The Exeter Times, 1923-3-29, Page 6s
Oh, rare as the splendor of lilies,
And sweet as the ti to1 is breath;
Comes thejubilant xuc,.rarug of Easter
A triumph. of lite over ~death,
For fresh from the earth's 'quiekerod
Full baskets of flowers we bring,
And s C.1ttoi" their satin-sott ketals
To carpet a path for our King.
'W* have groped through the 'twilight
of soiree-,
I3ave .tasted the lenreh of tears,
But lo! in b:.e gray of the dawning
Breaks the hope of our long silent
And the loved and the lost we thought
arkario School, Ti ustees' , and
Ratepayers Association --
Convoication Hall, Uni-
versity of Toronto.
Moncday, Aril pact, ,1923, --"The
Child in the Midst," W. M. Morris,.
"Tire Environment of the Child," Miss
Ethel M. Chapman, Assistant-Secro
tag y of Womin's Institutes, "The
Underprivileged and - Handicapped
Child of the City,"- Mrs. W, E. Groves,
Member of Board of Education, To-
ronto, "The Bot Lunch," Albert Ii.
Leake, Department of Education,
Monday Evening, Ai•%Z 2nd-
Chairman His Honour the Lieutenant -
Governor of Ontario. The subject of
perished, the program will be "Physical Edina -
'Who vanished afar in the nigbit, tion," and addresses will be delivered,
Will return in the beauty of spring- by Arthur S. Lambe, M.B„ 33.P.E., of
time, McGill University, Mpntreal, Lady
To beam on our rapturous 'sight.' Baden-Powell, Chief of the Girl
°s Guides, London, England.
in the countless green blades• of the Tuesday A, April 3rd
meadow, -Business Session.
The sheeu of the datodil's gold, Tuesday Afternoon, April' 3rd -----
In th+e treuruI,"us blue on the moan -1 The four sections will meet separately.
tains, School Attendance Officers' Section.
The opaline mist on the weld. —An Explanation of the Act, Major
In the tinkle of brooks `through the J, P. Cowles. The Duties and Oppor•,
pasture, tunities of a School Attendance Offi-
The river's, strong sweep to the sea, cee,• A, T. MacNeill, Woodstock.
of the day that• is• ,basting Status and qualifications of Attend
.Arne signs
Iu gladness to you and to are. ance Officers, Cecil Bethune,Ottawa.
So dawn in thy splendor of lilies,
Thy fluttering violet breath,
Oh, jubilant morning of Easter,
Thou triumph of life over death!
For fresh from tb^.e earth's quieleened
of a
Fall baskets flowers we.brtu
And scatter their satin -soft petals, Classes, Department of Education..
To carpet a path for our King. "The Rural School Situation in On-
-Margaret E. Sangster. toile," W 1 Darr 13.4.., B Ped Di
All for the Child..
Those interested in the welfare of , Committees and Election of Officers.
our country during these trying years' Secondary Section— The Educe -
of industrial and social unrest regard tion of -Adolescents, M. A. Sarsoleil,
f our children as the Department of Education, Toronto;
Remuneration of Attendance Officers,
James Croekard, Sarnia. Discussion,.
Resolutions and Election of Officers.
Rural Section—:A:ddress, Professor
Leitch of Ontario Agricultural Col- C
I can s well enough in the c zitk o1' the Year,
When 11c:11,1'w The c•arth is frost -bound i?aci the 'v at'e :3111."e i
`fluallg'11 Oven then 1'ni thin} lug of the sledding-, track—
Eat illy' helart grows sick withlonging when the crow's come back..
listen, listen, listen, as X,A rallc the ,streets.
Oh, I know the kirk'" note well enough—it's rare and stitiweet
Anid I love to near the robins, with thein saucy clack ----
But grips psml r he;artsttings when the crows come black..
And twice good luck has found me as 1 walked the street
Far overhead their wings went, with tibeir steady beat•
"unlihal<tin5 and unc esting" with a good tack—
Andtship''s'�> f,
1 he :rd it''like p whisper: "We've come back, come back!"
