The Exeter Times, 1923-6-7, Page 4LINE 923
a ruling of tho Dept, of Educe
atm, pupile are granted Lewer School
Standing on the results of tests held
by the local teachers. Any pupils
tailing have the option of writing
the Departnaental Illxaminations.
Nealy all the pitpils in Exeter miss-
ing a, subjec or subjects are taking
advantage' of this option. The per-
centage of passes is about. that of last
year, and if the pupils make a num-
ber of ceedits, as expected, last year's
refnalts will be equalled or surpa,sseel.
The following have takei the en-
tire group oe this form, Art, Beta11Y,
Iiistory,'Geography. The list follows,
not inorder of merit:
Marion Biseett, Gladys Fulton„
Irene Lampert, Florence Marchand,
Elle Morlock, Mildred Murphy, Vio-
let Murray, Meta Salter, Lloyd Foote,
Gordon Fowler, Arthur Frayne, Geo-
rge Frayne, John Pryde, Harry Snell,
Harry West, Irene Frayne, Nona
The following have obtained Bot-
any, Hietorye Geograpley: Robert
Gambrill, James Penrice, Aljoe San-
ders, Walter Spencer, Oscar Tuckey,
1-1trold Whyte, Wilfred Allen, Marie
, Art, Botany, Geography: Mildred
Fl•istory aiicl Geography: Ernest
MeNichoe elfai'garet' Johns,
Art and B o tarty: Verne Kleinf eld t, .
illia.ri Ford.
•'Art: Rota 31/Iworthy, Ada,. Mitchell.
Tile following from Senior forms
have coinpleted the folloeving sub-
jects indicated: Art, Bruce Tuckey,
Grace Chapman; Leonard Greb; Ha-
zel Kestle. . •
Art and Botany, Evlyn Whitlock.
Botany, HelenD1.gnan.
The follbwing have taken the: full
group of four; Zoology, eterithinetic,
Grammar and Physiography.
(Not in .order of merit.)
Maud Millar, Marguerite Aldworth
1.):11111. *Joey, (yiede 'Tninbull, Olive
Wood, M'atignerite Hackney, pliza-
both Heiniltoh, Alvin Alexander,
Crescent Daymart. John Clilfill•an,
Leonard Grob.
T -he following have the full four
with 'the ,Latin Grammar option for
Granamar: F,rancis Abbott,
Beavers, Grant Coilingwood,
Tout Prytle, Verne-ROulston, Charles
Cantiebelh-Hernian Hodgson, Howard
- Zoe:log-Ye Arithmetic, Physiography
-Garnet Johns,,Harvey- Pollen, Benson
TuCkey•n'Gareleld Thomson.
• Zoology, Grammar, Pleystegraphyn
ikaze.1 Hackney, Percy,' McFalls,
ZolifOgy, Arithmetic, Grammar:
Elsie Gardiner, Wanda Von. Wasein-
Zoology and Grammar: Helen
'Andy, Ella Knatz.
Zoology: Hazel Kestle, Frecl Ford,
Florence AValter.
.he following, Senibr pupils have
compber'ed tJae following subjects,:
Latin, EnIferveartl, G. Hind, T. Mills,
Joilee, Statham, Benson Tuclteje
lise "-fervor.
rene Stewart,
.A.rithnietle; G Francis, L Murray,.
Milla Cornish.
Physiography; Ruth, Lamport, ,
puBtAo sonpot REPORT
The following 13.,S the May report.
based on test •eimniitnations iri all sub-
jects of the coursee—Sr. 4—lionars,
Eugene 1-19-wey 48, Ean.a Russell 80„
Frank Creech 80, Merida I-Iowey 76,
Hugh 75; Pass', Florrie West
73, fCathleen 1-leaman 73, Marjorie Clark
70, 'Peddle Taman 70, Mazjorle Medd,
69, ,John Kuntz 68; Jack), Gamlarill 66,
Reggie 13eavers 63, Eva Bette 60, Jas.
