The Exeter Times, 1923-4-26, Page 7fy ) Ropin Hood Offers Prize. WhatBoy Scout would like to have the original bow and ari'ows used by Douglas Fairbanks in his 'picture "Robin Hood ?" What Boy Scout wouldn't? asks, a Chidago: paper 1n announcing the re- cent local essay contest; open to Scoots of that city, for the "famous weapon. The very ,same bow from which the daring bandit •shot his arrows at the good Richard's enemies is to go to the Chicago Scout who has submitted the best three hundred word essay' en archery. Fairbanks in, producing the picture had to become an expert archer. In his work lie cam to :loud the sport' and to recognize its beneficia1 feature. He observed that perfecting himself' In the art of shoting straight meant calm nerves, good muscles and a• steady hand. He believes that, these things are good for the growing boy, and the contest and its, awards. were his idea.' Archery is an ancient sport 'which is well worth reviving and 'tterilaps! Doug's work in "Robin Hood" •may help to bring it back into. popularity again. Scouts and, Rhodes' Scholars. The Rhodes Schelarrhip is about the h'ighesit honor that can be bestowed upon a College ,student. Oxford Uni- versity', in England, gives an oppor, dunity'every year to over forty Cana- dian and American'students to study there. .,Of course everyone "•is eager for the honor of being chosen and the Rhodes cholars are elected £rem all over the two countries for their thigh character, their intelligence, and all- round physical excellence. They are 'the kind` of fellows -we are most proud of, the kind we Van send over"to Eng- land with these words, "`These are our best." A prominent Scout offzciai •wrote to 'these fellows and asked, "Have you been a Scout?" because they are just the type Scouting wants to develop. The results were surpprising. Out of those replying, one-half; said they had .;been Scouts, and- the other half, with one exception, said they' regretted ,deeply not having been able to join the movement ,In almost every case this was because' there was. .U.6 Scout Troop near home. All but two of the letters de•alared that Scouting 'is of fwxdainental vahue^in training boys. Now, fellows;' you niay not all be-. coma Rhodes Scholars,' but you can dei taini.3*`be good Scouts, And half of these Rhodes Scholars.never had your. chance: EASY TRICKS: JI 1�11CK Two Catches No. 23 • atten 1-1,E TH ED LICAT1'4N BY DR. J. J. IVIIDDLETON Provinciai Board of Health,, Ontario Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat- ters through this column. Address him at Spadina House, Spadina Crescent, Toronto. Unusual interest seems to be taken What the cause is one cannot al - at the present time in the question of ways say with certainty, for there are "Shingles." Severalinquiries have times when the disease breaks out come in recently and one of the core without any apparent reason. There respondents states that there are a are, however, certain conditions which few people suffering from that disease predispose or pave the way for in his locality. I cannot think that shingles, among which are tuber - the occurrence of. these cases, is any- culosis, the internal use of arsenic, thing more than a coincidence, for al- cold and debility. Pregnant women though "shingles" is on outside ape seem especially' liable to contract this disease. When there is no "apparent" cause the appearance, of the vesicles may indicate various 'organic affec- tions of the nervous system, such as general paralysis of the insane, tabes dorsalis," meningitis, etc. The principal early symptoms .are shivering, shght fever, and ,:pain in the region corresponding to -the dis- tribution of the nerve root'ifxvv>w".u. The disease is .most common in per- sons under twenty-five years of age, but elderly people suffer most from the pain. ' The eruption is unilateral in distribution, which means that it affects only one side, and is often ac- companied and followed by severe neuralgic pa'^, I do.not put any con- fidence ,in the statement that there is nohope for the patient should the eruption encircle the body, because shingles is:.a "one-sided"' disease. The;pruption appears after -a vary- ing *Orval, erval, but generally after a few days' -'•Redness of the skin 'usually precedes the vescicles. The eruption corresponds to the ,distribution or area supplied by,, certain nerves. Some- times the vesicles lead to ulcers,in which case scars remain. in other pearaiace a disease of the skin it is really a nervous 