The Exeter Times, 1923-2-22, Page 6Paths [1 Mot of the arneery and ill -health that kturianity Is burdened with atie frau 680111018 of the liver, eteriach or bow - It you r.ro feeling OIIt of sorts„have palate in the siontaell, espetrially after eating, sane stornitelt, bilious spells, pick or 'bilious headaches, heartburri, water brash, ete., you, shoul(1 rake a few doses of Milburn,s Larteal.iver They will liven up the liver, regulate the bowels, and tone up the stomaeh. • Mr, T. C. Hallman, Highgate, Ont,, m-ritesr-"1 hare had liver trouble read pains in the stomach ler a loug time. 1 8tti1ted to uso -o,..ir 1A.Ei1burn'ti Litea- Liver Pills, aria in a short time 1 no to keep bugs ou es y wordel not be eithout them and caa- and yet not deetroy the go:ruination, pounds pg acre. This ean be best to etop the couen tiot recomioolid them too h•ighly. • . , applied through the fertilizer dropper el'ojeutehoS311,3).aci1i.101,111,1,°1„1:10. 12 thQ cougli or tieed they were helping me. Now 1 ,,, of the bears . 3Sfilburn's Laxe-I,iver Pills are 2.5e Answere-To destroy the insects °h• the grain drill], hut it eau be 'done, colci. has become settled on the 'lungs ., . . vial at all dealers or mailed direct , On reeeipt of priceby The 'P. Milburn Oe., 'Limited, illoronto, Out. • CONDUCTE1 BY' PRGSP. HENRY G. BELL The object of this department Is to piece at the•sers vice of our farm readers the advice of an acknowledged euthor•ity on ell subjects pertaining to soils and crops Address all questions to Professor Henry G. Bell, in etre of The Wilson Publishing Company Limited, Torore to, and answers will appear in this column in the order In which they are received. When writing 1<indly men. iO3 this paper. As space Is Ilmited it is advisable where immediete reply is necessary that a stamped and ad. dressed enveiope enclosed with the question, when the eioswer will be malted direct., Never neglect a, tough or 'cold how - Copy -right by 'Wilson Publiehing Co., Limited.. ono rosultj it leaves the throat or ever slieht. lf you do 1. ti but E. lai-Pletrie- tell me what to do to 10 per• cent, phosphoric acid and lungs, or both, affeeted. rn ed 'earls 11)01 cent. pota,sh at the rate at 400 n • A siegle dose coi Dr. 'Wood's Norway which injure beans rn. storage, the beans in a -close bin OT in a barrel 'rowing then sow the, alfalfa with a, tree alon'O)th tao soo 1.-nW '1110„ and obtain a•pint or a pound of carbort nurse crop like barley, sowing about poe,torant properties of other excellent bieulphicle, Place a deep ,saticer or 11r.'3 bus.hels per acre and 15 to 20 lbs. herbs, foots end barks Promptly eradi• dish (other than metal) on the sur- of 'alfalfa seed. Again this can best estes the bad affects, and the persistent, be done throuesh the drill. but if sown asa canna but cause permanent relief. c bY hand. 'Give the 'field 'one more lear-1 the healing virtues of the Norwa-y pine 00 ManY Cows Are Below face °f the bean5 and' P°u/7 aut le the door of the bin as to keep the One may have a fairly go•ocl herd of P th by halici eovu. it by one aight , mr, Geo, lie Gould,,St. a17 the St; alraCiaard of Profet,b1 bilsuiPliide in the (11s14'' e., e writes !--” This is „to state that 1 have cover the top of the barrels or close harrowing. Thie should give you of alfalfa. C.: --Could you• suggest some- P1'04=6,011- d stand used. your -valuable remedy, Dr. Wood!s INTorway Pole yrup, antl. found it ell -that could be desired. to break up a bad cold, 'the kind so many aro afflict - al with, especially • during tho Wmt j4 months. 1-1 sootles and heals the respite gory- passages and effectively Cheeks the cold in a remarkably short time." e 1 eiedat as possible. cow's hut when tilreil• production is tr1).