The Exeter Times, 1923-4-19, Page 4A" Phone 102 N40WFT.,A:1<E AMMONIA pegs, 25c. CREAM OLIVE SOAP for 23e. BORAX IN PACKAGES and IOc, vice Grocery TWO STORES Norti COCOA CARTONS Hb. 20c, OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 for 25c. SALADA TEA' Phone 10'f EINSO 2 pkgs. 15c, PEERLESS HARD WATER. TOILET SOAP 10c. BREAKFAST BACON 65c, a pound 35c . a pound PHONE Just atisfact on ervice WE WILL GIVE A 10 % DISC OUNT ON ALL CASH SALES OUR FRESH MEAT LINES. SPECIAL PRICES ON LARD ALSO WE MAKE THOSE GOOD PURE PORK ORTs_ SAUSAGES. WHILE IN TOWN DO NOT MISS SEEING' OUR DISPLAY BEEF, PORK, VEAL AND 13111T.1ON 1 on DOLLAR DAY. Rivers Meat Marke "WHERE .QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN PRICE." IN OF ELL 9 Store News ridgy and Saturday of ar ',This store will be full of DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS. Come in and study the Price tickets . We expect a large shipment of aluminum ware too ;.this week, if it arrives there will be wonderful pickings. This store is a Variety Store.. Read the store news each week on the Window Sheet and lie sure and see PowelI's Bazaar on Dollar Days. We, like "Gardiner,", would rather show,"you, than tell you about our Bargains. a, y's 'eStxE ur,tsirie rSfi'.g C a y aP4M4.4k .n' 1e •w e`er-",; „WALT; real for Men of Exeter, e sail a i, �d� Vicinity e rteT. s ,M1r,il()rs REPR.ESENTATr TE WILL BE AT THE \CENTRAL HOTEL, Exeter ON Tues y, April 24th ANI) Commercial Hotel, Ilensalling on Wednesday . WITH A FIYLL RANGE OF THEIR. LATEST SUITNGS AND • .'TOPCOATINGS UIS :, OVERCOATS ' MADE -TO -MEASURE TIP TOP CLOTHES for this season are even better value than it has been. posisble for us to offer for many years. By reason of our great buying power, we ave secured superior ,. ualii; q y fabrics, equal to those found in clothes costing cyst, $35 or $40.00; Our skilled tailors are now prepared to give expert pe t attention to every detail of tnakin a r g and full„liirlt,. TIP '1'0I) CLO'I',l`ILS are lade to n oasuro and are guaranteed to satisfy. PLACE 'fl`rr R ORDER NOW FOR SUIT 011, Top. P COAT CENTRAL HOTEL, E/,TUESDAY, UaSRY, �'�}�•.y 24th 1 A COitriei•cz .l Hotel, leiisall, Wed. April I LOCALS The Stephen and Tjsborne Jr. Far- mers meeting In :Senior's Hall, Tues,, day, _April 24th. Mr. S. E, Stotheas will be present."' All wolconae. Ontario elections sot for Monday, June 25th. Mrs. Robt. Dinney spent tli:e: week- end ee„-enol in London. Miss Clara Haist is vrsiting for a week at tier home in Crediton. Mr. R. T. Roadhouse, of Toronto, spent the week -end at the lioine of Mr. Daniel Wood. Mr. Rich'd Welsh last week sold the residence and corner lots oppos- ite the Main Street parsonage to' Mr. Wilfred Mack. Mr. Gordon ' Davis, of London,, spent the week -end at the home of his .parents, . Mi'. and Mrs. Jos. Davis Exeter North. ,Postmaster M. Pfaff has purchased from Mr. C. B. Snell the fine brick residence on Ann street at present occupied by Mr. A. E. Kuhn. Mr. R. L. Gidley, of Ford City; visited his grandfather, Mr. Rich'd Gidley, over the week -end, at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Elston. The Bethany Methodist church' which was recently destroyed by a windstorm, and the furnishings were sold by public auction''on Saturday last. A11 was sold with the excep- tion n of the sheds and ;organs,. The South Huron Ministerial As- sociation held their ,monthly meeting in James St. Church on Monday. Rev. Jas. Foote