'derangement;• The eruption may appear alinost anywhere, but the nerves supplying the ribs, lower part of the back, and above the eyes, are especially liable to suffer. Lift vvith�•Fin er' g s fi For fun making purposes, these "catches" are recommended. The reader will find it difficult,' however, to work both om. the same gathering. elle same evening. , If the first goes well, be content and rest on your laurels until another time. Write a sentence on a slip of paper, fold it and hand it to a spec- tator to keep until it is needed. Then ask 'him to whisper to you a lfv short sentence—four or five words. He does so. Then say: If you will look at that paper you will see that I wrote on it those very words." 4 r Ile looks. What you said was literally, true for on the paper is written: "Those very words." The second catch is to ask -a spec- tatos to -write a sentence on a piece of paper, taking care that you do not see what he has written. Tell him: that you will tell him what is on the paper. To make certain that you cannot see what lie has written ask him to stand on the paper. Tia does this. Then coirAe your vie- mens: "I told you`i would tell you what was on that paper. YOU are on it." (Clip this out and paste it, With others of the series, in a scrap- - T Looked the Peart, ug (seeing Pouter .'Pigeon for first -"Gee, that intrst be a million - ' r n Iceland pion kiss when they meet, man re eely kiseee rt woman.. 'Doesn't hurt a bit! it. .Drop a 1'ttle "Freezone"' on an aching corn, •instant ly that• corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift at right off with ilnpers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufilcient to remove every hard corn, soft 'corn, or corn between the toes, and the cal l.uses, without soreness or ,irritation. ViihMW East or ' West Eddy's Best Insist on having EDDY'S! aletisseas tat aseoraersamesexurimattomuxuessivaincm 'I'VE TEST OF TIME FOR R1EU , ° ATIC SUFFERERS HAS PROVEN 7 i *:ii(trlAlYatr Is a positive Remedy for Acute, Chronic and Muscular Rheu- matism in all its various forms. COUNTLESS GRATEFUL TESTIMONIALS and Repeat Orders received during past 25 years. DOPSON'S NEW LIFE REMEDY is notan experiment but the product of sa quarter century ofstudy and -research. Plreasai to take. Does not upset the stomach. No harrhful drugs. DO NOT BE PREJUDICED. Dol son's New Life 'Remedy will) give you a new lease on life by freeing you of pain. Thousande of enthusiastic customers ; have written . us statipg that after{ years of failure -with other medicines, electric belts, etc., they were cured by Dobson's New Life Re tedy. One bottle for One Dollar. Six bottles for Five Dollars. MI nan to Mite tinee MC West ' Adelaide St,; Torsnto. Canada case; ; a portion or all of the eruption heals before it gets to bo very serious The pain varies mach irz intensit and duration. Old people in particu lar may euffer severely, and for a loci time. Apart from pain, the ordinar duration of the attack is from one to two weeks, but in some cases it may clear' up much quicker, There is no special diet reponimend ed ,'well for this leaveailment o t starchsu rb. c and 'sul,az from the diet for a time. Meat eat ing it done in moderation, that is onto' every other day or so, will no afeet the disease one way or the other The disease simply rune its course and the affected skin should be protected from irritation and some soothing powder dusted on. Haunted hunuis •' "What a deligiit:fully dreadful - place!""exclaimed ween Victoria g when she visited Glamis Castle, the y seat of the Earl of Strathmore and Kingborne, whose daughter ls�,engaged to the °Duke of York, .1^Ier late Ma- jesty a- jesty.insisted on the minutest detail of e the, various apparitions and hauntinge that "go with the castle," as the;ane, tioneers say, and toiled up to the chain- nor where Malcollii, I(ing of Sccotian.d, t' was supposed to Clave been reurdaed. iter Majesty was'much Impressed by what she heard, and there is an d eniusing story to the effect that Ding; Edward, (who at the time was quite young) was ordered to write out an account of thesupernatural history of Glamis. Eventually after many tears he produced a blotted paper with a few incoherent fragments of alleged Time and L Time and I a compact made: He should give, me years sufficing For the deet, that I essayed, Holding it beyond all pricing. Faith, he kept his promise, too, Years have passed to fields Elysian, But the deed that I would do Still is but a dreamer's vision. Tell me, Time, for