The Exeter Times, 1923-6-7, Page 7Help for camp Leaders, , •Tee A./ass:lune stte of "The T the Ontario-Peovincial Council'S Paper' for :Sent leadesS, will be given over ' almost entirely, to ,(3airiping, the leads. , Ing article 'tliSciissing "Minim am 'Re. quirenients for Troop Gaines,' This n.rticle was prepared specially for`The Trail by the Dominion, Camp Chief, ,and other camping experts at Poinitlion Headquarters, It deals s'fullY Witil problems of leadership, 'eamp Site, ys: cation of tents, camp 'equipments facid supplies and -cooking, camp program, camp discipline, health and seleitation, swinineing and water sports, bueiness • and records. An appendix contains a suggested program for ten days in 'Camp, a suggested letter to bo sent to parents orguardians of Scouts going to camp, parent's reply, list of equip- ment for individual Scout, for patrol camp and for troop' camp, list ef food supplies for 32 bo yS tor ono week and menus for a week-'besed on this food list. There are also over 30 new lllus ra,tionst Thls issile of The Trail will be main ed to every registered Seout and Cub , leader in Ontario , well ahead of the ,opening °tithe- camping season. Other =Persons interested in boys' camps who woulcl cVel:to have a copy may have '•one sentgte themnpost free upon appll- • cationto: • Proindia1 Ileadmia-'ters ,Bloor-and. Sherbourne.Ste., Toronto, - -Capitalizing Gang -Spirit. Since the days when London burgers •the devil, the "boy problem" has been •that all the apprentices were going to the deft', the "boy problem"- has been familiar. Perhaps it goes back to the earliest tiroes. On the walls of Pompeii are to be seen saucy messages .that must have been scribbled'hy mischief - making lads. • The "boy problem"- remained a prob.; •iena beean.se 'men tried to solve it with the WiSdona of, age and not with the ,spirit' of youth.' Bossas were corralled and marched to the ineet'ing places of "secieties," where they sang hymns-, "spoke pieces" and paid dues.- After the 'passing enthusiasm of ' "joining," 'there was a csiiick decline to early death. This has happened half a dozen times within the reebilection of almost all df those who decline to call them- , selves old. • Then ca.nie the Bby Scout movenient, Make the Rinso •liquid first Do not put Rinso direct from the package into the tut). Mix half a package of Rinso in a little, cool water until it is like cream. •Then add two quarts of boiling water, and when the'. froth oub- sides, youwill have a clears ambei-coloured. liquid.. Add this liquid to the wash tub, until you get the big lasting Rinso suds. Then soak the clothes clean. ee. :Teas- 4s1Z-4 n,ss st77047N, —eget - "yea 4 Rinso IS cu , splendid for that regular farm ily washing as Lux is for line fabrics. Lever Brothers Limited • Toronto . sieeeeee...fsiser R305 WW1. EALTT-I EDUCATION • BY DR. J., J.,. MIDDLETON • irov I ncial Board of Health, Ontario - ' Dr..Mieltiletoli will be glad to answer questions on Publle Health mato • ters -thiiiugh this column. Addres•S him at' Spadthe, House, Spadini' •t'";breseent, Toronto. • 7 • The Fire Ranger Seeks Co-operation. „ It is well recognized among thcise in charge of the,worit of protecting the farests that one of the greatest ,aids Itt attaininssthat object is the work of the fire rangers in ;:erslisting the sympathy of the travellers, eltrimere, :and ()tiler temporary resident's of the areaS to be protected and ,secnring their friendlY co -one -1-'0,10n, thenway of attending to their own camp-flres, etc,. This 'idea le -emphasised by the chief fire ranger'in 'charge of one of the vast fireeranging 'districts of the nortIn Hs writes ne-inIt has been gratifying. this fall t� reeeive letters- from tourists, prospectors, trappers, and tratlers., .thanking the rangers for courtesies, ex- tended to thenn also coMplimenting us on our work. The ,rangers have cer- tainly been of great survice in many ways to the public, The information they give is always rellable,",; • 'I hold, without'hesitation, that the 'potential forest 'wealth in this country should be developed 111 the light of patriotic cornmeireialism and aciraints- teeed as `a trust for the future needs of the