The Exeter Advocate, 1922-12-7, Page 1THIRTY-FIKP11 YEAR.. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY DEC. 7, 1922 SANDEPaS 13L f+RE .0 T Pure Manitoba Flours 411$3.65 Sir Henry Thornton, the new pyres aiias Verna Irene Hill of London A number of the local shooters ars; School Report formerly of Stephen, was, recently mar attending the live bird match In Hen - Shorts ---- $27 a ton All l from Ontario Mills. `or the first 15 days in December, or until supply sold out. idem of the Canadian Ralways is to make a personal insepet on of the G R. G. $eldor. PHONE 81 The Men's Store Big Sale Continues 1 Dozen SUITS at ...... $12.50' 1 Dozen RAINCOATS at $6.50 8 TWEED OVERCOATS at $12.50 1 Doz. OVERALLS and PANTS $1.50 1 Dozzen TWEED PANTS ,. $3.00 Gent's Furnishing HEAVY RIBBED UNDERWEAR 1 FLEECE LINED UNDJ.RWFAR 75c, SWEATERS ... ,. $3.00 SOCKS, ...............3 pairs for $1,00 GLOVES . ... $1.00 HEN'S AND BOYS' CAPS 50c. &: $1 HATS,—FELT AND TWEEDS $1.00 SHIRTS $1.00 HANDKERCHIEFS, 5 for $1.00 TIES— 25c., 50c., 75c., and $1.00 10 per cent off EVERY ARTICLE IN OUR • EN TIRE STOCK, DURING THIS SALE. W. W. arnan Tailor& Furnishe r AGENTS FOR "THE HOUSE OF HOBBERLIN" Our Corner A pessimist is a young married ma who buys a seven --passenger ear. Other vices mean no evil, but self ishness is just premeditated cussedness A mans definition of a living wage d x311 always 1}e baseon, whether he is iv.nVtorreceiving t rig .,. Daughter isn't wholly selfish. She never calls mother from, the, kitchen to wind the phonograph for her. vied in that City to :Mir. Otis Homer .all thi; Wednesday. T. R system in the London, Division. EXETER PUBLIC SCHOOL e1,Vright. The ceremony took place at *; We would suggest that he come upl the Dundas Centre parsonage, e rod this the Bruce. Th d up way RO0lf I Dr. Hyndman loot one of his drier- stand ri r are fair inspection. The roadera ~t n'eeHunter n a n. men . k Is R.D. Hu lot' a S A— I tc� t C H•on rs S , ar 87 las rs ,J are doing all they can to keep up the Class 86 R. Eraser 86 K. 1•Iockcv 86 Usborne was keepiryg the horse, and standard but they are half the time H Kerslake 83 D Luker 81 E tSnell when. left Btanclingn; the yard; it ran Funny a Allan won't buy a used car, but will marry -.a girl that has been kissed by every Tom, Dick; and Harry, A rich man i.s one who can. Teach his hand into th,e drawer, with his eyes shut and get a pair of socks tvithou. holes called an to work ondistant part; of 8o • Pass. J Pilon 69 away. and "becoming overheated, took the road. Walter 86, A. NelsonT Bnp 84, att, 81 I i go; 5 B.—Honors, A.Stone 86, B.. cold and died. We spend money for gasoline, we I Colltrigwood 79, S. Ward 79, J., take in picture sb:asras, eat ice cream, jStanbute 74,; Pass, ee Spencer 72, I. DIED AT HAIIILTOS. drink soft drnk�, smoke smokes and1 Zooney 72. Therp ssed away at her at r _sem_ inlulg* iia • hundreds of things that! Class 4—Horrors, :ML. Quante 82, Re deuce, 69 I.xondoe street, H raletore, bring us neetiein , but the entezrtkao,' Freckdeton 82, E. Cornish 75; Pass, Mies lt$inu;'e, ,daughter of the late Thomas J. Amy, formerly of Stephen, aged 30 years, 5 months. The funeral took place ore, Wednesday at 2 p. m. to the family plot • in the Hamat.ea Cemetery. She WAS a member of Cal vary Methodist Church, Hamilton, and taught a class in the Sunday School until she ova- .taken ill a Ittda. over a year ago. Mr. Arthur Amy of Cred- iton ,attended the funeral. There were mane beautiful floral tr.butes, showing the high esteem, in which she was held by her many lfarnilton. friends. mens of the moment. No permanent J. Pryde 72. benefit ever comas to us from any 1 Class 3 --Honors, A. Tramper 85, M. of it, but wee never think of le',cking. Taman. 