The Exeter Times, 1923-2-8, Page 5EXETER TIMES
'Lunch will be served at the close of
the entertainment by nattulbc-ii'So ttie
society. Admission 25c, Afternoon
rom Herwisa
Additional. Fu
Farmers_ whoappreciate the value of
redit and its use along sound, con.
structive lines, should have a talk
with our local Manager. Your dis.
cussions and plansswill be held,strictly
on Cannot Attend a Better School
• Sch601 of Commerce
.Clinton. Ontario
Stenographic, Commercial, Secretarial, Special Courses
• Vice Principal.
Phone 198
B. A., Prin.
Students may enter at any time.
• Physician and Surgeon
Phbne 70.• HENSALL
g. flarrttr,
$;`,9posite "OBSERVER" Mee
ay. and.Thursday.
• liOLMES.
Sr. IV—Harry Joynt, Carl Pass-
more, Harry Cook, Lorne 'Whiteeide,
Archie Sparks, Ray Pfaff, Raymond
Rivers, Alvin Warrener.
Jr. IV— Mildred McDonell, Avis
Lindenfield, Milton Boyle, Irma Hig-
gins, Mildred Scruton, Sadie McColl-
'nell, Casey Hudson, Roy Soldan, Roy
Bell, 'Lloyd Passmore.
•Names in order of merit.
.Mr. Ward Fritz spent the last Week'
Missed exams *
Jr. III, pass 236--IVIarga,ret Mc-
Lean 335; Gertrude Higgins 331; 5.
Welsh 307; Norma Hardie 287; Ivan
Geromette 286; Louise Drummond
285; Frank Midden 285; Roy, Smale
281; Bertha Sold= 279; Billie joynt
249; Dorothy Hoskin 243; Albert
Passmore 235; Harold -Munn 234;
*Beryl Pfaff 116; Olive Wolf 210;
*Pearl Elder 182; Billie Smale 168.
Sr. 11, pass 200—Edward Little 264;
Harold Iledden 255; Gordon Rennie
244; Clair Zuefle 239; Eldred Smith
236; Royce Welsh 235 ; Lula Linden -
field 234; Liza Bean 215; Edna
Wolfe 207; Albert Wolfe 202; Joyce
Scruton 194; Billie Nicol 184; Grace
Brock 184; May Kennings 167
M. A. Ellis, Teacher
On Tuesday limning about 10,20
Lire was discovered in the upper Part
of T. W. Parlmer & Son's Gent's Fur-
niShing *tore on 'Main $t. The town
fire engine was immediately rushed
to the scene, Several chemical fire
extinguishers were procured from the
noarbY places of business and the
flames were partially put out, after
Which the town fire hose was turned
on the:remaining blaze and the build-
ing was soon out of danger although
it took some time to get the .fire,
Which had got between the -walls, ful-
ly extinguished. The upper part of
the • store where Mr. Parlmer and
family lived was somewhat damaged,
the partitions and woodwork being
badly burned together with the cur-
tains, rugs, efe. The lower floor
did not suffer from the fire b-ut some
of the goods in the rear of the store
were a trifle damaged by the water
whicli leaked through from the upper
boor. We have heard various come
ments on our present means of fire
protection and it is the general opin-
ion that a modern chemical fire en-
gine would have greatly reduced the
damage done. - The fire is believed
to have started from an overheated
stove pipe.
, Jr Primer, Class A—Viola Hilde- The Hensall rink was the scene of
.tbit,and 1..67; Jean 77hitesides 156; gaiety on Tuesday last :when,
John Farquhar 17; Mable Fee 91; ival ,waP held tinder the auspides Of
'Lorne Elder 55. the 'Board of Trade. The ice was
Class B—Harvey Hudson 326; G. crowded with cbstumed characters
Donaldson 319; , Gray Rivers 291; and was a pleasing spectacle to the
Ivan Rennie 255; Alice Higgins 239; numerous spectators present. At
Eleanor Bell 237. 9.15 the judging began, after- which
Sr. Prinaer—TommY Smale 128; came the races, The Hensall Citi -
Margaret Kennings•123; Edith Wolfe zen's Band was in attendance most
96; Stewart Bell 79; Dorothy badson of the evening and rendered many
77; Gordon Tomigo 62. • pleasing selections which made the
Ist class—Howard Hemphill 315; skatingall the more enjoyable.