0 Mother. Earth, c ea ' Mother, with.your oao4,,Soft aims,
,When the, grass waves, .and the Wind sings, and the sunlight
14 drills,
I am sick tar you, 1 pink for you, and most I lack
A,11 your light -and love and comfort when the crows o nie'back;!
—Pilr>x'g1l�et 'Vandergrift..
There was a great earthquake: for the Angell of the Lord descended
from Heaven and canis and rolled. back .the stone frown the door and sat
upon it. And the Angel said unto the women, "ire isnot here: for He is
risen. Came, see the plaao where the Lord lay."
lege, Guelph.
. "The Trustee
e of the
Inspector of Elernenthry Agricultural
{ street; d'raggixig the wagon bchin,d
" 1 hini.
dear!" she thought. ,
Sixth Concession," Dr. J. B, Dandeno,t.-
nun -
1 -
1• ni�g awaywith V.P t nsaa
!groceries! �ll�� w111
Mrs. Perkins
It was April Fool's Day, and Biddy j After d while they came to a 'little
rector of Rural School Organization and Pen felt foirsoeri. They had attj white shouse .at the end. of the squ ue,
Toronto. Discussion led by J. A. Car- fooled anyone yet, They had tied an' and there Buddy turned in.
The Man Who Sings:
Give>'tis, oh give: us, .the man
who sings at 'tris' work! Be his
occupation what it may, .the is
equal to any of those who follow
the sante pursuit In- silent sun-
lenness. He will do more in the
sante bine--he will persevere
lottg•er. One is scarceiy sensible
of fatigue whilst he marches- tre
music. The vest' stars are slid
to Make harinony as they. re-
volve in their spheres. Wen-
drotts is. the strength of cheerful-.
n'ess, altogether Past c.^.•leulaticn
its powers of in,durance. Efforts,
to be permanently useful, must
be uniformly joy ous—a spirit all
sunshine e
graceful from vera,
gladness beautifulb c because
bright. -Carlyle -
There's a• joyous note in the vibral t.
In the sofiened winds of spring
There's a vivid green., in the grass and
1Vliere the birds crave come to sing,
' There's a fairer tinge to the azure
Whence the breath of cold hark fled;.
Tteee's a sweet, glad 'bush as the grin-
ter dies—
A requiem to the dead.
R:4>4+,5 :BRA
Establishing Branch Plants is
Ba'iti shea"s •It my Hope of.
Meeting U.S. Competition.
Some 'excellent advice is tendered
British uianufactueers by (:,, T. Milne,
ietiriz g 13rltisli Senior 'Trade Commis-
sioner 1a 'anada'°and Nowfou:c•diand,
in Ills last report to the British Gov-
ernmen,t onn financial, idust.rial and
commercial conditions 10 Canada.
Throughout the report stress is laid
on the importance of Canada as a field,
for British branch plants. One para-
graph roads:
"The present position of Britain'e
eaport, .trade to the Dominion suggests,
that this question of brnnoh factorise
Is one of 111e most important 'confrotrt-
-41g British manufacturers interested
in the Canadian market. When it is
found that the British.product is be-
. itcg ousted owing to)compeiition from
foreign as well as local manufacturers
and this. notwithstanding the preferen-
tial treatment accorded to the goods
of the United Kingdom by the Cana-
dian tariff, it behooves the 1:0ina firm,
whlelx is losing ground to investigate
on the spot the cause of the decline..lii,
Its trade. Having clone this, the firm.
should give careful' oonsideration to,:.
the question of establlehing a branch
works in the Dominion in eoljirrnction
with an adequate: selling organization."
f economic brightening tonin of. Ill the g
in the British 'Isles and the re-
solve to enter again more aggressively
into the lists• of world trade, there is
a •gratifying desire exhibited to .ex,
panel trade relations with the Domini-
ons. of the Empire which 18 based not
alone on sentiment but on sound com-
mercial expediency. Iu certain direc-
To life once more springs -bud and'
The urge to strive and 6roW•
Anti hope once more in love -benign
Is attuned to the heart below.