° earb°11 Ms111/Pll'ide eva99ra•tes' thing to kill buckthorn in a lawn? compared with. that of many other quieklY shci• has a verY P°net,rafit'ing'l have a beeutiful lawn but it is full herds in the country, the -room for imPleasent odor • 'It is 692 v7, 111 ea111-1 of bucklior;. amble 'hence do not have a file of any Improvement becomes abundantly evi- sort about when you are treating the dent. Cereal estimates have placed the average production .of milldng seed. Canada milk and the 'average production of Ne Be ----Will you explain to me the cows ale at 4,00a pounds of fat at 150 peunds. Since it is knowri fineartaillai:ainaUaell•luaev'el: cahneyi o0filfaresharedoen w , spot, or for a potato and strawlserry patch. 1 that a very large number•of, cows pro duce mush above, this amountthe in- -A. - ferenee is that many fall 'below it Answer:ton of cow manure and.areme/rely an unprofitable burden carries 12 pounds nitrogen/ 3 Pounds conducted by the Dairy and Cold Stor-and 9 pounds of pot - to, their owners. Through cow -testing nhosphOriC Reid 'poundsasila ton of eleiver chaff carries age Branch of the Department of 31-1 of nitr°‘-gell' 15 reendfs Agriculture, Ottawa herds have been brought up and up in procluation until they have become highly profitable as well as source of pride to their own- ers. The average production of al- most a thousand tows" under test in the Province of Ontario in 1920 was 7,136 pounds of milk and 246 pounds of fat. One centre in that province ehowed an average of 9,413 pounds of mill: and a little less than 350 pounds of fat. Whole herds have given an „average of over 11,000 pounds of milk per eew and as high 371 pounds of fat. Individual grade cows in some of the high producing herds have pro- duced 15,000 lbs. of milk each and a quarter of a ton butter fat. And even these records are surpassed bY highly pliecisphorrc acid and 1 po It has been estimated.that the an - potash. Front this you will be able that you have suggested. FEBRUAR:Y 25 to estimate the value'Of the material nual loss in the United' States •due to C. H. 11.:-.1.am milking seven COWS, 7, Answem-The only successful cure for buckhorn or narimey leaf plantain is to dig' alp the plant•with a which is a chisel inserted in the handle of a hoe Or similar implement, Spraying does not seem to destroy this plant, hence the somewhat labor- ious method suggested has to be re- sorted to in order to clear the land. • Methods of Destroying the Rat. There' are many imitations of "Dr. Wood.''' so be sure mid get the ,gen- 'Mae. Price 35c and. 60c a bottle; put ip only by The T. 2.1ilburn Co., Limit-. ed, Toronto, Ont. ---•• •••••s Time spent in wrecking others is just that much lost in building our . - selves. ' 2•10.0.1a01.•Yel•04•11 Ph exaot sae of trarts on cows' teats is unkriown,tut conSt,ant irrita- tion of the affeeted parts seems a ince-, lea cause, 'Wearts that have slim necks l'lla):"). .snil)ped. off with sciasors, a few at time, anti tincture Of iodine then applied to the wounds. 'Messes of sxnall weete will disixespear`iifter tiine y -on iminerse tl-se affected teats' for five minutes night auel maiming in. water conteining tile blearbonete ofeseda it will clieselve when hg. After the evening linniersion, dry the teats and apply freele- a thick paste made] of equal queritities of salt, flo-,vers of I sulphur, and cold -pressed castor oil, , Not Used to Capacity - The Panama Canal Is new carrying about a rnillion and a quarter tone of shipping a 21,1011th, and the revenue froili tolls is about a million and 11 otrarter dollals, That pieene that only about ten vessels a day pass through the canal -a number that. is only half as rnany as the locks cau. handle"even by cla.yliglit, and, "einse' othe canal is fully lighted, only perhajis a quarter of what it could handle in the