The Exeter Times, 1923-2-8, Page 4Yt T, ta, '1FAUPIRIN lit11Tt 101. VE:RI.TaODY at Ford is keen to keep down the -price ofF,'ord Cars. The .$4.45 -price is based on the ex- pectation of a Spring business of 8000 cars per month. If that business comes) the price can be maintained. It rests now with the public to say whether Ford prices will be higher or not, if You want a Ford in the Spring you. n order it today .for o.eliverylater— and pay Viag. lowest price in Ford history„ $445, Hallo 1t7.. Koasata Dataie fafte Price Order yottr Para Today • MILO SNELL, Exeter, :FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, FORD, ONT. 323 Male1 Gni " RhsUss Mast other pains allt easy. KNOWN ALSO AS TEMPLETON'S E MEC CMULES From Pala to Easirwith T.R.C.'s." THOUSANDS of Canadians have -a- tried T.R.C.'s and found they do drive out rheumatism, and all sintilar pains. T.R.C.'s each the rseat of pain, for their medicinal pow- der is carried in the blood. $1.00 at your druggist's. Free sample Temple- ton Co, Toronto. nada's Siatidard Remedy far Pala. old at Howey's Drugstore oo..in all, Lunbr. 1 Ply Roll Roofing, $2.00 2 Ply Roll Ro-oaing, $2.75 18 Ply Asphalt Roll Roofing, either Bed or Green $4.00. " Asphalt Twin Shingles $6.75 White Pine 1x6 Dressed and Matched at $45.00 Per 1000 feet. Also Matched Lumber Perfectly Clear - tame' at $55.00. -Phone No. 12 J. CLATWORTIIY RTO.k THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE a Between IVIONTSEAL TORONTO , DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night trains and parlor cars on principal „day trains. Pull information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E, Hor- ning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. ' RE, agent Exetar Phone 46w. flTFB TER'M FROM atitiettAfaY tritaittfa BUSINESS COL-, etaaiTP011-1), The Ieitcling. i)radtical t ainin sibol itt AVeatern TitariO, '1110 16-Onool where, n got a thercitigit coltrse Hider cOnineietit instructors n Coniziterci„al, SI:lOrtiran cJ a Telegraphy' 1).epart- ilts, aSeiSt graclualos for free l'al eaaa • fs' PRIM/ ESSAY ON MISSIONS The Missionary Committee of James St. Sunday School, offered a prize for the best essay on Missions and the prize was awarded to Miss Marjorie Clarke, whose essaY appears below:— To help the heathen is very im_ portant and we should try to do all we can to convert them and to let them know there is a real God in- stead of the idols they worship. The more we study about Missions the more we desire to pray for our missionaries and themorewe wish to give our money.. Here are some facts and tutees abotit our own Can- adian work, that may help us. Our Canadian work is carried on in Japan, China and Canada. We have as Methodists, two organizations car- rying on. Tbere is the General Board of Missions at Toronto and there is :the Woman's Missionary Society. In Canada we have OUT Home Missions. There are circuits, mostly- in the West where, because -thatariestatile- are ioafar apart and few, they are unable to pay a preacher. Then we have work among our Indians. We have *work among the French in Quebec also. There are about 436 Heine Missions receiving eacb year about $250,000, we spend $10,000 in French worktand about $75,000 on Indian work. We have 25 Indian Missions. Ie Japan we have 19 Missionaries and 7 Teachers. It cost about -$125,- 000 for our work there. In China we have about 76 married and 12 un- married woakers and it costs about $300,000. Then in Canada we have a special work among Foreigners, on which we spend about $50,000. There was raised in Canada by the Method - its church $ 1,07 S, 423.0 e. This does not, include that yairaea ba the W.M.S. Landon Ceafference last year raise,d '$1,821.00, an average of $2.80 per member. Our Sabbath School raised last year $105.00, about 42c per member of the school. The Mission- ary giving of Canadian Methodists is about $2.70c per member. Surely we could do more for the dark hea- then Lands. No doubt we could if we should try. The facts and fig- ures that have already been given has related to finance. The Spiritual reSailts are really more important, but they