The Exeter Times, 1923-3-22, Page 1I FIFTY FIRST,' ;`SEAR No. 255 EXETER 1 ONT. T U RS D,A,Y RN IN G MARCH 22nd. 1923 80,00 oats 4 40800 1.40.000/ 18100 -00080 .000 8888 78000 ifatv CALL AND GET A NORTHWAY STYLE -BOOK aster The new styles_in Silk Gloves, ar e here for Easter. agra Maid brands, in s'hort, :medium' arid long etyles. aster , osier Kayser and Ni- ...-Eteter Hosiery in Silk, Lisle? q, otton, Silk and, Wool. mixed, also The new Coreets and Brassiers are ready for the Easter trade. We , sell Nemo, Gossardefront-lacing, Crompton's la -Grace also D. & A. Brands. . We -can ue any style of figure. Men's VVearing ,Apparel for Easter New Crone Ties, Cellars, Shirts, Socks:. Gloves, Belts, IJnderweir, Suits, Raincoats, etc.; ready for yoUr inspection, ew Shppers for Spring Big variety of styles --Patents, Black, Brown and many two -toned effects. We keep only reliable Inakes, Shoes you can depend on. to give good service. FlurIbut Shoes' Remember „ are sole agents for Huribu.t Shoes ,and Slippers for, Children. This is Canada's beat' wearing children's shoe. Wear Ilitri- • but's once and you'll wear them always. Men's and Boys' Suits Harrowgates Serge for men in Brown, Grey and heavy, the finest serge made. Also fancy Tweede and Worsteds, good Bloomer Suits for BUY STAU'N'TONiS READY- TRIMMED WALL PAPER,. PHONE 32 BORN Sap Supplies SapTans Sap _Pails TIN SAP`PAILS 24c and 30.c GALT/. SAP PAILS 29c SAP SF'ILES SAP CARRYING PAILS Special Prices on Galvanized Ware for °fie Week GALV PAILS 1 GAL GALV OIL CANS 590 '45c and 50c HEAVY GAI,V. PAILS 70e and 75C HEAVY GALV. TUB'S 2 GAL. GALV: OIL CANS 890 3 GAL. GALV. OIL -CANS $1.09 JUST TOO HAND 25 CASES' LOWE BROS. IIIGH STANDARD PAINTS, Blatchforcl s Calf Meal LOCALS Mr. John Delbritlge of Ueborne iinederwent all operation in Victoria i tvas quite suCeessful. His s°11 FratIll' mrs. (pre) Broeshig4 left Tuesday ecompaaied him te London. mornina• for New Hamburg to visit A number of radio tans were de- her daughter, Mrs. O. Becker. -- Mr Douglas Stan-, Hamilton. last ThursdaY for es' sb.01t ::P-- Tijtal,11.1eYaiatil")Ae7uNalaeer.teivacsaYt.odrlitifelt'°11:e:ull.t.gttirl,ge,,,,ersiCiteat131Gtinti;°1-.:11 vtlitl:,rit.Wre,(3etkur, lied again °Il Tues(laY (4 G. Sta,nbery. Mr. Russell Balkwill were at, Grand Bend Monday atten_ding the funeral at Parkhill on Tuesday. "" ° 80081. 061081 88.14, 8.08.4 DIES OF PNEUTtIONIA. daughter of Mr. arid 1VIrs. John Gill, Mies "Wisner, school uurse organtz- oi Stephen, died 'from pneumonia. er, spent Tuesda,y and Wednesday of following, am attack. of "flu." She is this week in town, the guest. of IVIiss survi-ved by lief:. Pni;,,enis and six Pearee, school nurse of tine district. tilers, The funeral- took place to ger: Chas, mengonneTi, of. Helleall, Mr Wm Sleamote a well known resident of Usborne, died at the Hur- on Connty Home 3Weieday night, aged 7 6, years... The deceased had been e. resident of the Ilonte for the past two years. He .is. survived by,. twit children insthe States. The remains 1100.00 .0.000 00,210 morsial 0.0811 are being brought, to Dliniville tor visited his brother Al. in town over the week -end. The latter -who hae been ill foieseveral weeks is improv- • Mrs. Fred Parsons, of Thames,road, and her sister-in-law. Miss Mary Par- sons, of 1VIitchell, visited at thehome of • the former's mother, Mre. John Westlake over the week -end. Mr. Frank 'Flintoff. and Mrs. Fred Flintoff of Milwaukee, visited for interment ThursdaY afternoon. ,, three'Weeks with the former's moth - HORNEY—In•Exeter, on. March 18th to Mr. ,and Mrs. Edgar Hort:ley, a sena PFAFF—In Stephen, On March'1 