The Exeter Times, 1923-4-5, Page 6•
A despVteh froul Cleveland, O., .:'Te was grabbed by two of the crev' ',
slipped into
eves of Lake
n y the water, ilolsworth was finally
'eves Lnik Erie, United Suites laee<1 inside the cabin, where Car,
coastguards early. on Wednesday p
night brought to shore Harry Hols- Harry L. Baird worked over him as
worth, vim, for 2;1 hours, lays a victim the , boat buffeted the waves,
s S f ll battling the who several times almost pp
of pneumonia on
thewaterworks crib, landward trip.
of which he was the keeper, five miles Half way back to the coastguard
out, It was one of the most thrilling station, the power boats engine went.
recorded in the. annals of the dead. The crew of the :f�"rank W.,
rescues reco
Greet Lakes' history,
which. had been held in readiness by
'The coastguard )�uz rd k ;ower boat, with the Great Lakes Towing Coni,panY,
,crew of eight men and a captain, steamed out into the lake and towed
se out for the crib late on Wednesday the boat to shore.
tin readiness,
teeth f a high wind, aftE:rs An ambulance, ;:held .
in the e e1 lsworth to a hospital. His
several previous attempts h5ad failed.' rushed Io
sener , serious,', Dr.
' ion. is extremely
An hour later, the boat itself became, Condit
the object of a rescue.
Baird de
ed•As thepower boat reached the crib, First word that Holsworth was all
ll was , picked up by an amateur
Thomas B.:I�e Keller, to
John• klugo and Than <
Ilolswortlx ,:
. 's assistants tied'. a rape operator early axi'WcclnesdaWednesday. He in
around the sick man, Tas ez
' the turn notified the coastguard, but be -
boat , high manoeuvred in close, I-Iolswortli cause of the heavy seas and h gh wind ,
was lowered e
20 feet to the ice -coated,• the life-saving crew ;was unable to
cabin -roof as the vessel passed. I approach the crib during the day.
es Chief Spon-
Their Majesties P
r Infant Son'of
Princess Mary- and Vis-
count Lascelles. .
A despatch from Goldsborough,
' England, says: - The
Yorkshire, y
'of York on Palm Sunday
christened "Baby Lascelles," the in-
fant son of Viscount Lascelles and
Princess- Mary, in the presence of
King George and,Queen Mary and
other members of the royal household.
Villagers, tenants and dependents of
the Harewood estate of Viscount Las -
cellos were given the preference over
visitors to the village desirous of wit-
nessing the ceremony.
The christening took place after the
morning service in the little village
church. It was a quiet and simple
ceremony; the only incident was the
lusty crying of the baby, -which could
be, heard throughout the church The •��e
Prince Edward, of Wales; rbcently dubbed "The White Prince" by
United States AinUas•sador•tp f7nglzi•nei5 photographed Just ae he made a Jump
in a recant race in which he finished tltricl. The Prnoe is devoted to eidi
and hunting and is never happier than when on a hoa•se,'
Wrecked British Cruiser Labrador Gold Area to be
Raleigh May be Refloated Charted by Aeroplane
Hollinger for a site on the Abitibi
A despatch from St, John's, Nfld., A despatch from St. Johns Nfld of developing
P River for the ur ose g
ro Coast
""here's nQ art to find the mind's'
Halifax N.S--Two hundred and Winailao.g, Maul.-T1is ex'ection of a construction in th.o fa c,e,". s€�ys Shal�e�
twenty carloads of` antorobiles :of pulp and paper mill at Part Ale:and slleax, tlzzout,Ir. the nzin�l diad tor
n yof Ring. Duncan in "Macbeth." The
Canadian and American m nufactttre + er, about 70 miles from Wanxaipe ,wily Ring was disilltsiazxcd and saddened
weee loaded on ,one vessel here during be started •this spring by J. D.. Mc , because he had reposed a trust and
week and left for New Zoaiand.1 Arthur 3z Co., Ltd., according- to in -
z had s ose ed: Ent the
thehis confide rc ` b e y
St. John, N,B:-It is announced that, formation received here. The scheme
sweeping generalization, life' other
arr}nx�;•eznents have been practically, also provides for the construction of affirmations of the sort, is often -found
completed for the construction of a t a railroad 20 miles long from Beeeonia bo untrue. If a rein is habitually
