The Exeter Times, 1923-7-19, Page 1FIF T`Y .FIRST, YEAR No. 2556 E . TER, ONT.,TT�i ORS73A" 4341110.1 vtalma Mom 46610 IMMO prevASA , .1 llif 1 �' II { IIiIIII{II{{ VIII{Iltil{!I{1ilII{II{Nlll11{INIII{II{{i{{IIIIIIUiIIL-. i,. �i�Illlllil1i111l1illlllllillllllllllllllllllllll iIII { i ►des and May's Sale White & Two -Tone Outing Shoes Five Styles „Women's all white $ 3.50 Canvas Slippers and Pumps,, Leather Soles on Sale @ $1.50 pr. i.,• e Women: and:: b.b 0 Woiris � l� - nt. G u er Sole. 'Slippers_. ers All WhiteStrapSlippers and Pumls , Soles, ideal for holi- day time, on Sale @ :$1.79 pr. White Slippers with Black Trimmings 1 Fleetfoot hake latest yof 2 toned Slippers, Oxford or Strap, stylesPP on Sale $2.50 & $3.75.a $1.15 Women's House Slippers at 30 Pair Canvass with Leather Soles, Strap or ',Lace, will give great wear @ $1,15' pair, 30 prs.WomenPsatent S li�4 rs An Extra Bargain for Growing Girls, Clarke's.N9. 1, Patent, Low Heels,- Straps with Buckles; Lady Belle make regular' $5:50 to clear at $3.98. ' Khaki Pants, Bloomers, Play : Suits For the holiday season for Boys , these with a paof ,Brown Run- gShoes make the ideal outfit. We,; have:'theipay n in either long pants or 8.loo111e17s, also Khaki Play' Suits for the small Children. Surer Suits for Men Conte here for your Suit, all the New Light Shades, Smart Styles at- low prices. Men's Blue Striped' overalls 1.79 5 Doz. genuine Steifel Cloth Overalls, Special at $1:79. i i Patterns P ctor a1 R.e��:e� Pat We are' now:agente for the well-known Pictorial Patterns. Order your patterns .here and secure the latest Styles. Groceries Groceries No; one undersells us ROYAL YEAST. CAKES 05c, CANNED TOMATOES ,..,2. for 25c LATJND1Y' SOAP ........ 7c a bar 1 Ib TINS 15c 7 BARS 'CASTILE SOAP•4for.25q RARSWOOD POULTRY _SPICE 20c & 40c LUX PER PKG. 11c CHEESE PER tb 23c REDPATH'S GRANULATED Prices always right AMMONL4........:.., ,,,,, 3' for 25c SPECIAL BROOMS 45c &65c JELLY" POWDERS '" 3 for 2t0 • SPECIAL TOILET SOAP 8 for 25c KELLOGGS CORN FLAKES lOc OR 3 FOR 29c CREAM OF WHEAT 23e' CASCADE SALMON ....i/ lbs 100 SUGAR, $11.45 A BAG. THIS STORE WILL. CLOSE AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON EACH WEDNES- DAY DURING JUNE JULY AND AUGUST. • �..4 PHONE- 32 ` PHONE {I{t#I�I�t{{�!I{ill{INIIIIi�il�llllliillliilll{IIIIill111lllll!!IU �IlIIlllilllllillliIlli!!!IIliI!!lii1111111111�111111lIIIIIlltlllllll111lIIII{1111111..... ; 7 ar 4777 MORNING, JULY 19th., 1923 1I•URON H1Ci SCHOOL „� JiNTRANCE. RESULTS FOR 1923, Total number of marks obtainable,,. 750. Marks necessary to pass 450, with at least 40% in each>: subject. First class honors require 562 narks and; are marked (A.) Secoizcl-class honors need 525 marks and are marked (13) The highest marks obtained in. each subject�'is as follows: Reading—.Alvin .Warerener, 46.. Spelling— Grace Flaacke, W. Leg- gett, R. eLevis, Lulu' McDonald, Erma Falconer, 50. Writing --Annie Freeman, 46. Literature,—James Ross, 91. Composition -Murray Neil, 87. Geography Jean Walter, (11 years,) 90. History—Beula Sandy, .S7. Arithmetic -Hugh Creech, Olive Kilpatric, James .Anstay, Helena Plante, Florrie "West, Darr Hibben, Alvin Kellerman, Lorne Foster, Wil- lie French, 100. Grammar—Eugene Howey, Helen Straiton, 98. Tota — Goderich Centres— Doris Hibben, 617; Exeter Centres—Eu- gene Howey, 645. The marks of those that failed are being mailed'to thein. Unsuccessful candidates that decide to appeal Sliall notify the Public School , Inspector• before the 15th day of August and their answer papers :will be re_read•. Thereis a fee of $2.00 which will be returned if the appeal is sustained. The certificates' of tile successful candidates will be sent to the teacher or to the Secretary , of the School Board about the 20th. of. August. Bayfield 3:'ublic; School Marion Davidson,-` Jaek Ferguson, Albert Woods. et Exeter Public School Reggie Beavers, Marjorie Clark, Frank Creech (A) Hugh Creech (A,) Tames Conner, Jack Gambrill, Mar- vin FToaiey (A,) Eugene Howey (A,) Kathleen Heainan, John Kuntz, Mar- jorie Medd, . Edna Russell, Edward Taman (A,) Florrie West (B,) Eva Betts: Eugene I-Iowey obtained 645 marks, the highest in Exeter School. alensall.1'. S. James Bengough,;Harry Cook (B) Lorne- Foster (S&'Dorothy Hefter- •= ^: nail. Manley Jinks, FIarry. Joynt (A,) Pearl Kennings, Lulu McDonald, Ray Pfaff, Raymond Rivers, Archie '. Sparks,.Alvin Warrener (B,) Lorne Gomm Whiteside, Fred Steacy.. Margaret Johnston, No. 14, Hay, obtained 614 marks, the highest for Rensall School. 131 a 11 e o1d.Meda l s G �� iPlyiriouth Binder ° Twine 650 feet to iIb. 131/2' per Ib. Hay Fork Ropes 22c per Ib: Sling Ropes $1.50 pier pair Hay Fork Pulleys 85c New Feerfetion Stoves for the Hot Weather 3 Burner $26.00 4 Burner, $34.00 3 Burner,, Snperfix $50.00 Ovens. $6,00; Wicks,, 40c as nable Hardware Screen Doors, $2.45 . Screen Windows, 45c Screen. Wire, per "yd, 20 to 40e, Screen Door hinges etc. ,Spray era, 65c and 75c. Carborundnm Stones, 90c and $1.00 '' Scythe Stones, 15c and 35c Pure Paris Green 75c lb` Arsenate --of Lime, 45c Cowease' $1.00 per can F. ' .,00il 2•C1o'to ` 4.7'5 w er�are PLUM3ING- AND TINSMcPHING4 Xf ,�rda�are •,.xt'-,.h m' The flowers around town are pre- senting an, attractive appearance. Plower growers will keep in inincl the flower show to be held by the Horticultural. Society on August 24 and 25; also i\lr. J. W, 4 Taylor's special prize for best arranged and best • kept residential property.' TI -IE LATE • W. - H, TONE. From the )/Iediciunc Hat'2:.inl,es,-`: ter 'a brie) Silliness of our wee:ICS 4' Il Tom, a tvell k,n,awn mad termed resident of Me finale Hat; p Winchelsea -P. S. Verna Brock (A. ),,dalarjoi•ie Del- bridge,' Lena Heywood ;In•a--Ja nes, Verna Brock No. 6 Osborne,' ob- tained 562 marks, the highest far Winchelsea School Crediton P. S.' Laura- Clark, Ireus Fahner (B,) Helen Mcisaac, Helen Orme (B,) Hilda Sims (B,) Mina' Winer (B,) Elgin Woodall. Erina Fahner, No.. 4, Stephen, ob- tained 559 marks,:,txie' highest for Crediton School. Dashwood P. S. Entina Graupri.er, Alvin Kellernian (B,) Anna Tiernan, Eugene ,Tiernan (B,) Kenneth Wein (B,) Anna Tienian obtained 593 marks l one of his fineers with a.:razor and STEPHEN COUNCIL rind 11,Irs E. J. I-Iorney and Mrs.. Wan. The counel of the township of Ste- Meru motored�✓' phen convened in the Town hall, � to ; Ci_gth on .h'londay. a111 attended 9 r d Ch e �otl we i' z d n '- dii ani 7 . b Crediton, on Tuesday, July id 1923 v Tsar ' e of Mr z, a at 1 z tAll members w� present � id 111rs. G. E. Co1- 1. n in he were p se will. The minutes of the previous ineetin5 The pupils of the Exeter school were -read and adopted. Bayes J'euhale: '1Itat Peter Els- the a very creditable 'showing in enbaelx be awarded a contract to eon= the Entrance examinatiois. Of the signet a 10 Foot culvert, known as fifteen pupils writing, all .passed, with. honors, Soven of these wer Scott's culvert', an Cons. 16-17, at 4, or '�vr the price of $9.50 per cubic prompted from the Jun or class, dui- yard, which price shall include' - the ing the year, taking the work in one year. Mr. G:, S. Howard, the: "rin- furnishing of all material accordingp to a plan prepared by .Mr. G. A, Mc- cpal, is to.be congratulated, On . 'Cucsday of'ilast iyeek 1',i i•, C. W. Christie of Stephen,':met with a , nasty accident which comes at a Mr: and Mrs. W, J,' Horney, 14r Cubbin, P. L. S. ' Currzea: 'The following orders were paid.:' Hydro Electric Commission, acc't $18..72; Dr. Williams, clothing ` for very bad time of the year. He: was Alma Williams, 16.18: Advocate riding a bicycle to attend a meet Printing Office, acct 24.40; Domin- ing of school trustees when he struck ion Road Machinery Co., repairs for some gravel and was thrown off, grader, 9.15;Jas. Glavin, Comm's & He suffered a dislocation., of the reps. No. 2, SB, $11; Wesley Mathers right elbow and : a fracture. e contract No. 2, SB, $40; John W. Word was received in town on Steeper, contract No. 3 S13, 11.75 ; Saturday of the death of Mr. Isaac Cecil Jones, Comm'r No. 3, SB, 2.50; R. Bissett, son of Mr. ancz Mrs. Thos. Harold. Ryan, contracts Nos. 5-6 SB, Bissett, who c14e'd in Dauphin; Man. $129; ,0. Regan, Con m'r No. 6, 5B, l following an illness of only .a few. Corrie O'Brien, Comm'r No• 5 SE, 'days.- The deceased was in his 44th $10; Jos. Ryan, contract No. 4, SB, year, He wase born in town and 41.25; Wm. Grieve, Comni'r No. 4, grew to manhood here. The remains SB, 5.50;Geo. Eilber, pt contract' are being brou ht herefor burial. Crediton Drain $500; Municipal b g b World,supplies, 6.85 ; Centralia Co- On Saturday last whine 1\ir, Mich: t Operative Co., cement, $35;i Rowland Fletcher ,was assisting his son Roy, Bros., gravel Tp. acc't- 26.50; R. 0'- with the haying'he met with an un - Rourke, fortunate accident. While unload- work on 513, $1; Rowland Bros.,_ gravel SB, 77,50; John Barry, ing hay the chain .on the draw pulley contract No. 1,513, ; $45; Milton Mit_ broke and Mr. Fletcher was . struck chert, Comnt'r No. 1, SB, $8; Sam'l Lamport, Comm': No. 5, rcl 2, 7:70; Sam'. Lamport, rep rel bik N. 5. -rel No. 2, 5:50; Thos. Neil. pt, grant Town Line Stephen & Bidduiph, 4.25 Thos. Houlaltan, grading rd No.. 5, 6.75; Albert Keyes and others, grad- ing rd No. 5, 6.75; Jas. Hodgins, con- tract, rd No. 9,$52; Jonah Kesile and others, filling iii bik No. 5, rd -5'. 