The Exeter Times, 1923-3-22, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES
- •
IiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllilllllillllllllllllllillllllllllllllilplllllillllIIIIIIIIII MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIllllpilllllilllllllll
1 took plact
delightful surprise party
Dr. G. L . Smith wishes o • to announce laet at the home of 1VIr, and
1VIrs W. Beauer on Monday evening
that he .lids opened an office for the odist church choir gave a farewell
practice of Dentistry, two doors east last when the members of the Meth-
of Molsons Bank, Hensall, Ont., party for Miss Selina, Beaxter who has
been a member of the choir for some
FOR SALE—:Six dozen sap pails, time and is leaving shortly for Kit
about as 'goo'd' as new. Apply to ehener. An enjoyable social evening
\ • JOHN ELDER, ITensall. • was -,spent and Miss Beauer was made
' ' the 'recipient of a beautiful ivory,
Mr. \€n. Buchanan visited in Lon -clock from tlie choir,
don on Wednesday. The euchre and dance party held
Mr. A.:Wlifteside .was„m Godorich 'on Friday evening last resulted in a',
the forepart of the week, grand success. There were more
Nfi 'Will Moore, of London, visited -couples in attendance than at the
his sister, Mrs. Tilos.. Simpson •recent- former party and a;er'y enjoyable
ly, time was spent by all ,present. The
Mr: Connells of:roronto,•is at, ores- prize winners were: Ladies, . first,
ars D. A. Cantelon, the prize being
erre on the staff of the Sterling'Bank 'a lovely,tea tray and 2nd for the lad -
here. ,' : ies went to Miss Jean Haskett„ the
Miss Selina Beauer left for Kitch- prize being a, statue. The 1st prize
er, on Wednesday .morning of this for .the gentlemen went to Mr': -.Don -
Miss Mary Mair, of Clinton, was
Continual "prosperity,, nay 'warrant an
expansion .in your equipment, ,
your -stock or your holdings. I# you
feel that,aclditional funds cad increase
your, profits, talk the matter 'over in
confidence Ivith our local Manager.
You -Cannot Attend a , Better School
School'of Corn ere' e
Chilton. Ontario
Steuogr'aphic; Commerciafl,, . Secretarial, Special Courses
,• ., Prin.
Vice Principal.
Phone 198
Students niay enter at any time.
DR. A. MOIR, L M C. C Papers. Toronto and London" papers
$4,75:. In club with the Exeter Times
,Physician' and :Surgeon .6.25. Leave your order at the Ob -
Rhone 70 HENSALL server Office.
Two doors east 01 the, Nlolpons
Bank, Hensall Ont.
guest of Miss Gertrude Hoggarth
over the week encl *
1Vliss Ruth daldwill, of Brucefield,
ald McKinnon the prize being a bon
of cigars and,the 2nd Was captured=
by Mr. Alf. Taylor, he receiving a
lovely silk muffler. At. the conciu
sion of .the euehi e, lunch as served;,
vrsrtecl Mr. and Mrs. W G. Wilsoli: after which the floor was cleared and`
'over the Week -end', dancingwas commenced. at the 'ter
Mr: Dan Beggs, of Steele Briggs
Seed Co.,. Toronto,` was in town the
forepart of the week,
• Don't forget the nomination meet -
ung to -night (Thursday) the Town'
Hall from 7 to 8 :o'clock.
Mrs. E. Rannie returned on Tues-
day evening frons a pleasant visit
with her daughter in Montreal:
Mr, Gill- who is staying with his
daughter,, Mrs. Thos, Hudson, , orf,
town, •is at present very illwith an
attack of pneumonia.
:Mit@ 4gde? ",wwZgr,ihas.; been visiting
in -Welland for some .time, returned
to town recently and is the guests of•
her•daughtei Mrs. R. C. Cook,
Mr: N: P A,'Warr ener, our 'up -to=
date uutcher has recently 'disposed
of Ifs .business and we understand
will be leaving town in the near fu -
Rev. G. W. Riveis"will take for his
subject' in the Methodist church. next
CLANDEBOYE Sunday Morning --"The Kingship of
Jesus";•Evening — "The Universal
7[t9:h ,OT` MR'S. HERIiERT - Cross." : ° - •.,
The funeral of Mrs. Charlottell-le i- - t r .
bert, an old and Highly esteemed res- -
The Women s Missionary Society of,
ident `of oris 'village, ,took place on th Methodist church .are having a
birthday party on Friday -March 23rd
Tuesday of last week. The service
txas conducted •by Rev, G. C. Gifford in the basement of. the church .an.,8,
in the Methodist church, of which o'clock p,m,
Barristors, &c:
Office on the` Square, 2nd door
from HamiltonSt., Godei•ich:'•
Private fundsto loan at lowest rates,
?4 Proudfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran,.
