The Exeter Times, 1923-2-22, Page 7The 'Educationel Problen.
. District Commissioner 1. M. Shuttle.
woa°the of the Brant Count 130y Seouts
'ASseciation, has a letter In a, recent
edition of the Brantford Expositor
which Is full of thouglit-Provoltiag
alatemente which Should' - int rest
every parent. The letter t-eatis as fol.:
"The development and training of a
child'e character shotild be the first
anti principal part of ,Its education;
without, it starts upon life's journey
under a serious di s ad vant.a ge. This
being trate no educational system Is
complete without character training
being a part of the school curriculum.
This training elionld nti
in e
home and be centime(' in•the school.
"Chores" in the days that are 'gone
were useful channels for -home train-
ing, but this word, or what. It stands
for, is now practically obsolete. Other
oieans or methods must be provided
ror tralnieg our' toWn and city reared
boys and gids if we are to have a
• high tyne of Canadian citizenship.
• "The following tablo dem9x;ds eatl:
'sus thinIting on the part al' pareets,
educationists and the public generally,'
..II being vitally interested.
"There are 8,760 hours Iiia year. A
'elicrol boy or girl uses them approxi-
Inately as follows: 3,285 hours in sleep,
L095 hours in ni-eale, etc., 1,000 hours
school, 400 hours in home work, 208
ours in church and SundaY school,
116 hours in Sunday spare time, 2,366
a itors in week day sPare time. '
``j,What does the average boy or girl
- fie with these spare hours? . This ques-
tion is most important because the
rightful or wrongful use of these hours
will make or near the 'Child's whole.
- future. These constitute half the time
the bey or girl is awake, and it is clur-
ing this time that their greatest dan-
ger 1 -arks, -
'From an efficiency standpoint mil-
lions of dollars are spent annually in
buildings, equipment and staffing our
Canadian schools. and' the , are ed
5 3 us
Ler about 1,000 holm daring the entire
year. .
"The vital problem is' the:training of
our youth In those things which make
for and will produce a true and stardy
Canadian naanato o d anti womanhoo
and incidentally the vidder Use of our
-present sehool equipment.-
"The Boy Scouts have -as have the
Girl Guides -a definite and co/lava-ellen-
' 'sive claaracter training programme for
teaching the fundamentals .of good
citizenship- useful handicrafts, and
constructive -play, and It also trains
the boy and girl how to put this ltnoW-
ledge into daily practice; so that,both
their minds and hands are occupied
tleaig- etheir
girls), who are usually usel-filly 61111)10y--
cd, are not looking for trouble --they
are too busy.
"This programme does not suOtlant
the hoine and school training. Rather
14 supplements both: It makes an ir-
resistable appor to hays and girls be-
cause it fills their spare time -with a
wide variety of usefal activities, and
it command.s their confidence because
/) It trusts in their "honor"to obey its
"Buildings and equipment are neces-
sary to Carry on this work. To what
better use can 'our schools be put when
not otherwise employed?"
Hew to 'Start a• Scout Troop
If yqu are inte.reeted in getting 'a
""tieeiv '
,Boy, Scout Troop .organized _ill your
community tthe first thing, you satould•
do is. to write ,to the Field Secretary,
•The Boy Scouts Association, Bloor and
Sherbounne Sts., Toronto, for'informa-
eon. , Full particulars will then be for-
Warded to you by return of post.
/reland's Gold Mines..
Flow many people know that there
pre gold iiiines in Ireland?
- The are situated in 1Vieltiow, and
ti1liiy;ttre-not-worked to -clay,
period til „their history- they '
'produced nearly $75,000 worth of gold. ,
These Mines were discovered accident-
ally in 1775 -by a poor'achoolmaster,
• He picked tip a piece of metal which
he proved to be.golcl. His wife refus-
ed to believe him, and told her friends
that he was mad. But =the story soon
becatie public property and' thousands
04 pole rushed to the spot. So keen
_was the struggle that ari arnied guard
-0-as supplied by .the Gevernment to
keep the vastterowds away,
• In the two months' which elapsed be -
;Ween the publication of the story and
the GoVernment's selattre of the mines
mere than 2,500 OunceS of gold were
collected by peasants, But, when the
anthorities started to work tile mines
in a regular manner the same ,sn.cleess
was not achieved. tletween. $10,000
and $20,000, worth of gold was produc-
_,-- ed, and a the inines 0-0(4, very much
more than this to run they were elos-
ed dovin.
