The Exeter Advocate, 1922-11-16, Page 3BOW TO. REGAIN
It Can be Done Through Keeping
the Blood Supply Rich
and Pure.
There is iiet a nook or corner in
Canada, in the calve, the towns, the
Villages, on the farms and in the
Lines and Iumber camps, where Dr.
Williams' Pink. Pills have not been
toed, and from one end of the country
to the other kind words have hoe
said for this medicine.
You have only to ask your neigh-
bors, and they eau tell you of some
rheumatic or nerve -shattered man,
sc ae suffering worm,, ailing y=outh or
anaemic girl who has been benefited
by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. For
}horn than a tided of a. century thtese
Alis have beer► known not only in
ceneea, but throughout the world as a,
reliable tonic, blood -enriching medi-
The success of Dr. Williams' Plnk
Tills he due to the fact that they go to
the root of the disease in the blood,
and by waking the vital fluid rich,
they strengthen the organs and nerves
tef the body. Mr A. Id. Large, Victoria,
adds bis testimony to that of
thousands ot otbers who have found
eaeflt through the use of this meds.
bine. He says; -•-•"About farce years
ego 1 became dreadfully run down. So
much so that I had to stop work alto-
getiter, and beteg a carpenter, and
busily engaged, the outlook was
gloomy. 1 became so redhead that 1
i'ould have to rest eveu after a. abort
Valle My appetite almost completely
tailed. The doctor whom I consulted
told me 1 would have to take a pro-
longed rest, and ,gave zee a bottle of
medicine, which, however, did oat help
Me. Then a good friend urged me to
tel' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I got
a supply and before long felt an ern-:
ovement. From that on 1 continued,
gain and wars able to resume my
employrueet. I continued taking the
pills for some time longer and now
feel as vigorous as I ever slid,"
Ton can get these pills through any
medicine dealer, or by mail at 50
eenta a box or six boxes for $2,50 from
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock.
V111a. Ont.
Industrious People.
Physiologists, say that yuan watt not
intended by nature to apply himself
without intermission tor any long
period to any manual or mental task,
and, that ene of the great difficultiesin
the modern industrial system is to
overcome what 1st for buman beings a
natural disability. Intervals of rest or
distraction are necessary to everyone;
but the frequency and length of the
intervals and theutas to which, they
are put vary with everyone. And .on
these variations suceega or failure,
happiness or unhappiness, may very
largely be predicted,
For the healthy person the hest way
to rest Is to do •something, says a
writer in Youth's• Companion. Manual
occupation or physical activity is the
best fore, of relaxation for those
whose work is mental; and mental or
physical ,activity la the beet form at
relactation . fore those whose work is
manual. The people who don't know
what to do with, their spare moments
or halt lours or holidays ar who pass
Mem its a discontented indolence de-
rive no benefit trout their opportuui-
ties. They exiglea well envy these who
hurry home eagerly to a good book to
read, or something to make or build,
or a musical instrument on welch' to
practice. or a boy—or Oven a dog—to
exercise, Moat of those who are with-
out a resource seek amusement in un -
Wholesome ware. To be without a re-
source is to be lazy. People who are
not lacy discover resources and enjoy
Industrious people have their wor-
ries and their troubles', but they are
not subjugated by them. They get
happiness out of life, and: they don't
saddlen or irritate the world with la
mentations over their misfortunes-. In
deed, the great virtue of the endue
trious person is not that the works and
produces, -P execellent merit though
that is,—but that bo doesn't wiiiue and.
Prevents Slipping.
An open web fabric to be cemented
to the faces of pulleys luta been In-
vented to prevent belts slipping.
Many inventors Watchmakers.
lVatchxnakiug was the first mechani-
cal activity of many ot t1'o famous in«
Minard's lanlmert for Distemper.
The Care of the Feeble Minded
Dr. J. G. Shearer, Secretary Sac
The havoc wrought by the non -caro
of the mentally deficient is terrible
end is stout -lug to be widely known.
They are the cause of half the crime
in general, two-thirds of prostitution;
in particular, two --fifths of venereal.
disease, and a large proportion of
illegitimacy and of sexual viee.
The cost of caring f=or the fruits
of this havoc in maintaining courts,
gaols, prisons, reformatories, Indus-
trial fauns, and rescue homes is a
heavy burden on the taxpayers and
on private ehnrity.
Prevention is always more worth
while than eure even where cure is
possible, and feeblemindedness cannot
be cured, though in time it can be
Let us consider first what to do
with mentally defective children of
school ago.
