The Exeter Times, 1923-3-29, Page 1:c FIFTY-FIRST, YEAR No, 2556 EXETER, ONT. T.II JRSDA i`v1U! LING, MARCH 29th., 1923 , i 60. (ilii �liiil(liiiliil6liill�ii{illllll(!IIli(ilii(! i ll{ ��(! 1 iii ! i((Ill(Ali((!(9((l!(llilgllll(lllllllilll {(Ili{llilllliililllllllllllllllllllllllllllll(L. oww. 40.3.0 Apt oPosoms tafermi ammo • Easter Northway Coats loTorthway Coats Ladies' Misses' Suits Dresses Smart Styles easonale Prices Perfect• t arm Fitting Garments CALL AND GET A NORT1-IWAY STYLE -BOOK Easter Gloves The new styles in Silk Gloves ar e here for Easter. Kayser agra Maid brands, in short, medium and long styles. and Ni - Easter Hosiery Easter Hosiery in Silk, Lisle, C otton, Silk and Wool mixed, also fine ;Crtslzmeie. New weaves and colorings at popular prices. New Corset Style and rassiers The new. Corsets and Brassiere are ready for the Easter trade. We sell Nemo, Gossard front -lacing, Crompton's la -Grace also D. & A Brands. We can fit,any style of figure. Men's Wearing Apparel for Easter New Crepe Ties, Collars, Shirts, Socks; Gloves, belts; Underwear, Suits, Raincoats, etc., ready for your inspection. New Slippers for Spring Big variety of styles—Patents, Black, Brown and many two -toned effects, We keep only reliable makes, Shoes you can depend on to give good service. Hurlbut Shoes I?oifiember `we are' sole agents for -'iuribut Shoes and Slippers for Children. This is Canada, s best wearing children's shoes.. „yVea> Hurl-. but's once and you'll wear them always. Men's and BoysSuits Harrowgates Serge_ for nien in Brown, Grey and heavy, the finest serge made. Also fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, good Bloomer Suits for Boys. BUY STAUNTON'S READY -TRIMMED WALL PAPER: PHONE 32 Jones sillIli(ll111litlliilGllillllllHimililiiil(ilAlil!llli{!lllilliillillliliiiviii(lith!(iilllilliiiiiil{ilii{lii„„„„ilifiiii{i{i{li„„,„iii{liili PHONE 32 EXETER COUNCIL A regular meeting o1 the municipal 'QUA oil) was held on Monday, Mar, 26� i All xnezubers present, 1'rev,ious • min- a= etas approved, ate' Circular 'letters ire c read a; illOSsen,'s. Ltd., Montreal, re Sewer -A-1 c:leaning self pro.l>e lieg no zle. Filed• Safety Silent Poj cottl'en Co Or l.lia Ilei .psz :hese sof silent policemen. Filed, - Thee Stewart liioi "Works Co., Cin- c,iaxrnati, Obio; see iron' fence, and'per- petral signs, Filed, The Auditor's `,repast for February eves ,read and acceptel on motion of - Dav3s and Francis, Carried. File report was received ire c01 C - mittee re •r,eniovaio1 ,ree en Sanders S'trevt, 1\o action. Th,e •report of Cdni,mittee, a,s to the . cF nrl tiosi al` the woad sprinkler. The !wane 1zn placed, ina rshop for a coasmbeepletE overhauling. epair e l Mr, Jos, Hath*Lina, ,through Counc;llee xrtuiris, asked that:•Ft water zna:n be et extended ;each along'Huron Street, and ▪ that a hydz'ani lye 'peeeci out in that �- - a,eigatozlzaacl. Itc„tl..over-Jar I'urtlra} - cansidexatiorr, Co.uncellor Davis .drew attention. to. tender a t'�” ..--. thea.