The Exeter Times, 1923-1-11, Page 59
.e""'",;,,, •
ems asses's ms4460
0000000000 000°4
reat Conveniemece
For Housewives
avai:youti1e0 the 'eenvenie safe ,way
112011th1y tieeteelint C etillie? It
" 61NV witLtht! VelPlitag surplus
*One* t t eeutlaeoe igaviroat otianacurate
tteord of bills pal& '
A Saving Account in the Sterling Bank ves
you this privilege—earns interest as wel
See our local Manager.
SAYS '24 13 ectrztt
You Cannot Attend a Better School
School of Comtherce
Clinton. Ontario
Stenographic, Commercial, -Secretarial, Special Courses
B. F. .WARD, B. A., Prin.
Ntice Principal. r.
19 8 Students may ente'r a't 'any time.
r. 1,.5111.0.t.01.j CENTRALIA
'Physician -and Surgeon
Phone 70, •HENSALL
r. g. s
gpposite "OpSEENER" Office
'''''Phoile" 5e- Hensall., —• °
Away -Wednesday and. Thursday. -
• 1',40U1)11'00T, auLtoB &
• The flax Co. has commenced work-
ing -up the season's crop of ylax. home in Mitchell on Tuesday Morn-,
Mr. Walker Kerslake has• bought iiig alst. - •'
the lwelling west of the store from ,
Mr. and Mrs. , T. C. Joynt arrived
Thos. Carling and is preparing to ' ' '
Rev, J. A. IVIcConnell left.for Tor-
onto on Tuesday' morning,
Mr. FleminF, of,Torbnto, spent the
week -end with friends In town.
Chas. Shaddock has aeCePted
a position in a bakery in Clinton.
Mrs. Wagner, of Zurich, is visiting
Ilex' daughter, Mrs. J. W. Ortwein.
Miss E. Gill, received. word on Tiles-
day of the death of, her. sister in Galt,
Mr. and Mrs. J. McAlister left on
Tuesday .merning to visa in Toronto.
Mrs. A. Whitside entertained a
number of ladies on Weclneeclay even -
ng. •
IVIrs. Thos, Hudson lett on'TneSclay
to attend the funeral of her neice in
Mrs, E. Ronnie; of town, Visited
friends and relatives in Detroit over
the week -end.
Mrs. D. IVIcIlarg and son David, of
London, visited the former's /nether,
Mrs. T. Part on Tusday.
. ,
Mr. A. Laininie, of Detroit, attend -
•ed the funeral of his brother, Mr. W.
Lammie who,clied on Friday.
Mr. and Ars. Stephens, of 'Toronto,
visitetd the latter's gran.dparents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Reichert this week.
• Mr. and Mrs. C. Sinks returned
home on Saturday from a visit -with
friends and relatives in Windsor. -
Miss V. Geiger who is at. present
in London,' visited with- her parents,
Mr, "ad Mrs. 0. Geiger over the
weekeend. ,
Miss Jean -Maxwell ,returned to
"-Whitby "-with her sister, Miss Annie
Maxwell, Who spent the Christmas
holidays at the home of Dr. Peck.
Mr. Hoskins and "family who have
been -visiting. her • parents, Mr. and
1VIrs. D. McMartin, returned 'to their
Saturday evening of last'
put in a new foundationother- home on
wise improve ;the premises.' I week from their extended honey -
„The' eanntial, Meeting of • the Far., moon,to ,d.ifferent points in the Unit -
pier's, Co -Operative Co.d States.o. will 'be held'
in the school house Friday' evening The Drainatic Club, of the Exeter
ia'huarY 12. . • f High Sc_hbol aro "putting on a play in
fVOL.MES. • to Toronto, aceemPanied by his bro- 1 8th, -entitled "Miss' • Henderson's
•ther I-Lai/old, of Neepawa, Man. Gentleman. Friend.”,
Barritstet • • -
- The Ladies Aid held their regular ;
„Office on bite 1.-lonare 2ntl door f'ioni I. Mrs. W. Wilson and danshter Mr
-meeting in the ehurch last Thurs-,
Chaniberlain Who- hav'e been s'pends:e.
