The Exeter Advocate, 1922-10-5, Page 4Ir
$ as ��
Here's Onetib
Low - Prised.
Built just as tough,
substantial and long-
lasting as it is possible
to make a wood sep-
arator battery. Made
with quality plates, se-
lected cedar wood sep-
arators — substantial
add -proofed case. Mk
for the CW Battery
(Wood Separator).
Sizes to iRt all carts,
mere. for 6,esat,
UI, -plate, $23
W. J. Beer
PRICE $7.50
Willard Batteries
anti eicr Batteries
bite silk ess, trimmed with shad --i
*t ww lane; Tete • reit was arranged withi L •
urnlCy j(1 �,.���L�
• : Cerce et of .• 21 1 1. :C
asters, and. -the bride's ` `—
euAirs, Stewart ' ddcQueea ,anal Mrs.
lMatet was. also of asters.. .'Miss John -Selves, er., enitertaisted. the Hui-:
.aura Sclaumaker sister of the Urid'e
eted bridesmaid, i d the groom ocuiale Institute Wiles 'last Wednes- . How the Government Cooperates
was supported by lebe Herb Pule. Clay at Mrs. alcQueens home. There
The room's was a very large number of Ladle:, With Local Associations.
.. g =gift to the bride wee re5gt t an;? 0.11 were r
'.• a ideetane •,gramaghone. The: brides- it- greatly inter -
amid ,ire ed a beautiful brooch, and ested in the bandaging demonstration Individual Farmers. the Township
the groomsman a tie pin bmmedately given by° Dr. Peck of .I•ien'sa11,-.• Miss Council and the Governmenir'Pool
'-5was se reel=:eta about one .hundred tntoaa where siZ:e^ wvitli train is a
.r,,T nurse i4 Dr, Guna s Hos t Local Board —Ten Associatioaas
�,uests. Tile` ,presents were numerous pa al, -^ Mrs;
a Ind costly. The; bride's tree -ening suit T?toanas Davidson of #.eadbury ac- rliready Doing Business,
of blue tricot •ne, with hat to t c�'n'pan.ierl by Itit•, and Mrs. H la 1 (Contributed by 0/Astio Department of
matciar fir. ,and. Mrs. -laugh wvill lire of ;d;eKiwit matared Mown .rad spent Agriculture. Toronto,)
ee'e:i'a'th'e"' gatleetaint's Farm, concession 14, Sn.
unday with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington
leerslake,..- Mrs. George :-Tabling, of There Is one distiectiye difference
- naTowe Hay, i g of long-term,
siicnsall spers,"t a few days !est week between the sYstezn
: leans and the MItttem o! short-term
loans recently inaugurated 4.. tht
Province T o e who have follow
tither- ethe enema/one a grand. dinner Gla. Mena \lcDouaall lift tills ;veek Far u
t Subscriptions Managed by t4
view t e'.- s keening fraende m Lumley.
re roe h
j Miss ley E. Lawson of the:Bel), Tele"
Grand Bend the preceding articles will have ob-
r, sewed That long term. loans are. .made
eepaite„ , entlson £s holidaying _' with Esther Green who has been visiting direct by the agricultural Dsxrelop
„ r �aat'eat�. %, geld ?ire. Els Laver" at Port Huron returned to her home meat Board,
E Queen's Park, To-
Phere Thursday,—Red: Carrieren saleof
Mr, F.. arit, Clerk and ,family motor household effects on Saturday r�ealiz - rent...). In contrast to this, no *Inert-
.- r tda Sarnia on..Sunday and spent the ed good prices. --The congregation of terra loans are made by the Board,
day wish their,sreea, ,Mr. Mal Mrs. h -us-' ., ,Plymouth Brethren, are building a new but are made solely through local
e- Clark of Canadian Bank of Com- south oe the Bend ---\ire, Bon_
nerve; lletrs7it t associationt3 organized tor thin
t, oa and her „parents, who bane Leen
r J. I. Holtzman left to attend p,, purpose,
� r spending a ween in the forneern cot-
tii° general conference of the )*,t;an...tage returned to Her/reale on Sunday, Short Tune Craxdlts Describes:,
eiical Church \,ednesday, ea the —Net! Asaph Gement end. hes Brand- The regatta for this differ/Are tm
au.t tor' dolegete, t daughter Elia Gill, Visited a week in niethed of operation lies is the differ-.
