The Exeter Times, 1923-5-3, Page 8y r- AT P1IONE. 16 For Service M VIER 1,,GYPTION SILKS and CREPES 0 a complete range of the popular Paisley materials .M.ercerized, Crepes and Cotton Voiles. New niece; just put in stock are the most attractive we have seen- Tills' seastove fashions demand these materials and we will he Pleased tO have yon inspect our display. FOR SUITS - SKIRTS - ONE-PIECE DRESSES )Nrool HomeePuns in both one and two-tone shades Dress Flannels in popular shades, and with faney silk checks Ratines and heavy Crepe cloths in plain shades -patterned and Silk Stripes ANDERSON'S SCOTCH GINGHAIVIS A bie• range of patterns and colors in this fast golor cloth, which is '''32 inches wicle.We also have English, and Canadian ot from 25e per yard up. COATS, SUITS and WRAPS Our sales of Ladies' Coats have been the largest in years, and we have just replenished our range with u numbereof Sample Coats, which will all be sold at Special Prices. ON DISPLAY Silk gloves with long Cuffs, Silk and Lisle Sport Stockings Pure Silk Stockings -with wide ribs-Black-Tlrown-Biege and Dove Two-tone Slippers -Colonial Slippers -Patent Oxfords Straw Hats for Girls - Kiddies Hats in Cloth and Straw EVERY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY 'IN OUR GROCERy STORE art MAID 81111N Y01.1 IIIIN 1E11 10111 GARDINER'S SO OUR INVITATION TO TNSPECT OUR STOCK IS ALWAYS T '1- FORCE AND IT INCLUDES EVERYBODY. THERE 15 NO SPECIAL DAY, NO BEST TIME TO LOOK AT OUR FURNITURE, COME ANYTIME THAT YOU PLEASE AND STAY AS LONG AS INTERESTED. WE CLAIM THIS STOCK OF OURS WILL DO IT'S OWN AR- GUING, AND WE WOULD RATHER SHOW YOU THAN TELL LATEST DESIGNS, LARGEST STOCK, F-1111 PRICES, BEST SER - Conductor of Funeral Service Mdtor Hearse and Horse Equipment 01 -ERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 74J; Night call 74W 'McGillivray has lost another of its early pioneers in the person of the late Jnmes Young. He came to Mc- Gillivray 70. years ago with his par- ents and settled on the 18th con. and has sjpent the greater part of his life in this Township. His reniains were interred at Salem cemetery. The Times has just received a copy of a thoroughly revised map of Ontario, issued by the Ontario Motor Leagne for the guidance of motor- ists. This map shows in accurate red line the- Provincial Highway Sys- tem of Ontario and the hest roads of 1/7 Western Quebec, New •\.forlt State and eastern Michigan, and gives the location of all the principal towns and villages, lakes, rivers, and sum- mer resorts in this area of over 200- 000 scinare miles. On the reverse side there is much valuable information to tourists. 50c will bring you a copy by addressing the Motor League Tor- onto. No matter how unkind the world seems, you aie going to get all the praise to which you feel yourself en- titled at your funeral. -Kitchener CANillls'S LARGEST RETAIL ono CURS. WE SELL TO SATISFY 20 bars of Soap for $1.00 10 P & G, GOLD, SUNLIGHT OR COMFORT AND 10 CASTILE (:;1-10ICIS PEAS 2 TINS 28c. CHOICE CORN 2 TINS 25e QUALITY PEAS 2 TINS 27e QUALITY CORN2 TINS 25c CHOICE PUMPKIN 2 TINS 25e, CASC.ADE SALMON 2 Tins 22c. 3 PKGS. 29c 4 STRINGS BROOMS 49c. each QUAKER CORN FLAKES 2 PKGS. 19C LONDON CORN FLAKES 4 SHREDDED WHEAT PUFFED RICE •PK.GS, 35c 50 ft. CLOTHESLINE &\i/ SOAP CHIPS 0 29 cents LARGE PP:ILINES THE F's<tz,T rePert. of the Exeter Me.rk Wheat $1.20 111,anitoba Flour 73,85 Pastry Flour 73.40. Model Flour 73,70 leeeti Fleur 72.10 Oath 60c 13a,rloy (30C Brall $1.70 Shorts 71,70 Ds try Putter, 32c Creamery 13uttor, le Eggs, 26c Lard 17 to 20c Potatoe.s. 75c Hogs, 710.00 114 Fishing is the order of ,the,day. Miss A. Yelland spent the week - The Misses Carling were in Lon- don on Friday last. Miss Winniiretl Baigent is gradu- ating as a trained nurse from Grace Hospital, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Sain'l Gidley, of Blyth, visited with relatives in Exeter over the week -end. Mrs. E. 