The Exeter Advocate, 1922-9-28, Page 7IN THE SHADO ,OF POOR HEALTH In This Condition. Relief Comes Through Dr.. Williams' Pink Pills When the shadow of poor health falls upon you: w'heu hope fades and. life itself seems scarcely worth living, then is the time you should remember that thousands just as hopeless as you feel, have been restored to the sun- shine or health through the use of Dr. Williams' fink Pills. The rich red bleed which these Pills actually make, etrengthens the whole system. The nerves are strengthened, headaches vanish, the appetite improves, and: once again there is joy In lite. Among' the thousands benefited by the use of this. medicine is Mrs. Jos. Robinson, Oshawa. who says:—"Some time ago I was In an anaemia condition and so weak I would faint away at tines. I had no appetite. could not do my housework; in fact life seemed scarce- , le worth living. I was exceedingly pale and tried doctor's medicine with no good result. Then ono day I saw Dr. Williams' Pipit Pills recommended for a similar condition, and. 1 got a upply. I continued taking the pills until 1 bad ascii about a dozen boxes, and they Have made rite a well woman, 1 can Hour do a good day's work about the house. have no more tainting speli>t naiad can go about more actively than. I did before. 1 believe these pills lust the thing for pale, weak girls and women; and le given a fair trial will do for them what they have dorso for tee," You can get these pine through anis medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cetlte a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The \Dr. T Uiaws' Medicine Co.. Brock- ville, Ont. Nutcracker Is Powerful and Easily Qontroffed, Perfect control ot the power exerted ona nut in craeltiug the ehell is pos- sible with, the use of a nuteraeker. The eppllatace has a mild felt -lined base and a ratchet. or gear, arrangement operated by a long handle. that gives the user ample leverage in breaking the hardest shells without scattering them In all dlrectious, or sluaslaing the kernels into little bits. Tortoises and turtles b Old Theories That Have Been Killed by. Modern Thought, Ignorance often develops into a be- lief, and belief ie. turn becomes a cus- tom. One of the best examples of this is the placing of the engagement -ring on the third finger. This is theresult of an old *belief, still widely taken for fact, that there is a nerve in the third finger in direct communication with the heart. Tihs gave rise to the idea of placing the ring on the third finger. Of course, there is not a shred of truth In this belief. The third finger is azo different from any of the others; but, all the same, it has developed in- to a custom. Another equally curious belief is that, stould a. person cut Himself in the space between the first finger and thumb, be Is more than likely to get ygek-jaw. It is a belief absolutely without foundation, except., perhaps, that a wound in that part of the band, owing to its free movement, takes a long time to heal. and Is therefore more likely to get dirt into It, which might cause locltjaw. A common belief exists that our belies undergo complete cbange-once in seven years. As to why seven years nobody know$, but many people Lave that Arno conviction. Actually the human body b under- going change the whole time. In mov- ing au eyelid, even, some of the tissue' or muscle is literally being burnt up, and is renewed from the blood. The very process of seeing or thinking dee- trees some of tee brain. A boxer will lose as nweb as !due pounds in weight in a Ought Ilgbte which means that that much musette has been deconl- posed. In this way It will be seen that di#- ferent peoples bodies are completely eenewed in different periods ..f 'time, A Belated Discovery. !tire. Garber carne •Lome from a call one day i such a disturbed con i is n that it was evident that tears were not far in the background. She lost no time in beginning her expianation. "Edward," she said to her husband, "I am so mortified. I don't know what to do!" "What's the matter, Sane?" "I've just been calling on Mrs. Peters. You know her husband, Mar- shall?" "Yes." "Well, I just learned to -day that 1 :Marshall' is not his title at all. Mar- shall is his first name." "Why, certainly. I've always known that. What is there mortifying about it,?" "Nothing," said Mrs. Garker. with a groan, "only I've been calling bite), 'Marshal' every time I've met him for months and months,,, O.l IbI.AO ..AILMENTS The ailments of childhood—consti- pation, indigestion, colic, colds, etc.