-A. D. 'Garrison.
roll, B.S.A., Brampton. Reports of` .eniapty pocketbook to one end of al "Why, this is M. Perkins's house!"
string and left it lying on the side- f Pen saw, 45, . �r
,C Buddywhen the W cis .-., . lI Y� 'f + at i li 't
walk w�h:�e they hid behind the fe' rang 'the bell, and en
and held the other end •ctf t._e,string,1 old lady opened the door he handed
brut nb 'one had eiel.ed up the pocket- ; the basket to her,
g lfare o Mrs W R Morris, Peterboro • Judge book Everyone s'e•emea to knew it 6 `.Mr. Penis s had to go hack to the Toronto.
h day.Through-
many other tricks,- too, but so far not i'brough,t hips basket home for hirer:' $1.23%.
When h ,x t ira•�1- Manitoba
e we
greatest problem of the m hong - , ,
J. H. Scott Perth. Discussions and was a joke. They had tried a geed post office," he explained, "and so I Manitoba wheat- -No. 1 Northern,
out the country, thoughtful men and ,
gathering en t e two children .g a back to oats—Nominal.
ns to lan better Urban. Section.—Vice-President's' a single person lied they [Manitoba barley --Nominal.
School Associations Address,"School Grants and Their ""tis no better than the 1s+t of Buddy's grate there stood Mr. Perkins
ways of meeting the educational needs I lieohing about him in surprise and All the above, track, Bay ports,
y Distribution." "The . Utilization of ; (( 1
of a changing world. ethis rs,opera- I1Iarcln, said Buddy. I disappointment. American' corn—No. 3 yellow, Ole;
tion of parents and teachers, those' Practical Craftsmen for ManualE ""Or tlhe 1st of 'Septemfoex.," seed �„ Na ., lea
lain Classes in Smaller Centres" t_o ( I can't find my basket, Budd1, lie Barley --Malting, 59 to 61c, accord -
deeply concerned in the fume
Training , en. se 1, "" i�chr dicta', let anyone take it, i
W. A. McKenzie Georgetown. "Idow Btldd: ti s sett '1?is cap hack aired d " y n to: freights -outside.'
o#' the boys and girls, has become a , g i y PF ilei. you? 13uei:�vheatl�To. 2, '75 to 77c.
the solution of the 1 M' y Assist sera scratched `s head the way hie father t o i 4,
powerful factor in a„ t `, �4nr.aaocn,� dad take it. said Pei, Ree—No. 2, 7. to '81c.
women are gath gin Home and Resolutions Election of Officers.
Hortictiltuxa Societies a in. s e IiLs, .,eas ae _y
Beautifying School Properties Dr did •when `he vwas thinkieng. They mus •
problem. ' latl,ghiYdg.
Easter week the. Ontario Bonino,,, St. Thomas. Discussions and: feel some •one 1;efcre the day wee
Duringl `"April fool,” Buddy
'withtwo "w the
Toronto n
in T When yi o
`ll meet'P P•ns' laughed, to
' tions will. Mr. erlul
Peas --No. 2.$1.45 to $.1 50:
- Lclearbc r,. 50 • Haus the impression' seems to exist
'.urea meats ung a oi, thatitls only a matter of going cut to
to cQ lbs., $18,50; 70 to 00 lbs., p18;
. and up,$17; li •htweight rolls, secure this trade. This is far from
90 (lbs. g ,
in barrels, $38; heavyweight rolls, $35, the' cabe as far as Canada, at least, is
Lard—Pure tierces, 16 '-to 16i/ic; concerned, and indicates a cuss ignor-
tubs, 161,E to 17c; pails, 17 to. 171c; 'ance of the change the war years. and
prints, 181/2e. Shortening, tierces, subsequent ;post-war period' ;rave
14% to 151/4c; tube, 151/4 to 153fac; wrought in Canadian conimercial af-.
pails, 15% to 163!4 ; prints, 17% to
4,814e fairs. British manufacturers ennieav-
d' field will
c$'7.50 to 8 orillg to enter the Canadian ie
II v; steers,. choice $
butcher steers, choice, 46 to $6.50; do, find themselves faced by the staunch -
good, $5,50 -to $6; do, med., $5 to $5:50; est .of opponents.
tlo,' cont., $4 to $5; butcher heifers, i✓xtensive Establishment U.S. Branch.