Ifhmilton Godericli. day.. An- inte-resting and profitable-
1\lr. James Dempsey, has returned the: Town Hall 'on Thutsday, Jan.
mg the past while at the • latter'
Trivia° funds tolloan at -.lowest rittes, time, was e'njoyed. On Tuesday even -
home in Niagara returned -to Hensall
-re- ") N.C. 3.. L. KILIrQBAN ' . ' the latter part of last week.
ing Sanitary 16 they are arranging '
la ..,,:noUDFOOT, ' fox a social evening fthemserves ,
' D.E. lioizais
and friends when: some interesting A holiday match was played on the
Min Holmes will le in Iiensall. and -unique features will be introduc- Ilensall rink on MondaY" °yelling last
. .
eleery Friday frolti 9 tint .1 6. ed. •' , .' 1 between Hensall and. Sproa,t's Tile
......— -- MT. Will Colwill returned from the yard (near 'Seaforth) which resulted
DR. a, "W. pElali West Saturday and reportsdull in for the locals by the score
G._ . . • raduate of Faculty co., Medicine times
Mr Byron -------------------- shied three
On Tuesday morning last IVIiss Ger-
. McGill University, Montreal;,1\1
loads of good cattle to Toronto Sd I
• embel• ' ,
•of College of Pliysicians.ancl Burgeons, , , ra e i• ngarth suffered a seve • t
, . lirdaY. tack of appendicitie and was In-relmeeadi:
of Ontario; Licentiate of 1\leclical Cou-
Bcii of cian'aati...t Post_Grach•lato,. meat_ At the, acljourned meeting for nom-
inatien of village trustees last week ately removed to the London Hospit-
al where she was operated on. and is
lter of Resiclent lliedi,o111 staff 01 Gen- Thos. Willis and W. Parsons were
e. . at present doing nicely.
1.11,1 II, osPi,tal, - 1\19'..' bre& , 1 011-.,1-5: 'elected for another teim.
Office,. 8 doors east 01 P°8t °I-111** Mr. •and Mrs. John Dempsey Jr., ' Dr. E. S. Hardie wishes to an-
• . entertained a. number' of friends to nollteee that he has disposed of his
Phone 50, Iiensall, Ontario.
'‘Pon't Worry Abont
• ToIn'aASsvseeiFt..g Me,
On' a little; farm away up nortL
-.Tom ,lived with his parents ahd one
• brother. 1-I15 father, well up la -years,
°Una hints...91f tillable to continuo the
..7bard wordc, Of fanning, .so Torntook
latirden: The ineotne was he
very enjoyable, time on New Years dental practice to ..Dr. G.. Smith,
large, and the lad signed '-up with a
lumber a -one- wocking nearby --sawing
logs, s.triPpin2,- baik. and driving- the,
teams. .Altogether ,th.:,se two Jobs,
-farmer and linnberman, izept his day
' so well Paled' that he had' time for
• little, morethan sle.ep,„ ;Nature re -
'belling at this heavy hurdea—con-
sumption claimed another victim.
After trying- various .ways to, over
00103 11,15 pLyeLca1 IvCqi.kness, he tverit
to ths okoioa IIoo 011 qu.5 par-
ents ltao anxious about him, theysenti
1.05 other son to seo him often, for
they are old ar2c1 '"?.oeble and jouruoy-
ei, a liasaArdbits miderta,king to
thetm, Tent's 0Yn. troubles are never
-4:0 real to him teat he 'forgets others.
ylc asks for therie about hint, lives
for littin bits of nevv§. 'ElbOtit his hdme,,
ahd never fails to send this, ine5-
ago bank, '`Doif.t. worry _about me.
