The Exeter Times, 1923-2-1, Page 54 77, THE 1XETER TIMES 1111111111111111,!!1,11,111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII,1011111111111!111111111111111111IWIIII#11111111111110111111illiIIIIIIIIIiiiiIIIIIIII111111111111110)11111111111111111111111011111111111111i111 , . 103111101013 11111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111111,1111111111111.11111,1111,1111111111111111111111111.11111,111,111111111111111111111111111111111111i11111111i enjoyed and appreciated by those el'esent. -- '741 unds for the Farm ' Lack ,of legitimate funds for running your farmena profitalble basis is as serious as d 'tihortage'of ,machinery and seed. Your application for credityvill receive .the courteous, confidential) consideration of our local Manager. OF CANADA Alrff *av Becau e On Cannot Attend a Better School SO WHY NOT COMMENCE THE WINTER TERM WHEN SCHOOL RE -OPENS TUES. JAN. 2ND. 1923, AT THE School of Commerce Clinton. Ontario Stenographic,- Commeicial, Secretarial, Special Courses FOR FULL F'ARTICULARS APPLY TO M. A. STONE, COM. SPECIALIST, B. F. WARD, B. A., prin., Vice Principal. Phone 198 yominamiumainpisuma=ifigarsectamits6e.- Students may enter at any time. gir. irtair, , Physician and Sullgoon HENSALL Phone 70. . •• ••pr. Eartiir, , DENTIST Opposite "OBSERVER", Office Phdne 5, 1.-Tensall. Away Wednesday and Thursday. • PROUDFOOT,, Ki.LLORAN & •EOLME - Pitwristers; &c. • 011ice on the square, 2,nd door from Ilamiltott St., Goderieh. • • • Private funds to loatnat lowest rates, W. PitotmFoor, LC. J. L. KILLORAV, D. E. ElonmEs :qr. Holmes will be in Hensall -every Friday from 9 rintill 6. DR, J. NY. PECK Graduate of Faculty of Medicine McGill University, Montreal; Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Licentiate of Medical Cou- ncil of Canada; Post -Graduate Mem- ber ofResident IVIedien1 staff of Gen- eral Hospital, Montreal, 1914-16: Office, 8 doors east of Post Offica. 'Phone 56 Hensall, Ontario". "Don't Worry' About Me'! Toti's. Assuring Message ttle farm 'away 'up north with his parents and one 35rolher. His father, well up in years, loundhimself unable :to continue the • lard .,,work. of fai,ininge so "Toni to TIP !theburdn n ;er.1 le was no ; largb;::: arid "tliC Aacl signed up with r ganir,:lsy 'alcl driving the teaMS. 4,Itor,rctlier,:thittse two •jobs, , farmer and,litmlierinab, kept his day BO well hilecl. that he had tinie for .little more .than Sleep. _Nature re - Belling at this heavy ..burden—con- suniption claimed :another vi0tiim„ Alter trying various ways to ever- 'ciame 1110 physicil"iveakness, he went to.::the liuskoka nosotiai.- ris par- ents are anxious about him, they send the other on 16 see Mtn often, for they are old and feeble' and journey- ing is a 'hazardous.' undertaking to them. Tom's own troubles are never 110 2e111 to hint that Ile forgets others. Ile, asks,- for teoes about him; lives ” for little bits oe news about his, home, and „never fails to send this'Mes- sage, back, "Don't worry.' about me.. he ,p,eople here. sure ,do treat you -„ A I:Tondo:T:11 work: is:being:done by t'lle National Sanitarium Association. The death rate from. tubereulosig In Ontario' has been i'edricect by inore than one-liClf during the last twenty , needs your help to.malre its efforts st.11/ Mora efiectiVe.r4 ,Coni,ibutinns Maybe sent to Hon. il„,(?,Cliaidtoii, 223 College :Street, Toronto. " f,We to "Get" Iihsfirsafiva ,e5 Must, otherpainS ese easy. AUCTION SALE ; _ .0F, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 1 • The un.dersigned:Auctioneers have been insWicted to sell`by Public Auc- tion at the residence of Dr. El. S. Hardie, _Hensall, on • SATURDAY; 'FEBRUARY 3rd, at 12:30 p.milhe following:— Kitchen range, 2 coal oil stcrilleS, coal oil, heater, ,kitchen cabinet, 2 akiteelieji tables,. :canteen kettle solid eoPpern'oak 'dining room set, folding book -case, ladies' writing table, 2 writihg' desks,, book stand, 4 fancy tables, 2 jardineer stands, hall rack, 3'rocking chairs, paider. settee, 4 dou- ble beds, singfe bed, 2 folding couch- es,' 3 wash stands, 2 dressers, 4 springs clothes chest Kapok matress, 900 volurnes62 Library booke, h es pictures silverware k't h tensils, 3 doz. fruit jars, complete mantle clock, carpel, sweeper, electric grill, carpets, linoleums, patent ash siftet, lawn mower, 3 medicine cab- inets, lettey,-,press,. S,everal art pict- ures, 1 dmible-barrelled shot gun, Franco-Prussian bayonets, 1 „express wagon, mandolin, 1- pr. of durnbells, over 30 fowl and other things too numerous teniention. ' HOUSE [AND LOT FOR 'SALE Lot measuring 661/2 foot frontage on Main street, nearly opposite Town containing office, residence and offeted for sale on a- bove named date, provided they are not sold before day of sale. Terins made known on day of sale. TERMS OF SALE—All amounts of 810,00, and under, CASH. 10, per cent : cash and balance on approved , 30 day notes on amounts above $10 ES HARDIF Pronrietor - • • • , •• 7. • OSCARIICLOP,P, •and ART. WEI:3ER , • e• TO WII03:1 IT MAY CONCERN This is -to certify that C. Roy Ryckman, whose parents reside at Hensall, Ont., is a drug clerii in my einploy and has been for the past year, and has no connection whatever with one Roy Ryckman, now serving a term in jail for stealing. Signed C. R. McBride, Phila. B.. Dispensing Chemist 775 King St. E., I-Ianiilton. On: Friday evening last a very in- teresting game of hockey was played oir'-eur local rink "between •Sproat's Tile yard •sextet, and the Hensall team and.resulted,in a win for Hen - sill b the sore of L2.The, visitors a the heavier team but what the]-Ien- sail bo?,s, lacked, in weight they made rt -p in speed and sticktrandling, as the score indicates sncl - the game was • \veil worth seiririg. •,filie score by per- , N OWN ALO:.) ITIZIAPl4F..",101,•% nliFUNIK,0.4;" can ;depend upon ,C.'to, do tdeir wOrIr 1:Vieer riser]; there's no •clrainie of •error ,dgmentene, chance cd ,*istalceS 0.4,nri0e. • Dose is aeetrrat4W,Iii eas- "19,4iSr&thnifsathColtitelY, and 'tittec.1,;:not lo 4,enhijitrOlit4 Or 'Aolg,..-$1.0oito-- ligist'A • ce Tennildcr vroilte iods Was as folloys; tot Hensall 1, Tii yard0; 2nd Tionsaii 2, Tile yard 0; 3rd Hensall 3, Tile yard 2. , "Jae Hensall boys aro putting up a fine brand • of hockey and merit the hearty support of your attendance -at the games. Boma lIerienll and let people know thore is such a PlaCe. 'The 1100 • Tile, •yard; goal, McCal ney; McMillan; r 6, F.•,Daig; 1 w, Nichol - `ell; r w, 23. noig; contro, Wright; sub Me.Millan. &e.` I Cook ;Orsrinier r 6, 1311'55513; 1 v., ClafltOlol; rw. noul, irre, "vrt,' Hog:: garth, Refereethtezariy. FIENSALL • Mr. Joe. Gerromette left on Mon. day for 1)etroit. ' IVIiss Greta: Laminie was in Sarnia the latter•part of laSt week. 3 Mr, Geo. Ffobineon,'of Clinton, was in town'Oil Tu'esdaY on business. Miss La* spent the week- end' witItifidends at Chiselhurst. A atifinbikrilloin. Hensall .and vicin ity 'attended tit'e dance held in. Bruce - field ontititleY'e4ning last. Mrs. Jpe ,I-Ioggarth, of. Seaforth, visited her; parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hudson, Of TOwn on•Saiturday, Don't' forget Dr: Hardie's auction sale on Saturday of this weelt. Sale starts' at 12..30 'pane sharp. Miss Ethel Murdock has been in. - disposed during the, past few -days owing to an attack of La Grippe. Our up-to-date baker, Mr. R. E. Cook, has been somewhat handicap- ped of late in getting his bread" baked owing to the scarcity of fuel, The ice harvest is now in full swing in this locality and teams are busily engaged' hauling the cryStal cubes to town while the sleighing is good. Misses Norma and Gwendolin Har- die, little daughter§ of Dr. and Mrs: 1-Iardie left -On Saturday last fol.: Tor, onto, accompanied by their father. • .