Isabel Smale 292; Marion, McKay 291 The following are the prize w
William DadsOn 224; Napoleon Gero- ners:
at Kitchener, Hamilton, Toronto and
. melte 193; Sybal Bradshaw 168; Roy Ladies' Character Costume,
elph. • •
Mrs. J. A. Druar and children are
spending .some time with friends at
St. Clemens and other points.
• .Mrs. Norman Eckstein, of Michi-,
gan,,,ds:spending several weeks,
friends and relatives in this vicinity.
1VIrs. J. Ort who had been with her
daughter, Mrs. D. McIsaac, at gredi_
ton, arrived in Zurich last week and
is staying with her daughter, Mrs. A. .
Melick. •
Mr. Jas. Allen, • of the Town.. Line,i' .4t St. Andrews Manse; London, on
. '
Office on tlie f"4.oriare, 2nd door from Hay Tp., has disposed. of his tine 50- -
T-itinliiteb Stu dederibli• • acre farm- tb MT. Wm. Farrell, of February 7th, the marriage was sol-
„., - e"
Private funds to loan' at lowest rates. Bad Axe, Mich., consideration, being mnized of MyrtleIdella, daughter of
Air and Mrs.. E. Grant Ryckman, of
e $5000 Mr. Allen has purchased '
PROUD:1,0'0T, K.O. -r ' - • ritt, son of the late Thomas and Mrs.
the property consisting of a few acres
• Sherritt, 'of Hensall, Ont., Rev. Dr.
D. E. IloniuEs ' of land. just 'north of the''
D. G. McGregor officiating. The bride'
'from. .'Mr. Jos: Schwartzentruber.
every Friday from 9 main 6. Possession in both cases' given this wore her travelling suit of midnight
-blue and brown Air with smart'black
spring. ,
satin and gold hat. • The young cou-
Misses Mildred Hoffman and Mur -
iel Preeter spent the past week with le were attended by only immediate
friends at Stratford, Kitchener and relatives. After the ceremony a
••idainty wedding dinner was partaken
Galt. of at the -home of Mr. and Mrs. W.
Caldwell, sister of the groom, 12
Elmwood Ave. The happy couple
left later .for a short honeymeon for
points east on their realm they will
reside on "The Trelaigne Farm" Hen -
Brock 134.
Jr. Workman 331; Flor-
ence McDonald 320; Ruth Iledden
300; Beryl Drummond 278; Irene
Daters 256; Haro.ld Foster 228; Wil-
liam Drummond. 207; Gladys Pass4
more 204; Irene Hoggarth 175; Ha-
zel Hudson 121.
ilohnes will be in Hensall
• Graduate of Faculty of Medicine
31eGi11 University, Montreal; Member
of College of Physicians and Surgeons
of Ontario; Licentiate of Medical Cou-
-moil of Canada; Post -Graduate Mem-
13.)er of Resident Medical staff of Gen-
eral _Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15:
„Office, 8 doors east of Post Office
Phone 50, Hensall, Ontario. .
"Don't Worry About Me"
Tom s Assuring Message
• Mr: Ryder, an aged gentleman is
very low at his hoine on the ROnian
line, resulting from a fall on, some, sa,ll, Ont.
ice in front of Mr. Morley's barn. Mr.
Ryder was walking from his home Co ,.•
Whalen shop when he Slipped and RI.,SALL BEATS DASHWOOD
fell,...stri.king his head,at first lie ••
seemed merely shaken but some A' snappy exhibition of hockey was
. .
., On a little fartn. away up nortli days after his condition became more to be seen on our local rink on Mon -
Tom lived with his parents , and onc grave and few hopes are entertained day evening last when Hensall and
brother. His father, well up in years, • . Dashwood clashed and the -local sex-
-got -ale hiineif unttble to contihue the 1 at present for Ins recovery. Mrs.
bard wovk of farming, so Tom took Ryder is also quite ill. ' tet came out with another victory to
' 'up the burden. The income was noi The home of Will Morley has been their credit by the score of 8-3. . The
large,. ar.d tho lad sit-med "Up with a ''
lumber 'gang worit'ingt nearby—sawing ', having its share of trouble of.late, a game was a good one to watch al-
fe't agoMr.
