The Exeter Times, 1923-1-18, Page 2•11,4arow,iney Prove
cu "Bitter -Enders'
etch from London seys:s.---
eland's' women are doing mush to
a/paha/Me-3 the Flee State Geverenient
in its etTorts to cositeel affairs, in that
ratne, Nies Mary alacSeetney is net
ely laish women who has WOrried.
esideee Cosgrove and General Mul-
eY Pui 1-•er ha jail only to find that' The wife th,e story goes, is an active
she W4s. tame bother there than out-
The "llliaels Women"—so-called be -
cease thee wore heavy mourning when
they as In Dail Eireann laat winter—
are extremely active, but the better
known raeocates of republicanism -are
Th more ettlee than the ihundreds
young girle and women who are as-
sisting thair brothers, bub ds andl British could tell many an inteies mg
lovers in he mad war will& i nk- story ef the services rendeaed by the
isle; Ire1 d into further depths of members of her sex. Though Erskine
d•es•pair. It_ is the women, who are ute Childers has been executed and the
terlY fearless/ 'wonderfully resource- members of his staff who issued "The
ful oriel cianningly clever, who make it Daily Bulletin" of Sinn Fein activities
possible f :r a ininority to wage ,a, war have met various fates, the secretly
on the duly constituted government Published document is appearing. daily.
and to psealyze PracticallY all the °fa- One 'of the wurst features of the
(eel depsetroeets of the Free State, present situation is that 61t1 friends
It is r -a new thing for Irish women are TIOW sharply divided. The division
to, play a proseinent part in the fighte, is so great that it can be' ute,assared
Leg. When the British weae fighting only by death. Some of tile women
he Shin Pc ars with regular sesaion who gathered secretly during ' the
and Black end 'Pans the women were Macready regime are now on dioniet-
-ks'rmetantils haraPering them. To -day rically opposite sides in the life and:
these sense women, or at leasta large death struggle. A year ago it seemed
number a them, are blocking Me& as if the Lash 'at last would be able to
oa1iysarees. The women are real settle down to normal life. In fact,
"bittei-esnee-s," outsandeout republic- as r,ecently as last June the prospects
' ans. Fee the profeesienal, agitators, seemed bright for the opening of a
rrat. Pair Adhere Is of Re.,
Can be More Trouble
ere is the greatest respect among a
people -who only a few months ago
were doing just these things in their
fight with the British erown ferns.
The writer heard eeceatly of a 'fam-
ily in Dublin, the head of wiiieh is
knoWn becaase of hie work for
eye ;elle was so trOulzilesonle that; the State, svhsch is badly $p
republican, and so determined to, oarry
on, the fight, that ehe has parted. from
her husband and put her ehildren in
the care of a nurse. The family
so well known that any further de-
*est:Alen would -(1-loclooe its identity.
The young woman -who served De
Valera. so faithfully as secretary dur-
ing the, period) that he was dodging the
. •
smeert.4 ), • eonse .of them must be to new period in Irisk affairs, but since
make tlia sacrifiees tlaey do, there is
aot a gaset deal ef sympathy M Ire-
land, bet for the mothers and sisters
and wives, who “aso their bit" by pass-
ing Getters, by .laiding men on the run,
'by secretiug., arms on their own per-
zone,- by .effering false information,
then ha-ve come the Four Courts and
Sackville Street battles, with Michael
Collins slain from ambush, the natural
death el! Arthur Griffith, the shooting
of Harry -Boland and the execution of
Erskine Childers among many other
.edicts Halt in
American Progress
A despatch from London says.:—Sir
Mackay Eager, British industrialist
and financier, has just returned here
from a visit to the States.
"It is an amazing spectacle," he
says-. "There you have. 115,000,000
people feverishly tearing from the
earth its irreplaceable wealth and us -
Mg it to inointain a rate of growth ut-
terly without precedent in all human
history. .
"They have long been the champion
spenders of the world, but now they
are snaking all previous reeeras look
fact in the world bo -day
erita's gigantic consuming power.
s is terrible, because already it is
utrunning production!)
Then the financier, goez on to
prophesy that before lenge while the
demand will be as voracious as_ ever,
the supply will have run Short and
sso he predicts e sharp halt in Amer-
ican progress, which may be oome-
thing," like a. collapse.
