The Exeter Times, 1923-3-1, Page 7t_ • iStotes frotn'ttle Annital Reports, TitoAu an -al Reports ell the Provin- cial Commkssionsir, the proVincial 190-ard of *Ilestor, the. Finance Commit - tea and Other oilieers and committees of the Association' read at the 12th Annual Meeting. of the, PeOvincisl cieunell for Ontario held In Hamilton on 'Thursday' afternoon, February Stir, ail in that the, Year 1922 was marked with 'eneouraging progreas. in the development and efficiency of Scouting 'Al Ontarlo. • , Tbe total Membership „reported Was 14,749; as, compared with 10,351 re- Ported'a year tore The number of organized- Scout cities,..tawns and rural communities in- , Oreeced (hiring tile year 'from ' 194' to 208, 13-oficiency badges ta the number of 9,405 'werelssuecl in 1922, as compared With 6,094 in 1921. Tire-silty:tour • Ontario Scoutmasters and. Assistant Scoutmasters.' took the speeial Gilt -well' training fer , Scent leaders 'during the year, everyon.e of them receiving certificates for 'com- pleting ,the requ.irecl: work success-, fully. s' , , . tTlie circulation of "The 'Trail," the monthly paper ;for Scent- oilleers, has reached 1,100. copies and has constant, 1Y`:. inaprove,d in its helpfulness to, the volunteer leaders in ,the 11foveMent,' carrying to them:each month .many tuggestions for their troop work, as. . Well, as sugges,ted progranimes frciM time to time for their trooP meetings. Thelargest Increaes In aneinher- -"Tilt") Made during the year were made by the Toronto, Hamilton, London, • net'. • Inc. or awa, ts'S irattended the Ontario conference of Scent, Leaders in Hamilton, and Spoke of- 'the: :Slang :houes eersoil. of Souts who had sa-d human. lives. • during the past year. The Scout • movement, he said, directs. "gang in- slinets into the proper channels,. , Fort William and Brantford associa- tions. Brantford with about 1,200 boys actively engaged in Scout and 'Cub work has ,earned •the .distliaction of shaving ' more; Scouts and Cubs per • capita.than any ether city of 10,000 population or ever in Canada, and the record is probably not equalled any- _wirere ;else. • The S11111, of $472.99 was raised by 'Scouts and Cubs •them.selves, thrcugh small subscriptions, usually:not more these five or ten cents, each, for. the aid of the three troops, in Northern On - brio which suffered from the big fire in October leSt. - • ; There are 907 voluntary -leaders in Scouting in Ontario who are serving aet' Scoutmasters and Assdstant Cub - ant Sebutmasters, an.d•Assistams Cub- NERAL DEBILITY FOLLOWS INFLUEN7 1. he sun Lite, -!turAz , itr AT The fixlai,eial statement 'of the Sun . . . s r, '-, ' VYIIIITER vl gilirit ' A ,Lo Assitiasice (,empaity of act a ; p D for the year 1992,truldielled on all.- ,„, ' • , , ON LITTLE ons ether /lag() Q i thifi f,.$.11i-2., Ill llS% be re, , garded , as highly satistaotr3r3, from • -----t-- e 0yerY naeasure of prt)gress and pros- Our eanadlati' 'wititere are e-,..,teeeti,- PerilY, Its items!, relatilig,botis to de- illgly hard en the health of little ores velopment and' etrength, Bliew st„rlistiig 'rile weather is often et> severe that . • ,. , , . , advances over, previous records, es- tile 3uatlier eatinct, take the little one The After Etteets Often Mor Serious Than the Diselise Tisetr. No aea,sollable precaution to axe' an atta'elt of influenza should 1esparet The dadse ifself often prove& fata and its after effetp arnong those ss -11 • are spared, make the life of the .vietir one of ahnest eanstant misery. As almost ,any af those wto have bee attacked by this trouble what their pre &ant. Condition of health is, anti /Trot o them will answer: "Since I had th influenza I have never been fully well. This trouble leaves behind it a Per sistent weakness of the lintbs, short riessiof brealli, bad digestions palpita tion of the heart and a tired feeling, after even slight estertion. Tiffs is due to the thin -blooded condition in -which the patient Is left after