Election f Officers t tried.,"I tool- Mr feed—Del,, Montreal freights, choice, $6 to $6.50 do, med., $5 to
Home and. School As- Resolutions. c o 0 over
f Ho
Federationo xn
it home for you myself!" hags irnciuded: •Bran, per ton, $26;. $5.GQ; clic, coni., $4 to $5; butcher news;
y S � r,
.50 t 4
� ..8 0
n s med., 3 `a ,
1x o lm d
Tuesday Welcome
A o 3rd a reaetted "That's sluoxts, tier ton $ $ inrdcl ag , $ choice $4 to $5 d , , $
"the Addresses of Welcome by izon R H. "th C 1 ed u and down go'od eeri
Robert Falconer President of the > 1 M parkins who to $1.16, according to freights $3 o $ 1
Knox. College, h k
section ' will meet in g , p
Ontario No 2 w r to oats—49 ,blanch plants
"Who says we haven't fooled any-
• y 9, ril R
Possibly the most revolutionary fact-
ail, 2 canners and critters, $1.50 to $2; or of Canada's commercial life in th
other great educational bodies of e ; Buddy's gate • ey rooked P the best April foaling 1 ever he — 2 white, ,, periods referred to bas been the. erten-
• Grant, 112inrster of Education; Sri , -,,, T a .o• 1 sex- Ontario wheat No. 2 vh , $1..1,4 butcher bulls, good, $4 to $5; do, come) Dominion and the province. This the street hcipefm -_y. 1v only P said. Then he hobbled along home, r 1 s outside., t 4 1endlaia steers, good; $6 to sive establishment in Canaria of .
Monday afternoon. The evening ses-
sion in conjunction with the 0. E.A.
in Convocation Hall will be addressed B A. Principal of Mount Royal Col-
by Lady Baden-Powell, London, Eng P y reedited the site,, whore they stood.
land, Chief Girl Guide of the British lege, Calgary. Address by Sir Robert He set hie basket clown.
Empire, on "The Girl Guide at Work Baden-Powell, Chief of the. Boy Scouts, "Patty warm for April, isn't it,
P London, England. .
and at Play,"and Dr. A. S. Lamb, ' g children?" he said and pulled his
Director of Physical Education, Mc- Wednesday Morning, April 4th handkerchief •out and wiped' his fade.
Gill University, Montreal, on `"Educa- —School Attendance, 14iajor J.
P. Cowles, Chief School Attendance When he put his handkerchief tack
Officer of Ontario. "The Teaching of ti's 'suciden1ly ecu;"fed 11 s hared on an -
Music in the Schools," Duncan Mac -other p�o'oket,
Kenzie, Supervisor of Music for To -"There!" he ,said. "I forgot all
ionto schools. "The Public School about Haat money order. I shall have.
System of New Zealand, N. R. Mc- to go -may back to the post office and
ecm ui stg' .was of r. e? ins• with hi�.cane t g alk -i 49 to Die.. $6.50;da fair, $5,50 to $6; stockers, •of American alit tries.
Universityof Toronto,PresidentsL , a big
eet with g 50 d f $4 to $5
' —
arnrn up the street
Ontario $5 to `5., o .air,. . s -
was coming
atr in on the w
Ontario corn—Nominal. good, ti , , The movement, which began slov,•ly,
Address, J. G. Elliott. "The Educe- , „r „set in one I and and 'a cane in' the ?" , Burd sud•denl flour—Ninetye'r cent. pat:, ;esivea choice; $1i to $13; do, mod„ - , s
tional Challenge," e" Dr, Geo. W. Kerb l:_"'body. said dy, turning y 0 t_•lrio p , received tremeudcus momentum a
C g ' y' oilier. Presently the old genElem'an to Pen,—Irene S. Woodicock, in Youth's' in 'ate bags, •11loittrea1 pl•oarpt ship- $8 to $10; do, corn., $4 to $$; iiiilch
J the benefits of such location became
Companion. t $' 10 to $5.20; Toronto basis cows choice $70 to $90; cepxingers,
tion and the Playground." Tuesday
afternoon's session will discuss Health
Education of Children. Addresses
will be given. by Miss G. M. Cartright,
Director of Physical Education„ Mc-
Gill College, Montreal; Miss Edith M. Kenzie New Zealand, who is now attend to it.