„ • A carnival will be held' on Tuesday Feb. 6th, under the direction of the Hensall Board of Trade. Keep the mind. For further particulars see* bills. Mrs. T. W. Parlmer who has lieen indisposed -forsome time continues quite ill and iS at present confined to her bed at Mrs. Patei•son's"PriVate hospital. The Peerless Jubilee Singers,, - of Virginia, will give e concert 'in Hen- sall • on Thursday; ..Febrnary 15th. Keep the date in mind; further par- , • , ticulars next week, Mr. Frank Marshall and family, who have been residents of our vil- lage for quite a riumber OS Years, re- ino,-ved With their -household effects to Iiondon on Friday of lat*eek. , , . Mrs ChaMberlain who' has been visiting hen,parents, Mr. and Mrs: W. Wilecini of townereturnedi to her honie at Niagara Fall 011 SaturdaY last. Her father and nfoth'ereaCcompanied. . 'her as ,fareas,Londoneand spent the day in the city: • Mr. ;Geo. Smale who had the mis- fortune to have several bones in his ; foot crushed 011 tie day last whal ' drawing logs is now able to go about I with the aid of crutches and we hope : he will soon be able to g� about his work again as usual. • " Mr. and, 'Sirs E. •Grant-Ityckina Hensall, •Chita announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Myrtle 'della to .Thomas John Sherrilt,'only SOR of the late Thomas and Mrs. Sherritt", I-Iensall, Ont., the marriage to take place in, February. "l" There passed away at Bad' Axe, Mich.,on Jan'y 21st, Mary Schwalm, wife Of Henry' Schwalm. She .was: born in Hay Tp. in 1852, and leaves to mourn, a grown up family of five boys and one girl; one brother, lyfr. Wmn,&H. Truernner, of Hensall, and' two „slaters in North Dakota. •," _ A 'nfeeting of the Ladies' Aid, of the Methodist church was held ore Wednesday afternoon at the home of, M • cl Bir• W Pearce.The first part of the meeting toolo the form of a :quilting bee followed ;by the -Usual business" : of.: the Society: After -the business11ht im ty.'s-apPei • .&& wasi' Seryted by their' 11,ostes8 an, all Pre.s,Tnt, ••!lird", A,Box social wasiXeld at the home of 'Mrs. Bert Vennee, ChiCelltultst, • on, Wednesday evening Of this week. Al sleighload or two -from the, 'Hensel]; I.,eague attended. After ai:verY pleas_ ing program given by illeMbers of the Chiselhurst League, under whose auspices the social , was given the numerous artistically decorated boxes were auctioned off ancl , a sociable lunch hour spent. • On Friday evening last a very pleasant sordal time was spent in :the basement • of the Methodist 'church, the occasion . taking -the form of a farewell -evening -for the Misses Jean.), Alice' aiiid Melbailardle. Tlio fore; part of, the eyening waS spent•playing various Interesting games after which .shOrt 'address wasgiven andthe three young ladies were madetheire- caments of presents frome,the, .neag; and Mission Circle, At the Close of the meeting a ;dainty lunch was ser- ved .and a very enjoyable, title was spent by all present.. „The Scottish supper „and concert, 'which was held in the Town Hall ;on Thursday evening last:under the'aus- piceS of the'Ladies:„Ald of:Presbyter- ian.church was a decided success, 'the supper