ceuntry, and that nota single stick of timber shatild' be cut that will creat.e detrimental conditions- for those who COITIO after us. Some time or. other, we shall be face to face with the prob- lem of whether' or not commerce shafl be allowed to rob our forests irrespec- tive' of futhre demands. It Will come to l us just as it has: come to China in the past, so that ;actuated 'by these-con- chisions we- ought not to waste ,a single tree from the forests we now have, and we ought- to reptant and reproduce ,without stint sa as to leave this funda- mental resource in. undiminished plen- titude for the ,people et a still greater Canada. The sooner we fame the bald question, the eeasier it will be for ns to decide. , To what extent are we go- ing to permit the forest resources of the neuntry to be commercially exploit- ed' and ,expoeted for the purposes of - Selfishi'gairi?" ":s • .ss• /VIalcolna Smith, F.R.G.S.,. ,krctic, ex - EASY TRICKS No, 29 13low It Away Yoe'il need for this li aler a visiting card or a card, a pin and a spool. •Push the pin through the cens tre- of the card and drop the pin into the hole that runs through the spool. Holding the spool care - funs' so that the card will not fall off hand It to a friend. Tell him that the trick is to see how far he can send the playing card by blowing through the apool, It you are trying to make things merry at a party, it Is a good Idea to prepare several sets of cards, spools and pins and very serious- ly arrange sa, competition. Don't • let anyone practice before the Ward to blow is given, That • would spoil the whole affair. Do not fail to warn the other specta- tors to keep out of range of the flying cards. courseont time, each blower . will learn that the harder he blows, the more firmly the card will stick to the spool. 'ne:y it and see. • (CUP tnis out and paste it, with, .others or the series, in a scrap- boo/G.) Arctic Explorer on Four- . tie pus- flAITE YOU ANY OF Bay Company' boat Baychimo for a plorer, sailed recently on the Hudson. s TfIESE SYMP710TVIS? 25,000 -mile trip, which will occupy at least four years. Leaving the vessel L1 -at a point north of Petropavlovsk on the Siberian coast, he purposes to -cross Siberia in the .most northerly latitudes. • Platinum abounds. throughout till's territory, and Mr. Smith will conduct research work for this and other pre- cious metals:. He also, hopes to be able to tell the world on his return-roany things affecting trade relations with Russia. By foot and dog teams he will cross the mountain ranges.. Mr. Smith has spent most of his life in the Arctic regions. At one stretch If You Have, You Are in Need of , a Tonic Medicine. • , Are you pale and weak, easily tired. rt s's sometimes ,the simple things in ., mixture, ,and within -a short time moscl : ' -and out of breath on -slight exertion? of the sufferers had recovered.ani Are you n.ervons? Is your sleep dis- daily life that cause the 1T10St trouble I from a health: point of view:' Some were able to :take food again three .! tnurbed?. Do you wake usha In the. mornt- - s 1 hours later. Only ten persons were' 'ing feerinto as ire( as w en you wen Pe°Ple are very careful about the in-, at all seriously' ill,- and : all: of e them .to bed? , Is your alMetite polar, your gredients used in food and take Pains were able to carry out their ordinary' digestion Weak, and do you have pains inaugurated in a full understanding of to select the kinds of foothcalat.. will work next day, so, that evidently the asses easing? the mind and :heart of the boy. It best suit their palates and digestion.' effects of the poison soon wore off. . If you have any of these Symptoms However, in the pr'eparation of even 1 The apples used had been freshly camitalieed' the gang -spirit and social- you need a tonic and in the realm of „nese- - . the simplest kinds of food care must ' gathered and were stewed: in large . ' :Ized' it. It placed. emphasis on the , token . • 1 . . . .