gave an excellent paper on St. Mark's Gospel, followed by an -interesting discussion. Rev. Mr. Wilson also gave a paper on "The Bible, as a Final Authority” The James St. Epworth League recently elected the following ofli- :cers for the ensuing year: President, Miss Hilda Powe; 1st Vice Miss M. Jones; 2nd Vice, Miss Alice Pfaff; 3rd Vice. Miss "Amy Shapton; 4th Vice. Wilfred Shipton;., Sec'y E. Pym Treas. Miss. H. Luther; pianist, Miss Clara Hatst; Ass't Miss Lila Pym. The young Ladies and 'the young u e, cie,sses of James St. held a soc- ial. evening 'on Tuesday, the result of a mebership ' icontest. P Th e young Ladies' :class lost 'and.-.providecl, the Lunch. and the > Young Men's class provided "the program. Game's and amusements were also provided and a 'very sociable time was enjoyed. Among those who attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Daniel Wood were: Mrs. W. T. Roadhouse, .of Tor- onto;. Mrs. R. J. Brownlee, of Bath, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Win. Brownlee, of Lucan;' Mr. and Mrs. W. Luker, of. London; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. 'Get- tier.and• Mr. Ellis Roadhouse, ,of Science Hill, and Mr. and airs. ; J. Doupe, of Kirkion. The -Ladies' Aid of James St. ichurch. held their 'annual meting in the church.parlors on Thursday,. aft- ernoon last. The election pf officers for the coming year resulted as fol- lows: Hon. President, Mrs. Donnelly,' President;' Mrs. E, Roweliffe; -Vice- Pres., Mrs. W. Johns; Treas., i Mrs. IL Rowe; •Sec'y Mrs:' N.Sheere;Aud- itors, Mrs. Fitton 'and Mrs. Boyle. The Epworth League : and Mission Circle, of James St. presented a'hu- morons play "The New School Marro” in the school room of the church on Wednesday evening of last week. The different parts were well taken and the audience were weW pleased with the performance. Sev- eral musical selections added to the III program. held g even Ing. Th F' p was the best in the history of the$115 00 I n board ing school. The election of officers resttIted 'as follows: President Miss The Main St. Mission Circle their annual meeting Monday The Financial report organiza- tion, , having been raised during the year, A bale of bedding was sent to the Pt. Simpson Rose Lamport; Vice Pres., Miss A. Beverley;, Rec. Secy' Miss Ruth Lam- port; Coi. ;Sec'y kiss Verda Vale; Treas., Miss E. Medd; Supt. of Mite Boxes, Mrs. T. Elliott. THE EXETER TIMES. +r rownin 's Dollar Day .IN. Burdock 13. Bitters; reg. $1.,25 for 98. Hood's Sarsaparilla reg.$1.25 for 98 Ayer's Sarsaparilla reg. $1.25 for 98 Scott's Emulsion, reg.,$1.25 for 98c Wanipoles C. L, Oil for $1.00 Perry's "Emulsion, reg. $1.25 for $1 Ironized Yeast tablets reg. $1 for S9 Sulphur Molasses &: Crean Tartar. regular 35c for 25a Gin Pills, Dodd'a Pills, Frutatives Chases Nerve Pills, Dr. "William's Pink Pills, regular 50c box,` for 45c 3 for $1.25; Chases K. and: Liver Pills, reg. 25c for 19c, Colgate's Tooth Paste reg, 30c for 1.8 Vinous Tootle Paste"reg. 30e for 18c Pebecco Tooth Paste, reg. 50c for 39 Pepsodent Tootle Paste reg. 50 for 39 -Tooth Brushes, reg 35c for 19c r _ FORMALDEHYDE, 1 lb. `'49c VACCLTM BOTTLES Pint sizes,; regular $1.50 for 890 GILLETT RAZORS 85c AUTO ,STROP RAZORS 850 PATTERSON'S CHOCOLATES 20 flavors, reg. 60c lb. for 38c PATTERKRISP, half lb. for 20c Moth' Balls, reg. 25c' Ib. for 19c Moth Bags, large & small sizes, 15c 'Mrs, E`. Harwood, of Toronto, is visiting Mrs. Jas.. Pickard in