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The Exeter Times, 1923-5-31, Page 4
41( it --�. � � rl, 111/I1%111111//i1%��'"l�T,�1i"TZ�'!�iT.g�;i7T1.•��l'. TA N 6Y: 5 ��I DON'T MISS THIS HAPPY 8 HOUR 'SAIL r on rs �Xc�I steamer Greyhound , G�d,eric'h to Detroit.( i and Return TUESDAy N E 1 4 ! ","wli!usgittevs, Only once a year SO comes this glorious = excursion to Detroit --this op ortunity ,to la : •. Round Trap.. visit the One Way and do ou r there a y . shopping—and en r 'n = o . 2 Y the balmy lake. ride 'the '(lanc- ing, the meals, and theconcert music aboard. { Leaving Go dericii9:30a.m. June 12, • the steamer Greyhound reaches Port Huron 1:30_ p. nn. and : Detroit 5:30. p. m. Enjoy Detroit 'sights until Thursday, June 14, at 1 P•. m..when return trip to Goderichis made. Last trip to Detroit leaves Goderich,;.. on Friday, June 15th, 9:30 a., In. Monday MOON. Soc eiiditav supe CFWILDRIEIM LIGHT 25c. Do not fail 'to.enioY the three hour moonlight trip out of Goderich, Monday evening. June 11. II` j under the auspices of the 33rd Regiinent Band. Finzel'a Orchestra•for dancing aboard. WHITE STAR LINE tSk»A ,:k', AMY gist, 1923 i. cOMMENTS Spring has not officially arrived until the early morning Ziy xop1aces 'tile alarm clock, t, *,, Fairy iPy stories do not always start with "Once on a time.,''They often 4 sta • With "I had to stay at the of rt Y $ee»" *** **' u** '**. There aro many dreadful diseases, but one of the most dangerous thinge to have is; the price of an operation. You can't keep success away from the man who, having done his bestt yesterday, turns in and beats it to- daY. N: �+K: **,v * :* **$ "So this ie. Paris," said the pros- pective Exeter" buyer as he snapped, the garter. *** *a+a+°'r•** *** If tilegroom is poor and bald and bow-legged, it is roznarrce pure and -u defiled. Girls now -a -days are like salads---. a great deal depends on the dressing. ,** *** ** *** If a certain anther were seeking rt o g a. title for a boob' td -day to harmon- ,ize with "Plain Tales from the -Hills," he might choose: "Fancy fro the Flats," and take his Talesni a , a plats fre,m the front pages of our • C da;riy newspapers.. 'ea* e e,n e** *;'i When a woman goes hi and asks for powder these days the clerk says, "Face, baking or gun." gemacvalt The Kentucky man who stole an auto, to go riding,will go nowhere now tor six months. *„ >r** *** A girl I hate Is Nora Bays, She sits and screams, At mystery laYs. *** *** >k** >m'$ Th onl., time a man ie Iea$0a1 at The y P having a woman kick, is when he ie at a musical comedy, *a* >**e $*a w** Found in a Nebraska paper: "Geo. Simpson is is $reatly improved atter being kicked by a horse. eiokne Drecod. Finds aood air *** *$* *** e**' DEFINITION; A poet is a person who In springtime writes a sonnet, And sends it to a lady, who Would rather have a bonnet. - ***. u.**"**3 Correct this sentence: "Although she had" wen a beauty contest, she was a great help to her mother at home." *** , ** *** A soft answer turneth away wrath but it has little effect on a- book a- gent. $1,* a;** s:s: If his feet and hands annoy and disnray him in society, Ile finds cont- fort in the thought .that he pis a'recl:: blooded he-man. "If you haven't, a telephone in your house, get one"' says an Exeter man. in a sarcastic nl.00d. "It is a great convenience to the neighbors." The Standard of Comparison �a u. s> mp 1011 Sport sour;. N -'t; odd1 a- 5 •eil:ae glance at this McLaugh-' lin-Buick six - cylinder sport touring car explains why so _., many discriminating motorists so ardently desire it. One country drive in it explains -why its owners are so enthusi- astic in i is praise. It fairly sparkles <-with light and color, and its beautiful lines are a delight to the eye. And its beauty is not just on the surface, because it is built on the famous McLaughlin -Buick chassis and powered with the famous McLaughlin.