>, accepted 1 J the C• � ' I t vun- y cil 'of Mr.. _Me11 n,g that rig ,mention Thad been made re -"the' atl'owaace o1 1 '$5.00 peer month fiat:the use of ton Karnes. and equipment. The council had this :n, mind, eeheie his tenler'uas reee considered and acoeSleci. Messrs J. S. Har ey S ti Sanders and ;1Tr G. ictedd1 rep esenthig the lac al le ortic ulWeal `?Society, walled upon the Council with regard to: cer- tain p;man.s an l zo.posee for the beau ity`ing al t'he' rnun>_ 7;na :y itnd mare .'a particularlyetc p ke and resort at ithe si'ver seakaeg co Doe ition and a - enun c:p'd giant, zlso the( the Coun- = cal pr•oc.la:n1 Arbor bay as "a clean = and, p•olksh ups' day'. P.:}' Francis and Elleringt'o•n-That 'clic Reeve proclain. and set <apert lriclay,,\la5* 4th as !Ar - hoc iDay and cail upon all citizens to ,ohserve the; same. } Carried. Per. Francis and •Eller.ngtoin —'shat a, eranat o1 "$50 be made to elle. 1-Ior- - ticultura.l Sorceeiy to.r improvements to Central P crle—Carried. =-1 The Council suggests to il)e 'mem- i, g hers ,of the lioet1 tt'.l ural Society that, the post office 3 to be leveled End =-5seeded ,owt as a pehy ground. T1ze Coins olidate d ' By-laws at the a” en. were a ;a n considel..d aetd en. motion of Ellerafxgton and cranes were givers the third', treacle -1g and lin- mown ally- Passed, -dee reteve and clerk to sign: the ''same and ;affioc the seal of the Corporation thereto. Carrircd. The following accounts were read gand 'ordered pa.b ,—Cecil Ford labor m ceetery 2.50; Gru3g Stat. Co., books pLeheary, 514,0;;.• Ernest Appleton, labor eq, 12. _ B::;';7.00,•,7aohnet• reones.a2;63 -,Jahn C Snell 1.00. Percy 'Webber 2.50,; J. Moly Moiley • 1.50; T Houlden,; team, 4.68 Rd. Quasice 2.50. Pawed on motion o1-ldaoper end France's, Adj,ournrmena—by Elleriingtoas. J: S;enuor; Clerk. mos memos SEISEIMESSeileilMalleW- Sap Supplies Sap :Pails,. Sap' Pans TIN SAP PAILS 24c and 30c GALV. SAP PAILS 29c SAP SPILES SAP CARRYING PAILS, pedal Prices'on 'Galvanized- Ware for en ®eWeek GALV. PAILS 45c and 50c HEAVY GALV, PAILS 70c and 75c HEAVY GALV. TUBS NO, 1, TUB '$1.25 NO. 2; TUB $1.40 NO. TUB $1,65 1 GAL. 'GALV. OILCANS, 590 • 2 GAL: GALV. OIL CANS ,890 '. 3 GAL. GALV: OIL CANS $.1.09 5 GAL. GALV. OIL CANS -.$1.3 9 , JUST TOO.HAND 25 CASES LOWE BROS. HIGIl STANDARD PAINTS, $1,40 PER QT. $2.65 PER 3( GAL., $5100 PER GAL. Blatchford $ ®rd S Calf a Meal� Royal �aPr1 Purple Calf Meal ATB LOWEST PRICES PR CES TINSMITHING AND PLUMBING Ifeartian's Ara PHONES.. lea ! ;{ Falls, INCUBATOR FOR SALE -250 Egg, worth torday $80.00 for Stand- ardd make, Buck Eye, nearly new, $40.00. Frank Gollings, Farquhar. GRASS FARM to rent -50 acres, running water, for particulars and price apply to Thos. •,Laing, Exeter; Mr. Dawson, representing Royal Garments, will be at Southcott Bros. •store .next• Wednesday, April 4th, with a• complete showing,, of , Spring and. Summer Dresses, including ' A.iltyme Crepes, Flat Crepe, Canton,, Tricotines, Silks, •`Ser ges and Cotton „Dresses, You are invited to ,see them. ,Come in the `morning and receive bet- ter attention. BORN HARNESS—In Clinton, on March 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ebner Iiar- ness,`a son. • PEDLAR—On Tuesday, March 20th, to Mr. and Mrs, Sam. •Pedlar, Mc- Gillivray, a son. ROBINSON•—Tn London, on March 180h• to Mr. and Mz.s Archie Rob- inson formerly of Stephen; a cot.. DIED D I7LBRTDGTJ— At Victoria Hospital, London, on Sunday, ,March 25t1:i John Delbridge, of Usborne, aged 76 years, 9 months anti 8 clays HOOPER-In London, :•on' .Monday,' March 25th, Henry Hooper, for- merly of Exeter, aged 70 Years. HODGI:NS—At.his late residence; lot 13, con, 2, •Biddulph Tp., Charles C. Hodgins, in' his Goth year, dear- ly early beloved husband of Ellen Mc - PLANS TO IMPROVE TIM POST -OFFICE SITE. If the town of Exeter cannot have a new postoffice the Horticultural 'Society and the town council hope to at least have a children's playground and a beauty spot made of the site in the heart of the town that before