Walker, Director of Public SchoolIIe gave such a sigh that Pen and
Health Education Rochester N.'"'
studying the Ontario system. Reso-
lotions, • Buddy wished they could go 'back for
Miss A. M. Connor, District•; Super-
intendent of the Department of Pub-
lic Health,, Toronto.
The Tuesday evening session in
Convocation Hall will be addressed by
Dr. G. W. Kerby, Mt. Royal College,
Calgary, on "The Educational Chal-
lenge," and by Lieut. -General Sir
Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the
Boy Scout Movement, on "Boy Scout
ing as an Integral Part of Education."
Religious education will be taken
up in conjunction with the trustees'
On Thursday forenoon, a conference
on "Home Makin; for Girls" will be.
addressed by Miss Helen Goodspeede
of Drexel Institute, Philadelphia.
Luncheons will be addressed byspe-
cialists in elementary training . for
children and by school inspectors.
A conference of representatives
Wednesday Afternoon, April 4th, him-
-"The Value of the School to "Could you watch this basket while
the Life of the Nation," Eon. H. 3. I'n'i gone?" asked Mr, Perkins. "It's
Cody, Toronto. "The Religious Educe- pretty heavy' to carryback so far:'
tion of the School Child," Rev. Manson "Yes, sir,we wa1," the children
Doyle,, Toronto. Discussion andReso- promised, and they were glad that
lutions. there was .something they could do.
Wednesday Evening, April 4th, Mr. Perkins thanked them and. went
—Inaugural Session of the Na- off; they "'coiUiid hear the click of his
tional Conference on Character 'cane' long after he lead Turned the
Education in Massey Hall. Chairman, coiner. t„
Vincent Massey, M.A., Vice -President' "And still there s nobody to 'fool.
of the National Council of Education,Buddy said with a sig�h'almosst as deep
"An Impression of What Is," H. M. as Mr. Perkkimss's sigh had been.
Tory,: M.A., D. Sc., LL.D., F.R.S.C., "And now we can't even leave to
President of the University of Al lock for anybody," said Pen. "We've
Berta. Sir Michael Sadler, K.C.S.t., got to allay and watclh this 'basket."
C.D., LL.D., Vice -Chancellor of the Just then Buddy happened to catch
University of Leeds, .England, The. s,Is"Ph ; al his exl,ire:e wagon over by
Mendelssohn Choir, under the diree- the • porch. "I know what' we'll do!"
tion of Dr. H. A. Pricker, M -A., P.5;.:,he cried. "Weill -fool. Mr. Perkins:
0.0,:, will render special music for the 'h+iln,selfie
from the .various provinces will lis
I Pen looked slhoc eel., "0 Buddy!'
cuss t'ne formation of a national fed Thursday Morning, April 5th.. slie 5ai'd r raachfu: ;y.
t f H
cl Scho
of Assocm
$5 05` too $5.15; bulk, seaboard, $4,95 choice, $80 toe$100; lambs, choice, $13 more widely known, and progress is
to $5. to $14; do, spring, each, $16; sheep,
Manitoba flour -1st pate., in cotton choice, $7.50 to $8; do, eulgs, $4 to $5;
sacks, via per bbl.; 2nd pats., $6,60. hogs, fed and watered, $9.50 to $10;
Hay—Extra, No. 2, per ton, track, do, f.o.b.. $8.75 to $9,25; do, country
Toronto, $14; mixed, $11; clever, $8.' points, $8.50 to $9.
Straw—Car lots, per ton, track, To- Hog quotations are based on the
route, $9, a 1 prices of thick, smooth' hogs, sold on a
Cheese—New, barge, 30c; , twins, • griaided basis, or selects, sa1'd on a fiat
30%c; triplets, 32c; Stiltons, 38c.! rate..Bacon selects, sold on the graded
Old, lsrge, 31 to 32c; twins, 83 to 34c; basis, bring a premium of 10 per cent.
