The Exeter Times, 1923-2-15, Page 3• Tile Boy'Point ,of View.
I'm a Scala! I've heara my aeout-
'Stu talking so mirch with other
Jaen abut troop pregramtaes,• and
tainge like' that, that I svonder,,how ef-
tea thoee ether rnu ask their'Scouts
what they Hite. My Septa -Master does!'
, „
We get alone' in great shape toe!
iwou ENAir,),1,,Inegliiee tliing f a
reflex LtOtiOn; Olati5, it
is a sueceeslon of cocrdinated Mue-
cular 1110:V0100311;S intended to force a
What They Need tri RailatOre °aline air tliro-egt the respiratory
.. i'lf.i' itkand, Vitaliti. tehe. so as. to exael Borile irritalat. that
' t ' - • • , ; . is.. led -Katt there. - Ths: irritant ceuses.
Tiee W01.11011 Who feeleettrea out, Waa a. disagreeableaciastetionan the nalcouS
a:taloa all over wheu he rieas 1U tlie ohiauxbrane Of tiee tdbe,., and the nerves'.
morning', who, febla depreeseall thoot of I carry newe of: it to a cellar° ill the
. .
her .time„, needs just the help:that 'Dr• epinal cord,whiCh sende -bach. an or-
Willianea Pink PHIS ean gl-ve, her-- der to the eaueeletato start the mach -
liaise riels blood, 1,..nrsi atrenger' naively, finaexi by which the thing eau be re
The ),,an)..heiln.ot diaortiersseaue,ed by moved, When the irritant is a drop of
thinableed Is amazanga, and ;meat ara- rnucua or sterett,on the, cough
men are careleas about thia •coadttlom aietaissit'upto the Mettle, but wberathet
of theia blood. Theiraeseses are, quick- tramble le ,a spat ' -of latiananat ion, with-
ly ' affected, and .they.lreeopse irritablea ' out ... secretion the aough, does no.' good
they, Werry'oaer trifles, tted tlo not, oo- and nsay clo harm by keeping the part
tale refreehitg. steep. There, may 'be 1 inflamed, ,
stomach •trou.bles .and tesaaches. This Irritation or inflamtnatIcia la other
is tho ce,taition that calla for Dr. Was parts that are c-ervad, by breaches of
lianas' Pink' Pillva t,11',„ 1)19-adimakIng the sante nerve that. guard,s the larynx
'and nerstaarestoring tonie.' The value may satiC excite a .congli. -The .Seatre
of this, naedieine- iss prayed by the .
in ihe spinal cerd cannot always tell
s.tatement of Mra. Iota Conroy, Fall f from what organ it, receives the news;
AiVet., Oat" avillo . says i'--"TY)-ic) years becoaang 'aonfuseclaas it were, it may
ago,. after' the birth, of ona.of my child- interpret' it as cerning from the air'
ren, I beearne so rsuediotsan 'that, I. had tubes... Thus a cough (recurs ntt ,in-
ta.wean the baby and could not do My frequently in children' who are teeth-.
housework. I lost appetite, took no in- ing ; er.a- cough may be °Wing to a re-,
terest in easytaiazi, and wee itaa, pitiable! !la:, eacjaad w, a fnreizn body or by lin
.canclitione I tried different dor:tore,
Don't you suppose we fellows anew
what we want in a meeting? What's
that? What do we want? All right,
here you are:
• First of all, I don't see how any fel-
„law can like a meeting unless it is full
of "pep.” We are all aratioue to, do
tainga andit makes us tired to have
the meeting lag. Dowa a•t cue troop
all the fellows have to, wear their uni-
farals--ancl they do it, too, That'e
because they know that vall en our
Scoutmaster says "Wear them,' he
means it. I knew the fellows wouldn't]
lace him half as much if ho wasn't
• that way. We're net afraid of our
:Scoirtniaster-Lnot on youa life, hers too
good. But we would do anything fo.r
him—you know What I mean.
We always start. out with, som-e .sort
of quiet games, like Spot -the -rabbit, or
Kim's game, because some ,of the fea
lows get there' early. You knew our
meeting begins at 7%45, and some. of
- the bunch come around twenty min-
utes early. l'tre.'ve got to have some-
' ailing to do, but If we had a big "rough-
touse" thee we 'couldn't settle drawn at
all. When the .opening timecom, we
...all line up in troop formation., traft.giVe
Some yells.. After. that We have a
short d.rill. (Then when . We go outon
the streets we inalte a let elle:pater ap-
• pearanceaae.W.hen daill is over awarrds
are made. '
Next comes the business Meeting..