the war was purchased by the Do- minion government for, a postoffice. This spot for years has been- an eye- sore to the citizens of Exeter and. has left a very unfavorable impres- sion -on the many visitors who have passed through our :town during the motoring season. When the .pro- perty was purchased by the Public, Works department a building that was then on the site was razed; to, the ground and the unsightly exca- vation that was then.:left has since r m e au .ed and has not only been un- sightly but has been dangerous. A communication was . recently receiv- ed by :the Horticultural Society and also: by the postmaster asking how the property might . 'be improved. The Council met as a committee on Tuesday morning and looked over the property and decided to recom mend to the Minister of Public Works that the property be fenceda Off part way back and that the front be levelled and seeded out as a playground for the children in the summer time and possibly be flooded by .the town for a skating rink in winter. This decision ina,y have been influenced somewhat by the great deal of amusement the young- sters derived oe the site ; the past winter. CON1)UCI`:Ei) SUN'I)t%Y ' CHOOIi STE1WICES The members of the Live Wire class of Main St. Sunday School, of which Miss E..Ir ollicl; is the teacher, conducted the Services of the school on Sunday afternoon last. Mr. Lyle Statham St n acted as sttperjntenclent. Tile' review of the,„ lessons of the quarter were taken n ,,,.tiby four `of the4 members of .tlte 'Ill ss ;each taking up three,lessons viz:','i1'iTward Aids - worth, "Benson ids-worth,'Benson' Tuckey Tony Pryde, and Howard Dignan. 141a ur ice ,Irorcl presided at the piano,. while Edgar Teundle acted as secretary and sel Bnintnell.-e1is' pos;tinaster. The hoes all chid reniarkaily, , well and a very interesting session was held. Mastel' Ted. Teenan was in London ver the week -end. • BOWLERS ELECT OFFICIF.RS The Exeter Lawn Bowling Aseoei- ation held their annual meeting on Thursday evening of last week about twenty members being present. The financial report showed a surplus and $50.00 w tis paid off the debt on the property. The fees were fixed the sante as lett year, $7.00 for old members and $5.00 for new. The” Friday evening tournaments will be held again this year.. At Doubles tourney will be held early in June and a Rink tourney early in August. The election of officers resulted as follows: Hon. President, Messrs. J. J. Merner, H. Eilber, Wm. Black and 'Andrew •hicks; President, G. E. Anderson; Vice President, H. Spick man; Secretary, R. N. Creech; Treas. T. S. Woods. ' Hon, members Judge Dickson; Rev. Wm. ,Martin and Mr. S. G. Baw den. Grouncis Coni., W. J. Heaman, W. W. Taman; G. E. Anderson. Membership Cour.: Messrs. Rivers, T. Prycle, Anderson and Cochrane. 111 Match Com.: Rev. Trumper, Mes- srs. Ferguson, Taman, Rivers, Creech Tournament Coni.: Messrs. Stew- art, Cochrane, Taman, Creech, Riv- ers, Seldon and Heaman. HENRY HOOPER DEAD Mr. Henry Hooper, who has been a resident of London for the past 15 years, died Monday at his late resi- dence, 197 College avenue A week ago he contracted a cold which dev- eloped into pneumonia which caused his death. Deceased who - was 70 years, was born in ;Lon.don, I+�i>giand:, Wlien a :young boy lie., came. to .Can-.: ada and settled at Exeter, where he lived until 15 years ago. For the past nine years he had`: been in the. NAlteltOW ESCAPE EASTER SON( SiEI'.VICi'0 FE OM AS'PJ11YXTATION .. Mr, and Mee. 