D. E. Holmes
Mr. Holni s will be in Hensall
every Friday from 9 until 6.
Graduate ,of Faculty of Medicine,
1XIeGill.University, Montreal; Member
,of College of Physicians and Surgeons
a1 '•.Ontario; Licentiate of Medical
Council of. Canada; Post Graduate
' Member of Resident Medical staff of
General Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15;
-Office, 3 dooi'is east df Post Office.
*--,i.ione 56, Hensall, Ontario.''
trarsolzuzsononsvarrm-.......aunnms^.. 7,E.14
Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au -
Mimi School, .Special, course taken in
Registered Live Stock (ail. Breeds,).
.IVIerchandise, ,Real Estate, Farm
Sales, etc, Rates in keeping with
•prevailing prices, Satisfaction as
shred, write Oscar Kiopp, Zurich, or;
wire 18-93; Zurich,
WE PRINT—Posters, Dodgers, En.
�telopes, Letterheads, ;VisitingCards„
Hipping Tags, and anything at all,
The Observer Printing Office, Hensall..
Orders taken for Daily and • Weekly
niination of which all repaired to
their Ironies feeling that it had been
an evening tivell spent,
The regular meeting of the Council
of the Township of Hay was -held in
the. Town Hall, Zurich on Monday,.
March 25th, 1923: All the members
were present. The minutes of the
previous meeting ;were adopted „as;
The report of the Township En-
gineer re. Schw_alih Drain was�,adopt
ed as read,and that By-law 'No. 4,
192,3, be provisionally adopted- and
that a Court of Revision .be held on
the 2nd' day of April, 19.23, at, the
hour,of"1.30 o'clock in the afternoon:
The Clerk to, man a copy accordance
with the Municipal Drainage, Act.
John Pfaff was appionted as; In-
spector• of the East Braich North and
.South' Drain, and prepare a report
on,: condition of said drain by May
27th, for presentation to the ;Council
,,The following were appointed
Road Coiitikiis`sioners of the 'Town'-
Town_'ship Roads for 1923 and that CIerk
prepare a By-law forsaid appoint-
ment. ,•
Road No. 1, a, A. Stanlake; b, D.
Shirray; c, R. McArthur. Road No.
i\Irs.' Herberthad been a.valued mem- 1Vir. Jack •l' cDonnell who has not 2, a, C. Aldworth; b, F. Corbett; c,
ber for many years. She tool;; an Leen enjoying good health left last Wni. Bell; d, E. Datars.-Road No. 3
active interest in all the work Of the week for Bermuda. He; went t'o Nev' a, C. Aldworth; b,'W. Dignan; c, E.
Sabbath School and Ladies' Aid and York taking the boat from there. It atars. Road No. 4, c, -,F.. Stelck.
was .particularly' interested in the is hoped that thechange of climate: Road No. 5, a, W. Dearing; b, T.
Women's Missionary. Society, •., whieh 'will" prove beneficial.
Kyle; c, H. Fuss Rd: No. 8, a, S.
largely owes its success'to-her efforts The members of the Presbyterian Greb; b, C. F. Hey. .Rd. No. 7, a, P.
-in the early days of its organization 'church choir are tinting n a comedy Schwalm. Rd. No. 8, a, D. Gingerich;
here– Interment took place at the entitled "Fifteen miles frons' Happy b, J. Decker Jr..Rd. No, 9, a, G.
Nursery, Methodist cemetery, at Town," in the Town Hall on Friday. Becker; b, Wm. Theil;' c, R.'Geiger.