are not so easy' to tabulate. However, reports are malting itanore evident that more are learning of the true God and the Eternal Life. It has been said that the greatest bene - 'fit thatone can confer upon. another is to pray for him. On this principle we may do more for missions because many poor people cannot give much, but all can pray. - Pray that God will do great thing arid we may do great things. In Order t� encourage Canadian' literature the Imperial Order Daugh_ ters of the Eumire is offering two prizes; the first of tite value of 9200 for the best, short story, the second f the yalsue of 9100 for the best one - act, play, These prizes will be offer- ed annually for teu years. The con - I ditione under which they will be a- warded may be secured froin the National Educationel Secretary, LO. D.E., 238 Blooa St, E. Termite. The ina/lUSCriPt 73111St be etriyanitted on or before April 181, 1923. resoort from Montreal states 111'r ic 'White Star Line ofrictals itave`an lipttlICOC1 a five -dollar reduction on Hire Canadian cattle across the Atisal- frOra $2 0 to $115 a head. This re - ruction is or:peeled 10 prove ono 01 the moSt eignificantevente of tite 1. 5 2 S ,fillipniirg ee s . III conlun 0. - ''' vitt tjaq f titO cintiiargo' tt lti atc00,:dttirtle 'in '13rit- JTIK TIMES CENTRALIA ParSORS, wIio !tea been conibied ,to the house with a severe cold is much better. , Mr. Geo. EsserY Who Whe very sick for several days last week. ja- getting around again nicielY. ' Mr. Andrewillicks' family is again out having been confined to the house for many weeks with scarlet fever.' iVir.Naralker Kerslake has moved into the awelling recently purchased from Mr. T. Carling and Mr. Richards ha.s moved into Mr. T. Mitchell's Miss Richards, of London, visited with her parents over the week -end. The Canvassers for members of the Farmer's Club and their wives enjoy- ed an oyster supper at the home of. Mr. Cleo. Hicks; Friday evening. The team captained by Mr. Cecil Skinner came off victorious. The social under the auspices of. the Mission Cirele in the school room of the church. last Wednesday even- ing was a fine success. Byron Hicks and W. Colwill each. ,shipped, cattle from here Saturday. 13 ZION Miss Annie Stephens has been laid up with the hiccups. Mr. E. Hern is laid up with an abscess on his left arm. large number were at Woodha,m, on Friday evening last to hear ex - Priest Maloney, who spoke in the Orange Hall. The hall was packed. A number, from this community were in Liman, on Saturday attending a meeting of the shareholders of the defunct Pure Oil Co. The IV. M. S. which met et the home of Mrs. H Kyle on Thursday afternoon Metquilted two ,quilts. The husbands of the women were in- vited teatea and. joiead,in the meet- ing followiag. An ek6ellent Supper was served and a most enjoyable time spent. A motion was smade that these functions be held oftener. GRANTON We are sorry to hear that Mr. John Dann has had a alight stroke. -Campbell Hodgins lost two vale - able horses from eating sweet clover ensilage. Miss Tersa Hall, of Mt. Carmel is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mr. 0. W. Mitton. Mr. Bennett, of New York visited Mr. and Mrs. Horace German and other relatives last week; Mrs. J. F. Barthel entertained the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid at her home last week. • , Messrs. Sohn Knox and Wm. Rid- ley attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Jas. Ridley, Michigan. ' After quite.'a long illness, Mrs. C. Ryan, of Lucan, died on Sunday, Jan. 28th. The funeral was held Jan. 30, to St. James cemetery. HURONDALE Tim Hunandale Women's Institute held their regular monthly nteetin.g at the home of Mrs., C. Pyin, wiith an at- tendance of 28. The regular opening of the rneefinig was followed by com- munity singing, and the flower com- mittee ,reported that they, had arrang- ed for a concert to be held an Feb. 9. The program , consist/ed af an instal: mental duet by thle Misaes Myrtle. and Lila Pym, an interesting and in, struc tive sewing d ean.ans tr a,tice an the proper way of inserting ins,et pockets by Miss N. Keddy, a well - thought out paper on Character Build ing by Mrs. A. Ford, Wirth a short dis- cussion follawing, and a reading by Mis.4 Pearl Luther. Lunch was served and a social .ha.lf hour was spent. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Mitchell.- Rt C., "Your Favorite Teacher." THAMES ROAD Mrs. Garnet Passmore and baby are visiting Bev. end Mrs. S. W.Mux- worthyat Dresden. Miss Joy Whitlock is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. John Allison, of Springfield. Mr. Benson 'Williams was in Tor- ronto, last week attending a Conven- tion. , A large number in this community are suffering with severe colds. GREENWAY Mrs. John Brown is slowly recover_ ing froni a severe attack of jaundice. Mrs, Ruben Wilson is very ill with neuritis. Messrs. J. Brophy and D. Brown have bought the Corbett mill and will 'confanue to operate it on the sante site for the present. The Willing Workers Class, of the Methodist S. S. will hold' a social evening in the basement on. Friday, Feb. 9 lat. A speaker from the Department of OF WEEK Important Events Which Have Occtered During the Week. The Busy ‘Vorld's Happenings Care- fully Compiled and Put Into . Handy and Attraetive Shape for Perusal by the Readers of Our s Paper. TUESDAY. Scottish curlers beaten at Galt. Moonshine whiskeykills Elgin , , North Essex by-election is fixed tor. March 1.s Twent. GerinallS killed in clash ill Rtliir town,. • • Strawberries in Paris bring three francs, each. U. S. Ambassadar Harvey 'arrives again in London. ' t Ontario farmers are selling little grain this winter. France and Italy oppose ultimatum, to Turks by Allies. - • Norfolk ',Co-operative Association reports god season. Plan\ is suggested toalecicle world's golf champion anneelly. Hamilton Tigers defeat Granites 5 to 1 in 0, H.„ A. senioregame. 'Mayor Hughes of Welland declared unseated on application of taxpayers. Martial law prevails im Ruhr, which is now completely isolated by -strikes. Wolves and a wildcat are seen on northern "shore of Lake Erie, near Port Stanley. "High -graders" are sentenced -to three years for robberies irom Kirk- land Lake mines. " Ex-May,or and former Controller of. Ottawa apply for unseating of Mayer and Board of Control. h. Albert Blizzard; well-known horse breeder, dies at Toronto as result of. iajuries frOM a kick by a horse": Premier Oliver of British Colum- bia, speaking at- Hamilton, says that Canadians are becoming afraid of. hars1 Canada's chance of securing repay. - meat of loan of $30,000000 made to Greece is not. good in the immediate future is the opinion of M. Korniinan- tinos, a merchant frein Piraeus, who Is visiting Toronto. w ED.N E SDAY. People of France resolutely behind Ruhr occupation. ' Turks are angry at terms of peace pact submitted lay"Allies, Social Service „Congress in Ottawa hears conditions in prisons. Bonspiels are in progress at St. Thomas, Iteterlaoro' and Barrie. Fairs and exhibitions .coavention to ask Government.for layger. grants. • . Argonauts win senior genie from University of Toronto, 5 to 4. St: Hyacinthe, Que., wdman throws potash in rival's face at church deer. A woman in Paris kills husband and self three days after marriage. Rebels in Ireland are apalying the torch to homes of ,Senator of Free State. Threat to burn -Fort William or- phanage,. signed K.E.K., is ceasing alarm. 1r"!' • ZPresbyterianekeriurch at close of financial , year reports' receipts- as satisfactory. Saskatchewan Great. Growers de- cide that they will remain in provin- cial politics. Scottish curlers win afternoon and evening genies from Western Ontario rinks' at London. Hamilton woman dies after refus- ing to let doctor take place of Chris - tion Science "healer." . Two hoteliteep,eys at Collirtgwood are charged with attempt _to burn premises to secure insurance. St. Mary's man throws wife and children frona window to -escape flames when house is destroyed. Harry Greb retains his Anaerican light -heavyweight- tit1e. by defeating Tommy Loughran e of Philadelphia. _Pure-bred Holstein Cow raised in York township makes new world re- cord for milk and butter production.. Mayor of