.fir, I•i, *,:`,elate as having his house de- of the Y
, Th c1f, salvo in theenatuir@
A 1. A laordieasant surlaxase was tendered to anal iiia xta urs .o! th• loan, Iia e
lir aa1-� �1rs, tilvin Ba1*er, iia coau» Mi..ia Marguerite Carriere, at the matter of long term loan, the Ie4r.
itaaay`wafat' !Mr' Thus. hambera enolmasnse Grand Bend, on: ecingeday Ity is a tiret mortgage on laud. aid
„Iles 'diary '.ambers, motored ler Ar-ievening • when the girls -. nth e() tate personality of the borrower
the ptut, week.
-Last T endey: the MMous>wtain Bay. gathered to bad .farewell to their friend the short -terse loans, the seaitrity ts.
°1ts� of Are, h,v�,sigelical SuaLda school
met at 'lige lLome ,of lir, C, b1a,R. Kirin;y, l Re -mean -en spent its games and music personality of the harrower, and hl$
Three even'sng w .p t m games gad alter which the gnu served a .hint: reputation in the •conaznunity, le one
ntesta,k,eler which a dainty hutch lunch, During the course of itis eve of the big determining factors. Moen,
r'iwvaa aerrwed The Trays certainly ea-
teninh lIartluerats: wa,s presented wvi:h too, the loan is usually a tmali ose,
. Joy d thatanal es, the hosts being'ta nicely .carded asiriresa and ,silver With ;2,000 ase the axitua94, lh@
;groper entnrtamers, ttrreanl ani sugar. In a Feww* melt» average loan will no:doubt be a gond
The root, harvest is nearly cora►-, c#,user .verde she thanked the girls deal under 11,000. It Would, *era-
p'etely Lite farmers report a very fur flee:. xeaaLembrance a -► kindly tore, be physically impossible for any
!way Class" sof flee Presbyterian church wIiile as portaaft, is secoudar 's Z
i y land sine -mete The eyenang , a note er lien on chattels, and the
ter Advocate
Sanders st Creeab, Proprietors .
can sfacter ' season generally, "thsru ,h. 'Haat it. .the central otllee to sraazt and s Tae
t lir: and Mrs. Sinton Morlo;.k and dere wviil be greatly rn s it.
�G:and loans in all the different seg one of
aabw are • sgending a tow. days Asa i Bend, no,t only b>s °the girls of Iter the Province for small emanate, No
Auaera, ill« class but by the whole c^ortgregation, other system ot granting stiart-toren,
Mr. limon Swettzer.of Windsor paid, and everyone joins in neib:,,rih her the loans on peraonai or chattel aocrtriit
ea, town a flying vett on Sunday. ;lrcntesa success when she helm her by a central office for W 1101e I'To-',
Mr, and firs. A A. Kuhn. and Tagil- sturiiks at the CosLsery tsaay sof Mule vince is an existeuce. Such loans 3n
tly have returned from Grand Bend, in Tarosat a n. Octobeer, however, be granted with re na!$e
where they .,spent several week's. safety^ by total committees Raznilar
The ..tu. tore for the Methodist' with all the circumstances.