New Canadian Senator
Senseallen-leylassearth, X.C.M.G., ot
Syd•entain Military Hospital at Kington, which was reduced to ruins by
lire a few as age, will Pot be rebuilt as a hospital, according to an order
from Ottawa which stopped the work ot reconstruetions Effo-rts are being
made to convert it. int& F•Soisliens' Home. These -were only ten bed patients
when the fire occurred.' The origin of the fire is a arayst.eal•
Cherie ttettevii, tottel ou the lest a'evean,
value 'of the 1'1e:be:ries of Prince. Ea- 'inette, o retetee,
ward Daana for 1922 will lmUWOrLIi C/talisairye Alta„---Irellan summer
of $1,500,000, an increase of $10•0.00 4Z-W"g-i.1"1 to .enJoY
ever 1921, accordMg - to the leapestorIChinook Olitietenaus, tltesa irkOOSZVrIO
of FriesTt is,On the. Iclester that nu...eerie watched the semura Horata
the fi.sherteen of theIelatia meinly de- 'iocd Itn,c!f) ,1,73111 to1.1„;) 2:03:11 and etherl
pena, arta the .catoli this year, for the.' entdoor ells -fence eporte were partici.
e.ease end sate seasons, was 41,611, paled in,.
eases, valued at $1,248',450,:plae 2,a06 / Vancouver, 3G,.1-TheVanceavert
-shell, valued $20.0a0,, Hasher Comminsion ise,,ey examining'
Inking 'a total of:$'1',274,a1(), ,esenpe/red ' sait;able. eltse for another grain ele.'
With $645,548 :for 1921, alsoeb a hue. vater, It Se 'understood that Port
axedper cent. increase. Moody ji loeked tiipori meat favorably-.
NS.—The feeeeeee,,ek This is at the head, et Vancoervex.' liar -
fishing fleet landed. a' eecsoed eatsh, of 'hers'alhmit six miles from the r6tY. The
3$el.428,?07,15, tluipber ai'l:re0171)17 N,Y,h01 may also , be
925 quintals in excess of the 19191 -
record, 10The estimated value is over ‘1, VV.
ea ,k
$2,000,000. Tho -average catch per
vessel vras 3,151 qiiiatele: Nes) 44' 4
ant seetl.
Si. John'N..—The Provincidl De -.1
partment of Agriculture has issued
statis/tiewhich indicate that the past ,
year in farming in New Brunseiiek
was characterized by increased are -
age, due /particularly to inereases in
the growing of oats and hey. There
were increased yields per acre in prat-
tioally crops. '
Quebec, 'Que.—The develeipment of
50,000 h.p, of electrical energy on the'
Itiviere des Prairies by the damming •
of the river just below Visitation lri^'
lanel will be started by October next,'
according to an Orderein-Comicil
which has been peased by the Provin-
caal Government granting a sixty -
year lease on the river rights to the
Beek River Power Cos The scheme is
estimated to eost between six and
seven million dollars.
A -despatch from Essen says:—Two and half an hour later the military
officials visited the city officials and
battalions of colored troops are in the
officially informed there of the occu- detach -meet the French sent into
potion of the /city. The Freneh re -
Essen. The troops bega.n moving
quested billets ler ten thousand
about five cacl.ock Thursday morning, troops.
and at ten the First CavalrY entered The railroad station was o•ccupied. the catch to the fishermen -was $1,801,- Waten all his equ Men Wag ( OS. Joy
the town. They rode carettely through later as the troops arrived by road. 831 in November, 1922, as against $-.1 _ he issued the Freepran as a handbill.
the streets scrutinizing the wind-ewa Most of tlmm are bivouacked around 332,116 in the same month a year ago: RePubileane have threateee,d him with
sS ear/eaten iretancl.
An, adventurous young Canadian
Ottawa, Ont. ---The total volume of newsDaPermall is H. N. Moose, a son
The aTetiree POr.:1
ofvo6 elevelee of the Oteria
(4 the lesSerler says;
.4.11serte. le trailtieg, aetee,
Mined effort to stimnirtte tea) tee-
koy inclusbey, The Brooks irele
gated dIdetet in equalise% Albor.
to, which has made a memo fee
iteell in sacie w-ele illemetty �i
g ri cultural pro du ct lc d 48,.