',rha people hero sure .do treat you
-white." , •
A.170-n5l92.2til '‘,VotiL is lpeing done by
Day. Among the guests frosent Were loofinCahsicfaogro.votDhr.oatnaidtlai andoldusnidtiepa-
Mr. and Mrs. W. Luker, of. London,
eitvEr. svIeFalls of Luzon, Mr. Jas. $tates, is i11 active praletice and high-
• DempSeY of Toronto and Mr. Harold IY qualified in his profession.
Dempsey of Neepawa, Man.
Don't forget the ,Evanyelistic ser-
vices being ; held in the Methodist
clinrch this Week and next. Rev.
- The' trustees for CIalideboye Pub -
'tic Sehobi are elected ab follows: Jas.
...McRanii,' secretary; Bdsell Collins,-
• W..Ernest Williams. I
The trustees for' S.S% No. 4, MeGil-
' vra,y, are the following: Richard.
Carter, 'secretary; Wni Darling, F.:
The chi/relies ofLuca,n have joined
11°1Clingtini°11 §131"V;i6eS, fOr week,
'beginning:On the etrening of ,Jailuany
There „is still 11 serious water.sholit-
age in this locality. A heavy ram
• Mr. Millson, of.-Lond.on. 3011 .be the
speaker of these meetings and should.
prove interesting and helpful to all.
Who attend.
would be weic'elne •
the National - rn Association.
The death ratc; from tuberculosis in
Ontario has been reduced by more
:than one-lialf during' Elid, last twonli.Y
Y01170. It 110005 VOUr help to inake' itS
•efforis still,' more effective.'
Contribui,ions may be sent to Pion.
A...,`"•Charlton, ;221 Coheir°, Street,
Mr, John T. "Hera bed
boll palsy in the face.
t'orento. • , Mre, Wirt. Taylor, is able to be
and areanc ago
ana to get - Collis I-Iere son of Mr. 11.
cny. s suffox firti , 'beating
A masquerade dance will be held,
in the Town Hall, Ilensall, on Friday,
of this under the directioof
the Hensel]. Board of Trade. • First
and second Prizes will be given for
Ladies' and Gent's Comic and Lad -
des' and Gent's Fancy Co . stume Ad-
O,e,ct.s. 5 0 ce Ladies and child-
rea 250.
Dille are .oet. calling 'for a .new
'nomination for Reeve of the village
of Hensall, the nomination to
held Monday evening, January 15 at
..i 7 'p.m....Mr.' 0.; Geiger', who was.
Ichairman. cif the School Bead at the
• time of thel.a.St noinination, and wile
wee ,eleeted reeve, was not,:qualified.
to accept, the ,position. '
Aftei• an illness of ma.ny months,
Mr. Win,Lairanie diecl0 lliS1.11:'Itente,
,,'hpf.e,' ea' Friday "Of-laSt:ve.alt. The
deceased was well up sin years. 1-1(1was '0 :valued monaber of tho Meth-
odist chtireli and was Moe!: regular
in hiseetittentioncen'aVlien his health
permittedn,' For seVeraheyears he
'WEIS aburie.r on 'the Iippeir Rural
Route and also on R, 2,
Ho is survived by his Widow, whos
main nae Was Miss Aggio Hunter
two, danglitere, Miss AnlY, , Tor-
onto; MISS Greta 'at home, and One
00)4' :Ray; also two SiSters, tiro. W.
trent) y and 'qrs. ' Coo, Case, 0 0-10b-
„ pill, an a two by' 0 thora, dr0.,w,,,, o
and one in the Weat,,,,,,,,,"Tho
111‘i1111.1 1101)100' 'Monday, inter/ a 7V.:ifil$!:
Vin. 'trolley confined to
bed again "0117.11 imournonia.
r. T. Morley is at present -under
tho dectOr's care.
Mn leelSon Towl. prepaving for
ins erection of a. new , •
0 4,3 Mr. T, Brock entertained hit/ u4'friends on Friday, evening ot .11180
Colds ancl cougfis are, a common
epidemic in this seetion.
1 10
't depend pen T.11.(i.'s • to
,O0 ;lair .worlt,-.
se d there's no cliarcee ,of,erinir
ata Itenry Redd is in Lendon and
de doctors care
&, .
