The Exeter Times, 1923-1-11, Page 7,• Fire Pend Still Grew% tOW 000,io$ Q. ON Y Thp Bov. couts' vp.nd the res Begtiess Ciss y,,arta' groatent =Mout uutontohilas aiestitak eramgant u1 trc tC) rVLIVIC?°,1;ttiTiji)14',141)141%'1'g ' mar otts opportunities' uty4ti 'the traloVd aut,0 ,ruolaka raau, Thatia Win' it PaiXi to learn tlat autorpobilo latmlueest,-and learn lu Detrolt, the, attto gouternt avoti4,---the OS tne Auto ItiOlUattr witere 70°7 Of the fititof{ are placle, itabliehing of tire Boy Scout troops of Xittileybary, North Cobalt am]. Han- %-'• ;.','1-inrY is still groWing, the total at the d time of writtag being well on' to50. nibis su,m is made up entirely of tic and 10o contributione,irtan the, Scents •and, Cubs of Ontario and of a few- tieePs oetside cif Ontario -notably in Mont- real, 'Winnipeg and Regina. The 1st • Georgetown Troop mit op. a special en- ainmerat and donated the net Pro - 'seeds to the fund. . Leaders' Conference at Hamilton. - Plans are being , developed rapidly for the 21.15.. Annual Provincleal Con- teren,ce of Scout, Leaders to be held in - Hamilton on Thursday and Friday, February 8th and 9t1, and it le expect- ed that last year's reocird attendance Will be greatlY exceeded. The con- I feeence headquarters •will be ,in the "spacious Royal Connaught Hotel, and the I-Tanailton Boy cout Council Is do- ing everything it oan to make the visit of the delegatee as pleasant and •profitable aa possible. , A special featuxe of the conference - programme will be the -denionetration of a model troop meeting by P.odney C. Wood, the new Dominion Caine Chief, -And a troop of Hamilton Scouts. In this demonstration Mr. Wood will show ways of dealing with troop meet- ing prableme which often puzzle even the oldest Seuutnatteter, and. wM also show eoine new inetraction methods and two or three new games. Oth.er itents On the programme in - e diecussions of such subjects as the eRelation of the Scoutmaster to the Home, the School, the Cburch• and the Troop Committee," The Patrol System and the Court of Honor," "Out- • door Seouting, Hik.Os and Camps," "Scout 'Games," and "Troop Pro-, grammes." A special luncheon is be- ing arranged for Wolf Cubofficersin •order that they may discuss problems. peculiar to their own branch of Scout- 'rhousaaalo of our suadiatten,ate marIng , big aaunoy, la a}c.) a tit)) (Sask.) aitidng Juote'mor,oa, been he ex. Matadi •INttigtew naliellecta apooloped rugtor at Teek,,Selaeok'Celiette , (filbertit) btasineaU alai luta' ' all 110` faant'dOit'33tOskle (Perin.). . Was Slatting 33E3 taew mak- jut 111(30 porwevk; lambs asti.N.) ES.,{Pg $10 inoarthli, abo'gg oaf., • Sbnotion'tOnlol Jump-, eP(ein8froana.. "pawn Poaliat"' at ,.$13t50, ,v„ueltly to auto me - i'? obante at 442.1i0 Pot WsOlL nke nano C'Calt2101ei3 Cossesa— EntIosseal Fnetnsles Bvera, hraneh er ten auto intsineas tanghti-,-= A Scout dinner on. the -eVening of February 80h will be addressed by two or three of the' most prominent men in Scouting.' Entertainment features will be put on by Scout troops of Plamilton,,, and it is „expected, that a new moving picture illestrating activities at Gill - well Park, the Imperial Scout Leaders' Training School near • London„- Eng- land, will' be eidilbited.. ScoutS---Make •sure that your Scout- ahieing , or else go down in the storm master attends the Hamilton -Confer- 1 and stress of eireumstan.ces to .which once. Here he w41 ineet a great group 1 he is sure •to be subjected sooner or Oan.adiaix Scouting and j later.. ' to return to you after-, , Unfortunately, like the tree man sel- ushels of new ideas to paean:to actiavi/Kour troop:- et - 'COustrattio, dperatI,Mt, up,kaso 0.310 toOalta sr antes, truemt traetor4, farm: 'fighting olantr3 and 99140,a49S4411 bY aattial pritetteo. No° 4U01111work. Stitt:lents Iearra kasmoifulastsaiteter actual taetoty Inetlaa19. tt,iitt•IP 11011001,, Spatial Cantinas in Battery auto facto:ice booed outlis our Courses and give ouro atudeats fullest, coroperatton, alsottaitartily tenderte out• Itasair, Tira.ltonair, Briainn.aVeldkie , -1 A EDUCATION Y DR, J. 1 MIDDLFTON. Provineiai Board' of 1.enIth1 Ontar I d l be gla4 to itriewor uestlon or Publee Ilea 1' a • teas through this coluinni Address hire at Spadine Hoae Spa11l11 Oregessnt. Toronto. 