The Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-09-27, Page 38PAGE 18A—,0QUERF,CH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1979 Higher interest hurts farmer Increased interest rates are causing har- dships for many farmers and will eventually lead to a decline in produc- tivity, Peter- Hannam, President, Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) told the Pine Dear Captain Comet: How are you? My birth- day was September 20 and I'm five -years -old. I am in kindergarten at Kingsbridge School and I like my teacher, my school and my bus driver. I have three brothers, Paul, Jay and Beau and our address 'is RR3 Lucknow. Bye for now Dean Riegling -Ridge Branch of the Ontario Institute of Agrologists recently. Hannam said the in- crease in prime rates from 81, percent in early 1978 to 13 percent today is costing farmers an Birthday Club Hi! My name is Susan Madsen. I am five years old today, September 27. I would like to join your birthday club. I live in Bayfield with my mom and dad, Pat and Robert; sister Wendy (in the picture with me at the left); and baby brother Terry. Bye for now Susan estimated $70 -million in extra interest charges on short-term loans alone. The OFA ,stimates farm indebtedness in Ontario is now $3.2 - billion; short-term bank loans amount to $1 -billion and $3-400 million is owed to supply companies, dealers and individuals. The balance is made up of mortgages and long-term loans for expansion, new. equipment or improved facilities. The OFA estimates, every one percent in- crease in interest rates costs farmers an ad- • ditional $32 -million dollars 'per year. Last year interest costs represented' 12 percent of the operating expenses on Ontario farms and Hannam expects the percentage will increase considerably this year. Consumers will have to pay that bill. Hannam said young farmers are in serious financial difficulty. Many have large mortgages on their $200-400,000 farms and are dependent upon the banks for short-term loans until their products are sold. "I exPect many young people will be forced off their farms this winter and others will be so far in debt they will never get gut", he said. Hannam warned this would have serious long-term effects for the industry, .because often the young farmers are the most progressive. Hannam said, well established farmers are also being hurt. "At 12 percent you might go ahead and buy new machinery or facilities but at 14 or 15 percent it just doesn't make economic sense," he said. Hannam concluded, farm efficiency would decline leading to both reduced farm incomes and higher consumer prices. He also forecast a difficult year for the farm supply industry. He called on both provincial and federal governments to re-evaluate current economic policies and their impact on the food industry, and to take drastic steps if necessary to cushion the effect of high interest rates on agriculture for the benefit of producers, consumers and all other segments of this all- important industry. Dear Captain Comet: I will be I0 -year. -old on September 30 and I am in Grade 5 „8t Robertson Memorial School. I live at 117 ,Quebec Street in Goderich with my dad (whose birthday is , on September 29) and my mom and sister Denise. I would like to join your birthday club. Bye for now Steve Johnston Dear Captain Comet, My name is Benji and I wouldlike to join your birthday club. •I will- be three on September 29... I live at R.R. 6, Goderich, with my mom and dad, Karen and Brian Crane. Bye for now, Benji. • n These children were judged best dressed preschoolers in the Dungannon fall fair parade last Thursday. Left'to right are Amy Jo Glenn, Danny Kerr, and Brenda and Barbara Nivens. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) SINESS DIRECTORY Ronald L. McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 47 CHURCH ST., 524-6253 Goderich, Ontario R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square 524-7661 @ecora±inc td 33 Huron St., Clinton Box 337, Clinton NOM 11.0 482,9542 529-7939 Paints, Stains, Min Wax products.t Wall coverings, Draperies, Floor Sanding, Texfuring,,,,.,, Interior & Exterior Contracting FREE ESTIMATES DID YOU KNOW CHRISTMAS SEALS FIGHT LUNG DISEASE ALL YEAR WITH: Health Education and Information Emphysema Clubs Asthma Programs and Camps Research Smoking Cessation Programs tFOR INFORMATION CONTACT YOUR