They cannot be trained in the same
classes with normal children. They
lag behind, become discouraged, and
get no benefit themselves. They re-
tard the normal children. They be-
come a nuisance to the teacher, taking
far more than their share of atten-
tion and all to little purpose. They
are the source or occasion also of de-
moralizing .school discipline, and usu-
p ly also of 'abominable lewdness and
fico among the other children.
What then is to be dote'r In cities
lal Service Council of Canada,
and other large school districts there
is no serious difftoulty, They should
be examined and tested by a capable
doctor who has had special training
in dealing with mental disease and de-
ficiency, and sortedout into •classes
that may be called "special" or "in-
dustrial" or "auxiliary" by way of
human camouflage. There should not
be more than about fifteen in one class
or room. The teachers of these classes
require special training of course, the
teaching has to be concrete, to a large:
extent manual, and more or Less of
the kindergarten type.
Such classes are popular with the
children. They salve the problem of
truancy. Many of the normal children
are pleased to be allowed to attend.
Vancouver deserves the credit of hav-
ing established these classes in a sys-
tematic way. When the writer last
heard. they had some two dozen of
them. Many of the children mentally
below par can in these classes get
training enc•ugh to enable them to be,
But this method cannot meet the
need of such children in the country,
and in sinall centres. For these spe-
cial provision must be made in one
or more provincial schools established
for this purpose.
The Child Welfare Department of
the province should have power to dis-
The Best Harvest.
There are those who asthey pass
along life's piigrttn way gather to
themselves a harvest of money. Mon
ey is something, but not everything.
1t can be ailed, or abused, It can do
good—or evil. Other pilgrims, as they
Pass. gather to themselves a harvest
of Lame. That, also is something, but
not everything.
The best harvest is that ot—efrien4e.
He who has no friends is tae poor=est
roan, in the wide world.
Gather, therefore, of those otter
good things which lite may bring you,
but remember that the hest harvest is
Sympathy, courtesy, helpfulness—
these, aud the attraction of your own
dharaeter will bring thele to your side
and keep them there..
Cultivate friendships in the spring
of life, so that when the autumn and
winter come you may walk through
the grey days in company.
Of a truth, 'tis better to be homeIees
titan friendless. Adversity, and not of
your fault, may make you homeless.
To be friendless means that you are
selt•coudemned. You lacked some-
thing, and thereby gained no friend.
While there is time, gather to yourselt
friends. They are life's most precious
Tee Fall is the most severe season
of the year for colds --one clay warns,
the neat cold and wet. and uuless the
mother is miller guard, the little ones'
are seized with colds that May bang
on all winter, Baby's Own Tablets are
mother is on her guard, the little cines
banisabing colds. They act as a gen
eral laxative, keeping the bowels and
stomach free and sweet. An oeeaaten-!
a1 dose of the Tablets will prevent
cold.,, or It it does come on suddenly+,
their prompt use will relieve the baby,
The Tablets are sold by medicine!.
dealers or by mail at 25 ceuts a box',
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
1.- A rti. e t
Se f Adve s mon .
Little Barbara was out in the coup-
try walking with her mother. "(lus-
(lre,-cious, whatever's that noise?" asked
"Oh, it's nothing, nutmmie," replied
the e]rild, "but acow mooing, trying to
sell her milk."
Crocodiles Eat Stones.
The crocodile has a gizzard which
it uses to crush and grind large lumps
of food, It takes in sbarp•edged stout%
to kelp in the grinding process.
cover, examine and arrange for the
specialized training and permanent
care of mental defectives. Manitoba's
new and constructive Child Welfare
law gives such authority and provides
the necessary machinery; a Director
of Child Welfare, a specially trained
medical Examiner, and a Board of Se-
lection to determine what is to be done
with eaeh child.
A plan of this kind systematically
and well worked for a generation will
enormously reduce if not eliminate the
problem of the feebleminded.
Second, the adults also shouldbe
discovered, examined, and the worst
of them segregated and so prevented
from multiplying their kind.
On industrial farms they can be
self-sustaining. The large home at
Waverley, Mass,, with 2,000 inmates,
is practically so. And the inmates of
both sexes and all ages are happy and
contented, and though neither walled
nor bolted, nor barred in, never run
away. The Spring City, Penn., ane
with 1,000 inmates, is altogether self -1
sustaining. So are many •others.
Every Canadian province should
have at least one such institution,
one or more.
for the first time the house of an aunt
Are you
enjoying a
harvest of he
'Mc ulloch Says
It Helped Him
From First
"1 ara glad to recommend Tan•1a4,
for It bas helped me to gain twelve
Founds and made me feel better titan
1 bays in many years." This clear-
cut statement was made receutly by
David ¥eCulloch, 42 New St., Calgary,
Alberta, Caua"da.
