The Exeter Times, 1923-7-12, Page 3a..With rhoe
•WIltr3. Fa -nest Morris, 3 Webb St.,
London, Out writes:—"1 take great
p1aeur in ecommen ng .ow-
lee'm Extract of Wild Strawberry for
what it lies done for ine,
Sonic time 'ago " I took an awful,
violent headache, tlien I started to
vorait and felt so sick with my stomach
I could:hardly stand it all -day; towards
evening intense pains came in my bowels
and 1 was just doubled up, the pains were
so bad; the perspiration stood out like
beads On my forehead; then the diar-
rhoea started and I really thought I
WO going to the:
My husband went to the drug store
and got a bottle of Dr, Fowler's Ex-
tract of Wild. Strawberry,- he gave me
four doses at intervals, and by noon the
next day the diarrhoea had stepped
and the pains were all gone too. ,
Now 1 will never be without Dr.,
Fowler's' in the house as it was the only
thing that relieved me." -
Dr. Fowler's Extract 'of Wild.Straw-
berry has been on the market for the
past 78 years, refuSe substitutes, they
may wove dangerous to your health;
price 50c.; put up only . y The T.
burn Co., Limited, Toronto, ,Ont,
I cull the flock all the year, but
particularly jeculleclueing the summer.,
My plan with peeltry 'includes Marehl
hatching, in order to get ee,rly-laying"
pullets, and the culling • of the old1
birds until the breeding -flock kePt1
over is composed of the best birds .
only.. It takes twelve „months to ,de-
cide what are 'thebest- birds to keep ,
for the breeding pen' and summer
culling is a very prondnent part of
the process of elimination. Starting
with the pullets, which begin to lay in
August antl September, I band tbe
earliest producers and if these birds
show -up well during the year they
are kept for the breeding pen next
year. It does not follow, however,
that the earliest layer will make the
best breeder. There are other con-
siderations to be taken into account.
• I band all birds that become broody,
among the pullets, and add a second
band as often as a bird repeats.' The
'hen that shoirs a desire to spend too
1 nruch trine upon the brooding nest is
' k t for the breeding pen. She
growers in Ontario have been- paying'
ic)01 Le. ()
Slnion Peter—John 1: 3542; Matthew 4: 18-22; 14: 2841;
1-7: 1-13 ;, Luke 5: 1.-10 ;', 22:31-34 54-62. John 13:
10,11; 20: 1-10; 21: 1-23; Acts 2: 1-5, 42; 8: 14.25;
9: 32 to '12: 19. 15: 7-11. Gal 2. 11 C;1 T t
Lord thou knowest all things. thou kno'west that I love
thee,—", --John 21: 17.
special attention to this, disease- 1.r
is unneeeesaey to emphasize •the irn- .
fed sYetem-of eradicating 1.the diseased ala:istu 37 (f)f a1g11..elt ChEIT4t°r. Ivirl tbe 1 dfaisietiPlee weuid berraY him, and that"
. 131-35), Peter haetened -to- avow his
yield a gopd econornical anntleh. I. i'grEa RECEIVING HIGH PRAISE, Arr.
, • . .