million dollar hotel in this city, 'which i to Fort Alexander, and the total ex-', o e t compassionate,honorable,
it is hoped may be completed eted for the' penditure ,will amount to $3,000,000.` deselxful andfaitlr:frit, tha thoughtsable
openin • of the 1924 season. A similar IThe plant which will have a capacity= live in his aniiicl and vent then
g if a if 'of 120 tons a dayis expected to be that ��' i
erCctiozi is proposed for sal I( selves in the 'acts of his hand come
local capital can be interested to lin- completed within two years. Ito,zead. If he consent to evil, if the
ince Part of the project. Regina Saslc.-Presenting a fznan-� to read. If hec onsent to evil, if the
Quebec, due. lumber cut of cial statement showing a surplus of trend of his mind is away :from light
the Province of Oke Quebec during the $1,116444. in all: funds,.;' the directors; to darkness, ,i f things that aro mean
Present year will be a normal one, or of the Saskatchewan Municipal Rail and base and gross are the things
about one billiozi feet, aecoxdiiig to Association reported 'last year the that especially please him, the telltale
Gustave • Piche, chief forester of the most successful in the Association's evidence sooner or later must legibly
nee. Of the total cut this reinter; were countenance.
province. Nustoi•y Claims during .1922 app a in his cot x
e r
approximately 65' cent• will be cut , red with; s i h to 'r< Tier's show-
per1 $3'7 08.1 �s coma � One see n a p o g �l
into pulpwood and about 25 per cent.
into sawn lumber. The remaining 10
per cent. will be made up of railway els dress to make diem beautiful, and
Wales, who owns and operates a'sta
ties, shingles, telegraph seri telephone one west of Cal dry is still taking have called in vain. Whistler p^;sited,
poles and the like.. ranch Calgary,
ro'ect al- a "portrait of a woman" and painted
-The Ontario Gov- an active interest in the p ) �she asked
. though he is forced to direct it at long nothing brat the dre..s. When e
eminent has granted the request of b
range.; He has just sanctioned the indignantly why he omitted the face,
of a eons; nment of pure-' he answered calmly that he saw no-
ranch to the Uni thing but the dress. Thus it is with
bred stock from his I
where' it will be used certain of these photographs. There
versity airy of Idaho,
are the bridal bouquet, the veil, the
to improve the local stock.
train, the superb adornments and all
the accessories` of art- u where is
e as
, e -p
4 h �
picturesof human beings
$1,762,886 during the preceding year.window` the
Prince of who have called on every artifice of
Calgary, Alta. -The
v purpose p
says: -The ossibility of er
Seek to Recover Gold� • gold was said t4
g c
power, .
B • British � Rzlei li which of Labrador where
refloating says: -Areas in the northern section, cordin•g to President N. A.
the ri is cruiser ' , iTimmons of the T�oAPPrer Consolydat-
unken Laurenticn ilia 11 to
1 Mines, Ltd, While no definite
.n was abandoned be Mapped by
aeroplane, it has been
summer, d � pP �
e Gold
Isle lasts , site Prince 7lupert, B.C.-Duxmg the b t 1
r London says:-.tRe-announcedhere. Three machines will total cut of to s in
A. despatch fromas a total loss, has been revived. e e Tl to
Attorney -General states it well be at year 1922 the g the personality? The face; is the
The British Admiralty in the,next de o the British Admiralty fly along the coast to the little-known in Prince Itnpert-district was '102,890,076,
ports era t Island Portage or Lo}gig Sault,, and hereotyped commonplace-
will send out its salvage b . thedistricts .of the north, and the rivers et ; according to the: zepox L of the
few days that the wreck had been moved y either ease the opportunities present- feet, g Faultily ,faultless; icily -regular;
divers in an endeavor to re-;winterand other topographical features willBranch. This total included
ship and.led the
of the ice •pack this eed ;viii be sufficient to meet the Hol -Forest
e old from the liner Lame
to in esti be charted. 51,572,196 p ' 18 524 957 splendidly peril.