twenty- four hours, If we could farm forever without any setbacks it wouldn't be real liv- ing. Adversity holds an important place in the regular order of business. A fermer in 1787 wrote:. "My farm gave rile and my whole family a good living" on the produce of it, and left me one year with 150 silver dollars, for I never spent more than 10 dell•ars a year, which was'for salt, nails, and the lige. Nothing to eat, drink, or wear was bought, as my farm provid- ed all." Th:e.Swiday rats is equal to at least $20,000,000. , Nelson, Chief of the Biological Survey The Parable Of the Pounds, Luke 19: 11-48. Golden Text -- nearly all fresh, and out of the seven, ri, •is.griculture, who also gates that the are very disagreeable to milk. Have labor of 20 000 is -•e aired annu- ally to provide the food des-hioyed by- Lesson Setting -Jesus was drawing fore, is fidelity solely. One man does this enormous army of rats. The nigh to the city of Jerusalem. There as much relatively with his two tal- or a cure. ' Answer: -About the only ca -use for This estimate was made by Mr. E. W. sson five of them hold their milk until they 0- the United States Department of He that is faithful in that which isle'est, is faithful 2 - • . • been unable to learn either the cause, men q alio in much Luke 15- 10 is a brown rat is also a serious menace to was a great multitude with him., It ents as the other dicl -with his five, and the condition that you name health, spreading it is believed ha.d been stirred' by his miracles, to receives the same 'commendation and - tenderness of the coves udder. Have n 1 , dTaft, in Artie paralys s and even bubonic ' 111 . great enthusiasm, Jesus saw that the the same reward. Here the capital for your cows been exposed to a p ague, In Europe it is. eatimated people seemed to think that the dawn a11 is the same and the different re - the stable where they are housed? , of the king -dont Otheaven was at hand, sults call for different commendation after full enquirythat the average* " • • • ' • ‘• . • , e an -land tnat rhey were ready to hail him iind different rewards as rnclicatisg An application of a mild qiniment as the Ittiestsianic king-. Jesus felt that different capacity and different fidel- followed by some softening aPpliCa-, Lulai loss caused by each rat in Great tion such ai a warm oil of some kind Draft 11 equalled $1.80, in Prance $1.00 he must restrain this blind enthusiasm itY to opportuuity. . . and is Denmark 31.20. The V. 17. Well, thou good servant; well would have` a beneficial effect. 't English' and dispel their expectation of an• B is,' A 'e h lied s ee'ininiediate kingdom, and. speaks to done.' Have. thou authority over ten bred,- well selected and, well fed cows, !them the parable of our lesson. , crams. His dellige.nt and'energetie use to make a •speech.e. In reahty I .came their strength and •permaneney. r,t'l-'irOttatees. a •gijit'd extorts to 'combat. the , rat pest. • • • . • shows that the unroedlate 'atty. ef lus ;0•. a I ttl rneets with era roP, to ask questions and •learn Loin On - i ' app riata ' • • „ - , Lady Byng aracl t -he Home -Makers. BY GIBSON SCOTT. "We can scafeely ever get her to, have you, done- here, you whose appear at our social • functions aand blanches have been. going for ten, she is i:givmg a 101u,lostadoddnIr.1;svsignitgahi eurgpe 0. wtower yh?°;tbritist.5:11°iiyearsessffteaetund: ,a.',eyolulottuayd:oww7oe. were erwkeyvhafeeolutIrrpthwrornoieN;Ieltetd1:11-0-s:auGnved7e1 men's Institute Convention in mystr an Ottawa lady. , 'asked 2c°,5n0101nubliriataYichesWinhillEenlgvliaenbc1,avweenhbaovnet The drawing Power Was the keen not yet your long and euccessful interest one Institute woman, and she exeperdence..