The Exeter Times, 1923-4-5, Page 7IONIC THAI
GATES "t ..
Now as the Time to invigorate
Your 'System and Throw Off
Why 1 Am a Booster fore Scouting.
Au unusually trying winter isalmostI3ecause it can be embraced by all over, hut the sfin spring , will
P g d many
creeds and races. wrlroso stmongtii hasbeen sap.j ed and
Beeauao it supplements, and does not
parallel the various; existing eduCttticn- sY'atems undermined by winter- colds,
influenza, pneumonia or close confine
al: agencies. Ment indoors,. Recovery ... Oy "y froiYn this • con -
Because it promotes the ability `of dition i often s o to slow, but it can be has -
boys to do thing's for themselves. tened by the use of a true tonic Medi -
Because it teaches liP'ys to help cine Strength •may
s,tor`ect the stomach. toned head- SI '
o aco
' 'g aYTd energy Can be r'e-
"T have ho?lse,s newly builded,
Bright with paint and newly gilded..
,They Will be for rent in spring. -•-
" t Who will cornu a-teaianting? .
They are iii a olioiee location,
Beautiful for situation;
Sheltering branches s aeoul.d.theni play,
Turning breath of March to May.
Housesmine, just made for pleasure,
Unalloyed and without measure,
Who the hones 1 offer tabs
Shall be bl• ':ed for love's sweet sake.
These alone are my conditions;
All mytenants are musicians
AI ,
And the sone they sweetly sing
Are the only pay. they bring."
i' . ane u lea .e— Tiley say in s riu I4 young
Because it uses>the boys' natural in- aches banished and nervousness over- man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts f
stirrcts t nn 1
him a e ea. boy come, through a fan use of Dr. Wil of ion ,"
melees for better citizen' 'Pink .Pills', Tih;ese pills have a I -Ie "Well, at my age the Belie 11
direct action on the blood, enriching � i � "
RE -
ship' 1 g to ng happens the yea. arrntnd
Because it teaches .res''D et, couurteous- an'd purifying it, thus bringing new •.
ness, loyalty, obedience, truthfulness,strerlgth to every organ and nerve in
cheerfulness and kindness.How tO Go to Sleep. The Canadian Sprang weatheiY•--one
the body, In this way this medicine.
it. • � a mil and Uig' hit • 'he next yaw and
Decaus�e teach�e,5 faithfulness toa d y d, t t r
has broughtnewtoThe best way to learn to slee is
, • health thousands p Ulus.ter is extremely hard on the
ono s own r eligiou,s.,duti:es' and r.eatpect i y,
of � weak and despondent people. not to ca e lvhethei• yell do or nc
f' t convictions, ip p I
or the co tv aliens `oaf others in mat -l Among those' who awe their present
tern of religion, : health to Dr. Williams' iilliams' PinkPills
•Because, for a boy to become a Mrs:Ca- 's
.Clarence1J, Misner, Chipman's
Scout lie must be thrifty, and he will Brook, N,S., who says: -"I hada very
not wantonly destroy property. °\ severe attack of influenza, but after
Because its outdoor programme pro time characteristic syutlptom pf that
motes health and self-reliance. trouble had passed, I was left in a vee
I2edause of its varied programme, al''t' weak and deproesed condition, I could
boys between the ages 01 twelve and not keep on my feet for'half an hour at
eighteen can embrace it. a time, and words can :scarcely tell
Because it pyestentst a programme for how badly I did feel. I had been tale
eclunteer•leadenship ;which is+eonstruc- ing the medicine my doctor gave niey
tiye and interesting; also will guide but it was not helping rhe, and as I
ane' thoughts oughts to the higher things of
Lad used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills on
life. a former oocasion with great benefit I
Because I believe in hobbies and I ;decided to try them again. I got half
know iiia .better one tttlan Scouting; it a dozen boxes, and soon after begin -
keeps you out of mischief; it's a fins ning their use I could feel my strength
"filler -in' for one's spare time; it re- returning. By the time I had used u
lieves daily routine of its monotony my supply of pills, ' my. 'odd -time
--and, best of all, it acts as a balance strength had corn's aback, I could do
wheel to one'smental activities,` my housework and keep on my feet all
day without feeding used up a; form-
How About It? eriy. I feel that tl se ills h'a
to p vo been
One of the troubles with this much- worth their weight in gold to me, and
berated younger generation is, not I strongly recommend them to other
primarily with this younger generation weak, run down people."
at all but with the older generation. You can get these pills through any
What the younger generationn'e;
els is desires iii medioine or by mail; post -
not so much critics as examples. paid, at 50c a box from The Dr. Wil-
-- Itams' Medicine" Co„ Brockville, Ont.
air. Hobert Leaden -Powell
"When my father and my mother: for-
sake me, thee the Boy. Scouts will t
take me up"—such is the rendering
given to an ancient Psalm by an ob-
servant watober of °air family life. For
fathers and mothers, preeo'ccupie,d with c
many tasks, have farmed their child -1
ren out to any agency from school and _e.