"la no once.
congregation of theMotliociJt
Ieseie aceneate
a, aa, aluss,Iat 0:k 0.0.0,eaotd elniece 1011271,q3`,t”" ', Oh .Staleuty
;,1Aorttitig. 'ow tho tax-trent:eV,
34,00 aaatadi44,,a e 01 el *oaths:a. an a shit:table pielt-
.8. Nri, 11STEP,369EN
The fQllowingi of S,S.
No. 11 Stephen or the Pacintli of Dec-
ember, Names are' in order of merit.
Sr. IV—Mina Wilert, Herman
Sr. III—Violet Willert,
'Morenz, Leslie Adatna.
Jr. III --Norman Brenner, Elgin
Sr. If--Ilarga Morenz, Willie Die-
trich, Sidonia Dietrich.
II ---Earl Baker, Mervyn Dis-
jard.ine, I—Mip.erva Arincent, Chas,
Dietribh, Leonard Disjardine, Earl
Sr.•''Pr.----Anna Dietrich, Hazel.
Morenz, Benedict •Dietrich.
Jr, Pr.—Dorothy Vincent, Ervin
.Devine, ,
No. on roil; 21. Av., att. 11.1.
'•• Susan E. Link, teacher.
Mr. 0, Zwielrer spent a few daya
thio letrOE* in '1.'orento.
• Mise Matilda Hauch, of London,
'spent th'e, • Weeltend. at 1).e heme
Special eervice$ are being held in
the Evangeilieal and Methodist
churches this week,
lVir. L. W. Brown returned to Tor
onto tiniVersity last Wednesd,ay.
Mrs. Sanfl. Either, of ,Q1by, Mich,,
to has been visiting relatives here
during the past two., Weeks returned
to her home on Friday.
A meeting of the Women's Insti-
tute was held at the home of Mrs.
Daniel McIsaac Wednesday afternoon
(Continued from page one)
1 Geo. Mason,',Atignstus Latta, Sorties
1, Pollock, Samuel adcLinchey, Cliff.
ISherrit, Humphrey Webb, Edward
Walper, Win. P. Deejardine, Ed. Gill
, Roy Holt, Austin Hay -Leta C. Wood-
burn, Thos. Isaac, Noah Gratton,
Byron Hicks, C. Jones, Wne., Grieve,
Patrick McCarthy, Dennis ..MalunleY,
1 Ab. Desjerdine, Rd. O'Rourke, David
Steeper, Jerry Brophey.
Fence Viewers—Daniel McCurdy Jna,
Moxiock Ezia Haise, David MeKene
'ie, John Ragier, EliiiKing, W. J. Brown,
Geo. Down, Austin Hayter, • .
Pound Keeper,s—Wm. Moffatt, Hiram
Shaptart, W. B: Gaieer, Theo Deitrinh
Daedd Eagleson., Geo. Webb, ' Alvin
Baker, Arthur Amy, Carr, Finkbeiner,
Arthur Baker, Jos. Brenner,Fred Pree
ter, Silas Stanaeke, Lesvist Kraft, Dav-
id Steeper, Jenry Brophey,
Cow Tag' Inspectors—Nelson Baker
Cons. 1 to 7 inclusive; Mat, Sweitzer
Cons. 8 to 15 inclusive; Robt. Car-
ruthers, Cone. 16 to West Boundary.
• --Carried.
• Snell--Sweitzer—That the Reeve re -
(Meet .George A. MeCcibbirn
to prepare a plan, forthwith
of Lake View Park at Grand, Bend
being part of Lot,l, Con. L.R.VV.. pur-
suant to the Plans and :R.egistry,' Act.
-.Canted. -
Penhale—Hayes—That By-law No.
302 being a By-law togrant a tele -
Phone franchise to. the Centralia -Mount
Carmel Telephone Co., Limited, for a
texm of ten. yeanet use .cesetain Eighe
sways in. the Township •of Btephere
having heen read, thnee1 times be pass -
'ed sighed a.nd sealed. —Carried.
