The Exeter Times, 1923-5-10, Page 77,7
Norman 3: Leach,: Executive' Secre-
tary of the -Ottawa Boy Scouts Assoc a:
tion, sailed ior•England on At til 20th,
order to ;spend two months studying
the latest Boy Scout and Wolf ,Cub
training inettlods at Gil.iwell-Pitrk, the.
Imperial Scout 'Officers' Training.
Centra. It is of interest to note that
Gillwell Park is this year in charge
of Mr. Rodney 0, Wood, the Dominion
Camp Chief of the Boy Scouts As-
sociation, he having been granted
leave of absence by the Canadian Gee -
oral Couecil
en-oral"'Council to fill, for a few months,
the vacancy created by the absence of
Camp Chief Capt. Francis Gidney in
the United States.
London, Ont., now boasts fourteen
splendid Boy Scout Troops and severa1�
newly formed Wolf Cub Packs. Be-
tween fifteen and twenty Scoutmasters
and Cubmasters are taking: part in a
special Scout Leaders' Training Course
being conducted' under the auspices of
the London Association. Scoutmaster
George F. MMietcalfe, of the 8th London
Troop is hi charge. Assistant Provin
tial Commissioner Irwin was a recent
visitor at of the classes, which are
intensely practical and interesting.
Field Scout Secretary Earle H. Davi-
son, ;of Provincial Headquarters 'staff,
agent the week of April 16Th in the
Border :Cities; visiting troops and
meeting Scout leaders and local com-
mitteemen. Hereports that excellent
progress along all Scout lines has been
made in Windsor and the neighboring
cities and towns since his, last visit in
v�ey N.lrt.,.
The Canada Cycle and Motor Com-
pany, of Weston, Ont., has again an-
neunced. its annual competition for
Cyclist Scouts, but title year three
prizes are being offered for corpetio
tion in ever} troop participating in-
stead of just one. The purpose of the •
Correcting wron ,im
competitions is to encourage generai g•ressions is one None of these things he knew about P;
f t' f t most important t ks confront- or appreciated,' and yet he was willing
l branches S 1
1 / Eo C ® N
Provincial Board of Health, Ontarlo"
Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer queetions ,on Public Health mat-
ters through this column. Address him at Spadina House, Spading.
Crescent, Toronto,
proficiency in all rancies o Scouting, o the as. 11 to throw cold water on all health of
practical application m every day life ing those who try to do educational forts. There are many such men and
of Boy Scout training aiid special pro- work along health lines. Habits and women: They are- stumbling blocks
fieien ie is: the. subjects of the ..Cyclist ideas once ac tired however erroneous ever-ywhere you go. They -take up the
roficienc Badge tests. Every troop, tI
P y g thy. i.ia •'be, axe Bard to dislodge. '£lie tivrongside of the argument without
havingthree or more qualified cyclist oIcl sa in r "What's cod enough' for.` any reason except prejudice, and wily
gforefathers Y od e" reji lice has been developed no -
Scouts is eligible to• take advantage of m�: is goof enough form this p J ,,,
Cycle` Company'sprize offer. has. upset many teachers. Every once bo4ly seems to know'type
St I -1 ' s e the t e• of individual b:lltS interested. should ask their in' a while one. meets prejudiced .pec i Agai+. more
.e Yl? p
Por articulare.' pie the type that know better - than -who• puts more confidence'in a bottle Scoutmasters p a the' medicine 1 ,rh lth talks
ele Na matter
doinches.inlinewritesoddrig AVOID PAINS
' than alltie; ea acs
subject is-healtb. or otherwise ---they' "or health articles that come hie way., suffer nine that could
After many long, delays file an -
t� Heceritl I, met al, He doesn't want to know about the mate people P
cannot ;be taught. y
cement of the ver early ublica-;value of sleeping in well ventilated be avoided by" building up tile blood.
noun Y Pwho held � al'Williams'office
Public f
niau holding pub iPink Pills
f Dr.
1 0
know The value -
want t to
doesn't a.
l r bedrooms.
Boy Handbook for
"" ue e too n
• i o �. 1-� a1 b d
Clan of The B 3 tiei5 s->tptical views about the vin rheumatic troubles is proven by the
Canada has been made and orders are of health education and the work of about the physical exercises and flow
keep o es ini•ony
a they
'Departments Y
si h
general. proper kinds; .ef food A.