Hope's at stake, How may;I atonement make? Time one moment paused to hear Words I'whispered to him; Shook his head, as it were queer That a mortal knew him. "List," he. said, "the Future's yours, But the Past Is;,dead and buried: Work to -day success insures' Sloth is to • oblivion ferried." Time and 1 new compact made: To -day is mine -I'm not ,afraid. • —A. J. Waterhouse in "Success" Worshipping Letter -Boxes. The Post Office in India is regarded with wonder and awe by the more ig- norant natives. In some outlying dis- tricts, in fact, the natives actually wor- ship letter -boxes! A story is told of a man wlio put his letter in the box and then shouted the addresS to which it was to go through the slit. He imagined that a god was sitting inside! Another took off his boots, bowed very low, and went through all kinds of.religious rites both. before and: after posting his letter. Before departing he laid some coins' en the ground be- fore' the., box as an offering to the god inside. A GOOD MEJ RR . ��{�jj qty' � .f S:,h II Do Not Use: -Harsh Purgatives --- A Tonic is All You Need. Not sick—but not feeling' quite well. That is the way most people feel in the spring. Easily tired, appetite fickle, sometimes headaches .and a feeling of. *depression. Pimples. or eruptions' may appear -ti, f7he skin, or there may, be twinges of rhGun%atf 1 .,':„'rear•algia. say of these indfcate that the `-oidud is out of or' er—that-the indoor life of winter lias - ft its nark upon you and may,easily : develop into more serious trouble. - ,- Do not -dose yourself with purgatives, as many people doin the hope that you 'can put your 'blood, right. Purga- tives gallop through the system and weaken instead of r giving 'strength. Any, doctor will tell you this is true. WhaLyou need, in the spring is a tonic that will enrich the blood and build up- the nerves. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do this - speedily and surely. Every dose of this medicine helps' to enrich the blood,'- which clears the skin, strengthens the appetite and -makes tired, depressed men, women and children active and strong. Miss S. L. McEachron, Nairn, ` N.B., says:—"I have been in the habit of taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the spring and they keep ine in the best of health.I think it is entirely due to. the use of these pills that I always have such good!health." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50e a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. France to Bar Trained • Animmh, Following the example of Great 13r1 tain, France also is. seriously consider- ing the question of prohibiting the ex- hibition of trained animals on the stage, Recently French authorities have been making extensive inquiries as to how performing animals are trained. It is understood that this training falls little short of torture. it is believed: that efforts willbe made to eliminate performing animals from all French films, Tho first stall in'tihis direction has been taken by the French Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani- mals by an appeal to film makers, not to employ animals in the future. The, members of the society have agreed to leave any theatre or motion picture house where performing animals aro The queer tales, told of the "monster who cannot die" alleged to be living in a dungeon and kept alive by the hold er of the title 'and his heir is a story handed down from the tenth century.. Its origin is a mystery. Queen Vic- toria showed curiosity about It, but received only "courtly and diplomatic evasions," CIIILDIIOOD INDIGESTION Nothing is more cominon ,in child- hood than indigestion.` Nothing is more dangerous to proper growth, more weakening to the constitution or more likely to pave the way to danger- ous disease. Fully nine -tenths of all the miner ilis of childhood have their root in Indigestion. There is no medi- cine for little ones to equal Baby's Own Tablets in relieving this trouble, They have proved of benefit in thous- ands of homes. Concerning them Mrs,. Jos. Lunette, Immaculate Conception,. Que., writes: "My baby was a great sufferer from indigestion, but the Tab- lets soon set her right and now I would not be without them." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by main at 25 cents a box from The Dr.