• The following orders' were passed—
John Wein, gxading. 5.00;, Treasurer of
Province of Ontario; amusement tick-
ets, 10.00; Feist Bricese acct. 3.05; Dr.
J. J. ac re Alma Wdljams
19.50; Expresee charges 60c.; Muntei-
pal Wkorld, suppkies. and, subscriptions,
8.60; Sundry persons, expens.esmunic-
ipal election, 134.88; Dr. R.„ H. ipay-a
lor, acct. re insane indigent 6.60; br.
G. W. Riney, ditto. 7.40; Jonah Kes-
s,zir dragging 2.50r Heary-Eillsen.'Tpe
Road - Supt.' liar 1922 45.00.
The council adjeurnod to. Monday
• March 5th at 1H'pe.nenir.; er; clerk,
Sr. V ---Ewart Cornish, 78; Jessie
Brooks, „71*; lVfilcIred. Bell, 57***.
' Jr. V—Florence Pullen., 77; Agnes
Creary, 73; Isabelle Johnson, 72*;
Ross Hern, 71; Elgin Hem, 70; Mil-
dred Routlyt 69*; Milne Pullen, 654;
Lloyd Colgan, 65***; Wm. Hazel-
wood, 61* * * j Charlie Hodgert, 60
"en Harold Prone% 1'
5900"; Car-
men GregOry, 58***.*; Kenneth Stev-
enson, 55****. ,
Sr.IV—Marjorie Delbridge, 73; Ina
Jaques, 71*;. Verna Brock., 68; Ward
Horn, 64; Ail
lma Ilern, 64"; Cyr
Cornish, 6 3 ; Lena Heywood, 5 4 * * .
Sr. III--Siet.14,re Herdmaie, 75; Gil-
bert Johns, 70; Harr'' Murch, 64;
Kenneth Johns • 57*• Verda Kellet
53*, Jack Dellenidge '48.00.*.Florence.
Herdman, 48; Hubert Heywood 45
1". Failed in one subject failed
in 2 „subjects **
L. McCulloch, teacher.
The following is the report of the
Chrietmas examinations held in. S.
S. No. 14, Stephen.
Sr. 1V—Genevieve .0 Brien 85;, H
•Godleolt 71; Murray Nell 68.
.Jte'IV-eJean' Spencer 74; Jewel
Spencer' 63; Mildred. White 58; John
•Smith 56. •
Sy. III—Hazel. Smith 89; Wanda
• Willis 83; Vern Smith 63; Garfield
Neil 50. •
• Jr. III---Willim Richard 70.
Sr. II—Gerald Gedholt 66.
Jr. II-4finnie Smith 83; Marion
Sinclair 83; Earl Frey 62; George
White 49.
• I Sr.—Gwendolyn I -licks, Mable
Smith, Maurice White.
I Jr.—Edna Schutlz.
Dorris „Essery, Teacher.
• Seaforth—J. Grieve, V. S.
Clinton—James Miller.
Goderich—W. F. Clark and B. C.
Munsings. ,
• Wingha,m—.'A.•Tipling.
Exeter—B. W. F. Beavers.
Hensall—Owen -Geiger.
Brussels—A. I3a,eker.
Vroxeter—J.• Douglas.
Bl;_J. Taman.
)31; E. Erwin.
Tuckersinith--Sol(n 1VIellaughton.
McKillop—E, J. McQuaid.
,Hullett—M, Armstrong.
Morris—,T. II. Fear,
Colborne—C. A. Robertson.
, Grey -7501m McNab and J. F. Col -
Turn.• berry—J. McEwen.
Wawanoeh, E.—R. Buchanan.
Wawanosh, W.-13. S. N'aybert
• Stephen—A. H. Neeb and John
Play—eE. Klopp.
Usberne—W. H. Coates.
• Mr, Calvin Williaens, of Buffalo,
N. L. is visiting his brother and sis-
ters here. Mr. John Eisenhoffor, of ListoWel,
visited friends in the village recently.