Stiltons, 35c, ' over the price of thick, smooth hogs,
Butter -Finest creamery prints, 54i •Montreal.
to 56c; ordinary ereanlery prints, 511
to 53e; Dairy, 35 to 33e, Cooking, 25c. • Oats, Can. Western, No.. 2, 64 to
Eggs -New kids, loose, 37 to 3$c; 65c; Can. -Western, No. 3, 59 to 60c; The tremendous disadvantages of
new laids, in cartons, 41 to 42c,' .extra No. 1 feed, 56 to; 57c; No. 2'v
Live poultry—Chickens, iriilk-fed, local white, 54 to 55c. . Flour, Man, the British manufacturer endeavoring'
25c do,4 to- 5 lbs:, 250; spring -wheat pats., lots, $7.10; 2nds, to transact business with a country
over 5 lbs., bi5
4 to 'lbs. $6.60; strong' bakers, $6.40; winter1 several thousand Willes away,ecpeciai-
da, over 5 !lb2 24c; do,its, chdiee, $6.25. Roliled oats, bag ly with the rivalry.- of a powerful com-
21 to 240; do, to 4 lbs., 18 to 21c; pats.,
> do,..4 to 5 lbs.,'90. labs•., $3:15 to $3.25:, Bran, $26 to, petitor right on the spot aril with ;all
hens over 5 lbs., 31c, r.o ddh
being maintained at the present time
at a very healthy rate. Such Anneri-
can manufacturers have .entered°'not
only the Canadian domestic xnarket
but tho forty-four export markets with.
which tbe Dominion trades, obtaining -
all the .benefits of thea many p. ober-
ences in tariff which the Dominion en-
joys as a country of the British Em-
pire. Such firms. are dcubiy the rivals
of ^.British 11i•;ms desiring to trade with
Canada and ot, ler countries et the, Em-
29c; t do, 3 to. 4 lbs., 23c; roosters, $28. S�h'ores, T,�8 to $30, M'i + Hiss,
23c;. ducklings, over ''5 lbs., 33c; $33 to 1 35. L.ay, No. 2, per ton, car
do, 4 to 5 lbs., 28c; turkeys, lots, $13 to $14.
10 lbs., and up,31c; do, old,:. Cheese, finest eas aerncsi, 271/. to 28c,
young,; ' Butter, chicest creamery, 481/i to `49c.
18c; geese,." 18c.
Dressed poultry—Chickens, mint- Eggs, selected, 89c. Potatoes, per
35c; 4 to 5 lbs.. 33c; do, over ba ',"'ar• rots, $1.
fed,• do, 25c; 2 Com. dairy cows, $3; good fat cows,
5 lbs.. ,.Oc, do, 4 to 5 lb,.., do, -
to 4 lbs., 25c; hens, over 5 lbs., 30c; $4.50; choice la,;nbs, 812; calves, neer.,
do, 4 to 5 lbs., 30c; do, < to 4 lbs., 25c; $6• to $7; , do, caro„ $5; good.butcher
roosters, 25e; duckling:, over 5 lbs., and: select hogs, $10,25 to $10,50; thick'
85c; do, 4 to 5 lbs,, 33c; turkeys, fat western Canada sows, $8.
young, 10 lbs, and up, 43c geese, 25c.
Oleomargarine, ib., 21 to 27c. •
To Popularize C.N.R.Beads Canadian hand -pelted Ib
p 1
, •,
7c- rimes, 6 c.