Church .ins arrived. Workmen, mei Not So Difficult.
r o v engazead building the step, ?ai<o ^ ,Aeeordingly, a plan of orientst-
tlte,tion of local farm loan aataoelOttitme
subseriprion Price—In ode nc $150 The.
etre. °field of Flint, aliche is SP= d - has been devised, and this .is not
men expect :to begin
iter yiar et Cave is t $4.0 :n the work in °, diton w%;,th she holes thi3 ,•
paid in adean, a cue, ner eed „se , MineBe6g ref Exeter is :its-ttolling Jae f,terl.e. 11 4 tiiargaret Johnstonhadand each member must taw one
jixture;:�dtr ,tits Evanheircal fl1U h. _ misfortune ,a break 3 bone father
wrist reccaitly Tiles Cora S' share of stook, value $100, and malts
Mr, Wm., Ba�vn of Glaesley .�isite*si1 re son of a payment of 7 Q uta acral., or $10.
at the lit:° i e of Mr, and firs. G. K,1 Edmonton is viaitiarg her paren.s, Ir This stock represents capital, and is
Braun-Orter.Sunday, land�.11rsw, jog, Sitttpson, acid ,titer rel» bald in reserve. 'There is Mittle lilts-
Mr. C. was in Toronto a,ati,vcs — i and h;u Item, received }aero Iiliood of any farther payment ever
few day. ' title week on a business of shot death in Cleveland of Thomas
I being required as Capital a,sipotiit 1
rip, r Casey of Cleveland...after a t4 lingeringof after the necessary reemberehlp, is
Falmer— Vennel—'fir Herbert Fetus- :lilacs.. Deceased .vasa brother of
To. ; . signed nit, the township caunaiM and.
y.z -rah .a few days with her sister > so difficult as might at Drat appear.
United States. All subsariptons n,k wreck.
to ' A membership of thirty is required,.
T1 -WR 1)Ak, OCT. 5th, 1922 nn
""""" er was united in wedlock to Mess Ma- j Cay of tours, who with his wife the Government are each asked to
Rev, and \irs' Yager were' week"c.aid bel as united
on Thursday, Sept. 28, attended the funeral—Mrs. E. ,G. Pow appoint two directors, and aubscribe
visitors U Sebrhigviile. by Rev. 'Rauch. After the ceremony ell luta ranved to London--lix:':ta;d lire tor ane -half the amount o! stock
`Mi and Firs. •1'SFea. Wolfe and Path= i if. E. Carey of Tueson, Ariz.; spent a subscribed by local members; ibis to
the young couple ,left for Newark and
ilx' and ,Miss Olata Kraft spent Sun- ether in Seaforth.nieces through the States, shy with old friends,—lir. Alden Stan. operation I be added to the reserve. otatri these
Miss Lucia :Siemer left Monday f art tiDne -i in Weston.—The sad news of k don h underwentev who suifi iezaitiy recovered to ri directors have been resId tied, the
:thndsor.e a rather sudden death of \Irs,Frankrs association affects a preside><t, vfoe-
\ P. M. Humble at Sarnia spent' Glev n at W4IF�eston on Sundae, was re- be L lShipleto y of \home.„—Mr.
Pori:, a \the president and one director. Thesezz
ceive3 . ere wwith much sorrow and afDeers, with the two Gove omeut
a few days here ;this week. ( ; t !I `�•
directors and the two townai�fp di-
rectors, constitute a board a( *wen,
which, thereafter, looks attar the
business of the association. ,4 aseo-
retary-treasurer is appointed, ted he
is the only paid officer p•alateted.
When the association is than Sartried
it continues from year to ye* with
the usual annual election of rs,
and applications for loans eart then
be made from time to tinge It the
secretary -treasurer, who wili
to have them considered br it di-
regret. at the age of 40 au s s of , r. J,ltigley-1Sr. and
fi Years* `. s. AIrs. T. Kearns of Edmonton, are vis.