--- can be quickly banished through the use of Baby's Own Tablets. They arethorough a mild but orough laxative which In- stantly regulate the bowels and sweet- eu. the stomach. They are guaranteed to contain no harmful drugs and can be given to the youngest baby with perfect safety. C.onee"ntng them '.airs. Aleide Lepage, Ste. Beatrlx. Que., writes;---"l3aby:s Own Tablets were of great help to my baby. They regu- lated her bowels and stolmaeh and made her plump and well." Tile Tab tete are sold by medicine• dealers or by trait at 25c a box from The Dr. Wil - name' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. Needed, an Interpreter.. All that I wanted, writes a contribu- tor to the Youth's. Companion, was a epool of white thread. So, although it was my first: morning in old Axford, I set fort;';! on my quest. A person shculd have no difficulty in. a place `{ w ere h' f is own language rs spoken, Certainly net! Nearing the business dbtrict, I stop- ped a bright -faced boy and asked bks where I would find the nearest dry- goods store. "Dry -goods store? Store, ma'am? What now would you wish to etore?" "Shop, I mean," 1 said, correcting my mistake hastily. "Dry -goodie • "Dry goods? What would dry -goods be, "Why. cloth, of course. and things of that kind. Goods, you know." "Oh, cloth! You would be wanting a draper's shop Turn to your right eel yon corner, and there'll be a draper's." Thanking him, I went on and enter- ed the draper's sloop, which at first glance appeared for all the world like a dry -goods e_tore. I asked for a spool of white thread. "Te ea4? Very sorry, ma'am. but this is a draper's, and thread eau be had only at a haberliaslter'a." "Ilut I n't a haberdasher a person , who deals in mien's futeesl Ings?" "Net In the least. nindam. It is a shop ot pine, needles. buttons, thread axial the like. There is on a bit of a way on." 1 foetid the l,aberdaslner'e sloop, whish was merely a satitru stare. Sure ot my ground at last, 1 asked a rosy Englisa girl for a spool of whiter thread. She fetched a ladder ,and climbed to the higheai shelf, where! after some rummaging she found a ball ot cord! Should the Accompanist Not 'Ob, no," I protested; "I wanted .111h litinard's I.Ulinit nc l"a,.F+le. triose in hot countre;, or leading fl'. Share Honors With the thread." sons, lite. being completely ro- Singer? Rheumatism And Dyspepsia Are Soon Ended Vietlzns of stomach trouble and rheumatism often find that when their stomach is set in order, the rheuma- tisz disappears. Thousands ot people everywhere have testified that Tanlac bas freed them of both troubles simul- taneously. T. G. Maitland. 147 Ade- laide St., London, Ont., says: "My digestion got so bad I would bloat all up and I suffered from con- stipation and biliousness, epllttfng headaches and dizzy spells. I bad rheumatism In my ,joints and often. just ached all over. I never have an ache or pain of any kind since taking Tan]ac and neve.. telt better ..a my llatily digested food fills the Abele system with poisons. Rbeumntism and many other complaints not gener- ally recognized as having their o igin in the stomach quickly respond to the right treatment, Get a bottle of Tan- lac'to-day at any good druggist. Advt. The Poor Bay's Keys. A Canadian youth who gas learned the alphabet has the key to tete trea• sure-houees of the earth, flood books, and what a treasure that is. The youth who cats read needs no outside help, either to make himself a highly educated nean or a suecessfall man. Health and the zatphnbet are all eat a youth needs an tbie country. In order Sure; to make himself felt in the world. The Milan Cathedral is deeorat with over 2,000 statute riedng hu dreds of feet above the streets al fir+uto No. 1, 31: scrueLe, +uelel't. d in the shortest tl tae Ask for Minard's and take no other, What We Call Oust. Dust is made up of particles of un- burned carbon from cameo, fragments of woo], cotton and hair, livleg or - and lkiely-divlded mineral MI are constantly being out he air and they slim through e& a et houses and settle. After bil- es et particlee bave faller( we sa boor ie dusty. Everybody expects courtesy but nt many are swilling to give it. Why Is it that an