'Pito gold was of extraordinary pur-
ity, and was found In pieees of s
sIzea, the largest '',13ein,g a nugget,
w g on ty.two' own, , ,„ .
Its Motive Power LS Rick Red
The 1iU1uLn',body la thealiziest fat's-
,- tory In the World. There in, 11.0
ht -
hour day, no sleet: season, no holidays,
ao cessation of its labor'at airy time.
Day and night work is carried„ 011 in
the 'Workshop of your body tund it
never ceases luntil the engin---your
heart -stops forever.
The factory at your body has its
motive po'Wer -without ,which it would
'ceaae at -once. That power Is rich, red
, healthy blood which keeps your whole
' system efficient and which drives away
all disease tlia,t may attack it. Often,
however, the blood begins to fail and
becomes thin and poor. It becomes
loaded with waste and charged with
poieons, Then it is that your bodily
workshop goes wrong; yotir phyeical
machinery becomes disorganized and
you fall ill. You become ai
perhaps the nerves break down, dr you
begin to suffer from indigestion, neur-
algia,general debility, with Paine in
the 1_?ack, head oa side.. In this con-
clitiOn of bloodWm
lessness Dr. illias'
Plnk''pine jes,e That you need,
one nalssion ie to Make rich, red
brood, which htilpes health a,nel euergY
to every part of tho body; JVJr, Ray,
mond Webber, _Welland, Ont., tells
what_ tliese pills did for him as fo4.
lows: -"My blood was thin and
watery, and I was in a, badly run down
condieion. Pimpies brOlte out on MY
1.)0(ly WniCal caueed me much discom-
fort. I would catch cold easily, which
aggaav-ated my candition. My brother
advised me -to try Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, and after taking about eight
boxes I -felt that I was again a well
man.. I have since recorameneed the
pills with good results to, others,"
You can get these pills through any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents'
a box or six -boxes for 1;2,50 from The
Dr. i
Williams's' Medicine Co., Brock -
There are now fifteen Republics in
Europe, occupying two-thirds of the
territory of the Continent and having
a popul;ation of nearly 284,000,000.
Minard's Liniment for Rheutm.tisin.
d."Irdd.444 d •
Ouch -
Ding,---"Viliat kind of doe is Jones?".
tlioughthe was an eYe doc-
tor till I got his bill; then I found he ek
was a in ever:la/Jet,"
No two animals have eyes exactly
alike. In every case they are adapted
to the special neede of, their owner.
The eyes of flesh -eating creatures
are closer together than 'those of vege-
tarians. 'Phis is said to be due to the
habit which the former have of fixing
their gaze on their viotime before
springing. Human eyes are closer to
gether thaia thoeo of any other erea-
tare that eats Resale,
Tigereelions, cats;Ind others of the
same family are Unable to see at great
distances, but for objects near Ett hand
their sight is very keen, Lions and
tigers have .round pupils, whicth grow
bigger when the eninaal is angry.
Cats have pupils which can be di-
lated enormously. In the dark, or
when the cat is angry, the pupils look
almost round. In the first case, what
little light thereeie Is reflected by We
retina, which is the explanation of the
fact that a cat's eyes leek green at
Animals that live on glass have
large eyes, placed as a rele at the
sides. Thie gives wide range of vis.
kin and enables the creatures
for danger while cropping gra,ss.
Send a Dominion Express Money
Order. Five Dollars costs three cents.
Provincial Board of Health, Ontario
Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat-
ters through this doltunn. Address' him at Spaclin.s. House, Spadina
Crescent, Toronto.