, 10e -s, stripping bark and 'driving the Will Morley was ' very though the I-1ensall ,six. had slightly
teams. Altogether these two jobs, , •
farmer and lumberman, kept his day . low With pneumonia, but we are glad, the, better ,team. Our goal tender,
.co well filled 'that he had time f°t . to say he is able to be out around. a- Mr. R, 0., Cook, was "right there" as
little more than sleep. Nature re-
-• belling at this heavy burden—con.-.., gain, about a week ago, Mrs. Morley usual- and frequently found it neces-
sumption claimed another victim. became ill, this time with a slight sarY to leave his net and check the
After trying various ways to over-
come lifs physical -weakness, he went touch of scatrlet fever,- but she too, is would -he scorer, thus keeping the
to tlie Macitoka I-Iospitai.- His par- improving nicely, but the family are 1-10ilsa1l side of the score doWn. The
the other son to see him .often, for' confined to their own home owing to. 'Whole six Of the Hensall team did
• 'tbey are old. and feeble and journey- being quaranteened. The sympathy good work while no one in particular
them. Torit's pwit troubles never of their neighbors and friends go out _Played the stellar role .Our boys are
ing" 13 a haza.rdous' undertalting to
see that the individual
no real. to him that he forgets others. -1.0 theni- at this time. beginning to , ,
stuff doesn't go' and. are getting down
He ask's for' those about liiin, lives• w. V. A. '
for Iittie bits ,of ue-ws about iiis hbrne,
and never rails to sendthis mos-
to coni as was witnessed, on Mon-
•clay everting. The score by periods: Dr. Smith, of Chi
Sage back, "Don't worry about cage, the new
me. ,,
The people here, sure do treat you ' HENSALL , lst period, Dashwood 0; Hensall 4; dentist, arrived in town the forepart
Awonderful.. wei,k s beindonby , , 2nd periOcl, Dashwood '2; I-Iensall 3; of 'the week. and will shortly com-
, g e
the National :Sani Lallun1, Associatipn. 1. 0. 0. I'. INSTALL 011PICEI1S . 1.3ra .Period, Dashwood 1; I-Iensall 1, insuce his PraeUee here'
' -The dOatlx -rate from tutiereuiosis in . The line UPfor Hensall: .
On Monday morning last the_south
Ontario has been; reduced by more ' 'The Officers of the I.0,0,F. were
3.rettar.seeds your belp 'to make its 111Stniled on Friday 'evening last by _Goal,. Cook ; D.. defense, I-Iudson; bound Passenger train on the L.H. 86
tbari on e -halt d 'a r i n g , the.. la,st twenty
r defense Parlmer;• centre, Shaddick; B. was about an hoar late oWing to
,efforts stilt There effective. ('-', • D. D. G. M-. Harburn and Grand Mar-
Coetrielitionr.; inay be sent to Hon. r. wing, Bell; I wing, Berry; subs. snow on the track north of here.
ter. Af'Cliariton, 203 'College Street, ' Slitill Smith, of Seafortli. The insti..11- • .
We Understand that a Horticultur._
Toronto. latiort was f.ollowect by refreshments 13118eh. au(' Hog'grn't11
. ,
al Society is to be organized in'Hon-
•-e ' - and a social time during which 00.- ,
Matra to "Gel" 01101151RUSIE3 0,11/1. "Rayburn gave' an excellent ad- The Pastor's Subjects in the Meth- • ,sali,in t11....,rtear future. Further par -
MCA othel paint arexasy. dress, A -vote of thanks was -passed ()dist Ciiiireh next; Sunday will be:— iiculars will be given at. a !tater' date.
nd short- sPeaches Made by Bros. MOrning----"The Faith of Jonathan." Don't forget the hockey match on
9 'e'Afcica,y Petty Sutherland and Fee Evening—"A King's Lament for his Friday night between Exeter and
, .
The officers Were as follows: • Friend. trensall. Exeter defeated Hensall
' .I.P.G-, Jos. 1 -reason; N.G., John , last '\veelc. 3-5. Come and cheer for
D ou g al/ \ F S W NICE:ely 0 011 Saturday last MIS. (Dr.) f-fardie yam: hmtle team.
