The Exeter Times, 1923-3-22, Page 7A Word About Gangs.
Scoutm.astering isn't the' easiest and
nest .:leisurely recreation Aman can
select-no`t by a long way. :end some-
tihles the Scoutmaster has to wait a
longtime before he sees much really
word, while ,resttlts.. from his work.
.And the boys, tpo, bot always scent.
alr;reciative, But once in a long time
sei athing comeSe along which nISke's
hire doubly glad that he "stuck to the
troop" and made a success of it.
Imagine if you can the satisfactionof
the unnamed Scoutmaster when he
read the record and appreciation of
Itis old Scouts in the following articles
we (Mote frons a recent is,sae of the
Toronto "Boys Own Tely":
"Many articles have appeared about
the badness of the bosh gangs around
the street corners butnothing has
been said about their better and Higher
idoa1s' which are waiting to fie worked
"Every .Gangster"has a code of hon-
or, and they are generally ready- to
help each other,
am not writing this from fancy,
but as a former" niember_of one of the
best known gangs in this city, "and I
beg to tell you that these fellows can,
be taken hold of and•moulded into the
finest'aoys or menin the city.
":It is too bad that bad boy gangs are
operated in this city, but to show what
can by done by a leader I will relate
this incident. A certain man came
around to our gang' and became p'ei=
sonably' acquainted with as :all. • Most
Of us joined, a troop'' of Scouts he or-
ganized, and the,result was that these
fellows, -many of whom had been up in
court,ebad the finest troop in the city
and captured -1 most oft.=the•' prizes in
various demonstrations.
"During the war this troop contri-
buted more money toboys at the front'
than any other troop. - These gangs
P g
canbe elan rt."fro th- t rst he
s ge m e vo to to
best in the- cit by true lealerShip,no
pretense at it
Numbers wro
are there who. will ddis-
agree' with this article, but remember'
that there are always two sides, to
every question, and, as'a•for•mer gang-
ster, this is -my view. With 'co•opera
tion we can change the lives `Of the
boys of -this- city. . • Are these boys
worth going after? 'You bet they are!'
And the boys will appreciate it' and.
you for- o r effort. U i Olt. t'iGme on, Co-
ate" •
Tilt; above; story can -be just as true
. of the smallest cross-roads village in
Ontario as it is of the city of Toronto.
There are boys everywhere who would
usteas; soon devote their energies 'to
�i crtt� r,hzt�• ±i:�tngs" .instead of , con-
tautly getting into 'serapes" if only
some man would lead. thein; The "exist-
once of the gang without proper lead,
ership is a challenge to the virile' anan,"
hood of every;communit `to sees
Y that
the situation' is clbanged. , The Boy
Scout Movement offers oneof the best
known means for, -working such 'a
change: - If you are,; interested, the
Field Sebre,tary, of the Bay Snouts As-
s ci ti
o on will tie glad to send -you full
information' regarding' the Scout' plan
if you will write to -him about it at
Bloor. and Sherbourneti
S eets.; Toron-
Randorn Remarks:, t
g but �ooc, call come from the
practice of. requiring a health certifi-
cate before marr'fage —Dr, Edward
The worldi'
s to be.brave. It 1
,wi 1 hurt
you if you are: afraid 'of it; ,stand'up
to it and it adjusts itself marvellously
to your wants. --Rev.` It. T, Cornpbell.
I: was a clothes -Peg merchant. That
is quite an honorable trade when you
get the wood,honestly,—Gipsy Sinith.
tlrys.icai ekercises ea•e better than
("rugs and clocters.—Sir TamesCanitlit,
in the of youth three thinge,.
are essential—character, cdinradeship,,
and citizenship.—Sir , C'harles'-Wake
" If I: were asked what is one of the
best mottoes for a young man to adopt,
I should say: "Be systematic." 'There
is nothing like system:—Sir. R. Wood-
man .I3ui'hidge.
Fvery: right -minded -girt should •have
two• dominant ambitions in h.ei life
one that she should be the wife of a
good main, and, second, that she should
be,the:mother of several better.—Sir:
Berkeley .Moynihan.
I have never: met a woman whop L
could 'Love more than my mother, --Sir
George 13eaunrant. ;
Get an ideal in -life and your uncon-
sclaus, nfind -will work towards •it.