8th, to Mr. and 'Mrs. Henry Pfaff Jr., a son. GINGERICH—In Stanley Tp., son March -3rd to Mr.'and Mrs'. Sarnil .MASSE -----In Stanley Tp.. on March 8 to Mr. and Mrs. Jamee Masse, a InEYS—On Town Line, .1 -lay Tp., on March 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. "Albert MASSE—ra Hay Tp.; on March 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Masse,. a LEI.TCHIn Ansa „Craig, on Wed - *-A quiet but pretty ,wedding took, Dundas St' Wooclatock, on Wednes- day .March .7th,„ When • MTS. Annie Williams, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jhos. Masters, Embro, became Mr. and Mrs. Francis, of London and the binde of Mr. ',James A. Sanders, Mr. Lightowler, of ,Ingersoll, -were , left here on Tuesday to visit relatives in Stratford, . Mr. Wm. Brimaconabe, of Exeter NeneLlt had the misfortune to elip on some ice on Thursday of la'st week and in falling he fractured a bone in the left wrist. ' Rev. John Ball, of "West Lorne; Mre, A. Deariug Sr. is coufin,eci to her home euffering from pneumonia. Mrs, Wm, Audrews and Miss, Ber- tha Andrewee spent TuesdaY in Lon - Mrs. Thornton, ell Windsor, sPell little son, Clifford, spentethe week- end with. Mrs. Quance's parents near Hensalle Mr. an& Mrs.. Clarence Pa.tterson returned. to Detreit Monday after visiting the latter'e parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. R. Poplestone, of Blytb, returned home after spending, the 'nee latter accompanied her home. Mr. Win. Westlake, of North Dak- ota, who has been -visiting in this neighberheode for some hme lies, re- turned to his,horne. Ile was aecorn- 'tallied by his neice, Mrs. Whyte, whe will spend the summer there, Mr. Wm. Abbott's poultry farm has been attracting -visitors, some coining from 20 miles distant. His breeding flock of 3 0 0 hens have av- eraged. 50 per cent in the past three months, Half of the flock. were hatched late July_ Visitors are welcome. . among the guests at the Johns' gold - Mg.. The bride looked charming in • a gown of King s, blue c' - Mrs. A. E. Bennett and darighter with ailver trinmeings and black hate' Mrs: Kelly,' of Saskatchewan, who leave been visiting with relatives in laet Week for their home. en wedding on Tuesday. \ eymoon trip to Chicago and other points. On theie return they „will reside in Woodstock. FIFTY YEARS MARRIED Mr. and Mrs.e Phillip ;Madge, of the 8th con.cession, Ushorne, celebra- ted their goldert wedding anniversary '1818=, 481180 0 812 088 0 0 808800 took place)at laensing, Miele, at the SALE of APIZO S 'toted lade cooking and. candy, lunch sereeei on Saturday, Alarch 24th, from 3 to 6iin the store north of 13 ett.'s haleery by Cavan Preebyterian church Lade, les' Aid. CLINTON 1ING The antaual Spring Fair held ander: the auspiees of. the 'Huron Centra. Tliursdayi,i April 5th, at, Clinton. l'he Fair eieromises to lie the big- gest ever. Seven Hundred DeliarS. ($700) is ,s offered. in prize money - More, entries than ever are lteing ree neived, 'Write Seei.e..ta,ry for Caine II. COX, Clinton, President., A. S. ale'alur ay, Clinton. Secretary« NOTICIE This is to -notify that '1, Mrs. Janet' Sutton, will not be responsible for any debts incurred by my grandson„ Herman. Gower, on ot after Marcia 22nd, 1923. Mr. C. F. Hooper wasein London on Thursday of last week, and was accompanied _home "by MTS. Hooper who is at present under the care of Miss Ruby Davidson, nuese of Lon - on Tuesday by holding a family re- The Live Wires Claes, of Main St union. Their.,fetur children and 10 grand-children:Were present for the servedeat. eizeniel,e.kocle„ and -a social*, time was spente The greom nr