- , medicine there:is no better toni'c than , . . . , , ... ,oe toe avoid any dangers in the galvanized iron containers whicn were . . , . . . , physique, the intenoct and the morals. coOlsing procees. ' Serious results May ‘. placed in iron steamers. The .con- Dr- willianis Pink Pillss which el.:inch n It embodied a 'rule -of life 'in its won- driSe from poisons developed throUgh Jainers were used because it had been :t13 -'e b,1°°d, re:st-9,is s',1.1atted nerveand derful promise: "On my hopor. I pros chemical action -taking .place betweenSfound onna previous occasien, that the bring the gleSs" of health teepale mise to do my best to do my -duty to the food and the re.ceptacle in which; apples became black if placed directly. cheeks. The viilue Of Dr: Williams' God and the:King, to ileeln other people it is, contained. For instance, vessels , in the steamers. A chemical analysis Pink Pills is shown by the case of Mr. 'at all times, and tp obey the Scout made of galvanized iron should .never ', of some of the stesyed apples remain- Islorace Cuphill, Woo,dsvard's Cove, Law." ismessing seme,of the country's be used for containing food materials, ing over ,from the mea showed that Nsson:., who sasese—"The first indication on accoun.t of the solvent properties , they contained seven grains of ,zinc, best ye -ling Men as Scoutmasters, the that my general health was not good Which many of these possess for nine. :to the bound_pxpyessed as zinc Oxide— Boy Scouts Association.scan say with- was a shortness of breath after the It seems well that the general pulilic-thi being equivalent -to twenty-five o out heSitatiOn that the answer to: the „ . shoulde aware o isfact. - grains ohydrated sulphate o b * - fth' " ' f zinet least exertion. 'Then my appetite be- • old riddle -of what to do with the boy An example of this lias beeti recent- the pound. The dose of zinc sulphate gam to fail, and after eating it seemed Is --make AIM a Scout. To do that it' ly reported when a sudden outbreak which results -in vomiting is 10-30 as if there was a lump in my stomach. to 6411in-hula for upstanding manhood, of illness occurred among the.innaates grains, and each person consuming the I grew so weak that I could not walk ' , ., . . . • - • •More than this it is scarcely neces- of a large matatutlon under the fel- stew rnay be assumed to have taken a hundred yards without resting. Then • sary to say to -day. Ontario has seen lowing circumstances: -About' four eighteen to twenty grains :of sulphate I was' with ' t " a numbness all over hundred persons were served at tea Of zinc. ' tile Bey Scoutsat wOrk for nearly thir- ' ' - my body and was in a sad plight. I teen, years. During that time thous- - . der of -the Meal consisted f b ' d 1' bl ' ` was under a doctor's care, but as I was and ofld h dt ' ' s . a s aye passe hrough the o rea , are la e to -act on metals and, the • with hot stewed apples The remain- 'It is wellknown that vegetable acids , not, getting better, „I decided to try ' - butter and tea. Within a few minutes canse of the Outbreak in question ranks and out into life. Their young- more than two hundred of those who hardly seemed in doubt frorn the first. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills:. The first ,er brotners. are first-class Scol.q$; partookof the stew complained of ,diz.. This incident- indicates very clearly few boxes did not seem to halm me but some of their nephews are enrolling as ziness, sickness or a feeling of sick- the danger of food'poisoning from my wife asked sue to continue their tenderfoots. And :these- thoneands of ,ness, „colic and tightness in the throat. sources outside the Toed itself. Of use and I got four boxes more. Befase boys have and are "massing gond", in There was - some diarrhoea, but no course ,the danger from contaminated these were gone I could eat a fair himdrecis of wallss 01 lite—many es double. vision. The niedical officer in food such as occurs in infected meat, meal, the numbness was leaving me them -"walks" which were discovered charge of the .institution at once ad- hams soaked in brine, Cambridge Sau- and 1 was feeling nrach better in every to them through their association with ministered doses of bianauth. and chalk" sages, etc., cannot be lost sight of., way. I took the pills ter a while long- •, the Boy Scout Movement:" er, and felt that I was again a well That is the strongest