Professor Strong
h t. is tIze iifference between a.
fish and a fool?"
"•1 don't* lrnow: I'll 'bite, what'Is
bb , difference?"
"`t'tifell,. if you'll' bite there isn't any,
A giant tree recently found in 'Newt-
NewZealanaf hard a '`trunk 22 feet in dia-
meter and 66 feet in girth. Its, ae
4s estimated at 2,0O0 years,
R'enteniber'that your lace, is,rt.n ad-
vartisetnent; it shows "tie public what
mental and moral goods you have to
offer it.
A n average of ;th ee 13x'0 tisk "seamen
4oae their lives;eve wy day by drown
iii ,ain't. i00 Brit : h ateainere 'and. sail--
( el
ail• mnssels ctru sort �,,early at sea.
To "Ttestore Fill • ` 'iealth',. Toric
Treatment is ;R.ecom?menrded,
Probably the most treacherous tion.
b1e,that afflicts the people of Canada
during the.wlnter ruonths,,is influenza
or la grippe, as it is often. called:: The.
disease is treaehetous,became ,often
after the 'charaeteris ie symptoms ,xef
the troubie.,.have disaPI reared it leaves
behind i' a
t wealrefied and debilitated
con'stitution which makes the victim
°an easy prey to -ether. troubles. .411
this let'duo to the, fact, that the attack
I of influenza has -left the blood abnorm-
ally weak and thin, Weak blood mean`s
impaired' digestion, a feeling of tired-
ness after slight exertion, and often a
*nervous breakdown. This conei ion
will continue until the blood is restored
to a rich, red, disease resisting condi-
tion. For the purpose of enriching
and stimulatingethe blood no other
medicine equals : Dr. Williams' ;:I'inlc
Pills, Tliese pills act directly „upon;
the blood, and through the bloodupon
the nerves and in this way act as a
restorative: to tiree whole system.
Thousands throughout Canada; have
proved the' "vaitle'of'Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills in cases Of this kind, among thein
is Miss Ida,M, Fraser, R.R. No. 2,'Thes
salon, Ont., evilo says: "I . passed.
through a severe attack of influenza.
v itich left me, pale, thin and weak.-
Indeed, I was so weak L could scarcely
stand upon my feet. The medicine I'
was taking in the hope '. of bringing
back my -health did not help me; and
I was greaitiy dis'couzaged. 1Oinaliy° I
decided totry Dr, Williams' Phil(' Pills,
and from the time I had taken .the first
box' my heafth began to improve. I
used six boxes altogether, and ,found
asa result"that I was again strong and
I think thot in
cases of
"this'` kind they are worth their weight
in. 'gold."
If''you have passed thorough an, at-
tack of `influenza, your speediest way
to regain full strength is through, the
use of Dr. Williams' Pink 1 ills..
You, can get these : ills" t i •
Both u
P tg any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50',cents
a bob° from The Dr. 'Williams'11Ie1i-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
"As the Spaniard's S> .>
Tholtravellor ' in Fpain fry iheaitl"y;
coshes across some very 'quaint -Gut`
wise " expressions and sayings, for
,many of which* we have no .equivalent
in our language,
for instance, tfere is !� the popular
doniestid ' saying in 'Speirs that "a
smoky house, a` leaky roof, and a
scolding wife drive a marl front hoXne."
,A Spau-lard often sums up another's !,
character with tiie remark treat, "He 1
is 'lite' a collier's sack, bad ,outside,
worse inside." They are particularly
fond "of sayings relating to leve and
money matte I•s, as the following ex;
.. z
1r0ssioz s show: ' "Love, grief, arra
Mone cannot be coir"I-Ie
concealed," and, FIe
who tries to. get ricin in a•ea ' Will
hang in six months." This latter pro-
ver!) is evidently meant ` as a ltlndly
warning' to businesalr
Finally one might quote the old
S;pauish recipe for true happiness:
"Enjoy your little, while ':the _foo_'seeks
Tit for Tat,
Bili Beetle—"I won't stop calling
yo i- "skinny giant,', rMr. Grandaddy-
ion I
g cgs; tinl'ess you stop calling me
'm dget!' "
Couldn't Keep It.