which Was served, 'frorri 6- to,'8 p.m. in the 001111011 chamber obd- sisted Short:bread, Scones', :Clake8 Ind .other things which were much! lejoyed by all and nepeeitillys those; Tith god Scqtch bloodin the; r volt') s , After th6 supper all 130,22:I1'aq. to the atititterilur of to all e ttTho, dotter's "'S-ttitirday::, Was ilieented by a number of 'IA pa,a- „ plit the elturch'and was ty ufltl0h' • On Tuesday of last week, Mr. Geo. Sina,le while drawing out a sleigh load Of logs for M. Thos. Welsh, of this village, from the woods of Mr. Hugh IWcGreggor,:had the misfortune to have the load upset while coining through Mr. 1YlcGreggor's lane and while he endeavored to jump clear of •load one of his feet get caught between the rolling logs with the re- sult of crushing several bones in his foot, and was pinned under the load, until Mr, IVIcGregor was able to get hint released. This accident' was • -ver,Y unfortunate for Mr. Smale as several years ago lin had a very shn- ilar accident while teaming logs, -but in the former case the injury was more serious, being a broken leg. We reigret to annotince the death of Granny Otterbein, who died aftei• a few weeks' illness in her 97th year at the home of her grandson. William where she resided the last few years. This aged lady also lived at Zurich 'or many years ancl a great number of her friends met to pay their last respects at the Menonite church, Zur jell, where a special, service was held. Her remains were then taken to the Goshen Linecemetery where her hus: band and daughter were buried. She is survived by tivo sons and many grand -children. Mr. Otterbein de- sires to thank the inany friends who showed their kindness to the aged 4ady before and during her sickness. The Agricultural Society.—The an- nual nieeting of the South Huron Agricultural Society was held in the Commercial Hotel, Hensall, on Fri- day, January' 19th, The ?meeting was one of the best and most` largely at- tended in a number of years, and the interest manifested showed that it is the intention " of the Directors to make both the Seed Show and Spring • Fair each a real success thiC year. This 'Society is. the only one in the County of Huron that holds 'a Seed Fair, and with the liberal premium list offered it should receive a very extended suPport, as it is not only a great financial but educational op- portunity. The treasurer's report showed a substantial balance' had been carried forward, and thig will be used as a basis by the Directors to build -up a prize likt for the Springs St6Pk:. Fab,'-;8..(S/41:1d to hone 'in. the'', Countyeandi wth the new street pave- . • ment for a show ring the spring show this year should be the best inthe history of the Society. The boys' judging contest, which was such a popular feature'la,st year; is to be,,en- larged upen and an increased number of prizes offered for the event. It was the decision of the meeting that the Seed.,Show be held in the Town Hall on Friday, February 23rd, and the Spring Stock Fair on. Tuesday, April 3rd. and that Government judg- es officiate at both fairs. The follow- ing officers were elected: President, Jos. Burney; 1st Vice Pres, Wm. Consitt; 2nd Vice Pres., Owen Geiger /Directors, Robt. MciCay, M. Clark, R. 