All over the world at the present
time, there is unusual= activity being
manifested, in Public Health Work. In
the countries of Central Europe, want to know now to keep well, and
shaken ,,to their foundations by the how to nrolong their gives '
e•e- s " ' •
44Y IowlOrs " CFI'S IT t-414-4+"+"+"+"4'"+'+'"'"444#''"+""'""+ 06$4f;ftettAdVerthtX gi°41
, . .
AmOlig some delightful 8cl/0011/03' ALL BACK AGAIN
strotes 1.,eeorded Lo the "'Cinteer-sitY ' • SOMAC Miattlro,
Correspondent!' areef- .
iDeolares TartlaO , /re0a4A.o ,o ,
•"1- greas widoW ts Ilse, wife of a dead • - - , GAs DIGEsTioll
engeterialt Strength After Ending Long
Tertiom quid is a legal- term mean. Sufferirm Froin Stoltnaeh
tag, 8(1' Trouble sr) re:
r4SYClie was blacit boxer who " .,,,,apei),sin" Corrects
• •„:, • _etc- 0, o„
aaugee. eteopeatlee. I or yeara bfnr quittin' time cam
A circle le a round straigfit lice with r reit 'ail blat aici
ne taking Tani-ne
hole in, the middle, f can do a hard day's writ 011 tlie
liacelnee, fleit taught tile Greeks to
get drunitand 'Raleigh named tobacco
atter him In honor of the 'Virgin
The capital of, 'NorWAY Is Chile -
Guy's Hospital was built to cern.
meniorate thd Glinnowaer Plot.
Teaching is a serlineentarY Profes-
Wells's history is a veritable mill
stone on the read to learning.
• To guard the baby against colde
nothin,g can equal 'Baby's Own Tab-
lets. The Tablets are a mild laxativo.
that will keep -the 'little ones etemach
and bowels working regularly', It in a
recognized fact. that where the stom-
ach and.bowele are in ,geoct order that
Colds .will not:exist; that the health, of
the little 'one Will be good and that he
will thrive and be happy. The Tab-
les are sold by -medicine dealers or by
mail art 25 cents -a box. Lam, The Da,
lvIedicine Co., Brockville,
Seeing It Through.
'Ile farmer had engaged a Scottish
laborer, and, placing a cheese on the table, told him to him-
seWhen the farmer returned, emne
time later', he found the man stiR e•at-
"Sandy," he exclaimed, "you take a
long time to breakfast, don't you?"
'''Aveeel,"sreplieti the inan., "a cheese
o' this size is nae sae soon eaten as ye
may think!"
Liniment for Neuralgia
Always Acceptabie.
Author ---"The very first thing I sent
to a magazine was accepted."
Young Frienth----"Was it poetey or
PrZetliVo'rl-"Prose. It was a cheque
for a year's subgcription."
diseases. How to treat wounds. Dis-
eases of domestic animal. The duties
of chiefs.
The booklet makes reference to the
words of Mahoraet! "Cleanliness is the
sword of the believer. If any evil o -ver:
take you when you have not perform -
want to know that sanitary and pre- ed ablutionS, Marne no one but your-
ventive measures are being taken to self."
safeguard the public health. They • The Tassage 'of the Koran: "Allah
creates beings that you know not of,"
has been introduced in the chapter on
centagious diseasesa the- beiness that
man knows not of are the micro-
All of which is vet-Ye/interesting, in-
dicating that even in the bypaths of
the -world, whether people 11,1/7e singly
or congregate together it is necessary
to know something of sanitary mea-
sures and disease prevention if health
is to be preserved.
Mrs. C. R. asks, if the house shouad
be kept warm in cold weather, with-
out any ventilation, as she is afraid
of colds, coming from the draughts,.