the fever and influeeza have subsided. This cond • Lien will continue -until the blood i Peeially those In connection with total out an alrintf. The comscquelice t buSiness in l'OrC 0 and assets, indieating that haby is confined to overheated, badly ventilated rooTtaut; taltes coin and • 1, that a policy of large-s.calo expansion 1 has ben accompanied by prudeet and beeotnes ero-t-,s and , I3aby's I o II in addition to its large underwrit- - • al a lugs in the Dominion, the Company Is:ea-live which isegulate the stomach n isas tor many years conducted profit- TheaLdisiawbits6.1.,tss andthusprbevent deolit15. • able business in coinitrie,s other thanY me le ne f canadet veld at the ite.esesit time main- 'dealers or by, !nail at 25 cents a box s tains active oree,a,Lizations 111>wards from' The Dr' 1\ledielne D°'' of fifty countries. The record of the 13rockssille, Ont. Year's oPesatione, thus affords teet.1- ectitionrical nutria it. , Own Tablets rsil.euld be en to l'cel) the little one healthy. ""te • 'Id - many ,that the reliance of the Canadian . people in their owii financial institu- (36ntlenl'an tailwaY enti'll'ge'- ,t,ion. is universally share,43,, "'How ctid this accident happen?" s built up again, and for building up the blood and 'strengthening' the nerves 'nothing can equal , a fair tree:Mien with, Dr. Williams', pink Rats,' The value of this medicine in crises of this kind 'is -shown by the stateme,nt of Mr Edward J. M'cOuire Pembroke, t. who says : —"In the fall 01 1913 I was at tacked With the dniltienza--and, not in a milci'fOrrir either., I was •confined to my ream' for three weeks, and ttl- theugh the influenza subsided I did not regain my health. As: a matter of fact I -seemed to be growing 'weaker. I had no appetite, was subject' to fainting spelle. and mY 'feet and ankles were •badly swollen, The doctor told me that my condition had •developed into serious, cosG aha,emia, and al- thouill''d Was under his care far over two months I was riot improving in any way. At this stage one of my friends advisedine to try' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I was ...loath to, do so, as begasi to' think My case hopeless. How:. ever, I was. finally persuaded to try hem, and 13Y the time, 1 had'used two boxes there was no doubt 'they were lelping me. I ,continued taking the ills until I had used a dozen boxes, then I found that. every -symptom he trouble had left me and i was. gain enjOying' the hest of health.. eturned to my work and have ever ince been 'in g•ood. health and feel' hat.i owe it entirely to Dr. ink*Pills. 1 think that anyone who' s saffering feom the atter effects of fifitierilarnir 'any:form of anaemia, hduld,' give this medicine a -fag, trial.", You can.get Dr:Williams' Pink Pills hroug)hr ansA dealerin medicines or by len at 50 cents a • box or six boxes, or $2,50 from The Dr: Willianas' Medi - Me Co., Brockville, Ont. . a r t 't "‘MuCht More." •"13u.t where sin .ahchinded; grade did, much more aibeitind."—Romans,, v. 20. My...some-Unseen, resistless ,power im- pelled, The rising tide sweeps up till) brood- ing 'bay. . And 'with it comes the rust, of healing R.eviving- hearts that droop beside the way. The murky Pools upon the sodden sands Are cleansed and 'covered bY .the .surging -waves. 'Tis thus ft:le "much more ' of thy • Saviour's:grace Abounds :Where "edn. abounded."--. • thus He saves!, • • —Adelaide Addison Pollard. The most 'forttinate man .is hE3agho thinks biiiiSelf so: . Some say that the gift stolen. from the. altar of the god's and given to man was Imagination. • The abnormal financial condition's Guard-----cmcollo Pulled the cord „s . generally obtaining -somenthree or four .and stopped the train, and t.he boat ex - years ago gave a groat impetus to life assurance underwriting the world over, It is gratifying •to see that the ad. vances then recorded are being well inaustained by the Sun Life of Canada rosiionsi- bosdfitiliririttniyzgal,gelananeyyy,t'"aaanrfido°r1ileci