82; Pass, JL Hutchinson 64, R. It is only when we conte to pay taxes Creech 63, M. Jones 60. the thing that gives us, schools, roads, Class 2—Honors, H. Clark 85; Pass, sidewalk's, public buildings, govern- V. Wells 73, J3, Waiper 73, H. Pen- ment and perznan.eat benefit, that we hale 72, C. Comp';,;in 68. rise uo on our hind legs and holleer• Class 1.-11onors, I. Coliingwood 75; .err heads off, Pass, E. Ca.nn 70, F. Ellerinaton 68. Number enrolled 39; averae attend- ance 35. --Olive M. Taylor, teacher. TOO MANY PEDDLERS. This country is being overrun with peddlers trying to ,tel things the4 can. be purchased from local stores Jr. 2 A,—Honors, P. Zing Wee 93, R. or busineas places. There are photo en- Balk�vitl 92, K. Ward 90, II, Stanbury 1arging canvassers, who work all kinds 89, D. Cox 82, H. Heywood 81, M. of fake schemes an the unwary, the Can 74 brush peddlers, the aluminum peddlers; Jr. 2 I3, --Honors, J. Creech 88, R. the book peddlers, the newspaper sub-. Trumper 87, G. Cochrane 86, T. V4 eth- scrip:ion canvassers and scores of oth.- ey 81 H. Salter 78. M. Davis 76; Pass, ars who are trying to make an easy V Hodgson 73, 1I, Appleton 69, A. llv n on the public. Better make a nun"' 67. ru. a eo give these che�'ky fellow a Jr 2 C. -Honors, F. Cornish 81, A. ,vide berth, and do your bk.yina at the i"ra.se"K 77; Pass, J. 1?eahale 74, L. home town stores. It pays every i CQ11ingwoad 68, A. Appleton. 61. o- from1 toJr.2.—Hon- wheedled H n time, and you are not caax.ed said Promoted Sr. J wheedled into buying a lot of th;,n's "^', R. Stan: 97; D. D3'164-.83' C', J(3/.. you don't need, ntngs viii, U. Clark 76; Paas, C. Cornish 60. t Jr. 1 B. -Honors, L. 3TcDona1d 89. 1L Cann 80, M. Sims 85, A. Quanee E. H. C0�11IENCE\I1:XT. , Sl; Dasa, M. Cornp]irt 63. 1 Jr, 1 C. --Horrors, T. Eilerington 86 The Second. Annual Commencement J, Sanders 82, V. Kestle, 80; Pass, B. Exercises s c,': e T Tai m e the Exeter h School, ter H , Doig, Chambers 69, E. Ward 6 6 Number enrolled 38; average att.nd- ante 36.52.--.N.:Tedd, 'teacher. ROOM III. ROOM II. were: held in the Opera Hous.: on Fri- day evening last, .and quite a large number of people besides the students were in attendance. The program wps ,lengthy but, we Sr. 2—Honors, M. Snell H. Pen believe, was thoroughly appreciate3 by bale 88, Ioef. Stewart Si. 90,G. H. ? n- alL The Chairman sof .the Beard of ee Education, `Zr, R. ,N. Creech, oceup- 83, R. Pryde 83, H. Vale 82, C. Laing fed the the chair. and in his opening 78,R Coiling cvood,78,HBloomflaid 77 remark.: ,gave a review .of the history I - Statham 77, C - Hutchinson 76, I. of higher education .in Exeter, partie�- Skinner 76. 3 ,S:veere. 75; Pass, Without ultrie 'use the formation, of the High l.estle 74, M. Martin. 74 G. Smith 74 School, dwelling, particularly on the J .Redder, 73. A. Little *7, I. Freckle - efforts Wal per Nelson. 62.H. ..r • .,. -r 63 B. efts t� made by the Board to mprova T,—p tlw t ondrtions and weave better x...- eterme.diate ,Honors. J lacksen sults H. spoke of the exeeilk.nt re -ea WV Seldon t.4, eL Rlcomfreld !sir salt. obtained hast June, the ia.-reasa ^j Lilerrngton 78, C. Batton 77. 'H. in the attendance, from 120 to 170,and ;..ale 75; Pass, ''.1 day 71, the necessity o preparing anther Number enrolled 33; average attend - room and securing a fifth teacher. mice 32.