'Harwood returned to Tor- onto. on Thursday after visiting for several days in Exeter. Mr. Win. Davis, of The Times staff visited his brother, Archie, in Tor- onto over the week -end. Messrs. R. Ferguson and R. N. Creech were in 'Teeswater Tuesday enjoying a day's fishing,. • Mr. S. Fitton has moved his house- hold effects to the home of his father just south' of the village. Mrs. Rd. Pickard and Miss J. Pick- ard, returned home last week after an extended visit Brantford. Mrs. Ed. Howald returned Satur- day after visiting for a week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweet, in London. Mrs Jos. Stacey who has been ser- iously ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. Sid Sanders, is improving nice - F3 TIME Mrs. Rd. Penhale, of Toronto, has been visiting her mother:Mrs. John Sanders and sister, ,Mrs. G. W. Wal- ker, of Stephen. • Ailsa Craig and Parkhill will ob- serve Wednesday afternoon holidays during May, June, July, Aug. and Mr. Alex. Reeder who has been working in a London garage for sev- eral weeks intends moving his fam-, ily to -that city. Dr. L. L. Folliek, wife and family, motored over from St. Marys and spent Sunday with •theeformer's mo - Mr. Cyril Tuckey was up from London over the week -end and was accompa,nied home by Mrs. Tuckey, who spent the week here. Mr. 'Geo. 'yy. 'Walker has purchas- ed the farm on which he has been, living, being the estate of the late John Sanders in Stephen Tp, Rev. Robt. Hicks, of St. Thomas, visited friends in Exeter Saturday. Mr, Hicks conducted anniirersary ser- vices at Crediton on Sunday. A large pane of pla.te glass in Southcott Bros.. store was' badly cracked on Friday last while making some repairs to the front of the For that tired feelhig come to and laugh' for two hours. Exeter Opera H.ouse, May 9th, Reserved Seats 55c, on sale at Howey'S' Miss Olive Wood, who was called home owing to the death of her mo- ther, left Saturday morning for Wat- rous,..Sask., to resume her position on the staff cf one of the banks Rev. Jas. .Foote, Mr. Hy. Strang and Rev. Mr. Chidley, of Thames - Road, were in Stratford for a few days this weelt attending a meeting of the Loudon and Hamilton 'Synod, which met in. Knolt church. A. slight error was made in the Exeter Council ininitteS last week. The late Laircelot Hardy was Reeve of the 1VIunicipality for nine years from 1877 to 1835, and was Warden of the County of Huron in 1883. Mrs. Mary Croley at one time a resident air the London Road eolith died in London, on Friday last, aged 86 years. The deceased left here about 34 years ago. Her litisband predeceased her 10 years ago. One and Mrs. W. Martin a,nd family, Mrs. A. R. Gillies and Mrs, Wm. Bawden, motored to Gocierich on Sunday to visit With. relatives. The occasion being tho birthday of little Susanne Bawden, grandclaugh.ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Martin. "A pIebsure shared is a pleasure doubled." 