LUNG ASSOCIATION LUNGS ARE FOR LIFE WEEK OCTOBER 1-7 H.O. JERRY LTD. Complete line of PAPER PRODUCTS PARTY SUPPLIES Products for every user. H.O. JERRY LTD. "The Paper People" 185 Pork St. GODERICH 524-2855 THE COACH HOUSE TRAVEL SERVICE 59 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH 524-8366 OPEN: Monday -Friday 9:00-5:30 Saturday 9:00 -NOON FULLY APPOINTED FOR BUSINESS OR PLEASURE 1 RAVEL D.B. Palmer Doctor of Chiropractic 73 Montreal St. Queen St. Goderich Blyth 524.4555 523-9321 DIESEL Pumps and Injectors Repaired For All Popular Makes Huron Fuel Infection Equipment Bayfield Rd. 483-7971 Cards For All Occasions *Gifts *Books *Stationery Supplies *Records ANDERSON'S- - BOOK CENTRE 33 EAST ST. GODERICH THE OLD FASHIONED HARDWARE STORE -GARDEN SUPPLIES Fertilizers Hand Tools Seeds Dutch Sets -SWIMMING POOL CHEMICALS -C.I.L. PAINT -WALLPAPER -WHOLESALE CABLE -FIRE EXTINGUISHER SALES & SERVICE -HORSE SUPPLIES -MODEL RAILROAD SUPPLIES Free Delivery in Town Competitive Prices PHIL MAIN HARDWARE For Home, Farm IL Industry 84 KINGSTON GODERICH 524-9671 inmiIM cher. R.J.'NEPHEW PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY 65 MONTREAL ST. 524-2029 CLOSED MONDAYS Durst, Vodden & Bender CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 37 West Street Goderich, Ont. 524-2011 MacGillivray&Co•MONTREAL eRAMPTON CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS RONALD E. TAKALO, C.A. RESIDENT PARTNER 40 THE SQUARE GODERICH, ONT. HAMILTON ST. CATHARINES PORT COLBORNE LISTOWEL WINNIPEG CALGARY EDMONTON VANCOUVER 524-2677 GODERICH ..J Alexander Banter.. and MacEwan Insurance Agency Ltd. 10 THE SQUARE, GODERICH, ONT. 524-2177 Bert Alexander John Banter Don MacEwan Don Sine HOME NUMBER 524-7836 524-8149 524-7685 524-9313 Science and Fashion In Hair Care • M'Lady complete hair care services • M'Lords hair cutting & styling — Tues., Thurs. evening • Senior citizens discounts Wednesday afternoons ' Plus • Nucleic acid 8, protein hair treatments Where??? The Beauty Lounge AT 81 East St., GODERICH 524-8994 "Naturally" MacEwen Insurance Agency Residential - Commercial Auto -Life 38 St. David St., Goderich Ph. 524-9531 or 524-2522 is Ida a...r,..111, Dear Captain Comet: My name is Kelly Ann will be three r' years -old on October 1. I live at home with my parents, Jim and Sue and my baby brother, Michael James. Bye for now Kelly Edna Alton helped lead the Dungannon parade on her horse last Thursday - afternoon along with the Seaforth high school band. The parade was part of the annual Dungannon fall fair. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) Congrats., -w this week to Fred Peel Captain Comet, sends Frtd Peel of Goderich who was a second prize winner in the eight and nine-year- old age group of the Elmer the Safety Elephant contest recently. Anstett Jewellers 11 ALBERT ST., CLINTON "LIMITED 4824901 N WEDNESDAYS For Your Convenience, HOURS: Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Friday nights till 9 p.m. WELCOME 10 OUR 3EV 4011111511i FRIDAY SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 28th SEPTEMBER 29th 9;00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. rPIPERPIii] The CARMOR CHEATER This winter, be one of those with Carmor Cheaters, who will prosper! Convert that draft fireplace with an efficient downdraft stove like a Carmor and a new Carmor Cheater. fireplace converter. Just insert the adjustable steel panel your present working fireplace. Then, connect your stove pipe to it. You'll feel the difference now, and later, when your regular heating bill arrives! The Carmor Cheater Fireplace. converter never stops working and pays for it- selffast. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. THE FIRESIDE CARMOR Combine the enjoyment of watching a cozy fire with the increased efficiency of a downdraft stove. Handcrafted, brass plated doors - high -temp. glass. • Formed Unimax 1/8" steel plate • Large cooking surface • 10 Hour burn • 10 Year Limited Warranty • Heats 1800 square feet • 28" high x 23" wide x 23" deep • Installs anywhere Come in and ask about our other Wood Burning Stoves by • OLD TIMER • CONESTOGA • TEMPWOOD • KRESNO • FAWCETT • ENTERPRISE "Drop in and have a coffee & donut on us" THE STOVEWORKSENERGY CENTRE "Fine Woodburning Stoves & Accessories, Chimneys 8 Instnllntion" s i South Street 524-4444 GOoERICH .41111111.1.81111111111111.1,