--H el. Kinsman, teacher. The chief fobeing good r s that you must devote, so much of your energy to punishing, Polka who are naughty. Every 'business man ev'fao expects public patronage should -oak for ist through an advertisement in the local paper. People have been educated to read advertisements, and naturally they expeet better service from a merchant who asks for their tradq than one who doesn't. A new form of declaration, gassed at last session, is now to be signed by a candidate for muncipa1office. This allows anyone who is, owner or tenant of a dwelling, or .owner of land, and ,entered on the voters' list, a ••Br,t-r ish subject over twenty-one years of age, with taxes paid up and living avithin two males of the rnuni;cipali,ty, to hold office. - LEARN TO BE TIDY. Please don't drop paper on the 'streets. It is surprising ,to nick up an enevalope or a newspaper wrap, tier and find the address of ;some prominent citizen to whom it was ad dressed, The thoughtlessness of rizepoing these on ehe ,street causes untidy streets. The names ,on the pa- per are a cunning ' telltale as to the off enders. DR. JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTOR & OPTOMETRIST HAS MOVED TO - MAIN STREET, SOUTH of Y.P.C.A. EXETER Phone 70. Money In Hogs One of the beat sources of profit- able income :for the fanner• to -day is hes hog -pea. Pigs grow into money rapidly. But still better results can bobtained b feeding scientifically. efts,; Helen Dignan and Miss. Eleanor 1 ROOM IV.. Medd gave a very pleasing piano duet and ells. Lillfnn Rioters a witty Ir sh ' Sr 3—Honors, W. Bishop 77, 13. reading Powell 76, J. Passmore 75, G. Wells /5; The illustrated address on. "The Pas, R. Batten 73, 1�. Reid 71, T. Wonderful Heavens," given by Prof. Kay 71. W. Sanders+ 70, G. Nelson 70 I R. Kingston of the Western Un - W. Kay 68, A. Passmore 65, S. Walter varsity Extenseon Department, Lon- i„, :Mi. Beaver 64, G. Webster *61., don, was moat interesting and,instruet- Jr. 3—Honors, R. Snell 78. G. Hun- iv�e, The pictures were actual photo- !;in 76' Pass, W. Elleranitton 72, W. graphs of the heavenly bodies, and his lialkwill 72, C, Lodder 71, L. Payne explanations of the ,piictures as they ***69. C, Boyle 69, R. Coll/nee-Net t.5 appeared on the screen, was d light- N. Walls 63, D. Dinneey 62, V. Garnbr„ll fully given. Pictures and address made 61, ;MI. Wens *"* 61 a lasting impression on. his, hearers, of, No enrolled 40 average 37.6. the immensity of the universe, and the! Jean S. Murray. wonderful instruments used to find out _-- the facts. i ROOM V. Mr. Kenneth Stanbury, with Sr.M s 4—Honors, E. Howey 3$, F. Alice Hoffman as accompan a,, ren-' Creech 85, rs Creech h 33, el. Clary. tiered a pleasing violin solo. c 1.•, West 73, I. I-ltaman -7&, 1f Principal E. J. Wethey, atter anad- fl vvey 77, E. Russell 76; Pass, 1, dress on, the work , of, the school, prt. - sented the certificates and diplomas. Hotivald 74, J. Connor 74 T. Taman A large number secured certifkcat 74, `I Medd 73, J. I%wr>1tz 72{ 1T. Gam - and. those receiving diplomas were, — Wi legarden 71, E. Betts b7, 7. Gam- Upper School—A. Bruce Medd, Ma- brell 69, R. Bearers 63, ,J, Betts 60. bel G. Iodine, James Morley, Alma L. Jr. 4—Honors, V. Mooney 77, V. 'Mc- Hardurg. Donald 76, E. Walters 75, D. Salter 75; `:idle School,—Edna. Pfaff, Nellie Pass, L. Baker 74, L. Dinney 2, H. Petty, Wilfrid G. Turnbull, Verna A. Jennings 72, I. Ford 72, :I. Bierlane, 70 Walker. Ainy Shapton, Violetta Rat- S. Northcott 68,- W. i\elson, u8, G, cliffe. Cora M, Schroeder, Bloomfield 67,: H. Skinner 466, N. Miss Campbell., school nurse, spoke Reeder 66, C. Woods( 65, S. West *65, for a fete minutes on the work of med- C. Hutchinson 57, A. McDonald 56, ical exarnaaatilon in the schools. I. Mitchell 31. (lLissed tests,) Mr. J. 1G,- Stanbury, Chairman of Number on roll' 3i , average attend - die Scholarship Committee, gave a mice 36.3.