cover more g led ;axe British authorities.v linger needs At the formes 30 OOA Where is the char Cres Where is
vas reamed the letter•- froin the
, feet of s nice, , ,
f hemlock 18,811,6'71' feet of
t 25,000,
n i..
horsepowerr. and
the north- e
eerie, which was sunk oft e nor gate the cruiser's present position on N
horsepower or better could be de feet o , the individual submerged in the trap-
in 1917 of balsa n
•torpedo.>•..... ,,, •� .. ,,,, < ., .,, _ small quantities
ern. Irish coast by a P - Labrador rocks. � ,:.,,��. ,v<. .:.wy,�.� .. offers o ox cedar and ?consummate
the L��� , �w,. gat , v�10 ed while the latter PP pings? What has - the consumme
b 1rti, 4 : ,S �.,��' ° P ss alder P b
gold k�• '
-�. � �. d
while carrying $25,000,000 xn go u - On Tuaesda an aviator flew from
�>�r;:>av"':��,;r�`ti�:>,��':3�';�.2:?:::•.:,s''„�,-ss;';'�".: • o • development of fir, 'cottonwood, pine, cypress, e, , 'en doing with
Y z><.: n •ti • , :: ;sZ std a;:: k ,: t uixty for p pink' of perfection be
the United States, north-east coast of «<::``•>:;a: ?;s :#; : ,. d b tch in the order mentioned
lion to Bottvood, on the noir �:,,.•`��,a,,•.:..�"����.?��� �
To date, $8,000,000 worth of the Newfoundland, to Point Forteau, on
bullion has been brought up from the the south coast of Labrador, and made
bottom of the tricky waters of that photographs of the Raleigh as she
f thet d Admiraltyb l
herself 'these years on earth eycept to
deck herself for the marriage' Mart?
What does she know? What can she
cods an -1 been freed do? Who is she?
;section o now lies. If the hulk has Those who have nothir_'g behind the
geto :three more� �:
two x
officials from the rocks t held`�
this summer, but theycruiser.
millions up will bed torefloat'
hat e her an
or ornamental facade make that front as
No. 1 Northern;
oats -Nominal.
a baric -Nominal;;,
All the above track, Bay ports.
Am. corn -No. 3 yellow, 91e", c; No.
2, .89 ... c.
Barley -Malting, 59 to 61c, accord-
ing to freights outside.
Buckwheat -No. 2, 75 to 770.
Rye -No. 2, 77 to 79c.
prints, ' 181/2c. Shortening, tierces,
c• riri s' 's'
pails, 15�'� to ;1G /� prints;
Heavy steers,choice
u c 'er •seers c oic , ', .
do,good, $6.25 to $6.75; do, need.,
$5.25 to` $6; butcher heifers, choice,
mi lone , made re oa the
�:�.•r�•r+ �^`:�•\•: •a ;�••�5;,`�•, �`��°x� 1 c tubs 15�/� to 15�`�c; ,imposing and as. decorative as pos-
too sure .of it az :s {. �, .;+ ,;;, a•..
14'e to 15 1� , ,
are not„ '. ,�;,'�, .. ,�':,- •<��•tus 4 �'`� ..�1 •. •:::. •.:...�'��,;, head
Manitoba w 1 t 17 to
The wreck is in verybad shape and ••;�,;<>•cs�..r. ?4,��a. .>. .•>;a5.�;-
`sible. They display a specious exterior
r- >, „:k , ..., , . ,.•::.::..;•;•,,,n.,- because it is all they have to place
mPer �.L_..