accompanist ileesn't share equal honors with a singer? We go to a concert and applaud loudly the singing of ?Dine eolotst, but the poor pianlat who often gets the lion's share of the were; goes unuotioeti. It isn't fair, is it? It doesn't take any great stretch of the beagle;at!on to see that asong wilzcut an accompaniment is practical - useless'. Indeed. oftentimes it Is aveonapaniment weich make a g Picture, if you can, anyone at- pting to slug Tennyson's "Cross - the Bar" without the piano or or aoeomganying the sololet. And hen the soloist lintsbe:r, the ay,• and cheering is directed to- ward the singer. seldom toward the ac• avast. Sometimes an accouipan- let :is not even mentioned in a concert notice. He is taken for granted. Some few years ago a young lady and gentleman sought to draw atten- tion to this anomaly by giving a "Song mut Accompaniment" recital in Lon- don. Engi,and, The young man who did the accompanying, chose the songs anti played tho svilole program of about twenty numbers by heart ea teat of memory that surely is. not coai- inon anti yet not a g:ngle critic Land there were many present) noticed it or thought it worth recording. This aricle is not written to dispar- age the work of the singer. Rather is it a plea for a higher appreciation of the art of accompanying. And good- ness knows, with a dearth o1 accom- pani5ts as there is to -day, we need to encourage the art in every possible way. Give a thought to the accom- panist! We Get You, Willie. "Now, Willie," said the teacher of the juvenile history class, "you re- member who won the Battle of Water- loo?" "It was the Juke of Wellington." "Yes, and who came to his assist- ance and helped him to win it?". "A. feler named Upgardson Atom." Surnames and Their Origin FOX Variations—Sinnock, Sinn Reynard, Reynardson. Racial Origin ---Irish. Source—A nickname. This is not the same fatuity name as the Fox which comes from the Anglo- Norman of i given name Atorrnalr 'source u the "Funke" or "Fulque.' Though they may not look it, Fox, Sinnoch, Seeny. Reynard anal Ray- nardson are all really variations 01 the same name, some of them being Anglicized variations of the Irish pro- nunetation of the name, and some of them being Angliclzed variations ot the meaning. It came about this way. There are two noteworthy figures in Irish his- tory wlro were founders of ohms or septs from which many bearing the foregoing names take their ancestry, One of these was "Flame" the 169th monarch of Ireland, 876 A.D., who was known as "the Fox." The other was a certain "Teige," wifo lived about 100 years later, also known as "the Fax" "Teige an Sionnaol:,." From these two surnames came the family or.elan names "MacSionnaighe." According to sound it has become Anglicized to the forms Sinnoch and. Sinnoek. Ac- , Sceny, cording to meaning it'hus become Fox, Reynard and. Reynardson. MAY Variations --aye, Melth, Racial Origin --Irish. Source—A sobriquet. If your name is May, and you are fat, it is quite appropriate in the his- torical sense, for if your name traces back to Ireland - it is likely that you inherit a tendency toward corpulency. The Gaelic form of this family name, which is quite old, Is "O .Mbeith, " It hod, of course, gradually become a family name in our modern sense, through many .centuries of use as a clan naive. It Is a name which dates back Considerably farther than the eldest of the English family names, or those of any other country in fact, As nearly as can be estimated from the ancient Irish records, the Clan O'Mheith cane into being about 350 A. D., in the days when. the Irish were still pagan, and tee power of their em- pire was felt in raids and invasions clear down into Italy. The elan was founded by a chieftain named "Muireadach," known as "Mulr- eadach aleith" ("the Fat"). Life Partners THE union of Nature, the Farmer and Science is a partnership for life. In -Your golden sheaves of living wheat—and in your waving, shimmering fields of barley—Nature stores the vital elements of human power and energy, which Science converts into Grape-Nuts—the famous body-building food. Grape -Nuts with milk or cream is a comblete food, containing all_the nutritive and mineral 'elements required for making rich, red blood, and building sturdy body tissue, sound bone structure and strong, healthy nerve cells. Easily digested and perfectly assimilated, because partially pre-digested by 20 -hours' baking. Sold• by Grocers Everywhere "There's a Reason" for Grape:Nuts Made by Canadian Postum Cereal Company, Ltd., Windsor, Ontario air -i ft.a•l that 1 4'-^.oulai bo doing i* wrong it I negl, .ted to iditol Non. 1 "Certainly. nia'aen; this is thread" hat" hu°i fEtir tu,nnra granin,; r+n ,m, head fur yeses. 