'O. Bell, Wan. Pepper, Robt. McLaren, Donald Burns John Elder, Oscar Klopp, H. C. Soldan, Wm. McAlister, Robt. Thompson, Basil Edwards, W. I R. Dougall, Bert Peck, A. B. Bell; Auditors, H. Arnold, and C. McDon- ell; Secretary -Treasurer, Keith Mc_ Lean. ZURICH Mi•. Geo. Volland, of Detroit, spent a few days over Sunday & with his aothei liere. • „Reeve, E. S. Klopp attended the January sitting of the .County Council at Goderich last week: ' Miss Ida Rout1edg, who spent sev_ eral week with friends in London, returned to her home last week. Mr. J. R. Kalbfleiseh, of Windsor, spent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kalb- fleAiscshe.. J. 0. Gross, •who spent the past week at the home of Mr. E. I3ossenberry, -returned last week to her home in Yitchener. We are sorry to report that Mr. T. Mittleholtz had. a Misfdrtune 'while cutting feed at his home with the car. In some way his foot ,got ca,ught in the belt and fractured his deg at the ankle and is coneidered a bad break. Mr. Bd. Morenz, of Detroit, is vis- iting at the home of gr. and Mrs. C. Colosity. Miss Leila Seiticrt visited recently with friends at Diinclaa, Brantford, Gait and Elitchoner. Mrs. j. C. Kalbfleiseli who spent the past five months' at Detroit, haS returned to lier liorne here with.1110. ,a.:1151 hJis. 12 13. S cade. ' I1Tr. Fred Steinbach, of Cavalier, INTOrtli Dakota, is visiting at the,lionie of ilia siSter, Mrs. R. V. Stade. ' 1)a.vid 'Witmer, son of tlie late l‘fro and Mrs. Geo. WiLnler, born May 1.7, 1871, in flay Tp., passed peacefully away on ,Tan'Y 17211, 1923, to the old home where lie had lived for about 2 7. years, ,ever since lie was married . , 1,0 his Ilion rilinvi.g, WISJOW. T•ouisa Reo died ei")ili‘nrl-eaLi velY a 3s011 11 CS 1,01111ei6 161 eoDu 0nd 8 111021t1111 (11d, beeid "e14-0” , „4- vilclow, sem il..,rteeltei ain't 1-0u1 Sails% XSMI H Mr. John Gould is Tttiing her 038 - ter?, in Ingersoll for a tOw'days, Mi. C. .A.ldworth is visiting with his daughter in Stratford. , Tlfere are a '1111/111)er in this coin - unity 111 with cold, , CENTRAI.IA Mrs, Jag. Cite has retIllined Plea8ant visit with friends in, LOui- do, e ' Mr.' and Mrs. E. Abbott yisited fc9, the past ten days with Mrs, Abe MA's brother, Mr. and Mrs. F, Fair - hall at Ottawa, They report a very ititeresiing and enjoyable time. IVIrs. Wm: Hicks who has been quite ill is convalescing. The social evening gilren •hy • the Ladies' Aid to their husbands last Wednesday evening was a rnost de- lightful function. A musical and literary program was provided, elo- quent and witty speeches were made by John Essery, Wm. Elliottand,A1- bort Mitchell. The Ladies' Aid, of Centralia, have received about11500 and paid it in- to the church this year. Mrs. A. Hicks was in Toronto last week for the opening of the Ontario legislature and WaS present at a re-: ception given by Mrs. Cockshutt, wife of the Lieut. -Governor at 'Govern- ment House. • ' 0111 VVOODHAM Mr. Albert Jennings visited his friends in Mitchell. Mrs. W. Whitfield Switzer is laid up with a bad cold. Quite a number around the village have been confined to Che.house with bad colds. , Mr. Addir Gordon, who has been visiting with friends in the States, has returned home. The Yonng. People ,of the -village are preparing a play to be given In the near future. Owing to the storm •of last week, the bus was unable to make its daily rounds, consequently the High school children had been 'compelled to board in town. Mrs. Doupe, and son Russel and Miss Miller, of Peterboi•o have re- turned home after visiting for a few weeks with the former's father, Mr. Geo. Morphy. Miss Kerslake, Base Line school teacher was confined to her bed for a week with a bed cold., ,ZION Mr. Nelson Towle is hauling grav- el and , brick for building a new house. • Miss Lila Tayldr, Miss •McIntyre and Mrs. W. Batten spent the Week- end in Granton. Mr. E. Hern has purchased a new black team of Percherons. ,Some style. Mr. J. T. Hera, although improving slowly is.not improving as fast as his friends would like to see. The