Tom (considerably mussed up)—"I
been out looking for a fight."
Jack—"Evidently you,found it."
Yeah—but 'I lost it right
Minard s Liniment tri, used by Physicians.
Provincial Board of :Health,' Ontario
Middleton will b '
lad to gnawer questions on Pub is H i
th`mat- '
tors thrdugll this column. Address him at Spadina House; Spadina
Crescent; Toronto.-
Sound, .it .our "en-:
peaceful:„slumber'_ s one' of to sleep do not Concentra e your
rhe greatest recuperative and beauti- tire will power on the determination,
Eying agents known. Withoilt',such- for if you do you will'oniy,sacceed in
s eep, you cannot . have health; and stirring up -a nervous unrest. •- Just
without health you cannot have your lazily snake up your mind -and ",then
fill measure of beauty. • Much is dismiss 'that, . thought and all other
printed, daily upon methods of woo- thoughts, and ',go ' 'quietly A°to' sleep;
ingsleep,how_many'hours to sleep, you may think it; cannot b"e.done•but
when to sleep, correct and 'incorrect just keep on trying.Each time. you
position. We shall skip all that and, succeed _it becomes' ever so ' much
l'eave at to you, but we want to remind easier.
your that if you do -not . et sufficient.troubled'' • ra ing :insomnia
Y gIf by•a., _raging
sjeep: the penalty will be 'mercilessly t let'=your physician guide yeti. Under
The Disappearing Hore.:
"There'srib Place like home."
, r ,
,..-you'd•have a bard time to find
such aplace these days."
II1ab4 iII
The winter season is a hard one on
the baby ' He is more or less confined
to stuffy, badly ventilated rooms. It is
so often stormy that the motive:- does.
not get hint out in the fresh air as of-
ten as she should. Ile catches colds -
which rack his little s stein; hie stom-
ach and "bowels get out of order and'.
be becomes'' peevish and cross, To
guard•'=against -this the mother 'should,
keep a',box'of Baby's Own: Tablets in
the house, They regulate the
and, bowels, and break up colds. They
are sold: by medicine dealers or by
mail at 25 cents a' box from The Dr.
'Williams' Medicine ;Co., Brockville,
Billingsgate was an accepted -mar-
k. et for fish over• 1;000` years: ago. It
is the oldest in London.
Remit by Doniin•%on Express Money
Order. If lost or stolen you get your
nioney:back. .
tain people who can
relax easier than
others. In case of absolute "i•elaxa-
tion,; one hour's.' rest is as good as six
or seven where the sleep broken r en or
disturbed: -
A correspondent asks if taking ga
cold shower . k
before breakfast 'is
healthful: duringthe win -ter i
Yes,_ for those who can.' stand it.
The stimulation,of the scold,'followed.
by the reaction,
is invigorating. orating Be-
it trains the heat, and cold me-
chanism of .the body'' to react quickly
and thus tends 'to ward of such dis-
eases its : bronchitis-, sore throat and
pneumonia. •
A. B. asks ifit is 'possible for any-
one ,to have• -•Scarlet fever without a
rash breaking out.
Yes, it -is `.possible, but the,;detuai
fact may be that .there has been a
slight rash which passed unnoticed.
Someti nes a, child- may have "a sore
throat and the ' parent; may never
think fora day or two of the possibil
ity of scarlet' -fever being the cause:',
Meanwhile the, rash may have :.`disap-.
pared. This is one of the, reasons:.
why sore `thiio-4t in a • child ` should
never 15e neglected. It inay be an .in-
dication of a very serious disease such'
as scarlet fever or diphtheria.
Declares Tani is Restored
Fully' Whelk Almost a Nor-,
votes Wreck ---Gains
"Tarlac restored my health so Cola,.
pletely threes yeas ago that 1 haven't
had to talte'asingle dose of medicine
wince, says Mrs, Cora Waterman, 145
Monroe St,; Toronto, Ont.