on°gmilliVenaviiirildai,ettinvy eee that the public have a growing, consciousness Fine Astronomical Library. The library of the Dominion Obser- vatory, Ottawa, oonsists at present of about eleven thousand bound booke and pamphlets, p,rincipally of an as- trazionlical and mathematical nature. This is believed to be one of the best - of the newer astronemical libraries, in exis,teisce. An American typewriter using the native characters and with- (the car- riage working from left to sight has been perfected for use in the Malay Peninsula. Mlnard's Liniment for Rheuma.tisns. press ran into as. It will 'take five hours to clear tine line for its to go ahead." Gentleman----"Inive hours, and, great Scott! , I was to be married to -day." 'Ci-.1ard--"LoOk her „, LONDON COUPLE ARE DELIGHTED ...H4srov.W'',b1;!e1:sN,(TA7EorldlAire: rjaycef Fraitk .VVestlake. - maid alj the dlfferonce 3.a"tTbaenlaavocribr . • we are both delighted," decia.red prank Weela1eo, valued employee ef the Pub- lic Werke Department of London,'Orit., residing at 40 Langarth. St. , "About two years ego my wife un- derwent oporauon that loft her badly run -don and she simply couldn't get back ibex ar011,gth, nth' aPPetne left her and sho ccuid hardly 'eat enough to keep going'. The least ex- ertion would tire her out completely, and her housework was an awful bur- den. She -would lie awake hours lit night, too, and morning found her jest as tired as when she went to bed. Slice sniiered. terrible, splitting' headaches, her nerves' were on edge and she got very little pleasure out of "I3ut three bottles of Tanlae simply put ear on her feet again. She, can do her housework easily now, the head- aches have gono, she sleeps sountilY and her appetite -is a joy to behold. can't Sind words to express my grati- e, are you the tilde: chap who 'pulle,d tiro ccird?" Ta.nlaa is for sale 1)y all p;ood drug- . . gists. MONEY ORDERS. . , Over 35 nilltion bottles sold. A Doin.hiien Express /Stoney Order for five dollars costs three cents. e' •' To Check Car ThiSves. Among tihe'thief defiers for autmo- biles is a ring which encireles the rim of a wheel and- encloses the valve sys- tem to prevent tampering with it. M inard's Liniment for Neuralgia. . • ` Against Time. Custorner---"But you guarahleed tLle- watnh would. last me a lifetime," Clerk --"Certainly; but you looked pretty sick the da' you bought Rs" • Women in London Papers. Women reporters, as well as women feature. writers -are employed an all the London neWspaperse ALT";EDLIGATION . 'Y DR. J. J. MIDDLETON. Provincial Board of Health, Ontario Dr: Middleton will be glad to answer, questions on Public Health mat- ters through this coitus -in. Address him at Spadina House, Spadina - Crescent, Toronto. Every person alive is an individual. By this I mean that each person las certain traits or characteristics that stamp him as one apart from his f el- l�wa. In the trace af his finger prints, in his handwriting and in many ways, even to thefood he eats, his individu- alism manifests itself. Still certain traits are common to many'ePauple, Ei lid this fat in ifSelf is' rather interestisg, for in writing a newspEuper article for publication one finds that the general run of people understand and a.ppreciate the view- point of the writer. . On the other hand there are a few persons' who take the 'opposite side in every dis- cussion that arises. We have heard about the Irishman who was wrecked off 'a lenely island, and on struggling ashore on a raft he met a man. Luck- ily this native could spealt English, so the Irigliman asked him if there was a government en the island. "Yes," said the native, "there is." "Very well," said Pat, "I'm oppoSed to Like tile Irishman there are cer-' Iain people opposed to everyone and everything. They love to kick. Ilhey can .see red ZU111 in every undertaking that they are not asked to have a hand in. There array be problems in this world pre5sing for a solution, many wrongs that need righting, but one cannot get far -by continually grous- ing and complaining. The public 'do not appreciate a "sorehead.' If a lead- er is required, they want somebody cheerful, somebody who can foresee, through the difficulties and perpiea.'