ii, and his Willingness to die for
situation is ' 'rural more bopeful tha isela.4,8, Jesus. When sh -t1 f t I J
. oi y a erwarc s esus
it appeared a, erear ago. / ' ' ,
reeetenee 01‘e ,rnes4ie but tt muy he ad- LE$p,:)11 SPrrielo---Our - study 'tills Jesus, on the sseasioa of the Last,
, week is t e irte of Srmon Peter It is Supper, in treated that one or the
viSable to' stress the fact that 4 nare- the - e
plants from commercial11 e great leader in the they all would be seette,red (Matt 26:
V• 13. The coasts of Caesarea Plil-1.1A:a;s arrested, it was. Peter 'who dre-sr
affected with i , sarea Philippa -which - r cu °
este means vicinity of Cae 4 swiov/I'd and t ' ff
Galilee, and lying the high priest's
,s impuiisivneisi all
young e awn e s eremosma eestthseuilteaahvlees for
telei inaPt:r;hheobeE :ishe Seaf0 f
was a city away ear, lett. 26:51. These inc de t
bear witness to Peter
We need' to remember that Peter weeas,$1
servation. The symptoms will fir too Mount Hermon., Jesus ingettiste eimiceng,
be found during June a,ncl will grade 1, comes her: a lace of retire- /
ipuisetsuesofhhirnsel . Some of his im-
He was far from be -
ally become more pronounced as the mereitnitesiit‘hvithhis jdelsenucisplesP.rnlilee
season advances. On the older lea.ves1
i have failed to grasp the real meanliin e I ---weXe
others only served to
g 1 show how o
good;uc as ttiis great confession
ss ,1whiie the
norrnal dark green, raised Or puckered
a his ministry and the religious Cie,
Which is a yellowish green. Theimans "t Jesus'
San of man am? Son of
study., it briefly els2,121.-.0n
is not
areas can be observed scattered overl
I, foundintFhectlipri(nIt'eudkep
openly hostile. What about
has become o '
the leaf surface, the remainder of i his ai i
Thatsee pies? Do they understand?
issushisfazr.otrite name for him- day's. lesson, it will be necessaery th-
e restoration as given in John 21
younger leaves present a more mot -in order to understand
tled -appearance with the dark areas; self. It,
showing prominently; more often1
for the second
s 0 $ only to prepare tri
le of humiliation.'
15-17- One of the chief l :
This first que ti ni i
these are not raised or uckered
of over -confidence lessons to be
;ushes with yellowish n Ts. 14-16 S '
foliage-Usuallyi Elias
e gnify the presence of '
. 1 judgments recognize tl
. . eremias. These o ula •
j . Some say . . John . . from Peter's fall is the d
. conduct in igates ch N
en said
P P 1 Peter's R t .
that t d .
es oration It is oft id
Low dwarf b P •"' . 1 '
mosaic Ill an olcl plantation. l'Ins eesleesus,
but not his uniqueness or his e le, greatriess of
doubt in the main this is true but not
erecter. o
looleing0 for plants . • e
not apply to parts o the Plantatum IVIessiahship. They seek to explam
always. Peter was not at his best that
f • •
Is sent to marleet. I find it is about wbeee the ground is low or in "wine him by the past. His bo pe
ldness of
s e
Do not put Rinso reet
from the pacieage into the
tub, iRMiarlitinor halliutin at ill() tklieasg:16.1.106e1
a d eqw' rter haa rent ofrhbile07fariolagLdly,a,,sItt"u7b'r_,
sides, you will have a clean
amber -coloured liquid.
Add this liquid to the wrsh.
tub, until you get tiles big
lasting Rinse suds, Then
soak the clothes clean.
night when he denied Jesus. • One he
as svell to ship the fat,hens to a citY1 the soil condition is such as to give1 suggests to them John the Baptist or does not make a man a liar, and orie
liart does
corennissiOn house as,my Rhode IsIarid rise to sickly plants. Such a condition -1 Elijah. His cohiPassion reminds themrash, wes.le. act on Peter's '
1. Whom, say ?le that 1" am? This iS qualities. In the memorable converse -
Reds bring gobd nrices during the can be "differentieted from mosaic bylof the 'tenderness of Jeremiah, Jer. 9: net mean hat he had- no excellent
summer. Earlier in the season I cull' the lack of true mosaic Mottling on'
the vital question. Sienon Peter an'"" tion in John 21: 15-17 Jesus made no
: reference
out undesirable birds' and dress. theml the leaves.• Peter , usually first in wordto Peter's fall.