// - the wile of Canada's new Governor- A lively discussion by the.members • ods of aid other home -makers far the 1.1" h decisiont 11 t f • Her General, feels in the work and meth- whniirewdastaa_i,sagpoabo.ctoheecresouilt of. betternie-iit of 'their own. homes and Exceliency's e021SidOration epor ts communitY, for at home in England, froni the various Conventions of One the Lady Byng of Virny had been an tario and other information eth,-0-wing active branch officer in an Institute. hew the branches -had caariaa and "Rut I did not COMO here to -night what were the underlying sources of • that have given almost 18 toeas-e-iik ter feed -for calves- e.„ while a Samtely League m a tario, the mo-ther of the .whoie At the •eclosrees osfecithtehsees= It1:1-nt-t followers is 'working and waiting rewa_cl. • - e • and two thAaam, seefoa„,t,Ar- oe ea-atter:fat months old?, If oats are tedeshould hassearree,d on a similar vigorous earn- expectation of the„.Ma-ster's- ret,urn: , .v,s, 18, se. The , second be thou '2ntleeagrdays. .At a time when labor they e ine•gn. • 1. rreting ,rhe .seivants, 15 ovei• five cities. The second man tt., rte. movenient, ow you have starrfied ,eeeryhdelegeiteeanda.a...ba,m-efninotfoeftnai- • means so much 01:i unfortunate for .knswereeeSPeaking generaRY, P°- '-•,Me-thedq-of t". tle• • t r • t • h en so ,successfully for 65 Years- or rec. ti left E t . • • f • 't es• on_i.e la s ale ou 12 Nr• o.h L jer As as s oten a measuie o capaci y a, -p on - re as ern.• ario one to he worlzing away with an aver- tatoes are not considered g lined in, Crilifierne,;+•eetion Leaflet N'o. it j energy but lie has not clone los best this, I unders and, IS 3- 01.11. e- An- . • . T., 4.,,4., Ivith tvarea, place rxi. their 14 7 of the EntornologicarBit.Aea.. Jesus passed on to the y o eru- . `.1!f the' salern, the in -altitude' would draw the arid therefore -there is tio hearty word niversary,' said Iler Eixcelleney to the hearts for the new mistress of . Gov - age herd which could' in a few years feed, that 15, 12 fed in too large quan- - would of Praise and his promotion is deter- deleg'ates at the Eastern Ontario Con- eminent House and the conviction _he broug•ht -air to a profitable standard. titles." In a. German expe•riment re- Depat-tment Agriculture at Ottawa.' multitude, anci enthUsiasin vention recently held at Ottawa. "It that those who were wdrking in the . , CoPies of this leaflet may be obtained kinclge enthusiasm: He knew that as mined by results. Testing involves weighing and test- ported in 1907 the -writer found that ing. the milk from time to time. in cows should not receive more than 3a V. 20. Another came . here is thy is a real pleasure to come to a Can- Instit-utee for better homes and com- free on requeit to the Publications' soon as they came in sight of Jerti- become pound. This man haying an oppor- &Ran Institutes Convention, for over Inanities throughout riiral Ontario • aw a. ex ae in , ee spa. ing ea- . t f lt sal.ein the multitude would order to identify,and discard the poor pounds per head of coaked potatoes, - = n 4De t pranc , par; men o len ur e, . • . milkers •TrIerd improvement includes and less of raw potatoes.' -0,tt • t, op• g uncontrollable. Now was the time for tumty equal to -th.at of the rest, comes in -,Eakiani,d, wherewe are 3,_enng in ,had a co_workear of anu• sato. sympathy cl the temnerine to the master with no results what - an understanding in the first lady bl a weal ever Laid up in a naPkin• a safe ' guillotine type is recommended. These he steadying word -an s , , • this work we feel that we can learn d • ' the use of -vigorous sires from Ivigh Director Hills of 'Vermont claims • . • and sribinkin.dness as ----------- ehe s more costly than corn ensilage. ,Ifi meal cooked ea -0.s or fruit, The ' nt f Th ' tt' f th b t t 't -f 1 1 • l't'i!ouingli-hletk,annasiCi antaediadeawthotchas,fiain'sdt l t 1 ' t x• 1 A • h V 21 I feared thee 1 -Ie' proceeds. th °fPlhi:reiavenca% aleo the thrill of inepira:- producing mothers, generous feeding, that potatoes at 15e per bushel are traps may be baited with meat, oat -1.