- tteierstdipafyth. e present, the' dawn of a -bet- ' The health we have is regulated to a great extent by our mental atttitude towardC our fellows. If we have , a bright ,and cheerful • disposition we radiate hapPiness and it is reflected back on ourselve's. We can effeep bet- thr 'at nights, -We can enjoy our food better, we can rise up in t ie ; ng with a feeling that this old, world iS quite a friendly place and that the majority of the people in it have good traits of character and are,willling and anxious to do us a good turn if the opportunity presents itseltf. There is so much unavoidable sor- revs,' in the world that friendship and mutual helpfulness are much needed. Everyone should try to cultivate a habit of doing some kindly act no mat- ter how small or trifling—every day. How much better to do this than to feel that every rean's hand' is, turned, against you, that' ,you are the only height example of what humanity should be, and that you are misunclerL stood and imapprecieted. by everybody. If you tio develop • these dismal thoughts you -will find' indigestion, rierveusness sileepfies,sness ancl many other object!ionablle syrnptoins owning on, that May undermine your health and take away 011 that is left of the joy of living. Avoid the company of pessimists and grouchers. They never cio you or themselves any exnul. 443 M10114E1 14/11 masters, and thais .making,it'PosSibre: ., • " 434,1111 fer Scouting to accontplisb all that it arvIces were suitably titZ • niesitione.d in a resolution of gratitude • passed by the Annual Meeting,. • During the year Ontario' -Scouts, earn- est twanty-four awards' for life-saving , as folilovis: 1 Bronze Cress' (0,n -e of the laighest•lionors in ,Scouting),- 7 Silver Crosses, 8 Gilt Crosses and 8 Certifi- cates -of Merit- POlir Medals of Merit were also awarded tefour officers for valuable s,ervices rendered to Scout - bit ifij their respective dis,t,riet,s. These are' butt a few evidences to show the greet strides forward which' Scouting is making in Ontario. Scout - Ing is becoming better unders-tood and more thoroughly appreciated by the publ1c generally and has certainly now estal31.she se as a movemen„t "wtorthy of the ,support every citizen has Canada's welfare and that .ef 'her ftature eitizens.at 'heart, ' The Aspen. Where all the rivers northward run • Beyond the Height of Laude, "A.Usi.where. the law 18 just a gun, The judge a steady hand, S' The .feeble as.pen of the South. . , JteConses, alt arctic king, . ardnevutho Journeys -where • Tile'road 10 Hudebn's, wine the sharp Clanadianealr,, 1-110 compass in the,skies, .` brOVilg, ,otrariker , Mite the aSpeu. tree That in the North appea.r,5,- ,!ialtes, on the stature prenently GC aretle pioneers,. ' Douglas' klaliaeht, "If thou haat, acquired knowledree. • what Canst 'tneu lack? then lacicett \VItatcariSt 01301,1 acT/tiire." "VVI-icn you find that tea or coffee nialms you ner- vous, keeps yo11 awake at night, or causes frequent headache, it's ° time to change to Instant Postum. • This wholesome, healthfulf-1131e beverage gives • you all 'the comfort and satisfaction of your usual morning- cup. It I-ias charm without harm to nerves or digestion—cheer without fear of a dangerous • "kick -back." Made instantly in the cup at the table --no • boiling, nowaiting, no waste At ,your kjrocez',.s irz seleci; aix-tighe-rizrs Instant Pc)sturn. FOR HEALTH e's a Reason -"A gei)etpuS 5:en-it:Sib tin of lestat)t Postern. • sent, ritostps,1; for.4c. in stamps. VVrite: • • Canradiaa issrstein Csreal -174*orente. rectory: Wiiidsr, OntriO Illeatnatic 'Pains Aro relieved in a few days by taking 30 drops of Mother Seigel's Syrup after meals and on retiring. It dissolves the lime and acid accumulation in the muscles and joints so these deposits can be expelled, thus relieving pain and soreness, Seigel's Syrup, also kno)vn as "Extract, of Roots," contains no dope nor other strong drugs to kill or mask the pain of rheumatism or lumbago ; it re - 1 - moves thecause. 