- Buick six- cylinder, valve -iii -head; motor. Its remarkably complete equip- ment makes it an ideal car for outings and country touring. STANDARD I`DA.RD EQUIPMENT Combination dim and 2u11 electric drum tcpe htmps Iwo cowl 1a.rupS Conn stn, an tail and lamp. 'vizii etcr fru 'inst rua: et t board lam trouble lamp, non dare headlight lenses. electric motor horn rear `vision inir- ra , transmission lock, cowl ventiator, windshield wiper, double bar spring steel bumper, radirneter•and gaso- line gauges on instrument 1•aar-d, running board scoff plates, 'combination double tire carrier, extra demdunt- - able, rim, walnut instrument board with recess i ineL,and laked compartment, walnut finislung::drips on doors, port- able locked tool cabinet in door, bevel plate glass wind- shield wings, cigar lighter. '131:316 ' ?'here Are 35 McLaughlin -Buick Models to Choose From J. Beer Exeter "FULLY QUIPPE " The Ford Car is "fully equipped". With the Ford Motor -Company "'fully equipped. ' does not mean unnecessarily equipped at high prices, with hon -essentials to motoring satisfaction. Seventy out of every one hundred people Who bought cars in 'Canada last year bought Ford cars and placed their' stamp. of approval upon this policy. COOK BROS., HblNSALL, ONT. . MILO SNELL, EXETER, ONT. 2222 F'ORiJ3 MOTOR ,Co1',tpANY OF CANADA S.f NIl7ED, Poem, ONTARIO n^e. u r In.: the ' old drays it was called a "Bandanna" and sold for ten cents,. now they' term it the Deauville Scarf," and soak you five bucks for. it. i'' roof A 1)uz• las' proof safe in a fireproof burglar building, which recentlyburned an New York, was Lound after the ruins cooled off, to have been opened and robbed." a:. * 1,** *** :!,*to • "Painting . the eyes is a very old fad," Sorrow, alcohol and jealousy. have been doing it from -tine imme- ' morias," e , y f 1 teachers,�i _.�" ax��a1� ,cAd speeial studente.have I:- opppet LUnit vo spend six weeks at the 'Western i7.rim9tt Summer School beginning 111 jid, y For ilaforraation apply i e' --, •�3esi:,,+ ..l-,:. 1'i -..v iu ley t� wY �_11y1y��,ir.�1 141 '.Y.14 r��/nv ..^,af. tri * *a* WHERE TO FIND THEM If they,want to take the thumb- prints of chorus' beauties, the place to find them is on the taxicab doors. *$ *** *** *** Tubi. CiTILL SOME DUE, SAYE LPTTT,E LOU His summer euit is worn pre-titheigh , His hat looks even bummer, "I'm wearing now," sings little Lou, THE EXETER TIMES pressing-Ito,;yolr our approciation of • your sei`yicoe, a s our choir"leader, " for the past four, yoars, We 'know it has meant at times a great sacrifice to you, but we' have all l eeu''inspired and helped by the servicesof ' the choir. \Ve splgridicl e believe that you have been glad to serve the church; because the world ... c ur e' everywhere is bl assedby those who give away trained talent:, We know we cannot adequately repay you for your work, but as a sliPlit mark of our appreciation, esteem and thanks, we ask you ` to accept ,these; gifts, trusting ' that ' Mrs. Hicks: and ' your- self will long enjoy then and cher isli. happy memories of your many friends in this community. The Centralia Congregation. THE PLOWER GARDEN IN SPRING • To all lovers of flowers, the gar- den in the springlis a most enjoyable e here • meets of ,'friends plate; ue , ,o d ,.. among the spring flowering plants, haswatched 'the which perhaps, one w )p n, developiuezt of for years. r . In many gardens, however, there 'is a dearth of spring flowers, but, as there are so many hardy desirable plants;` this could easily be' remedied if there is the desire ,to•do so. As soon,•as the .