°` � yes o used up
t the .--- I w s
r sou as~
a care b P . 'vvho s
about th., ca P Ont
_d not •know
�u details abo �'
lc at
d 5
a contented, a ue of , �and
the 1shoulders
ror vnide
li eat,in m sho
good work of the Health Department to 'cvith� rheumatism Y
in his own city. He knew or pretend- happy outlook• on life. What he does neck that I could•not turn. in bed with-
ed`to'know nothinggabout the disap-i from•. day to day is to go along hishusband and the
f. paths,disregarding out the help of. my eara'nc-. of typhoid clue •to water fit- own prejudiced g am at times was almost unbearable.
tration and chlorination he knew no- the inevitable consequences of his P
Ing soawouldtheevery
atC e
In London ettreets the flower girls
Display their fragrant wares,
The Thames ° is gay with punts and
Propelled by loving pairs. ,
le dusky woods the nightingales
Are fluting sweet and low,
And lanes 'are pink with _hawthorn
Let's go.
now, being accepted at• Provincial
H ] the,body fit nor does he testimony ti of Mrs 4 Bryson Arthur
or ca ie of the boo
f s
P ,e;.,., 70 cents per copy, post free, delivery
TSR- — • -- . , be made as soon as the boobs come
r.. r.
-�✓troiu ~i:it>e..p_int shop. The new edition
contains a great many ,revisions from
the first edition published during the
White. roads are winding east and west,
The boundless billow calls
To Moorish palaces in Spain
And Alpine waterfalls,
To'sunrise 'on the Appian Way,
The Tiber's turgid flow
And Venice with its long canals—
Let's go.
chiiig,of milli inspection, lie knew no- wrong methods of living, 'trusting to
I took doctors' medicine w is i me
war and in every way lies been brought thing of the work of the public health medicine to put him right when the little or no good. Then 1 began taking
rate and having physical defects cor-' I wrecks of humanity we see aroundi since been free from rheumatism: I
result of such practices. How i11 to• young
•'+ reefed in children he knew nothing . o!' - us as a � can also recommend the pillsY g
Imperial a eadgiia•rters writes to sayI el deaths occur through
of the Schick test, or the value of antramany untimely mothers, as its my own Casa I found
that they have' a long list of names ne glect of the rinciples. that tend. to
Scouts: tell° want to comas_ toxin in.. diphtheria, he : knew' nothing I g r •
p they are unexcelled. I may also add
English about, the work carried on in combat, i prolog h£e.
pond with scouts in Canada: Scout- gthe moral.of,all this? What hat I recoinmendad Dr. Tilliams' Pink
ing venereal disease, nothing about in -1 What is ; a neighbor who took fainting
masters having boys who will agree to 1 hygiene that is aimingto' is the remedy? It' seems to me that Pills to u g
ciitstx is
letters with Scouts overseas yg i} industry and'I one important thing to do is to educate spells at the change of- life, and who
exchangea ise health standards 1 t Y P
'either in : Great 'Britain
parts of the Empire, are asked to send dent in plants, factotie", and wolf. simple f
their names and addresses to 'Provin- shops of every description. quire wrong habits or impressions.
r'ght u to date nurses in lowering 'the i•ifant death impending crash comes. How many Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and have
g p
t . teach `theme the Tittle could not want any distance. She took
or in other •lower' the 'rate of sickness and neer=lI the young, o
t acts of health before they ac- the pills for nearly three months and
they ma her a strongwell woman."
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
from any dealer in, medicine• or by
mail at 50c a box from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
seal Headquarters; This is a fine op-
,portunity for Canadian Scoats to es-
tablish interesting friendships.
• Saleg ossa"Sea Secrets. -
Most people know that the Sargasso
Sea consists of an immense 'mass of
• seaweed somewhere in the Atlantic
Ocean, but few know anything of its
natureor why it is there:
Covering an area larger than that of
Europe, "to the north of the Leeward
Islands and southwest of Bermuda,' It
.bas•beeu massed• together by winds
- and ocean currents converging to its •- -
present position in a great swirl from stomach; lianish-cons'tipation•and indi- tion glace the official census of 1857 is'
- o Id - and'. sin file shown by the report. In that year the
fevers --in fact they relieve, alt -tlie Population was only 324,288. In 1874
minor' ills of little ones. Concerning it bad increased to 161,374; 1901, 220, -
them Mrs. Moise Cadotte, Makami'k, 984; and 1911, 242,619.