,Jarrette V.G.,. Lloyd Ilitdeon; R.S.,
1L1and the Afisses Jean and :Alice, left °°. FridaY cht. laSi WeelC 1\fir' 111°s•
eNowe 'Plase" G'-Brrew.'..11,J. le.1711." J.8eilligija1r;,. for their Ticiv boine m Tol,on.o. Dr, Welih. purchased the Pastnre farm
' (.' Ja`', '5, 1•921rti- u " /... ,, di,. ,,,,t -miss melon 0.1d not leave and hardwood buSli which was' and -
.7 IPAIT,FiNa .,"4
R AtFAIN 41,12:' VAF11,414 key' I,G Sid IVicArtbur • li q N G.
until this 'week on fictional, of the saie i -"-°"(1- off at the Commercial 'Hotel
, • ,...._____-..........__-_-_________ S. rhrrnie; .L S N.G., jas. Grassiclt;
- , whip. was held on Saturday last, and ' "I:: ITI"sall, -..111-cl f°1.111c•rlY1-131°11ge(1 to
i It 1-,3 V C oint reMitrtrie• L.S.1,1.G., the,tlaie lames' C, McI:ean, of near
---- -------"----------7— j ' ' ' '' "f ' ' ' . " I:10101'11 ihe Weather was rather 'y -
can depend upon `,/,',R.f.',,'s to ein-vraan JoheS; R 5,5,_ John AlcHWen ' ' '' " " ' xieeee, .
do the,ir wotit. Wite't 11..1.?1,43.'8 , L.„8,S,, Alitine Me ',7,wen ; Owl), Ci- (-1, rntg1;„'nr;.,t,„,711-1,,3:1'seee..,,criet,1., flre,ii,',,1-,;,londbc,-erilsi i.eWA-rie.."'"1,' . -4:he ,*Kipoen, ,I1orel ti,ltertti Soe)iell'y
ed, triere's no 'dim: et eirer potty, •,
, Itultetuttuto, no chance of ntisrolt:es :` ' II+ 10:„.:,N0 {0-v711 -,-.4 11 -ley .i\ V5 took a ni, trill 11C. d ' ' - ••'''''' t ---' - ' pen.:,.,:i;
imide. Dose is acciirately Oleas- • -•••1 c•Ihri.,• -, ,nterinter/1 astral_ ative Part, hl On `i(f)ol•1 events' of 1111? Sh,.:. (1-°'''°'a:`,"-) -‘`'''heil the ,
4.4, ingredents a.T•iioltstely 313400; and , 3 c.,1.10Li.,,,,,,igi,1-)30'1,-0,‘ ''0,('Cfrit.:n Cikl en Tues- rillage abd w.n1 1',.'e iiiltitit ''-','''.1,,'-1.-e'd by ; Will be. pr. io. B. 1_101:Suet of . Tbora-,
/lend. riot te be injurio or 'i:$ ':.1.,„y (wetting of,,,,,,,,i;'.‘va,l,....
..)ta4.111. OrMilig, 41L 00 at yetir dm St's • • ' ,...,. -Or many friende herr), , ' - A' oi''' ' t ',''t'a '1, te'rl- 11 ,en-
7,4FAvt sxilurit ' '5t,i4#4,0-fign':GI,±0... T rcjt15
eats are anxious about him, they send
Miss S. Beaver; 2nd, Miss E. Mur-
Gent's • Charaacter Costume, lst,
S. Rennie; 2nd, J. Sangster.
Girl's FancSi. Costume, lst, Miss P.
Elder; 2nd, Miss.M. Simpson.
Boys' Comic Costume, lst, Howard
Hemphill; 2nd, Frank Hedden.
Mile Race,'Open; lst, Lee -Redden;
2nd, Elliott Bell.
Ladies' Race, Open, Miss H. White-
side; 2nd, Miss H. Elder.
Mr. T. Parlmer, 'Sr. v:sited friends
in Exeter on Monday.
Mr. OscarKlopp, of Zurich, ,was ili
the village on Monday.
Mr. A. Whiteside was in London
on Monday of this week.
Mr. Bill Horton, of Stratford, was
in town over the week -end. '
Mr. Wm. Wilkinson, of Chiselhurst
Visited in Winghara recently.