The fellows' aidn't use to like that.
Now th.eY, de. Maybe it's because we
don't have ,teity more long-winded
speeches, , The fellowa wed to go ,to
sleep, so OUT Sooutraaster ma:de' the
older fellows, cut . all the "sermons,"
unless they said something every min-
• ute. taea' ..-Were on. their feet. The
whbie buslaliess meeting le snappy, and
goes off grea.t. Our treasurer collects
. dues .at the endof the Me-ettlag:• .•
Then we thaye classes-ano, It isn't
like school. We have spacial instruc:
tors in• „all "earts „of t,hinge—firat-aida
signalling, csoCkitng map Weit and
even lasg
des e . •
• • • -
. After the cilaseea' are over we have
games and eOntests. Some hot con-
t•ests., 'We keep tame ap. until
)taat eta -as un for the eveniag.
1 arlia and are, dis-
o paaisssEasaa-;lairaeitit'arafas
raise and. -Law.
Now that's a goad meeting, 'cause I
son Lea* sv-a ...fellowa 'Mx° suet].
a. good time• if 'it lea' t."
alore Scout Badges Issued In 1922.
Ono `of• ths, at/silting features of .the
Annual. Report of the Ontario provin-
cial Council for 1922 is the 'great in-
crease in the number of Scout pro-
• ficiency badges • issued as compared'
with iait year. 192.1 `total was
al- 19 a2- was 9305. -It
'Was 'alio' noticed. that the bigg'est in-
(-reastes were in the King's Scout group
of. pro.ficienay badges, the Fireman
badge topping, the list with 911, and
Ambulance coming next vrith 758.
There are siaty-six Efferent• pro-
ticiency badges issued and at least
two of every badge was awarded to
Oatario Scouts during .tiee
The 1\4al' Courage of
but they did net help me very much
I was it this condition all sumer un-
til a neighbor advised me to try Dr.
Wililaims',Pink Pills. .A.fter taking
two boxes I felt somewliat'better and
got a further supply. I found my ap-
petite improviiag; I could do my house-
work, and living again seemed vvorth
while. I continued taking t,he pills for
Some mouths, and was then enjoying,
the best of healtb,. I cannot too strong-
ly recommend Dr;,Williaras,' Pink Pills
to an.yone•run down and in need of a
accumulation of wax in the ear or per-'
haps by actua,1 Inflamraatiot.
A so-called neaal cough not at all
meet:mina:in, It ia,preduced. by some ir-
ritant of the mucous membrane that
cavers; the, posterior part tar either of
the nasal cavities. ',The' irritant May
be a little dust' or a foreign body such
ita a pin; or it may be a tumor. .•The
cough that 00C11110 'with a beginning
hold .in the head is, Usually owing .to
nasal inftaraniation rather than to any
treuble in the larynx.
•Sometimes a little irregalarity in the
tonic as they built me up, and there : • '
heartoes,t excites a slight cough; and a no signe, of anaemia about me te-
disease of the heart or of the kidneys
You can get Da Williams,' Pink Pills
from any dealer in medicine, or by
mail at 50 cents a box: or'six boxes, for
$2.50 from The Dr. Williams!, Medicine
,Co., Brockville, Ont.
Red lights can be ,seen at a greater
distance than green.
Minard's Liniment for Nearaiala.
Who:that tee read the lif.e of , Enter-
ison cannot appreciate the Moral cour-
age . that obatrelled aim at all tinaes..?;
He was incapable ofiCoWarditsca
seneitivo. the rnoaa..delieate . plant;
shripskinse from notoriety, he 'yet did ,
„sand 'said ta_tnigeethata'brought down uP-1
en him the cenatire niticr conceritrated I
fury a.nci .'hatred. 'of ' thousands., Ea
gentle. anid- kind, spoke. words that bitl
earl ,'mashed and crash•ed 'through the 1
entrenched Ideas of the World like rm.',
het cennonebalia. -.Though never
pelitician-he sapke. words, on the-pria-
'cipless. involved Intatisailavery wiestica
that surpassed in...fervid eloquenee and
effective power anything ever said by '
Wenmdell Phillips. or aVilliam Lloyd
Garrison. On occasion ho faced a
mob, of fiery sympatbizersi with the
other aide and decloiaa the thighesa.