One,> ,• ,:�
divers working a,;.. tic Manitoba
..,g. , :, 4`.. L• :2 •tC`'�'� 3`•`�� e Vy , $7 50 t0 $$3. r•on.},�,eW. r
of twentyfath- :• �? •:•>• •,nt..: ;•)> y�.• , s..
landand at a depth Matiitob Y
P� s �''•�' � 7 to
h $7.50;•
oms.have met with difficulties, includ-
ing attacks from male dogfish, chal-
lenging the intrusion upon their realm.
the name George! Prince's for Steeple-'
infant was given b
chasing Causes Anxiety
Henry Hubert Lascelles. �
Ring George and Queen Mary were
the chief sponsors Present with theca A despatch from London says: -
at the h tessnalneetee � ee'`eeVo'other The Prince of Wales' love for steeple -
r b.11.
"ee theCountess of Harewood chasing is beginning to cause public
o-S%i] a r, ,,
and. Colonel Lane -Fox. ox. Four add; -I anxiety, owing to the frequency with.
i n: l sponsors who were represented], which he meets mishap. The Prince.
to a P
Queen Alex -1 himself, however, makes light of his
by proxies are Dowager ,
'.. ,i Ramsar the risks. •
edea Lad 'Patricia 1,
a y
, young e s,
The population of Russia in Europe
is about 130,000,000. The number of
Communists in Russia is 817,000, ac-
cording to the official census of that
party. Of those in good and regular '
standing, with a right to have their
say in all matters affecting Russia .
and the Soviets, there are 410,430.
This same census shows 117,924 candi-
dates for full party membership and
989 839 votm°• Communists. The Red
Army and Navy shelter 90,000 of the,
regular members and 83,690 feed at j
the public trough as`Goverznnent em-
A11 then of the acknowledged c Corn-.
munists in communist RuCsia includ-
.. ,
candidates, probationaries and
I R d total but a fraction more
than one-half of 1 per cent. of the.
Euro can Russians. They are the
{ rulers of about 130,000,000 west of the
Urals and possibly' 35,000,000 Siber-
ians. After a fashion their writs run
Earl of Harewood and <General Sir The Heir Apparent had another
George Higginson. After the baptism mishap on Wednesday, when, partici-
King George'and ween Marry and the Dating with Prince' George in the Mel
00 ; an ,o one n
s' Plate his mount, "Little
" dawn bythe
o the Christy,. was g
honor f
the 1laretvood. estate •iii h
Countess of` Harew d d, C 1 1 ton steeplechases and riding in the
L -ane -Pox planted memorial trees on ,
infant.' balking of another horse at the
s of visitors came to the seventh fence. After making six un -
village from the surrounding country
in the hope that they would: be. able
to gain admission to thechristening;
but as the village church only seats
about 250, they were disappointed.
successful attempts to get his mount
over the Prince gave up.
The Prince also, for the first time,
r competed against professional jock-
eys in an open race and came in
fourth, after a narrow escape from
being unseated.
Heligoland island Now
Devoted to Child Welfare
from the Dneiper and the Baltic to
the Sea of Okhotsk and the Straits of
Bering. They have 800,000 bayonets
and have kept themselves in power for
five years.
Yet there are skeptical souls who
are inclined to hoot at the power of
an organized minority!
The crowd passes, and if an observ-
er is sentient to the faces, there is an
outline of social history in a walk one
$6.75 nu.,$45; do, med. $6` to $6.50,
sock long. Some of the faces axe` so
do, conn $4.50 to $5; botcher; cows, •b n 50 vacuous theycome ver
choice, $4 to $5; do, med., $3 to $4;
inane, o ,Y
canners and cutters, $1.50' to $2; close to expressing nothing at all.
richer bells good, $4 to $5; do, eom., How fearfully dull it must be to dwell
Peas-No. 2, $1,45 to $1.50. eicht' , $3 to $4;. feeding steers, mead, $5.75 to with those who wear them! Yet those
Millfeed-Del., Montreal fr ,
1"uded: Bran,per ton, $26; $6.25;' do, fair, $5.50 to $G; stockers,
who are their consorts presumably are
bagsgood $5 -to $0.50 do, fair, $4 to $5; no better than they. It is a wise pie
shorts, per ton, $28; middlin•s,'$28.50;b
good feces flour, $2. $8 to 0 do,$4 t `1;8 • mach
wheat -No. 2 white. $1.14
Ontario vto 90 s sin eta,..