Mr. A. W. Anderton, of Goderich,
called on friends in town on. Monday.
The Peerless Jubilee Singers will
give a concert in the Methodist
church on Thursday, February 15th,
tinder the auSPicee of tile Mission Cir-
osilsetnocif ecaogluoeied TPI:i0SPICe°,1114PialaneYn• eaQii°d-
3 ladies, all ltigh class musicians and
elocutionists. • Their Old Time mel-
oclieS and comic selections will be a
rare treat for all 'who attend. Tick_
ets on sale by members of the Lea-
gue or Circle or at the Printing Offi-
, The Municipal CoUncil ef the
Township of Usborne met at the
Township Hall On Feb. 3rd, 1923.
Members present, Wm, Coates,Reeve;
Councillors, Skinner, Hanna, Stewart
and Ballantyne.
Minutes of meeting of Jan. 8th,
read and on motion of Stewart—Bal-
lantyne, approved. By-law. No. 1,
1923, re appointing municipal officers
for 1923 and fixing salaries, read, ap_
proved and ordered signed by the
Reeve and Clerk, on motion ef Skin-
ner—Hanna. "
Stewart—Hanna—That the Reeve
'and Clerk be 'authorized to sign and
submit to the Minister of Public
1,Vorks of Ontario, the petition from
this Council, requesting the statuary
grant on their expenditure on the
Township roads for 1922. Carried.
Stewart—Hanna—That the accom-
panying note of appreciation on the
resignation of Paul Coates, treasurer,
be entered as extract of minute of
this meeting. Carried.
Communication from Thos. Cam-
eron, re claim of James Horton, in.
jured on Sept. 8th, 1922. Stewart—
I-Ianna—That the Reeve, Ccumoil-
lor Ballantyne and the Clerk be a
committee to inquire into the case
and report to next -meeting. Carried.
Communication from Russell Skin-
ner re Government Regulations of
gravel pits and oversight of same for
,1923, laid over until Mar. 3rd. Mr.
Roach, of Fullarton Council inter-
viewed the Council re Usborne—Ful-
larton Boundary.
Mr. Win. Johns presented. the Au-
ditor's Report .for the year 1922 of
the Township and vouched for its
correctness. Hanna—Stewart—That
the Auditor's Report be, adopted.
Ballantyne— Stewart— That Geo.
Kellet be appointed Cow and Dog
supervisor in place of Wilson Hawk-
ins, not accepted, at the salary fixed
at Jan'y 8themeeting. Carried...
Skinnerilanna—That • the fol-
lowing constitute the Local
Board of Health for 1923: viz. H. K.
Miss Yager has 6
v111111 witli her mother ebringvillei
The Ladies' Aid, o he, 'Lutheran
church g4Ve supper and sociO1 even-
ing to their h.usimuda last Tharsdoir.
A very pleasant time was reported,
Mr, Werner Eilber Ita$ resigned his
position. with E. Tieina,n and Son.
On Monday evening our boys drove
over to Hensall and played an inter-
esting game of hockey with the Hen-
sall team, The Score resulting 8.2
in favor of Henall, '
. 'rile following is the report of room
two of Dasto•vood public school for
the month of Jannaler:
Sr. III-7-,Floesie KleinStiver 2251;
Theada Hayter 2236; Florence Guen-
titer V.:236; Eddis.4 Hamacher 2206-
Elgin 'Kerner 2195; Alice Willert
2109; COrden Bender 2072; Arnetta
Steinbagen 2050; Margaret 11ferner
2006; Nelda Fassold 1995; Marguer-
ite Held 1967; /van Lippert 1948;
Martha Graupner 1914; Ethel Hart-
leib 1910; Courtney 13urmeister 1767
Harry Ilartleib 1455.
Jr. III—Louis Zimmer 22,69 Leon-
ard Bender 2257; Garnet Burmeister
2249; Lloyd Wein 2135; Willie Eve -
land 2209; 1-felen. Nadiger 2089; P.
Bender 2036; Earl Witmer 1362; k
Selma Genttner 1842.
• Sr, II—Irvin Guenther 1749; Ruth
Kleinstiver 1732; Wallace Wein 1594
Elva Kraft 1511; Lourse Staubus
1485; Adam Stire 1094.