Po reat /truths, . of theebrotherlia,M1. of I
mare -anal when aernonstrated with far 1
daring teacb. an aseerriblage ihe, calmly
and quietly-repliedt ."Had " I been
.aumb, I would hatve gage and matter -j
oci, and made sigpsaa-eGearge Herten
may cause a little dropsical sWelling
in the air tubes aral thereby may- ex-
cite a cough that is both ineffectual
and troublegomea A gouty conditiOn
also may excite a batheriome cougba
happily, however, it can be promptly
allayed by treating for gout. Ffnally,
infiammatian of the ,pleura. --that is,
the membrane coae•ring the lungs and
lining the chest—almost always causes
Provincial Board of Health, Ontario
Da Middleton wtll he glad to, answer questions tm Public Health mat, -
tors through Ma ooluzia, Addresa him at Spading. HoiseaSpadina
Ctrmeent, Tomato.
The motion picture has conie to stay -few weeks should be 100 deg. F. and
as an• ed,n,natinni.a. ,ca g.aaat aaale- then 98 deg. F. After six months, 97
n h• pro.Paa a• nda ma tthermometer
F. coming down to,90 deg. F. A
g • and I bath should always be
asariedi are the toth th
Piat a" aulall film used. Wash hands,scriiptulousily clean
-rnayecoveis aallaa.t.,avahaicla,tare sable teeLbeforetegiving bath. Baby should .haire
deliver a Forceful metsia7ge' tlraT
not be got aorocils to the public' in any tender skin• of : an infant are due to
other way. , the. os.reless use of the family tub.
A valuable - contribution to the . -Old fashioned white Castile soap is
teaching of Chald Hygiene is Supplied -best, -with clear soft water. The folds
b a new film entitled "Baiby's Bath of the skin, crease's, in the neck, the
1 0:1i, and psiinful Thee
we see that , a coital,. is net a aiatale
Master =kith slogle ,definite cease:,
we sibould 'realize theiefore the neeea.
eity of a eareful teettical examination
Wth+00 a coltish peratste and the feoliali-
iiese of e,wailetriag emne,nauseaue an
poSsibly..dangeroue aiedielte just be -
clause It, • relieved a frietid's
whieh may have been owing' to S0112,0
entirely, different cause.
Greenland It/loving, West 20
Yards a Year.
The earth Is wabbling on its axis,
accortling to Col. P. Jensen., the Dituish
selentist, o, returned receetly from
degree meastiring expedition into
Greenland, says a Lion:ion deapatch.
He reports that Greenland is moving
wastwaid. at the rate of twenty yards
a year. 'Phis seems to confirm the re-
cent reports of surprisieg climatic
-changes, at the North Pole.
It Is no* established that there is a
periodic' shifting of the latitudes of
the North Pale. The inavement is (fit -
limit because of the email area of the
Pole—about the size of a tenni e codrt.
Some authorities say that the poles
are gradually changing their positiona,
and that this alteration to the world's
axis will In time mean that regions
which are at present icebound will -be-
come warm and habitable co -untie -es.
and, Toilet" iti which the advice offered clenched fists, must all receive pur-
ls shown being put into 'practice by
actual &ceries: Plenty of fresh -air and
lots of .tsurisihrine should enter the
baby's roam. Shield its eyes from di-
rect KM or _light rays,, and guard
against draughts,. Want; , stuffy „air
is devitalizing and inareases the clan-
ger of catching cold. The baby should
sleep alone, not in a 'cradle. A crib
is best This will eliminate the ever.-
present danger ' of bmothexing, ovea-
nura;ra- or shutting o fresh air.
Strongly protest against the habit of
kissing the baby on the 'mouth, as
disease ca fft thus be carried to the
baby. Handle the baby as little as
poesible, And always support its head
and • back. Keep a careful record of
las weight, Weigh it regularly every
seven days. under identical conditions,
after bowel movement and before
feeding,,etc. The baby enould gain 4
ozs to 8 oz. each week. It must be
bathed at least once a day and the
temperature of the bath for the. first
tiatalarteare. ` First clay the baby thor-
oughly andl then sprinide t,alcum pow-
der. Oarefully remove excess to avoid
caking on the skin. ` Oil is carefully
put into each nostril with toothPich
having cottowrapped on end. Weak
horacic acid solution for the ears. Two
or three drops of weak boracic solu-
tion f dr' the eye:s. •'
Baby's c,lothes should be loose and
roomy and of loosely woven material,
to allow ventilation for the skin. It
sheuld be clothed according to the
weather to hisuire'uniform !body temp-
erature. Feet a nci hands should be
kept warm and the head cool: Too
much, clothing, will cause sweating.