• snow is gone, one. may have the Snowdrop, Snowflake, Crocus, Chionodoxa and Scilla among bulbs„ soon to be followed by the Daffodils and Tulips. Hardy' Priru- ules Spon mingle with the bulbs as do the Iceland Poppy, Trilliuin,,Trol lius, Doronicum, Epimedium and other early spring flowers; -. while close behind are the Columbines, Bleeding. Heart, Sweet Rocket and Irises, and many Mothers. As one looks at the garden, as it. now is, one can picture how it would, be improved if, in another year there were flowers where there are no flowers now; whore yellow, red ~or white would add to the general ef- fect; where a low growing plant or. a tall plant would improve, the ,ap- pearance: of the ,border. As _one is liable to forget these. things after the spring has gone, a gooc' eleanne. to write on a ice'_,:., or 'Small ;piece of Rena c =halo of -plant whish is des- , lased in each place where Improve- ment can be .made, then when the proper time for planting arrives, if such a plant •is put there, it will not belong. before there will be a "nark ed improvement in the garden iii spring,` and this method can. he 'foli lowed . witli good results for the whole season. ' Let 0,11 who 'Lave flowers, then,' plan for improvement in thegarden next spring; a little-irnproveinent each year would soon result in a .- great change and; snrake the home grounds much more attractive, CENTRALIA • Mr, Powe, of London, visited friends .in and 'around Centralia on the 24th. Mr. Hill and Wife, of the West are visiting Mrs. Hill's brother•, Mr. W. R.4 Elliott. Mr. J. A. Dempsey, of Neepawa,: Man., is visiting; at the, Borne of his parents, owing to the illness of his sister. Me. Dempsey was the Liber- al candidate in lis constituency in the last Provincial election, aiid is regarded as one .of the best•platform' speakers in Manitoba. Mr. M. Fletcher who is- going ex-` tensively into hog feeding is erecting a large pig pen on '•-iris son Roy's farm. `The Farmer's Co-operative Co., is building an elevation for loading and unloading coal. The shipping of stall -fed cattle is about over here for this year. Byron Hicks shipped out on Monday about; 135 head, ;three loads of which" went to Glasgow. Mr. Blatcliforcl, editor of xthe Lis „ towel Banner, with ills wife and child• visited with Mr. Norman Mit- ehell and friends' around' Efentralia Friday and Saturday. Rev. Mr. Sinclair, wife and family who is a member of the Stationing Committee, ' left for Sarnia Monday moral :'.' Mr, John Essery', left Wednesday evening for Sarnia where he will be a delegate at the Methodist Confer- ence. The Ladies' .Asci and congregation East Friday eyening ,entertained tlie& b choir in < they lecture room of the church. Su;iiper was served at six o'clock, first to the ` choir, --their wives, wives, liutsbands and '?sweethearts. Atter all had parialren: of the good taings provided, and enjoyed some excellent ineisic s )Ceche„ were .made. 1 voicingthe appreciation of the ca pa- nl 1 leility and faithful work of tile choir leader in the service of song,' Mr, flicks tires: presented with an 'address ells hairs , a>'icl two`llantisor..c, b par. 5 and a 1peti-' esP,aal. The address was read by Mrs 1V. Bowden: IVIr. nicks made a,most,, excellent' reply. :Yellowing was the address: Conti slMa r 25th :1923. Mr, Andrew Hicks, Centralia. Dos r J+'rierrd :. 