London 'will call special meeting of council to ask resignation of entire personnel of ,City Fire Bri- gade. The Toronto Board of Education celebrated the 75th anniversary of its inauguration with the City Council as guests at a banquet. - The local Agricultural Societies of Ontario' repeat extremely profitable conditions for 1922 at the annual convention of the;Ontario Association of Fairs and Exhibitions. THURSDAY. French grip tighteas in Ruhr dis- trict,. iEnexip.sl.osion" entombs 800 German m Two men were hurt at Apsley by a falling tree. Allied concord' at Lausanne Con- ference is restored. United States Railway Beard stores eight-hoUr day. "One -man -one -vote" bill defeated in Legislature, 33 to 28. Y Premier Drury appeals for efforts to check rural depopulation. ' ' Heavy toll take by influenzal pneumonia during past month. t ' Stratford rink wins Just 'Wright Trophy at Si. Thomas bonspiel. Aura 'Lee soniOr's win 0.H.A. thc- tulc- from, Parkdale 0,0., 3 to 2. ''CUStOrnS and excise 'revenues for January show substantial increase. , Ontario asks Dominion Government Lor subsidy tor railway-, to James Bay. Women are, chief, agents in smug- gling dregs, say 'police at bonier Number of unemployed in Ontario L'ducatiola, Toronto, will address a is 10,041; according to Provincial Public meeting in the Parish Hall ;‘,Iiiiister of Labor. eere on, rilltursclay, Feb. Sth at 8 o'- It is exPec11-s(11. that Toronto will aPt peal again the award of $11,188,500 for ',Corolla° Street Railway. " 13ritiali Columbia groteere will use five-year c0rats:1cl 'to corittel market- ing 01: fi'Llit 10 their istrovratre David itonle, aged 70 years, .dies st Toronto frem effect of burets re - lead while, lisaaing his pipe. Joie Itay of Iltatois A. 0., Chicago, OW0I'S ld OW.D. ipcloor record for mile and it 11,4f,atealadieon Satiate) Garden. .ttda'ngy's-Ganalaat gi yes 14,,ti,"Inail by ,Strattorcl P4ttIcu thi e 4I15'1,ft,ttlAy,oit, $5,000 bail. Inacle to hisfag the et, Abbe, 'Befolene, te Mock, pen.. Everyone is cordially in- rited, to,corop as tho subject will lie 111 Consolidated seta/eta No admis- siont Mrs Sim., Gard lip doctor's; Care. Mr. A.:, Gotten is Thetlferal 1)0. Ond WIC/ ei• selling logs to the d that Slid—fi fief), has ltd iOa70115 ItS, Will na 170----1- 8 norPing, t Yell , tOel. (Mai if Tie ie aleaved out t General 1Izinager G, A clarea at Daminion Ba1 u. banks Imitate weleortie esaiistrac,aa vision of the Bank Ara Cabinet of Britain accep States. tortes for fielding dee', nill live paid °vattea b i‘P,21 lars at end of siattY-two yeare, FRIDAY, atuseians refuse to sign La usanee. Allies send -ultimatum to Lite:atm. regarding alezael. Irish 1.1ree State seeking to oItoe artionewitli Ulster. lareecli Cearaber gives Paineeee ote of collialence. Jersey cows gain poilulari'y h; Province of Quebec. Gerntan 'relit -lien to woek limes Cologne 'Directorate. Oniario 1-lorcica1tueal Asameattle hold annual meeting. Masked bandit 'holds Sap (.1'.eneti National train just ott,taide atagme. A 1-latni1ton womas /collatame ma. dies :when told of deatitb of liustaiit Uugh M. ,.Feraus un, area se Toronto lawyer; dies after 'crier ia aces. rsoiy Oegoode Hall eliminate,a. 'NY:1011 LI lose lel U. of Toeoato intermecliatue 2 . to 1. Trapper in Northern Ontario alit in desperate right with pack , 0, wolves. Travers Allan. of Brockville is the tourist found. dead in Valley of Kama iii Egypt. Sir George ;Foster pleads for sap port for League of Nations before So cial Service Congress. Ottawa judge tells calll servantl who delay paying incoriie taxes lit wilt send them to jail. Islarry Kasky of Chicago wins Sar- anac. Lake -skating meet; Chas. Gor mau, St. John, is secoud. <. Premier King defends attitude of Government in regard to Britaana note on Near East crieis. ' Robert Ferguson is reinstated at chief record clerk in Custoeas Depaet- ment, Toronto, after temporary sus- pension. Trades and Labor Council expresses disapproval of medical societies seek - Mg legislation f or "absolute contra of the healing art." • 't One man has been arrested and 'An- other sought by police on charge 01 stealing