town, Mrs. Pickard who has. been confined to Dr. Iiyadman's hospital for sever- al weeks,, with 'a broken hip is'im- proving. Rev. W. G. H. McAlister and Rev. Jas. Foote on Wednesday attended the Evangelical' conference being held in Crediton. The former gave an address of welcome on .behalf of the Ministerial Association of South Huron. The. fpllowiug ,clipping was taken from the Brandon Sun: "The death occurred. zed ou Sunday April.8th, at the, home of her sister, Mrs. T. E. Keddy, 36,1 ,Fifth street, of Mrs. Harriett Ann Bowerman, aged 88, Years. Deceased is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Kedcly, Mrs. F. ,Bigg and Miss A. Buil, all of Brandon; and two brothers in the east, Albert and Sellick Bu1i. The funeral which was private was held to Brandon cemetery, conducted by Rev. R. Pat- terson. Mr.. Owen Geiger of He�isaj has purchased the EXetes Flax -Mill from the,Ontario Flax Co.,and will. oper- ,ate it this summer, w Lard is. already being contracted ,for: It was thought earlier in .the -season 'that the' mill 'would be closed down this summer and the fact that it will be operated comes as.:welcoine-news 't6 the sev- eral families in , Exeter North who have been depending on this indus- try. The transfer winds up the On- tario Flax Company; a .company fin- anced by .capital 'from: Ireland, who during the war operated several' flax "mills in Ontario. The ` Exeter mill was the. ,only one ' operated by them last. season. On Thursday of last week the two young lads who were guilty of break- ing into the Exeter high school ap- peared before Juvenile Jtidge Reid, of 'Goderich, and both were made wards of the court. One of the boys was taken to Goderich to - be placed in a home.. The other was' ordered to attend Sunday :School' and church each Sunday and. to report once a week to the Chairman of the Board of Education. Some time ,ago ' the school was broken into" and damage done to sone of the; property-. The Board of Education'. held an inquiry but the boys denied• their guilt. The' matter was placed" �1n_,the hands of Constable Whitesides and after an' examination. by him., ,they admitted• that they were the guilty parties. AUCTION SALE OF 25 DAUt1Y 4 COWS f Mr. W. E. Nairn has received' in siructious to sell by public auction, at the Ceu,tral Hotel Stables. EXI'TE1 ON SATURDAY, APRIL 21st 1923 at one o'clock sharp, the following: 10 Durham cows, fresh with calves by side. 10 Durham cows, springers. 10 I3oistein cows, springers. These are a choice lot of young cows and will be sold underea guar- antee. I1 you want good cows 'at- tend this sale. TERMS:—Six months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes with interest at 6% per annum. W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer; ALF.' PAUL, Proprietor, • CLEARING AUCTION SALE of latrans Farm "Stbelc, Implements Feed end Grain W. E. Nairn, Auctioneer, .has re- ceived instructions from . John, • . Stev- enson, AuthorizedTrustee of Percy Sperling Estate, to sell by Pulbic: Auction,,�,on Lots 26 and 27, Towne, ship of Hibbert; County of Perth,,21/2 miles West of Russelda,le, on TUESDAY, APRIL 24th, 1923 Commencing at 12 o'clock sharp, the following:--- HORSES-Heavy Draft Teani; 3 General Purpose Horses. CATTLE—Three Registered Hol- stein Cows,' fresh; 2 Grade Holstein Cows, fresh; 5 choice Registered Hol- stein Heifers, two years old; 2 Year- ling Holstein Heifers; 1 Young: Calf. Pedigrees for registered cattle will