•Williams,' :Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont Banana as Food. Most fruits, are valuable to man be cause of the medicinal properties. of their juices and for their delicate fiav ors.But from a point of view of food there is nothing, or next to nothing, in them. Strawberries, for instance, of peaches or pears', are of little use ex - dept to quench the .thirst. The ,one great exception.' is the banana. The great traveller, Humboldt, once said that an acre of bananas will give as much food as 44 acres of potatoes. This is decidedly an exaggeration; yet, acre for acre, a erop of bananas does give more Human food than any other plant or vegetable known to ioan. The average yield of a plantation of bananas on good, moist land is 288ar, bunches to the acre each yeYou cis, ;'t the weight of a bund eet pounds, which makes ng crop 14,796 pounds to the acre. Tails would be enough to feed a man: for about three and one-third years. An acre of 'potatoes will yield, on an average, 82 - bushels, sufficient to feed a person for 18 • months., or less than half the time that an acre of bananas would feed him. But, then, the potato crop requires a;lot of work. Each year the ground must be prepared, ploughed and fer- tilized, the seed' sown, kept free of weeds, and finally the crop dug and housed. In the case of the bananas all this trouble is saved, for new shoots keep growing up from the old "stools, and there is nothing to do but keep the weeds down with a scythe and cut tlie; fruit when ripe. No wonder, then, that bananas are, weight for weight, the cheapest food ti Veteran Real Estate Broker of Tornio ten, of,Remarkable Reotoratiou by Tarslae. Janes Burns,, 20 St. Albans Street, 18 atilt another man of prominence in 'Peroizto to epeak out in behalf of Tan - 1 is now seventy-three yearsof age, but says: "No one takes me for seventy-three now, and I feel every bit as active as lt did forty years ago. "Before taking .'rankle my weight fell riff from one hundred and sixty to ane hundred , and thirty pounds, and • I. had begun to feet the hand of 'Old Father Time' laying heavily on me, I seldom' ate more than one meal a day and that caused me hours of misery; Nights' I would pace the floor too ner- vous to sleep, and many days I felt too. worn-out to dress and go out any- where.' "I don't believe r could have ever pulled up to where I am now if it hadn't been for 'rankle. It has restored my health completely and built me up to one hundred and sixty-five pounds, Tanlac is the best investment I ever made,” Tanlac Is for sale by all good drug- gists. Over 35 million bottles sold. OS"T" 0 POUNDS THEN GAINED 3 The ' fastest flowingriver in the world is the Sutlej, in India, which rises 15,200 feet above the sea, and falls '12,000 feet in 180 mile's Minard's Unienent used by Physicians. The •total length of the great wall of China, including its branches, is 3,930 miles. a Amsrioa Pioneer dog u eatae Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Maed Free to any Ad- dress bythe Author. B•. Clay %Plover, Co,, Inc. 199 West 24th Street New York, U•.S.A. Keep Stomach and Bowels Right Ey giving• baby the harmless, purely vegetable, infanta' and children'areavlator. WINS SY UP bizings astonishing,aratifyingresults in making baby's stomach digest %tea c food and bowels move as they should at teething time. Guaranteed free from narcotics, opt- ates,alcoholandall harmful feared!. ents. Safe and satisfactory. At Alt pruEeists A 'ALOC, OIT l'I tzFl`+b5 Amateur Playa, 'Skce4aixelg, a instroi jokes, .I&ecitatio,ie, Goode, ete, pitzgad'aId I'ubliali; Dept Pf, 28"orsovtreot, Iviet res teals , 11ATH424 3!ANNIND 11'tt 'IA, I.) Chat u m incr'aators, pier z}omptor�, ; apPly Manson Campbell, Chatham, .Ont, ADIES W.aA.NTBD.,-TO:1)0 PLAIN and light riewing at iiomo, whole :e s are time; good pay; worn Seat any distance; charges paid. Sendstamp for particulars. 7ati,oiial 1,1 anufo.cturi nw Co., atentreal, India hes a small £ash, the gourarxzin which gives an audible croak when 011 the surface of the water. Enliven Your Eyes through the daily use of~ Murine, The alluring sparkle Of youth quickly :returns ''to eyes w}vhich have become du11anal,fe leap.• CJsed safely for marry years Soid Is' ruggisrs ev,crywhere. " y N fox rove EYE innuatogi _ rs Lal ea, at'asatentillee or to Kid Kidney troubles are frequently caused by badly digested food which overtaxes, these organs to eliminatetheirritantacidsformed. i-lelp your stomach to properly digest the food by taking 15 to 30 drops of Extract of Roots, sold as Mother $eigel'a Curative Syrup, and your kidney disorder will promptly disappear. Get the genuine. 