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The Exeter Times, 1923-4-26, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES lliILi 0IIII, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiliiimoIIINIIIgiiiimIIlllalmiiIIowilllIMiiilli(II ll IIIIIIIIIIlILI1IIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIII]IIIIIIIi Janata lllltillllllillllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIhllllll1911111I1lIII!!(IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIII IIIIIII IHIIIIIIIIII(IIIIIIiIHIIIIlIIIIIII(IIIIlIIIII lllllllll • Illilllllll1�I11IIIIII�IIII II IIIII Iillll 111 l! 0001100000001000000 40 0 t • • • 0 • • 0 • • •, •: • • 0 • - • •0 • Funds for r seessoompotesiosio Fanning can be .made more . profitable' by the proper use of credit. ' Ourlocal' Manager will be glad to discuss with you—in strictest confidence—any -an sound plans you may be considering ng which require additional funds. bI STER11NGFBANKzil OF CANADA .• ® • SAV .B eco e •! Y • • s • 0 0 0 0 1114•• • • • • • • - - • •N e 1 • 'You Cannot Attend a Better School SO- WHY NOT COMMENCE THE SPITING TERM: - WHEN, SCHOOL ,REvOPENS„'.TES. APRIL 10, 1923, AT THE Sc.h oal, of Commerce .„ Clint,: n. Ontario Stenographic,, Commeretai, Seoretaria 1, Special Courses.. FOR FULL PARTICULAII;S APPLY TO • A..,STONE-•'COM. SPECIALIST, ;„ B. F.A W RD, B.• A., 'Priv Vice Principal. Phone 198 -r Students, may enter at any time. DR. A. ` MOIR, : 'L. M. C. C. Physician- and Surgeon Phone 70 ' HENSALL DR. G. L. SMITH DENTIST ' Two doors east of the Molsons Bank, Hensall Ont. Away Wednesday afternoons. PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN 8z •II ©LML . S Barristors, &c. Ofiic eo n the ie S uare Square, 2nd door :from Hamilton St., Goderich. Private funds to loan at lowest rates, W. Proudfoot, E. -,C. J. ,L. Killoran, D. E. Holmes . Mr. Holmes will be in Hensall very Friday from 9, until 6.. DR. 'J.. W. PECK Graduate of Faculty of Medicine,,, :YleGiIl University, Montreal; Member aof ':College of Physicians and Surgeons ,of' Ontario; Licentiate Of Medical Council of Canada; 'Post -.:Graduate Weinber of Resident 'Medical staff of General Hospital, Montreal, 1914-151 Office, 3 doors -'east -of Post +O3fice; Office -Phone 56, . Heimall, Ontario. A IICTIO1tiEER OSCAR 'KLOPP 'Honor Graduate.1-ones' Carep Au- ction School, Special course taken in ,Registered Live Stock (all 'Breeds,) Merchandise, Real Estate, Farm Sales, etc. Rates in keeping with prevailing prices. Satisfaction . as cured, write ,OScar Kiopp, Zurich, or. -*ire 18-93;. Zurich. :EVERY SO.ZET OP go.i; 14'E PRINT—Posters, Dodgers, En- velopes, Letterheads, `Visitin Cards, Visiting :Shipping Tags, and anything at'all, at. The 'Observei• Pi-tztting Office, Hensall, Orders taken for Daily` and , Weekly .Papers. Toronto and London papers . 7.5. In club .viol the Exeter ;Times 46.25. 'Leave`yoli' order at the Ob- ierver Office. ofin a l� li e 1 Ply ?toll Roofing, $2.00. , 2 P1• Roll R .>' oofin g, ,$2.75 2.75 18 Ply Assphalt Roll Roofing, either Ged or Green $4.00. .Asphalt Twin Shingles $6.75 cry .: sii4e Pinol.xS Dressed and Matched at $45.00 Per 1000 feet:. a� lssrs Matched Luni',ber Perfectly Cie at, $45.00, . „1,e No. 12 A. TT ei. ATW a "TMJ rr- P HENSALL Dr. Moir has purchased a new Ford coupe. Miss .Annie Moore spent theweek- end visiting friends in Goderich. Mrs. Henry is this week visiting, her eon near Clinton,. Ilii, Thos. Shaddock recently pur- chased a' Chevroletscar. Miss Duffin, :of Orangeville, visit- ed her brother, Dr. Duffin. MVtiss Vercy Geiger is visiting with friends in, London this. week. Mr. Nor•Ynan' Jones has accepted a position with Bonthron & Drysdale. Mr. Arnold Bell, ,of Toronto, is visiting" his mother, Mrs, Bertha Bell. Mr, Wm. Beaver is visiting rela- tives and friends in Kitchener t week. Mrs. Elder left on Monday ino ing last for a ' visit with friends Windsor. ZION The Sunday School held their election of officers one evening