be furnished on day of sale. Above , registered cattle -have all passed the tuberculian "test. HOGS—Brood Sow with Litter of 5, by her side; Brood Sow; Hog. HENS—Quantity of Young Hens. FEED -250 bushels of Mixed 'Grain; quantity .of Seed Barley; 15 feet of •Ensilage; quantity of . Hay and Straw. WOOD ---Quantity of Logs; ,quan- tity of Wood. IMPLEMENTS—Binder;,` Mower; Hay -Loader; Side ' Rake; ` 11\antire Spreader; Seed Drill; Set of Har- iwows; Sulky Plow; 2 Walking Plows; one 6 -Horse Gasoline Engine; one 2 36 horse Gasoline, Engine;: Wagon; 2 Set of Sleighs; Corn Cultivator; 2 Cultivators; Grain Grinder;•:. Fanning Mill Set of Scales; Root Pulper; 2 Set of Double Harness;, Set of Single Harness; Set of Trucks; Hay Rack;;. and Roller; Ladder;' Barrel;. Hay Car` and Ropes; Quantity of Oil; uantity of Wire Fencing; Cutter uggy; Gasoline Tank; Scythe;' rindstone; Sap Pan; Feed Boiler and Kettle; Cream Separator; quan- ity of Fertilizer; Forks; j4Hoes; hovels and a host of useful articles ound; on the farm. REAL ESTATE -1st Parcel, con sting of 126 acres; more or less, on of 27, and East Half of Lot 26, ortli Thames Road; Two-storeyrick house; 2 Bank Barns, 40.by, 60'' id 49 by50; Cement Silo 14 by 40; ell fenced and drained. Parcel No., 2:'Fifty acres more or ss, East half Lot 8, on the 1st emi- ssion of Hibbert, all in grass. TERMS on Real Estate:—Ten per nt. on day of sale, balance'in 30 ys. ;A large portion of purchase oney can be arranged ,to remain `on. ortgage for `a terra at 6 per. cent' terest.' TERMS on Chattels—All sums of 5.00 and under, cash, over that ount six months' credit will be en on furnishing approved joint tes with bona fide property owners security, or a discount of 4 per it straight off for cash in ;lieu of. tes. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer. ADAMSON, Clerk. HN STEVENSON, Authorized itstee, 72 Ontario St., Startford, t. L Q B G t S f at L b ai w le ce ce da el n in an giv no as ce, no W. S.' JO Tr lob. ax°ans ru�st�re ��r I.�o�lar I3ay B,rttGAINS -IN STATIONARY 15c WRITING PADS, 2 FOR 25c 25c WRITING PADS 2 FOR "-40c 35e BOXED STA- TIONARY 25c 25c ASSORTED TAL- CUM PO'WDEItS; ipc; 50c. MAG - LAC TOOTH PASTE 3 FOIL $1,00 SHAVING NEEDS SHAVING :BRUSH- ES 25e TO $1.50' COLGATES SHAV- ING STICKS 05c COLGATES SHAV- ING CREAM 35c PALMOLIVE CREAM "3 5 STYPTIC PENCILS 10c. DRE(Q FOR TETE STOM- ACTI, AND 130W- ELS,,'$1.25 W A:i`OLI, T' , ', `VI. S EXT. COI) LIVER OIL FOR AFTER TIx7', • FLU $1.00 B TTLE Special FORMALDEHYDE THE MOST 11 - LIABLE PREPAR— ATION for TREAT- ING ' SMUT ON WHEAT OATS, EARLS? AND POTATOES. GOVERNMENT ,DIRECTIONS .' WITH EACII ,.BOT, TLE. - SOAPS CASTILE LARGE BAR 19c VI-NOLA 'L BORIC ACID AND. COLD CREAM 3 for 50c. ASPIRIN TABLETS 100 FOR 89c VINOL GREAT TONIC POR AFTER COLDS, SPECIAL 890 BLAUDS' IRON -PILLS" SPLENDID SPRING BLOOD PURIFIER 50c FOR $1.00 MINTY'S :DENTAL CREAM 25c SPRING 'BLOOD PURIFIER 79c BOTTLE tention.ivei). to ally One needing glasses :atid,a' dollar off for Dollar Day • Cana,ds Sta dard Four McLaughlin Buic1:'.'Master Four" Touring 23-35 Special IN beauty of appearance, dependability and economy : of operation, this 'Master Four"' Touring has established an entirely new stand— ard for four -cylinder cars. Sturdy, dependable;. alwaysready to go, it is perfectly suited to the - needs of the average family. The seats are deep and low, with plenty of leg -room in. both compartments. The steering column is in exactly