'Mooresville. The pallbearers were March ,23rd,, (to -morrow evening.) •No. 10, a, L. Schumaker; b, II. Iirue=
all grandsons' of ,the deceased, Gu- Besides the play there will be guar- 'ger; c, IH, Steinbach; No. 11, a, J.
land Bice and Errol Searle, of De- ,tottes„ readings, solos, etc. Gackstetter. No. t12, Max. Turnbull.
troit; Perry W. and E. Stevenson Rev, Mr..Hedley, of Goderich,.eon- No. 13, a, P. Schade. No. 14, a, 3,
Bice, of London, and Austin"and Mer- ducted two very interesting services "Campbell; b, L. -Kalbfleisch; c,
edlth .Dice, •af_ Clandebo3 e: ,.Mrs. Her- in the- Methodist church on Sunday Hendricks. No. 15, 1ty:. Brown. Rd.
bei t «as in her • 81st yeas• >and was last, His addresses were along the No. 16, L. Scbilbe. No. 17, J. Geof-
predeceased by all of her family' ex- line of Evangelism and Social .' Ser -fret', No. 13, A. L. Spreenan,
cepa two daughters',' Mrs. Love, wh of vice. for `which department special The ,following""" were appointed
lived:vith her aria Mrs. offerings were" taken up at both ser- Poundkeepers, Feriae Viewers, Sheep
McGillivray' Township. vices;• Valuators and .Weed Inspectors for
visitors 'with Mr. and 1923 and a By-law be•.prepared valid -
Week -end -M , CARMEL EL 1 Mrs. Owen' Geiger were:,Mr. Amos acing said appointments.
Geiger of. T'igeou, 'Mich.; Mr. Harry Poundkeepers: ; A. Ingram,'E. •Wei -
Mrs. Ziler, Sr., .mother of John. Zi- Geiger, of, North Dakota and Mi',Si- . do, S. Greb, Casper Walper, G. Bec-
ler, proprietor' of the Parkhill, grist mors: Geiger,:,of Twii}iiia .f✓Iicl>.;, all ker, H, -Krueger, T. F. Turnbull, L.
mill, died .nn Friday,two edays after brothers o£ ii[rs. Geiger Mi .;Daniel ;N; Denomme-
an operation. for 'gangrene had been Kercher, 'of.r Berkley , Cal.; and. 5L, Fence Viewers: W. Caldwell, J.
performed. She was 79 years of Norman Eckstein, .of, Pigeon, Mtoh,, Pfaff, J. Eckstein, H. Steinbach, A.
age, The funeral took, place to P,It. also 'visited with Mr. and' Mrs. Geiger Hendrick:
Sheep Valuators, W, C. Pearce, P.
J Haberer, F. Kading.
Weed Inspectors: W. 'Chapman,
,C. Seimon, D. Ducllarme, W. Haugh.
Carnmel. •The open air skating rink erected
The death of Miss Teresa Hayes and directed. by the HensaIl Board
tools place on Sunday morning, Mar. of Trade has suffered considerably
Lith, at the Ironic of her sister, Mrs. owing to the recent warm–weather.Edward Hall. Miss Mayes had been We uunderstand that the Board of
a sufferer from rheumatism for a Trade have given it rip for this sea
number' of years. She is survived by son but intend to •enlarge it for next
one brother, Deputy Reeve, John winter if a satisfactory arrangement
Hayes, of Stephen, and three sisters, t can be made with, Mr. A. Murdock,
Mrs. Delaney and Mrs. P. Gavin; 'of : the 'owner of the land.
Detroit and Mrs. Hall with`whom she
lived. funeral The took t ole l
e to the • 117;•: Wm. Moore, of Kippen, had
R. C. cemetery, with requiem Mass the misfortune to fall on the ice and
celebrated by Rev. Fr. Cororan. break his arm.
I(i9f11(((II�IIf(ill! IItFVII� I
j!@9!(Illl)l�f(I(w.lill®I(II�IIIC'isllfrl'I€` s:.
,; 111 ((i�ollll�llll®Ilfl�llil•, .III ..1111 rrll(I�IIII �II(I®Im � IIII�'I!I®11i.�'�III®III IIII®Ilh�llll®Iill�ll(fE�l!