Connor 59, Muriel Howald (absent).
jr. Bakbr 82, Vera
MockneY 79, 1-11leli blinn,eyi /8, Vera Mc-
Donald 77, Dors Salter 77, ' Harry,
Jennings 75.
Pass—Edith Walter 73, • Harold
Skinner 72, Aida McDna7d 71, Stella
Northcott 71, Irwin. Ford 70, Greta
Bloomfield 69, Sydieey West 69, Wa-
netta Nelson 68, Catherine Woods 66,
Annie Simmons • 64, Irene Dialling 63,
Clifford Hutchinson 61. • No. on roll 34
average, attendance 33.5.
G. S. I-Iowa:lei, Principal.
Sr. III—Roy' Batten, _84; Grace
Chambers 8,0.• • teneene paSsmore 7 7 •
1.-tethleen, 76; • Baden, 'Powell, 76; -
Pass Alvin PaSsiuore 72; Wilma
Kaye, 7 0 ; 'Vein aye, 7 0,; Gem:gine
Nelson, 69; Madeline Dearing, 68;
Hilton. Laing, 66; Stanley Walter,,,
65; Willie Sanders, 64; GOlda Wells,
68; Myrtle Beaver, 60; Winnie
60; Geo. Webster, 48. 4. •
Jr. III—Honors, ,Geraldine Burke,
79; Gladys Hunkin, 78; Fong Ying
Wee, 79,; Russell Snell, 75-; Mary
\Veils, 75. Pass', Willie Balk:will,
71; AVellie Ellerington, 71; . Chas.
Dodder, 71; Clarence Boyle, 71; Hel
en Penhale, 70; Clifford, Lamport,
69; Violet Gainbrill, 68; Sean Wal -
pee, 67; Russell Collingwood, 66;
Dorothy Dinn.ey, 66; Harold Mac-
donald, 66; Lilian Payne, 64; Roy
• Sanders, 61; Nelson Wells 60. Rosie
Jennings, 5-8; Mabel Snell, 5 Geo.
Andrew. 5411; Loretta, Little, 52; Or-
val Eeaver, 4'4; Verxie Brimacombe,
No. enrolled 42, Aver. atten. 40.2.
Jean S. Murray, teacher.
1100A1 IbI.
3A--Hatiors, ikladeline Stewart 85
Grace Christie 83, Raymond Pryde 83;
Gladys Hutchinson 81. Gladys Smith
86, Simmons 7-6, Gerald •Skin-
ner 76, Hazel Bloomfield, 75; Pass, Lois
Statham 74, Ilene. le'estie 73, Maeg,aret
1'urtl.n. 72 jean Sher e 70, Ruth Col-
lingwood 65, Lloyd Freckletan) 62, Hel-
en, Vale 62.
• Jr 32-24onors; Bachanao 39
Harry Cole, 38, Joseph- Jackson 87,
Waelace, Seddon 87 Clayton Batten 81
Mergueniee Bloomfield 80, Joseph
Clench 78, ,ftuih lealkwill 77, .Grafton
Gar -bran,: 76, Hugh Weeper 75, iCen-
neth Weed 75 Margaret Ellerington 74
Richard Trumper 74, Billy Nelson 72
Dorothy Cox 72, JustinKuhn. 70, Helen
Stanbury 66, Mary Cann 62, Helen,
Heywood 60. , •
Form 2, Sr. ---Pass, Jack Hedden 73,
Muriel May '69 Kenneth Vale. 67,
Stella Little 60. °
Number enrolled 42; average attend-
ance. Ai. Kinsman, teacher.
czamatWxam.ratuetwaramaraetemanwukunoon....nws.c...,..rumscurts oamooleadosamoira
venl'Arlt, no spod your
n, whe you_ use
7zr...ritar ,4..musgzsmasmc- rEamommzro- - Nam=
pROOF that the Ford is recognized as
24- a farm necessity, is shown by the
- fact that when the Committee on Agri-
cultural Conditions investigated theprices
of things entering into farm production,
they investigated the price of Ford C;ars to
the exclusion of every other make of car.