Glavin wra,;' formerly Miss Catharine Ring relatives ,here, '
Flanagan, daughter of the late Pat- After raining the N. W. B. A. eham
rick Flanagan, and was born in the pleash°p in baseball the Lucan team
Township life
of Stenheii where most of played two games with Windsor, wvin-
ltee ee spent. Her demise took fling bath. 1000 people saw, the sec -
:lace during accouchement. Besides ,rad game at Lucas on,Saturday when
her liusbarid she leaves a large .amity the Locals were os' the long end of a
of eleven children to mourn her death. , 6,_3 score.
The remains were ,brought to Moue'
Carmel cemetery for i.;aterment,
Messrs. L. Edighoffer and !I. Me -
Isaac: spent the week end in Windsor
Rev. Carriere. of Grand Bend oc-
cuprred the pulpit in the Evangenne
Church Sunday evening, and Rev. Rin-
•I;er of Sebrin;vi'1le occupied the pul-
ttit in the Lutheran Church Sunday
ie veering.
;qr. .and Mrs. Geo, Edighoffer t-is-
ite i .in, Kitchener over SUIT aY,
Mr. and aIrs. S, Ireland of Strat-
ford visited with relatives in town
over Sunday.
Haugh---Schusnaver—A very pretty
wedding took place an the 14th eon-
cession of* Hay, ,on Thursday, Sept;.
Henna ;1
Mr. and, Mrs, A. Ortwv�ein of Cross -
well, elicit, motored here last week
CentraliaIn practice, it will proi`Nr be
found desirable to have meerians,at
stated periods for the conaidenat{on
Lisa Baker and Hiss Rec.hards of and spent a few days wxtin .he form of the loans. In this way, loans may
28th, at 4 gam., ;w ell:me Miss Hide, sec-. -Landon spent the week end with their er`s parents, \Mr, and Mrs. j. W. ore„ be passed without any inconvenience
and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis parents :fere- vein—Jas. Sangster lies moved either to the borrower or Ise the
Sahuma;.er was united in marriage to' lir, ani hiss, teen Essery were in family and household effects tato he , directors.
Mr. Wm. Haugh, second son of Mr: London on Sunday, rooms in the Petty Block recently vac -
and Mrs, Jahn Haugh. The ceremony+ ' The flax mill is closed for a couple ated by Mr. W. C. Montgomery, \ir
performed by Rev. Graupner of Dash- of weeks, `while the "employes are as- Frank Peart wBl occupy Mr. Owen
wood. The bridal party entered thetsisting in•digetng holes for the hydro Geiger's house vacated by Mi -Sang-
loom to the strains of the wedding ling being" put -up here, and between 'ter.—Hiss Nellie Petty ;,s attendmg
rnarc"h, played by ."friss Matilda Ha-' here and Crediton. - the Normal School at Stratford.—Earl
-macher. The bride was attired In; sa Mn O'4daara of Whalen has pur- Perkier of Wiedsor is l'aiidayine at
chased the cottage owned by Mr. A. his home here, Wilson Berry of Wind
Hicks a rd.', wiitI move here shortly. sar spent a fev, days here with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Berry.—
Mrs. Wm. White left on Tuesday for-
, Detroit where she visit members
Stratford, Ont.
"I do think
Dr. Pierce's Fa-
vorite Prescrip-
tion is one or--
r -the best meds -Y
cines I have ever
known for thd-
ailments of
women. I had
for quite a longi
1, . time been hav-
ing inward trou-
ble -which caused
me to become all run-down, weak and;
nervous. I doctored, but nothing
seemed to give me relief until I be-
' gan taking the 'Favorite Prescripr ,
tion' and this medicine gave me suck
wonderful relief that I am glad to
recommend : it to others;'—Mrs
Godwin, 60 Brant St. All druggist8-4-
Take Mr. Brown's Advice - '
Montreal, Que.—"For three months
I was under the doctor's care' and..
got no better. I was always com-
plaining of my kidneys. Finally I'`;
took Dr. Pierces Anuric Tablets.