at home and find a retail market in a The fruit from diseased plants is
an ac brist, the on of the ity- i Peter the Apostle. Peter laid well to
near -by city. This can be done to ad- seedy and lacks flavor. ing God. The greethess of this ans- heart the lesson of his fall. His humil-
va.ntage during the slack season but Control—The most permanent con-
" wer is its acknowledgment of Jesus as 'lotion was complete, but his reliance
during the summer there is too much trol measures for the elimination of Messiah. lupon divine strength marked his sub -
In a general way hens need about as 1 to •do on the farm so I ship off the mosaic from raspberry plantations Vs. 17 18. Blessed ctrt thou. Jesus sequent career. Acts 4:13 makes
rnuelvaare for heavy egg Production in
the summer as in the winter. During
a hot summer the worm a go -deep arid
• often the grass becomes tough and
dry. Excessive heat on the range and
in the laying -house is often as detri-
mental to heavy laying as the severe
cold of winter. A good dry mash can
be made of equal parts „of bran, mid-
dlings, corn meal, ground oats and
beef scrap. Two parts wheat to one
part corn makes a good summer
- scratch feed ration. ,
If you have plenty of sour'inilk the
ProPoetion of beef scrap in the mash
cart 'be- reduced one-half. e Provide
plenty -of fresh water and' place;tlie
fountain 'in a shady place. If green
begin with the planting of disease-free is deeply stirre by the answer. It is
an answer from Petei s own heart,
hens as rapidly as they are culled out.strange reading after what we know
On the poultry place where a thousand
about Peter. The mud has become rock.
stock. Tile practice of taking plantsl
s been orkin
Fleand blood hath not revealed. No in Peter? Our answer will be found
pint had 'w g• I What had 'wrought this great change
Vi more hens 'are leept, there Will be from an old planting irrespective of whic,11 Gud's
ticularlY for the culls. As rapidly as cease if the disease is to be controlled. t:rson had communicated this truth •
Peter. Neither did it spring from in Acts 4:8, "Then Peter, filled with
much culling, so we have a pen par- the amount of mosaic present m p
an undesirable is found she is added Old plantations with mosaic present the Jewish ideas of the Messiah, which the Holy Spirit!" Peter' no longer
to the culls. These birds are fed a should be left alone and new plants Peter shared with his coun y • divine aid.
relied upon his own strength, but in
fattening ration and shipped off to secured from a well recommended, Thou art .Peter, anci upon this rock.
catch the best market. • source. Exception maylee taken wheel 1.he meaning of Peter Is "rock," and
has given expression to a
Some of the points which I.follow less than 5 per cent. diseased nlants new Peter
test, are probably well known to- most advisable for a grower to thoroughly
it niay be rock -like truth. It is the blessedness
in culling, in addition 'to the broody are found. In such a case orrotetefr,trtaat.hhe Tet,t!or hdatilord "A stitch in time saves nine" is an
poultrymen. ' eradicate the diseased plants- from a uttered thee fouunIahonu reek o; the
old adage which applies to every kind
of human effort, but it applies with
signs that indicate that a bird has secure his own nursery stock. But, Gates of hell. No power of evil shall ing than to many other lines of effort.
are more conditions to be met, in farmi mentation on rats, g-umea pigs and
Farm Labor Returns.
I am always on the lookout for few rows in his plantation in order to Church—the Messiahship of Christ. more force and uniformity to arm -
passed her days or usefulness. Oce- the wholesale eradication of diseased prevail against a church so founded. This is true for the reason that there
siona y a bird eerelop lameness,
caused by some obstruction in scratch-
Rinso is as splendid for tho
rerlar fcanily washing, as
Luz is for fine fabrics.