• ases
ren-neneecomeeerne CANAOA. t.,1p11r5o. r...0;10. ONTARIO
Ar Opportunity for 'Cultural Study
School teachers, extrameursxl, regular and special students
are invited to come for SiX" weeks' Surruner School, which opens
July 2,nd, General D. A. and 1.1onor R. A. courses are offered.
English, Mathematics, History, Philosophy, Languages andl
Natural Science3--20 courses in all. Special c)orso In Geology,
includIng Geography and Physiography retpilretl by Depart -
"went el regulations, Low fees. is
• Apply Il.egislrer, London, Ont.
if! een.
neel 4t1 e
100M II
Staltding based on daily work.
Sr, II a—Honors, Helen Salter,
SG. Pass, Teddy Wetheiy, 70; Harold
Appleton, e; Viola flodgsen, 67; Al -
mer Hunitin,
Sr. II b—lionoee, Marion Davis,
83; Allan Fraser, 78; lillorence Corn-
ish, 76; Jean Penitele, 75. Pass, Bil-
ly Bunke, 65;" Mildred collingwood,
(iO;Aldon Appleton, 60.
Jr. II a—Honors, Etah Clark, 87;
Dorothy Davis, 85; Ruby Stone, 84;
bonnie Jennings, 82, Pass Chester'
Cornish, 61.
Jr. II b—Honors, Lois McDonald,
85; Marguerite Cann, 84; Marjorie
Complin, 82; Mervyn Sims, 81. Pass
Allan Quance, 63; Eldon ICading, 60
Sr. I gir1S---Honors, Ruth Fraser,
9 7 ; „Florence Stewart, 91; Jean Ross
90; Vera Kestle, 83; Sean Pilen, 82;
Dorothy Luker, 79,
..Sr.. 1 boys—Honors; Billy Cham-
bers, 98; Tom Ellerington, 95; How-
ard Kerslake, 9 2; -Kenneth Hockey,
90; Jack Stanbury, 35. Pass Jimmy
Sanders, 73'; Eddie Ward, 72.
Jr. II—Honors, Adeline Stone, 89;
Eileen Snell, 86; Mavis Spencen• 85;
Billy Walters, 76. Pass, Teddy Bat-
ten, 74;. John Payne, 73; Irene Col-
lingwood, 72; Stanley Ward, 68; Al-
lan, Nelson, 67.
eNo. enrolled' 45, avdr. a‘tree. 43.2
Nellie 11Iedri, teacher.
Clas.s.„5—Honers, 'Reba Simmons 92,
Jack Pievcie 88, Raymorid•'1Freckl.eton
88, Irene Mooney 86, May quanee Sb,
Inleere Cornish 83.
Clase, 4 -Honors, AIWY TrilmPen 91
"Seldon'BuChanari Se, 'Helen "N„Valper
Cliagliei'kCemplin 87, .IVIargaret Taman
35, Rex ,Creech 81; Pass, Ray Hutch-)
I:sore 74, '
Class 3 --Honors, Iran Collinew,00d, 84
Hazel' Clark 83, Verdure Well; 81, Ed -
Ito ,Cann Si; Pass, .Harry Penhale 74,
Fred Ellerington„70, Harry Beaver .68.
Claes 2—HonorS, Rowe, 1)inin.ey 92,
Grace Baker '84; Clifford Heywood 83,
1\ilary Sims 75; Pass, Patsy Martini 70.
Class 1A—Honors, Warren SanderS
75; Pass, Gordon Appleton 70, ViviaTi
Elliott 68... Jack 65, Phy114'
Bierling- 63; Elizabeth Foote, 60. B—
PaSs Rayiuoacl San'th 70 Norval „Jones
68, Jessie, Jennings 63, Charlie S,nell 60:
C—Pass, Ivan Webber 70,Mary. Van.