carload of clothing sent north for relief of lire sufferers. SATURDAY. Russian Soviet police arrests -anti - Red band. Northern Ontario curlers defeat visiting Scots. ' Rebels still razing. shistorie. man, stone in \Ireland. ' French position in Ruhr becomet appreciably stronger. Turks take issue with Allies au points in peace treaty-. German railway men in Rhine re- gicm yeturning to work. . French -Commission on Finances -seeking to balance budget. Irish rebels...propose malted front in Free State to war on 'lister. e President Harding will send dent funding proposals' to Congress.. Harry Kask.y of Chicago wins two races at Montreal skating ineet.'e Case of German minorities in Pe - land goes to The Hague Tribunal. Soldiers' Settlement Board reports past year was good one for scheme. Minersin Drumheller, Alta., strike, but return to work within six hours. James L. Hughes champions cause of bilingual teaching in public schools. . Henry H. Mason elected president ofSt. George's Society, Toronto, at its annual meeting. Bill for $5,000,000 loan for Van- couver harbor improvements will be sponsored by Government. University of Toronto seniors beat- en by McGill in intercollegiate hockey aixture at Montreal, 5 io 3. „Mayor of Lenden offers reward for incendiary 'who attempted to burn 'St. Matthew's Anglican Church. Joseph T. Shaw, Progressive mem- ber for West Calgary, decides to. quit party and act as Independent. s Henry Setner, Toronto, following -a quarrel with,,his wifeedrew a revolver from a drawer and killed himself. Kitchener seniors beat Granites, 1 to 0, arid Hamilton win from Park - dale 10 to 3 in O.H.A. senior games. Toronto's contributions to Ontario Government in amusement taxes in past three years amount to $1,- 800,000. MONDAY. - Gen. Kuroki dies at the age of 78 in Tokio. Cabinet decision on funding debt pleases London. , ,Sterling nt Toronto; $4.733/4 at New York, $4.681/8., , Lausanne Conference fails, Turks \refusing te sign treaty. , Irish convention in Dublin to bring 'about peace in the South. ' St: Patrick's and Oanadiens. win professional hockey games. Scotland defeated Wales in Inter- national rugby games, 11 to 8. Four new world skating records were made at- Johnson, City Meet. Situation in Ruhrdistract settle down to routine miltary occupation. Canadian open golf championship is awarded :to Lakeview Golf Club of Toronto. . London's Hydro system absorbs, In- creased costs of power and shows stir - plus 61: earnings. Electors of Quebec vote to -days af- ter a campaign marked by vigorous oratory on both sides. Canadian 'National Railways will reorganize Canada's Government - °wiled merchant marine, A despatch fiaan Washington pre- dicts passage o1. debt refunding meas- ure but not without a fight. Nipissing'e needs for more Hydro- power will be impressed on Premier Drury by delegation to Toronto. Proposal beitIlt considered to estab- lish a Provincial Ilepartmeat of Child Welfare with Pee- Peter Bryce as Iteptity Minister% s'Medictit raen ,011 '..ilorpato Hoard of aldecacion scout idea of cushioned tete in ,ecliools art edvocated by ,Dr. aaillara itt reported stattarterat ci(54 tlaAtlfreaeGandiers�t *iios S.1to,, be :xi *Mated .1Joder1ater:., '1111,1.14401-.s014.1)1Y. Of..:Presbyte: re&?tgry Halita Mr, and 'MrS. T. McAdams and family and Mr. and MI'S. Bassow and family et the fironeon, epen t most enjoyable time with Mrs. Moore, of Creditom when a nanaber of relatives gathered and gave them 0, surprise party in honor of Freda Menges, of South Fort George, B.C. The even- ing was spent in games and music, after which refreshment were served including ice cream.