"I don't believe there was a worse
,case than mine in Outerio. I lrad'been
Bufferin -f
g of about 'tlr0eY Oars and
was practically a nervous anderP y :h •sfcal
wreck. ecic. T could • eat iraroel ' a thing,
sleep vias almost impossible, dudrheu-
nratisfn in my hands, wrists and arms.
almost drove me d.iis,tracted:1 spent
every cent I could lay my hands on for
medicine, and had about lost hope of
ever being well again,
"But TanIac ended my suffering and
saved, me a great many dollars. 1 re-
gained fourteen pounds, too, which I
still retain, and I feel as, strong and
healthy now as when "a school girl. I
have been praising the Tanlac treat-
ment three years now, and:; want ;to,
sendout.: this message to help others.”
Tanlac is for sale by all good drug-
gists. :Over 35- rnili.Ion bottles sold.
For Lasting
. GunturTalcum
There is nothinetter t
b an
Cuticura Talcum for powder-
ing and d erfumin - the skin. It
to •the most st
because of its fine, smooth tex-
ture and delicate fragrance.
Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 50c. Talcum 25c. Sold
throughouttheDominion, CanadianDepott:
Lyma`nn, Limited, 344 St. Paul St., W., Montreal.
ii `"CuticuraSoapshavanwithoutmug.
For . Sluggish Liver:
or Constipated
. e�a�++,a�aaeeaead�+,r
Clean your bow els! Feel lino!
When you feel sick, dizzy, upset,
-•'`J, P. writesyou your head is dull or dosas follows. Will -- ,ing; or
please advise ma if severe periodical
violence with a person suddenlytaken ;your stomach is - sour or gassy, just
ill, is one of the symptosis of "sleep- take one or two Casca.rets to relieve
ing sickness." constipatfon.-,,No griping—nicest Taxa•
Yes, sometimes there is a condition', tive-cathartic en -earth, for grown-ups,
exacted , sooner or later. :. To :otbtain no circumstances: resort to, •opiates in ; this disease resembling , mania, and children. - lOc: a box. 'ratte :like
restful helpful sleep you must breathe,without doing this. Temporary relief which mayor iiia not conte on per- sand` .
,. Y Y' '.
fresh, pure air, ° We; don't know V it, is. thus obtained at a terrible expense. iodical'ly. Generally the. symptoms of
is possible to get too much ventila- Drug -habits' with their undesirable..
tion but. we are going to urge you to 'n
• , g g g• land inevitable ends g are oftentimes
try,: for we are satisfied that too nmuch , established. Busleep Y9u
t . must if
is -far better than not "enough in this yoin would` e iperie ice the joys of life.
ease. ` Our a
feeling'bout 'that is • quite How ' you should sleep is a mat
ci long Y p
similar\ to the Indian's on whisky— ter Toryour own:. personal solution.
`.`Plenty whiskey, very good, tee I much,Some "nig-lit outs" claim; four or five
just right,"i, I hours is ample, while others place no
If you areone of those unfortunates limit, saying we :should. form the
who take their. cares to bed with thempractice of the aog and cat' and slee
to :thrash over for hours, the' penalty at any and all tunes. It is the gen-
be upon, you � you do not I e •al c ncensus � h ever •�� h
na �tei i o o'w t t� I t
s a e h
Y ,
and control the habit:' The practice hours is about right, although it de
of complete relaxation will -conquer nd to a large extent on' t
P pe s hhe sound
that evil sooner or later. When innk- ness of the slumber. Complete relaxa-
.T.00k to Yo(ir Eyes
'up your• mind tliat you• are going. tion is necessary and there are ter -
s&eeping'sioltnes,s are as follows:- -
There is gradually increasing'legarthy
of body and mind. The upper eyelids
droop, the gait is unsteady, and after
a time the patient is almost constant-
ly asleep. When it gets ,,t0, the adtual
sleeping stage The end, is generally
close at- hand. Tho'.s toms ariajail, j�R�
"nr ,
rate of progress
EYE S r;�
p g s vary in differente
cases. Theremay be.muscular tre-
•r-. 1 n ,i ,.
Best Sugar in :Algeria.
mor and gen 1 cov>
• s>.ons. 'Some-
times there Is• u1'ania; The'•glawas of The Government -of Algeria, will .dos -
the neck are enlarged and an itch • tribute French sugar beet seed to
o,'ex eriment
.f .rs:,•n av t e
eruption may appear 'on the `'skin. 'arms > n endeavor __ P
There slsps11
Usually fever towards the with the production of beet sugar
Beautiful eyes, like fine
teeth, are the result' of constant
cam. The daily'use of Murine
males eyes clear add radiant.