last week and the following is the list: Supt., Win, Hera; Ass't, Jas. Earl; teacher' and ass't for Adult Bible Class, R. E. Pooley and 1=I. Taylor; Jr. Bible Class, E. J3ern; Intermed- iates, Mrs. Kyle and Miss McIntyre; Primary, Miss Lila Taylor and 1VIrs. Wrn: Hertz; Organist, Miss Minnie I -Tern; Asst, Miss Alma IIern; Mus icai Supervisor, Wellington •Brock; Librarians, C. Towle and Ross Ilern; Missionary Supt, Mrs. J. T. Hein. It'was arranged to hold the anniver- sary on June loth, and the picnic the last week in June. The -finances of the sjlcool are in excellent shape. Mrs.: W m. Taylor is confinedto her bed with illness. his Mr. _Hector Taylor is- ill with the grippe, rn- Mrs. Harry Towle Visited for a M ' few days with der brothers in Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Roy White visited friends and relatives in town over the week -end. .Mr. Fred Howe, 'of Streetsville, "Inas accepted a position as baker for Mr. ,R;:„E, Cook. ZURICH Mr.. Jacob ,:Brown and family, of the Goshen Line, south, have moved into part of the house they recently 'purchased from Mr. Jacob Weide. Mr. Silicon Greb, of the Babylon Line -escaped' what niigltt have been at•niorea serious accident,while leav- ing, the large enclosed shed'sat the Evangelical church: in some wap the horse. became unmanageable, and in going out the door, bolted, the one Wheel catching the side of the build-/ ing,. with such. force that it threw/ h :Kr. Grab er o ut and .pansing sin a nasty st y u a in his iszea d. However, n• o ser- ious injury `resulted. The animal T after tearing: itself , loose, 'ran honie, some damage' e was dobe. gto the baggy and harness. ' 0 Mr. Richardoff • e G i ey has .left. for T Chatham where lie 'intends to' stay for the summer. • ' ' Mr. Emanuel Keohler,' of Kitchen- er, spent the week here, Mr. C. Eilberesold his fine pacing horse to Mr. Alex. Sparks; of Sea - forth for the handsome sum of $300. • Mr, and Mrs. J.:J,..'Schwartz, of De- troit, are.visiting,'at th.e home of his wwife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fuss. My. Wm, •Decher sold his his fine grey 'show team to .a buyer front Ail- sa Craig, for the Itandsome sum -of $470.00 Mr. 'and Mrs.' Milton Ortwein, and son Lloyd, visited reiatives..in town, over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs'. H. Arnold motored' to London on Saturday last and spent Sunday with relatives in that city, Mrs. - Colin Smith, of London, is visiting friends and relatives in and around the village this week, Don't forget the Auction Sale of, House, Land,,, -and Household ,Furni- ture to be held at -the home of Mr. F. Busch, on Brock St. r Mr: Harry VolIand„ figs purchased the dwelling property of Mr. R. Wol- ley on Queen, St. and moved in the forepart of the weelr. Mr. Fred Busch who has been ill for the past few months at his home here was removed to St. • Joseph's Hospital, London; on \Tuesday morn- ing last. The Hensall, I.O,.O.F. will; attend Divine worship in Carmel church next Sunday evening and a 'specia sermon'wiil' be preached by the pas tor, Rev. Mr. McConnell. Rev. G. W. Rivers will take fo is subjects in the Methodist churcl Sunday the following:— Morning—"Jesus olio 'u • — y wz g• Morning—"Jesus the'Teacher o eachers Evening --"Sowing and Reaping.' CENTRALIA Mr. Sam'l Essery who has spent the winter in California, returned home, last week and utas shaking hands with old friends in Exeter. IIe is visiting in Usborne and Centralia. Miss Olive Dempsey continues quite poorly. Mr. Wm. Colwill shipped a car of settler's effects to Saskatchewan in charge of Mr. John Cornish. Colwill , recently sold to an English,; purchaser 200 ; head of ex- portcattle some of which were' ship- ped .from this community last week. He left: for Montreal on Monday. The `flax- people have rented a large piece of ground from, Mr. Ed. Walker and. are preparing it for .crops. ` Mr, John Essery was at- Kfrkton on Saturday and Monday attending a meeting in connection with the Kirkton, St. Marys and Medina Tel- ephone Co. The . roads are in excellent condi- tion. - GREENWAY Mr. Wil Hicks and family have -re-! 1 covered"'from an attack of jaundice, - Mr.•Wm. Humble, of Ailsa Craig, visited here.last week. Mrs. E. Hutchinson, of Parkhill, h visited Mrs. Edwards last week. 1VIanf or d Balliii has . Balling returned - of tel s rend' uz I the f b winter in Detroit. Next Sunday afternoon at, 2.30 in , the Methodist church, Miss E. Sparl- in 're turne g', driz' ' issionary from China e will speak ak i n the interests est s of the W. • M.S. and on Monda ei Y eui ng will give an address. There will be a good program -besides, of music by local talent. Come and see the cur- ios and costumes of China. 'Admis- sion 25c. Last Sunday afternoon the funeral service for the late Mi.. James Young was held in the Methodist church, where he had been a -faithful worker, for many years. - In the class meet- ing; Sunday school and prayer meet- ; ing especially, he was always in his Place and, an active member. The service was conducted by the pastor Rev, , W'Williams, B.A. and he was biuried under the auspices of the 11acabee order. The floral tributes from the family, the c.Iurcli, his Sun- day school close: and the Macaboes were beautiful. , The bereaved "fam- ily have -elle sympathy - of the com- munity. , , O'LEARY-At St':; .Jose ii' P s hospital, London; on April 15th,; James, O'- Leary, of, Mt. Carmel, in his 70th. ;Near. Mr. Thomas Gill died at the beef f his da u ht - �, ei, Mrs. Thos. Hudson he d*ceased was in his 85th year IIe had been i11 with pneumonia The. funeral took place Wednesday afternoon, to Hensall. Union cezne- teryr The hard time dance held in the Town Hall on Friday evening last by the, .hockey Club, .;provedto be a grand success. There' were quite a number in. hard time costume: who caused much; amuseirent and 'added largely to the ~enjoyable evening which was spent by all. The ,first prize.; for: the ladies was won by Mrs. Geo.'. Single while the second went to Miss Ruby Churchill. The first prize for- the gentlemen's costume was captured by Mr. Joe.' Burnie and the second byMr. Bob. Robiiison A musical concert will be' iven in the Town Hall, on Tuesday evening, May 1st, b' three- graduates ',,of ; the Brantford school fair the Blind•'Miss Kathleen Sells, pianist and accoai- panist; Miss Gladys Slay, and Miss Greta Lammie, the latter of: Hensall, violinist, These three youn~`g. ladies have given musical entertainments DASHWOQD Mr.V. Callfas,,;of Ilosthern, Sask.. visited with friends and relatives Bore recently. Itev. Mr. Yager attended the Con- ference held at Crediton last week. Miss E. Graybiel, of Toronto, has returned home. MiGs Louise Graupner left recently: for Fort Wawne, Ind. , 11irs, Yates, of Sarnia is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Harry Kraft. Mr. Fred. Sehlundt is quite ill " at;' his home. We hope for a speedy re- covery. ' Rev, Mr. Graupner attended the Conference held at Clifford last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Stire left re- cently for Oshawa. Miss M. Hanover spent last Tues - clay in Exeter visiting with Mrs.' R. Davis. Mr;P. Moffatt has purchased a new Ford touring car, Mrs. E. Beaver 'visited with her parents in Zurich over the week=end, Mr. E. G. Kraft spent Thursday in London. Mr. and': Mrs. Dan Schroed,er, of near London,: spent Sunday in town. Rev, I -I, A. Kellerman, of Chesley,' spent a few' days at his home here this week, A Rev. N. E. Dahms, of Bridgeport, renewed old acquaintances in the vi1- lage`'this week. CLANDEBOYE Moses Simpson, Mooresville, has sold his farm ' to Elsner Faulder, of .Brinsley, and held a sale of farm stock and implements on April 20. Mr. and Mrs, Ray Cunningham: en- tertained their, friends to a euchre party and dance at their home, Mooresville. Music was provided by Messrs. ,Dobbs and Flanagan., FARQUHAR The annual meeting of the Far- quhar Women's Institute will be held in -the Farquhar -Public Hall, on .Tuesday -afternoon, May 1st. A full attendance is asked for, as import- ant business is to be transacted. "Luna '=will be served at the close of the meeting. K.OEH LEE—GROSS NUP'i'3ALS On . Saturday, April 14th the home ea' Mr. 'J. Grose, of near Blyth, ivas the scene of a pretty house -wedding when his daughter, Miss Clara, was united in marriage to Mr. Wm. Koeh- ler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob' Koeh- ler, of Zurich. The ceremony was perforined in the presence of only the immediate relatives. The happy couple will nial;e their future horse on the groom's .fine farm `ust` south of Zurich. 1 IVlrs Chas E Hackett f .D o , 1.1 0,11 received the news of the death of her nephew, Mina • O'Neil, which ..occur red in Vancouver onApril6th..' De- ceased, was born on Feb. 2ncl,: 1887, on the 13th concession of London Tp. near Bir/';and was the son_ol: the late Wm. O'Neil and Alvina' Roberts. Wizen he- was.• thee' years of 'age his mother, 'died)' and he:avezrf -to live with his :grarldparents;;' Mrs.' George. Roberts, near Denfield. FOR '-HTiOSE •MUDDY SHOES Muddy sho@s tracking up clean kitchen and bathroom floors were the band. Of farm. One '' � . z Van,aYl u life. until slie brought into service a dis- carded pair of sltatca to act as nuul scrapers. Tile skates were secure - ,y fastened, r;tnncr ride up ---dee where the cement walk enclocl at the Yard gate; the :other on thelil),;f�t• porch step. A rotig'hcocoanut' rare i rug on the porch madeit oaa v Itar. the men folks to put on. the lido/ eau 1 i3 .)li °he , � s ' of e1oa311i o s, Sins cora- ' his brnalion proved an irresistible al, ,t, for tbo, head of the house remora'', .. ant/ { might t get P�k .tuI sca' z I-. but noa•-, normal 1al I , ,and keep a, cleat°conscience," '0 , adiatt •Tractor ,I'ariixing in several large towns and cities'and and- always .1had their concerts well attended .and well spoken of., This concert will -lie of the sa;.ne weep- tidnally acceptable 'and appreciable character and•a rare treat is in store for•.'all who avail themselves of the opportunity,of-hearing thishigh class musical conceit. The. people of Hensall and 'com- munity. were ,shociced'on TuesdaY to learn of the; sudden : death, of Mr. Thomas Neeiands, ire ,being found dead. in 'bed 'shortly ,after the Moon hour. Mr. Neelands liad been around as usual the clay previous having been clown town. He Iiad been poor ly however, with heart trouble and • an Tuesday; niorning had remained in bed. To find'that life had depart- ed in the -meantime came as a severe 1 sl acic.' Mr,-- Neeh . aids for 01 /all years n 0 rs :; y' 3 wag editor of the Ileusali Observer having sold. out to. Mr. Buchanan., Ile was a man well road and highly osteenieci in the community, but was handicapped through failing eye- si l t. The daceasecl'.was a ineznber. of. •t:lzd' Methodist clturcri ancl. gave a ;lplendict address to the League a pie of weeks ago. ite celebrated 72nd birthday last Sunday, Do is vifed by bis`beie..vec3'ivbdow, one Atria:. King and two song: 1''10 and .- .. ..t s ail .IL f� v, 1 of (11110ago, The ,funeral' will be held ',i: hursday afternoon to Itelisall Urlioa come cry, ,• c'. 0REYIHOU'NI) EXCURSION CO IDH'TT1WIT': "The SVhite Star. Line announces the big low fare annual excursion on the Str. Greyhound, from Goderich to Detroit and return, leaving 'God erich on Tuesday; Jane 12th, at 9.30 atm., and arriving Detroit al: 5;00 A day and a half will -be given alt -excuarsionists in, Detroit, the re- turn departure being as usual, Thursday at 1:00 p.in. Moonlight -to I:,ake" Huron, Mon- day, June lxtlz, at 3:30 p.nl. The fare is so low and the accost- znodations and services of the Grey- hound are so very good and comfort-. able, that no one can afford to miss'. this annual opportunity to visit, one of the largest and most wonderful cities on the coil ' tzneii . t Detroit's great industrial 'progress has attrac- ted the attention of the whole world, and it has a reputation for being the 1t70S t up-to-date ' in its znantfacturing. methods and of having ' the greatest industrial institutions in the world.. Delegations and committees from governiiienl.s and manufacturing eon - corns from all the world are visiting Detroit daily to inspect the wotictere ful planto and their- methods of pro- duction„. They ge away amazed at the tremendous activity of modern nlanlrla7; t11ri,n^ methods and always predict that nothing call stop Detroit from'-becoriiiug the greatest indus- trial ventre ol.the world I "Now children" said the Sunday . School teache, "I have' told you the story of Jonah.and- the whale. ,Wil- lie, you niay tell me what this story teaches. "Yes'm,” said', Willie, the _. bright-eyed •soli of the' pastor: "It,. teaches, that. you. can't keep'aa good man ' down,” ,11 0 rr ,111 IIIII ,I14 IIil;t1* �\, I!� .niC� `' �+.�'="�1�,��n;liUlll�a��ufiat//��'P'u•a7nrtr.►ar�.; _ . �►sill .. 6 he Best Fe Ever " That is what our customerssay about Peerless Fence. It is : heavily galvanized to , prevent rust. It has all the strength • o require. g you It is good for 'years: of satisfactory service. We can showori • heights �' g is gold weights in Peerless Farm, Poultry and Lawn .Fence for every requirement. B. • M. FRANCIS Massey -Harris W arercors, Exeter Money_ Advancuil on improved Farms To pay part purchase money or existing mortgage; To erect buildings or improve present buildings; To buy stock; To pay off Bank Loans tc. Fenn 9 Fey . r':ortg, ges e.orchased,or a ongrted Upon Do allour long y term borrowing from an old established mortgage loaning Company. Your business will be confidential..'.;} ' You will,alwaysA tow„where to •find your .lender and your desires will :receive prompt and business-like-consideration.''~a Write or Call upon The Dundas Street and 'Market•Lane LONBON, ONTARIO IIIII°' I I L I I I I I '1!111 I I III II Illi) I l II !II II � III I � I � II 11 I II III it I I Ill Illli I IIIIIII IIIIIIIIII I II I 1 IIIJI In Ii . 1!' h ai Il.1 11I.I IIIII III1II,II IlliIl IlI .I I.phI.9II il I �I� IIL I I I• I �,taA �II -t_-a-- I� p._ll.gyIi 11 1 1 J I, /ilil II Ili( Lll I II L THE FORD PRODU 19 4 COSTHAT Tr YOU COST YOU A DOLLAR.. 1N, SIXTY-NINE CENTS TO -DAY_' SEE' THE COMPARISON.. WITH OTHER COMMODITIES—L.ISTED DE- LOW—AND REALIZE THAT CONDI- TIONS MAY FORCE FORD TO IN- CREASE IN PRICES ALSO.: UNLESS.YOU AND OTHERS WHO DESIRE .ROTOR.' CARS PURCHASE NOW SO AS To EN- "ABLE"QUANTITY PRODUCTION TO EE MAI NTAI: NEO. 19,.x.7914 �69A 100 GOAINS AN ING CAR 116.0 .100 GRAINS AND FODDER .1167 ,00 ANIMALS ODUCTSAT5 10714 .100 DAIRY.PRODUCTS 620.0 100 FISH..-.-.. 1451. 100 OTHER FOODS - MC01410 ,, ., , GRD-' 157.1 300. XTILE 179.5 100 TEXTILES......... , HtDES. LEATHER BOOT—' 067 .160 TD I.M. MEOTALSS AND D.IMPL MENTS 170.0 700 243.5 100 FUEL AND MATTING 107.6 100. BUILDING FU MATERIAL HOUSEFURNISHINGO..-• 200.4. 100 MISCELLANEOUS FC - .,,• 165.7 IGD BlUle NOW AND MAKE CElrrAIN YOU GET A CAR AT THESE PRICES %//Bailout:$405 Touring 5445 Coupe $c Seldbra' 5755 Chassis $345 111d 49 600 ,000,OHS.00V T.TA%C: pro 5TMf2TIMf N0 C OUI0C 1.514160 4TfNOAPO COUIGMCNT Off SCbW NN 00666 QDAY you can getl 31% more of Ford Equipment for a dollar than in 1914. Almost all other commodi- ties ®mraa®ryyi-ti a show a marke d increase c ease over x.914-, 1Y'�Ces. This his means that a gra a n whether he be a farmer, manu- facturer or other. producer, � can buy Ford. Equipment at a greatlywhile reduced price while :he receives a healthy increase for his products 1 over 19- 4 prices. This is in face ®f the fact that the tendency of prices on all O_is, C®gam od.�.�ncs tox;!�crea, lea Therefore, the present prices of Ford. Cars, which are the lowest in the historyof the cera: pany, Ga23n®t be guaranteed. The only way you can make sure of thea: is to Buy Nrcaw® Terms erms " rf you wish. FORD MOTOR COMPANY Exeter Osla a a Ont OF CANADII, EDL. FORD ONTARID; 2; 4-