calves, choice, $10 to $12.50; do, med.,
vision of Nature. Walter Laaehot re •
com., , t''e5lie ordieary woman iS, '
minds us tha �
is outside. cows, choice, $70 $90; springers,
Senator Dundurand o'frer h ordinarily satisfied With the ordinary
Sena to $1 16 according din t g t 100 lambs choice $1A Y
h $80 $
the Senate upon. per cent. t $17.50;seep choice, <, o v, .•
lairirs in the far west. - Ontario flour --Ninety P r ogs .,fed and watered, enc epee sing, e
f tide tIorgze cculls, $4 to $o, h � ,.
Montreal, ' ship- speakers -in the debate in t ; i o.' 2 white oasts -4l9 to 51c, choice, , o z man.", But all'the faces are :not voic;••.
One a the
Ontario N to 15,50, do spring, cadre $8.50 to
S t on the important subject Ontario corn' --Nominal $ h 88 t 89 • do of the nobler
emotions and unilluau-
c n ra. h
d and .d Here is -•an old..
Cato and• other varieties of coal in u points, though she knows zt, not, a shirneege
Quantities,' i `tis 0 5 to • 5 seaboard, $4.95 McJNTR1JAL
They .are snlxp05nci to contain antizra. in lute bags,prompt l 10.75; do, f.o.b., $l0; do, country woman who carries ' in her aspect, `
n- [merit, .p�.10 to $5.20; Toronto ba., $9.75.
K . tisk 'sea car � - , ,,,
i .15 , b ,lel
limited uant%tie�. Tsey were dzs- , 5 lamp of piety' and cliarity,axed•ho ',.a
to 94c;3t- ; ,,
. e :def r the war b $T 3 e11ow 93 to_ less goodness.Irreverent ,*Durk sl,
car ezEd and owned 1, o e • Y jj enitoba fioux -7 st pats•, in Catton Corn, .Ain. r, o. y ,t
e an Amepi- I hi` n r 2 65 to 69c No. 3 CW, not know the ,meaning of her life as '"
a German.,who' ciaimetl to U k •
$7 10 per bbl 2nd pats. $6. 0. Oats No. CW, , o
sacs '
r etx a
1�- Governni�ent cancels- ^ ,-, 2 er ton track 60 to C1c,
ban citizen. The $� Lxtra I` o. , p , ,
,• , _;, . - 1• . 8. 69'1^.. No. 2 local white, 57 / 'o 58c.
1 an. spring wheat pats., ,1sts,
track, Flour, M P g
' No. 1 feed 581/2 to
Hay -Extra 1 t
clover, c
ed his claims and thex•e has bc.e�x much Toronto, $ mixed, $•1 ,$ .. ,
hti t' and legislation cn*icernei Straiv Cir lots per ton,
xt g't .an b - -' ,
Toronto, $9, $7.10; 2nds,`- $6.60; strong bakers,
the_ lauds since.,• i ` •winter ats, choice,$6 to $6.25.
,1 Cheese -New, large, 29c; twins, $6.40;.pats.,
T is 32c. Old, relied oats 90-1b. bag, $3.10, to $3.20.
• Government has a ro- 29x1 c, triplets, 31c, Stxltox , ,n , , �
The 3,750,000 Gov franc pP g 21 to 32.c; twins, 33 to 34c; Bran, $26 to'$28; shorts, $28 to $30,
riatecl francs to expend -cage, a ;middlings, s $33 to $35. - Hay, No. 2,
p Stihons, o5e• _ g ,
upon the Canadian Travelling Exhi- j, -+inest creamery prints, n3 pee ton, car lots, $13 to $14.