900 poe este of tueee' U. eight
c tre 8 I ,y en r ena marketed
them teapperativaly, the larger
portion, going to the Da0/ted,
Slates, The annual, slaugletoredt
this eeasou was neteli higher,
'leo sense thatietry has, been
found peefitable as far naistai as
Grando regiest of thee
Peace Rivet' coal:tier, luta a farm-
er in that eoetiou laa-t Decenfber
ehipped more than 70,000 potende
of turkeya, while ;shipment:3 of
tho Gra-hi Gisowers' Co-Opereat,ve.
Asaociation feom. the gem° oosah.
' try exceecled tilde amount. Prom
bath Alberta and Sasleateliewan
lease shipments of turkeye were
=ado Eaatera Canada tale
past Christalue, season,
Action of GerEnan Coal Syn&
cate Held 1-leetlless and
A despatch from London says:—At
the couclueion of Tineeday's special
Cabinet Council, it was indicated that
Great Britain, for :the time being, at
least, would sit tight and watch the
developments' in the Ruhr.
It means that there is no immediate
Proapect of any withdrawal'Of British
vea iun.deci: on both .coa,ets during et Dr. TeAlbe-rt Moore, a leadarig.0a
forces on the Rhine and that the Bait
-the month of November was 541,792 dlan Methodist divine. He is Manag-
cwts., as tomPared with 457,542 cysts
paper ha been raided by Sinn Peine -r$,, inter -allied commiesions Will be mah
ntatives on the various
in November, 1921,,according to a big 'Editor of the Preeraan, of Dublin, ish Te9rese
and during ihie past four yeers ilia
of Marine and Fisheries. The value of Biaca ivnd Tani .iti .4Rerrolicani,s. ,tained. at their posts. It is recognized,
however, that the situatioe has be-
come more Menacing as a result of the
abatement issued" by the Department
dove opment of the polioy of passive
resistance by the Ge,rmans,
By removing its a.rchiN:es from the
Rhur, the German eoal syndacate has
seriously embarrassed the French and
persons who were abroad. It was knoserri that many of the troops are to that Western Canada's-whe,aterop this
625, divided as follows: IVIanateba, $8,- Dr' earth,
with their drawn curtains and the few the city, which, is encircled. It IS Winnipeg, Man,—It is. e,stimateci
like a real, war -time occupation, when be sent to Berchum, I-Iugo Stinnes'
year will bring in a profit of $45,650,-
A.lough is the most magnetic thing fears 'are felt tho.t the Feench, will -put
-Toronto, appointed. to the Canadian
Ex -King Constantine
'of Greece Dies in Exile
A deSpateh from Rome says ..e--
Consanntine, former King of Greece,
died at Palermo Thursday morning.
His friend a say he dried. of a broken
heart, He was greatly depressed over
the recent exeetition Athene of the
aix exerninisters, most of whom had
been a-mong his internate .friends, This
teagedy" and the general depressing
effect of hie reverses, undermined his
health; it is believed. He had, been
suffering frequent attacks of heart
failure recently, but only those near-
est to him knew that he was danger.
evosly '
He made his will av.hile lPo,lermo
and left the balk ot his fortune to hie'
Senate to fill the seat left vacant by
the death of Senator William Proud -
foot. He was al:Inkster of ,,Justice dur-
ing the Laurier regime. *
Tony Going to War.
Coiranemorated by Rosemary
Optimistic Signs
in Britain's Trade
• A despot& from London sayse--
Although 1922 was, generally speak-
ing, a year of severe trade depression
in Great Britain, many signs warrant-
ing optimism appeared on the horizon
the cavalry goes ahead to seek. out stronghold, and it is presumed that
tscres on the German Governsnent
the eutirp see , 198,750, Basqca'tahewan $28,777:250, The idle -man kills time. Time kills ------nan eort toeget the archives... The
also likely to `bring 'in its Wake sabot-
. The French troops clis,appeareci off age en the part of the -vaorkers„
the streeta night.fall, a few hundred The 'British Labor party endorses
sharpshooters, before the main body • D tint/ (.1
arrives. '
The cavalry was followed by five
Snore , columns of cavalry, two bat-
talions Of ISE/sr/ocean infantry, three
hatteriee of light artillery and 12
'tanks. The French pla•ce(1 machine
guns at the street corners and sent
out patrols: At noon, General Henry,
coin -xi -Lander of the Ruhr, took up his
Rulhr to wi•ll be occupied. Belgian troops_ are -et-- action of the German coal barons is
,a,nd the outermost, coal mining. region and Alberta $8,654;625. These figures the idqe 311a31
'occupying some of -the Essen suburbs.
eekty Mar
.et tRippo. rt -
the -.action of ;the United -States in
at .of them remaining in th-e city- in their withdrawing , her troops from the
billets, or at the telegraph offices, pest $ $4.56. Rhine ,and. 'contends that the presence
28e; cooked- hain, 38 to 4.0.o;:smoked Laborites
no good. On the . whole, though, the.
suppert the Government's
Si -Poked meate—Asinta, mad , 26 to
Manitoba wheat -41e. 1 Northern
$1.25%. '
Manitoba ,oate—Nomipat
Manitoba harleY--Nominal.