50c. and $ 1.00 bottles. easSallicaarataat late .1a e E LE, Bathe the forehead with Minard's and inhale freely; It gives quick relief for every ache. Cuticura eah Face Disfi Ve.d� Lt- - oma "Eczema broke out in watery pim- ples on my face and head. Later my cheeks and head be- came so bad 'that they were covered with large scales. The itching' and burning were so severe that I could not sleep at night. My face was badly disfigured. Mg hairbecame dry and lifeless and fell out so that I had to have it cut off close to my scalp. "A friend advised me to try Cuti- cura Soap and. Ointment so F pur- chased some, and after using two cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment..1 was healed." (Signed) Mrs. Elmer King, Box 278, Jackson St., Oxford, Nova Scotia. Make Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcumyour daily toiletpreparations. for man, and that life runs east, in BampleEschFreebyldtdi daros:'29maaa,rim- y ited, 844 Bt, Paul Bt,, W., Blonireai, ' Bold ave_ry e countries where. n tit'leSos 2 S Zi�ie'e't'bc.Oint r eP m h banana. willeat26anaso grow.n a T IcumZbc' And, that; mind you, is a belt nearly 3,000 miles wide all round the ,thickesrt girth ..of our planet; Honesty in little things is very; far from being a little thing at �.c (die nee so comforting A tiring clay' on your feet: shown: Stooping, lifting, running up and downstairs—does your back feel tied i n painful knots? Apply Stoan's to hose sore, tired 'muscles. That warm, penetrating glow brings im- mediate tediate comfort. Almost. before you realize it the pain and stiffness are gone, Wherever congestion causes pain—use Sloal's. Sloan's is protectioneogainst pain. All druggists carry it. ^+g �a+,,aa, m Canada yyy i ?$OM11%'t'+ td r t dNIIE�irls`�'t-R'i'llspain I MONEY ORDERS. Send ' a Dominion Express Money Order, Five Dollars costs three cents, .eP 'Tilting Cab Roof. A cab roof which tilts forward has been invented In 'Wales for motor trucks to permit them to enter low doors. Stai'tizig in life as a newsboy selling papers,, on the steps of Parliament House,' Mr. Stewart has just been ap- pointed 141inister of Woiks and Rail- ways 'to the' Australian Common- wealth. Mltlard's I inirrieffl for talc er: crysvncr I'or rli .um ui'sir's,t;yeNiS",'1traing,elw t colds• gage s : rscar� a it s lav ori zeeao SStJF No, IG---`ad3. s 'Cutncura Soap shaves without.mug. Women Tell Each Other. How They Were Helped byLydiaLyEPink- ham's Vegetable Conlpoun& Woodbridge, Ont.-" I took Lydia E.. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for fe- male troubles. I would have headaches.' backaches, ains between my shoal dragging down feelings on each side.. I was sometimes unable to do my •- ork and felt very badly. ' My mother- in-law told nie about, the Vegetable 't Compound and I got some right away.. It has done me more good than any other medicine I ever took and I rec- ommend it to my neighbors. You are quite welcome to use this letter as 4 testimonial if xyouthink it will help soma poor sufferer. "—Mrs. EDGA I`SIMMONs, R. R. 2, Woodbridge, Ont. In nearly every neighborhood in every town and city in this country there are women who have been helped by Lydia • E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in the treatment of ailments peculiar to their sex, and they take pleasure in passing the good word along to other women. Therefore, if you are troubled in this way,why not give Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable inkham's"Vegetable Compound "a fair trial. This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients of which are derived from roots and herbs,• has for forty years proved its value in such cases. Women everywhere bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pink-. ham's Vegetable Compound. O UNLESS you see the name `Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets` of. Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physiciaus during 22 years and ptoyed safe by millions for Cdids Headache Rheui11a'tssrrl Toothache New -algia . . Nel.lritis Earache, -Lumbago Pain, d111, Palil 17r11dy;"Beyer" loxes of 12 tablets--Alse levities of 21and "L)d---Diu gists. Ar rin is the ;loth,, n141k'.l9 r1..,t,ti'1-m•i i;1 C.111u.ta1 o:C:;,?h:•er• ]11'+ nwP;tat ro a,f Marla - 1,74'1, as. 111,10110 of ,r,110;;'/ft WW1(' 'V' 15' fl -0 bnon, 3 .1101 .443)11-1Y. �,. .ns i; i4S'•a°. iron ;r'ti.•r.arc. Co 11F 1r7tt o ') 1 i iIr iLF; £ts l?",C iinli ut°,ns, Yet '.14-..1)Vof UK,) 'sued, be /tamped,"Wit 0,l:ki"etr g',..�z•s',:-'cladct »s.Yrl:,,,�,%�wA ?;;t>y<_t.'C..toA,a�• 31 1