'We c t c, pienib'ers of the congrega- tion onp,r,gation or i.lie Centralia . Mel bocii is, 1, r... isl lr fast til :,; o a z � a° . • l. r 1 101 tat711t- of me=. DASHWOOD Dr, N. r, Schram and .family, of London,;spent Sunday in town. Mr.and' Mrs. ,a fes aud family of Sarnia, 'spent • the 24th at the home of Mr. Harry Kraft. Miss paid, of Bayfield visited with Mr. and "Mrs. J. C. Reid last week. Mr. Wm. Stir.e returned to Buffalo after spending ,a _ few days at his hone lier•.e Miss Hilda Snell,ofLo don ` visit- ed With her parents, a f ew days ays tli is week, M1. Waltei.Passold and Miss Ter ry of London and, lelise Verde Ias - soldrofC o ire wore holiday .vi mors at, the home of Mr. P. Fassold. . Fred Mr. Jacicsori' left last week for Paris. Mr. and. Mrs, J. .Eicit and family, of Ailsa Craig spent Sunday in town. :Mr..S.I1. Baird, local manage, rdf London': Bell Telephone; office visited the Dashwood office on,Tiiesday.,,and found all long distance traffic in first class condition. •, He also gave the office great credit on the manner in which they handled the long dis tdnoe traffic from Grand Bend last summer, passing through over 1158 long distance, calls in one ,month. WINCHELSEA `Wedding bells will ring shortly. , Miss Francis, of, Stephen, visited with Mrs. Heywood on Sunday. iVliss Emma Ileyiyood has returned Borne from Toronto. Mr. Chas:. Godbolt Sr., lost a val- uable cow on' Sunday. The Winchelseste -ertiairiei`j' are 1sn acv:' brick. smokestack. lifr. and Mrs. John, Hern Sr. spent Sunday with .Mr, 'Albert Scott. Sunshine' anniversary on Sunday last was -a splendid. success. Large congregations., were present both morning ' and evening. Rev. Mr. Thozupson, , of ,:Woodham, " ,,.preachect inspiring. sermoirs. •.The .choirfurn ished special music l: r. ELIMVILLE Mr. Wilfred Johns who underwent a.n operation ;in 'Victoria . Hospital; London, on Tuesday morning, May 22nd, was permittedby Dr, Hunt, to return honfe on SatMday as he is making a rapid recovery from Ant- rum trouble. f A number of Elimville boys' who are working in Sarnia were lionie for the 24th and Alex. Johan went with them when they -returned. • Farmers are busy preparing corn and robt land, Rev. Parnaby, of "Belmont, a, for- mer minister, called• on friends• in and around the village one' day last week. Be was 'accoiiipaneed' by Wire.' Parnaby and family. 'It is needless to say that all were: pleased to see }rine; 'as he made many friends while here, especially among the younger STAFF Ola'' LONDON' COMPANY I I dl ATIC .Ilv USBORNE A pr pefect day- greeted. the staff of the Ontario Loan and Debenture •Co. of London, for their Annual Picnic, 'which was held at the home, of. Mai: and Mrs, J ohr`' Cann, "Willow Grove, Farm," Exeteron the 24th'inst. Then icnicers numbering about 40 were conveyed to their destination lay, a motor bus and cars arriving there about 10.30, a.m. A streuu ons Bali gar e -as' then played be- tween the "Sparkplugs" and "The Gimps" resulting ina victory for the "Sparkplugs" by 11 to 6, Miss Chris- tie being captain for the Sparkplugs and Miss Slater far the Gunips,, At the conclusion of the game the, hurl-' gry crowd . sat,.:down to a delicious dinner, served under the May -time blossoms in the orchard, In the afternoon, a large program of. sports, arranged, by ,Messrs, Weir and Matthews, took place which were ' follow'. retested Tlrese were lrotl co Y ed by ' a, hike over ;, the hills and thfough the woods, where the brave- ness of the crowd was exhibited by catching a deer moose and smoking' out a woodchuck,.. The mein slot yet having sufficient appetite, put on`"an exhibition game of baseball umpired: by Miss' J, Rhynd. Another sirniptuous ` repast was. .partaken of while the orchestra on' tertaiied. After the hearty appetites' prizes y `were appeased. the well chos= p , � i weredistrib- uted114rs,T.G Wer y by Mr'. J. P.Dewan to the lucky winners. The program continued,,' on the hills by a'fine display of fireworks, supplied by Mr. C.