argument that , can be advanced why Ontario hou1cl • continue h:er whcileheartednsupport of Scouting. Queen Mary Keeps Gems in Palace Strong Room. Queen Mary's 'jewels have long been the envy 'of many of, her Wealthy pub- ,: jebis and probably of :Mast of the Old 's World queens. What their- full 'value is ,it .is irnPossible to estimate. The • gems given her when she was -married are estimated tohe worth mare . than: 4500;000' and :during the last thirty e years on every birthday the King' has added ,costlyspsesents. , Daring visit' of the 'King' and Queen to India s:everal Indian,Princes made the Queen many handsome gifts, Principally pearls. Diamonds, how-• . ever, are her. .favorite - gems. Her . jewels are kept in a strong .room .Buckinglidist Palace,' which'svas design; • ed by the late King Edward VIL when Caine -to. thethrene. The, shelves of this .romn, are .lined ithewhites velvet and the jewels' are so arranged"that the Queen can quick- ly 'obtain just :the onnaraents she -Means to wear for any 'oeciasion. • Smaller. safes .,lately have been • placed .Windsor (ifte,tle; 'Balmoral ,encl.Yerk cottage to inure - the safety - the ' Queen's -gems' while; she .,is at • ,any of these' places. The 'keys are in the possession�f the queen and ars 'only haribled to the,lady-in-walting Who Is on dtity when. required, . . Mari calls .it freedorn, and.. it'inaliesi bitri free to be niero 'brutishthan, a brute can be --Goethe, A. Swiss naturalist, has, recorded the Nate*, of a pike that, was '207 years .eld, Corp are. knownielive for many )'ea, an , the, ,only two or rtf3inches a -Year. The 'salmon, on e Other hand, grows rapidly and dies :s1 i' Minard's Linlmeht tieed by-Phyfilelane, THANKFUL MOTHERS ieThousands Of mothers throughout Canada—many of thtam your, aeighbers =speak with thankfulness, concerning the uss Of Baby's Own Tablets. Once they have used the Tablets for *their lit- tle ones they would use nothing else. The Tableta are an ansolutelY, safe medicine for even the 'youngest baby,, ..being 'guaranteed by, a government artalyst"to contain neither opiates nor narcotics or other -harniful drugs. Con- cerning them Mrs. David,. MeRobb, Divide, 'Sask.,says:—"J have used Baby's Own Tablets and have found them- so, satisfactory I would not :be without them.", The. Tablets, are sold bymedicine dealers or by mail at -25 cents, a box from The Dr. Williar1.1S' NiedlCine Co., Brockville,, Ont. . A Modest Request. Miss Bug --"Oh, Mr. GlOwworm, my ring dropped down that creels and it's dark clown there. Won't you light it up and help me leek?" MONEY ORDERS. • It is always safe -"to send -a Dominion press Money Order. Five doyars Costa three teute. • In smite countries frogs are used as barometers. The species employe for this purpose is he green tree frog. They are placed1ntall /lass bottles with little wooden ladders, to .the top of which they elinib in fine weather, descendirm at the approach of bad. ' His First Tiiought.4 of the good ,youl'inight .have done- with' the money you lost in gambling." "Yes,. I might 'havn bought a new .pack of dards," Forest Reservation. Forestation and preservation. of forests have for hundreds of years' „ been of vital concern, s to European countries, but in the 'Gritted States and Canada the nattnral, forest resources' have been so great that 'national , in- terest itt these matters has been rather muid Yet tlie steady and ever-increas- ing consuMption of forests in the mak- ing of lumber and the enormous yearly wake through forest fires and inetilelent , , methodS of cutting and ',prepar- ing lumber sound impressive warnings that the fOreste wllinot last forever It we Pursue a course ef cerelessness- and wasteftiln.ess. If' adequate fercst re- sources are, to be _preserved , for the benefit of t,he future, intelligent eff�rts at conservation and the reduction of waste must be persistently carried for- , Ward. , Man. I still take the pills occasionally, but have had no return of the old trouble." You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams,' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Schooner of the Desert. Among the questions put by a teach- er of a national history class was this one: What is a dromedary?" At first no pupil seemed to know, but finally little Robert rose to the oc- casion. ' - "I know," he explained. "A drome- dary is a tweenasted camel." • True genius is the -power to see a little clearer and a little deeper than most other people. Character can always be judged by 'the way men and women play their games.