the;`. right position for driving comfort and the gear shift. lever is high enough to prevent bending and reaching,. Some of the manly unusual refinements on a car of this class are transmission lock, windshield adjustable from. the inside, nickelled bumper, 'c; walnut dash, 'rear vision.. mirror, combination tail and stop Iight, drum type head:'' and -parking lamps, crpwn fenders and scuff plates. Built in Canada by' Canadians for service under Canadian• highway and climatic conditions. No ("Four" on the market is so well suited for rugged use at so low a cost, both initial and upkeep, as the McLaughlin -Buick Master Four edition 6f "Canada's Standard Car." 8716 There are 15 McLaughlin -Buick Models to Choose From W. J. Beer, Exeter, Ont. Owners of chickens and fowl are reminded that a by-law has been pes- sed, by the Exeter council prohibit•inrr them to run at large in the muiiici- lisaarcassorrmaatswass- polity. With- the increased activity*' along the line of floriculture in Exe- ter, owners of chickens will do welff.' to keep them Iocked up. Incorporated 1855 - Capital 'and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 125 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK This institution offers depositors safety for' their savings; reasonable interest compoun- ded every six months, and freedom from red tape in case of withdrawals. Savings Departments at every Branch.. Deposits. of 31.00 and 'upwards invited. , T. 8. WOODS, Manages • Centralia branch open for business daily.: EXETER BRANCH Recording do Ambeow4ym heed emu ,. , k yvh1 W ale. tren. fb you by. ow of our branches a1<iiu[ i t Modiaea. THE CANADIAN A,NK - OF COMMERCE' • Capital Paid up $1.5,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 Creditors Branch M. R. Complin, Manager' laehwood Branch,, • T. L. Rutherford, Acting Manager Exeter Branch THE US13OIi,NE AND. HJBEERT FARMER'S MUTUAL PYRE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, Win. BROCK Vice -President, , JOHN ALLISON DIRECTORS THOS. RYAN ' SIMON DOw ROBT.;NORR.IS, JAMES McICENZIl7" AGENTS JOHN ESSERY,' Centralia, Agent for. Usborne and Biddulph., OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fullarton and Logan. IV. A. TUJRN,,DULL Secretary -:Treasurer R. R. No..1, Woodham GLADMAN & STANBUi;uY, Solicitors, Exeter. OR, 11I0 ' PY•BTOTP '1G.D DrNTIST ' Ofllee over I. R. Carling's Le, office: Closed every Wednesday afternoon o+i DR. S.,&. ty. R.:KINiiJ .AN, If.ICi.II)., OAS.' honor GlrAdTzats of Toronto 1!1 iivsr- DE1 TI81 OMoe, over Glad, an dt `- Stanbury'e: office, Mahn Street, Exeter,. MONEY TO LOAN -. 9 We have a large amount of private funds to loan on faun and village proitierties, , at lowest rates of itla• tares,. GLADMAN &. STANBURY Barristers Solicitors. citors,' Main St.. ,Exeter. Ontario I°E l RY P. DO PE, Licensed Ana donee', Sales conducted In any loo. KIny, Terris o.ioderate, Orders left At Times . office wilt be promptly at- tended to. Phone 116, • Kirktoa. 4ddrarin girlrtoa P. f). DISE "DIAMOND DYES" Dye right! Doa't risk your material Bach ack- age"of "Diamond Dyes" con- tains directions so " simple that any woman car* diamond-cyo a new, rich color' into ;old garments, draperies, coverings, every tiling; whether - wool, eesilk; Brien, cotton or mixed goods, fitly "Diamond- Dyes"—nn 'other kind—then Perfect re - antis are guaranteed even if you have never dyed before, Druggist his "bianioiitl Dl en Color- Carty' ---h1 rich; colors,