and don't complain any more.;I have,
gained in weight and am still gain
Ing, my appetite is great and sleep
has come to me. That is what Dr
Pierce's Anuric (kidney and back
ache)-":Tablet-S=0e:Zoi'fe,for: ins
do truly recommend therm to those
who are suffering,;the xray I did. The
tablets are mighty ;good, though not
,=e irensive; ea's''y E,i�ibuy,:but hard to:
beat."—,,IT. A. Brown, 415 Dorchester
St. 'W.' r. i s i ;
Don't wait for serious, kidney ail -
went to set in. :Help your Weakened,
kidneys with Dr. Pierce's Anuric Art,,
all drug stores or send l0c to Dr„ . After eating a heavy supper at al-
Pierce's Laboratory in Bridgeburg; ways seems to us that the whale
Ont., for trial pkg. '- «,deser-red more. ,sympathy than Jonah.
Mount ik,armet of her family Miss -Mabel White of De
I troiu't is here visiting her parents. —
YIr Bridget get Glavin; is serifouslY ill Rev-. D. D. Thompson, of Woodham
at the horne of ,her on Joseph Glavin, prear'hed rn'the Methodst Church on.
—Mr. Pat _Flanagan on Sunday re- Sunday. M. s: , lfaulkinson, sester of
ceiived. the sad news of the death of. Mr. J. Young of the Commercial Hot -i
his sister; Mrs. Frank Glarjn,, Weston. el, arrived here from England last
-Mies. Gleiitse Detrick of Landon spent: week avid expects to remain. here fr o
the weeke.n.d at hen home here:—Mr. sometiine.
and Mrs.; 'trey _ Campbell arid family". -' --.
spent Sunday at Dubbin.—Mr, and
Mrs. N. Corcoran, of London called SCHOOL REPORT OF S. S. Na.
art :th 15Dner's brother,' Rev,. Father
Corcoran here on Sunday. 3, Stephen, for September. Those
marked with an asterisk ,were absent
'for arae or more exaaninationd., Sr. 4
' - _ "`Luella Stanlake 72, Rosa Dearing 71
i Gertrude Knight 76, Stella Dearing 61*
I Harold Penhale*; Jr. 4—Eli Christie*
. rhe. anniversary services in this Jr 3rd—Ella Dearing 79; Sr. 2nd —
churcl olct Sunday were well attend- Margaret Peailtale 73, Earn ,Christie 71*
* Re ;Fair of ,Holanesvville accup- Bernice
rad Lands J667, 71,
e a Dearing
ea Glad -1/4
ie th,e 'Yibpit both morning and :even- Jr. .. , -
iag,. whit , 'Centrailia choir .Furnished ys Penhale 83, Wi11e Stanlake 76, Mur -
the nsusid The proceeds arnoum'ed to ray Scott 70; Prinwer,a,, Douglas Trieb
$105. ',ka,ber 65, b., Ray Tory 72. No. on. roll, 17
`Mr. Charles Fisher- -and sister Amy n average 15.—Dorothy Kuntz, teacher.
,spent Sun ay !at the home of Frank'
Squire,- .
Mr, and :Mrs. Johan Stevenson were
itt, London -on Tuesday.
.Mr..anal Mrs, Passmore of Thames
Road s,pient Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Jobtnstern„
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morley moved
to Stratforci last week.
L',,...11/fr. •Wa1ter'Pooilen, and son Clifford
of London speant.the week end at rthe
heene. iof leFtenle. „Gtinning .
Mr. and. Mrs. John Foster returned ,e
home on Tharse ay evenstee after • -
seendiung, <a couple of months with
friends seethe Western' Provinces.
Associations Already Formed.
Although this plan nae soma be-
fore the farmers of the Prollirso for
only a few month, ten as:esaiit4sns
have been formed, and axe doing
business, while two others lees been
formed, but have not yet ptosed on
loans. Loans granted rano from
$125 to ;1,800, in individissal ogees.
and are for all manner of periioees
in connection with farm wort. They
are repayable at the end of fie peas
with interest at 6 34 per cent., but. of
course, may be renewed for weather
year if the ,directors feel that sleep
renewal is justified.