Scout Troop to a summer camp, where 1
Eighty . per cent. of weather fore-
casts are correct. •
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere
in 1 b. baby. Conaitions are such that the
Nothing could be otter than llu_�olss _.
"Don't mother ciannet take the -little one out
advice: like Look for sleep; a dies for the fresh air so much to be de -
away a pigeon when—one pursues
it." Attention to anything keeps the sired. I3o isconfined to the house,
mind awalee; and most of all, attentions whichis often overheated and badly
to sleep, We cannot, however fool ventilated. He catches cold; life
ursel:. es b merel rete i , "-little stomach and bowels become lis-
o Y Y V p ncl ng nn�P-
terence. The only sensible way is to ordered, and the mother soon has a
get the facts firmly fixed in our minds sick baby to' look after. To prevent
so that we actually realize that we this an. shoulonai" dose of Baby's Own
Tablets ul . be given, should 6 ve They regtr
de not need more sleep than our bodies late the stomach and bowels, thus pre -
take. As soon 'as it is realized that venting or rel'ieving colds, simple
insomnia i5. of no importance, it tends fevers, colic er any other of the many
a ear.— ose 'Y i
to clrs pp J phi re A. Jacl.son, m,ieor ills of=ehildhood. The Tablets are
M.D. sold by medicine dealers or by mall at
25 cents a box from The Ili. Williams'
Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont.
Corn Husker.
A new farn„impdement for removing
both the husks and silk from cern
catches in one coriipartment grain
that may be torn off.
The Dominion forest reserves' com-
prise an area of approximately 22,-
200,000 acres, situated in various lo-
calities in the•provinces of Manitoba,
Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British
Columbia, and consist of tracts of land
unsuitable for agriculture that have
been set apart permanently for for-
est production.
It is always safe to send a Dominion
Express Money Order. Five Dpllars
coats three cents,
. Provincial Board of Health, Ontario
Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat-
ters through this column. Address him at Spading House, Spading
Crescent, Toronto:
The happiness of woman, as of man,
depends in..a great measure upon her
individual ,completeness of character.
There 'is no more common thought
among young people than that foolish
one, , that by and by something will
turn up by which they will suddenly
achieve fame and fortune. Things do
not turn up in this world, unless some-
body :turns them up. --James A Gar-
Minard's Liniment used by Physicians.
Goldfish were, used during the war
to test the water iri which gas -helmets
were washed. With their help it was
possible to discover whether all pois-
onous gases had. been removed.
cent. could neither read nor write.
The number, of children engaged in
agriculture' early "doubled between
1880 and 1890, and further increased
by about a half in the next decade.
The trend of the article goes to
show that even in country districts
supervision of child life is necessary
if normal men and women are to de-
velop. Fresh air and natural sur -
The common belief the healthi-la is life,' theylive to lay; the 1 roundings are.benficial from' a health
nese e comm`n int play p yi standpoint but -these agencies. will not
hardlyis justified are children because they play." [suffice in the case of decaying teeth,
by facts, according to the results of The assumption , that .a county l or in diseased tonsils, or adenoids, or
an inquiry recentiyeconductedild by the. chliving at home is ideally situated; in defects'- or eyesight and hearing.
National Child Welfare Committee of is ii'elclb to be erroneous. Indifference; What isneeded is, medical and nurs-
the United States Muscular strength to education, especially to school at- i ing supervision so that the health of
may be acquired by farm work, but tendance, is manifested, not only by the expectant mother' can be safe-
there is little of the vigor of heart, parents and children but by the en- guarded, and the child, may have what
lung's or digestion, produced by exec- tare community, is its birthright—to -be well born,
cise, and the boys and girls are apt At the same time the standards of r sound as far as possible, and free
o be round-shouldered and flat- teaching are low, there is a shortage from any • prenatal influences that
chested. This, however, may be due of teachers, and their scale of pay has may impede its normal growth and
to want of adequate play, ,, But the been insufficient, though improvement development. Then after birth the
value of play is commonly not appre- is being made. Owing to sparsity of child should be fed at its mother's
iated'either by city folks or farmers, population there are a great number breast, guarded from infectious dis-
and in, a family poorly off, a child's of small schools with only from ten eases, and its hygienic care and man
arnings count for much. Recreation to twenty pupils on the roll, and the agement carried on with intelligence
s advocated in one of the chapters of school sessions •are sometimes. • too and understanding. Nursing super -
they can be rid ,of their responsibili-,
ties. They use these helps, not ae 1
helps, but as substitutes for the family b
he .report and the following state- short. .