`Merkley, after •which the ,crowd gathered around. d •fire where they roasted,weinei's and some real camp -fife songs were niucl appreciated together with selections frons Mr. Matthews on his';'likelele. The happy though tired and sun- burned crowd - then, returned to the city without any mishaps but too late to hear the midnight bells. Much of the success of the, picnic was due to the tireless, efforts of Miss Betty Macgreggor and Miss Pearl Cann, and the splendid - hospitality of..Mr.. and Mrs. Cann was thorough- ly appreciated. •. MEETING OF ILURON COUNTY COUNCIL The -Council of the Corporation of 'the -County .of Huron will meet.in the Council Chamber, Goderich;" at 2 o'clock in the afternoon -of Tuesday, the 5th day of June, 1923. All ac- counts against the -County must •be in . the hands of the Clerk nota later•. than Monday preceeding, the meeting. of Council, Goderich, May 21st, 1923.` GE O. W.• IIOLMAN, County;; Clerk., Mi_ Ea,enest Cowdry had the mis- fortune to have a runaway while breaking in a' colt one day last week. fortunately' no ;one was hurt. Mr. Will Johns, superintendent of our Sunday School is attending Con- ference this week at,Sarnia. Mr. Murch, of London, spent, the week with his brother Phil Murch, of the village. Mr. Wellington Bell, of Sarnia, visitdd with his pei'ents a couple of days last week. Mr. Will Stephen ysp,ent, the holi- day with his lady friend. Miss May 'Jones, Supervisor of the Sick Children's Hospital, London, yisited with hi's cousin, Mrs. Kelso i' Coultis on Sunday. Mr. Ed. Johns who has been op the sick list"is able to be around a gain. ZION Mrs. IIy. Towle is, able • to Pca- a' round'a 'again after her• recent.'illnes"s. Mr and 1',trs, Robert Taylor are visitin tlie'r g 1 son Arnolck,,at Detroit: 1Ir. II . Rern visited Mr. Ed- gar , v ted at, gar i+ anson's; Sunday.' • • BROWN --SR INNER NUPTIALS A.clu.iet wedding l.00lc place in Ex- eter one bV dnesclay of last week, when Miss Mary Edith, youngest daugliter of dr$, Saan'i Skinner, of Exeter, was united in marriage to. Mr, 131.1.' Brown, son of Mr, B. Brown,. of Stephen. The ceremony was per- formed er-i:allut,d at the James' St. ,parsonage,. at. 5 p.m, by Riv, a1, J. Wilson. The. beide—was dressad in a navy blue suit r'.. a sins carried rico bouquet of 'Oplletia mime.' "'A wedding supper was eerv- ! t the kionie of the bride's mother, at Which -a number of inrrrrediato rel- atives -were• pl'eeont, "Followed. 1)y o; r°cry pleasant evening, Mr, 0.011 Mrs: Tli-own will reside on the g r,Kent's, iCrediton. south southsouthoL FillOS Dr6o d. 6000 11116(116111C A London father to his sari; "An, i l,ad be contented ;with thy lot said keep uj,) the payments on IL" Western Canada Flour Mills .plan' �their to spend $40,0 0 0 zii r enlarging g g salt talant at Goderich. Instead of manufacturing two carloads of course salt a day, they"will manufac- ture four carloads and 'willproduce dairy and table salt. COURT OF REVISION " TOWNSHIP OF . SBORNI NOTICa hereby given, that, ]P t 's Y g t f Court of Revision of the Assessment atoll of the To R ;wnshi of Usbor:ie is.