All the above, track,- Bay ports.'
American. corn—No. 2 'Y'ellow,
88e; No. 3 yellow, 87teall
13arley—Malting, 60 to 62c, accords
to- freights' outside.. .
• Buckwheat—No.:2,-7$ to 80e.
Those visible, at the poet office excited -of British troops there now is doing
Potatoes, Ontaeloa, No. 1, 90c to $1;
office, city hall, or railroad depots. No, 2' 85' to 90c.
headquarters in the Hotel Kaiserho , aware curiosity *an resentment.
Botiks Tommy Atkins
Should Read
A despatch from London' says
The War Office has issued a list elf
books which the British Tommy is
expected to read if he desires promo-
tion. The list includes:
Shakespeare's King Henry V. and
Richard II., Dickens' Tale of Two
Cities, Conan Doyle's White Company,
Walter Soott's Old Mortality, Books
duting the closing months, atiye the
American °bombe'. of Commerce ill
The review asserts that exports of
Blitish goods were lugher by 20,-
000,000 than" in 1921, and that their I
value is still incresesing. It is /appar-
ent, the summary -says, that the ad-
verse balance sheet has been. reduced,
by more than 1100,000,000.
' Coal exports in 1922 nearly trebled
in quantity and nearly doubled in
value. Exports of cotton goods show-
ed a 'remarkable increase.
Top of Earth in
South-West England
A despatch from. Teeneen says:—W.
II. Jeans, the Engaish astronomer, has
demonstratest England is on the very
top (sf the earth., according to the
Daily News.
tlevabch from London says:— jeans -calculated, that the earth 1,5
Ohurolt-Slope Road at Folkestone, -the' slightly peartshaped, with the top in
raall down which hundreds of thous a spot in smith -west England, and the
=lisle of Tommies mar'elled to embark stalk ends in the South. Pacific. Jeans
tor France wad fight in the great War, believes -the moon is a chip off the
,t1.5 to be planted en both sides with staqk end. ,
ea./near-Y. The Daily News repoPts that these
The Folkestone Town Council in calculations leave been rewarded by a
considering a auggestion to rename medal from the Rey'al Astronornital
the alierPo "Tbst4R,04-11.- Nt4 Relnembranee." Society,
FF�c GOT 501.4%.
ZiSeireleie e.001.<6 To
\ se'
3 and- 4 of Palgra,ve's Golden Treasury
anti Southey'seLife of Nelson.
The true of .ersclard of a nation is
-what it inka---tel its .woinen and- to 70 lhe, $20. 70 to 90 lbs. '414 90
Itye--No. 2, 83 to 85c. lbs.-Ond up, $18; lightweight rolls
rolls, 26 to 28c; cottage' rolls; 32: to general treparations P,orlicYeand. sees in
35e; breakfast bacon, to 35e; spe- the "4arilea .Fist" ,tactics of France a
,boiiackl.bss;abnodn'elsireesailaf, sas9:tthoo4cosn, 38.,to. 40C; .,f_tirther-st_ep trevrarcl the economic de-
ctloann or!p.G.cernaity_O111,...„_res-al
Cured meatstriong 'el:dr.-baton; 50 •Estra a
IVIfilfeed—Del. Montreal frei barrels, $38; he,avyaveiglit rolls; $35, -
B per eon $2-4/ Lard,—Pitre tierce's, 16c; tubs,
shorts, per ton., $26; middaingo, $28,.50; 164/2ce palls, 16%c; pririts, 18c.