meats quoted The education of parents is often
"Children love play as all young, very defective. A coal mine operator
eings love life, because life is play. in Western Virginia told a doctor
taking part in the inquiry that hehad
hired 144 native-born white men liv-
ing near his property and only 11 of
them could sign the pay roll. That,
however, was doubtless exceptional, as
one of the other investigators found
in his district that only. about 20 per
vision and medical advice should al-
ways be available, and physical de-
fects should be corrected before they
assume a chronic state and become
so far advanced that they can only be
corrected with the greatest difficulty,
and sometimes not at all.
Life in rural districts has its pit-
falls for child life just as has the city.
Intelligent supervision is essential in
both cases.
life."—I--Iar•ry Emerson Fosdick (in
"Twelve Tests of Character, January,.
1920, "Ladies' Home -Journal").
"B. -P.'s" Visit to Toronto.
Arrangements, have been completed
for, a rally of the Boy Scouts of the
Toonto District in the Armouries,
University Avenue, Toronto, on Satur-
day afternoon, April 7th, to greei Sir
Robert , Baden-Powe11. The Toronto
Slommittee is arranging to reserve
Places in the Armouries building far
Scouts from other centres` Who would'
like to visit Toronto anal see the Chief
Scout on this occasion. - Scouturanters
of provincla•1 Troops interested in this
announcement•should write to Provin-
eta]. Headquarters at once in order
that furtthem details may be sentto
them when ready.
Every week there are hew Boy Scout
Troops and Wolf Cub Packs registered
at Provincial Headquarters'. Amongst:
the Troops; and Pack to which charters
have been issued during the peat few
weeks are the 65riiri'T•oronto, lst Comp
bellford. 1st 'frinaty College School,
Port Hope, 2nd Petrone, 3rd .St,, .1st St. George, let Mount
Forest, : lst Shelburne, 11th Border
C3it,els and let 13r;acebridge. Troops, and
the 52nd Toronto, '1st Petrolia,' '3rd
Pert. Artlrtir, 23th Ottawa, 18th Brant-
ford, 1st Guelph and 1s't Bracebridge
Packs. `Many more new troops and
'Wks are , in course of., formation ie.
various sections of the irrevin!ce,
Mr. H. --"Do You know I can strike
mails, like lightning?"
AIi°• S -• 'fs that ea?"
Mr 1I "Yes, ligli;tnin never shrikes
twine In, the sense place!
Health, education; and it ehanecc--
that's all yoti need. You can do the
Sonne folks lldrrow trouble --others
lorrow money ' to buyit,-•-•Prirt0r'a
The child's life is one of . physicah
mental and; moral development. De-
velopment means self-expression, self-
expression means actidity, ` and activ-
ity means play. Children do, pot play
deliberately from ulterior motives;
with them it is play for play's sake;
,-„te �^
,• ,� , •r e�
r I
The way to satisfaction, comfort and
health through Instant Posturxr,has
become a world-wide way.
This famous table Dever"age which
has stood the test of twenty five years,
fills every requirement of taste for a
hot and invigorating mealtime drink.
Unlike tea or coffee, Instant Posture
d,mrrerent.partsof Who
a smell portion of Matisse.
slum Cereal Compal
are C,rci,c,eU SA
Nit rit16H1'I000 OUNCES
contains nothing that. -can irritate
-nerves,er`disturb digestion. Even the
children may safely enjoy it.
Wouldn't it be well for you to avoid
the harin which so many have found
in • tea and coffee? You can protect
health while pleasing taste,with whole-
some, satisfying instant Postum.'
At your Grocer's in
sealed, air -tight 'tins
o s t
A gon'orooa earn -little tin o£instarnt Pos,tusra
trent, pont-,paid, for 4c. in eiatnps. Wt for
lanadini Postern Cereal Co., triiced 4.5 Front Si.,E., roionto. FactorViniso.