-1°11g ' ' ar country. e se ing o e p ace, u no a rm. u p ace. t e newledge that the appar- rats are abundant. Poisoning • has, to It'oine at his father's death and 'beg- insteaa of finding the reason in him- meet and 'solve our difficulties and the ently quiet unnoticed work in solving , . Agriculture at Ottawa brings out gestilyility. , proved•a speedy method of 1es4.rue-1 tgeci that the EmPercr might allow self, he seeks to find it in his ma.ster. best methods of emmying on the work. the problems at home in- our own 7 " ipaluo e ;seems o ; e ris; °ilea . ite e•-.• . . . , comfortable under all eircurnnes. oats a,re fed to ealves the oats should , cage traps are also excellent -whenlaus 'ahe son Of I-terod the.Great went give the reason for his inaction, and esPealallY from Ontario -of how to tion h•k Pamphlet To.. otthe Departmenteof be ground So as to aid in their di- • clearly the reasons' •for and benefitS, would like to know if _tion, 04111341 caution is needed' in ap_ilurn to s'ucceed to the threne. He \vas •He seeks to excuse hims'elf hY aeon's- '• "New We find for instance that the• neighborhoods was a so-urce of keen I 1 -1 d h t Th I 51 111 —i from cove testing carried on for a Sudan grass is any good for hog pas- ing his master. Thou art an austere third or fourth years is a critical and interest and real helpfulness to coun- plying this method. Barium carbon- a cruel Prince, and. the Jemes sent rep- • , • ' rtiv to Rome to oppose nian• rareef an ear less; ou ta c- • • . 1,1 . number of yea -es, chart in ,,nis ture; also how many March and April ate is a cheap, -tasteless, and odorless I reeenta es - • tdifficuilt ?me an. t e. history of 'the tries_ thousands of milese away.. "Far ptonphlet shows that the improvemeat hogs can pasture on one acre under poison. It maY be mixed in a dough • H del I claims•' After a lolag Arehelaus est up what thou layest not down. You d Th eranca. interest begins to lag. we do Home and Country" now enlarges wee granted his request. e went t what you not • enema. at , its meet, in one e n eagh.t years am- average conditions. composed of four parts of mea,1 or,' not know quite what to do next. What meaning to "and Other Countries" hoMe and rewarded those who h d h 1 ke f r suit ci • t • s, o o•o o se s an le - • ountecl, to raising the yearly average Answer: -Sudan grass is net con- flour and one part of poison, or a stiff watched his interests in his absence, that were not reasenable or just. production from 5,500 pounds up to siderecl a good pasture for hogs. It 12,600 pounds per cow. This pam-, is a harsh rank gTass. . . phiet and other publications on cow Pasturage can be very much better td/sting are available at the Publica- supplied in Ontario in the form of Long Branch, DeP'artment of Agricill" Dwarf Essex rape and red clover, ture Ottawa. SHE. ?-araples and SO tahes on Hey Face Many an otherwise beautiful and at- tractive fice is sadly marred by pim- ples and other skin. troubles which are caused wholly by bad blood. Many a cheek and. brow, cast in. the mold of beauty, have been. sadly defac- ed, their attractiveness lost, and. the possessor of the "pimply faCe" rend- ered unhappy and in many cases em- barrassed. 'There is an. effectual. remedy for these facia?. defects, and. that is BURD0011 BLOOD BITTERS It drives out all the impurities from the blood and leaves the complexion. clear and lwalthy. Miss North Sharp, Glenboro, Man., writes: -"I suffered for some time with pine,ples and blotches on My face , vaileb. made me ashamed. to go out in corapanyaend ialso had. bad headaches. One day beard abont Burdock 13lood. Bittivs, and it hes relieved me.of both. the headaches and pimples." B. B, B.