good feed flour, $2. Shortening •tierces 131/2 to 14e; tubs,
breakirsg; all records and indicate the
rapid ,eleveloPment of the l'euItrY in- Ontario wheat—No, '2 white', $1.11 ,14 141,f,jp; 4.4% to 1,,c; prints,
dustry-in the last few years in this to $1.13, according to freights outaide; 17 triri „ ,
province which used to be twitted be- No. 2, $1.08 to $1.10.. Heavy era, elielee, -$7 to $8; In 'politieal quarters the act on of
cause it used:Chinese eggs. Ontario Isle, 2 white oats ---42 to 44e. butcher steers, ckoice,""$6.50 bo $7.25; ' a. t
are bags, inoluded: ran
E-gg shipments from Alberta , •
Tfie'r lealeorites alsd thinle'Germany
right an adopting the polle,y of pas-
sive, resistance, ...claiming that more
pan be done with Ole weapon to. bring
about tailtire of the French venture
than ie. any other' .manner eePecially
aotion by, foreign labor' or 'Socialists.
t le ,Seerrnan eea, svp ace e m remova
Ontario flour—NlnetY, per. cent $5.50. do. cern $4 toI:: t h '
pat., in jute bags, Montreal, ,pa:omprt, heifers, Choice $6.25 to $7. d - ' d less' aild Prev°eative. II there is a
seeks, $1.10 per lila.; and pats, $6,60. $5.25„; do/ come. $2•25 to $2•50; feeder anent plainly, has one eye oh Lausanne
• Toronto, $11 to $12; milied, $10,50 to to $5;
ay--Evtra /..lo. 2, per tonertraek, steors, good, $b to $5.50; do, fair, $4 adenislitnh; awlecithesotibtey otf..ularicrseiseh support in
" Iiiapiteba flour -a -1st pate.',,„in cotton to $2.50; t'afeher 'balls, goeciC $4•50 tb sltand against France, hut the Govern -
$3.50 to $4.50; canners a'n°d; .cudttrers,ed$2" tijhaalfrtiltieesGaaviledriSL:3e7nitati.sakleviall oCtIteo%lagiledy -
boeis, $5.15 to $520; bulk, seaboard, 0 ,
25-'--Ilieutere—trip-"letrs,". 216aSile;' SirrIto-;-na,-*2'-i-c! $,9°; lambs' S1-4-26"
srloeins:t:xna7e,:wnt_ola5r_.211itsit7ope $1. 5t.o3n0c:; 7'alleolirc.:o..n..,T..t.:e... 15:06:Toct:.;0;:$(163$0;,8tdoofb;'./sos:oibl.05irnoili.;g, $4 to'$5'; butcher sitting of Parliament, und°11btedlY t'lle
see, eeee,, - ee se .11. fair, $3 to $4; -calves, choice, $13 te
eae, sissy -La es ss I,
Old, large, 27e; tierine, 28ee tilstops, e ' ' ,, a . i - , -. A 4es/eaten from pessaseohe says: --
$16.25; do, medium, $8 tO $10; CIO, ,
sneep choiee $7 to $7.5.0; do, Culls, - -
e2 bo $2,5e, hogs,. le ana watered, ... 4,
stockers, `good, $4 to 84.a0; do,
n9eir,S7,7,1c,5h;:ho.,:::wc,ecesh:oollitctxeoy, .A•Eillea vieirngi‘t-npT:see:a.,0,5:70:apc ohnw:A13:::_.,ine.
Butter—Finest creamerY PriptS; 43 pgints, $9.50_ , . . leileild a huge cedar tree has just been
to 41c. Larry, 80 to 31e. Cooli'Ing, Corn-....Aaneri".-L---N'—'2 yell ell/. delliatina'et.(Ywner'attil‘sathbe.nlbe:93:,e111: 6TS htel 1 1,.S' eT:Ve a lf-ge'tbiels1
to 45ca ordinary creamery prints, 4e saneereel
2fe2dela,roeveseerdi.);19371,try2'3—t-6011.13icekie'icioas,, 4.mtiolk,5-, tfe::aesdc9,77ca5*,05, Oats
0425es'elet;" eNe'e°1i7a2,:ls'6T30:1121.6 1°I.i08.' t° ' Mr' P:' 13' °T. ''..i'i' an' ‘'wHIT''G'13 i'-i'afl
.12/13-7se.; 2d10, to 2t0705;!,(111bos,.,ceie6rtbo lite; 2d10 t2o ee ' e'ee. '-.° °Fimee-Le3,oiarl.- nsepelm;:c;hrte ft Fre711:1-1:7Wg°.old.,-,11:t5 t'reas to
i\l' r. I. J.'