'So when you drive out on Sunday afternbons this summer, re- member you are not going to burn any more gafoif that empty back seat or two in the touring car is filled by a neighbor or so, who would other - wisp, stay at home.' If you have a bit of news, send it in; or a joke that will amuse, send it int. a story that is true, an incident that's now, wo want to hear from you. sand it in; never mind about the style, if Um, worih the while, it may 'help to cause a smile, send it 10 L. re --Sunday S hool and Bible lasses God 'Ofit Of Scrvico 1111,t0, The Minister, The Mthister. ridaY ciaiuncla amie,--Sacramental Service. Classes. 7 P in-Sbi.mon by he Pastor, and , All urged to ,be present at the last ,Conarrtunibil Service' 'with the present 1)Ittsic appropriate and hearty singing, Come and get the help of these serNices, MAIN ST. i...IETRODIST CHURCH 11 anii.•--Sacramenthl Service. 3.1),th.--Bible School .m. -"From Slavery to Liberty - BETHANY 2 30 -Sacramental Service. SALVATION AItIVIY SERVICES: Services as usual next Sunday. Capt. T. Hobbins Baby Chicks and Eggs -White and Barred Rocks and Hamburgs. Chicks 16c each. Garnet Heywood, Exeter. WANTED -Smart boy to learn the hardware business. . Apply Hea- man's Hardware Store. ,• Jersey Cow for sale. Apply at the Times' office. FOR SALE---Pia.no, Concert G'rand In good order. Newcombe. 'Inquire at Times Office. FOR SALE--LT'ure Bred While Wyandotte Eggs. 75c a setting. Albert Neil, phone 172 r 32 175 r 5, Exeter. PIGS FOR SALE -A number of small piss. Apply to Jos May phone the Baby Chicks you want at $15.00 a 100. Apply to Win. F. Abbott. Phone 124. anted ,for Cash 1,000 tons of Scrap Iron, Rags, Rubbers, Old Stoves, Horse Hair, Wool, Lead, Copper, Brass, GeeSe and Duck Feathers and all kinds of junk. If you have any Sunk to dis- pose`of kindly phone 39, or write L Cohen, Exeter Out. to Hensel]. Sunday evening and aften- ded Divine worship'in Carmel church with the liensall brethren.' • ,° GENERAL NOTICE The Municipal Team will collect all Refuse ancl Tin Cans",etc, intend- ed for the -dump ground.' The team will collect on all streets east of Main street on Monday, May 7th, and on all streets west of Main street on Tuesday, May '8t1-: 1923. I-Iave all your old refuse intended for the dump ground securely bagged or in 1)oxes and pla.cet1 on the boule- vard in, front of your reSidence. A small fee will be charged for each parcel collected. Jos. Senior, Clerk. AIUNICIP'AL COUNCIL'S NOTICE TO OWNERS OF BOGS Complaints are daily being made as to the annoyance caused by dogs being allowed to roam'at large. This is contrary to Village bY-law. and ,owners of dogs are hereby warned against. the yiolatiori of this law. The Cottncil are' determined to en- force the same. ' See that your Dog islcept, at home or on your own property. Jos. Senior, Clerk. FRIDAY IS ARD0.13, The improvement,, •of public .atid private 'property shettl.d, have special attention.' If you need•a ,tree or -two lciridly advise one' or tne officers of - he Horticultural 'SocietY ,Who will, 1 possible, secure them -for you: in tii.e day ae possible at 'Central few' oura will Itincliy report as early Pa rit. 0.4.40 IIMMOM Starting May 5th and Fasting, until May 12th Congoleum Rug patterns are the most artiitic you can possibly imag- ine. They are suitable for almost every room in your home. Begin- ning Saturday, May 51.,h, prices on all sizes will be reduced for one week LET US SHOW YOU THE NEW PAUPERNS OECPAL PRICES FOR THIS SALE ft x 9 it, Regular, price 79,0,0, Reduced to $7.95 73/2 ft. x 9 