"There's a Reason"
Mrs. Cooper Declares It Re-
.e->toaed Heath of Delicate
Daughter—Gained 11
"Six months ago Tazlac;• brought ro-
bust health to my daughter Stella, who
is seventeen, and 'I wish 1 could tell
every mother what wonderful treat-
ment it le " deci Bred Mr•s. I�iliian
Cooper, 24 Seulte.r St., Toronto, Ont,
"Two years ago Stella began hoeing
ground, „Her cheel€s faded, she was
dreadfully rho -down, and so thin elle
was just a frame, I-Ier nerve's Were so
excited I feared' I would have to take
her out of school, for while doing her
lessons she could hardly Beep still and
at times couldn't write at all. Her
appetite was so poor she scarcely ate
enoiigI to s'ustaixi life, ar d her sleep
was so restless she was always tired
and i; crn c tali
"1 bless the day T bought the °first
bottle of Tenlao. My daughter has
gained eleven pouncls, eats heartily,
sleeps soundly, an�cl her studies are
like play. The Tandac treatment is
grand, and I believe it slh�ould be in
every home,"
Tauilac is for sale by all good .drug•
gists. Over 35 million. bottles sold,
UtIna a mists.
r ow to Pui ify
the Blood
"Fifteen to thirty drops of Extract
of Root, commonly called Mother
el"s Guralive Syrup, may
sa, taken im water
with nrealsand 'at
5 bedtime; for indigestion, consti-
pation and bad blood. Persist-
ence in this treatment will give
permanent relief in nearly every
case." Get the genuine at
druggists, .5' Oc, and $1.00 bottles,
w 4 u
�,c®Na�Nu �u e�,u�•un•�-au---NN�n a�
For S1ugish Liv
or ConstipatedToren to
Bowels gam ciVao 'filo c5 U54
vv�rte f - i
k annual. , or rater
- D. T+ • I. a tinyi ern
,, r.�a � f9rtntitlo». iRser. XII. ',' i p,
$Fa.ti: s.aoo�ara�se-.+or�wosoisao-o.�notA aoao� ' I dez'to
. lr 3Ql U1 ra isa �tt"a'
Y" estaded. aril rile:'cy. eritrre,.
I rO. n ell ea �i O case Lae a 31,,tolls, er
for eorafo ter ;one-l,13ar, 'Wt
t^etl Gerarse town, Ontario:
z� TEN TO ilrinTY T r, x. l .
It zaily reit eh in . a� Tin
lr:il3 leaps pay for In.a,ui ins Wv'rit Ander.,,
tion Vul'eaaizieg Co., 667 ',Nina' Wotri
T -
Clean your bowels: Feel finvi
VVheu you feel sick, dizzy, upset,
tviren your head 1s dull.. or aching, or
your stomach is sour or gasey, just
• take one or two Cascarets to relieve
copstipation. No griping---nicest;lare-
tire -cathartic on earti - for grown-ups
p P
arld children. l:9c a ;box. 'd'asto like
More than 1,000 varieties of wheat
are known.
Refreshes Mary Eyes
When Your Eyes feel Dull
and Heavy, use Ivixtrine. Ik In.
etantly RelicvestharTired Feeling
—Makes them Clear, Bright and.
Sparkling. Harmless, Sold and
Recommended by All Druggisre.:
t .+
ftthl O iat&�A
onces zing 13 ,12,1
Book. on
- and Iow to reed
Mailed Free to any An-
dress by the .Auth.or,
clay Glover go;, lino.
125 bleat ,a4tlt Street
New York• U.S.A.
ori you,, Eyea
Bind theneck with flannel,
saturated with hot Minard's
Liniment, et penetrates, it
soothes, it relaxes the nuseies,
clears the passa.-^es, brings
back easy breathing.
Lreiriiinimar edn':
The Family Medicine Chest
tHlY e c
t c
California Fig Syrup" is
Child's Best Laxative
With vitkc a
If youare troubled, with pimples,
blackheads, redness, roughness,
itching and burning, which disfig-
ure your complexion and skin, Cuti-
cura. Soap and Ointment will do
much to help you. Always include
the Cuticura Talcum In your tonal -
sea 5
c. Oiatae t2 a
n 5 mid 50 Talc
v e Talcum 25c, sola
throughout theDominlon. CanadianDepot:
Limps, Limited, 344 St_ Pact St., W., Montreal.
. ,i5 Coticera. Soap shaves without mu
Instantly! "Pape'sDiapepsin"
Corrects Stomach so
Meals Digest
osasaa a• M}91iPa
Ties moment you eat a tablet 01
t "Pape's Diapepsin.your indigestion is
1 gone. No more distress from a sour,
acid, upset stomach. No flatulence,
• heartburn, palpitation, or misery -malt-
• ing .gases. Correct your digestion for
a few •cents. Each package guaranteed
by druggist to overcome pitomae:h.