Enjoyable. Harmles' Sold, and
recommended by all druggists
ere's Sol
HEN you envy the calm and
serene person' who always
looks so comfortable juS t remember
that his condition is the result of
healthy nerves and sound, refresh-
ing sleep. .
If you are nervous and irritable
-if you cannot sleep at night -avoid
hof "n'
the use teas dcoff'ee,tvhiehrtxanq
At your grocer's' ix
nstan '
dt generous sample tin of
Inttaut'Postum sent, pdst
pald,for 4c in siari,pa.,Write,
Ca ita l i e
fan Cereal Co.,LiniY`
omfo t
people canfot'drink without'serious
harm to their nerves, and conse-
quent interference with health and
Drink, instead,: delicious Instant
,Postum-the wholesome; healthful
table beverage that safely charms
and satisfies,
sealed, ail -tight tins
d 4i1 Front
xs,,n �pelcimxi
here's cz Reason
ronto, Factory: V i laser Ont,
Mjnard's Liniment for sale everywhere
All Aboard,
Some sailors sailors• went ashore, and as a
chanSe thought they would like t> go
fora rade on horseback. They went
to the nearest livery stable, and the
spokesman asked for the, ostler. •
Spokesman=" -We wants an 'orse,"
Ostler—"What kind of an 'orse?
Spokesman -Mare wants a four -leg
ged 'orse:
Ostler (annoyed)—"Yes! I know
that, but d'yer want a quiet 'orse or a
spii'ity. 'orse?"
Spokesman—" Oh, it don't •matter
about that, mate. Give us a pretty
long 'orse—there's eight- of us, and
we're all goin' aboard."
Height of Caro.
' Guest-.-' i-Iere, take •my twlise! A:re
yo ra careful
Hotel,Torter- ` ?I)e
ei3 1.t. s.,i1
All ain't never 'biol;,e it'l>ottle > lt!"
Natural inolihation,
'What 'profession, is Your bo::i' Josh.
gong t0 select?"
I'nr agoing to educate "lir n to be a
lawyer,"'replied Former Corntos.rnil,:.
IIe1c nti,tttially itrgti zrentatid e an' beint,
ori miSin' into outer. }ren -punas .triiubies
ear' he niiglrt jea' as' well get 'Paid. fur
his tithe"
ISSUE, No. 11—'
Ltft Off it.: Firs
NI0. : ttt7NDi'tL� '' o
`stamp„ for'nthe ziaxneq',i" 1 s1, n+ ,
tested a arid 2e poiiitgge, 1 late ' i+kg '
PPoleclo `$tulnp Coinpany, Toledo,f)hlo,
UJT?E 'POOL .LA'J':t'S, B.1341/TIPW.4
carded and huffy, Bntirely arise
fro(3U or grease,,;Large sample, enou6lt
IN" fn ! for comforter, one dollar, Woolle
11111x, Georgetown, - Ontario. . f
IrOn.a.T4 C .01TE1&P
t1.tbA1S �' C7 q < t ft, ri3El (E41 t.1
Jut annual. "Write for interentin 9n
formation, D. ' Framer, RJR. 2, Yltlnrto
pp ':9.x.p un.rr 7,T.G1'r^
�A1DIF:1; 1>0 -TOUR ' OWN lel nI-
.4 stitching and 131epti4g. ,',
fatalients„ fit any machine. Ser1t c Il c
'T12,bo. Agents wonted. Colorado Attach -
meet Co., .:Box 210 D n e
v r, C:olp
'What matters is not'whatou are
Y s.
hut what you are 'becoming.
' ,%J
Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a .tittle'
"IO•eezone" on an aching cern, instant-
ly "that
nstant1ythat corn stops hurting, then shortly
you lilt It right off with fingers. Truly!