.Lever. Brothers Limited
in Nutrition. •
A short time ago we figured up the
proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and the
calories in foods and made up a bal- For the past ten years I have been
following the practice of stabling my
anced ration thereftorn. This was the cows at night during the sunimern 1
basis upon which we learned th feed think it pays.
our animals and we thought we had For years I have felt the need of
things down Pat. We also tried it out producing more stable manure to build
with humane, but the great obstacle is up my sell While 1 use a consider -
that too many of us will alwayst1 uhle
ea -
crops, I can not get away from the
commercial fertilizer with my
what we want rather than what eve
ought. 1 idea that stable manure is the best
' fertilizer for the farmer to use
However, these balanced rations didi ' - -
By stabling my cows at night ,dur-
not always work, and expert experi-1
the ina immer I have been able to
pliints from .a commercial plantation
ore than double my 'manurial out,
such like, indicateil that what we be- m
ing over "Which We have no control, . .
wui • feed is lacking on the range it often ing or by flying down from the roost. than in most other kinds of business. lieved to be perfect foods were not as I Put, Lest season the manure made
pays ,to have a row of Swiss Chard,This may in time turn into bumble- The weather is one of the most seri- perfect as we thought they were. It frmn the eewe, stable during the sum -
and occasionally gut a few- bushels of I foot, so•I believe it is beet to ship siieh with disease-free stock, it is advisable acknowledged fact in the disciple, was found that these otherwise perfect "
of with a top -dressing previous -to sow -
mer covered over seven acres -of land
succulent leaves for the hens. Grit, i birds. The lameness is" nothing that to have it isolated by 50, to 100 "feet band. To shew unto iri-s disciples.* It 1 ideal from
ous of these handicaps.- It is . never
surne- foods lack in the vital essentials
1 our standpoint, yet
1 in the wheat. Had I allowed my
charcoal and oyster shells are also hurts them for the table in any way, from any other' raspberries, cultivated is one thing to recognize Jesus as thelhow most of us fail to this fact -food, the vitamines.
necessary in keeping the hens healthy.
is not recOmmended,as a general mea-
sure for the controleof mosaic.
On setting out a new plantation
V. 21. From that time forth; from
the time that Jesus' iV1essiahship is an
' h• tl • thi th understand into account in making our plans for Now these vitarnines are something cows "to go bacle to pasture at night I
the season's campaign. Right now new as far as the name is concerned, would have lost most of this manure.
but we have been eating them- all our l Stabling the cows increases the
labor somewhat, but I am very sure
rnanY farmers ;who have delayed plow -
lives and did not know 'it. It just goes'
ing for late -planted crops are wor-
to show that we can not always tell
that the manure' pays for the labor
ried because cif a' lack of inei,Sture
which Makes the plowing hard -and the just what we are eating, (several times over. I use all the bed-
ding in the .stale 'Possible as aft ab -
crops unceitain, while tliTe, ariners in Bat as mysterions as these vita -1
the same communitigs who got their mines.are to us ordino.ry eaters, food sorbent. MY stable is cement se, I am
ground plowed early for the = same "'experts are showing, by the feeding of able to conserve the liquid manure. I
use a liquid -tight litter cainel so, a
crops were able to conserve needed foods containing these life-giving in -
gating season. The cpst of plowing them from food they can cause dis-
, produceall the maniere from the stable is Car -
When cleaning the stable I clean out
moisture against planting time and gredients, that they can
kill the weeds in advance of the eulti- healthful results; and by eliminating ried out some distance from the barn.
early when soil and temperature con- ease, the liquid along with the other manure
a . -, • •
Since the findings of the experi-1 and clump on ,,ne pile. This gives the
ditions were better for the work was
a chance to absorb the liquid
less, and the probable, returns on the menters many of us are eating yeasti straw
labor invested are much greater. to put zest in life and are renewing and- -improves its fertilizing value.
The farmer who planted a few ker- our interest in cod-liver all as a —11'. R. '
nels of Crib corn in a pan under the weight increaser. Tomato juice is be -
kitchen stove and concluded it was all ing imbibed with greater enjoyment,
right for seed, finds on digging and hen fruit, sunny side up, will
into the hills in the field that only more frequently adorn our tables.
about half of it is growing, is be- Millet will supplant other beverages
moaning his luck—and replanting his and green vegetables are ,gaining a
field with the certainty that the return new importance. All this is because
for his labor will be less than that ,of of the vitamines they centain.