—G, S. Howard, Principal, talk on, the excellent success, of the school in. the .part yeark the efforts tto secure good results, particularly ,i+n, offering scholarships. He meat tined' the fact that in June last 606 papers --- w!ere written on; op 486, or $0 lieSi See High Sc• hool Eepart on Page 4 Dent, pass standing wee secured, and of those 262, or 54 per cent. vv'ere tak- I Be sure your sins, will .find you gut! en with bonars. He (then pressnkted Don't believe.let? Thera sere the the scholarships as follows,— Poy in. the. Opera H•atuse, Dec. 13. Entrance to High School -1921, De - £erred -Award Ella Moriock; 1292, Ex -i Miss Pear, after spending the mil- eter Public School, Marson Bisisuett; livery season with Kiss May Arm - Exeter High ,School District, Ina Hard- strong„ returned to her. home in Blyth ing first, Karim Bissett, second.; this vv eek. . Foran L, General Proficiency, Maud; Mr. John Hankin gave his annual Millar, Marguerite, Aldworfh, Osear shooting ;patch at live birds Thursday Harrison whose~• -sad death took pla:c;e last, but the scare has ,disappeared— aceritly, although we widerstand that some Form II., Lower School, Kenneth good $.hooting wtas done. - Local News Stanbury, - Mary Gilfillan, Edward $eayatar William Praudfoat, died in e y . Aldworth• Danish bacon has a better reputation Farr, 11I, Muddle School—Lula MOT-, the Toronto Hospital, Sunday, follow- on the British market than our. Why? lock Carl .Morloclz.ing an operation for app,endicitics, His Because they feerd and breed sntell- Business Mens Scholarship for gem,- ( remains were taken toG odernch fox igently.They rase the bacon 'type of eral proficiency, Harry Seldom,Tues- .hoe and use the feeds that are rich Farm. IV,, Upper School, Mabel G ! day tui proteids. In order to secure !the Johns, A. Bruise Medd. lean neat so much, in demand It', - as necessary to use a feed containing more, protein than ,molt of our grains have. - Gold Medal for General Proficienyc SOLD FARM. A Bruce Medd. Mist. Beatrice Hatst rendered a I Mr. Joshhin Hard:sug last Saturday sold choice piano sola, and, A. Bruce eladd” his farms of .100 acres ;ori the 'second th,e gold medalist, read a well worded; Concession of !Usbgnne ,to Mr. S. G. d'i'e strongly recommend the use! of and well thought out valedictory ad -1 Noble of Walkerton, whogets -pos-i Shorts and Tankage in this comet:- dress: session on iMarch. 15. The pri,oel paid tion They ane rich in protein, and The singing of the national anthem was $9.500, Mr, Harding hags not yet will bring 'You the, desired results. brought to a close a very pleasing ev- °raecided- what he will;. do, espiui,g—!oive 'marking the high standard NESS�PRESZCATOR. We ,hav!e just received a large shipment of tankage, guaranteed to con-' of excellence attained_ by tlue Exet r HAR tag at yeast ,60 and cent. ;of ,protevtr!; sometime running almost 70 ' per High School. s Pro b quiet wedding took place at the cent. Come: in and doe it and allow us to tell you' about it: --�— Presbyterian Manse alt 8 o'clock Tues TJ.. F. O. ANNUAL MEETING day morning', 'Dec, :5th!, when Mass Mat The annual meeting of the Exeter mer- gers' Hazel, Preszcat0r°, daughter of Mr. U.F.O, will be held in Senior's Hall and,, dins, rSVv al Preszcafor, was mare on Wednesday, Dec. 18th at 8 o'clock rreu to Mr. Vv after H, Haimless,. The young couple were unattended. Their A good turnout is requested. future hvo'me4,1 be. in Exeter. BIRTHS North, Exeter No. n, oa Dec. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cooper, a ghter. MARRIAGES Harness--Preszcetor--At the Vresby- terien!, manse, on Daeernber 5, by Rev. Foote, RA., Mr. Walter H. Harness to Miss \Tarery Hazel Preszcator, daughter of sfr, and Mrs" Sarnaeel Preszcator, .all of Exeter. F'rster—Valley,--In London, on Naos 27th Nina daughter of 11' and firs 11. V rley of Parkhill, t i Ferdinand Forster of Londm DEATH'S Bake r� In London, en 'ov. 29, L h1E :er of Grand Bend, .aged 72 years. [arvey Bros. Dominion Stores, Ltd. '4'E DELIVER - PHONE 26i OUR ENORMOUS BUYING PO WER EN. GI•IEST QUALITY CSF GROCERIES AT T COMFORT, PEARL WIIITE SURPRISE SUNLIGHT P. & G. AND GOLD 804?', 16 bars $1 00 BREAKFAST BACON 35c. Ib. SOAP CHIPS, 2 lbs. ... ..,25c. VALENCIA CAKE( ..,... 21c. - ib TOILET ?MER, 6 Rolle ... 25c DOMINION BAKING POWDER. 19e. ib. Tei. DATES, ...,....2 lbs, 25e Ie VE I. OPEN . ]..L'1r THIS STORE WILL L BE NIGHT UNTIL XM ,S.. PHONE 16 PHONE 16 Stvwtfwa �9 sor XMAS. GIFTS wall ONLY Tw O SHOPPING WEEKS BEI°t 1U, .HRIST- MAa. YOU WILL FIND 'I HIS 5 raim WELL PR ARiI) TO As- sis r YOU '1'O A QUICK SOLUTION OF YOUR GIRT PRO- BLEelS. For the Children: Sweaters Sweater Coats- \'i'col Toques, Wool Scarfs, Giver Tw,st Suits far Boys , Rubher Boots, Cosy Sippers, Warm Gloves and Stockings Mutt and Jeff Handkerchiefs, Fancy Handkerchiefs, Beads 'en.d Brooches. For Her Fur Sets, Fur -Collared Coats, Burberry Coats, Bathrobes, Chintz Aprons and House Dresses, itiimcnas, Sweater Ccats, Sweaters , Boudoir Slippers, Spats Overshoes, Holeproo£ Hosiery in Silk, s ilk wool, reel Cashmere, Gloves, Blouses, Camisoles, Scarfs, 'Fable Linen, Gingharns, Crepe and Fancy Handkerchiefs. For Him ? Silk Ties Knitted Ties, Brushed Wool Mufflers, Silk Mufflers, Gloves, President Suspenders, Sweaters, Sweater Coats, Holeproof hosiery `in silks, silk -wool & Cashmere, Raw Silk ;Shirts, Pyjamas, Excelda Handkerchiefs, Kust-a-part Cuff Links.. Visit Our China Department We have specialized ,an. English Potteries ' thins year and offer the following wares,—Crown Ducal, Irving, Bourne; G6bsoan'se Royal Vistas, Thurlow's, Fentou's & Cline's. You may choose; between Cake Plates, Fruit Bowls, Dainty Vases, Small Pitchers, Rose Jars, Stately Vases, and Jardinieres. The decorations. and shapes are ;the most attrarctiv,e we have ever shown, and our prices for these high grade wares are quite ,reasonab1e,. la C11a,ne Cups and Saucers and small sets, we have Aynsleyi, Phoesix, Royal Staffford, Austrian, ante Nippon China. The patterns are "Blue Bird", ".Bridal Rosie", Black and Yellow, Blue Windmill and English " Pheasant. The prices range fxosn 25c. up, for single pieces, - Gift Specials Colored Glass Vases ZSc, !each Cut Glass Vases, 35c. aa. Cream Pitchers `'30c. tcx 65c. each China Jardinieres, 30.. to 85.00 Brass Jardinieres 30c. to $5.00 Tea Pots, plaisn & fancy 65c-$2.50 Dinner Sets -20 per cent. Discount—Dinner Sets On any !Dinner Set bought before Christmas wie wall allow a discount of 20 per cent. You can save read mom,ey on our Gold Telm,m,ed Sets, some "of which have igenusrne china cups & saucers! Shop• Early and we will reserve any articles you may choose until you call ,J,or them. Christmas Grocery Specials - .Seeded Raisins • ,2 pkgs , 35c. Lemon & Orange ,Pe l,. 34c. lb. Seedless leaasins, 2 lbs. 35c; Citrons Peel .54c,.lb. Budded Walnuts, • 50c, 1b. Bulk Deties, 2 ;abs, for 25c, ' ' Buy your Oraang(es Nuts and Grape Fruit at ithrs Store:. J. A. STEWART Hiigbest Prices Paid for Butter Eggs and all kinds of Poultry.