Selit to Pri
By the
ss Mary
°I-kiefeeeesneiiediell " n,elsesenieleee
'Wedding gifts trent. Inc Queen
Mother and people of Ashanti and
of the Gold Coast, were presented to
Princess Mary, Viscountess Lascelles,
recently by Lady wife 01
the GoVernon of the Gold Coarat, who
was accompanied by Mrs. Lewis, wife
of the Treasurer, Mr. J. Hutton -
Mills, and Captain R. RattraY. A
silver stool, the gat of the women
of Ashanti, is an exact replica of the
Queen Mother stool, and was handed
by Amma Sewa Aketo, tits senior
Queen. IVIoth,er, to Lady Guggersberg,
for presentation to Princess Mary.
Accompanying the stool was a
printed docuramit in which inform-
ation is given concerning the old
mothers of Africa who seet this "tri-
bute of love, loyalty, and good wishes
to the beloved princess," and de-
• scribing how the stool was made and
consecreatecl. In making the presen-
tation Lady Guggesherg handed ,to
the Princess a translation of the ad-
dress of Amnia Sewa Akoto, whieh
runs as follows:
"1 place this stOol in your hands.
It is a gift on her wedding "for the
King's child, Princess Mary.
"Ashanti stool-makersahave carved
it, and Ashanti silversmiths nave em-
bossed it. All the Queen Mothers
who dwell here in Ashanti have con-
tributed towards it, and, as 1 am the
Senior Queen Mother in Ashanti, I
stand as representative or all the
Queen Mothers,' and place it in your
hands to send to the King's`child.
"It may be that the King's child
has heard of the Golden. Stool of
Ashanti. That is the stool which
contains the soul of the .A.slianti na-
tion. All we women of Ashanti
thank the Governor exceeding11, be-
cause he ba e declared to us that the
English will never again ask Us to
hand. over that stool. This stool we
give gladly. • It does not contain. our
son). as one, .Golden Stool does, but
itscontains all the love. e1 us."Queen
IVIothers and of our women. The
spirit of thiseloye we have, bound to
the ecailkeeith 'Silver 4141ters just as
we are accustomed to bind our own
spirits to the base of our stools.
• "We in Ashanti here have a law
which decrees that it is the daughters
of a Queen who alone can transmit
royal blood, and that the children of
a king cannot be heirs to that stool.
This law has given us women a power
iii land so that we have a saying
which runs; 'It is the woman who
;nears the man:.
n-hearethat her law is not so,
neverthelese -wlie"haese-....great joy in
•Sending...her our congratulations, and
we pray the great God Re pon,
on whom men lean .and do not fall,
• whoze day of worship is a Saturday,
• and whom the Ashanti serve just as
she serves Him, that He May give
• 'the King's child and her husband long
CHISELHURST • life and ha.ppinese, and finally, when
Miss Mabel Purdy is, taking med-•
she sits upon this silver stool, which
ical treatment at present inWindsor.
Miss Purdy injured her knee some
time ago and it has been giving her
considerable trouble. We hoPe that
she will begreatly benefitted by the
Mr. Camuel Mowaert who has
been living on Mr, G. W. Wren's
farm for the past five years has mov-
ed to the farm which Ile recently
purchased from Mr. A. Coxworth 21/2
miles south of Hensall on the Loudon
Road. Mr. Mowaert has been a good
neighbor and we regret -very much
hie movin,g away from this commun-
ity, but we wish for him happiness
and prosperity in, his new surround. -
lugs. . -
Mr. Edward Harris, of Carrievale,
Sask., who has been visiting friends
and acquaintances around Exeter,
Henson, Dashwood, Grand Bend,
Kippen. and St. Marys, left for his
home in Saskatchewan, the beginning
o4 this week. 'Mr. Harris left. Exeter
thirty-thre,e agb.and 'went west.
For six years he was a cow bey, then
took up farming. 1 -le ba e ,been Vis-
iting arOund this comnrunity for two
months' and was very glad to meet
old friends again, but he miseesa
great many who have passed away.