• is manufactured only, by The T. Milburn Co. Lim.ited Toronto, Ont. d,ough of eight' parts of oatmeal and, by giving them governorships, and! Vs. 22, 23. Out of thine own mouth one of Poison. The poisoned dought slew the leaders who had appeared will judge thee: The master will may be placed in the runways of the against hiis &aims. This historical find in the servant's excuse, a just animals. stityohnine. in the form of. fee,e`rtenlicle hwisotliiledarsetiis:sike a chord of ingroundsgrerovuannctl for nhoist accotneddernupnaetiii.oenn The tbus o stryolua sulphate is a raipd. acting? Sowing to the acre at the rate of 8 poison for rats. The dry crystals are! Vs. I-3, 14. Called his len servants; exc-use. Wherefore . . . gayest not not all his servants, but ten of them thou nay money irito the bank. The pounds of rape to 1•0 pounds of clover. inserted in bait sach as meat or whom he -regart.ec1 worthy of confi- servant had not brought the master ' Wheat and vetch at the rate of 1 chdese. The recommended Plan of pre-, dence and pesscs-Sed of ability. De- his own, for1that pound should have bushel anil. a half of wheat to one half paring a poison is to make a syrurn. livered them ten, pounds. 'The word earned interest ' tb • it - bushel vetch 'makes very good hog byedisselving half an ounce of stryeli a 'poli _ mina ' It out risk to himself, th pasture. Either of these mixture lp te in a pint of 'boiling ,77' f ' • produce pasture much riche ' h • • _ e mterval. W' - transtated•rtls" is ." • " e eerwant could bleed, etc., as -tills is what an egg con- UES &-C13 LIV9iTF5 s nia sul ha . a er eesen ei a svim fbef a word-ing have secured. this inteee•st. The 'banker' ' t f Tho flock -should be fel °I r 'rep L sls s a • - ' - LA-WiEl'ENCE laiLir4TM"" '"d.rvfr''T'Po r rn nog- To this add a pint of thick syrup and man of that time "ectdd 10-5111"1 in about WOnicl IlaVO 'been willing to use that on a mixture of ilDrari and mea:t scraps. " '''' • ' gill, 0 t 1 1 Id • • growing constituents than Sudan mix emeo-u, th 1,1 s I tl lel tl acre of the rraixture suggested soaked in it over night. They are divides all his property -among' his now it means exorbitant interest. • ' A• torpedo takes four minutes to reach a ta.rget 6,500 yards 'awaY. ice) FAB l'anif-614 Feather picking among the float is - meat material.- A trying , exased by the birds not g,fatting enough .rvreeatp:::,,,higahls.oest: sp5reieepse, if.or3:b7ouflotrr,y,paunci,ct ' t6 t‘re PaYing Glie. per 1.1).. for Goose pi:00.1106 6ggs, craves ail- the materials Feathers, We sefid you' an inter- necessaryto Produce this: Flesh, bone, °sting price list If you win write 'to gl"ass. • moistened 'with tile syrup arid grain-talsnts 25, the master means 'legitimate i.,11terest, althougill 1 C.1•01-1:uei,,t'hol's'4.b,..al am!' scra3••' 9 lee f ; tl - et th • •a inea ,,s, eon e ree n e pa_,a, o o money. Mine own with usury. Usury _ Corr4.,mfize'd Ga Iva Et o servants, silt eac servant receives a' • Vs. 24-26. Take fioni Ifee 'ill pound - „ a -so Vp, Leg weakness is, causeti by any of ..,e1 p R'12 . months. the rats. Other poisons, as well as eeceiVe siroll Slain • but still enough pounds. 