'hie Earl o Baliieur receuely sitid fare -well to the Cily ctI Lei -glen con- etituency that he reProsented eisi long in the House of CoMmous at West- minster. His acidness was nolticeabl-e from several, aspects -but particularly from that of his" faith. in:the coming generarticte. nye are not 1eS.,1 capable of sus- 't tabling the burden of Ph -up -ire than were our fathers before us," aaid Bale ferns "The task in now one of great diffeculty, but let ais not lose faith or courage. I look forward with un- flinehing faith to the succiees a the labors of thaele 1,,V1110 'are going toa^ law 'the generation to which 1 belong ci the e 'oration that 'is to succeed that, IC.110:Piat talat theY will net f SGICirt gf the e.xample which we have' verect to ° set them and which Good Positions Opr our- fathers' befoee us set us. Te, be an Monitinn Elhop P6a6t166. ttrutlinatioli'actairles, a.„ on0000 '4111,1411273.43°.tt4114T-IP':'41' ,j"i4.11)) p 0 tIn tnaiin41-%4 an optimist is to he a believer in gess, iesibeeig.'1, pea tce,-,, youth, It is; .a:Cter an, the young p 461v6‘466.69t6or cu luko.i4ustizenn for yourtvii., plc whet are going to ,abs this seosik. g:,7,1'..!'1N,71°°.°7,'S,t,,77,4,1'°m„;,%n&rftt"; Lot us (believe in them—I believe in 2a,,Lngsii?t'gregiViidni•irtVraii"iii'Cluildos.'"'"'"tes them. If it was not for the young, Michigan Slate Automobile School how would the world go on, and how 6372 Auto Mag. Detgolt, Ivii 1.4 wvutaid it live, isow would neve ideas essaaaassesa,gasslnaasanaannaa. c ' come in'i . "A nation's greatest 'assets is It Surfa.ce Anchorages. tho& condition cf. tho rising. genera- childreni , If the physical, mental -and .fewai tyreaavrestleargaoii,r,i,tags,, anilsueovheriem-sptro;senseda ,tiriyil.:,, situ' cfleexfti ' towellaPealit,'Peal'a'ntaihseeSlyriatfiaTi with the terrible devastation that the away in' world prestige and like some wind had ,wthaght, ,..,.!.vvhat at.o.hishea of. the. great 'nations of the Past 'be ci ce i the courroils of the .world. me most he '"was the effect relegated' tx) Pitue of minor 11X1P{)rt." good citizen, eVeli'Y man and woman it .:rs'Y'vohe teloxlaral.:e'rli'emit3iii11%-i,ltelia:it•ern<':ttallYorifthxeti3r,h1-13se hring racs. , "One thing ie eettdin, we are not at present doing nearly enough, Iso pre- vent or castail the teegliale record of infant me'rtality, and physical defeats among the young, These young pen - pee, growing up uncezed for, unsuper- . vised, pometnnes pearly nourished' and '0 tentunes not up to ietanclard in health, -will be the men and women of the fiateesret It is on the chi Ten of todaythat vsill have to reet ti clays to come the civil business and domes- tic burdens of the Empire. Will these young people be equal to the task? wilt their health he so •saifeguarded yiouth that they may ggow up s•terong virile and fit to carry on, :when those who come before them hand over the reins?" , ecords show that at present we are only on bhe thresholhl of what can be clone—what ranat be one to safe- guard the race, and improve the sur- roundings and influences arron,g which the great majority of the people live, Personal and continuality hygiene Inusit be practiced by all classes of the community, for after all, the basis of all health work rests with the indi- vidual. In „Work of this kind there are many diecouragements, but when one gets the goaa.in view, the1 strug- gle for better citizenship. and a healthier race of people is worth the storm on the tree's. TheY were $tarely it as the soleann duty of eversrl ,says,art 11... not left standing with splintered and mangled trunks as they are in my home neighborhood after a great storm; they were boclitY uprooted! "Examining them more closely, I discovered the cause. They had never been deep-rooted. The water was near the surface; the soil was fertile; there had been no nece,ssity for their send, Ing roots deep into the earth for strength and sustenance. They