Walter S. Thompson, appointed , P
1Vlaple products—Syrup, per imp,
Director of Publicity for tlhe,Canadiaii gal.82.50• per 5 -gal. lin, $2.40' per
National .Railways. He was formerly gal ` 11Saple sugar, Ib.; 28 to 25e.
publicity agent for the Grand Trunk. Honey—G0-Iib, tins, • 1P/ to 12e per
Preservinri Canada°s History lb.: 5 -2i/ -gib. tins, 121,/ to 131/zc per
era ion o Home an —Unfinished Business. Fraternal.t:, C
Yeu nisi, waive ,a minute! Buddy Professor Adam Shortt, a Canadian- lb.; 'Ontario comb honey, per doz.,
dons, Any one interested may attend J 0
Greetings from the Associations' of d exceptional attain -$3.75 td �4 r
e sr s. 7♦ or further � i
any of these s ., on ,,he other Pro 1 Potatoes,. r n a to
rev.) He Y as into
the yard an ,Dorn , ,0,..1, of: • em.cep rano. , ,
0 t s-1V*o 90c to'
winces. Reports of Corn -
drew the wagon Ori, t0 'vl9° s4'detva1dC. infliitC>> is Cin ..:man ,0.f the Board ofO Ga, 1,
1 00 • No 2 c
information address Prof. 3. A. Dale, rYlittees, Election of Officers.
Social, Service Department, • Toronto
University, or Mrs. A. C. Courtice,.
1.00 Beech Avenue, Toronto.
chew their food with their
Spiral Blades.
,Spiral blades, on the bottom of a new
ket-.into it, Histo,icn1 1't:,;llceti0-ns at Ottawa. To .$ • ,o.
Then 11E lifted the b Snicked' meet., 26 to
"Come 'along'!" he said with a smile. that :nap: rl. t.t world 1;•e has brought cooked lienrs 36 to 42e smoked
t P , i ' o alrcl, s. nipathe,tic, 247c,
cultured Y _
``Ycu �cante right K -;,.ons with Hier a keen, ru .L roils, ?$ to 28c; cottage rap's, 32 to
80 to 90
t r did not know What to make of mind. 1.1e 13 a writer on matters of 85c; breakfast baton 30 to 83e; supe
me al once 7ost'�fiable it to be screw- Pen d
dad cm.? brand breakfast bacon, 85 to
her ,la mate but she tanned and fed- history .red regio^al economy
ed pito -]card ground, plates Bolding it T Y ,
W rte for 'list of
Cur rctd luOestinetit
CANA,GA CFIlt41 GLDG, 55 EAti1NDA 4T1',EGr
602 , Building
to Ottawa,.
hacks, boneless 34 to 40c. a the1 I home _. G uu-rxiu
wife •ward.
1'oweci him as he want hua'rying up makes iris
SAWInf-11170 �BUNN`•f
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REAR WMPi l"'.1
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HAVE' .i0f4V FIN
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accurate knowledge of condit'ans, .will
be readily appreciated. W:plot septi -
mentally the Canadian pu.rch „er uray
be inclined to favor' British gco:is, the
American is bound to get the prefer-
ence in the absence of the .uritieb
manufacturer to create efficient conn=
netition, as has been the case for some.
Drastic Changes Necessary.
In order to compete with any hope
of success for the,Canadian trade, do-
mestic and export, the British manu-
facturer must realize the drr r, tic
changers which have been eiiecte;1 in
Canada within the past eight years.
alwhich previous-
is. a; strong rival p
Iy did• not figure so promine:illy in the
lists. Ile must make himself an ac-
tive competitor and efficient opponent
by the employment of methods calcu-
lated to be .attanded with success. Teo
most powerful trado weapon the
United State's has wielded for ,some
time in Canada has been the branch
factory; and this is becoming increas-
ingly efficacious in the `, securing of
Canadian trade, Competition can only
bo effected with any degree of equality
by the use ` of equally' efficient weap-
eap-ons, and the British nianufactutrer
must realize Ile must employ the anme
means of trade aggression; Cr,
P01 many reasons, ,sentim2zl efa-):
otherwise, Canada would 1114, to' see
the greater establishment 'Of' British
branch `plants in the '.Doini ei'on, It is
for this reason that the Dominion has
never ceased to point out to British
manufacturers the ease and only pos-
s'ible means of . meeting the 'cotnpet[-
tion they are toex}meet with hopes of*
sec es2ful
`,Already Attended to.
'Uncle Jack asked little Celia if she
didn't,' ,vont shim to play with her, ``-Oh,
no,,, she said; "we're playing Indian
and you're 110 use, 'cause you're soca Ip -
ed already,"