Camp •67, 1,-farry K.estla 65, Lloyd Stan -
lake 64, 'Rabe= Hunkin 61, Fltirence,
Snell. 60. .
Nurnber 'enrolled 44;' -average at=
te,ndanCe, • M, Taylor, teach -Or.
A. Cudmore; 2nd Lice Pre0., :\Ire• G.
Etherington; Sec'Y-Troase. 71355 N.
Keddy; 41..s$'„See'y-Treas„, Miss T.
'Strang; District Director, MieS H.
Keddy; Branch Directors, MIS. )2Vni•
Welsh, Mrs, A. Mitchell, Mrs. H.
Strang; Auditors, Miss A. Case, Miss
K. Sanders; Program Com., Mrs, L.
Reynolds, Mrs. A. Mitchell, MiSs A.
Case; Floral Coin., Misses Dorothy
Armtsrong, Gretta Case, Carrie Oke;
Pianist, Miss Anna Jeffrey, The
next meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs; Rundle on June Sth,
'When a special speaker will be pres-
W. G. 111.EDD 1$ IL P. 0. 01101016
Elected on First Ballot over Andrew
Hicks andW. D. Sanders:
At the U. F. 0. Convention in Hen -
salt on Thursday afternoou o -f last
week-, Mr. W. G. Medd was elected
to carry' the standard in the coming-
Provinciab election. The ,farmers of
South Huron did not uphold the ac-
tion of Mr. Andrew 1-hcks, late U. F.
gainst,.ftwhip, Pr e erD r til.leye,euatitchlolataigghtliee
delegates in Mr. Hicks', neighbor-
hood- were scilid ,for him. Three
• names went to the convention and
thcAirst ballot resulted in. -102, votes
for Mr. Medd; '6 6 for )Zr.. Hicks and
2 1fel. W. D. Sanders.
- Mr: W. G. Medd,,Presidnt of the
was chairman. Twenty4three
names were placed ,on the homina,-
tion, but all withilrew with the ex-
ception of the three namealready
mentioned. Following • the nomina
tion Mr. Medd withdrew -fieom the
chair and Mr. S. J. Pym was appoint-
ed to his place.
IVIr. Hicks was given ,twenty min-
utes to speak but the time was too
limited for him to go into the °de-
tails he desired and many of the
things he wanted to say were left un-
said. Mr. Hicks did not "break any
new ground” but he reiterated his.
charges that Mr. Drury had sought
to -leave the U.F.O. to enter the king
government. . „
Each of the candidates were iTen
five nininutes. Mrs. W. G-lenn, one
Of the .nominees, attacked -My. Hicks
very strongly.
,The result of the v-dting was re-
ceived With great enthusiasm and
Mr. Medd ;asked ior a 'few minutes to
Consider; gust on giving his decision
•to accept.- tha noMination he'was a-
gain heartily apPlauded.
Those who were placed in nomina-
tion were:, G., Layton;. returning offi-
cer, Wm Black and I Scott absent.
The'others were: W. Archibald, Mrs.
Glenn, W. ID..§anclers, W..G. Medd,
R. J. Nacifillan, 0. Jarvis, A: Hicks,
F. WelSh, J.:.La,porte; „Mr. Westlake,
S., Tugs., N. 'Clark,
Mrs. T." SmillieMr71...Caron. H. Tyn-d
deli 0 Elopp Elmer Rilopp 'and ae.
Elliott. -All withdrew ex.cept Messrs
Sanders, -Medd anch.IIMI.P.
SCHOOL REPORT Old. S. S. 2,7:0.