Que., writes: "Baby's Own Tablets Newfoundland, for' census purposes,
The Population of:. New-
f New-
Theighth decennial
founclland and Labrador, 'which has
just been coinpleted,giyes the popula-
a baby Or young:children in tion as 262,979, which compares favor-
there should not ahly with tle, census of 1911, when the in which high taxes defeat their own
your home? If is you s ,
be without, a box of Baby's Own Tab=- total was 242,619, an increase of -20,360 I purpose is quoted by the Financial.
lets. Cliildho•od,ailments come quickly or 8.39; per cent. Of this total, 259,358 Post. At $6 a' thousand, cigarettes
and means should always be at hand represents+ the population of New were heavily taxed, but Canadians
to rom fitly .fight then?. Baby's Own foundland, and .3,621 Labrador, as smoked nearly 2,500,000,000. a, year.
P 1 i ,
Tablets are the .ideal ;home remedy. against 238,10 and 3,949 respectively Tli,e tax was increased last year to
The re u1ate the bowels; sweeten the in 1,911. A•gradual increase in popula- $7,50 a thousand and snickers turned
Y g
to pipes and to rolling their own.
Cigarette consumption dropped by
about hall a billion a year and the gov-
ernment suffered a net loss, in revenue
ot about $2,000,000. The higher tax
actually provided a lower revenue.
Taxes that are too high will always de-
feat revenue purpees.
The liner's -waiting at:the pier,
The plane is ready, toe,
And only needs' a touch to soar
To spaces: wide' and blue.
I.hear the panting limited
Its piercing whistle blow,
The travel itch is .in my foot.—
Let's go.
--Minna Irving.
To Build Memorial of
A " Lower
-Higher Ta*,
An interesting example of the way
Zeebrugge Raid.
The foundation -stone of What will he
a noble memorial to the famous Bri-
tisli raid staged at Zeebrugge, Bel-
gium, in wartime, ' was laid recently
by :the Governor of West. Flanders, in
the presence of a distinguished Anglo-
nglo-Belgian' company, including Adiniral.
Sir -Roger Keyes, Lark. Burnham Lord
g Y ,
Emmett, the British Ambassador, Sir
George Grahame, and the Belgian Min-
ister of Public "Works.
The memorial, which will stand near
the shore end of the mole,• will take l
tate form of a granite column 70 feet
figure i St.
•b a t e o
i h surmounted
hY g
g ,
George slaying the dragon. It *En be
visible 'fa • out at sea,and will be in-
sea with
scribed an the.side facing Clic
f r Eng-
words:- Saint George o g
land," and also, "United for•. Justice,
Likewise on the monument will appear
the names of the British who
the action and also the names of the
participating warships.
The Governor, when performing dile
ceremony, described the landing of the
British in .tlie face of the German fire
as one of: the most brilliant deeds in.'
naval history. Other speeches de-
livered at the ceremony and preceding
the banquet in Bruges Town Hall
stressed the close Anglo -Belgian ties.
Magnificent wreaths were subsequent-
ly deposited.
The nightingale's song may be.,
heard at a distance of a mile on a
calm night.
The best remedy for a burn is.
After it has
plenty of ,
pie y _
been applied twice the burning will
cease and the healing will be rapid. ?
the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of
• Mexico.
itsdiscover byColumbus it
was for centuries an object of dread
.to seamen, whose imaginations.'called
Up. terrifying tales •of ships caught by
gestion; break , up o s 1
are the best remedy in the world for is divided into eighteen districts, and
tiie weed and held embedded while little ones. My baby suffered terribly all of these, with thp: exception of four,
their crews` died 01 starvation and from indigestion and vomiting, but the show increased population over the
their tiinhers rotted. Tablets • soon set ter right and now 1, The f districts as
911 itgures.; ie out
show decreases are Carbouear, 1 -lar-
ltlain;e. In the ten-year" period ending
1923., -the natural increase ht popula-
tion of the ancient colony was 31,347.
In'addition, immigration • totalled 1,242.
'klowever, there was a loss of 12,229
due to emigration, leaving a net gain
in population of 20,360.
Labrador's Population Declines.
Lack of development , in Labrador
has been the Cause of a steady loss ,of.
popiilation since :1.884, when the• total
population Was 4,211. Figures for each,
succeeding ten-year period show a
edight decline, and the 1922 census ret
teens record a falling off of 328 from
the last report issued in 3.911. There
Where Many Would Be.
no immigration to Labradoi''be-
The fallacy, of these stories was de' she is in -perfect health." The 'i'ab
rooilstrated bra Norwegian expedition I lets are sold by medicine dealers or by
of 1910, " which fcaxnd that the weed mail at 25c a box from Tha D.r. Wil -
was not dense, but Inscattered patch Hams" Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
es. incapable of seriously obstructing
a vessel.