A Letter from Mrs. S pith Tells How
Lydia E. Pink -holds
Compound Helped Her
Trenton, Ont. -``I am writing to you
in regard to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound, 1'
would not be with-
out it. I have taken
it before each of my
children was born
and afterwards and
find it a great neap.
Before my first baby
was born I had short-
ness of breath and.
ringing in my ears,
I felt as if T would
never pull through:
One day a friend of
my husband told him what the Vegeta-
ble Compound had done for his wife and
advised him to take a bottle home for
me,- After the fourth bottle 1 was a
different woman. I have four children
now, and I always find, the Vegetable
Compound a great help as it seems to
make confinement easier. I recommend
it to my friends." -Mrs. FEED H.
SMITH, John St., Trenton, Ont.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound is an excellent medicine for e-
ectant mothers, and should be taken
duringthe entire period. It has'a gen-
eaeffect gen-
eral ectto strengthenandtone upthe
entire system, so hat it may work in
every respect effectually as nature in-
tended. Thousands of women testify
to this fact. o
Hurry Mother! A teaspoonful of
"California Fig Syrup" now will thor-
oughly clean the, little bowels and in a
few hours you have a weld, playful
child again. Even if cross, feverish,
bilious,- constipated or full of cold,
children love its "fruity" taste, and
mothers can rest easy because it never
fails to work all the souring food and
nasty bile iigihrt out of the stomach
and bowels, without griping or upset-
ting the child.
Tell your druggist you wanit only the
genuine "California Fig Syrup" which
has, directions fon.' babies and childrenof all; ages printed on bottle. Mother,
you must say "California. Refuse
any imitation.
An Odd Primera
An odd development in the use of
fireprevention posters put up by the
Dominion Forestry Branch was. men-
tioned in a Chief Fire Ranger's re-
port. He wrote:—
"I believe I am safein saying that
90 per cent. of the Indians; read Cree
sufficiently well to understand simple,
posters and signs as we have here.
Not 'many can read well, it is true.
This is not to be wondered at, for I
have never known any organized at-
tempt having been made to teach the
Indians to read or write their own'syl-
tables•. But nmost of them will take
lots of trouble in trying to make out
Just what message is contained in any
written Gree. I have often seen the
younger men being initiated into the
secrets of the syllabics, using "Fire
Warnings" as a text book. I am sure
there, is nothing in the Cree language
that has been read 'so during the
past few years as •tl.ese posters, It is
In the evening, after the night cainp
is made, that a number will gather
around the poster that can usually be
seen at such camping places ani( read
and dis,ouss its meaning,"
Pio Need for Haste,
He (lingering in the hall) ---"And,
dearest, we shall ,grow odd: together, \`
Rh timati
l ukkrelisfi,
The quickness, the sureness
with which Sloan's brings re-
lief has made it the standard
remedy for rheumatic p'ain.
Apply Sloan's to that
sore, stiff joint or 'aching
muscle. The pain that has-
asseemed so unbearable disap-
pears with amazing rapidity_
Sloan's breaks up the inflam-
mation behind most rheu-
matic pain. It goes to the
source of the trouble. It
scatters the congestion that
causes the pain.
Macre is CaNarda
Bleeds L hal eat -'k lis painF
For rheumatism, bruises;strains,chest colds
UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you
are not getting Aspirin at all
you and h"
Her fath'er's voice• --•"Well, you
needn't start doing it down there, need
The depth of the ocean at any point
can now be ascertained by echoes
through an' instrument used in the
war for locating submarines.
New,York's highest structure, the.
Woolwrth; Building, 792 fee':, high,
Cott $15,000,(100 to erect.
IISI.JE No:. 13—a23,
Accept only an "unbroken package" Of "Bayer Pallets of
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by
pliysicians during years .and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache Rheiiniatism
Toothache. Neuralgia Neurl'fis
Earache I.,urnhsgo Pain Pain
Randy "Bayer" boxes of 12tnhlets--.ileo bottles of 24 and 1011-•-'Drua;l•ietss..
.Ain lrin' is iiia trade itt'a1+t; 'rcgl aired rue'atl,"1 t'. <r'irtaniifnetu• f ello-
P t s htt l , ayt. c
aCCtreaCltYestar aP SntieyllCaeid. While 0 is well l:r,+iern that .;liipiritx ,etetxn. S»)`+•r
reanu'raetere, IC asstst the public a. game. iinitrtltbrih- the Tablets< of 533n ;t' 0,011Porty
lyllt l e stamped %dth their genersi trade Intik, the ".Rayer Cvoset.`