4" LIsborrie for. th111
e- 011til' •
besed on. daily Vo-rk and s,
Sr. IV.; Lula Flunte,r 81, ;i\lainorie
Hunter 61; Sr. EL, Ma,rforie Westcotf
76, Harold Mitchell 71, Doreen. West-
cott 64, George Thomsori 64, Gerald
Ford 54, Lily_llunter 50; Jr. Ili., Mazy
Hunter 67II
,; Jr.-.; Ila Hunter '80, Jean
Colt es Rok Hunter 60,-1 _A:rch.e
Thomson o2,-; fa:. INobl
., Wilbert e 89 ,
Bessie Coates and Melba .1\l'oble 75
Florence 'Mitchell 74, Arnold Ferd 5
Norma litinter 36; Primer, All an West
cott 992, E Luxton 75 1)onuid
, ,
Noble 50, Noenrolled 22; average
ettendance 20e3
I L. M. Davit, teacher.
The following is the report of S.S.
No. 1, lisborne. foe the month. of
V;,,C1.—Ida.y-belle Strang_ 68.
Sr. IV ----Honors, Norah Oke, 81;
Loreen Dunn, '75. Pass, Pearl AVood"
- .1VIervyn Cudinore, 71; Melville
Down, 7,1; Harold Horton, 69; Hew-,
son.Hill, 68; Helen Moly, 50; Hare
vey Hyde, 40. e -
Jr. IV --Pas, Verna Oke, 65;
Maurice BOa; 30.
Sr. III—Honors, Kathleen Strang,
. .
Jr. 'Reta Oke, 80;
Jack Horton, 79; Archie Etherington
75. . Pass, Joe Moyeart, 72; Eva Boa
64; .Geo. Boa, 63; Mervyn Dunn, 60;
Violet I-Iyde; -60.
Sr. ,II—Hienors, Pea,r1. Moir, 87; .
Marie Squire, 85; G.-ordon Block, 65:
Jr. JI—Honors, Bernice: Horton;
80; Alma Etherington, 78. Pas's,
Ruby Penhale, 82. -
Cl: 1—E1more Dunn,. '72';, Harold
Cudinoree' 71 .; 'Paul , Boa, 68. •
...Primer—Fern ,Welsh, RichldeEthe.
'erington.; Margaret -Parsons, Marjory
Oke; Douglas Stewart, Mary Stacey.
.No. onerolll 8; Aver-AU:en. 35. '
M. :Herten, teaelier.,
The annual meeting, of the Huron -
dale Women's Institute was held at
the home ofMrs. A. Morgan on Wed-
nesday, May 30. Mrs. Ben Case as-
sisted the hostess. The secretary
reported a succesSful year. The re-
ceipts 'from fees,:concert, floral fund
etc., ,a,jnounted to $296.60. The ex-
penses of concert, school fair, north-
ern fire relief, Federal W. I., etc, a-
mounted to $273.07, leaving a bal-
ance of 523.53. The annual picnic
Will be held -to Grancl.Bend on June
23rd. Tile invitation to Credilon to
'visit them on June 12th was accept-
ed. Tire following officers. -were eine-
ted; lion, Pres., Miss A. Case', Fres,
A. Ford; ist 'Vice Pres, Mrs -
There • is no .danger of one young,
man, getting MS arm broken crank-
ing his• car. Not long, ago lie parked
his car in front of'. ihe peat' office:and
when he .was ready td.go he turned
on the, switch and dame around in
front, of the ear and, gave the starting
Crank several, kicks, , ,The car 'didn't
sei. to want to ditart, but he kept
`givit en kinking 'until the, engine
popped ,noti afarted 'off: 11The Young
Mardnevar once tortched 11:18 hands to
the ctexik.
of the Tp.
of sho'rne; met , at the .ToWnshiP
• Tlie Municipal Connell.
Hall, 'on., June giach, All members
were presenh eliniites, of meetings, of
May 5th, were read and approved on
.motion of Hanna.---Sltanner,
• Tli:e menilaers of Council having
subscribed to` the necessary d :3olara-
,tibn, they 'resolved themselves into
a. Court of. R'evisionn-Tor the 19 2 3
ASsessinesnt OhniOtion of Steer-
eirt---Rallantyne.. Dogs struck off
having been destroyed, John Luk -
ton's Toni 'Bell's and Rafus Kestle's.