Jr, 11---yerda Burmeister 1766;
Sadie Held 1764; Zeta, Nadiger 17,39;
Margaret Willert 1732; Blanch Edig-
hoffer 1651; Addison Mason 1080.
I have installed a Battery Charging
outfit, bring us your battery and let
as look after it tor you. Satisfaction
guaranteed. F. W. CLARK.
The Peerless Singers will give ,a
Concert in the Town Hall, on Wednes-'
clay, February 14th, under the aus_
pices of the Methodist Church.
The- members of the Philathea
Club, of the Methodist church put on
the play entitled "Aunt Susan's Vis-
it," in the Town. gall last Wednesday
night. The play, a clever wholesome
comedy, built for laughs, was pre-
sented in a capable manner by the
The school nurse inspected the pu-
pils of the public school on Tuesday.
Mr. Wm. Oestreieher had the mis-
fortune to cut his hand with a hand -
knife last Thursday. It required sev-
veral stitches, to close the Wound.
Mrs. Chas. Brown has gone to Hen_
,sall to. live with her eqp,Mr. John
'..-Tfe-WOTtikese-4...Inekitrae meteat-the
finfue of Mrs: C. Zwiclis.'6i- 'Tuesday
afternoon. A splendid program con-
•sisting of readings, by Mrs. Nicholson
Hyndman; M.O.H. W. Coates; Chair- Mrs'. 'Chris. Heist and a 8010 by Miss
iianDelh ridg; Henry Strang Eva Oestreicher was given. It was
Sect'y and
Geo. Kellett
decided to donate- twenty dollars to-
spector. Carried. ,
Hanna—Stewart—That the rate of
twage for man and team for 1923 on
Township work shall be 50c an hour
ald for man 25c an hour for 10 -hr.
day. Carried.
Hanna— Stewart— That Wm.
Moodie be Road Superintendent of
the Township for 1923 at the rate, of
40c an hour while on duty. Skinner,
Ballantyne—In amendment that Wil..
son Hawkins be Road Superintendent
at 35c an hour. Motion Carried.
Ballantyne--- Skinner,. That the
d d s
' Mr. Milton Ortwein, of London,
following Bills be passe an order
was in Hensall on.Tuesday on busi-
issiied for payment of same, viz;
ness. - E. N. Shier, Auditing, $10; Wm.
Johns, Auditing, $10; Children's
Mr. 5. Horton and Miss Horton, of Shelter Goderich, $10; For Sick
town are spending a few days on the '
Children's Hospital $10.00; Muskoka
Boundary. • Free Hospital $10.00; registration B.
A number from here attended the 1\1. 8.6 D., 1922, $14.00; cow and dog
Old Time Dance held in Kippen on tags and municipal stationery $53.58
Wednesday night last. refund to collector, dog tax, 10.00;
Mrs. 13ert1ia Bell is, this week at- refund Mrs. Wilcox, statute labor, $8
tending the Spring Millinery opening refund P. Nehoe's statute labor 312
at Toronto an Detroit. Wm. Brock, salary as collector, $75.
Paul Coates, sal. as treas., $,85.; rev-
enue stamps $12,30; E. Johns, wood
for tp. hall $7.50; Fullarton bcly. act.
our share; $224.07; Wilson Hawkins
cow supervisor 1922, $5 ,00.—Car-
Council adjourned ,to meet on Sat-
urday, March 3rd at 1 o'clockat the
• Mr. Russell Keyes, of Flint, Mich.,
is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
14. Parker, of "phiselhurst. •
1VIrs. Arthur Caldwell, of Bruce_
field, visited with Mr. and Mrs: W. 4.
Wilson in town this week,
Miss Lottie Carroll who has been
nursing her aunt, Mrs. ‘ -.1. 111cD
SOfl, of town; left. on Monday for St.
- Henry Strang, Clerk
Note of Appreciation
Note of appreciation to P. Coates
Retiring Treasurer of the Township
of Usborne, atter 27 years servcei.
On placing your resignation after
27 years' service as' treasurer of the
township, We, the municipal council
of the township of -Osborne, desire
to expreSs our hearty appreciation of
your bong and faithful service. The
toWnship of Usberne and we, their
servants, entrusted with the manage-
ment 'of their municipal affairs,
dwelt in security when we knew our
funds were in your care and keeping.