We wish him a safe journey home.
Plowick—W, J. Spotton.
Sta,n)ey—George Hanley.
Goclerich Township—B. Lindsay.
The regtilar• menthly,,,meeting of.,
the Farquhar .Wonnen's institute was
held at the home of Mrs. F. Gollings
On Tuesday, Jany. 2nd, with a goodly
number in attendance. After'. the
roll, cail_was responded to ;and,. a
short business.niteting was over we
were favored. •iwka,, ;paper ,sasiven by
M".J.,,.:SM'°$Plirliai'n Ohuld
taught' before going to
201001" also a solo Ily Ms. P. Gol-
hugs. We were then favored by a
nevoid: given' by Mrs J.. Hey, the
!Zurich Institute, on the District con-
vention held loot fall in London. The
meeting then closed 111'singing The
Maple ,Leaf ForeVer, after •whiell
lunch Wai; se'rved. •,Tlie• next Meeting
will be held in- the ,Farquhar
Hall oh Peby. 6.
There Wil,2`, no teaching, n the
ThomeS Read school laSt week On ac-
colint et a new fleet being put in-
The, Misses Millie and Rota, Pollen
of fditelielIf are speane dihole
daYs ,tettler the pavontal vont., 01 Toronto i 1150
Aas fideu1 151. vmats.ves
Mr. Louis Lippb t ar , of Saskat -
chewan, is visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Hy. Lipplia,rdt. Hol. is also
renewing old acntaintances in the
surrounding coentry• .
Mrs. P. Koehler spent a few days
at I)ort Huron last Week.
— • -,,
min- harry RCS° let; last week for
Mr. El r Cialleille
for 111etroit
Itt.determining the reSponsibilites
of the modern education, a grOun of
researchers gave but "five per, cent
to the College. • The school's were
given credit for 20 per cent, and the.
heme for 7 5 per cent. With so much
of respOnsiblIity for the future of the
• child placed upon it, it is sad, indeed,
• that the home should be failing in
,1113 hare. Tho influence or the 110108
in the tiphring'ing of the child.18
coming 1825 and less, yet it 10, 111 the,
home that, character should beAlorin-
514 011,1 xnMio. The 'atinae that ±01151
the Nano of home in the, traintrig of
the- anntit ne Americo 010 eeldon1 to
itn wartely' ' 11oo •
the women of Ashanti have made for
their white Queen Mother, may she
call us to mind.
(Signed) "Amnia Sews, Akoto."
An Ashanti cloth woven in the
country was presented from the men
of Ashanti.
A suggestion was placed before
Princess Mary that a certain sum of
money remaining over fro11i the con-
tributions should be invested with a
view to the endowment of a "Prin-
cess Mary" women's ward in the new
hospital of Accra. Her Royal High-
ness expressed herself delighted with
the proposal.
The Weathercock.
• The church weather vane has been
handed down to our own day from
the time of St. Dunstan. Its form is
traditional, and its popular name,
weathercock, suggests its shape. Wja37
was` this bird selected to preside over
our spires and turrets? It is the em-
blem, of vigilance, an.d Hugo de San
to Viciore in the "Mystical Mirro,
of the Church" has a long disserta-
tion on the subject.. HO says that the
cock represents *the preacher, and t.
Mr. Hector Muir
Detroit after Spendia
at home. lie 111.115 54,
Mao ford OrYlitoi
Arthur Webb, who interl t
there thie Mtn ter.
;Miss Alma Ste
ed from a holidaY" 2110111 1.'
George Oliver in St.