had led surface lives, so to speak, and as a consequence the first severe storm had laid them prostrate." In order to- withetand storm and wind a tree must have deep anchorage. Neither beautiful foliage nor graceful branches nor symmetrical trunk can insure stability and endurance. They may enhance the attractiveness of a tree, but to fulfill its mission in life a tree must have something else. And what is true of a tree is true of man. A. mere surface life is insufficient. Man must lay- hold of something deep and A Practical Diethmary Needed. Like many hooka called classics which we speak of reverently and never look at, the dictionary of our language seems_ to be falling into dis- • use; we seldom consult it. If a strange word "swims into our ken" we regard It as an impertinence or we use it as a • kind of game; we argue about it, dis- cuss it, guess, bet, and perhaps write to the newspapers for a definition, but we ,don't consult the "dictionary. ' Perhaps the reason for our neglect is that the unabridged dictionary is too . cumbersome and it gives too many meanings, though thda papers mit the ordinary bulk. Simple words therein are found to be both noun and verb, (spelled alike), and sometimes they lave more -than. a dozen distinct mean- ings. •This is disconcerting. There may be room for a dictionary with, the iobsolete and archaic words left out, a true twentieth century dictionary that shall, be fool proof. Cement Floor.Blocks Serve as. 1Vieasoee in Store. A real -convenient measure, 33 •feet long and. 2 feet -Wide, is available at a ar,d,vvare Store in Loa •Abagel.e's, as a result' of a, contractor's ',fOresiglat in, 'laying the. floor. Realizing that great lengths centcl not easily be -measured ' on the , counter, he, laid the cement' floor -with blocks 'exactly 2 feet square. An aisle immediatelyin front Of the counter ,ire now' alWayS kept'ektir,arid wire netting, rope, clothesline,' chicken Wire, 'and other, bulky. things' sold by -the, f Gels or yard, -are simply laid ,on the floor, end measured by the, squares. The' ,govermnent, inspector 91 measures for .the distriet has officiallY approved the method.' . 'This Busy World, • ei.There- are timed when - progrees Oiseres 60 rapidly that it taxes a 'man's Vietrength to keep abreast ,of, clvillza- :sIofl; eiraey of us can, synipathize 'with unhappy-loolsing Western `farmer, he always shoole his head Whet the weed "progreSs" Was mentioned-. 4'NcThat, are you se low about, my trierali"-' sotto one asked him.' "Whir," fials1 119, "what wItik new-, fan gi eci 'tarn' Machinery and , airplanes nrcd nitregen iri the air and wireless, tee grouriel arad on it and above it, an.ci .what , -with the old earth going round 011056' in twenty-four hoUrs, I'M about Muzzlail, and stagnated." , t effix• "0" bet ordellieena.itiese sIf f00 antany Ss at obbrevi-A- tams of the , word 11Oghst» reefinnag, miantaakes hold of permanent -things unless' lair,sh, oirciimstances compel hem to'do it. The natural, inclination o fall of us is to let surface things sat- fice--money and the privileges that it will buy; social pleasures and' the re- laxation that comes without effort and !sacrifice; frivolity and fashion, light and tinsel and glitter. Many a life never finds anything mere substantial than those things. A helpful writer of to-day'has said, "The best fortune that befalls sonie people in this world is their so-called misfortune. Whatever compels -the roots of righteousness and faith, which alone can hold the 130111 ,ateadfast, to reach down deeper -than any mere habit of morality or sunny -day trust in. God's gOodness 'and wisdom is not mis- fortune but fortune, however, hard it may seem at firat to accent it as such," The improvement of health and the prevention of disease are -worthy rba- tional aims. A Shut-in Speaks. All who have loved the pathos of the dew Weeping for daybreak on some • dreaming rose, All who have watChed a seascape still and blue, And young trees bending with each • breeze that blows, All who have hungered for a twilight • lane • Grown intimate and eweet witta lilac bloom, Or