The Exeter Advocate, 1922-11-16, Page 6ee
1lddralts communications to Ar;rent It, n Adoiale a St. West l'oeos t
Sweet Clover for Lighter Soils- i T. Unquestignably, white sweet clover
Sweet clover is fast proving itself; is the very best green manure crop
to be one of the mast inmortanfluirr. that can be successfully grown. ;many,
• sk-rth
a ; • la f r ser y
�.tn n a.
a d ..
•r y
mostvaluable has ever 1x1.2 ,e r that
b crops f
been introduced inirasthis section. : ed means. who °nee. believed it impos-I
Its piece in our cropping system, sable to build up and maintain the fer-'
is no longer • ai e b = ro restive, tility of his soil, and at the same time
c qr es.or. d y p $ living i family. is:
fazen:ers-•--it wonderful qualities have: P;wuce a .1v ing for his 3
q o i on. sc,%Ing the problem with the aid efI
leen demonstrated again and again this hardy legume -
fact that its
hundreds of farms. It is the opinion this oaten produce a good crap of hay;
of the writer that several abyss of will
. season it i,, sown,'
this valuable legume should be grave-: pasture the same ,? i
ing on eve farm,and do•aatless' ata a tine crop of liar: and ate excel-.
Aerie green manure crop the following
many farmers who are far es T. tartly° son, together with its extreme
aril will final it ativisab e, es has tie c g °' ado t'
hrdines, and wide ranee p , ,
writer, to adopt sweet clover as the abash , combine to make sweet clover+
l legume er,ap in the regltiar the 'Seal green manure crop. rotsti°n. i; p
For hay, paste re or fertilizer, sweet% On otlr farms we hope and expect(
s r3
clover i any advantages nog soon to he able to plow under second -F
ll erep sweet clover each year, for every,
tsesseu by any Wier Tee -tome. e, It is folly "acre of e•altivated crops to be planted, t'
the equ. l of al.faida r., fesd value, and We fend that many farmers in this
is far superior to ,iinc,#;sy, aTsiz.e> nr' °echoer are plannia their crop rota-,`
r klov r. IE ;n fair supply cif „e' is rials with the same objet in view.
present, s: �et ''Toler 'will 44'''. rwe. Tile writer has enemrntered a number:
got.d eros an sail that is too light to '
produce alfa.fa preiitably, It else of Raymer° this season who have front
eeed3s to grow quite well win anus" c:rten to dirty f'e'es of this legume grow-:
other soils that are much tea %vet for-
on their farms.
- If weather and soil conditions are
aniu-fl °. /le "iter has s.en a ''`it'r' r,i
noral, sweet clover may be seeded
out bunch of sweet saver grassing in suceessfull � tit any time from April le
th hottom of a ditch, where its rants. to J y 15, litr'e's oats, peas :and
were cevere:i with noel n a water
u yp !
during most- cf the growing °can't. , huekwieeet are good nurse crops. The!
seedbed should be eaarefully prepared`:
Sweet oleecr is not reconnuencled in aid,. if possible, firmly packed, bot10
Preference to a:falfa for heavy, fere before and lifter seeding. On sandy.
tile, wee:; -drained soils that are well soil, chances of success will usually;
aupp-ieil with lime, ani free from pe best if notmore than one bushel of
C 1L'# k n'ra.?'.. or June grass. unless the eats or barley, or one peck of bush-°
cost of seedieg mart he ceesidereel, It wheat per ^.ere is sown. i
nil `g-rdw t Pdri"seti ti N susb sails,;