G'ordou. 311
Years in London
Mr. and Mr P0111. Polia
daughter have retu nod, Irs
West and are vieith rdlelyzet•
and at Grand neud.,
The inembe,.s and 01111efents
Methodist church arc uvged
tile services regularly •MIA
next few weeks as the pastor
es preaching a
The suhject fo
"What Jesus V
been 0. happy an,
the ,ihildrenis Shelter
inm,iLes. As will, be Se
bellow many kind irrie
torn and County rol
horne and its needs
been no lack of good re
Iqluding special provis
Christmas Tree which
Saturday evening, Dee.
little folks gave an exer
rendered programme
who showed tehisAr
ing and with an exce
to add reality to the
evening was one of great
The Menesetung Cantle 01ubdu
buted largely to the snece
tree, also the Lions Club, 11
Reid, Mrs. Fred Shepherd.
man, Nettie Aberha
Mrs. F. Lawrence, Meg,
Mrs. W. L. I-Iill and. Ila
special gift the Godexealt •e
of the C. P. R. under the lead
of Mr. W. Si:111)1'ton formed -
*Lotion consisting of DIessret
Connell, -Thos. Craw -'n -rd T.
Mr. J. Fitton and M •
presented_ a „fine V'
tertainment of tye
which is mostsgratert
those in charge of the
children will not soon
py hour they spent.w
men came with their s
The Regular Mon;
the So 1..ety was he
and a onsideral
as dealt
items being of a v
aCter as showing'
of most 9 ' the
tive wouid again as
from anyone willing
the children into I.,
either sex and from
Were you to read sonsi-p
received from Foster.
have taken a child from
you would realize that t
ment has its abundant rewa
The following expense ace
passed at the last meeting
rate $8.50; Coal $55.15; Hon
penses for the month $6 0.34; '
expenses $14.50; Printing
Clash Col
last re
arouses :the sleepers. He foretelleth
the approach of day, but first stirreth
himself up to crow by the striking
of his wings. So the preacher arouSee
the children of this world from the
sleep of sin,foretells the coming of
the light, and wisely before preach-
ing toothers arouses himself from
the sleep of sin. '
Curious Occupations.
An old glide -book to Paris enum-
erates some of the curious profeseione
of the inhabitante, Among them is
the collection of. shale bread., which
is probably practiced in other conn -
tries to -day. The bread colleetors die -
Posed of the better portions of their
gains 10 dog breeders, Poultry keep-
ers, and aviarists, while the inferior
wares ,(heing regarded as only fit for
human corisu)uiption) were sold to
managera of restaurants for the gar -
Ms' lag of colcl ham and the manu-
facture ofdishes labelled ."
gratin." •
• • Sphi11in 1111.31..
The 8cience Mneouni, 1;nente. ia0l1l0-
ington, has just acquirect Ide mly
known specimen of the orit,-inal Ark-
-wright spinning jitclt, WJIiOii has been
the Swain family tax 150 years.
It has 48 spindles, and is worked by
hand With a five-foot wooden tly-
wheel. Arkwright, after atteinpting
perpetual niotibit, completed ht 1768
inaCT)".ine tor spinning cotton thread.
late Bank of England. .
''.rb 0 Bank of England tt-ts eetab-
lished in the city bt Lendon in 1 9 4.
Although a pOvato insiitalion, it is
1.111(161' Gavernmeni, eentroi, nu(1 con -
a .1 „ti6e„, 1he treasuay n, POIPIrC,
England 01.1.' 1112' natienal F.> in es
like tlita Olf, the United 81att0e
$3.00; A.
G.C.I. Literary
Dr. Hunter 5,00; 31
Ole $10.0 0 ; Town ot
Jas. Carrie $1.00; ,
Varna $1.00; A filen,.
Reid $10.00;
School, Blyth 0.70.
Others Contributing
Vogettiblcs, Csih
tributed I
Others Who eentia
Miss Nattel
bIdIlOops' -8,1-1,11") ss,
8trattglian an
Mrs. 11.IeTtonalci,
10\ if.•10.1. 13:1(,:ii .11 -,q,a'11:00c1,1,1
Mr. slid Mrs., 1"
'Ford, Mr. Pa
• Calvin Cutt,
'Mios Yoling 11,I1
seri, Carf„
Grls,„ Sir:•
1.;3O11, 1111s. A. O'sir
1(1 21 jutt