226.50; Mat Sweitzer and others, as- by the whiffletrees on the right side , of the bead. He was. rendered un-; conscious and remained so for some'I time. At present he is getting along nicely although his body is quite .:cursed, A very' pleasant and interesting faxietion was held by the W. M. S. of Wesley church -in the auditorium Wednesday afternoon, ,ieing a recep_ tian for Rev., M. J. and Mr•s. ikon, listing surveyor re` Shipka Brain, I the newly installed ,pastor and _his $20. wife: The place had been very taste - The Council adjourned to meet a- fully decorated,' and' a large number gain. in Town.Tall, Crediton, on Mon- of ladies were in attendan.ee: The day, Aug. 6th, 1923 at 1 pini. Henry Eilber, Clerk. EXETER PUBLIC SCHOOL Phe fo11o«xing is the result of the Junior Fourth promotion. Passed, Vera Mooney, •=77', Lillian Baker, 75; Harry Jennings, 7S; 'Stel- la Northcott, 70; Sydney West, 69; Irwin Ford, 6S; Harold Skinner, 61. Promoted on trial—numbers in brackets indicate the failures: Doris Salter, 71 (1); Annie Sinunons, 69 (1); Catherine Woods, 68 (1)'; Lyle Dinney, 65. (1) ; Edith Walter 65 (1) ; Wanetta Nelson 60 (2) ; Irene Beirling, 52' (3). Those absent, Vera McDonald, Alcla McDonald Clifford Hutchinson. G. S. Howard, teacher. LOCALS The Tnanies Road from \Iain St. to the corporation limits is being graded and widened to 28 feet and will be surfaced with crushed gravel. N ` Reg. Bissett, of Chatham,is Ii. se g i g home owing to the death of his bro- ther, Isaac, who a died in Manitoba, and is being brought .ioine for bur- ial. On Monday Mr. Norman Hockey, barber had • the misfortune to cut the highest for Dashwood, it' required several ;titche-s-,to close \'Ir Zurich P S thee wound. • Zurich, sed. away on F fig lay June( 22nd, at csidence, - 544 Ca'mbrir1ge St. '• funeral l service which was largely ^at- te,nderi Was held on; Sunday aftiernooni, aixd conducted by Rev. J. W. Mor -- -of the Presbyterua,ni' Church, and ) uterrnenit took place `a!t I3r,�blside :cern- ete:ry . The' '1 W. H: Toni was barn did Poa•t I3ap gust 7th, 1.859. iie spent most of hiss-beyltaod clays lull Ex-: et s, Ontario, arriving there. at -twelve y ors, of age. He came `jlle Mediicine 1ia.t in 1883. In ,early days Mr. Tom teas' a builder ncd contractor, but for lift,ce,it. years had 1teeall•agent for the Hu=isan, Bay 'auid''0. P. R. landst„ He leaves to mania :the loss of a -kind. husband and lathier„hi,s, wife„ who was ,: Ellen Porten. of Wiingh6m,• and his Inc daughters, Mits. t 1 orina,a Leale a.rrd `trs. Rcgitn,a,ld Parker bath of �T;edicait,e Hat, and 'tire: graincl .rhilcl,- reli. Also, one brother, J. C. 'f'em ,o1 .,olernao, A.lta,'iaaid •three sisters; Mrs, (R''.) J. �V.' Dona of Yarker . Once 1Irs, W. D. Yea, Exeter,- and Mrs,. (Dr.) I). A. �Bow•earman of Menomonie, !