The SCh-aga,<sso Sea i:i not the Dilly
one of its kind to existence, There is
similar areaof considerable -extent
bi the hierth' Pacific' Ocean, and a
smaller one south of New Zealand.
Still New.
lfusbanfd ":Yo -u charge the with
reckless extravagance.: When did I
ever make a• • useless' pureiiese_?"
*riife Way, ; there's that fire ex-
tinguislier you bought: a year ago;
we've never used it once.'
A golden eagle has been turned, and
has been. found to sly at the ante c;f
more than" a mile a minute.
1'lic. 1; lang'oage Canteing
about• `.30,000 'words - which are of
[t''re•a ct
bor Grace, Port de Grave 'and Harbor
Yriend:-"GeOd-bye, old man; st v
tweet). 1911 and 1921,, while there was
you haven't toll me yet wha t you iiabuink ne to einigration. The
a lo'ss of 47 d
el prohibition." ion:" 1 inercase in population shows
Tourist hoai•diug stilt) --"Oh, about natural,
elide ofZ81,•leavipg a'net loss to
Ta i'1 . ,
the territcz•y of 328. persons,
that I'm at' at seal' a decline
An: analysis' of the report chows that
Whales Suffer a great :ileal from
rheuaiitti.ism„ • while the fgur'e,y regarding nattoua ty
that would
have not yet bean checked, e
7 5 : toraons eli.ner
a eaz o
u62 l7,
� S p
speech. calls for t exercise e p
One or thea ttmst zniport.tlit„riiingit a i-lutrit,n sp c c t n the •
is � b acts
1 .
can .
a esmatit �, o..
rt at
u 1'ecv t
in Labrador d
t 1r
born or naturalised British. subjects
, � to l
1tow to treat { forty-four ditferent rn i�tc,les
tt 1
doe no u;ri.--- • and `e fo inetlanri, a
Ir'tonit akrington, Minard M Lininnetnd uie by hyslciun: only 1J t
lasting gratitude, and I will always
praise it."
Tanlac is for sale by all good drug-
gists,. Take,, no substitute. 0 -ver 37
million bottles sold.
Weil Qualified for Job.,
He was an applicant for a position
as a street car conductor.
"What are your qualifications for the
place?" asked the superintendent."
"I used to work- in a' sardine `pack
ing establishment."
MI -nerd's Lintrnent for sale everywhere
He Was Doing • His Best.
The newly engaged Scottish laborer
was left to his, breakfast and told to
help himself to a cheese on the table.
After a long time the farmer went im-
patiently to the kitchen in search of�
Ids new hand.
"Sandy," he exclaimed, "you take a
long while to breakfast, don't you?"
"Aweel," replied Sandy, "'a cheese o'
this size is nae sae soon eaten as ye.
may think."
To find the number of gallons of
paint required to give a large surface
two coats, divide the area of the sur-
face, in square feet, by 200.
Enlaven Your Eyes
through the Daily Use of
Murine_ The Alluring Spa;lde of
Youth Quickly Returns to Eyes
"whichhave become DullandLife-
less. Used safely for many years,
Sold by Druggists Everywhere.
When ordering goods by mail send
a Dominion Expres,s Money Order.
Night Camp.
A horse toatid.e and a'dog to love,
And a fire tri Wa;gym me by,
End of the trail and high: above
The sweep of the starlit sky --
And 'where is there more for a man's
Titan a horse and a deg and 'a pine-
wood fire? `
The horse will bear mo "far and swift,
And the clog v, *ill guard my rust:
When 1 lie fine down on a dead' leaf
Close to the brown earth's breast..
But aht the ache of ,an old desire,
And the face that glbl,rrg in the pin
,America's Pioneer Dog ,_Beanedies
Book on
and How to Feed
Mailed Free to any. Ad-
dress by the Author.
11. Clay Glover Co., Ino.
125 west 24th Street
New York, U.9. h.
Lift Off with Fingers
study of modern languages, English,
literature, mpsic,' and technical abil h
ity, but not in creative work, and hist
•tory, or 'in ori finality.
The Infants' and Childrpa'a Regalator
Pleasant to give -pleasant to
take. Guaranteed purely vege-
table and absolutely harmless.
r It quickly overcomes colic
dtarrhoea, flatulency and
other like disorders.