50c. and $1.00 bottles at druggists. 11 ---,----- •144.1.41,44-H-4444-4+4-0.4,44-1-4-4.-14 .01.11, iiit '44* PUT STOMACH IN • ORDER AT ONCE !Tape's Diapepsin" , for ' Gas, Indigestion or .I I• .•- 'Sour Stomach .....44.4.,........., 1, „, 1......0-,-6. Instantly!' Stomach corrected! You lever feel the slightest distress from indigestion or a sour, acid, gasSy stom- ach, after you eat a 'tablet of "Pape's Dia.peissin." -.The moment, it reaches the stomach: all .sourness, flatulence, bee-Abu:Ili, gases, palpitation and pain disappear. Druggists guarantee each package to corre.et digestien at once. ' End your stornach :trouble f or a ew _ • , 41,1noilea'a zionsar 3aog szstratssatea . 13oolt, an DOg. DISEASE • and How t9 Feed Mailed Free, to any Ad. dress by the- Author. - Clay olover ob. Zne. 129 West 24th Street • New rork, U.S.A.. titiconacnne..g..t. :7-tess.:',"')::"islii."!,•,:iiii,4,"3";:szt'll'itlists.41131.,Ssiest.Pi-''' . ' , t -sty.eS1P .1107?)e, 44{"..3rekoMeg, E;0r1.1 , ote, Arearlitan 3litia4i4" Lift Off with Firlo-et.S CLOVE,,et- ssoues, Nserite 100 -i • , ftu'reatten, Vraper Doesn't eurt a bit: Drop a. little "E'reezone" on an aching corn. inetant. ly that .cora stops hurting, then short- ly .Yeu lift it. right off with fingers. Truly! . Your druggist sells a tiny bottle et "Ereezend".for 8. few cents,, sufficient to :remove ',every bard corn, , soft cern, or corn, between the toes, and.the cal- luses, without soreness or irrits.tien. "avnt=ilizn--"`"tmlaisliEratscw- as' , 4',- ,,,:, ' , pm 1,,,;Z.Q: N[C41, 19741:44. WD. '-,--7-1-, r"-;. (r1;11r-tu;S. '..-E17:'-,,,,E,I 11,,t0C.41.# 11}'''''''''-- .t,' densaPd,.s.„ • :"'s..„ (sress,0s,nif/F4,1 ... .C1r,stessemritri..i:;t..1.1,-,,„,,iii,i,.!;,, -, '_),It'.,.,`.3Tf',.0 'iliq,114,' '- , , . , ,i,c4:16*::is -err.x..1,a-r.31. . • ' i -.Y.R .\\-Ifif<i)°,,riti. ?1, tu ' -ixrp,,LE; )t s 11 ' t-4 1.1'3E1N w--- iee.s 30.'° '' qt.e' E ABT_,, ci, p , ni.,,,, -1V,71 ,c,.,4t 1 -., a holl'''? Niagara, - ,1.4 -1')"" :, to ,,1,,, pnlis, ,,a df a, or niers, , ralgt Br° L. 4..,414444-4144-444+ z Best Bo‘vvei Laxative, When, ,Bilious, F; Constipated TO clan Out your bowels without cramping or overacting, 'take Casears ets Sick headache, biliousness,. gales, indigeition, sour, ilPs'et•• 'stomach, an.4. alt such distress gone by , morning Nicest physics on earth for grown-ups and children. 100 a box. Taste like ' j "1 bought a horse IVith. ring- • 4 1)one for $30. Uoed $'1, worth of , , r .. , ' , ' ' it ' Liniinent, $54. 3,1"crise Derosce,. , E ,,,, , ., 'llfinard's. Liniment on him and . Hotel Keeper, at. Phillipe, Que.'. i , r , , . . , i 1./Iiritard s ygtjNiii ve ,Ii..1., EN.' , ,,..,-..; ..i.,,.,„..e., , , . ; The Stable Stand-by. Mrs. Holmberg Tells How Lydia E.PiTikharn sVegeta.b.e CornPound Haced Her ACNE ON FACE CUTICIJI HEAU Hard, Large and Red • ples. Itching Was Terrible. "Had been troubled all my life with acne on my face. My forehead was a mass of pimples. They'were hard, large and 'zed, and the itching was • most tenible. My face was • disfigured. .1 sent for a free sample of Cuticula Soap ---sefse--3' and Ointment and after using them got instant relief. I bought more, and after using two cakes of Cuticura. Soap and three boxes of Cuticura °Int- ment I was healed." (Signed) Mrs. G. S. Miller, Box 14, Marsholl, Wash., Jan. 9, 1922. Use cuticurs. for every -day toilet purposes. Bathe with Soap, soothe with Ointment, dust with Talcum: - Sample Each Free by Mall. Address: "Lynaanz.Lim• itod, S44., 51. Paul St., W., Montroal." Sold every- where. SoLnitiic. Ointment 25 and He. Talcum 2ie. rg"Cuticurn. Soap shaves without mos. ‘6.,741121iietACRIgiip.44.1.'