—Mr. T. L. Taylor. • ok totYour Eyes Beautiful eyes, like fine teeth, ore the', reitift of ,conscant, care. The <hats we of Murtne 'makes eyes clear and radiant. Enna:able. Harmless. Sold and recommended by nildruggists • . UR 11441.E" A EYES 0:0/0 izawtmeltome.., , AI! — Keep' Stomach and Bowels Right ' By giving bitby the hLrmlcss, p,”•ms• ly vokettibi e, I nfantsi an d children!sieatstater. • NSIM'S SYRUP e;enes astonishtie,,icretifeingeeelts i4RS.WI 10 malting ba& eteniech d,lseet' food end. ' bowels move as they-dionktatIeethins timo. onarantietiltoe fmrotIancairdr0i,:Sn tetes,alco;olitlal hnrfuii::ed ent.sa0nd• ^ At All rtitalatita,- RS YOUrsIG GAINS THIRTY-FOUR LBS, F)eclares Tanlac Restored Her When Stomach Trouble Had Almost Wrecked Health. weighed only a hundred and four- teen pounds, my face was sallow and 'sunken and I was' thin as a rail - since tatting. 'Paula° I weigh one hun- dred and forty-eight, have the rosy' cheeks of a school girl, and enjoy good health for the filet time in fifteen years." 'fills remaritable statement was niad,e recently by Mrs. Bella Yeung, 9$ Cathcart St., Haannton, Ont. "The last year of my sichnese I was near a nervous breakdown, and my ap- petite was: so poor even the odor of .food s:onietimes nauseated me. Head- aches, pains in my stomach- and back 'nearly set me wild and I would walk the floor for hours. I got so weak I could bardIss stoop over to 'lace my shoes, and my housework was, a bur- Taillac treatment gave me a wonderful a,ppetite, built me up till friends wondered at my great change, and I always: feel strong and well. I will never cease to praise Tanlac." Ta.nlac is for sale by all good drug- gists. Accept no substitute. Over 37 •million bottles soici. • Tanlac Vegetable Pills are Neture's own rernedy for constipation.. For sale,sev e ryw h ere. If you would climb to heights sublime,, GiVe.,my .adVice a- trial; Don't drift and shirk, 'Butt' in" and work, and . SMILE! SMILE! SMILE!, • —Margaret Emerson. 600: thc R.14, ,o 'Ano or:e titaira" to: "'wow Is porn„ nt:„ ate.: 1 fanning. Sneeeas ,Self-Reilant p 41, An Eriglish chaplain at Atbens, wrIb I in the London Times says that of the refugees from Asia Mincr the Ar- menians show • the greates,, aptitude for' self-lielp. "Just outside Alberts' is a village of Armenian` refitgeQ,s, who turned to and mado tmid bricks in the , autumn sun while others sat and said, 'Our Hope is in licaven arid in 1,011!, As a -result those peoplo now have house's; sehdol of their awn 'building, a well of their own sinking, even a mayor of -their own electing." Always strive to appear at your Give the world your brightest thoughts, your most courteous speech, the ,outcome of your kindest impulses and purest motives. , selnerica's -pioneer D.oig Rem:adie• u 13°6'2 c`r! DOG DISEASES and Bow, to Feed Mailed 10.2,p to any Ade dress by'r.the Author. le. clay Glover Co., Intl 129 West 24th Sti•eet Nsiv rorlt, Attraetive:'Proposition • For ,roan with all round weekly , newspaper experience and, $400 „ • or $500., Apply Box 24, 'Wilson •Phl)liel-tieg Co., Ltd., 73 Adelaide . Street West. •4. FOR SPRAINSi CUTS, BRUISES, SWELLINGS Use the Old Reliable. ,• Don't wait for Someone to he in pain to get Kendall's Spavin Treatment in tho • house For all external hurts and palms --for 'all muscular troubles. Kendall's SpavireTreatinent makes good. LL'IMASTON, Sask., December .0L,1921 _ 'Please 'send my-a e one copyour TILEA'XISE TEE . PIORSIL 1 have used your Kendall's Spavin Cure for over 'eleven years and found It onoof tbe best liniments 1 lave ever m sdfor all kinds of sores.. (Sistred) 31, zua,k1,1,? Get &bottle at jour druggist '3 today. • Regular forHarseTreattnent,-Rejine(i I for H,uman use. D. B. .1. KENDALL COMPANY, Erroplaufp,Fall, Vt., U.S.A. 