These successful tests in nutrition
indicate that perhaps in the future
visits th the doctor he will hand us, a
bill of fare instead of a prescription,
Of course, his other bill will also be
prEestletntiend,alilisseursiumails.ness, the discovery
of these new things in nutrition is un-
doubtedly a great step forward. These ,
findings will add greatly to our effi-
ciency, to our real enjoyment of life,1
and to the results we get from live
In the fell the hard grain ration can
be changed to ecaial parts of wheat
and nom,
Beadle Fans..
The beadle fan is ao English inven-
tion, in which the revolving blades are
made with curved surfaces of a pe-
cul,iar form, which inipel the air in a
direction parallel to the axis of the
fan. It is said that virtually the whole
power is utilized in making the air
"travel," and. very littlec in simply
churning it up. It is believed that the
In,vention finds practical application la-
the propellers of ships and airplanes,
sod early, prepare the ground for
corn and roots; fifth year, same as
first year. This four-year rotation will
be found to materially increase the
"soil fertility,- as no -crop is allosved to
occupy the land for more than one
year, thus ensuring ample cultivation.
The introduction of two crops of
clover will prevent the growth of
if they are taken off right away. Once or wild. During the first twoy
in a while I find a bird that shows al this patch should be carefully .inspect-aiehow that Messiahship must be realized.
lengthening of the upper part of the 1 ed several times and all diseased This is what Jesus must teach his dis-
ciples now. That he must go unto
plants remOved, root and all and car- Jerusalem. His Messiahship is a sof-,
ried to some distance from the plan- Tering MesSialishipi Jesus does not
tation where ,they can be destroyed. speak of this suffering as a human re
It is quite safe to replant the gaps sult, butas a divine purpose,clearly
caused. by rogueing as, infection does -foreseen and calmly faced. Raised. .
not come from the soil. The second
and third years after planting, 'the
patch should yield a high percentage
beak, or one that has had an accident
to one eye. Such birds -may be the
best lagers but it does not pay. to
bother with them. Birds that show
the pretty, unruffled coat after they
should have been laying for many.
months, are practically non -producers.
During the sPring and summer I cull of -disease-free stock, and if the grow-
,the third" dd. y. It is to be a trium-
phant suffering, ending in resprrece
VS. 22, 23. Peter took him.. Peter is
out many birds that have handsome startled by this 'announceent, anin
feathers, golden shanks and beaks and er desirousof . disposing of such his horror at the thought, grasps the
a general air of good looks. Such stock he should apply to the Division
hand of Jesus. Began to rebuke hint;
birds are butterflies of fashion and the of Botany, Central Experimental a loving protest against the thought.
poultryman cannot afford to keep Farm, Ottawa, or to the Dominion
them. Laboratory" of Plant Pathology, St.
The head •tells1a lot about a bird's Ciatharines, Ontario, for inspections
productiveness. Get rid of the bird with the view of obtaining a certifi-
What Peter says he says from true
love of the Master. Get thee behind
me, Satan. Peter's infallibility did not
last vaey long.. An offence. The foun-
dation stone has suddenly become a
with the crow head. Keep the ones cate of freedom from disease.
stone of stumbling in the way of duty,
that have full, bright eyes and red Any information concerning this or
b 6
combs. The sunken eye is a sign of other plant diseases will be gladly Govna
cio:erstnotthehouthiietshtinnposthatt with G0 d. , ,f
, -
low vitality and indifferent produe-, furnished on request to either of the ,
tiveness. I pick up a hen and glance offices mentioned above. III. PETER RECEIVES A GREAT COMMIS-
' > SION, JOHN 41 15-17.
along her back.' If the eyes stand out.
like buttons, she iS probably a goodj1
one. Still July. I do not want_ the hen that
weeds, and rhe liklihood will shows the heavy beef -type of 'head. ' Lazy haze and golden. daws
reduced th a minimum Of any insect The culling season extends from Of July,
pest becoming established. The fore- September to September. I usually, To lie and dream
find it few pullets early in the fall that • Stream,
going of course applies to arable land.