felt the far flung kiss of falling rain Know how 4 light the darkness 01 this room. Wails that were bare are strangely beautified, „ Days that were dark, _with sudden glory shine, Since these Ploved, whose memory has -. nnt (lied, • Consent to share this- loneliness of mine— Andilike old friends from some remem- bered land, Slip through the dusk; and stooP and take my. hand. —Helen Frazee -Bower. _Machine Trims and -Pastes Wallpaper. A new machine is said to have a ca- pacity of trimming and pasting a roll of wall paper in three minutes. A roll of paper is mounted underneath the table and near one end of the machine, and the paper which is -fed from it passes under a g-uide roller to the top side of a paste roller, Itis then led around 'another arid larger roller, where the surplus paste is wiped off by a brush, and the selyare trimmed off by a revolving cutter. • The paper is finally drawn back over the table and Peat is now usedt for the production of gas. "A ,rean's w-oxbh this vverld according -be Brayere. • st Old Sega R. a. 1V41 Tasc Pt Bas..``.k P Job Feelinr Fine Oren Derine,, a 'veteran railroad man, -living at 5$ 'Forest Ave., St. Tbomas, Oat, has obtairted remarkable reaults from the 113e- of Taniare Mr, Deane wears a gold button- giant hi , 1\liehiganCeeteal, recogeitibn of. laiS forty years emitinuous serviee to that ; For liggish 1,1vey.. or Constipated Bowels m hy the i444,44 1'4 " 9-9.9-9-94494.444-4.440-44.94aaaaa auto t; tor - ti aetitai ereetrieral practical 'mired; easSed1111 free, caLuica'aq°.f• t'$f; „ 1„q3,1-t'IsIg .elevasen,,tx. a#,15;:af>ht.: road. ' "A year ago," said Mr, Deane, "I had andigeetion so bad I couldn't eat and was too nervous and 'miserable to sleep. I was almost wild av.i.th head- , . aehes and dizziuess, ioet weirieht rapid- ly, and thought I was about done for After getting so -weak I couldn't work I took a trip out' West, thinking tie ,r) 1117 bonse. eltti-6s w s lAt nItotill 'en.t‘ 11'1'1'0: chine OP "nit Vial to I asraea you. feel sick, dizzy, upset, I new ewes eestsge. The cieriadisSi „ wden YOur head is dtni or aching, or your etornach is sour or gassy, lust take one or two Casearetis to relieve coatatipatioe. No griping—nicest laxre tiveicathartic gri earte for growr-ups and children. 10° a box, Taste bee :candy. 1 rate lOis„ Op., Dept. 01t_te --e-i.1—onCAt it Iota, Tteld Bros., Bothw., 1-1L.A.B 17",T00.0,, Tea 1,10 41 Ott' ALL ei The 111,01pe a man ;talks ea. 'ass Vesett steed, xnerit the less people belieare in it. ..03Ppod oubipet ae a ' erai PrtG430 in Commie. 'toss ) • change might help me. its York at., ot cats, "But I kept getting worse until. nay smiasirassistemer. • sister, whom I vieited Kaliepell, Minard's Liniment for Neuratula. eSe Steam Engines Before Christ. An old Greek experimenter of AleX- andria was working an a steam engine invention 150 years before the. Chris- tian era, Re had an apprentice named Hero. Hero constructed tee first steam tur- bine engine, which was of the reac- tionary type, but for all that it would spin like a top. He also invented a steam whistle and a pneumatic blower by which he could sound 'trumpets and organ pipes in a way that mystified his public. Hero also made temple doors open anti close mysteriously by use of com- pressed air and pistons. He made a fountain which is still a philosophic toy known by. bis name. He made the first machines to be put in operation by inserting a coin ha a slot and a "dioptric or spying tube," which was the forerunner of the rood - ern spy glass and opera glass. The Arab's. Qualities. Visitors toilidesciptitamia marvel at vigor ,and ,eadurance shown by the' Arab' workman arid by'lais quick adapt - 'ability to modern methods. EsPecially do foreign.ers find his energy amazing, because a large part ofi the year he subsists on little besides dates. However, jic1i persons forget the vital and nourishing qualities of the date, rich in sugar, mine of energy and nutrition.' Physicians have de - Closed dates and milk an excellent diet. • • Therefore it is not surprising that the Arabs are able to perform severe tasks in