- . set for June 2nd, r at 12 o'clock, noon. in the lownsrii I a11, _Elz ill e . ro r Helrz• Stz al g "• Township Clerk. PUT AN END TO STOMACH TROU- BLE, ,INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS AND RELIEVED CONSTIPATION The • great herbal remedy Dreco, which was recently introduced` here, is growing daily' in popularity be- cause of its certain action on the stomach, liverkidneys, bladder, bowels and; blood. Its powers • are. great to ' relieve constipation, dizzi ness,,, headaches, gas on the stomach,' backache and' other 'symptoms. Many people are testifyingat to, the results obtained. A typical statement is as follows• . , Mr. Harris Strum, 58 West Street, I-Ialifak, N. S. says:— "I received very good, results fro n Dreco. The first bottle was se Sa;- isfactory that I bought two more and my condition is greatly ' improve 1. Nothing ever seemed to take hold like Dreco:' "My case is one of long standing, during which time 1 have tried `01- nrost' ever'ythi`ng. My feed would sour in my stomach and my kidneys and fiver, were a _const:arrt SOurco of trouble. T always had a, dutii, heavy pain across nay Back,' spots would float before my eyes, 3 tli!cd to' get terribly dizzy at times, and was ter- ribly troubled with c'onstipation', Since taking''. Dreco l am reg'alar,a any. nerves have been quieted emirs and 1 eat and sleep much beti�et'. 1)i -eco will always'' ;got a, 'good' word E1'onr e," j .Dreco is being specially introducid In Exeter by, 11r, S. 'I34:DR EY, trial is sold by a good druggist ever yivlzer c. Incorporated 1555 -Capital and'. Reserve` $b,o o;oo0 Over s.125 Branches, THE MOLSONS \BAN Special Savings Department 'are provided at every one of our Branches, and assure to our depositors prompt and, courteous attention. Savings Departments at every Branch. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards invited. Massa et,., - EAETEIi� BRANt7H ,S�.• 7C. S. WOO,DS , . g Centralia branch open for business daily., VICTORYLOAN _N COUPONS We will cash your Victory Loan Coupons or place them to your credit in our Savings Bank where 'they' will draw interest at 3% per annum. RO THE E CA ADIA 6 BANK QF COMMERCE Capital Paid up $.15,000,000 Reserve Fuld $15,000,000 Exeter Branch - M. R. Cosnplin,'Manager Crediton" Branch Dashwood Branch.) T. L. Rutherford, Acting Manager adailinElWEENTWEIREWandaMilMORIERMIMEIINNYMMEili a, ,"a•Wa lIt e,3. THE USBORNE AND HIBBERT P.AIIMIER'S MUTUAL FJRE IN ukt,, ' ANCE COMPANY Head Office, - Farquhar; Ont, President' • Wni. BROCK Vice -President, JOAN ALLISON DIRECTORS' THOS. RYAN •SIMON DOW ROBT. NORRIS, JAMES McKENZIE-. • AGENTS C'Y NTS JOHNESSERY Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Biddulph, • OLIVE' H, ' , nfor Hibbert, ARIRISFuliartoMuriron aiid LogaAgent: "' W. A. TU NBULL Secretary -Treasurer Box` 98 Eiteter, Ontario. GLADMAN & STA.NI'URY: Solicitors,'Exeter: MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of 'prix, ntais • funds to loan on farm and viilag1-' propertiee, at lowest rates 'of ine- terest PA a A,"- iItOULSTON, L:D.S,, Dh7Y\T TIST Office over I. 1'!. Carling's La office, Cl oed ,t w ve y �©slra.ms lay sa temu6Qa?* 7.,`j5fi" €lru'D-irst of Termite T1u°.ver- DRJ w'l SS' iilcrp over Olade an & Stanbiirj' otilce, Main Itreot, l ~'eter, GLADMAN & STANBUs.Y i Barristers, Solicitors, 111afn St, Exeter,` Ontario 1 PERRY P. IDCLUI E, Licensod Atm-) tioseey."- Sales conducted in aziy loci ality, Terautt .moderate, Orders left at TiniesOttleo will be promptly ate tended to. Phone 113, Ktr'ktom, Address Kirhtev. P. 0. p try. �t '. r y,r,. ��q pp {{qq//��,,��yypp��pp �qq DYET"'" �.�� 9JG1"AI'Ul4.51i11.> � r k)yo right i Don't risk' your material. Each pack- age of "Diamond ackageof"Diamond I)yess" con: r. tains� direct/ons b0 simple • that " ally woman can diarnotid-fly.:-.a new, color into - o111 garments, draperies, caverin;e+, every; tliru ', etiler irons, t)silk, linear cotton or 111r.,ea1 gbocb. Buy "Diamond J)gcd,'--nr:' other kind --titan perfect re - cults are utas 1(10cd overt i1T j i�ou have never dyed 'lioloi•er Jlrtigg ist bare `'I)tamend, 1)yc^;. color (3s.i al' -,' fi iii ea k r,