Wet clothes should be changed imme-
diately, and the skin carefully dried
and talcum powder -used. •
A film of this kind showing the
actual carcrying of these -principles
in the care of the "infairt, caunot fail
to be of practical vailue to mothers
"and 'prospeCve mothers.
Curiou A.lanah0116B.
a'he int aura:Ina almshouse in Eng -
lana Is St, alary'S.I-leepital-atiChicases-
, ter. There eight old la.die.alive actual-
..1Y- In the ;cliurS11.=•-e, fine cid ,builtilug
dating trent 1680. It was arigInaliy a
monastery, ,but when Queen Eisall)ett
• visIted• there - 'she turned it into ,an
alinelhouse, to e.ailare 1.15 long an „
remises ealet, Tao cad ladieshave two
nCat lIWe r00111E ea0.11 C,I.ONA the alders
of the Alvin. ,church, watt,' windows
looking (Mt': an eat, garciels. ,Taey: have
• 60,01.11 a"co,D1 supply, a kitchen ra,rige
leak Or and gea. At one and' of the
church Is the eliapel, where daily ser -
aro held. no .ttotr-gtaag (Ito
boautiftilly,aaved aid 'atilt, thie Origitiat
*eats that tba trititalea attest,
aburch etande la a (ptiet tfttlo mnnsn
mind wldd 'el' ro
tocoluilt p1Antationit.',
1. TARIETY in foods is e$,sential, bf course,
V but in providing variety do not overlook
the importance of nolirishmeqt '
Some foods supptY bulkWith little nourishment
—others provide nourishment with little. bulk.
• -us i
Crisp, delicioGrape-Nuts s,a highly nour-
ishing cereal food in urnistially compact form,
- 'It supplies the rich -nutritiori of wheat and
• malted barley, including tile mineral elements
of thes p1endid grains, without vvhiCh health
and strength cannot be maintained.
• Grape -Nuts 'with good milk is a complete
food, conibitiing all the food elements needed
for body-building.
, 11'conornical, too, because a iriodernte amount
• provides Unusual nourishment.
• Sold by Grocers ;E'vefrywhere!
"There's a Reason"
Niadeb Calictdiala Posturn Cereal Co., Limited
45 Front St., Torotto Pactoty: Windsor, Ontario
asap eaSsliassi ,
*inter i a, dangerous season for the
little ones. .11,e days are so change:.
able --one bright, the next cold and
stormy, that,t the inother is „afraid, to
take the chilaaeatezut for the fresh air
and exercise they: need so much. In
consequence they eta often cooped up
in overheated, badly ventilated rooras
and are • soon seized - with colds or
grippe. Wtat i neoded to: keep the
little ones well isaBaby's Own Tablets.
They will regulate the -stomach and
bowels and drive out colds, and by
their use the baby will be .able to get'
o -ver the winter season in perfect safe-
ty. The Tablets are sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from `The Dr. Williams/ Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont. -
Lilliputiari,Flying IViachines.
An outstanding feature of the aero-
nautical world Is the influx a Lilli-
putian machines,. One type' is known
as the "packet tieroplan.e." It Is from
deSign. by A. W. Whippet,and le' F.0
small that It .can be disrna.naled and
f d trunk The de -
pack 0 in a aI r s• e • • „ •
-signer claims that It can. develop .a
apeed, ot2100 miles an hen's : The
"British Crow," weighing under 250
pounds, has a span, of 15 feat and.will
develop 75 miles an hour. Lieuteneaf
E. Passe,partotit, , a Preach. aaaianei-
, ,
est aeroplane ht. V.*-Wcirld. It has a
. '
span ef ten. feet.' -
The initial outlay and the east of
the taikeep of these midget aeroplanes
have- Deceived every' consideration.
.The average purchase price ranges
from $900 to $1,250, 'and a fair ea -
ample of performance is givenbythe
"Aire Baby:" --It is ecialpped with
35 b.p. Green engine, and .is capable
of a speed of 75 miles an hotir and
will give 25 miles on a gallon.