fifty years ago,. Vas dreSsed in his wed- ding suit Yenew roses and daffodils decorated the table. Mr.'Madge was' born in Devonshire, Eng., and when a la& came to Canada. Mrs. Madge was born in Usborne on the farm on which she now lives. Her maiden name was Sarah Ann Isaac. eThey were married in Exeter and for the first two years after their marriage resided on asfarni in. Logan Tp. mov- ing to Irgborne 8 years ago. Their children are: Mts. A. H. Doupe, Mrs. all of this cOmmunity and Samil on the homestead. Mr. and Mrs. Madge are enjoying fairly good health. For- tunately there has not been a break in their family. They; were the re- cipients of appropriate presents -from their childrert and also the congratu- lations of -many friends veith whom the Times joins •in wishing them con- tinued years of health and happiness. oYall:PurPie Calf Meal AT LONVES`I PRICES 'rico X ar ldlIONES MILLER—In Ilibbert, on March 7th to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller a IN IWIEMORIAMC Irt Loving , Memory Of On whe died three yeats ago last 5th of Sept 19 20 and EDITH MAE HUNTER who died one Tear ago 25th of March No one lenows how, mach th 611, X0 0110 ltneave the bitter pain We have suffered since we 19St them, Life hat' never been the Same. Daily in our minds Age See titem, 'AS We did in days 6 t yore; And We helm some day to rt.eet them On that 'Bright and Golitien 'Shore, Parents an brother. Dear we miee Sunday School will conduct the Sun- day*School servicee' next Sunday tak- ing charge of the meeting and filling Gi]urireau Gold Mines, Limited bois will conduCt the review of the (4. A-PRecord of IVIagnificen.t Achievement young, man w o was o nag a Very little ,,publicity has attended the lesson4 for the quarter. lease in, front of the Central Hotel, Wilies-i'' frOin 11010 'nore, than :a raw on -Wedne'sday of last week, received a now Proven nCe,nlei. a nasty gash in the head when the animal reared and struck him with one of its front feet. It required several stitches tO close the wound. Rev. H. J. Armitage, pastor of the *litmus invitation from the Official Board to return for a third year. Me. Arniitage has won many friends on the., circuit and his services .have been greatly appreciated. He reserv- ed his decision:,, On Saturday evening last about eleven o'clock two or three young fel-. lows were racing their horses on IVIain street, when"' one of them ran 'into another horse and rig that was thieving hie the opposite direction, Both buggies were somewhat dam- aged, the wheel of one buggy being' A 'happy event "was celebrated at of the drivers or the horses Were ^badlY smashed. Fortunately neither the home of Mr. A St. sPatrie,k's cafeteria supper - and. IVIrs. John. Johns in Exeter on Tueeday afternoon, the occasion being the fiftieth anniver- sary of their weddirige Surrounded by their children, grand -children and other relatives numbering twenty - ''two, a very sociabhe and enjoyable daffodils heightened the home and adorned the tables, a sumptnons re - was served in the basement of Main St. churebeon Friday evening of last Week. The room was very !prettily 'We have a large stock. of SpeciallyriSelected field seeds of high. gor-, decorated with green and white. prospect a'. year ago to that of Obtain a copy of "Making a Big Geld Mine." Vele interesting booklet' and eutlook forth& future. Sante. may be obtained FR.EE from EWE r0Va3 MacGILLIVRAX, CENTRAL, HOTEL, EXETER, ONT. Or COLl3ORIeTE ,STREET, See Gold Ore, Display in La.wson's Jewelry Shop Window Exeter 08, Sale Those present were given a, tray 2,nd mination and government standa,rd quality