Our relations with you, have ever
been of the happiest. This is not to
be wondered at when we eonsider
that you ever coupled the, manners
of` a gentleman with your integrity,
honesty and exactness in your work
as.treasurer. Yell will ever have 1110
Pleasant recollection of work well
done and we the, happy memory of a
trustworthy etistodiall Of publie funds
Signed at behalf: of the Connell.
wards a slide to be erected in the re-
creation- grounds.
Mr. Garnet Sim* has taken a posi-
tion at the Bell Telephone office,
Miss Lovie returning to her home at
Grand Bend.
The service of , the Methodist
church will be held at 10.30 Sunday
morning instead Of the evening, ow_
ing to the anniversary service of the
Evangelical Church. Sunday school
will be at 2.30 p.m.
S. S. No. 10, USBORNE
The following percentage is based
on weekly exa.minationS for the
month of January.
Sr. IV (a)—Leslie Thomson, 80;
Calvin Westlake, SO; Violet West-
lake, 71; Doris Bolton, 70; Leola
Glanville, 66.
Sr. IV (b)—I-lenry Anderson, 70;
Lizzie Thomson, 67; Ruby Alexander
66; Carman Cann, 53;, Calvin Horton
Sr. III---Wi be t GIttavilTer '62';
13eulah Glanville, 57; Elsie Seers, 55.
Jr. III—Mervyn Rychman, 60;
Charlie Westlake, 46..
Sr. II—Mary Kerslake, 60.
Jr. II --Charlie Glanville, 81; Nel-
lie McLean, 79.
First Class—Willie Cann; 91; Mar-
garet McQueen, 68.
Sr. Pr.—Clayton Horton, 80.
Jr. Pr.—Mary Westlake, 70.
Don't forget the dance to be held 4 Margaret Anderson. teacher.
111 Hensall on Thursday night (to-
night) under the auspices of the G.
•...."."1i"ite:'111'•serstont of 111c0011delts•
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S. S. No. 2, nA.y,
Tao following is the report'of S. S.
No. 2, Hay for the niontb of January.
60 per cent, is necessary to pass.
Fifth clasc--- Lily Grab 76:
Sr. IV --Velma Caldwell 56; Alice
Willard 48.
Sr. III—Isabel :Russell 67; George
Tinney 62; Norman Stanlake 59; B.
'Pinney 52; Russell Caldwell 50; Adel
I-linser 49; I-Iiram 13ielier 37:
Ir, 11I---Berit1ce Caldwell 65; 0,
'Pinney 64; Eltabeth IVturray 52; 15a
bel Stanlake 40.
Sr. IT—Fred Triebner 57; David
51; Margaret,'Ruseell 49,
Northcott 41; Tto.
berta Tinney 39; Charlie O'Brien 28.
Class 2—Gorclon Crab 81; Mary
T-Iinser 84; Harold, tow° 81.
Class I—Leon '111'1c -0o -tar lto RIM"
Ti11110,:i 7 2 ; Dorene Caldwell 73; Pci--
Gould 69.
No, on roll 27; 0V0V1150 alt. 23
A. L. 'Dow Tcaciier.
The ollo‘viiig, is therepo
N . 1 le for 0
Sr. —Hon o rs, h 01(c, 8
Pearl WOod, 85'; Melville Dowtl,
'Mervyn Cadmore, '80; Lomeli. Dt,'
79; Harold llorton, 70; l'ewsori, HU!,
78; Harvey Hyde, 77. Pass, George
Clark, 72; Helen Moir, 8' Me:11'111.
1Vloir, 06.
INT- _ TVer Oke, 66; t'S
Boa, 86.
Sr. onors, athieen Stli
I—Honors, -fa 1 Horton, 82;
Archie Etherington, 30; MervYn
Dusin, • 79. Pass, Violet Hyde, 64;
Rota Oke, 62; Eva Boa, 60; George
Boa, 60.1 Joe. 1\10Yearl, 55,
Sr. if—Marie Squires, 74
1Vloir, 70; Gordon. 13lock, 65,
Jr. 11 ---Alma Etherington, 74;
Bernice Horton, 72; gide)" Kading,
Class ,I ---Elmore Hann, 50.