W. M. S, will meet at the home of Mrs. 14. Kyle Thursday afternoon for quilting. The gentlemen have been invited for tea, followed by a general meeting afterwards. A number from this community have been shipping their nogs to Granton receiving Winchelsea weight and ten cents a pound. WHALEN Mrs. Benjamin Butner, of Readlyn Sask., and daughter, 1VIargaret, are visiting friends here and in the vicin- ity of Zion for a few days. („IlYfr. Wm. Morley who has been ill h pneumonia is improving- and &le to be out. Mrs. Morley has also teen confined to her bed during the past week. Mrs. John Hazelwood who has been ill Sinee-Christmas is now im- proving and tible 1.0 be up around.the, , • Miss Olive Cook of the Town Line, :Dear Granton, visited last week with Iler nefiliew, • Mr. Armour Haines, London Sorith. • Mr. John Dann, London Township, visited over Sunday in London With his daughters,' Mrs. Bert Sherwin, Adelaide St. dad Mrs. Phill Porter, Lorne Ave. ANNUAL MEETING 013 AGRICUL- TURAL SOCIETY _ The 581h meeting of the zurich Agricultural Societ, was held in the Town Hall recently. The society has sinall deficit, Departmental judges will be engaged to judge horses, cat - tie., swine, sheep and poultry. The Society will again enter the Standing Field Crop Competition this year, with Oats a/1C1 ClUite a number of en- tries have already been received. It was resOlved to haVe tho Zurieh fail fair and the Zurieli school fair on the same dates The officers elected, for 1923 are as follows: President, Wm. 8. Johnston; ist Vice Prose „T. P. Rait 2nd Vice Pres., Di'. A. J. MacKinnon', Directors, A. Reichert, J. A. Smith, J. Pfaff, Id. Rade0 13. F. Klopp, G. Sneerup, J, A. Meneon, 0. 'Moen, I). Burris; Auditors, \Vendel Smith and .2. P. Ilaberrir. Al a meeting of the liioard after thee aetrual meeting, Mr, 0. F T-Iess was appointed Sooty iiPreas for the: year. , , Bertram., ,(.16-viligl,y),"I-Jo you 11 31030 31010, the , first :time 1 ;,,•;31.','',-' You, I snii".„ ad ' ' l; '1 . , bout tlint! Why, the fire , Gwen r:lolii,i. ri,i'Vi/la a ti: a 0'::t. k h ow 1 . ",.•'),:'L''' ni` " ''' ..':'‘.: 101.1.-0_, ' ELINIVILLE ()nee 111010 tlie Play enti I "Miss Henderson's Gentleman scored a success, at i611111V11113, on Fri- day night of last weelc. To a large audience, the caste, though amateurs, PlaYed their. respective roles with a professional zeaP which was greatly appreciated by the attentive assemb_ ly which from tile rise of the curtaiu in, the first act were very generous in their applause and which was, an incentive in bringing OUL Ole best that 'wag i11 the caSte, Thb c o be °tt°' appliedaasteiyourtlhenlse t; 11100111 201' young people, while to the mothers, "Look to •your daughters," as Miss Henderson found when her ardent lover proved to be no other than the the villian in the case. 'Humorous remarks acconipanied bY comic ,attitudes throughout, with a few enien anicdotes, -.kept' the crowd r. e „ enstaraes aengat. Not only the play but also the soloe,sung by Mr. R. Witwer were greatly enjoyed and were encored many tinieS. GitANTON We are sorry to hear that Mr, John Peacock has been laid aside again being confined to .his- bed for sev- eral days. The 'sudden passing of Mr. Thos. Knox was a shock to the family. The funeral on Friday was largely attend- ed. Rev. B. S. Robinson conducted the services and interment was in St. IVIarys, As Mr. and Mrs. Chas Fitzgerald Were driving to supper in Granton, their horse became frightened, broke away from the cutter, and threw them out, but neither of them was seriously hurt, beyond a severe shak- ing up. Among the attendants at the funer- al of the late