'Pho inarrethat 1(1113 1113044 the nourishin'g -f°°(1, °ver-el•v7dilig, IC3';i!.521 i'1711111 W. L.: --Would 'like to ask how An should carry 15 te 20 hoes 314 t 4 tl d . e• ° len TOR Y to apply to the runwajes of large ;tiara,' hut in this. parable it to tha-t hath • ten the f-61Ilowing••• 'lack of fr1204i55551"r,1rS Cs, filrg sun/tate scr.b close the •use' of ferrets and weasels are to teet- their rapacity, ctillehee :a_nd utmeet ue,e of his pound, receives yet quarters and sometimes from too, wide Spedal Terms la Far msrs' many times we have- to sow rye,'and dealt with in the leaflet. fidelity. Occupy. till Ilcome. Trade or mena,e. Jesuer proceeds to state this • do business tell riiy return.' They are reward as a law of -spiritual mfe. vetch on a piece of and to fit It for alfalfa. Have sown it three times. Answer: -While sowing rye and vetch on a piece cf land helps to work it down in shape for alfalfa such a practice is not necessary. I would judge from your description that your land is in very good shape, hence I would advise you to plow it medium deep as soon as the frost is out of tlie land. After 15i,lewing, scatter lime on top of the furrows at the rate of 1Y4, to, a ton per acre; also apply well rotted stable manure at the rate of four or five tons per acre. " Work the ground down fine by several diseinge and her - sowings, than apply a fertilizer carry- ing at least 8 to 4 per cent. 'nitrogen - _ VOW M. 156, TA It V& VS.11111VM. STotrift's Digester 1Thankp,ge 0- (60,0 Protein) 0 A valuabi, Hog Peed High In Ouallty---Low In Price 0 ausea RapittGains Develcete Lean Meat and Muscle. 0 /rite for 1.1 E111,'LE 0 • t ttc...M.4.0.1A.S.:t1P"i., ....TORLutd 0/41`0... oolrlet arid Pilees. Day by day in every way- the farm given to understand clew:1Y "Lamb there. •Application, is getting better • and 11'.4-4.,., 13714.1. is a, time of reekbnitar.; corning. Citi-, rn . f „ sent an. enibeessy. • The embassy leen- olie PeoPle_ perhaps mole P5100 hirn • sen ----------1 "tea 1i service las grown am - apologies to Dr. Cone. zens • „. 0, 2 2 , tionetl before consistbd -ofi fifty inen, than anY othel idea during the la,st TE SUFFERED RRIBLY anti -when the :cows of Rome heard of taro gorletcatol1teits.ofNioifteS, otanitialicI,ahthWebrawtll.•c'S•let E.,, ,,,,,.. aria, their coming, eight thousand Roman mil FOR FuUR I Lan b. Jorer,,,:spaaccon.wanied them to the emper. NvViO;ysvepal:Ingtiive Tishbere:orricaingbtehennoeccroutbctl iftlITH HEART TRO1 B LE V. 135a.cV,re hen he was 'returned . , as. to ');he- position whlich sers'dee- ;weld copal -needed these servants to be call -lin tire mind of the,I;v1aster. Such em - wicked man, whose going 'away and calm.° t11(1,t t° baetomirnlysberheid uyinfto, hut. to 113 ed. The fact that this master was a ljhati saYinge • Th•l'' 5 f Son 0 man Of late years heart trouble bas be= come very prevalent, and we,know of no remedy that 'will do so 01114 It to make the heart regain its strength' and vigor, regulate its beat and relator° it to a; healthy normal condition as will Milburn's 1-Ioart and Nerve Pills 11 nerch to laeost upon. The fowls have rh, an unsteady gait. In ,attenipting to ate'oL walk, they topplo over, either 'forward ktglIg ssr„,1-nsarata , • Or beckward• errid m advance stages--otereeeeeereees•—.. are wholly unable. to walla The feat I ' and legs become feverish and, dry:, '141.or a treatment, one should rub the legs with oil of .camphorm and edd , about fifteen grame of 'iodide of potes-' sinm to0V017quart of drinking water: A ,generens •supply of •good poultry. tonie should' be mixed, With nenrishino. food.. • coming again •WaS; not like the; going 1‘,1,1,,nals.4al.'n,41,anrin 72 Mi 20 2e8iS; , and corning of sesus, &see not. weaken ,i21,1,-/.t'sile,_g'3';.eat8t..21:Tyiaii-., hon dlaia .1,;(s.; We' woncl'er how often that 'chicken the truth that 11' 1.5 ereeke cenvey.I t,e (matt 3.;„'1,1), and eT peep hies 'been 'cleaned thia, Whiter-, It • If' the , kingdom of heaven is not, asl,111 11' 1111 i't , f. „i an , ho Ib t gaf6 to sayttlial ytm ,Would Irick if the multitude expect, 'bp be set up int-, • ilatalv and if jeaug .b•ci 1,,,rara tiereeth/o, asef• se-seFe testinionyh "ton, ;talc, your wife cleanedebieUse ettlinfrequeri-: I f • w c ro. a a is „ h n ce•ritral place Whielt ' tierviee••heild 700 hla•ve ' Miss Joan D. Phillips, FiLubenactidio, 'sencc oleaas eesponsih'ility and 'op- ri 0 ore ere, e o . Nfo.u.Sr" ywelairtsT Ihcientiartere•tcliertu.