it. Rogulai- price $11.25 Reduced to $9.95 9 ft x 9-1t., Regular price 713,50, Reduced to $11.95 9 ft. x 101h., Regular price $15.75, Reduced to $13.95 9 It, x 12 ft. Regular price 718.004,1 -induced „to $15.95 This sale comes at the most opportune time of the year -Just when you are thinking of New Floor Covering for. your 'rooms. Curtain Scrims and Net In many new and neat patterns. These are moderately priced. We are„.showing a very nice range at ner yard, 25c, 35e, 50c and 0:5c. Linoleums Now that you are into house - Cleaning, you will probably want New Linoleum on your floors. Let us show you, the New Patterns Window Blinds Perhaps your old ones are get- ting shabby. We can get yon any shade or combination you may re - Wall Papers , For any, room in you,r honse. 'We still' have a few room 'lots of bedroom papers, regular - $3.60 a room, Clearing: at ;.1.49 VOW wweasei Mains Business Picking Up Beca,use the people :are finding out we 'are giving _good value for their. money. We have some excel: lent values right now, don't miss them. See our window; something new and.nifty. N. ROWE CONDUCTOR OF FUNERAL SER, VICES Phone Bis. 20W I -louse 20J. 11111111111111111111111111111,111111111111111111111111 LOST-A,,,,,Wa,ltham watch, ,silver case, between Exeter and Dashwood; on the Lake Road. Finder kindly leave at Times Office, Exetent FARMERS We have a car load -of feeding Mo- la,sses for sale, Maple Leaf Brand, at 25c a gallon. Centralia Farmer's' Co-OperatiVe Co., Ltd. FARMS FOR SALE -A few' choice farms in the Townships of , TJsborne. Tilekersmith and Hibbert. Good buildings and.well located as ,.to mar - rets. Priced, right. Apply to Thos. Cameron, Auct., L'ox 1°54, Exeter, IVIHOLM FARM Barred'Rocks, $16.00 for 100. Place your order at Once. L. V. Hogarth, Exeter, Oni. Phone Crediton 18r31. CLUBBING LIST. Exeter Times $,1.50 a luar; $2.00 to the United States. Times and Toronto Globe Times, and Mail & Empire Times and London Advertiser 6.25 Times and London pre° Press 6.25 Times & Family I-Ierald W.S. 3.25 Thnes and Montreal Witness ....3.05 Times and Farmers Sun 3.40 Times and Christian Guardian 3.40 Times and Presbyterian ....: 3.90 76.25, w Sprin ats- he orsalitio and Kin Hats In) all the newest shades rang - in prices from $3.00 to $7. and Boys' Caps We have the celebrated East- ern, Fit -you -well Caps in the- latpst tweeds and shades. A. E. TEN:NrANUP Veterinary Surgeon Office -McDonnell's -atabl4ss OA John St. Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone 2'6w Dr. John Ward aaartoPiviteTbu,,& OPTOMETRIST Has removed to Main St. Exeter. South of Y.M.C.A. 'PHONE 70 6.25 The above publica.tions may be obtained by Times silbscribers in any coTahination, the pirce for any pub- lication being the figure given, less $1,50, repreSenting the price of The ion to' the TimeS? ANDY EASTON Licensed Auctioneer for the Conn- ty of Huron). Correspondence arrange - merits for sales can be rritide b lug up tile Central Hotel, Exeter. Charges ruoderate, satisfaction Horse Liver HORSES AT , ALL TIMES. Flione \V I R. CARLING B, :Barrister, Solicitor, Loans, Investments, Insurance,' Office, Carling 13lock, Main St. Exeter LET ELLIOTT & JOHNS NDOW '1V11611. ,y911 want your Suit of Overcoat Cleaned and pressed, or Dyed or Dry Cleaned and we will call for them and deliver them.. We are out for business., When. you want a iNe'ci, Suit call in and sea our Sainple.s.' to th- Public. NVESTMENTS 1,ccouints Collected In. ne ERNEST ELLIOTT jai