'lEiOW cla • y()u 'MAKE
outof ,Hogs ? Asked one farmer of another. t
timamilIll9ull®1111/2llu® The answer; "When others go out of. hogs I' stock up,. ---and 4.1 liil®Iiu�ul lilt€ IIIIa
vvlien others stock up, I unload to quite' an extent."
The same •thouthi'
translated into "crop"
langua1:-;; Would be :
'Afrcr tire ;Big Yields of 1922,
plant n fairly goodacreage: of
F s, irnd make sure of a
good yield in 1923 by fertil-
izing with
Over the whole 'co,.tinzRt s e
ables its to make t orott -ti re-
liable liable lti 'h ` grade plantfood that
f; ets you results. .
Now is the o figure ttp year fertrlizor r)eedg for 1923
anrd place yourjo"rdcr with our Agent or write ue.
Agents rr'anfed ur!ere ulc are not r•epresertt .J..
-',, ' .ade our local A ga!1O \ Cx ,
Zt racil�Olatf�l'', f
Ur ti ze ttlrron
(''IR," 11i.
Here is the report of a
Fertilizer test in
Treatment Yield rf crops per acre ,
Corn Wheat Hny,i,
t fertilizer and Linne "55 bus.' .14 bus. .5050 I:Ss.
Nothing - -37 `' 'S ". ; 1350.`..
Gain- 18 " 9 ,_
; 370"
!TILT, :.:...y:
Rev. J. Vv. Kfiechtel, of New I -lam-
burg was a visitor at the Evangelical'
parsonage last week.
Mr. Daniel Kearcher,' of California
a former Zurich resident, is visiting•
relatives in and around Zurich and
Mr, John Kipper. blacksmith, is
laid up with an.attack 02 idiatica and
as a consequence his shop is closed.
Mrs Con.a ne
W g r who spent the
past winter with leer daughter, Mrs.
J. W. Ortivcin, Hensall, returned to
I of bonze here Cor the suininer_
Nh Alen. Foster suffered some in-
tornal injuries last week caused by
overhitin ;.
A ire 'ing of the be ,n growers
of Sout,1, :Huron tiaras bold sir tlic Town
nail, 'Zu ic'h, on. ' :' r:rsday afteraooa,�
and was attended Lyabout 76 i'arin
ore of the section. The meeting was
carted to organize a branch
b, for T-Tttr-
n County. yo; the Ontario Dealt Grow-
ers Co-i5!1Cr li(' 'i; .,t.ation. T'w'en-
-�1 '0•t.
,.� �l,.r ca slit reholdr,rs zvei'e secured'
'at the moc. Ling and tiro or i i
.y g 6 Ili i .£l'ti01r
is off to a good .si.rart, The ri`ic le'
P r P
obt.61 of ,Ile Or/gat-linden. i5 to al-
y:71;4'e .,r t`r w'1 (cerin of the been
crop SO th`1,1. P41s11.5A elleldcrs will
1� 1t 4 rL� o tt/q,rwif t,itS of , Securing tile
' Meet ar a r i itr be fol. then. ,Crop.
d your s,tt�ti
There's every reason why' you shouldlan .now—to improve A some
part of your farm fencing: Buy. early: fence prices will in all
likelihood advance during '1923.` Order in advance dvance of the season..
and get the benefit of the present prices. Champion
"CANADIAN" fence is a one quality web—tthe best,,
strength, minimum strength, minimum price -100% service on
your fence building 'investment:
Sold by W. A. MacLarei
i� llliili;l1
iE�ll;ii li h
s i �lil
"1` `ElliNfen4
dyes aim PAP
WALL PAPER will accomplish wonders in the beautifying of the home. interior. It end
ables you to:alter_ the whole character of your rooms. For papers of exceptional' merit, insist
on those bearing the name
,alasteralaen ani iaperos
Inthis range of rapt. hangings will be
g quality g g
found large selection of papers for the Liv,
irig Room or Dining Room—charming pat-
terns for the Bedroom—clean.looking effects
for the Kitchen and Bathroom.
The neW' Boxer Papers are 23/.iinches
wider than thei'old type of Wall Paper ; a1'
fording opportunity for more beautiful
signs ; giving better 'appearance because of
the fewer seams ; and costing o loss owing. to
the greater covering s>u'facc.
You rill find the „maker's name antwne he
selvage of every roll.