"' Your druggist sells' a tiny bottle; of
" ii'eezone for a few cents, sufficient to
remove. every, hard cern, soft corn,,,or
corn between' titre toes, and.the calluses,
witliout soreness oi irritation;
a.inerioa's' Pico:owe noir FLtizmaaten
Book on
and How to Feed
Mailed' Free to any Ad-
dress by the, Author.
8. Choy Glover Go., ilio.
129 West 24t11. Street
New York, TI.S:A.
ilariished 8
t, A druggist
sa s
• "For
di?. thirty years have recommended' 'tV�
the Extract of Roots,: known as @Y'
Seigers Curative Syrup,
and permanently reliev-
ing constipation and indigestion.
Itisn oldreliable r Sable xemedY that
ls to da the
work." . 30
drops thrice daily. Get the
Genuine. <50c.and$1.O0bottles.
a'`-' 2 as.
�. this
Thatchest cold can be
broken up—no"matter how.
stubborn and deep-seated'it
Apply l Sloan's Liniment
to chest and neck tonight.
Its tingling,glowing
g a,
warmth goes to the root of
trouble. I � a.
b It l~su the con-
gested, inflamed condition.
Relief quickly follows.
Get a bottle of
Sloan's to-
.da •,A11, druggists carry ,1t.
its effectiveness
will surprise-
Illdde zfc Cazlada
S �sI.aa>t1meantmggKilFsp ar'i�P
For rheum atism bruises,strains.chestcolds
Poultry arsd 17ogFanciers,
animal trainers and breeders
find daily ,.use for,~NMinard;s
Liniment as a proi'entiye and,
remedy,- "Write for signed evi-
dence of expertenced men,
The Animal's F'rlend
"Pape's Diapepsin" Corrects
Sour, Upset p Stomachs
at Once
"Pape's� Dlapepsin" is theq uickest
relief for. indigestion; gases;
flatulence, heartburn, souuness; fer-
mentation or stomach distress caused
by :acid it ' A
d y. few tablets _give almost
immediate t s
s omaG relief.or •e
C r e
stomach your
Hach and digestion now for a
few . cents. Druggists sell millions' o
gb .. f
acka e
P g
y2ii' ' 3
?slr„ e.
eta Compound Relieved' Her
Inflammation '.and Great Vdeakaess
West St. John, N. B.— "I was in a
-general-run-down condition following
the birth
my twin boys. £'hada' great
deal. of inflammation, with pains and
weakness. Finally my doctor recom-
mendedL dia..E. Pinkh '
Y am s Vegetabl®
Compound. He said that your medicine
would be the only thing to build me up.
1 am sure he is right, • tor I am feeling
much better and am gaining in weight,
having `one down to ninety-three.i
pounds. g
Ibed for over a month,::.
bpds. was in
up again now. I have ieconr-
d the Vegetable stab '
le Compound romp
fr ends and i e youv permission
ni tette , g p *mission to use
y r. : Mrs.-ELMFE.. A.
82' Rodney St., West St. John N. B. RITCHIE,-
There are y man
women o h find their
household duties almost unbearable ow-
ing to someweakness eakness or derangement.
The trouble maybe slight, yet cause
such annoying symptoms
y g
as dragging
pains, weal;'nessanda:run-downfeehng.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable'
pound is a splendid, medicine for suck
conditions. It has in many cases relieved
those symptoms by removing the cause.
Mrs. Ritchie's experience is .-
You might Abe interested 'in_
Mrs,Pinkham' Private Text -Book upon
the Ailments of Women;:e. You can.
get a copy free by writing the Lydia
E. Pinkham Medicine 'Cobour
Ontario- " Co., g'
. C
UNLESS you /see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you
are not' getting Aspirin at alt --
Accept only an •"'unbroken package" of "Bayer' 'tablets of
Aspirin," which' contains directions and dCrs • worked out by-
physicians during 22 and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache lille rn tisti
1. `t z
Toothache Neuir'at iaz'Neurtis
Earache` Ltituba •o Pain Pain
"Bayer" Lsr
Mandy jinxes of 12 tablets—Also bottles of 24 and 100 --Dr.,
?aspirin is:the trada.n',nrk'(registered . In Cn iado) of ,Stayer Ll'an,,fccturr
nee icnf,irlestCr of Salicyitearid. While it Is Well I noWn hat .ns1011,, m',"
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