Each applicant submits to eita` asrr'
sociation a detailed statement ot..lai
assets and liabilities, and alai) signs'
a promissory note. TheaPgieetion
is then endorsed by the {' :dent
and se`dretary of the aseodf Rina and
sent in to the troard'foz- "rikpproval
and for issuing of cheque 4s otter
the total amount loaned to an aseo-
eiation. While, - therefore, the sub-
ject .is approached from the stand-
tandpoint of helping the man on tate rand.
in carrying out his farming opera- -
tions, it will be seen that due regard
is paid to the question of astearity,
and if reasonable discretion is exer-
cised there is no reason why any of
the money so loaned should g• astray,
Well Distributed.
The number of associations now
doing business is regardedas a very.
satisfactory start. With the new
system it was not expected that
such associations would spring up in
a night all over the Province, nor
was it regarded as desirable that
such should oocur, The -associations
now in existence are well scattered
over the province. The Board of
Directors selectee includes some of
the very best farmers in the eouutry.
Their interest in the matter ,and.
their public-spirited efforts, to assist
their neighbors in' the matter of fin-
ance gives the associations, oeganized••
a good standing in their respective
The future of this plan is now in,
the hands of the farmers themselves.
It was placed en the Stets*, Book
as an alternative system of merit in
itself, and of value as an altr;,pative
where other agencies were found in-
adequate or unsatisfactory.
'We;, will cash
your � Victory Loan
Coupons or place them to your credit
An our Savings Bank where they will,
draw interest at 3%jer annum.
Capital Paid up $15,000,000
Reserve Fund. $15,000,000
Exeter Branch • . . W. R. Coznplin, Mainager,.
INCORi't T A ED 1855 - .00444431 Paid Paid Up $4,000,000
Resq a Fund „.$5,000,0Q0
0v'ier 125 Branches. x ,
horses, farm intplements, Deka., cheaply are Constantly
turning up. Tile farmer with money saved is the one
who gets these snaps,
Place your crop earnings in a, Savings A, count with the
nearest brawl: of The Mots oras Bank, where, while earn -
your ntOne•
aavaai3able att any and .mutebeing . l Del
lposits can be made by ma
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Ceastratia Branch apes: - for business dally
Furniture Bargains
Funeral Director & Embalmer,
The Only Asphalt Shingle
That, Is Tapered
erect Shingles are the only tapered
� " c eco. They have {three
ill tna a them It perfect rooting:
la sling •e t on
n pf the
.� �t4w
W efow.
' a is a 44 tri
• iad of • h
LI -
end _ •thl ihh $' . erg e
. O.. of the 4dirigle oae't-
ain ert.o •r e
hereeta ticdd t
nilieht ase Atolls
ipppau expoed to,
We have o16eee purees m t ithietare
throp Tapered
Asphalt Slates
high QualiBrantfoty ofrd Roomaterfiialsngstandarand productiond, methods are of the usual
B anti rd Winthrop Tapered Asphalt Slates' are made from
care!y tip selected Felt saturated and coated with a special blend of
grei}rtI s Real quarried, crushed slate, in its natural colors (red or
whila or bue black) is embedded into and encrusted on them
e the asphalt is hot. They are unaffected by climate. The
colors ale permanent, and never need staining. They are highly
fire-resistant and they are tapered.
Distributed under Brantford Roofing trade marks through
Brantford Roofing Dealers. Stock carried,information furnished,
service rendered by our dealer in your distict.
Write for our valuable history of roofing "Shelter."
On every page is a photograph of a different kind of a roof,
responsia diffbleerentpar..tipart of the world. :It will be. mailed free to
. ea.
Brantford Roofing Co., Limited
Head Office and: Factory, Brantford, Canada
Branches at Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg„ Zeal fex 127
For Sale by Ross Taylor Company