Samuel Smith's Assessment lower -
,ed from. $2.50 tt)$1.50,,
Changes of property; Roht. Wood,
pt 10, con. 6, 2 ac. to Geo. Kellett;
Wm. Nairn, lot 16, co8 15 to Jane
Court closed on motionof Skinner
—Ballantyne, the Clerk lieving been
authorized to make the necessary
Comnyenications, 10 Crmtinental
_Finance Corporation, the Clerk; was
instructed to return it unanswered
as being impertinent; re Die John,
-W. S. McCullough., coin ,re Registra-
tion of .births, that the Clerk notify
delinquent physicians;, re S. I-Iurou
Returning letter as to fixing
polling places . for the forthcoming
election The Clerk reperted his an-
swer, and, it wa,s read and approved,
- The Scott 'Drain Improvement Ile -
port ha-ving been received from -tlie
Hibbert Council, Was read, consider-
ed and provisionally adopted on me -
than of Iianna.---Bal,la,ntyne, and .that
the Clerk be instructed 'to prepare
the necessary By -Law, have same
printed and that a Court of Revision'
be held for the consideration of same
at Eliniville on. July 6th; at. 7 • o'-
clock, p.m.
Skinner—Stewart: That the fol-
-lowing bilis be passed and orders is-
sued for Payment of same: Corru-
gated. 'Pipe Co., ,Stratford, 6 culvert
1)11)es, $2 01.6 8 ; Municipal World,
Alunicipal supplie:s, 4.26; Thos. Hun -
kin, salary' as assessor, $100;„ Thos.
Morley; dragging Bidd. Etly. our
share, $2; Daniel E. Hicks, dragging
on Rd. 6 and 4 extensitm, 22;50;
Clerk copying 1922 AsiessmentlTtoll
for Co., 15,; Harold. Jeffrey,; work pn
Tp. Rds. $7;, John Hodgert, work 011
culvert Rd., 8, $2; Bert Boulter, work
011 Tp. Rds, 3370; WM. Moodie
work on Tp. Rds, 40.30; Frank O01-
lings, Rd. 7, nails for bridge, 70c;
John Johns, rep on grader; $15
Dinnittion Road Machinery, 0,, rep
for grader, 42.65 Carried.
Connell adjourned to 111003 Sett
day, Jilly• 7th, 1923.
"Come and bring your friends to
the play , "When a Feller Needs a
Friend.," in Brenner% Hall, Grand
Bend, Friday, Sth 'of June, under'
Tlieclford Dramatic Society. "If You
can't laugh,' don't come."
11f1', and IVIrs. Win. Ehlers, of Kit-
chener, visi„ted in town over the
week -end.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Wes. Wolfe and fam-
ily spent the holidaYin Seafortli.
Mr. Ira Tiernan, of Owen Sound,
spent Sunday and Monday with his
Mr. and Mrs. Art Doan 'and Mr.
and 'Mrs. J. England, of Thedford;
spent Sunday in town.
Mrs. Yager is this week visiting,
her mother in Sebringville.
Mips I3ea,trice C4raybiel, of Toronto
is visiting with 1151., parents.
Dersteine Of 'Saginaw, is visit-
ing laer mother, Mrs. Graybiel, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ireland, of Stratford,
and Mr. and Mrs. E. Flynn, of Lon-
don, were Sunday visitors at the
home of E. 'I'ieman,
Mr. C. W. Yager is visiting in. Kit-
IVIr.Lloyd Edighoffer, of Leaning
ton, spent Sunday and Monday at his
hoine here.
Mr. 'Homer Guenther, of Crediton,
and Miss Enolean Guenther, of Wind-
sor, were visitors at their hothe here
over the holiday.
Miss M'eta Sureras and friend, of
Stratford, ,spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. Otto AV.illert. •
Miss Every -spent the holiday at
her home in Mitchell.