—Zurich Herald. The funeral of iVirs. Clark, widow of the late Andrew Clark, took place from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Flynn, Clandeboye, to St. James cemetery- OR Jan. 31st. The funeral service was held at the hoase. Mrs. Clark was for many years a resi- dent of Clandeboye during the life- time of her husband, who was section boss on the L, H. Sc. B. Railway for several years. The 48th annual meeting of the Hay Tp. Fire Insurance Co., was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday and without a doubt the largest crowd was present for some years. After the Mahager, Mr. H. Eilber, Mr. David Lippert was put in place of Mr. Fred Willert,' who has been a director for many years and has re- tired. At the business meeting held in. the ANalper House, Mr. Christian Stade was appointed as President, for the year. presented the annual report arid ex- plained 'same,' the election of three director's took place, two of the for- mer ones, Stephen Webb and John E. Sparrow were reelected, while NEW.ISSUE OF BIRI) HOUSE PAMPHLET A neef edition of the pamphlet, "Bird -Houses, and Their Occupants" hae been issued %by 1'1hlie Canadian National Parks Branch ,ef the De_ par,tment of the Iaterioam Taeamelte let contains direcifone 'and -Working designs for the building' of bird hous- es by childree. The first edition proved so popular that its 80,000 copies were exhausted in less than a year and -the continued demand has resulted in a second and more artist- ic editon. CLEAVING AUCTION SALE 01,0 rAltivi, FARM STOCK, IKIPLFi- MENTS AND FDED W. E. Nairn, Auctioaeer; has re— ceived instructions to sell batpuhlie aaillacetiolinsto)11olrihoi e,.8 141:41d 4, miSloeslitiall.013rotlutndoi. Knifton, on s• FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16th, 1923 commencing at 12.36 o'clock sharp, the folldwing: 3 I-Iorses, .6 cows, Duraams; 20, fat cattle, 20 yearling and two Year' olds, Durliams and Herefords; 30, hogs, 1000 bus. of grain, and imple- ments, also the Farm, consisting or. 125, acres. 'Usual Terms. W. E. NAIRN, - ARNOLD WISEMAN' Auctioneer, Proprietor. amasavantscrapuee.Lanniemateasoseamnr...e Incorporated 1255 Capital and Resers-e $0.000,000 Over 125 Branches Tills institution offers depositors safety for their savings, reasbneble interest compoun- ded. every six months, and freedom fror red tape in case of witadraw•alst - Savings Departments at every Branch. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards -invited. EXETER l3RA,NCH T. S. WOODS, Manager Centralia branch open for businessdaily. TO THE FARMER Small a Ilia fil : a large e • I , iiioneY eggs an egularly soon retch part of the in butter and, ante grow, wi mum; Rau AmouNTs. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 M. R. Complin, Manager. R. S. Wilson, Manager. Exeter Branch Crediton " Dashwood, •%L., 4, rts s aaar THE USBORNE AND HIBBERT FARMER'S MUTUAL FERE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY. Heed 011ice, Farquhar. Ont.,,, Presid en t, Wm. BROCK Vice-Fresident, ,JOHN ALLISON DIRECTORS THOS. RYAN ' JOHN G. ROY ROBT. NORRIS, JAMES MckENZIE AGENTS JOHN ESSIERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and piddulph. OLIVER 4A.Ritis, Munro, Agent for lilibbert. Fullerton and Loge". W. TURNBULL.' Secretary-TreaSUrer R. R. No. 1, Woodham. GLADMAN & STANI3ERT Solicitors, Exeter. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT Veterinary Surgeon Office—Baker's Livery on James St. Calls proinntly attended to day or night. ' Phone S. DR. 'A. R. KINSMAN, D ')fl. Tionor Graduate of Toronto DIONTIST Office over Gladatan & Stanbury' office, Main Street, Hxeter, MONEY TO LOAN We have a: large amount of.- privatt funds to loan on farm and vintagm properties, at lowest rates of irri tenet. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers. Solicitors, .main St. Exeter, Oratario PERRY'r. DOITPE Licensed' Atm-) tioneer. Sales 'Conducted in any loc., 'I'ereas moderate; Orders 1e20 at TiMes Ofilce, Will he promptlY, at - 'tended', to. " Ph.one 116; K1rktoa14 Address.Xirktor,,P., 0. , ' , Mt. 0, 1I1.1ROULST.I'ON, L.D.8 DENTIST OfSee ever 1. P.. Carlillg'S Las? loeed every Wednesday afternoon. USE 'TIAIVIOND DYES" Dye right!' Don't risk your material. latch pack- age of "Diamond Dyes" con- tains directienst, so eitnple that - any . women can diamond -dye a slew, 'rick color into old garinCiltS, 's draperies, coverings every- / taban whether weal; sake IJ •nen, fatten or mined good4, Buy -"Diqmoed Dyeq>"---mn. Hier kind—then perfect, re - 60143 0,1:e guaranteed even if ,ieh etrrflissir;;;,, oi 3)raggLot4fas"Diamondo A