23 to 27e; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 19 to. 25e; choice, $6.50. ' Rolled .batS—Bag of 90 and four thousand shingles will be
'soin'th of 1-11.hefi'teliwan.sbilVIngr1,e1-11‘19-1151$1e,,,_. 1e,-[-t1-:'ts
e peti., firsts., $7.10; do, -,seeon,ds, 86.60;
do, -3,t0•4 lbee°11 to 17c. Roosters, 13 liee,,, $3.15 ee, $2.25. Emil, $24, sh.Pearte8:: etlulatte:rel-ahiatthe'bett:reeee:lantildree -a:reacnieshaeii.:,
to 4 lbs., 14 to 21c. ' Hens, over 5 1438., strong -halters', $6.40: whiter
to 18e. Daelelings, over 5 lbs., 23 to $26, miaalinge $31. Haye_asse 2, per ,,,e, e h h h t the time
26ce do, 4 to 5 lbs., 21 to 24c. TarkeYsi, ton ear sots $j_e to $17 ... 0 g e has Ti° '
young, 10 lbs and up, 28 to 33e; ie, 24C:,(4.13::es 'e-.--Brut.Fi(:neersht eaoisetees_itms„„sx,e2ortaeryto;
old, 18 to 28e. Geese, 15 to 21e.
Maeg.erie-20ato 22c. 3ese te 3,9a, Eggss—lieees,a, 45, to tat;
The map showo the partio-ns of Germany which are alreaay oricupied by
allie± troops a 0 guarantee of -Gerinany's good faith. Tile dotted portion
around tssen shows the thousand, square miles ot Ruhr &sheet wthich
Prance intends to oceupe. 1± inolndes the richest coal and iron alepoeSts irt
Germany. The Ruhr is the gllailiGjAilag a German industrial life,
Ontario torna-Nousenal, do, gooci, $5,50 to -46; do, med. $5 t
• ° Mg its orchives is criticized as heed-
1'1\1 -TRY 1 TS -P, R 5E.
A .1-11-: EieCIMPI tylONF-') FeR
'SR 1-1 A LLOW E.' EN -1)A9TY
Eggs --No.` 1' tan -tiled 87 toaSe; seleete4 40c. No. 1- stock, 36e; new-
selects,.43 to 44e; cartons, n6w golds, laid eggs, ,64e. Poi.:atce—Per bag, car
GO to 62e. Iota, 95c to $1.
Beans—Ca.n., haadapieked, lb., 65±ce Fairly goodi dairy tYise heiferaria
primes,, 6o. trim cows averaging 860 lbs., $4.25;
, Maple proddts—Syrup, per imp. commoner, lots from that ,down to $2;
gee, $2.50; per tin, $2.40 per bulls, coin., $3; picked Yeats, $10 to 'Maple sugar, lb., 23 to 25c. $12; lambs, gosid, $10; sheep, $5 to
Honey -:-60-1:b. tips, 12 to 121/2e. per $6.25; hogs, selects andagood quality
lb.; 5 -2% -lb. tins, 1314, to 102c per 'butchers, $11.25; do, thick, fat, corn -
Ontario comb loonty, per „dozen, tea ho•gs, $10.75; sows, 88 t0110.
, • •
to. count its rings as a
means of telling, its age, itismuat
be at Ileoet fifteen ImMleed years old,:
as cedartrees make but elow growth,
Past the ,spot Where this; tree was out
Champlain.portaged,on his- way up .t,he
Ottawa. It was an .aneient tree even
, ,
-iSaiSlaa*1 esources
One of the meet remarkable recent
deireilopmeitts in Canadian ,agrieulture
is the `rapid striciesebeing Made by the
dairy industry in, Ilse Weet, ,P-eports
to hand ofeclairyt operations in. Mani-
'boba. Show that that province is not,
behind Alberta and Seelsatoltewan
this respect. Tho shang.e in eonditioni
is well illustrated by the fact ehat
1914 Manitoba *if-op/need. 70 taeloads
of butter wihereas now 100 earldads are .
eiopirlod ail/may. 0 u t , of 51,000
farmers is)the province, 26,000 are
producing arid shipping mWr and
nAio "Ways cif Ti
,?at arid 'alike weep 'Wattlain,g' 3011
rieldayers at, -Work, One day and -Pat
'Sety,' Mike, wiiai ie,it that holds the-
brieke toteether?".
said. llaike etea
Ike naortas,"
"Never a, 5±1 it," salO Pat "Tit
thean apart,"