„,===., Good Wind instruments Are • Easier to Blow. Insist that ryOur orchestra member buythe best wind instrunients obtain able. They are easier to blow -a fac of 'vital importance to children•::an stverior in tone qualities. ' They ar not all expense, but an inyestment appealing to the pride at the children and can be resold at fair prices if i becoinee neceseary. Best reisults were obtained with porsonally owned instru meats, except in the case of the larger a.n.d unusual instrument. These' lat- ter were purchased from a school musical fund, raised by orchestra con- certs, which wac. sufficiently large to cover incidental expenses andto pro- vide Inane to pupils wishing to pur- -chase inStrlilllemts; early learned the value of geed elarinets—instruments ,*1ich are not given enough attention in, amateur or- ganizations, 1 always liad four clari- nets, in an organization of thirty or More players. They • were invaluable where the strilig choir was we -ale Their wide compass enables them to support woak 'cello parts- inimnortant passages, also weak violin strains, viola parts, or even Ante Parts, if necessary. They were also 0. help in, balancing the voltirrie of ein y more or less enthualastic • brass; players, As Clarinets cannot bo tuned, the other instrumeata, of the Orchestra should, bo tuned to these instruments—piano. and all. 11 Is essential that 'theite Clarinets be of absolutely thp, same pitch—the sante make, it possible -1e order t6 insure .peiTife&: intonation ansi perfect uni5onett. - Also a ettphenimn and valve trombone ----on ba.88 and trembene partri-earethe amateur con- ductor's friends. • . , 1. • Reckless youth makes rneful: age. SSUE No. 8—'23. • • 4,4 Viking Aita.—"Frorn the time I waft 15 years old I would get such sick feel- ings in the lower part of ray abdorners, forloweci by cramps and vomiting. This kept inc from my work (I hell nay pa'\ ents on the farm) as .1 usua ly had a, , go to bed for the rest of the day. Or at times I would have to walk the floor. I suffered in this way until a friend in- duced inc to try Lydia E. Pinkhar-n'S Vegetable Compound. 1 have had very satisfactory results so far a.ncl ara rec- on -in -rending the Vegetable Compound to my friends. I surely am glad 1 tried it -for I feel like a different person now that I don 't ha.ye these troubles."- • - ODLIAI-IoLmstRG,Box 93,Viking, Alta. • Leeiiiers like this establish themeritts of Lydia E. Pinlcham's Vegetable Com- pound. They tell of the relief from such pains and ailments after taking it. Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com. pound, made fromnativeroo tsancIherbs, and tottay holds the record of being the most successful remedy for female ills • ilt this country, and thousands of vol- untary testimonials prove this fact. If you doubt 'that Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will help you, • write to the Lydia E. Ipinkharn Medi-. cine Co., Cobourg, Ontario, for Mrs. Pinkham's private text -book and learn snore about it. • C• Rheumatic twinges -ended! The basic cause of most rheumatic pain is congestion. ‚Apply Sloan's. It stimu- lates circulation.breaks up congestion . . relieved/ Sloa.ii's Liimen —kills pain): .,tfa&. in Canada 0:•/:. • £04ii ,t1132-.1 UNLESS yoli see the narile "Bayer" on tablets, 'y0t.i ,•are riot getting Aspirin at all • Accept only an "unboken package" of "13arei of Aspirin, which contains directions aild dose \yolked out bY, physcans. during 23 years and proved safe by tni1ions ori Colds Headache. •RheAliviatisni 'roothaelie N eu]algi a Neu rii EataiLe • Lilinbago Pain, Pain listsdy "Bayer" box ts or 12 4-,11,1)let s --Also bottles of 24 and 100-)ruggi4gi% -Strieln la the trews marlr Crsgtstsr-,a in (`Anndn) of Boyer !,ThIs,stictitt elTlolao.,, aceiii,oeicle'ot(r of. Soiloylkorid,„ t\tillie It i 0't<A1 1,nolVtf. 3hut „AEatt'in 3/3137315 tisstrte,„4 itm',ufaetCre, tc, itritct the: rolbile grilnpt tinitm1015, !XII) *uo piankiwa wIth ihoir 's•Nmr .••