Thos. Knox, fron34a dist twice were Mr. and Mr. Alex. Abra- ham and Mr. Geo. Lang, of Seaforth Mr. an.d Mrs—AY:alter England of Grand Bend, Mrs. E. 0-3-11, of Green_ way and Messrs. Robt. and Arthur Ridley,: of London. Irene and Oman. Spence are stay- ing with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Spence in Granton for a time owing to the illness of Mr. Malcolm Spence with scarlet fever. Mr. • Pearce Westman recently bought a confectionery. business on. Richmond. street, London, and took possession last week. The Rev, P. A. Lawson, suffered from a prolonged attack of hiccough. The attack lasted four and a.lialf days. Dr. Banting was in attendance. Word was received of the death of Wm. Metnaa'f,., Lewis, of Nfoos'ejaw. Mr. Lewis was' the -Oink' SOR-L late Morgan Lewis; and Mrs. Lewis, of London. After the death of par- ents in early childhood, he made his home with his uncle and aunt, the late Mr. Hugh Cameron and Mrs. Cameron, of Granton. A number of years ago Mr. Lewis left for the North West, where he settled and was a successful farmer. A widow, four sons and one daughter survive. , A distressing accident occurred to Mrs. Percy Hudson and her little girl -while driving to Sunday School. The horse Which she was driving, began to run and was soon beyond control. It 'attempted to run into the yarsi to the shed, when the cutter was upset and they were thrown violently a- gainst the gatepost,„when both sus- tained a severe shaking up and wounds on the face. They were hur- ried to Dr. 0. W. Mitton, where the injuries though very painful, were found to be not dangerous. • KIRKTON Mrs-. Inumon is moving to London to reside. • Mr. Will Davis, of Winnipeg, is vis- iting his father, Mr. Robt. Davis. Mrs. E. Colgan who has been vis - 'ling with friends in Mich., has re- framed home. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Brethour, of Hamiota, Man., spent' a few days last with the former's brother, Mr. 'A. 13rethour. Mr. Wm, Kelk has been on the sick list and the mill has been closed, but we are glad to see him around again. Mr. Donald McLean, who has been in New Ontario, where he has pur- chased a farm, is renewing acquain- tances here. Mr. and. Mrs. John Berry are mov_ ing into their .new house, which when completed will be one 'of the bes • in t us section. DOWN IN CALIn'ORNIA. Mr. and Mrs. John Gilfillan, of kirkten, who are spending the Wint,Or with their daughter, MI'S. J. I -I. Clark, of. San Vranc,isco, are delighted with the California climate anti are having what Mr. Cilfillan calls "a swell 'Lime." Ito sends The Jouraal a clip - Mpg from a 'California PaDer show- ing farmers sowing- their Seed on large farms hi that 'State by aero- plane. Several sacks aro Placed. 011 tho wings of the aerial .chariot end the propeller 'Mows the s,eed over 1110 field. 30111(11 fall11 110 MalMa heaven, ten acres ar,,, being sown in ten ininlites.—St, alarys sourna Ar- gus. • ;dou'tt der ihc 131301 ;R:iddocl-• • I" 1 "7.40 Mr, (eQrgo ond0 Mr, Thos, Exeter 13 iteelNill131.11f jetiitisx is 0. Dow, re9irrte(1 lLl OTh, 'sad after a LC* d Toronto, Miss Alic I3ltr,i.itic)rd 511101 Mr. and Mrs. L. cejA 401;n1 vial Mr, J. „locket' £retd3iqJe Mil.'lls,e(lH'atorrveily()r14)1111t16; (1:*1 it Biesdse4t28' ,1ollfaIlresibitos;nt'eVirfo, cl831022L 113 9 45 The death of Robl' Itis ,7 8th year occurred very's at the honie ofhis siste'r, /%1 - Herbert, Clandeboye, on the eve 'of January 2O1,11. Oig. Hodgins , for many years one of the most cessful and popular farmers of Gillivray. After 16avinjg the fa lie lived mostly near or in. Dett and was spending, the 'winter wi Mrs. Herbert, his only sUrvi011..7. sister, on