the heat of the desert sun. To the efficiency' of these workmen a Bri- tish coraseission has testified. In ad- dition, it is said that the Arab is cheer- ful, uncomplaining a,nd willing, that he does More work than the average. East: Indian Cooli6,. and is easy to handle if properly treated. Montana,- got .rne to try a bottle of Tanlam In a week'e ,time I was a dif- ferent man, and in seven weeks Iltad gained seventeen pounds' and returned, to my work in as good -healthdes any man in St. Thomas. I neverhave any of my old troubles now. That's just how . good . a job Tanta° has done for Tanta° is sale by all good drug- gists.' Over 36 million bottlee sold. estifeated. ,, in Of every thousand men who marry, his conduct." 579 wed, women of the same age as 'thereselvets. alapiee, Siorbid dela 15 11,0510 Fresh and rosy ----or pinched and chilly? • That's a -matter for Mother to decide. Children, as eivell as grown-ups, need , a hot mealtime beverage that is, whole mi - so e, nvigorating, and free from harm- , ful after-effects. Childhood is the period when nervous activity is at its height, The • brain is ever busy receiving neitiv impressions; the nerves, muscles and senses are alert and actively developing. , Tea and coffee are harmful, especially for childFen, taut Postum is the one best beverage -to give them nif,,,eded warmth arid comfort, thse'cold and frosty mornings. It is made of roasted wheat, has a delightful flavor ansi eroma is free fronis any b rInfal element wh9tever1 and is wholesomedteatthful end invigorating. ' Order a infrom your gr.oCer TODAY Yon 'r1lI enjoy it as mucio lte kiddies do. lnstant Yostum 'There's a Reason" Canadian Postunt Cerdhl Cor 1 Front 1tr5et1 E.1 'Pato:Ito OR$ELT 11 Vendamatia latanapis tin of Instant stout will bpi, sent, peasants, r 4 eonts to etnimpo, wiltet rty, IraCtOlyt Windsor1 Ontnrio s 0g1,141.1.1.,g ittiVatP4.7P.4*. iantast seLteisisseasiateo oterib ties uttrandi MOTHER! Move Child's Bowels with "California Fig Syrup" Rub Minard,s Liniment Into the scalp ---it olee,nses the sur- face, it opens the pores, it works down to the roots and stimule,tes them into activitse four times a week, rub- bing thoroughiy—no dandruff. Md's niment The Family Medicine Chest, 0.oAlliS.E.•••• ND •SALT Bulk Carlota TOVNTO SALT WORKS Ca J. CLIFF - TORONTO laioneler 33or Nitoraodlins Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ati- dreas by the Author. t. Olay *lover Co., gne. 129 West 24th Street • NoW 7roPit. U.S.A. 0 " No, poll:Ale health eyiderieo Is mor -a definite than that vaccination, propo111- ly parforined, protects against small- ' pox. The more persons vaccinated, the fewer eases of smidl(pox ,shaa Wro have- Minard's Liniment for RI-let/mutts A real salesman is one TJltvt -t4132 and nine parts judgment; sisal he niS9 tlie nine parts of judgment to ' when to use the one next 61 taik. Hurry Mother! A teaspoonful of "California Fig Syrup" now will thor- oughly clean the little bowels and in a few hours you have a well, playful child again. Even a cross, feverish, constipated child loves its "fruity" taste, and mothers can rest easy be- cause it never fails to work all the sour bile and poisons right out of the stomach and bowels without griping or upsetting the child. . Tell your druggist you want only the genuine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother, you must say "California." Refuse any imitation. Tennis Balls Are- Carried on Racket by Spring. :Tennis players will appreciate an ap- pliance introduced for the purpose of carrying that extra set of balls to and from the courts' during the summer months when pocket space is usually limited. The contrivance consists of a spiral spring of brass wire; wound in such a manner that it may be fas- tened to the sido of it racket by its own tension, and containing two ball - holding loops. • 0+0444.40444 - 4+4-0 -4-9444a- INDIGESTION, Gi2S1 UPSET STOMACH instantly! "Page's D lap epsi n " Corrects Stomach so Meals Digest The moment you eat a table- 'Pape's Diapepsie your indigestion i gone. No more distress from a souri acid, upset stomach. No