and: Brucefield. The game was a splen- did one from start to ,finish and re- sulted in a win for Brucefielil by the score of 1_.0, The choir of Carmel church held a picnic to Grand SendFriday,: on ' lastwhen a shover was given Mrc.” ! 1 . Hedden (nee Miss Maud Porter). The young lady was made the rpci in Dreco, 'the pient of silver knives, forks and sllooins. Ms, Heddin has beer_ a ThatOvercome member ,of the choir for some time and on different occasions rendered very pleasing solos. The following pupils of Mrs. 51. 51. 'Rennie and Miss Greta Laramie have suecessfu}ly passed the.examinations o1 tlri`Toronbto Conservatory of u_ sic winch were conducted by illi, Robb in , IIensail on July 2: Junior piano, Mean -or Snider; Elementary piano, Blanche Mustard, honours; Jarlaes Mustard, honours; Vera Smith piano, Erma Broad - foot, honours; Dorothy Broad£oot; honours. 7i+r TI SA.I'., PROMOTION EXAM. To Sr. IV: Honors, Jean. Stone, Mildred McDonnel. Pass, Irma Hig- gins, Avis Lindenfield, Tornuny Sim- pson, Mildred Scruton, Boy Bell, Mil ton Boyle, Roy Soldan, Sadie McCon- Dell. Recommended; Ray Lammie; Lloydespassmore. To Jr.,' IV: Dorothy `�Itt1e, Lilli,nin Steacy, Margaret Drummond, Marie Foster, Myrtle Wolfe, lean Bon thron Rcicommended, John Bean. vis„ tuts his mother, Mrs. Thos. Stew- ardson, of Parkhill. Mrs. Robert Hutchinson and ills. Merton Morley, of Crediton, are vis- iting „elatives here, 1V(r, and Mrs. J. Brophy visited his mother in Ailsa Craig on Sunday, • The local lodge, of brangonnen cel- ebrated in Stratford on July 12tH, Several carkloads went from here. Mrs. Voigt, of Detroit is visiting With brei• sister, Mrs. Harry Billing., 3Vlits', Frank Steeper entertained her Sunday School Class at her home recently. r We congratulate Alrxta Stewaxdson Eniziia Rock, Olive i3rowzi and 1 -Ii gb Love on being successful in the re- cent entrance examinations, Mrs. Jas. McPherson is in London l suffering `r ons Hosprta i cataracts. We hoe for a speedy recover , n n y CENT,LIA M nber e _s of the Ladies' Aid enjoy- ed a game of ball on the recreation grounds Tuesday evening. After the ganfe cake and ice creain was served. A fine time was enjoyed by- all and a nice sum was realized. The neighborhood around Centra- lia has been almost the scene of a chapter of accidents tare past week. Gordon Wilson was driving a load of hay into the barn when just as the wheels touched the :floor the double- tree broke. Mr. Wilson was pulled to the barn floor injuring his knee verybadiy.. The load ran back down the embankment' and upset. 1VTr.. Nelson Baker fell from the scaffold of his barn to the floor in- juring his back and foot' quite se- verely. Mr. Michael Fletcher while driv- ing the team drawing up hay :at the farm of his son Roy, the - fastening holding the pulley to the post, broke. -The released :rope caught Mr. Fletch- er and, threw him to the ground 'so violently that he was rendered un- conscious for many hours and since has been confined to his bed. On Sunday the son. of Mr. T. Car- ling, who is visiting his grandpar_ encs,' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Essery, `fell out of -tae swing and broke hie arm. When Mr. Garnet Isaac, who lives a couple of miles east of the village, was pulling back the hayfork and car on the track of his baric, the fork broke loose and falling struck Mr. Isaac just 'below the heart making a bad wound. He had a very narrow escapt of anis life. Saturday Mr. Byron Ticks shipped three car loads of cattle to Toronto and Monday one to Liverpool. Miss ElliottLillian �who is spend- ing her vacation at the home of her father, Mr. W. R. Elliott, sang two solos at, the Methodist church Sunday morning that were inuch enjoyed by all. Master David Knight ht of Guelph. g" isendin h sp r g the olrclays: at the liolne of Mr. and' Mrs. Wm. Robinson, c. ( Lady x d lie Mrs. Grabb Finds Famous Herbal Remedy, Carred_ tive Properties. Suffering of Years. The stooy of Mrs. A. Grabb, of 22 Rayburn Street London,Ont, is an • object lesson to every man and wo- man who is troubled with cligestire ailments. It shows the extent of tho suffering bad digestion causes if al- - _ lowed to pursue its way, ufeheeked. 1 -:VERY SORT OF JOB PRINTING i,, i; '141IN'.0-•--Posters, Dodgers, En- Velopes,.. letterheads, Visiting Cards, shipping Tagg, and anything at all, at Since August 17, 1922 I have been l -he Observer Printing Office, Hensall. in terrible pain through my left sidle Orders taken tor Daily and WeelgS,, and also around through nny' BacIc rapers. Toronto and London papers The pains were so acute that night 1,;41.76, In eliab with the"Exeter Times afters night would walk the floor, 6.25. Leave your order at the Ob -unable to sleep. 1 was unable to do my housework, as I was in misery rvervea- Office. 'from morning to `night. Gastric trouble caused my stomach to bloat, and my sufferings front indigestion were awful.' "I begaii taking•Dreco on January 1 15th and today I Feel like a new wo- man. The pains have entirely gone and 1 ani now able to do bay own housework and cooking. My appe- Lite is good and 1 have no gastric troubles, while Before taking Dreco, everything would_ turn my stomach. "1 had tried every kind of pills and remedies and had almost given up hope when I heard of Deco. I am so happy over the benefits Dreco has; given me that I tell everyone about it. It is a godsend and T ain continue ing to use it." M' r.. Dreco, is a natural remedy prepar- ed from herbs, .roots, bark and. leaves known for ages for their medicinal. properties "• Check your digestive complaints now with Drecb and avoid the misery that Mrs. Grabb describes. Here is hen statement. ti �. ,{ m a'.:.: