The Exeter Times, 1923-4-26, Page 1,YEAR No. 2556 '�TF1 Y•FT12ST, , EE1'.T,• ll IIIIII iIIIIIIIRIII l. till III�II Illllllllllllli __ � eci �111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIII_ _.. ,�, II1111illlll_ ,...� illi... II III _ III......_. IIIIIIII I_ �� lillllll1111111111111.111 _ ��. al Valiiein, Suits, Coats Haifa ISAMO MON I G,, APRIL 26th., 1,923 EX.ETEfit. COUNCIL CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND Monday, April 23rd, .1.923 meetingof the Muni - Exeter is'now assured that the izn t rnoozi at' fire o'clock, 'e'hen l\liss The " regular . ,4 ASSURED KIRK—IIOIJL'I);67N TUPT,1I-3 LS A quiet 'wedding'wedding logic place at; Cav 'Presbyterian manse, oh Tuesday af- oil ,��. ci a1,Conncil was held xn the office sightly postotflce.sile in the heart Mabel IlOulclen, was Muted In xnax- p t, in eaat ere t< a b YRev. 'Jas. res into r 'S , ie 11 v I Lewis Kirk, la zlex� turned d � to l r. I 3 xern p .e z iia u of the•Cleric... All n the fawn is to 1 g, child- x_ld Iethe c'• ' � ,4 d 1for t i ,� Yas- dxe meeting o The bride Aw. � .: The minutes of the spot and playground, l oote. x t April 9th were reacl'aucl 'all-Tsroved. ren: Tile Exeter Idoiticaltiuo.i Soc- white satin with : georgette crOli : ;Apee == `Lotex and copy of telegram. from of iety have received word from the 4 Miss Etho Houlden and Mr. :Ed. Tice of the Secretary of the HYd10 Public Works department at Ottawa Perliale were the attendante, Electric Coni, re putlzc he irnxg, ditxxre of approving of the c.xpe1z `meeting' to he held in Toronto Wed- . $150.00 the estimated cost of erect- ` Main Street Epworth League held i-nesday April 25t11,—Filed, 1 ing a 'board fence and slaving the their annual election of oficersTuos- A large photograph framed of the "ground levelled up, If the Ixorti" day evening. The League have had a'successful year, their contributions to missions; will reach $100,00. The effacers elected were as follows:— President, Mass E. Fcllick; 1st. Vice, Miss 13. Howey; 2nd ,Tice, Miss L. Walker; 3rd 'Vice, Miss 10, Medd; 4th Vice, Maurice Ford; ;Sec. Miss Ruth Lamport; Cor, Sec. Miss r nno late Lancelot IIardy was presented ! cultural Society `tad accomphsltiec to the Council by 1\lis, 'lardy, with'' notlxing else in Exeter this actio• n a regdest that sante be flung in the 4 • alone would justify its existence. A Council Chambers, .Mr. Hardy was children's playground on this site Reeve of the County • of Huron in will certainly leave a different im- GARtimmis We are offeringvery attractive prices in Ladies' and Misses Suits, Coats, and Dresses for s ring and summer. We. have an exceptionally :pring large stock to choose from in Northway as well as other makes: l ar ha• , ash' ; : gton summer mer. Dresses We arelocal agents for the celebrated Martha ,Waphington dresses. We 1 have just received a large shipment of these beautiful summer dresses in a large range of popular • color combinations, ranging afro's CCrepes, Ginglains; etc. at prices that wall surpriseyou,• $3.75 up. House - Furnishings 11'� Spring,.house-cleaning time, prepared to meet, theademalicls of e are well 11noleums, Curtain material, Curtain poles, With new rugs, Cozigolennis, Wall -papers, Cretonnes,: etc, at much lower prices. Window -blinds, ,.:; Linoleum before pur- chasing. pies on heavy'. quality chasing. Boys' 2 Bloomer Suits Big range Boys'. 2 Biooiner Suits, the new light l rdnDonegal Tweeds, the biggest- values: we -have ever had, priced at $9.50 er sizes to $11.00 in the -largest size. Also Smart 13rown, Beach: or Pat- ent Oxfords for Boys. Men r$- Suits forun n • . • _illlthe ° new light and `medium shades fog Young Men, naedTwn . prices, Smart Styles. 1883. In 1876 he served as Council- pression on the people who will pass lor. On motion of Ellerington and tiirongli our fawn tummthan seconded by Hooper -tlie came was the" present Inc. - ''ehisrsol1ssiner town dull reCeaved.and size clerk in 311ll liave the opportunity of conrili- Helen Dignan; Treas, BeHnson Tuc- a;eci.dent' eoaxies at an u_u'ortunat± i" tllanl • y strnctel to extend to ATrs. Hardy the uting to the society for the purpose' key; Pianist Miss Edith Ixogarth, (fine as the busyseason los 1VIr;73a11- thanl;Yullness and ktiiG appreciations of adding to the beauty of this as , Farquhar . wilI is just opening tip. y ;; of the members of the Council. ' well as the other parks of Exeter. Mr. Franklin Delb1•i i - e submitted The Horticultural 'Society have also plans for a one and. a'half storey brick. veneered dwelling, cement blocic 'foundation, aeleing for the Council's ;innioval, a :permit for same. 1vlr, 13r:tce Medd h,LS the returns' front his e exam. at Guelph C a,l,�,f,rr ed.four fiz'st class Ito ft end class and two credits to • `t4zn d tear. subjects K`E 111c,e G gi•at;ulate hint on, ing. FRAU L'A,x) I1x��A •.�. ID.s.Fi'4..f', Mr. W A Ba,lkwxiI 0n a'�: Tiad the misfortune to fall fr�i Stepladder and fracture his lett ry which axe 1101 ' carries in a sll Palkwill eras malting some pairs at the Nonce of Mr. \\ n f3t3' on 12aiti St: 110 was staxidni, , the top of the ladder doing some lint ing vwhen the ladder ovcxturzie;l an he fell, to the floor. In addition phis fractured aril some flesh vt torn from his right. thu nb ail(' right arm was -badly braised; ii planned to lxolcl a flower show on August 24th and 25th. Prizes will be awarded not only for flowers but for the best kept lawn, tiie flowers` tivas duly granted on motion of Davis and shrubbery receiving due consid- ` and Francis. , °oration, The society now have a. The Auditor's report 'for Marcie membership et 197. They are anx was ' presented and read,; the same' ions to, nixioakc up tiie 200. Anyone accepted on motion of Eller " gixziv r' 'her being, P J ington and Francis. prcn auraixags. If will you are eceivenottalreadyspaing Street Cor,imissioiiez, Bissett was menSipihecor join now. instructed to make sural y effort to the above was written ' Mr. collect all arrears:of Municipal, taxes. Conray, of the Public .ZVorirs Dept, and if necessary to take action, on has visited Exeter and heartily .'ap motion of E1lerington and Francis.proves of the action of the society. Carried. The following accounts were read • and passed: The Bell Telephone Co., EXETE71- .CANNING FACTORY cemetery phoite rent, Thos. Collingwoad; Gleaning Library, $3; AMALGAMATED WITH CAN - Thos.: plonideu, team; labor $11; Wm. ADIAN' CANNERS -� = Webber, team labor, -$2.75; Clyde =Ileywaod, team labor,$2,20; Peter The Exeter Canning and Preserv- y Coleman, team labor, $2.20; R. E. ing Co., have this week sold out their I Davis, team labor $2.20;, Frank Mal- holdings in Exeter to ,the Canadian ' -R.B.9 Canners,- ners,- who get immediate posses- °•� let, la;hoz Library, $1'O.D 0, Ie $ , G n , $19.0Q. sion. 114r. S M. Sanders who has Adjournment 'by ° Francis. - been in chaz'ge ;of the Canning Fac - jos. Senior Clerk. tory since the first year 'of its oper- liu oro s, Instructive, Entert hihig Wall Paper Special Living `Room or Hall you wish'to do in something dif- ferent you a. ers? Let us send you up Staun ton from the ordinary run of Wall -pap ern.. ' `S Special Book o£ papers, so. you tau get an exclusive pa,tt tons p PHONE , 8.2 w'p i e _— `� ._ Illllllllll =' fl1911111111111H1111111111flillllllllllllllllll .--- llll1111111111111111111111lIIII�dN11, , 111111111111111111111 - 11111111111111111111U1111 ..: �IIIli11111t m-- PHONE 32 Feer EXETER ROY WINS SECOND GOLD • MEDAL Mr. Linden E. Harley, M .A•, B.D., son of 1MIr. and Mrs. J. S. Harvey, who; has -just completed a cou se in theology, at Victoria University, has been, awarded the .,Sa `cord Golcl Med- al for proficiency in the whole B.D. ation, and to whose efforts the suc- cess; and rapid growth of the com- pany are largely due, is, being retain- ed as manager. In fact there Will he no change in the personnel of the management. Mr. L. Penhale re- maining in charge of the processing. They will carry out their plans for operatoin this season and the 'pros- pets axe that they wil1 double their,. capacity for another year. The Ex course of three •years, . He, was also eter, Factory is modern in every way fortunate in ',securing a "140 prize in anti `equipped with the most up -to-. 'Homiletics and a $25 prize in New date machinery for. carrying on op- Testament TheologY. Mr. Harveys erations.. In addition to the factory career at Toronto University has been particularly brilliant. This, is the second gold medal he has won at the, University, he having :won the gold medal in Philosophy. In addition to these he has won a number—of scholarships and prizes.. Mr. Harvey has completed his col- lege course and secured his gradua- tion honors at Convocation Hall on Monday ,of last week. Re comes up for ordination to the Methodist min- istry when the London_ Conference meets in June. DO NOT FAIL TO HEAR se Canada's Premier SI:e::.t: Quartette roan Victoria College Toronto —INTHE es Street a urc l What some of the press critics say:—Strong and forceful; •delightiux showed marked ability, evoked greatest enthusiasm, whirlwind irons be- ginning to. end. or � � Use, LOWE BR:OS. HIGH STANDARD PAINT IN CANS AT - 75c, $1.40, $2.65' and ,$5.00 AUTO GLOSS • CAR OR BUGGY 600 and $1.00 PER TIN ALL COLORS IN, STOCK LOWE` BROS.. s" MELLOTONE FLAT FINISH, IN CANS,. AT 75c $1.40, $2.65' and $5.00 LOWE BROS.: IIA RD' DRYING. FLOOR PAINTS GIVE•BEST RESULTS 75c, $1.40, and 2.65 PER TIN' EIGIIT COLORS TO. CHOOSE: Alabastine and Muresco Wall Finishes in all Colors New Perfection Oil Stove 3 and 4 BURNERS, $26,00 WICKS 400 OVENS $7.00 TIP HEAT INDICATORS .,..950 SEE TI -IE - SUPERFINE OIL COOK Srl'OVE, BET- TER THAN GAS OR Etnc- TRTGITY. BE SURE AND SEE TI -IIS STOVE. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING )1761. Come' to the Spinsters Convention and see the Old Maids transferred into beautiful young Maidens 'before your own eyes at Coven Presbyterian Church, on May 3rd, at 8 p.m, Ad- mission 25c, Local Amateurs, are presenting. the laughable comedy "Not Such a Fool as He' Looks," Ope •a House, May 9th, under the` auspices Trivitt Mem.' Sunday 'School. This is good,' Secure your seats early. Plan opens May 1st, at Ilowey's Drug Stoze. 11e - served seats 55c—See bills for cast. 'EXETER CHILD. ITURT -William Edward, the -two-year-old son of Mr. Prank Triebner, Jr., of Stephen Tp., is lying at his honte result RECOMMEND PURCHASE OF TELEPHONE COMPANY Tlie committee appointed at the annual meeting of the Kirkton, St. Marys and Medina telephone. Co., consisting of six shareholders and six subscribers, who wepe to meet with the directors of the‘-eompany to try to adjust the proposed rates, met at Kirkton, on Saturday last and decided to recommend 'to the dir- ectors tha the rate Pc $1G.00. They also passed a resolution recommend- ing the purchase of the system' by the ` MVlunicipality.: On Monday the committee met the directors and re- ported their decision. After discus- sion a motion was • passed that the a very critical condition H a rate be $16.50 until August 1st,: and of a fall oii a flight ofsteps id urs if no steps are taken towards mum.- father's to the toast to The Icing with the father's barn. No one witnessed the cipai ownership by that time the National Anthem, J. M. Southcott re- accident, but the child was found ly- rate be raised. to $18.00. The re- sponded to the toast to Canada.' blood tuicoilseious, port will be su'binitted to the ad -I Grand Lodge Naas- responded to by J. ing in a pool of b having evidently struck `his head on jaunted annual meeting which will i'0 Staz Miry, 'followed by a :reclta- the edge of a manger, The.attend- be. called in about. two weeks. tion by E. Dignan, "Tire a reciins ing 'physician .states the base of. the ,•-` t of the Olciex.' In replying he : to the skull 'was fractured. Lebanon r. •ems+ Lodge A. E. I �r a, rz.�+. ATTEND DIVINE SERVICE they ,own 275 acres of land in or close to• town' and besides this they have 7a acres leased. About half of the corn acreage is contracted' for. The Factory was first built in. 1907, with Mr: Gardiner in charge,, 'After the dist pack Mr. S. M. Sanders was appointed Manager, which position he has since 'retained. The first year the factory put up 6,500 cases of 'peas; 2,500 cases of corn; 1,500 cases of tomatoes; 330 cases of pumpkin and 400 cases of plums. In 1910 the company specialized in peas and corgi clroppinethe others. The present output is :in the neigh- borhood of 50,000 cases: Admission 35c. Children 25c o 'Set*I.Ce Or400. a Main Phone - 102 TWO STORES North' :Phone 47 MOODY'S KLENZINE // MIRACLE WASHING CREAM � 4 :m 30for 25c. 2 for 25c. ,1VIANNING' S WONDER.-'VASH L for MACK'S NORUB GARDEN PRINCESS LAUNDRY TABLETS -. SEEDS SOAP FLAKES t)r .'=dt' :J, 10c1 a pkg c. r e DUTCH SETS 3: 0.0•F . HOLD ,SUCCESSFUL BANQUET COWAN'S INSTANT COCOA. I%INGNUT NUT MAR ARINE I5c.. a, pound 25c. . tin c,.a The Exeter lodge of Oddfellows held a red letter night on Tuesday evening when they wound up a suc- cessful season's work with a banquet that will long.be-remembered by the large number present. A long table was set in the lodge:. room and the delicacies provided were much en- joyed. Following, the banciuet a num- ber of toasts were responded: to, R. INT. Creech very ably filling the ,.posi- lion_.c 1 toastmaster. After respond - Your Spring rin- Painting respond - April 24th to mr, and Mrs, y the anniversary of the order on Sun,: Baytham a daughter (Betty Mar- 1 Y.- evening' .last' bY pa,ra,ding to PERKINS-e--131 Usbornie, on ,Sa,tur,t day, April r2lst to' `Mr. and 131rs. Hay, on Friday, April 20, to, Mr.' anel. IVIrra joSiah , Were present were -also a, I'Brucefield. Ridges. Altogether over toast to 'Enke renewed the early days of Odd fellowship in Exeter and recalled some of the brethren.. whe had occu- Tames St. Metitodist church .where erable credit. W. W. Taman spoke they listened to 0 very eloquent, and of the'present standing ot the order :inspiring kterinon by the Pastor, Rev. stating that the membership is 11-1. 'M. J. Wi 'son. About: twenty in em- The, order is in strong financial con - hers of the Canton f -r°111 Lel-14°Th ditien With et -nue -thing over $17,000 -11 in the treastiry, much 'creclit for this is being given to' Mr. Puke, Who for years was an. efficient officer. :The Exeter lodge has a5 pa8t intisters Tile New Membere was ably respon- ded, to by Rey. Jas. Foote; the Visit - Ladies by II, Rivers and McKenzie,. A song by H. jerming,s; recita,tion by IT. O. Southcott "The -I-a,hittint," and •pertiad the toaste. „T. Christie on the diaitns and Lyle Statham on the e evening. ``Auld Lang Syne" brought a very enjoyable evening to We have a large stock of Specially Selected field seeds of high ge inination and government standard quality for sale. Our Stock Consists, SWEET CLOVER; HUBAN ANNUAL SWEET, CLOVER; ALSIKE AND TIMOTHY- MIXED; KENTUCKY BLUE AND 'ORCHARD GRA..SS; LETT, ONTARIO GROWN AND IMPORTED TIMOTHY SEED. MANGEL AND TURNIP SEED LAWN GRASS, GARDEN SEEDS, ETC, We have a limited quantitY of Ontario grown Variegated Altai - Seed, No. 1 Quality. This is one of the most hardy varieties and is part of tl3e production of a field that ha.ti grown seed for ten consecutive YeariitI, oi this va,riety should place their order earlY• This leaveS. it thoroughly cliraatize,a. An-yone intending -sew' a field. „ We have, also a stock of No. 1, AaneriCan grown Alfalfa WE ARE P,I3YERS I-SEANS, *CLOVER ANT) TliN SET: DUTC1-1 01\TIONZ AND ALL KINDS OP FARM 10DUCT%-- TIGT-ThIST MARKET PRICES, )ITALITY, STYLE AND :PRICES OUR VALVES Dill BEATE REAL GOOD SELECTION IN ALL LINES. A CALL fi0T,IOTillE Itev. Aas. Voote, Miss Mabel noul- three pews on either side. The pas - den, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. tor extended a cordial welconle• The Thos• to'Mr• Lewis I(Irlt• choir furnished sonic. saw -Mid MItFje" DIED In opening his rinnm'ks Mr. Wil - day, April 19th, Christian Zwieker al -barn raising alld when it came Le . in his 96th year. raising, ,the ben t it• WaS, ``al to gether, Thoinas Gill, in his .srith year, y g forces. The first 000. GILL—In IIensall A 11 23 •I Great' Urine', IcOomPlIsbOd years. (Confirmed onr page' five.) Jerke Al TIE STORE LA. 0-1.11. STO