'LLS, SPAV1N 1" E he -spent 27 years within the Arctic circle without ever .being "Out." To him is given. thee credit for the dis- • covery and exploitation of the Hinters • lancis.of northern -Canada, where 'along the 1ViaCkenzie River 'he- spent many years. He is a fellow of the Royal; Society of London and a member of the Explorers' Club of New York and London. • M Mardis Liniment for sale everywhere Horse Sense. A fool and his horse should soon be parted. There's no fool like a horse -whipper. Frightened horses will be frightened horses, , Kindness has power to soothe the horse's breast. Hurt ine,_ hurt my horse. Never put oft till to -morrow caring for the hoof that causes limping to -day. A little freedom now and then is re- lishedhy the tamest steeds, It's a wise horseman who occasion- ally indulges bis mount Horses 'sbould be guided, not coerced. „ Gentility loves the company of hors es. Sympathy is the soul of horseman- ship.—Edmund J. Kiefer. Content makes poor men rich; dis- content makes rich men poor. Lift Off with Fingers • Doesn't hurt 0; ,bit! Drop a little "Preezone'l on an aching cora, instant. ,ly that corn steps hurting, then shortly .you lift it right off with tInpers. truly! YOur ,druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a le'icr cents, sufficient to remove every, hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toe, and tlid lusee, vet:lieut. porenese or irritation. I8StiE No, 22—'21, • vSi3Efl!S. ' ACHES AND PA1 S anished After Using Lb31:1 E. Pinkhm's NTgta1* • Compound ,‘Branchton, Ont.-- "When I wrote to you‘ for help nay action was mostly prompted by curios- .ity. I wondered if I, too, would beriefli • by your Mediel/14. was the most profit:4 able action I have eVer taken, I heart- ily assure you, for through its results I am relieved of, most of my sufferings. I have taken six boxes of Lydia E. Pink - h arn's Ve ge tab 1 e Compound Tablets and a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Medicine, and I can honestly say I have never been so well before. I had suffered from pains and other troubles since I was fifteen_ years old, and during the 'Great War' period I worked on munitions for two years, andy in the heavy lifting which my work called for, I strained myself, causing pelvic inflammation from Which I have suffered untold agony, and I often had to give up and go to bed, 1 had doctored for several years without getting per- tnanent relief, when I started to take your medicines."—Mrs. GOLDW1N MTS- ENER, 33ranchton, Ont. Write to the Lydia E,Pinkharn Medi- cine Co., Cobourg, Ontarim.for,afree copy ofooLkyudpiaonE4 Airie Pihnkhnatnsv f Piroimvae. tue ,Texot- Bj Hard, Large and Red. Cuticura Healed. "My face broke out with pimples that were hard, large and red They festered and scaled over, and itched and burned—c'ausing me to scratch them, I tried several different rem. edies but they did not help any. I read an adeertisement for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and purchased some, and after tieing them about a month 1 was completely healed ' (Signed) Miss Catherine .1. Carter Aberdeen Hospital, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal- cum promote and maintain skin pu- rity, skin comfort and skin health often when all else fails. earepleEeehrreebyUsil. Address: 'Lytasza,thn• !tad, 814 St, Paul St., NV Ziontresl." Sold every- where. Soap 26e. Ointtnent 26 and Mc_ Talcum 25e. 0V81'tuticura Soap shaves without Mils. amornam.o...•••.....••••••••.". :UNLESS you see the name ,4'Bayer" on tablets yoti are notletting Aspirin at all Accept only an "nobrokerx package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," whith contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and Proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism, Toothache Neuralgia • Neuritis Earacte Lumbago Pain, Pahl llandy "Bayer" boxes of 1;1 tablets—Also bottles of 24 and 100--Dr1dgistS. ti, trnde mork (iTI'S1ti'A`ne: in 0$0r90o.) at, 'tapir /tiftneftie6im funttoftoidester at sotionettois, whot is welt Ithown that ssootesst-ntssen,Eikpir manufacture, to a thb PlIVIO, against inetatione, tee rateeteeeeezteer voi*emer, will bg,:i steemee with their, eelibrpa -tress mask, :0,1* ''"Nritste* , . 5 s