'Frank nk Triebnez , of Andrew St, hada close Cali on Wed- nesday morning of last week froxii being asphyxiated . fro'en coal gas. Mrs. Teiebner arose in the morning and was ' busy about the Icitchexi when her daughter Mary, carne out and fell in a faint on the floor. She' called to Mr, Trlebner and when he arrived he also fell in a faint. It was with difficulty that Mrs. Teiebner was able to get to the door and call for assistance. t ace. The rT e kttcl.en range had been ' banked the night 'before partly with coal dust creating a gas. It was a narrow escape:. ;FE3.:NIE1S S',1.', i'iET,1R.01)ISrT CR, URCIT 7 pan. 1. Anthem "Why seek ye the Living azhoxzg the 3Jeat2? Glebe. 2, Prayer, 3. Ducat "A vision of Angels" . g Adauls. 4. Ileum 136 5. Scripture Leeson 6. Anthea. "They have taken away my Lord.'' Stainer, 7. Easter Message 8. Quartette the 1>,Esszri"rection Song," La ,Belle; 9, Easter Message. 10 Duett "The Conqueror," Combs, 11. Easter Message. 12. Anthem "Lo The Tomb is Emp- ty." 13• Announcements. 14. 'Quartette "There is a green hill far away," Parks. 15, Anthem "0 Death where is Thy Sting;" Turner.' 16.let o C 1 t .on 17. Duett "Evening Vesper" 18. Quartette "The wayside Cross'" 19. Hyinn 91. 20. Benediction, Mr. Eli Ring, of Stephen, purchas- ed the farm of Mr. Hy. Pfaff, Jr,; being lot 12, con. 3, Stephen, at the auction sale on Friday last, the price being $6,900. Itit'. 11y, "'arsons, of Chlatilarn ited his xuielo; ]VIi•. •LIy Persons, in tow u1 t E latterC1part 0f hist, week, ek..: The Boy-Seoute held their annual banquet on Friday 'evening of last :;reek at the Ilex • Cafe, Over thirty; sat down to a Surnptr'or;e repast, .and leclueled 11.1e 'Poy'Scouts, the cameras and a representative from each. Sun- day School i. town., Following the banquet, a toast list was carried out Mr, Thos. Piyde actingas to et •.m:nas- ter. A toast to the Ring 'wee S pro- POEd by Tom Pry de, Jr,,while Ggo. Beavers replied to a toast, to the Boy, Scouts and Verne Raulston. to Can- ada, an ada, the boys doing remarkably well, Rev. A. A, Truxnl)ex' gave a splendid address and short reznai•ks were made by the o,Tzcees and visitors, The occasion was a great success. s ()LINTON SPRING ,rG PAIR The annualSprfng Fair held Utidee the auspices of the Huron Central Agricultural .Society will be held ora Thursday, April 5th., at Clinton. u. • The Fair ,promises to be the big- gest ever. Seven Iluncired Dollars ($700) is offered in ,prize„ .Coney.. More entries than ever are being re- ceived. Write Secretary for Cata- logue. H. COX, Clinton, President. A. J. McMurray, Clinton. Secretary. 8audr-eau gold dines, ■ ■ fisted A Record of ' Magnificanit Achievement. .,' i Very little publicity has attended the •devei,openeent of Gaudreau Gold` employ of Mara's dry good store. i nI;,e.s, Ltd from little mare than n. raw prospect a year 'ago to that of a now proven amine. He, was a member of. the I.O.O.F, Besides his widow he is survived by two sons P. C. Hooper, of London; E. G. Hooper, of Winnipeg; one daughter, Ruth, a teacher at St. George's School, London; four bro- thers, Adolphus, of London; Albert, of Clinton, and William and Edward, of Alma, Mich.,; oe sister, Mrs.