The• open published
formula appears on
every !able,
AL.AII Druggttts'
31inatd's penetrates to, :he root Cir .Cue
trouble and gives-q,Laci, relict'. Sole .1
for sore muscles sprains,.,bruises,
good thing—rub it In,
fora. ycutr EYES - - -
Itched and Burned. Face a
Sight. Cut�eu a Heals,
e a
"Myface carne out ail over In
little rd pimples and then it would
P. P
itch. 1 would rub and
scratch it and little erup-
tions would come. They
itched and burned and at
night would bother me. My
v face was a sight. I tried
different remedies without
success and then began
using Cuticura Soap and Ointment
which completely healed inc in two
weeks.” (Signed) Mrs. Eva M.
Toothaker, Cundys Harbor, Maine,
March 13, 1922.
Use Cuticura for every -day toilet
purposes. Bathe with Soap, soothe
with Ointment, dust with Talcum.
Eamule Each Free by Mail. Address: ',y9µ an e' every.
itod.. x44 St. Part at., W., Montreal. old v 9
where. soap25e. Ointment 26 and60c. Talcum2ne.
111—"Cuticura. Soap shaves without mint.
Entirely Remedied by Lydia
. '
EbertsrOnt.-"Istarted with:cramps
nine at
the age of
and bearing -dawn p g.
eleven years, and. I.�v would ge
I -could hardly. stay in bed, and I had
such pains that I would' scream, .and my -.
mother would call the doctor
to give me
something to take. At eighteen I mar-
ried, and I have four healthy children,
hut I still have pains in my right side.'
I am a farmer's wife with more wort? .
than' am able to do. Ihave taken three
bottles of Lydia E. l'inkham's Vege-
table Compound and I' feel that it ss
helping fine every day. My sister-in-law,
who has been taking your medicine for
some time and uses your SanativeWash,
told fine about it and I recommend it
now,as I have- received great relief
,:R. from it."—Mrs. NELSON YOTT, E.
Eberts, Ont.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comb
pound is a medicine for
ailments com-
mon to wome
P h. It has been used for
such troubles fornear'lyfifty years, and
thousands of women have found relief'
as did Mrs. Yott, by taking this splendid
If you are suffering from irregularity;
painful times, nervousness, headache,
backache or melancholia, you should at:
once begin to take Lydia E. Pinkham s:
Vegetable Compound. It
is excellent to
strengthen the system and help to per-
form its functionswith ease and raga,,
rarity. C
t r I
wood firer
C. T. DiviS. iloean'i Inuit a hitt Drop ,a little It
It z'oe o :ne" onan acll:nt. corn, instant -.j:
�lythat corn stops hurting, then short7y'j
as a�
)air lift it right off with iittpe.r•s, Trn7y7 ,
Your druggist *ist' sells a ltn3' bottle of
"l±reezore" for a few cents, sufiriient'
v hard corn, snt•t corn,.I
'e every °e:iior Y
to z
orn lieLweeri the toes, ancl,t,he cal -1
fuses, wi.hollt. ,soreness or irritation:,
$1.00 A SKtRT--HBMSTIiCHPM11G. lOc•
f=town Orders' prompt
iigarlc and Pee,7ltY Shop 120 Dan-
t •th l 'elltie Toronto.
ISSUE No. 13—'23,
:UNLESS you see, then me "Bayer" on tablets, yoi?
are not getting Aspirin at all
Accept 0111 ' an °ttrittrok'tn package" of "Bayer Tali lets of '
5 t � Y_
Aspirin," ` «filial contains. dircdtions Chid dose worked out by
pt -, ,•.: ,; years and eilliorts for
I t.lal.,�• dt..ln.' z�., tic:�r,. '�rr,ti'`.d safe bym
,,,� ,}tie Rlit llixl i� mixt
Colds t Ic ln�.c
1. • io al r'; Neuritis
�1�ClOa.tlaGllt:. _v�l.ii.t; lrl
tae Larl�l�,l � , X1117 Pani
%cgli � , l
[Lr+ Bever" 'i•th4 ern!1f10---i iir,hists.
ttirir;.. ever" s• of
''i401'arltl^'. 01 Mono-
su•e[{rn ,a,cF'rt• nP S 1+c•iitil': \\1;1.11;,' lt 1, ,rrvi1 T at it,yii,l7 ntr�hs lc1r3'ar::
rernef t
to i
a1 r.t•',
S r
Sht�s �•O�rfJ.rJt.5r004
Will .h4 'Iota nSUed KitFt th 6:Ygb ai,, 1310,1c, ,ale.