flatulence, heartburn, palpitation, or misery -malt- ing gases. Correct your digestion for a few cents. Each package guaranteed by druggist to overconte stomach trouble. TellsWome HowShe Was Rester to Perfect !habil by Lydia L *Pmkbam's Vegetable Compound Winnipeg, Mare-- 1 cannot s too highly of what Lydia Id. Pinkbanes Vegetable Om - pound /131.3 done foso ans. Wita a•nee ieeteic mad . fereeint MONEY ORDERS. Dominion Express Money Orders are oar. sale in five thousand offices throughout Canada,. Hope for the Fool. Surgeons can Operate for appendi- eitis, tonsilitis, and various other ills. But hitherto the malady of being a fool has beaten science. Once, a fool, al- ' ways a fool—so the old saying runs. If Sir William MacEwan is right, however, the fool may before long yield to the treatment of the knife and become a wise man! Extraordinary progress has been made -lately in the study of the brain, and operations on the brain are likely to he among the wonders of the near future. "Will it be possible," says the presi- dent of the British. medical Associa- tion, "to find in the 'silent area' the secret of genius—of converting a dul- lard into a man of brilliant intellect?" The' braitt is being mapped so min- utely that doctors are hopeful, and it Is in what they call the "silent area" that they hope to perform the great- est miracles. The "silent area," Which lies towards the forehead., has- so fax baffled them, and makes AO response yet to surgical and electrical devices, It is regarded as the seat of the higher intelligence, however, rand for this reason it should produce the great- estreesupletssare. ffhjustified, future genera. tions, will all have quick, intelligent brains, and geniuses 'will be as com- mon as buttereups and daisies! efornetimCos True, Cuticur tifies Yo r C The daily use of the Soap cleanses and purifies the pores of the skin, thus preventing blackheads and pimples. Tbe Ointment soothes and heals any irritation or roughness. They are excellent for the toilet sa is also Cuticurs Talcum for powder- ing and pertaining the skin. Saap25s. Okitmerit25an4SOc. Talcme25e. Sold throusliouttheDominion. CanedianDepot: Lnuans, Limited, 344 St. Paul St., W. Montreal. iTIM-Cuticuria. Soap shavca without =ft. 001 speak ri /unbend. The said be maid donothm- g for me. My hta5,-- band's mother mlivised,me to take,thst Vegetable Conapound and 1 started it once. I. was able to de nay work meet and Eta able to rairse her and ezajoy do- inmogremayndwiotrk.wasia oplarleana:teeh,eouneneiv not p. den. Now 1 have a ne bcop, 'fi"weg bat mending Snell a niediciri, and any onet seeing me before I took it, and seeinse me now, can see What it does for me. k am only too pleased for you to use nay testimonial.,EfiarLY DAVIS, 721 McGee Street, Winnipeg, Mars, Lydia E. Pink -banes, PadvaiseeiTest ,Book upon "Ailrt teeits' Pesuliar to 'Women" will be sent you free upon request. Write to the Lydia Ill.Pinkliam Medicine Co., Cohourts, Ont. This book contains valuable information. Youngly—"Did oi1 ever notice that the niatrimonial erocese Is iitte that of making, 'a You "go to- 4dor.e; you ring a belle; 'and you glire'yotar narrAo tooareinicaid" uua,.,4n6 tbea you' re taken- in:" It often tamons that Ignonthce rnalena 0 men bold and arrogintl' that knowledge ,moleeF.:° him fielfedias trusrSol and mOdeif.45., • 0.me10 of twins oceuv _once in 9 sixty-ninc birth% ISSUE Not 1--23. UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you, are not getting Aspirin at all ;..ceep an "tiobrbic.en . „ physidiaIlS,dvi;tiftg.,..i,2Z yca3 Ce4c1S' -teacloth rOOtttacile Neuraiga .Eafatho- 1.,.4.1013ag. 'Toyer" boxes a 12, tatioleitatesetisi Of, 21 anti ittgeeDraggietta Astoria ie tee. treae 'mark (regititered 51 CCnSdo7 el Bayer Maiinfaiattata'115Mote., nouiloatidoOtataf $031°31titetteid. 'Whilo it liftwfl ksoWii that Siivirta inease raiser Inanufaatairti, to uUsist titO 11511110 itatainat lanitatiOng, alp Tablets ,of 1015141' 30012L01 :win be stamped...Milt, there sorieset tradO riaartz, Titbl ose worked aut by safe by intillonc fcr Rheumatistri Neuritis Pain, Pain