••Bos- laugh, of Centralia. A service was held at his late resi- dence Tuesday evening and on Wed- nesday the body was brought to Ex- eter, where services, were conducted in Main St. Methodist church on Wednesday afternoon. Interment' in Exeter cemetery. JOHN DEL13RIDGE DIED - LN LONDON HOSPITAL One of Osborne Township's best known :and most highly esteemed residents passed to his great reward on Sunday morning in Victoria' llos- pital, London, in the person of Mr, John Delbridge; On the Tuesday previous Mr. Delbridge had under- gone an operation. For some years he has "suffered from asthma which had effected' his . heart and he was not able to withstand the shock and he passed away. His age was 76 years, 9 months and S clays. A'ir. Delbridge comes of Devonshire par- entage having been born ,inEngland and coming to Canada with his par- ents at the age of 3 years. 11 our' years later they moved to the 9th concession of Osborne, the old home- stead now being occupied by Mr. Wm. Delbridge, the last survivor of a family of three 'boys and three girls. The deceased was an enter- prising and su.ceessful farmer and took an active interest in the welfare of 'the community, IIe has served in the capacity of school itreistee, councillor and reeve and was also a member of the county council, He was a breeder of thoroughbred Her- ford . cattle and was justly proud of" his excellent herd. For years he carried off the prizes in his class at Kirkton and Exeter fairs, being a a member of the c li •e 1 ctora,to •and a t ort. time President of the Exeter Agri- cultural Society. In religion he was a Methodist. Re was maxra4.et'f•- to, Sally Westcott, who predeceased hire ten years a,go. Six childreii survive, throe colts incl three. daughters George, of Usborne; Charles, of home,' and frank, of Exeter; and Beatrice, Do'a and Ila at home.; The funeral a held Tnesciay 'af- ternoon and a very large concourse of friends paid (heir last tribute of respect to the depareed. Interment was mEtcie iti the EItmeiIle cemetery. :. Obtain a copy of "Making a Big Gold Mine. covers GOUDREAU, its discovery, development, and rutlaak forthe future. Same may be obtained Thits interesting booklet present acli),evemexit,;. FREE from l). A MacGILLIVRAY, CENTRAL I-JOTEL, EXETER, ONT. Or FOSTER & CLENDENNING 2 COLBORNE STREET,. '7.0RON"t o) W'4T. C 'BRENT & ;CO. ream.inion Bank Building, See Gold Ore Display in . Lawson's Jewelry Shop Window, Exeter TORUNTO;t s f Or We have a large stock of Specially Selected field seeds of high', ger- mination and government standard quality for sale. Our Stock Consists as follows:— NO. ,1 RED CLOVER, ALSIKE, WHITE AND YELLOW BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER; HUBAN ANNUAL SWEET CLOVER; ALSIKE AND TIMOTHY MIXED; KENTUCKY BLUE AND ORCHARD GRASS; MIL LETT,- ONTARIO GROWN AND IMPORTED TIMOTIIY SEED. i� • .0 4. SEED BEANS SEED CORN SORGHUM MANGEL AND TURNIP SEED LAWN GRASS, GARDEN SEEDS, ETC. We have a limited quantity of Ontario grown Variegated Alfalfa• Seed, No. 1 Quality. This is one of the most hardy varieties and is pax t• of the production of a field that has grown seed for ten conaect:ti-e y'e< This leaves it thoroughly eliznatized. Anyone intending to . `fioid f. this , variety1� n, o zs place their order caz•Iy. We have alSo astock of No.1,Americann groVueTfalvfa, s•",.^, a variety that previous years has provensuccossful T.1e, lir . raly- ;'price' $15.00 per bus. ;s. WE .ARE BITYERS OF BEANS, CLOVER A.N:.D `PIMOT 3';' SEED DUTCH SET ONIONS AND ALL KINDS OF FAIL PRODUCTS A`1'• IiIGIIDST MARKET PRICES. WE ITA.VB A LARGE STOCI(..OF SP'L14h:111, IRCHANDJSL. • FO.kt.; QUALITY, STYLE AND 'RT( .4 0711, VALUE ..ANNOT BE, BEATEN. A: REAL GOOD St LECTION IN ALu T JNIts, :V. CAleL OLI' '"r` , i S G.LkJJS- enrol `.Aferc ) a TT -IT" S"011I1 WITII A 1,-„A,P0U STt'"fir” w