_utter Z, Y
bition, according to advices received to 55c -ordinary creamery prints, 50 Cheese, finest-sasteriis, 25c. Better,
to accord to 52c; dairy, 34 to 37c; cooking, 24e. choicest creamery, 47ee to 48c. Eggs,'
from Paris. ,.v proposes
Canada the same facilities as were Eggs -New laids, loose, 32 to e.,c, selected, 36 eo 3.c. Potatoes, per bag,
accorded to France by Canada in'the new laids, in cartons, 36, to 37c. car lots, $1.
French travelling' exhibition of 1921. Live Poultry -Chickens, milk -fed,' Hogs,. $11; calves, $5.50 to $5.75.
profession are expected to attend the tion of a convo composed of a number( over 5 lbs., 24c; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 21 to
annual meeting, P _ the Canadian of ` motor lorries hick 124c; do 2 to 4. lbs., 18 .to 21c; hens,
)9 .. n
The' program provides for construe- over 5 lbs., 25c; do, 4 to 5 labs., 25c: do,
Over one thousand members of the
A. despatch from Hamburg says :- Medical Association to be held in
Heligoland has become a children's Montreal in June. A number. in
health resort. The historically famous
most distinguished surgeons from
little isle, key to the German Empire's Great Britain, the United States and
coastal defence system, henceforward Canada, are to be present•
d t therecuperative
be UCJVLS o p --
need of Germany's ailing little ones.
Where once mighty fortifications
' frowned upon the British fleet across
the North Sea, playgrounds are being
laid; out; and the buildings in which
were quartered, the crews of great:
guns are being converted into' nurser-
ies. Medical authorities describe
Heligoland as ideally adapted to the
treatment of /children, owing to the
waren .sun_shine and sheltered open
spaces to be found there.
Would Curb Handbook Traffic.
Sir Lomer Go,uin,, who ,has intro-
duced a bill into the Dominion House
to prevent the publishietg or display
of racing information.
Grain exchange authorities assert
tai still not less than 72,000,000
draw, ove`'5 lbs., 31e. do, 4 to 5 lbs:, 20c;
trains of special cars built to receive'do, 3 to 4 `lbs., 280; roosters, 23c;
the- exhibits. After touring the peeled ducklings, over 5 lbs.,' 33c;10 do,lbs. 4and to
inces, the exhibit will be returned to 5 lbs., 28c; turkeys, young,
Paris where it will be installed in a up, 31c; geese, 18c. --
large' building. Dressed poultry -Chickens, milk
fed, over 5 lbs., 35c; do, 4 to 5 lbs.,
33c; do, over 5 lbs., 30c; do, 4 to 5
lbs., 25c. do, 2 to 4 lbs., 25c; hens,
over 5 lbs., 30c; do, 4 to 6 lbs., 30c;
do, 3 to 4 lbs., 25c; roosters, 25c;
ducklings, over 5 lbs., 35c; do, 4 to 5
lbs., 330; turkeys, young, 10 lbs. and
up, 43c; geese, 25c.
Oleomargarine, lb., 21 to 27c.
Beans -Can., hand-picked, lb., 7c;
primes, 6x/ac•
Maple 'products -Syrup, per imp.
gal., $2.50; per 5 -gal tin, $2.40 per
gal. Maple sugar, lb., 23 to 25c.
honey-60-lb.•tins, 1-11/2 to 12c perj
ib.; 5 and 21/2 -lb. tins, 1214, to 131/2c;
per ib. Ontario comb honey, per doz.,
$3.75 to $4.50. -
Potatoes, Ontarios-No. 1, 85c to
$.1; No. 2, 75 to 85c.
Smoked meats -Hams, med., 26 to
29c; cooked hams, 36 to 42c smoked
bacon,30 to33
backs, boneless, 34 to 400.