A new piece of land, or an old sod
which has -been allowed to remain for
a number of years, can be satisfactor-
ily dealt with as follows: Break up the
new land or old sod in late summer
just after haying and cultivate until
fall, when the ground should be plow-
ed the opposite way and left rough
for the winter. In the spring cultivate
as frequently as possible, plowing
again if necessary. 'The land may be
planted to oats in the second year
and seeded down as advised in the
above rotation. -
/as Troubled
With Her !salver
Fouvad Relief Ely Using
xa-Liver Pills
Mrs. A. C. Brown, Oromocto, Ont.,
writes:—"I have been, troubled With
my leiter for a few years back, and was
so bad I did not feel eble to do any work.
had severe pains in my stomach, so
bad I could hardly,stand them at times,
coated, tongue, bad taste itt the mouth,
espeeially in the moriling, whites of eyes
tin eed with yellow and had it muddy and
sal ow complexion.
I had read 'a great deal about Mil -
burn's Laxa-Liver 1.'ills and decided I
would try a vial, and after_ taking 'two
two or three was greatly improved
and can truthfully say 1 felt more like
living and can now do my OWII. work."
Alliburn's 1,axe-T,iver Pills are 25c. a
vial at all dealers, or Mailed direct on
recelpt of orice by 'Phe T. Milburn Co.,
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
I do not wish to keep, so I dress them•
and sell to the retail customers, or, if
there are enough of them---1"may ship
them off to catch the good prices that
prevail around the first of October.
Later, and all during the winter, the;
culling continues, then during thee
spring, I usually ship quite a bunch
of hens. The summer is the thne,l
however, when the cleaning out is
finished, in fact, the geeater number, I ask no more. •
of birds that are not to be carried —Floyd Meredith
over are sold during August arid Sep-
tember. I try to get rid of poorapro-
ducers as fast as they have ,passed1
their days of usefulness. --Chas.
For the past two seesos raspberry
near a
In the wood hard by.
To do and dare, to love to share
The things I may,
With all the folks for whom I care,
To learn, and yearn for all the best
Life holds in store,
July gives me a ram bequest,
ack to Work
Kendall's Spavin Treatment will pt., that
lame horse back on the jot; again. For
more then forty years as Kendall' s Spavin
Cure R has been removing sPavins,
r.ingbone, thoroughpin and all kinds of
body growths. t
Gei 41: r druttght'stodaijj also the free
book '4 Treatise oil the ilorsa and his
DThecrics , er surd,' direct to
DR. !EL J. ICE IN1 DMA. CO ltilF° ANY,
Enosburg ralls, Vt., U,S.A,
pavin nirreatg-alen,
ISSU No, 27-73.
Vs. 15-17. When they had dined;
scene,—shores of Galilee. Time,—after
his neighbor who made an ear test .of
Peter's denial and Christ's death and his seed.
resurrection. Lovest. thou wie more
than these; not more than the other
disciples, but more than the nets and
the boat and the old fishing life to
which Peter had gone back. Thou
The same tenths apply all along the
line. Maximum labor returns on the
farm are the result of careful' plan-
ning, which takes into account the
Icnowest that I love. thee. Peter ap- handicaps , that are more than likely
peals to Jesus' knowledge of his in- to be met.
most heart. In spite of his denial, he
When replanting, it always pays to
keep a ball of dirt around ,the roots
of the plant you move.
loves Jesus and he knows that Jesus
knows of that love. Feed my lambs.
Jesus had once called Peter to be a
fisher of inen. Now he called him to
be a shepherd of those who are weak,
as Peter himself had once been. Jesus'
way of showing Peter that he was for-
given was to call him again to service.