account of ner illness. • was suffering from a cold but not thought seriously ill, not hein • confined to bed and his sudden:death. is a severe shock to his relativeS here, He is survived by art only son Dewie En Hodgins, of Manigotagan Man., a full -sister, Mrs. 1-.1erbeit, of Clandeboyeand one half 'brother a.nd two half sisters in Wisconsin, Mr. Hodgins' parents came from Ire- land and were among the earlies, settlers in Western -Ontario. funeral was held 210311 the residenc of Mrs. Herbert id the Methodist Nursery 'cemetery, Mooresville. • Members of Victoria, Lodge No 387, Ladies, Orange Benevolent So_ ciety, to the nuinber of 75; gathered at, •"Evergreen View," :the hoine of, 11:1?s. Eli Carter, McGillivray Tp. oir Wed.ifesday to present her with the jewel of the past Worthy mistress. The jewel was accompanied .by an illuminated . address- expressing to Mrs. Carter, appreciation of her: ef- forts OR hehalf of the, lodge sincen43:8 organization in 1921. The jeWell; gold, contained in 'a handsome case, was presented by Mrs. 'F. Ciark,ak the address was read, by MI4A Patton. 'MTS. Cartoi,, • .thertigh5:7' whole affadr 1ud been kepti* from her', made a very hapPy'l'ird expressing her appreciation of the; love and confidence Shown her; and - her thanks to the lodge members for the sympathetic, aid they had extend,: ed to her through the past year a halferry on the wo_fir e 111111ri. STiesua-asilk::red-liigfOrtireYnTt'elaffile139eYliatitInY-atno7' her successor. After the presenta,-: tion a bountiful, supper of oysters and' numerous other dainties Was enjoyed 315 and Alie. remainder of, the eVening was devoted to dancing and ,progres- sive euchre. The much appreciated' rausid' of the evening was, furnished by the Dundass_Flyrin Orchestra. • Miss Arnaitage is spending the win- ter with Mrs. Porte, of the village. The two -month-old infant of My. • and Mrs. Horatio Simpson, of the 1st concession of McGilli.vray, is serious- ly ill with pneumonia. , The publie school. of ,Clandeboye has been closed diliring the -week ow- , ing to the illness of the teacher, Miss Clark. The W.A., of St. James' Church held a successful social meeting at the home of Mrs. E., Henry,' first con- cession, McGillivray, on the after_ noon of January 26th. The A.Y.P.A. of St, James, Church Clandeboye, under thleadership of the pi•esident, Austin Carter, held a e very pleasant social evening at the home of Gilbert Carter on January 2 Gth. 111 111 TWO MILLIONS LOANED TO ONTARIO'S FARMERS Agricultinal Developnaent Board Re., Is Tabled- In The Legislature. The agricultural development board, created by special legislation for the purpose of facilitating the long-term rural credits has tabled its first annual report in the Ontario Legislature. Tt showed that loans totaling $2,0 4 0,6 0 5 had been, passed. This sum representS 458 loans, while the board received applications for over 4000. In Old Ontario, which received 240 loans averaging 86,860 each, all ex - cent three counties were represented by the' borrowers, In New Ontario, 218 loans were granted ,averaging each 31,800. and the securities or these were also thoroughly represent- at,ive of 1110 whole district. The financing of - the onerations had been hy bonds and debenteresot 5 per cent which the Ontario govern_ nerd, lias Laken tip• As seciii:ily for the, arlvanceS the development board holds first niork.,,agas on Ontario forme totaling ill value, 34,692,904. cioTiii/einottetill.(105,10013totii11.535-11.fi.t. iit purchase of land, 4 periicetiteiskiection of buildings 14 u beilin settling e111- :1 8 per C011ii; d1,410.rger I gOsi '4:3 5 per conti'Orl in 11• • •11