Yes, the house shOuld be kept warm;
but there should be some means of
ventilation. If nothing else will do,
Id t everybody leave the room for a
few minntes and throw open the win-
dow, top and bottom so as to let in a
supp/y of fresh air. In hot stuffy
rooms one is always liable to catch
cold, and -besides if the air has been
breathed over and over again it be-
comes very injurious to the health,
and predieposen to col -ds and bron-
chitis and other chest conditions,
upheaval of 'the late war, the people
are rnalting valiant efforts to carfy on
seine program of Public 'Health, know-
ing that the life and Vitality of the
nation can only be maintained by con-
serving the health of the individual
and of the community. Reports of
what -is being done in many European
countries are very encouraging, show-
ing the introduction, of new llaws to
meet the new and changing conditions
that have arisen out of the world warl
In Prague, important steps are being
taken to co-ordlinate the work of gov-
ernment and voluntary social a,a.cncies
so that a Minimum amount of good
may be done"with the least possible
overlapping of effort. -Belgium is now
launching a vigorous campaign to
bring about the 4omplete suppression
of whiie lead in industry. As far
away as East Africa, an energetic
. .
campaign as being carried on against
the ravages of cattle plague, but what-
ever the place it has its own problems
to be dealt with.
EveryWhere the importance of edu-
cation is being realized. The people
'.And'n-ow'edbeation' is being extend -1
ed to the tribesmen of the desert. An
interesting publication has just been
distributed among the IVIussulmans of
Northern Africa. It is entitled "Ratab-.
Ec-Cihha" which Signifies, in Arabic,!
"Book of Good Health." The advice
and the prescriptions that it contains
are edited- in the style that -We fole
lowers of Islain appreciate; that is,
stories of the orient. Each chapter
is headed by an epigraph, a citation
from the prophet. The introduction
reads smoiewhat as follOws: "In the
name.- of Allah, who is merciful and
compasisionate, may health rest upon •
you; 0 reader! We have written this
book to teach you to'observe the most
precious of gifts -the gift which may
bring you all -other gifts in the world,
and add you to merit the 'blessings
from above. We have written this
book to teach you to safeguard the
health of yoer body." The Me of the
seven chapters that follovr are: Be
clean. Fulfill_ your duties as a father.
Learn how to protect yourself against
contagious diseases. The preventable
'•liAlve a foil
you travel iix tile train.,"
'htrt (lkrabber--7--',WIly, dear?"
Sxnaul Boy---"Voll,'Inainitia said you
", wore douthia..facOd, and 'it.inust 'he ilne
ta be able to look out of t-wo whi
,dpws, it once, ,
',Nineteen 'CitieS in JAM iliithth Isales
, 1, 1,rzi Iiffax,ratS. •
. .
E.A.LTH is priceless. You wouldn't knowingly
part with it for anything in the world.
Why then do you risk it needlessly for the sake
of a few cups of tea or coffee?
Tea and coffee contain Caffeine, a drug which
often interferes with nerves and.digestion.
There's an easy, pleasant way to avoid this menace
to health, without any sacrifice to comfort or satisfac--
tion. DrinleInstant Postum instead of tea or coffee.
Instant Postum is a pure, wholesome and delicious
beverage made from choice wheat. It is most con-
venient and economical, too. Just a level teaspoonful
to each cup, add boiling water and stir thoroughlY;
Then add cream and sugar to taste.
Ai. Your arocer',.s in Sealed, Air -tight Tins
rista .t FoR HEAL,L4
kdddocdd miss gy
tin AiGirt rounouNtE5
"There Reason"
gonorpoo som.Pre.,iin isr.6147t. .PP•ctun
sem; poet -paid, for, 4c In (stamps. Write: •
Canadian i'oStorn Cereql Co L1thited, 45 Fion St Toton ory. sor, ntan'
o s
N'tiAl'rif •
4"111 and still reel good when night
role around," is the citara,cteristie
statement made recently by Nat 1 -1111 -
man, a well-known harmer of Nelv.
hory, Ont.,,while en a visit to ,Lori41011,
"My liver and kidneys had bothered
Mc for over eight years. The pains
In iby ,bacits kept me awake at night
and 4 got. up at6raings an tired out,
Every once in a 1,,,t,llo 7 had a bilious
spell and then any stomach would go
wrong for days. I suffered enough to
give up work, but ketat at it although
it was agony.
"I felt bettor even" before I had
finished my first bottle of' Tanis c.