He sctith . . the third time; no refer-
ence in this threefold question to
love from the past with its failures,
Only two or three plants should be
left in each hill of melons, cucumbers
and squashes. Wait until the work of
the striped beetle is over, then thin
Peter's threefold denial, but only an
the plants, leaving only the best to
When.a bird is killed bugs rejoice,' impressive way of recalling Teter in produce a crop.
H. and N. PILL.S
to a great commission of love and
A Grea,t Confession. Some people
are at their best when they utter their
"first thoughts. • A great preacher
complained recently that too few
Christian people -acted upon their first,
impulses, but rather weighed every-
thing so carefully that they became
worldly. When Jesus asked Peter for
a statement of, his belief a.bout Jesus,,
, me. 8. E. Been* Atemets,, opt, Peter gave utterance eto his first,
thoughts, and said "Thou are the •
wriaege--/ Four years ago I had a very- Christ, the Son of the living God," v.'
severe attack of heart trouble. I con. 16. That eves' the -answer,. for which'
stilted. my clocthr; he treated me for Jesus longed. Heknew that the scribes •1
some time, but only seemed be be gel. and Pharisees hateel aid.the him,,
ting worse. I filially went to our drug: bme.ochi 11.1):oepeliel'eetil.)11t70-geh,erell°bYisapmeilt1.yec.1
gist and purchased three boxes of Mil. here at lest, one of his chosen twelve
burn's Heart 6,nd Nerv6 Pills and de- 'had risen to the supreme thought of
rived immediate, relief from their 'use, 1God'$ PurPese Christ -
In all I took twelve boxes, and can truth, e
The 7mpulsiveness of a Good Alan.
There are sever al ream ded ineidents
fully say they are e woaderful mecheme. nee ae pater which make „lee,
. I. always keep a box on head, ane, ptiet ith him. • EIo was impu -
out of sorts, I take a few pills and feel siVe to --------------------------e pont, of being unstable.
alt right n'g,ain' 9 .iViii%rs\61,41.1211s-2ev3eio.faltdot-1(1.1ear ssc el ieisess° a1:°which 1111
Milburn's Ileart" and Nc'rve 'Pills are Peter is seen in none too revoeable
50e. a box at all dealeis, or mailed direct -light, 1ra Matthew 14: 28-31 -WO have
on receipt of price by the 'P. Milburn en acgount of Peter encleaVering to
lk on the water to Jesus. When
Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. a
A Great Deal
From New glidneys
Ms. A Wynn, 1738, 3rd Ave. East.,
'Owen Sound, Ont., writes:--"I,svish to
expresd my thenlegfer the benefit I have
received from your wonderful Doan's
Kidney Pills, as they have certainly
done me a great deal of good., ,
• For about two or three yeets I had
suffered terribly with my kidneys;
could not sleep or rest in any way;
could not do my work for the pains itt
my back. '•
, I was told' about the gind of your
oar.s Kidney ls, so 1 tried then5nd before i,
I hadfi "'"1 t11, first box
I had received the greatest benefit,
and I cannot, praise therm too highly,
1 will ceriainly recommend them to
all my neighbors and friends whom I
know to have kidney trouble."
Doarifs Itadney Pills are 50c. per box,
at all clearers or /nailed direct, on re-
ceipt of price by The T. alilbure. Co.,
Limited, Toronto, Oat,
stock feeding, if we will but use them.
A weekly change of water in the
cooling system. when you're working," "
He--"It'e, awfully, sweet, of,, you to
want, to know when I have my vaca-
tion. so you can arrange a,ecordingly."
radiator of a tractor is good for the Shee-"ares. I want to take mine
Opportunities in the
Vr.terhry ro ssi
If you desire to enter into a profession you should con.
sider what the new field of Veterinary Science has to
offer. Graduates have s1 did opportunities
for a successful career.
You should inquire.
Write for bulletin and calendar to
C. D. NIcGilvray, IVID,V., Prime al
n Veterinary Poilege
"Vnder the Ontario
DepartMont ol agricaltu
,Afflliated, with
Univorsity of 'Porouto