1 had thelia e,t:t off 'hi' Cietssi 'led Advertisements vertisemelnts ' 7a"r�' IT-:-rr'171,7 .LAI7t virlrx �' y Good Education to Tram as" Nurses, Wellandra. Hospital. St. lathy (trines, tont. A.fatENTa WAj, 'tE er lIOLE OR PART TIME TO S•OI.I LT our complete line of electric fix- tures and appliances from our catalogue, Liberal commission. W. P. Earle Elec- tric Supply Co.. i284St. Clair Ave. Tor- onto. POR sears. X7.ARl1T WONT. EItYC , VAb1 1 S AND Colors, samples free--tleorgc,town Woollen Mills. Oat. wr.zs7s; AT eneweeteerasithweerinext, IXAYE A CASH PLIRCBAt 5 R for a weakly newspaper In O,i- tarie, Price !must be attractive- Send full information to Wilson 1'ubltsbint Co.. Ltd.. 73 Adelaide St ;W.. Toronto. BELTING FOR WIA.E rPHR,ESkIER liNLTs AND 'SIM - TION hose. new and used, shipped subject to approval at lowest r'rices its Canada. York Belting Co., 115 York St.. Toronto, Ont. There are few occupations quite so futile as comparing the past with the present—ebe the disadvanfage at either.—.Sir Philip Burne -.:ones, The Famous Painter. Kinard';; Liniment for 1plstemper. Ceylon has aiw.rgs been the chie f 1ocaiity for peak: flzzhirg. Pike are sad to reach en wge ci fi years, by same a'st:2erities. and ]law tar 1? cold Ii€a�tisd. Fra. to • any.' dr •M by tits humor.. Glom too., Seta, iit9 eat lith Streit It+Atr Yogic [Le,.ta lItlpi°i I almost cried. Tlien surgeon eabi„tt fifteen: years ago.' but th"y • ptatlenay explained, "What, I want la grew again tilt about three months ago 1 load inc!as large and shano,l tike a; —1p Something with which to men^1, to la+it•'a thimble. on the vers plaec tsher- sew a shirt waist." my hair should tee parted. awl it was ,, N getting so embarrass!„l; tin i'+,blit tia.i* Shirt watt? Swirl waist? • The it scar a constant worry to lite. About 1T1 pontiP,re;i. turfc months ago 2 Ent. a 1.0Mo of your 1 i pointed desperately to the shirt tho 1 bell go d ferelumose ce\tied 1 4rt�'1 it and neat It for eTac'tlr tu^k •r,.K.t.a. with the rl�snit that i! l•;t.: P,itlr+Dt ra• tnot,'eal alt trlae i.r afar, t.ttnr^r, ltr,l ss<`ei• what you wish Is a reel of cotton."' it Prot that the; �a<tst ae,•,a tut ii$tittt Thereupon et* produced* joy be, lal5' yetars Elfin, nn<, a,na^3> sea a].t i,e m. eta. 1 p I , 5 Aatie nl�t trt'en to �t,a li 3or tlo16 ecstln:4 ,tont ctrsetesi epoal et thread' end eau can two it a,? .�eu 4p .sat. a, tantw to la4`.F.9ai:t:+caat;. P S,t.-I can a farmer an triten:i usasg MONEY ORDERS. ALtnetxli'a L,iaiulenta on Ea ni-ars for a ^-' - Send a Dominion Express honey strained temion, era Lha h •g.tl,7A 1"r some remelts. i Rnri 0 It. " Ob. bloused" sloe cr#e0, "Ferhalis Order. Tiley ere payable evereathere. The Place of Music in Our Civilization, It has been said by a great musician,] Mat the mune of the brass band is the ;1 meet perfect expre slon of a nation's feelings. of its joys and sorrows, its hope: and aspirations. To no other, appeal will the masses of people, men, women and children, rise So quickly.' The nausle of the brass band fires am-' bitian in the laggard. Many a soldier was inspired to bravery In battle by Its mus. i is It gives them an indriAz te sense of ere ilaration, it makes their. hearts 'beat faster, it smoothes the die• . cords of nature into barnlony. it arouses the finest enthusiasm and it puts bravery in the heart that is timid. Music Is a great force in civlllzation. Every period of intellectual activity, a e social or political. reacted upon music. I To illustrate, we need but refer to the 'formal character of the music of the 1 period preceding the French revolu• tion anti the freedom and vigor im- parted by the spirit of Romanticism which followed in the wake of that ; great political movement, a difference strikingly illustrated In the music of i Haydn and Beethoven, Clement' and s SoLumann. The science of music had ;a high place in t'hinese philosophy..' ;the sages alone comprehended the canons. and the mandarins were con- sidered superior in point of musical knowledge. Interesting dates