Soon my stomach, liver and kidneyO
got to working right and I was able to
sleep well. My ba,ck never hurts me
any more now and 7 have a dandy ap-
petite. I have gained 'several pounds
In the last month and_ am feeling fine
in every way, Taulac beats them all,"
Tenlac Is sold by aul good druggists.
Over 35 million bottles sold,
MOTHER! rituv
'California Fig Syrup" is
Child's- Best Laxative
(Ti ;71
Hurry mother! Even a cross, sick
catilcl loves the "fruity" taste of "Cali-
fornia Fig Syrup" and It never fails to.
open the bowels. A teaspoonful to -day
may prevent a sick child to -morrow. If
constipated, bilious, feverish, fretful,
has cold, colic, or if stomach is sour,
tongue coated, bre,ath bad, remember
a good cleansing of the little bowels is
often all that is necessary. -
Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali-
fornia Fig Syrup" which has direc-
tions for babies and children of all
ages printe.c1 on bottle. Mother! 'You
must say ,`Califonyia"_ar you -may get
an sylup.
&stories:a Vonone Dog Marno6.1as
Book on
and How to Feed
Mailed Free to any Ads.
dress by the Author.
Mt. Clay Glover Co., Ino.
129 West 24th Street
New York,
Young Grief.
Run from me, wiadrto the far earth's
Yon must not make little grass blades
You must no coax me by tilting a leaf,
I am alone with a deep, new grief.
Hide from me, sub, hide your glad.
You Mcvuieltantoatce,teasce me, to laughter
have agaail-
rlen-dez you s pr ona i se d -e• th
Turn from me, joy, turn cut of my way,
You must net call me nor bid nae to
, stay,
'Vou must not follow -where lonely I
I have a heart that is luirtlenett withi
Years from the pre,sent may collie to
Mu StSill/leiles;17d for a long, Icing while!
'the shining words that Love would
'When 1 was young I gathered all
Life, anyailglaLe woe. me with sunshine. or
When I Was Young-.
Now I forbid yon, ney grief is -too new.
So lavishly about mrlget
And tarring them on a silVer string-
" hia tiir.erii in a secret place
Againal, tbsc clay when Igrow
Thinking to wecp yotmg tears 'again
Over We precious thiegs Love told,
(,1 did not know, wben1 71118 Y011,111->
Ifew smoothly love SIij)'i 011 the Lougull.
'ISSUE'. No. 7-'23,
LI(JgAi is.71,0Nr.141t, Tat] at-tgi.,11,
11000111,.9 or littereethig
Sour, 'Upset Stomachs tc.,,,atioTI. D. Fraser, R.R. 2, Ildertort,
at Once t
4',41.4444•10444-1.44.44-44•44-44.4-44-41Ild +44444464'4444444•41
if1allo,11a44.1"' i 1114) (41^titd-'4(1,•1
gtare'S t relief for indigestion, guiles,
flatulence, hearti.unn, e,ourneas, ter-
menta•tien or stomach distresS caused
13Y acidity. A few tablets give almost
„, a4mal ,
14.[TiFi 11'011 ()tip.. 1993
+17 trated , pea eo,oi caraleguo.
crsitaine 9.14 latest. 1101t01.0QG and .1,NJCI
o' )encer varistees„ Alec enetenoltitene
it„n Qrosiand Du can,
immediate. stamacl: relief. Correct .4,•%xIN1II' WatIT:0:0- 'Jr
, I
3frei:4)livr elsetioitilstacILiartingdg,itsitigsosst2ifinmnioilvYvc;vsor of
Va—elta—ges' , 2.-raYigourft-f-11:;er---:'gel your money'e worth
Ringe were used by the -L'e'Nenttatis ,
as an equivalent for money. , wnen on Pay
211Se CI
:EarJy OM A;
The celebrated Dr.. Michenlieff,
an authority on early old af.:09
Says thatitie "caused bypoi4ono
generated in the intettlne."