°114re.blYill'°I, ami his cY. oming ore avg:aeti''el would walk EOFS 07 g0 -Op stairs DIY those who justly refused to have heart would beat very fast, and .1 would got tired very quieldy. I tried differ- ent roniabos, but could not find any- thing that seemed to do me any good. One of rr11. neighbors ftaViSOC1 MO 10 talt0 Millturn's Heart and 'Nerve Pills, which I clide and 1 certainly reieeived good midis, e,an truthfully say 1 owe my life to them, and 1 worild high- ly recommend. them lo anyone who le troubled With heart itonble. Price 50e a box at till dealers or 'i '0 on loceipt (it puce by 0 'rho T itrillyurn Go,, Li:anted Toronto 1 431 , Ar Obelatig• 10l311 over thern, so there will lye those -who unfustly oppose (1 17' in his absences. But this only magnifies the. responsibility "of his faithf s cr'y ants . 1 11. Re -war -0111g, tbe Servants,- 6-20. i V. Then came the, first . . thy • imand ,•. ponaids. This servant has made.' go-rtd 080 of his -pounds, , hall used a little evellj and hie w0 t, aeerding to his stewardsbip. 11)11 111 the parable or the Tal - eats wolle eneh mea receives 0 largo Ilobill tho- am01.111' 0 ifrertt bevordinpi I to dill' erhig by, 11`hri teSt,' there, the teaching of Jesus. Mere profes- sion COUICI insver talre the place of the doingWti °R.Cre(-4`°''a't, t'BeV1.17teill:iti Of the Ma ni fold f d" The 1 t f tho " o o • re ;clue o , , 'rich fool (Luke L2: 1(1-90) was con- cienined beeause, there Wtts not in, all tliieenianls thinking any idea of s;erv- at ciship; 110 reference to Clod as Giver and Owner. He said, "My fruite, rny good's, my soul, my bents," Tire man Who received the 0110 t;11.42 111: tiees hot appear to have heon eovetou'ee dis- honest:, brit eirriply negligent. He 010 not 1.011156 hie account bi lit 7 16 his master, and had no Sentie whalover of hie stervard8hip, To day's los ton ii• lustre tthiv Gett'e readiness rhocv ti„,•• 1)1 1 and te '10 ((1111,'( -no id 11 •• who have been faithful. 1 rife. Size tVindol f•or • Steen ' Toe "1.(4..../ttortl" tho LINA . value farm 00111 1 edei• ome seo, esee 184,00,010, 0;4 ('114(Him ezmittp 0) 1,11 •,W).2oel- barroiti01 !onto, A ' ' •ounljt, • 'ittlieo 41 Jetts • 97 ,o,ve on o•131.03 03 010.1 on. 3110IO-1's 1,'or 53 01)311 11 0100.• maw; LlogoL‘ 11331 2. Our' InyOolot Oookt Shapipy Go Lfroti, 'HO W011133100 ,i1 • .0o4t11 ,?;1`.474rei211.77.:!Ast:' SI .• Vitn,reiteve .eolde among- 'I-levee/sena, • • mules, with -moat., Settee enetory results, rot :thirty , years- , "el poll ere" has boon tile s fareareetrerin e for ;•Dietereiser, inneenseerPinif Eye, „catarrhal Vevei^,, Iiriavos- and AV1'rm8;,;1111ee13e1't for DIS temper' arla, .Worms 41711411171. reigated a.rrOP- Scititherwi APOr Til tiio re.", Diohlot , Bow 1111,,er zrrigation .Vro,I sot An 08710014(113' 4. cod location for mixed 1 farming and' dalrytn4, Splendid ota- portimIty , for youeg , men now liVint" In dim trf c is when 'good , lelyi oanno bo beught at, roo491-1abie eriree, , TI.41$ .110 ., N'O.T.' PI07rat,N (.4, 0th0 first 1 , 00 Oren ere fully settled fiej amother 11)000 Reres riov„, ready 'for Sefloriooriti reaeitmena '4! 1111:1.' eroni rallroa.6, Seven. milee, Good roads, telephones and 40110 "1!'. 'lls el, moose, 9:44303101711 over 1 fi' yeare. ' 11144 In 'tio nintit 7f.o.nd Wiry (35Albeit:a WA to' r T 'tourth,or infortinatIon to 1 _ CIA VAT).4. TA,e1t,111) ' anal znxtIoA=rloyit (JOMPAILYVi ,V..rnitiVillk , 1 0o144 ftt • n ) .. Arbe.rt .. ,crr..34-wiel2„,.!...,r‘s-ictswo.si ..,. ....-,.. _