Primer—Paul Boa, 70; Harold
Cudniore, 65.
Number on. roll, 32, average atteii
dance 27,
Maude A, i-forton, teacher,
S. S. No: 11, STEPHEN
The folio -Wing is the report of S
No; 11, Stephen, for the month o
BrSenrne7,-75M.Ma Willert' 86 Herman
Sr. III -L -Leslie Adame, 86; Violet
Willert, 73; Ma.rjorie Morenz, 62.
Jr. III—Norman Brenner, 63; 'Ef-
gin Adams, 43.
Sr. II—Willie Deitrich, 84; 'laze
Morenz, 82; Sidonia Deitrich, 50,
Jr. II—Earl Baker, 62; Mervyn
Disja,rdine, 60.
1—Charles Deitrich, 100; Minerva
Vincent, 98; Leonard Disjardine, 79,;
Earl Vincent, 42.
Sr. Pr.—Blanche Morenz, Benedict
DeRrich, Anna Deitrich.
Jr. Pr. ---Ervine Dd'rille, Dorothy
ViNneoelaotie. roll 21, average attendance,
Susan E. Link, teacher,
o road 10 the Poli -
'4, Pa,
'.er trittas,"
I 11
The following is the report of
No. 4, Usborne, for the month:,
January, based on weekly tests •
daily work.
IV—Lula Hunter, 76; Marl
Hunter, 51; Hubert Hunter,•
westcott, S -they
ecu Wescott, 80; Lily Hgefit
Geo. Th.o',..mson, 49; Gerald
Harold 3.9.
Caves; 58.
Jr. II—Ila Hunter, 94; Roy u
ter, 72; Archie Thomsen, 42,
Sr. 1—Jean Coates, 86.
Pr.—Florence Mitchell, Arnold:
Ford, Bessie Coates, Norman Hunter
Number enrolled 20, average • a
tendance 11,5..21. Davis, teacher..
The following is the report Of ki
No. 7, Usborne, for the month of
jallSru.aIrIYII----Angus Earl; Delmer Skin-,
ner, Harold Denham, Ray Brook, II'
Earl. •
Sr. II—Honors, Morris Hern; paSs
Tommy Hera, Norman Jaques,' Nor-
man Brock.
J -
Jr. II --Willie Earl, Iia,rve, Wright
"absent, Melvin Wright absent:-
I Class—Myrtle Earl, Garfield Cu
nish, Clayton Cornish,
Primer— Lloyd Hern„, honors,.
NO. enrolled 16; avex:4ge att.
M. I. 1VIcIntyre, bead:ter.
,r.ellowiirg-Ca the report of 8. S. r'
No. 3, Stephen for the month of
Sr. IV—Gertrude Knight 74; Luel-
la Stanlake 73; Stella Dearing
Rosa Dearing 72; Harold Penhai 62
Jr. IV—Eli Christie 61.
Jr. III—Ella Dearing 77.
Sr. II—Earl Christie 83; Margare
Penhale 76; Greta Dearing 69;
nice Sanders 64.
Sr. I --Leland Jory 68.
Jr. I-7Gladys Penliale 11, Muriy
Scott .613e21a1;:y,oWl jlioellal.yie17689;t.aanyker'at.:66:,,.
Prissier A--Douglos\
Dorothy Kuntz,
S. S No. 4, STEPI4EN (Sr
The folloWing 18 the 'rePO
No .4, Stephen, 'fa', the md
Sr. IV -7 -Honors, Erma r.
Selma Rader, 77. Ta$0,.
Morlock, 73; Irene '"44.
Ruth Weber, 55115011 SchW'
Sr. 1I11.7--4lonere,,Arnold,".'
Martha MaiLexic, 3 7Pas1
Wei, 72; Tloyd \Ven,•60
•El.clon. 5iniit1,,scs
Edna 1\lorteno, 96;-' '111yolin.
,911; Greta Beels,er, DO,
Jr. II---BlonorS, ()Igo
Gorden Beckor, 76.„
, Sr. isis---1,d Eaglesots, 01
Vebe, 40,
• .
dei', 400; W000i' 7Ve1cr, 160
No enrollc1 24, 1010r 4-1155115
• • .„ .•••••• Sxbith,