2 sJ
....c) -HE
f Write kfaf•'�bet of LY CONS/5T OF 245
Citrietct h2+Jestt teat MEMBERS DISTPI(31JTED
opportunities A5 AC3OVE
ere are ea •
bushels of wheat scattered over the'
West that must go' to England either
by the Vancouver rotate or the eastern
,1innnels. This figure takes into ac-
5 000 bushels in ,.
count( , Jackson Building
50~ Tact i
for domestic OTTAWA -zed to �' OTr � '
that must be utile•_ �.., .�
d d
dose 21.
rolls, 26 to 28ccottage rolls, 32 to
85c; breakfast c; ape-
cial brand breakfast bacon, 35 to 38c;
Cured meats Long clear bacon. 50
The ;Final Curtain Drops.
Sara Bernhardt, the world's greatest
tragedienne, died March 26,` in. Paris.
Size was not only an actress, but also a
writdr, an artist and sculptor. She
was accorded a state funeral and was
'• buried in a coffin which she purchased
thirty years ago and ,in which she of
air. See was• the idol et three
to 70 lbs., $18.50 '70 to 90 lbs., $18
n Canada exported meats and allied
rn bats els,. $38, heavyweight roll a girl elle was forced sou c o r
r, •' , on the last eerisus will show the stage. As g ra acts to the value of $80,7524000
t is ere ected that the redz. ttibaticn, based , 35
`� � t her vris�lres as site p
90 lbs.' and up,,$17;. lightweight rolls, I
her eyes and smile are telling it. But
it is not lost on the' Power she .serves
and revers. ' Here ,is a man, old and
plain, tired and poor,_wearing no sign
whatever of any personal distinction.
Yet he, too, has counted in his place
of service, has finished the work he
was given to do, has been faithful in
a few things. Poor or" rich, old or
young, it is not a few bright excep-
tions, here or there,' that are living
up to their consciences and their
ideals. Most of them are doing the
best they can with what they have
and --if read aright -their faces tell
of it.
Toronto Professors Honored.
Rather especial honors have just
come to two members of the staff of
the University of Toronto. Dr. J. J.
R. Macleod,' Professor of Physiology
and Associate Dean of the Faculty of
Medicine, has been askesl to deliver
the famous Cameron Series -.of medical
lectures at - the. University • of Edin-
burgh during next._ October, and the
Board of Governors, at -a recent mee
ing, granted Dr. Macleod leave of ab-
sence for the month of October so
that he may deliver. these lectures.
Dr. Samuel Beatty, Associate Profes-
sor of Mathematics,, has been granted
leave of absence for next yeas to join
the staff of the University College of
Wales at Aberystwyth. For over a
year Dr. W. H. Young, head of the
Dept. of Mathematics in the Univer-
sity College of Wales, has been trying-
to secure Prof. Beatty's °services for'
one year. Prof. Beatty will give one
undergraduate course and one or -
more graduate courses while in Wales.
leaving been 61 j^•ears• o
-n, 1 an Noised of Ca -n -non c i~tributed as marl -eel on the Lard -Pure tierces 16 to 16i/.o the stage against z last year, and imported to the value
2 is yenta in the C na i
ab 6 ie neap.
see and :
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A -Pt)T 5oVS-. PEP.iNT'o iT9
tubs 1G1/.� to 17c pails, 17 to 171/zc, zvanl:eta to become a niter of $10,265;000, leavint; :� :fa✓arable
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balaiic@ of $20,437,000,
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statement issued by • the Dominion
Bureau -of Statistics, Itis expect=ed
that shipments, to the 'United Riegdoni
in 1923 will show a substantial in-
crease over thoseof 1022, in view of
the lifting of the embargo on Can-
adian cattle by the 1'ritish Govern-
The average value of occupied f>aitm
lands in Canada for the. year 1922 is
$44 per acre, according to a report
issued . by the Dominion Bureau of
Statistics. This included imp.r°oyed
and unimproved land, together with
houses, barns, and other buiicliegs on
the farms, The average value
1921 was :$40 per acre, While it was
$48 in '1920 and $35 in 1915. Average
values are higher in Sei,tish Columbia,
where the figure is given as $120 an
acre. The other provinces vary :frons
$64 in Ontario to $24 in Alberta;