are given showing how early the Chinese had developed a science of music. In 2277 B.C., for example, there were 22 writers on the dance and music, 23 on ancient music, and 25 on the construe- { tion of the scales. These facts imply many years of previous development before the time when works treating of the science of music would be pre- pared. Gum of Sudan. , From far off Sudan comes one of our most useful commodities. The adhesive gum that sticks our stamps to our letters and which is used for so i many other purposes, can be traced l from our desk straight back to the bajik of Vie crocodile infested Nile, with its overhanging palm trees and its myriad hordes of chattering mon- keys. Big tawny camels and brown - gray donkeys heavy laden with gum from Kordofan, make their way to During above Khartum, where it -is unloaded by half -naked natives-. The precious cargo is then placed upon various kinds of crafts for shipment to Omdurman. From this city it is sped by rail to uses which the natives never heard of. Huge Steel Making Plant in India. Plans are already well under way for the emotion of a large -capacity iron anid steel works and roiling min in India. ,. The plans call for the use Of the most modern improvements and labor -,saving devices. Iron ore of ;high quality, suitable fluxes, and excellent cooking coal .occur close together, and in large quantities, • This egndition, in- connection with the low-priced labor' available in India; should contribute to the production of steel at a remark- ably lqw figure. ISSUE No..38—'22, OAR ►E SALT LAND SALT Bulk Cariots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF - TORONTO ECZEM ON FACE ITCHED TERRIBLY In Pimples For About A Year; Hardily Slept. Cuticura Heals. "I was troubled with ecaelne for about a year, It broke out in parte pies on my facc and an s few days would blister. At night I hardly slept e wink an account of the terrible itching, and when I scratched my face it would burn. I was lis. figured terribly. "I saw an advertisement for Cu- ticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample. I bought more, and after using two cakes cif Soap and one box of Ointment 1 was healed." (Signed) Mrs. David Betz, 4159 Fox St., Denver, Colo. Rely on endears. Soap, Ointment and Talcum to care for your skin. SaapteZaebPreetyyMao. Address: "Lgm+ne,Lte- IAA 354 St. Pawl It., S7.,Montreatl' Sold every- where. Soap Pee. olntment2SnndSes.'Peltnm55e. -'Cutieura Soap shares without mug. ALL GONE wow rs. Sherman Helped by Lydia E. Pinkbant]l's 'Veg- etable Compound I,ake,biichi, an,--"Aboutone earago suferedwi irregularities and aweak. ness and at times wale obligedtostayof my feet. I doctored with our family physician andhe finally satdhe could not understand mycaee, so I decided totry Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. After I had taken the first bottle I could see that I was getting .,abetter. I took several. bottles of the Vegetable Compound and •asedLydiaE. Pinkham's Sanative Wash and T am entirely cured of myailments. You may publish this letter if you. ' wish.' Mrs. MARY ,S$ERMAN, Route 2r Lake, Mich. There is one fact women should con- siderand thatis this. Women suffer from irregularities and various forms ofweak- ness. They try this and that doctor, as well as different medicines. Finally they take Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound, and Mrs. Sherman's experience is simply another case showing the merit of this well-known medicine. If your family physician fails to help you and the same old troubles persist, why isn 't it reasonable to try Lydia Ee. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound? UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all Accept, only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of `Aspirin, which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for • Colds Toothache Earache Headache Rheumatism Neuralgia Neuritis Lumbago , Pain, Pain Bandy "Bayer', bo es cif 12. t 'Mets --'-Also bottles of 24 and 100 --Druggists. Aspirin is the trade mail- (regl. ?Peed in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono- acetteeeidestr, e, lialirytll•crcid While it .is will known that :Aspirin means Bayer 'manufacture, to ,.ssiet thr pul„ir ae'slnst lteltations, the Tablets of Bayer Cit asany will be stamped with their' general trade mark, the ,"Bayer Cross."