�rkicon>fin> The pall hearers were, 15>ssls 11 G Porter, Jainas P.o,•tcr; I1ebert 1tu ]iesloi'd,'.Dr. J; C. Hargrave' C R 'Gaa•wa1 G.. Worthy. l Mrs: rahan' and Miss 1. e, --.i Iz,., and.G Douglas, No. 9,'Stanley �' a s 'Margaret t b •1J� ;obtained 583 marks, the highest fo his- Zurich,: Lean, of Rodney, motored here .nd' T.he ` 1 with D and Mrs. Graham: Grace Graham,and Mr. and Mrs,. Mc- 13OITN \11L141311 ---At 14th cox., Ilay, Town ship, on July Ctii, to 114r. and Mrs. Walter. Miller,' a daughter. DUCF1A[11)1E--At Sattble Line; Hay Tp., on July 71i, to Mr. and hire. ti�rnx. Ducharme, a' daughter•, CANTIN—At St. Joseph; on July 9th to 1Vir. and Mrs. Napoleon Cantin, it Son: DIED IIISSETT---Tl” Dauphin, . STan., on fitly [ 4th, Isaa'.c, 11. Bissett, Solt of 111r., and Mrs. Thos. 'Bissett, of town, aged 44 years. _ visited with r, (B,) Helen Foster, -Mildred Geiger on Sunday.. Irene Decker, Evelyn Dttcha m,e , (A;) Idella Flowalcl -(B,) Keinieth) Master Leslie • Poplestcne, of Koehler (B,) Claude, �Meidinger, + Blytlt, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Prang, Luella Reichert. J. T. Morgan:: He willspend the Holidays with relatives Here and in. Grand Bend Osborne. Anna, Bossenbeti•y, Edna; Gill, Cora Oliver, Wilfred RavelIe, Elia Stat - ton, Mary Pavelle. STEPHEN TP. :. 1. No. 3—Stella 'Dearing, Gertrude Inilit No, '4—Erma Fahner (B) Irene Mra,re terve,Ruth 12.Teh er. No. 6—Erna' Neeb, Ester Ne,cb (B) No., 7 -Edward ,Wilsoni Na, 10 -Olive Brown, Hugh Love No. 11 -Herman Brenner, 1V/Tina W ull,ert No. 14—Mary O'Brien (B), Harvey' Godbolt, Helen Htcks, Murry Neil. Ni), 62 -Separate School—Jobii Mei risy' scy, Lotuse, O'Hara, ' .Gerald O'Rourke- IJS1BOR:NE TP. o, !. Mervyn Cudnio'e, 1lelvi,l;:e bourn, Norah Oke, I-Iew oeti T Ia11. No, 2 -Marjory Gol]ngs, Re+bt. ' urn- bull. No, 3—Gi c ta, ;Brock: Verdi Giant Allen Fletcher, Lloyd Shier (B) No, 4-Luiu ILunter (13), Marjorie, finder. No. 10 -Doris Bolton, Leslie Thomson Calvifii, 'Westlake, Violet Westlake. (B), No, 12-�V:,i,e Fri:;nclt (13)' Ir enc pv__:a. Vi atet Eli'ultt. (Contintted op page five.) Miss i\Tarion Bal of Toron- to, and her-nephew,Stanley Blatch- ford, of Detroit, are holidaying with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Blatchford. Mrs. F. 'Witwer, of Exeter North, was taken seriously ill on Saturday' evening last' with Heart trouble and fears were expressed for her recov- ery. Site is improving. Che Hurondale Women's Tnsti_ tute vrilj1 hold their meeting on Thursday, July 26th„ instead of Wed- nesday July 25th owing, to several picnics on their regular day. S Mr. and Mrs. Albert p , encer , Mrs. W. J. Statham and 'Mrs. Connington motored to Cargill: Monday and at_ tended tIte china wedditt:g anniver- sary of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Calwill, Mrs. Oakes, who` has been visiting her, mother, Mrs. T. Gregory let on. • Saturta,Y• for her Moine in G'hiccZgo. Mrs,- Gregory and Miss Gregory Lie- cotnpanzed her as far as London. The winners of the local bowling tournament on. Fri(lay evening last were C. Nares, W, J, Stati ole and R. Mawhinney. 