for sale. Our Stock Consists tempting array of meat, potatoes,1 , e past being served at noon, Follow- gri0,,ailliolw.winags Tgeilhlveeeleisvua:4nlid,leizga. „iveoaessihaaoblis.eeuctecinersie6s.., TSWII:LTHI..,,m0IVI:T.";t; 1-1I.,,,-,..0-EBTATNiscATNyete.BALuLESWADET CLOVER; A,RLSAIrS; eALNITD,,..., Mg dinner short addresses were giv- en joyci. en by Rev. John Ball, of West L°I'lle' nearly see being realized. LETT, ,ON.T1ARIO GROWN AND IMPORTED TIMOTHY SEED. Mr. Francis, of London, and Mr. SEED BEANS SEED CORN SORGHUM Joshua Johns. Very beautiful and The Horticultural Society held. - MANGEL AND TURNIP SEED appeopriate presentations were made their regular rnonthlY meeting; jet the We leave a limited quantity„of °lateen° grown Variegated Alfalfa, , they made their selectiou from a as followe:— NO. 1 RED CLOVER, ALSIKE, WHITE AND YELLOW BLOSSOM baked beans, Pies, cakes, tarts, etc. by the children to the honored coup.- LAWN GRASS, GARDDN SEEDS, E'110. Public Library on NVednesclay even - business was receiving the report of Property Committee oe „the Town oi the prodtiction of a field that lees grown. seed for ten consecutive yeal`s. Cbuileil had made a survey of the pa,rks of the village. The recommen- dations which were heartily endorsed by the society suggested special ef-- forts in improving Central Park by' filling, levelling and planting trees, Shrube and flowers. Arovued Victoria Paine a cinder driveVray is to be at - le. Mr. Johns in a few well chosen ing the 14th. inst. The.' princinle remarks expressed their appreciation and pleasure of such a happy occa- sion. A solo was sung by Mr- Godltolt. Mr. and Mrs. Johns have spent the whole of their married life in Usborne and Exeter. Beth were born in Dec onshire, Eng., the former coining to Canada very early in 'life, parents at the age of 16 yea,rs. Her maiden. name Wag Sarah Cutlinore. They were married in 'Exeter by the late Bev. Mr. Beer, P,ible Christian Minister, a.nd their anarriag,e, 'settled on a farm at Eliniville. They fanned in Usborne therteleen the Park Committee who with' the Seed, No. 1 Quality. This is one of the meet 'hardy- varieties and is p,iat This leaves it thoroughly elimatized. Anyoee intending Lo sow a held, of this variety sboulcl place their order CfaTlY. We have also a stock of No. 1, American grown All'ana, a tianly variety that in previous years has proven succeseffel lie.re, Our peite $15,00 per bus. teiripMcl on which cars can bc parked] WID ARE 13UYERS OF BEANS, CLOVER AND MOTIrer SET. P '1 fermin recommentied to keep HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. g net the needle thar', hafe been wand - eying through it The Society. has, ytaT,s ago when they eetered and may.- •beert greatlY encoara.ged by action of ed to /13:43 been honoeed residents. Three sonS are living, Richard and °bailee, of Uehorne and Samuel, of Eiitoter, three daughters having predeceased them. fairly good health. Their 'many friends Will join with the Times in extendiug congra.tillat.ions and wish- ing them health happineaS tor natty 'years i,o a a number of citizens who have with- out solicitation, offered good sub- acriptions tor tbe carrying on of the Work or/ beteatifying tile town. Two te? the latest: of these are $50 from Mr, S. M, Sanders, Preeiclent of the' Canning Factory, for tag,ging -trees and general work end an offer of 2 prize for the best kept littyns or gar- dens 'by Alr, Teylor,' ex -Reeve of 'Exeter. WE I-TAVE TeA.RGE sToc:c< cc MERCHANDISE. FOR QUALITY, sTvt,E AND PRICF,S 01111 VALUES CANNOT 13E BEATEN. A BEA G001) SELECTION IN ALL LINEce cat L SOLICITT‘Pn ker TI -IE WITH LAR