Vilhen your stomach digests food
properly it is absorbed without
forming poisonous raatier Pd. V
sons bring en early old age and
preni atom deoth, 15 to 30drepa
rt of "Seiges Syrup" after meals
44 makes your digestion sound. yo
PE -
Rheum& .141ra
Minard's Liniment is the old
reliable roller for Rheumatism.
Rub it in to the, aching part
and you'll ,see why two genera-
tions have crowned it King of
Pain. '
The Family Medicine Chest.
MEM ^SellMal • 744,1'44714444444=8,4•40
Children Jeliiifht-la_
'Clitidit Soap. Bakke
Because they are soothing and re-
freshing for tender skins, especially
if assisted by Cuticura Ointment on
first signs of redness or roughness.
The Cuticura Talcum also, delicately
medic -`ed and exquisitely perfumed,
is excellent for little ones. ,
S01413 25e. Ointment 25 11111(150c. Talcum:125c. Sold
throughouttheDominion. CanadianDeoot:
Lymans, Limited, 344 St. Paul st„
mir-ctiticura Soap shaves without mac.
+ 4
CascarPi.z'" IL Oct
coldd f'd'
For SluggiSli Liver
or Constipated 4
, Clean your bowels! 'Feel rims!
When you feel sick, dizzy, upsell,,
when your head L dull or aching, or
your stomach is sour Zr gassy, :lust
take one or two Case,arets to 'relieve
constipation. No griping --nicest
tive-cathartic on earth for grown-upsi
and elaildren, 100 a box. -Taste like
Recommends Lydia E. Pink,.
harn's Vegetab/e Compound
to Other Mothers
Hernford, N. 5.--"I am the inothe2
of four children and I was so weak after
my last baby came that I could not do
my work and suffered for months until
a friend induced rne to try Lydia E,
Pinkfiam's Vegetable Compound. Since
taking the Vegetable Compound my
Weakness has left me and the pain an
my back has gene. I, tell all my friends
who are troubled with female wealmes3
to take Lydia E. Pinkham's 'Vegetable
Compound, for 1 think it is the best
rnedieme ever sold. You may advertise
my letter. "-Mrs. GEORGE 1. CROWS%
Hernford, N, S.
My First Chili
Glen Allen, Alabama. - " I have bcozi
greatly benefited by taking Lydia E.
inkhorn's Vegetable Compound for
bearing -down feelings and pains. 1 was
troubled in this way for nearly four
years following the birth of nay first
idtat times could hardly stand on
- or_47eccumnende1 the
Vegetable Compound to nie-mEtei... /la
taken doctor's medicines without much '
benefit. It has relieved my pains and
gives me strength. I recommend it and
give you permission to use my testi.
monial letter." --Mrs. IDA RYE, Glen
Allen, Alabama.
Women who suffer should write to the
Lydia E.Pinkhana Medicine Co., Cobourg,
Ontario, for a free copy of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Private Text -Book upon
"Ailments Peculiar to Women." o
Backaciies?-weicome relief!
Scatter the painful congestion.
Sioaris warms and stimulates the
blood, breaks upcongestion
. —banishes the Pain.
aris Liniment
Made in Canada
„UNLESS. you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you,
are not getting Apirin it all
'Accept only an "unbroken paclage" of "Bayer Tabiets of
Aspirin," which contains direcriotis and dose worked out by
physicians during 22 years and prOved sPfe by rr)iiiions for,
Colds ITeadache
" Toothache Netiralgia Neuritis
Earache Lurnbago Pain, Fain
Unxiciy ,,Bayee, hom of /2 tasialetS---,A190 bottles o 24 and 100-Druo-9'ists.
ti tact trracLak r1570-e.ta C.,cO7 ol 32,1551 149 hl elilro rIVbao.
seattecaldcattE,r of ;:+18.1,cvn.caci5. \\ le it it, won LAIern thht Attsairin 11.1e77+4 tla,i sr
maimtaciore, Lo th+f, 0111.011. t I"1 I'dt:atted1114. 111f4 '10,13
'1+:+tr; (.+C tIa, et Ce.'rlUCial'
"Win, '40 !,.11) cs : 00tr"..., "E's's-tr 51roF.9."