From Stoniach F4roUbretilll'
Sivellini, and ikAle4fitess
LeWle; '13olti1ia
don, Out, welakpown carpenter n
veteran • of. the Saute •African and
Weald 'ware.; tas atIcled his name to
the long Bat orOntaria people pralaing
Tanlac for •the benefit's they have de-
tlYea „1"colia ,talting. the merliciati,
"Last :winter," said Mr. Lewis, "1
was doisri: with pneumonia, tend after
that I couldn't get my strength, back
and was unable to work. I had no ap-
petite, and if I did dare to eat -it only
caused -me• 1Ti ore suffering wita my
,e.tomachi I had neuritis iri mY legs,
and ray feet would swell up ;till I
thought they would burst. My aidneas
were oatof-order, and it NPS impas-
sible' 'for me to get a, good night's
"But I have taken on neasr hepe and
courage since I started taking Tanla,c.
I can jut feel the medicine building
live up. My appetite has 0 -erne' baca
tIIU etrongth, I can sleep like a top,
and You can bet I'll stick to Taalae."
Tanlac is sold by all geed druggists.
Meat Consumption Fieures.
The average per head consumation
(kf meat of all kinds, exclusive of poul-
try and game in Great Britain, was
about 120 pound e a Year prior to the
war. Of this ammirit three-aftba was
home -produced, and two-fifths was Ina
portea.- Of the over-seae supply 70
per cent. of the mutton, 17 per cent. of
the beef, and 9 Per cent of the perk
came from within the Empire—,Cana-
de, Australia:, New Zealand and South
The safe way to, send money by mail
is by Dominion. Express' Money Order.
a. --aa •
A Bargain Sight,
-"Yon don't .mind If I leave my hat.
an, do you?" asked the sweet Young
•thing of the little man in the seat be-
hind hef., at the pictuDea.
"Not at all, miss! Not .at ail!" re-.
plied .the little man. "I enjoy looking
at bargains,"
4, •
Instantly! End Indigestion
or Stomach Misery. with's, l'24pepsin"
An s.60.1 -1,....s ,you eat a tablet or two
o:f "Pape's 131113i0Pe4n" your indfgestion
• iagarn.e!'' tu.
lance; .gases, palpitation, or any misery
from a aour, acid stomach ends. Car-.
rect,your stornach' and digestion for a
,few cents, - Ea.,Ch Package guaranteed
by druggist. ' •
ith F irigers
,Doesn't :ma, a last ' prep a '1 ttie
"ii+reezene" on an aching corn, ins ant.
lf that corn stops hurting, than short-
ly you lift it riabt off with fingers.
'Truly! •
Your druggist sells a tiny bottleof
arreezene" 'for a few cents, sufficient
to remove evory bard cert, soft corn,
or corn between the toes, and the cal-
luses, without'soeenes.s or'irritatien.
Write 1 or inte
ormatien,' D, Fraser,' HE.
. uaeda.PliXt
s,te,, p no.44:uViedt4
itS 'root At" •A
The ituisith Of --a
when wide 'opeit
18 feet. •..,a
al ea. ols
Perovt laws
Llatrrittrit for' 17.itattrin 'tie
Best Bowel , Laxative,
\i‘iheri Bilious,
To clean out your bowels withou,
, cramping or overacting, take C4teear-
ete. Sick headachoabilicusnesa, gages..
l Indigestion, sour, -upset', stornaeh, , and •
I ,a1l. such distress • gone lia• • taetatif-u3'.
Nicest physics on earth for gra-Wu-ups
and children. 1.0c a box, Taste, like
Small and Formed Sore
Eruptions, Skin Sore and
Red, Cuticura Heals.
"Pimples broke out on the back
of my head and nech. At first the
piraples were small andthen
ran into, each other and
formed sore eruptions about
the size of a ten cent piece.
The skin was sere and red
and -itched a great deal,
causing me to scratch.
"1 bad the trouble about„.,
Cuecura Soap and °lament, nxi
ateusing three cakes of S,oap and
three boxes of Ointment 1 - was
healed." (Signed) J. A. Macdonald,
• Rely on. Cuticura Soap, Ointment
..and Talcum to care for your skin
amigo Each Prez twItall. Addreza: 'L,ompun,t111-
ited,-S4.4 el raul St, W., 1.9q.ltrera " Ssxd gvcry -
Scap 2Se . Gilltnont 2.5a -ad 50n. Tqousung.
"Cie:kora Soap ellavca without alliaE'•
Bulk Carlots
• illuesicais Pioneer,: Dog- ItemicIss
Rook on
•• and How to Feed
Mailed Free to any aaa
• dress by. the, Author.
21. Clay Glover Co., Ina.
• 1.20' West 24t1, Street
Now York, 'U.S.A.'.
• Will Be Interested in Mts. Thom
son's Recovery by Ilse of Lydia
Pinkham's Ver,table Compound
Winnipeg, Man— Lydia Pink.