"1 had been in very poor health for
four years., being generally run dawn,
with no appetite to speak of, and my
nerves were always more or less an
edge. My Atrengt'h and energy were
at a very lew ebb, and a good night's
sleep .seemed utterly out a the flue.-;
lion. 1 was simply worn out all the
-time, and was considerable under nor-
mal weight.
"Friends of mint who had tried Tan -
len urged tree to take it. 1 began to
pick uptram the very first bottle, add
how I have plenty of strength and
energy, never deems to tire, and eat
and sleep like a healthy mate should.
I have taken live bottles, and. do•'not
hesitate to pronounce Tanlac a ane
Tanlae Is sold by all good druggists. 1
(Tape's Diapepsin" for
Gas, Indigestion or
Sour Stomach
Classified Advertisements
FON. s&z8,
colors, samples free---Georgetowir
oolleu 151i11s, Ont.
•[]i 1Doi1T & az.�,TB1•,,F, KENT BLDG
�r Tonge street, Torenta, Register.
*tent A.ttorneyR. Send for tree booktot
EL'x'zkl�} o .SLL KINDS, NEW Qli
used, lies}� , saws, oaale, boq}
etc., shipped subject to approval .at loft+.
1ur,ettlyl Stomach corrected'. You est price$ in Canada. York. Belting Co.,
never feel the slightest distress from
sae rorlc gt.. Toronto.
indigestion or a, sour, acid, gassy seem -
etch, after you eat te tablet of "Pape's
Diapepsin." The moment it reaches
the stomach al=l sourness, flatulence,
heartburn, gases, palpitation and para'.
disappear: Druggists guarantee each
package to correct digestion at ante.
End your stomach trouble fox few
Pulp from Hemp Waste,
Experiment& will: be made In the
I'hiAippines to the manufacture of pulp
ter paper front hemp waste and lew
grade fibre.
Remit by Dominion. Express Money
Oder, 1f lost er stolen you get your
matey back,
Music Prevents (Alma.
Education in music as an antidote
for criminal proclivities was advo-
T1ae wchool
grants no
diplomas. There is always a pont,
eated recently by don=e H. Woods, di- graduate course,
rector of rnu€ie in the Oakland public
'shoots, California. Thera le nothing
that wail improve the taste of the
young people of today as will a thor.
ough drilling in the fundamentally of a
classical musical educatteee said sr
Woods,. The problem scahool anther'
ties had to face, he said, was khat of
leading the child to spend his leisure,
time to a manner that would react to
bis continued development. The child
ren should be taught, not a few %ere
faets that did not attect•tbeir 11ke.
ruucb, but rather how to make their PA. Iuz�A D, inventor of the
lives better, and in no way was tete
interest maintained to such e. large
grc.up. and with such solidarity of in-
terest in the group, as by music,
A musical education was a, prince
esseutlal r r the good ot society. The
State was bee: ming acutely aware of
this flet and this was why Mr. Woods
was now engaged upon a. survey of
the conditions in the vartoue parts of
his State. Mr, Woods estimated that
Due out of every four students would
readily respond to eut]tusinetic work
on the part of the music nstructors,
so that say in a city ot 20,000 school
children at least 5,000 ot these should
be receiving musical education.
N +++11,444+++4+14,•441444 -14r-144104444,44
"Cascarets" lOc
Best Bowel Laxative
When Bilious,
To clean out your bowels without
cramping or overacting, take Casca-
rets. Sick headache, biliousness,
gases, indigestion, sons, upset stomach
and all such distress gone by morning.
Nicest physic en earth for grown-up
and children. 10e a box. Taste like '
Very Likely.
They were discussing animals, *lid
tee intelligence of dogs in partieular.
Said Robinson: "There are some
dogs that have more sense than their
"Exactly," said young Jones, getting
a word in at last. "Alines one of that
sort." -
Minard's Liniment foy rGarget in Cows.
Where Was the Rest?
Little .Tommy Taylor was visiting
TN THE plump kernels of wheat and barley ,Nature planis the
1 seeds of human energy, which xuan himself must utilize in order to
enjoy a harvest of health.
These nutritious grains are carefully selected and scientifically con-
verted into, crisp, delicious Grape -Nuts, -which provides the nutritive
and mineral elements that Nature intended for the use of man.
The 20-htur baking process partially pre-digests the starch and
makes Grape -Nuts a rich and delicious food which "digests easily and
assimilates quickly.