'Phis rink was tie with Thos. Elliett,• ruin. Rivers! sand •'Prue. Elliott, both, conics having g wins PIUS 8. The 'term CV W'✓cin 0 Lit. in a play off. warmth of the greeting 'certainllo touches Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, who are delighted to find that they are already established; in the friendship of their` people. A,1 shoi` program of music and readings was given and a:• dal -rte- lunch was served, -2m herstlxui-g Echo.," CA97aN CHURCH 1'. A beautitiri cervico; conducted icy the aniclst of lovely flowers and. with. $ et •t i. 1 music ' p i c by .the cliaii `- was held at Caven T'resbytcriaii. Churtn last Sabbath morning when parents -ere - seated . four eblldr(en for bai'ptisrf. The children were Betty Margaret, daughter of _'ir. and Mrs. : Lloyd Baynitani, Marion Elizabeth �claughw, ' Mr. ter of I Ii . azid" Mrs.' Will Smith, Dori= ald Duncan; sari of 1)r; and iF'.€i e Gra_ hall" and Richard James Hardy soil. of Mr. and II�lrs, J. G. Stanbury• f large congregation which iicltzded.. out of town relatives of the children, listened to ail 'inspiring address by the pastor, Re r, ,lames Foote, 13•A..o, who administered the Sacrament of'. baptism. The"-Preasurer of In, i11 tskolka Hoses p,tal for Consunt tive,s' desires grate - . p ,frilly to ackna}wrledge the following contributions • receiveel ;in Exeter by the -Field Secretary- of .the National Sa,namriunz Associations—e5 each, 'I% S. Woods, Janes & May, Associations-e$5 Complin, Dr, T. Tr?', Brouili;g, C. F. Iloopert 32 each, Dr. I� irsznan,, T. II urs e' , H. T. Rowe; S1 each, James Lawson., son, G. F Roulsten, F. M,l3cyle R. T --I. Ce�r-• nish, 1\T S. Iloivey, NIrs. St:allani,,, I C. _'vera, Grigg Stationery; S:dnep` Davis. G. A. 1-Ia"wki,ns, John Hind,' W. H. Johnston, M. E. Gardiner, p;. Ji i9orney, 11, sxr ao,e;rr, Rev. A. A. Trimmer, Milo Snell, L. B. Doyle, H. Francis ; 50c .each, Geo Waulser, _A. T; sterid 'W. pr, Harness; `25c. -Total, 351.75. SILL IN ER Mid-suminer "Sale of • Ladies' Mis_ ses and Chilclren's Hats, Motor Caps and Sport B'ats.' A large assortment of, Ti•ilnzned and 1,nti i:za hied Hats to choose from. Buy your next z el.''s Spring Hat r - ` f, for' sliclr a: now when youcange,, i redicuiously••Iow price. ' Also Stamped Linens, ' Ladies' Hand Ptoses, Neck -laces, etc. etc. ONE WEEK O;F ,REAL BARGAINS SAT., JULY 2 3 st-SAT., JULY . 2 8th. A. Yei'and ;':0 1& " `•a.s. :.7.,�MK•?.cY ra ak n..:malSg '+"t`:'n!3yvr`a'F3,�:-l+;r'iih':r 13101 on tips•IT awn To Comlla€:nce at 8 o'clock finder the Auspices of CavCI . Presbyterian. Ch urch Ladies' Aid. Perna! r.ta. • e s 'TEE WO)L1. t WITH THE .THOUSAND- I,"OchETS". "T3'JE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH" O AL SALE OX' ITO lID AT:4.D COOK- ING MANY OTHER NOVELTIESS ING AND CANDY, REFRESHMENTS SERVED. Admission to Ground's ca T EL -COME. COME AND ENJOY YOfURSEL'VE EVERYBODY W . Lxee� Band in t r Attendance Service Grocery . Main Phone 10.2 AMMONIA POWDER 3 f 5c. KRAFT CHEESE\ 2 o . , . LAIi-GG"IS f,:''t'TLE PICl<1,Id TWO STORES North Phone 47 PURE COCOA c.a.uNDRY SOAPS 7-c ab - LUX SIFTO SALT