Liesn's veg.etable Compound has dons;
me good m every way. I WEIS very
weak and run-down and had certain
stroubles that women of my aggre
likely to have. I did not like to go to -
the doctor so1 took' the Vegetable Com-
pound and am still taking it right along.
recoraMend it to my friends and -to any-
one I knew who is not feeling
Mrs. TRomPsoisf, 308 Lizzie St.,Winnt-i
Pefhl'elnwan.omen Who are hetwall ths
ap;es of forty-five and fifty-five are hese*. -
with such annoying symptoms- as ner-
vonsness, irritability, melancholia smol,
heat flashes, which produceheadaches
dizziness, or a sense of suffocation,they
should take Lydia E. Pinkham's Veget
table Compound. It is especiallyMapted
help =en:ten/through this crisis. I
oots a:colr hnerarbesotkaimik
xemedy, -the
ingredients of which are derived:froth
roots and herbs, has for forty years
• proved its value in such cases. Women
everywhere bear willing' t estirnony to:
the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pink,
ba.m'ts Vegetable Compound.
Women who suffer should write to the
LYdiaE..Pinkharn Medicine Co.,Cobourg,
• Ontario; for a free copy of Lydia a
Pinkharn's Private Text -Book U..1304,
" AilMeTitS.PeCaskr to Wonien,.”,,
Apply Sloaris.The blood circulates
freely ancl normally again.The parn.
ful congestion is broken up
— all sorenes&disappeard
Made in Canada
maitagaa taa
The 'Ultimatum.
. Coolc—"I wont stand for that man's
'temper! You ealier gets a .different
'husbae cl or a different _cook!"
• A Costly Comma.
It is said that a comma onee cost the
Government of the 'United States $2,-
000,060. The tariff bill, in which tbo
mistake occurred, provided that "for-
eign fruit plants, should be
niitted free of duty, the idea, being to
encourage the culture of high grade ,
vatietimof fruit:trees and grapevines
in t h at colt n try. When the bill was
printed "foreign fruit' plants, ac.," read
foreign pleats,. &sc., and as a ro-
atilt orangesegramse, lemons. bananas,
Ssa, came inta the United States free
of aqty for a year. The CrS03' Cosi the
governinent just $2•,000,000 iniareenue.
•' Too Cheap.
llast.od 011 1-.1.10 Isondow of the book
puldisher's stole was the sign, "Perter wantoili" and Ixi the window itself
on a. Pile, of books the placard, "Dick-
ans' Works All This Week for $4."
The alile-looking,drishinan. read first
the sign and then the placard. Ho
blurted out: "Dickens may 1 alte the,
job! Dieltens ca,ri wunalt .all the week
for frier' dollars if he wants to, 'mt. 111
•itiot totaili 11 Yo'{i better kape DicIa-
HeUses' of Fariitainsiit,
The Houses' of Pal:Haiti-eat "covrei an
,Ores, of ight haVe , river
frontage of -940 ft, They' contain ,anore
'than five oaqiiiiired .roorns," a ni aboiit;
, "'eighteen. resldencea, tlie resident 1aicim '1; eine; ahcul two limnd sea,
"Will "
Natureii V\ ng S I le'n al,
TTSat and Inhale TvIinarcl's,Lini-
-Inent at once, It relieves sold
In the head and arrests the,cle:„
velonnient of. mere :forfeits
The Family Medicine ei-oist,
i Tile Cause of •
Heart Trouble
Faulty digestion causes the
on..the heart and interfere
with its regularaction causing
faintness and pain. 1'5 to 30
idrops of Mother Seigel's Curative
Syrup after meals sets digestion
right, which allows the heart to
beat full and regular. 50c, and
$1.00 bade tadruagigra 0
ISSUE No, 6--'23,
UNLESS you see the rime "Bayer" on tal31ets, you
are not getting Aspirin ai: all
Accept ,only an "unbroken pack -age" of ,"BayerTablets of,
Aspirin," which contains direetioris and doSe, workedout by
physicians during 22 years and proved safe .by Millions for
' Neuritis
• Headache
Bandy "Bayer" be. es o 12 -tatiletiti.---Also be
asiartt •tri' On ineri:' (rii1r,eri'd 1 tianallit)
n et,IITC, itrt ' r•-•,11)) lc r, t,,..its,HtiA
seetientiaester of sstic‘rlfrsehi, is
Pc' tottindied with th,-;1`
Pain, Pahl
of 24 and
yer,„ Mitnirfitebtit of lifone.