1VIrs.,Fred ViTeiberg Sr., was badly
gored by a cow -in the field One day
last week.' She had her collar -bone
and several ribs broken and her
shoulder misplaced besides being
badly bruised.
1VIr. Benson Williams, north of the
village, who has been quite seriously
ill for some time is slightly improved
at time of writing. His many friends
hope for his speedy recovery:
Mr. Ferguson, west of the village,
had a -valuable horse killed by light-
ning on Monday last.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Pym visited at
Mr: Phil Murches on. Sunday last.
Miss Cdr,a Bell' who has been in
town for the last few weeks has re-
turned liome.
Miss Mary Herdman who has been
confined to the house for some time
with, a sprained ankle is slowly im-
Mr. Garfield Brock visited in the
village on Sunday. ,
Mr. .Ja.ckson, Woods who has been
nursing a sore hand is improving.
- Don't forget the seryice on Friday
evening at 8 o'clock. Mr. Armitage
it is expected will deliver his fare-
well address.
Mr. Penwarden visited in St. Marys -
on Sunday lat.
Mr. John Cornish and Mr. Geo.
Kellett are attending the Chosen
Friends Convention this week in;
Hamilton. '
NITS. Weston Horne who has been
ill is „improving.
Vionderft11- -Results
from Two Weeks
Mr. Btu:Tell suffered untold agony
from Sciatica, Rheuniatisrn and
Lumbago,—Dreco, the only , Rem-
edy that helped him—rapidly re-
gaining normal activity.
Tortured criielly by sciatica, rheu-
niatism and lumbago, Mr. F. Burrel,
of 59 Ottawa Avenue, London, like
many other workingpen .was forced
to hide his sufferings and carry on
with his daily toil. :He had a family
to support. Little did any one, 'ex-
cept his wife, realize the effort it
was costing him as he left his home.
each morning With only grim deter-.
mina,tion betwe,eu him and a break-'
down. A year and four months he
carried on without a change, though
medicine after medicine was tried.
Then Mrs. Burrell heard of Drcico.
Let her tell you of the wonderful re-
sults it achieved in two' short -weeks.
"M3.- huslaand suffered for the past
year and four months with sciatica,'
lumbago and rheuniatient Ile had
terrible pains across,. the back, just
over the kidneys so that at times he
,could hardly get areundee'.',4te wae
constantly. taking laxatives, his ap-
petite was miserable and very sel-
dom did lie get a restful night. Noth-
ing helped him until two weeks ago
I heard of Dreco and persuaded him
to try it. Now he is like e new man.
The pains in his back and limbs are
almost gone his bowels are like don
worlt and he sleeps likeatired child,
No other renletly has evcir gone to
tlie bottom of his troubles like Dreco.
It has wor ,ed wonders ant gladly
de WO praiee it."
Men and women of all ages and
conditions can once again ItnoW the
joy of a springy, painfree, healthy
body, by allowing Dreco, the natural
herb and root remedy, to tone and
regulate their whole system, its
pantie actioiCgives immediate relief
to the most obstinate eases of ,shini-
,:ach, liver, kidney end ititestinM dis-
DITCO is being speeittlly introtitnied
sc'1100:14 FAIR DATEs FOR 1923.
Pordwich, Sept. 6; Wroxeter Sept.
'7; Ethel, Sept. 10; Belgrave, Sept,
11; Bluevale, -Eipt, 12; St.' Ifetens,
Sept. 13; •Aslifield, Sept. 14; Carlow,
Seitt. 17; Clinton, Sept, 18; Zurich,
Sept. 19; Dasliwood, Sept. 20; Win-
chelsea, Sept. 21; Porter's I-1111, Sept.