Try a: dish of crisp and crunchy gape -Nuts with good rich milk
for breakfast or lunch. Grape -Nuts also makes delicious pudding for
your dinner. It is wonderfully sustaining and satisfying these brisk
November days.
:.Nuts FOR HEALTH "There's a Reason"
Tilade by Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., 45 Front Pt., E., Toronto. Factory: Windsor, Ont.
in the city, and among the objects of
interest she show,gd him was a bust
of her grandfather, whose history she
detailed to Tommy with much gusto.
"And is that your grandfather?"
Tommy asked, when the recital had
been concluded.
"Yes, dear," said -the aunt:
"Is that all there was of him?" add-
ed Tommy, very much perplexed.
Civilization and the Teeth.
"One of my earliest observations
when I came to the Eskimos was that
these who were not eating civilized
food to any extent invariably had un-
decayed teeth, although they we=b
sometimes badly worn down through
chewing food oontaining sand."—Stef-
ansson. •
There are a lot of 8hour -men -with
16 -hour wives that ought to unionize
• their homes.
It is to her moderate men that
Great Britain orwes what she has crone
and what she is.—Colonel E. Kitson
A pessimist is a roan who on every
opportunity sees a difficulty; an opti-
mist, one who in every difficulty sees
an opportunity.
The fall is the time to select roots
of parsnips, carrots end 'beets to plant
for seed next year. Tt is a mistake
to save seeds from plants that ..bolted
this year, for they are, likely to pass
the tendency on to their offspring.
Chocse the host loots when you lift
the crop, store thein carefully, plant
thein next spring and grow them
especially for seed,
i SS U c No. 45-'22,
Your Child's Bowels Need
"California Fig Syrup"
Mare, Mothers A reaspocinsftrl of
"California Fig Syrup" now will Cher-
oughly clean the little bowels end in a
few hourss you bave a well,: gleeful
child again. Even a cross., fev.erisb,
constipated a eild' loves its "fruity"
taste, and zuothere can rest easy be-
cause it /lever fails to work all the
Celebrated sour bile and poisons sigh4 out of the
MINARD'S LINIMENT stolnaeh and bowele without gr§ ing
ar upsetting the ehid.
Book on
Malend le -ow t4 Author.
Om * by the
_, Clay Otos ao,, iso.
an wins 24 Street
New Tor'*.
Bulk Cadets
Tell four druggist you want wee tee
genuine "Ca ifornta Fig Syrup" whiter
has directions for babies and ria ldren
of all aces r tinted an bottle, tr. „lar
you must soy "California." P. 'r.; - s e n y
int -Ratios
I4ow Looks After Home,
ti Thanks to Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound
Meaford, Ontarla.—"I was so heap
I could hardly do anything and my
back seemed the
worst, I read so
much. about Lydia
E. Pint -lams Vege-
table Compound for
women that 1
thought I would
ry it. I feel that
it did help me for
I am looking after
my own .home now
and seem quite
strong again. 1
have recommended
your Vegetable ,Compound to quite a
few friends and you can u.=e my name
If you wish to do so."—Mss. E.
l=ours, Bos 440, Meaforel, Ontario.
In your own neighborhood there are
doubtless women who know of the
great value of Lydia. E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. lvomen every-
where, either by word of mouth or
by letter, recommend this splendid
medicine. Those who have suffered
from female weakness, change of life,
and similar troubles know of the
wonderful relief brought to them by
the Vegetable Compound.
Nothing like shampoos with Cu-
ticura Soap and hot water, preceded.
by touches of Cuticura Ointment to
spots of dandruff and itching, to
keep the scalp and hair healthy.
They are ideal for all toiletuses.
Soap2Se. olnhoeat2sands0e. Taleam2Se. Sold
throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot:
Lunare, Limited, 344 St, Paul St., W, Montreal.
Cuticura Soap shave* without mug.
UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you
are not getting Aspirin at all
lin l'�_-�
Accept only an "ulibroken pitckage'' of "Bayer. Tablets of
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by
physicians during 2'2 years and proved safe by millions or
Colds I-Ieadache Rhein
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
}randy `-`Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets—Also bottles of 24 and 100 -Druggists.
Aspirin is the trade mak. ;(registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of mone-
aceticacidester oL ; Salicylicacld, Willie it Is well known that Aspirin mean. tiny,
manufacture, -to assist the public against txnitatlons. the Tablets of Tn}cr .crena, Y
will he stamped with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross."
llll ljlAliiilt1