22; Wingliam, 24-25; Walton, 26;
Dublin, Sept. 27; Blyth, Sept, 28;''
Varna, Oct. 1 Crediton, Oct. 2;
Grand Bend, Oct. 3.
the CT5° f.1.1111:eBVTRiISE°i OliY E
N °llterI V
() hearN
determine appeals and complaints,
respecting assessments, will Iiold its
first sitting for the year oh Monday,
June, 1923, at 7.30 p.111., at the -
Council Clianibers, Librai'Y 811/Iding
Dated this ,22nd day of May, 1923:
• J. Senior,- 1VInnicipal
Steamer Greyhound Excursion
to Detroit 1
12 1
and Return
\ \Slialleagalte
Only once a year
comes this glorious,
excursion to Detroit
—this opportunity to
Round Trip visit the amusements
there), eincl'do your
shoppinge-and" enjoy
the 'balmy lake ride', the danc-
ing, the meals, and the concert
• music aboard.
One Way
Leaving Goderich 9:30a. in., June 12.
the steamer Greyhound reaches Port
Huron 1:30 p. rn., and Detroit 5:30
ij p. m. Enjoy Detroit sights until
Thursday,June 14, at 1 p, m., when
return trip to Goderich i's made.
Last trip to Detroit leaves Goderich
,on Friday, June 15th, 9:30 a. ma.
Jane 11
LIGHT 25c •
Do not fail to enjoy the three hour moonlight
trip out of Goderich, Monday evening. June 11,
Iunder the auspices of the 33rd Regiment Band,
Finzers Orchestra for dancingaboard. - •
Incorporated 1855
Capital and Reserve $9,000,000
Over 125 Branches
In all departments every effort is made to
eliminate unnecessary formalities and to
assure speedy and courteous service to
Savings Departments at every Branch.
Deposits of 51.0 0 and upwards invited.
Centralia. branch open for business daily.
ourin to
A b.t* n. r
whatever it may be, will be more
easily achieved if you have creat.
ed a strong ally in the shape of a
Savings Bank balance.
It gives courage in present Aifficulties
anci confidence for the future.
No beginning is too small- and no
mOgno high.aaC'ect'unt to -da -v.
Capital Paid
Exeter prancht,c.,
' Crediton Branch
Dashwood Branch5
up $15,000,000
Reserve Fund $15,000,000
- M. R. Complin, Manager
L. Rutherford, Acting Manager
Head Oilice, Farquhar, ,Ont.
President, Wm. BROOK
Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON
JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent foi
'Osborne and Didclulph.
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for
Hibbert, Fulla,rton and Logan,
Secretary -Treasurer
Box 98 Exeter, Ontario.
Solicitor, Exeter,
Office over 1. R. Caritug's Lar
Closed every Wednesday afternocz
att. A. a. H/NSintiktif, 0.1:1.S„
Tionor, Cirstaluate of Toronto 'f.).:',.!,ver-
in Exeter. lay AV. S. ItOIVIAr, and is' Office over Gla an & Sianbury
sold by a eood drytegist river, ;1 .e
y office, Mnin Stret, Idireter.
We have ,a large amount of pr1vate4
funds to loan on ,farna and
properties, ,at lo;svest, rates of hal'
tenet. '
Barristers, Solicitors, * -
Main St, Exeter; ' Ottarie
PERRY 17. DOUPE, Licensed. Auol
tioneer. Sales conducted in' any 11309
ality.• Terms xsoclerate;', Orders 1e0
at Tinkers. Office will be prohiptiv
tended 'to. Phone 116, 3?irkton.4
Address Kirktol. P. 0.
13ye right! Don't riele
yoor materiel Bach pack-
age -of "Diamond Dyes" eon
-tains directiene 10 eimpio
that, any woman east
diamondelye a DOW, rich.
C0101' 11130 Old garmente,
drepotiee adenines every-
thing, ithetlier
linen, cotton or mixed goods.:
Buy "Die,moiel Dyes" ---no),
other kind—then peileet (1(631 010 are guaranteed O1811
.) you have nevOr dyed 'before,
Mruggist has "Diamoiel iOyed
'Geier Card" --.51 rieh eolem