The Exeter Advocate, 1922-8-24, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. PHONE 131 This Men's Store Have A Sumner Suit Tailored to Your Personal Requirements ZING MEN'S FURNISHINGS SHIRTS, TIES, HATS, CAPS SOCKS, UNDERWLAR, GLOVES, UTC THE SB ASON'S SMARTEST STYLES axe' shown are our offerings of Men's filth Grade Furnsings. All the latest fabrics are Isere, made up in. the latest models in the very .,best manner. You certainly will want one of our sults whsan, you see the goods and learn what a saving our prices afford. W. W. Taman tailor&: urnlsher AGENTS FOR "THE HOUSe. OF HOBBERLIN" Closed Wednesday afternoons du ng June July and August. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY AUGUST 24, 1922 s SANDieRSest elea,,il a:11 Our Corner Thrift is the art ,of persuading the wife that eche looks her best in ging- ham. Dutch Azas dress W e tiles moth- ers, but it is just the other . way araund in Canada. The farmer ien:'t the only one who gets bte B,s%ng out of dirt. There is the modern, novelist. Once there was a handsome man ta.a wasn't there, about AS looks. The poor fellow was b1Z4 Dad gives The bride away and after feeding the young folks .For a, couple of months wishes Ea could give the an -in-law assay. TiThe exceedingly hot days of the'. fitrst part of last week were followed by two or three days of very cool weather. It lies been.,waraning up again this wee Ttc. rain that was fairly *moral in ()Atari* .Friday ,aright, messed this district, and a shower now would b,: appreciated, That the Ontario Government be- lieves in Sines as. evident, from the fact that they persist in ,fining for viola- tions of thu °ntado Temperance Act instead of imprisonment 'As the Marton Echo,puts it, they want a rake rift dust the same ,as they have at the race trach Of course they wilt de- iw this but they have both beads out, If the Government is really sincere and wants to put pati end to the uaan- ufactur., andsale of ,swamp whiskey grid every mean. found guilty down to sex or twelve months Irnprisoaunen,.. for tisk first offence. Ile does not mind •thM .f:.ne for there is eluva someone to put it up, but there would not be anyone to.serve time for him. TO CORRESPONDENTS. To insure publication all news must b' in the Advocate office by Tuesday morning of oath week, owing to the half holiday on Wednesdays %of June July and August. GOOD GLASSES IF ,YOU NEED THAM. GOOD ADVICE IF YOU DON'T. J. WARD, D.C., Optometrist One Block west of Public Library— S, E. Corner. Reasonable prices; Phone 43 for appointment. florns BROTHERS HOTORCAR. The Dodge is all steel body, and built for Service, F, O. B, Windsor; including the Tax, Touring ..$1370 Sedan $2350 Roadster s $1325 Coupe ............$1525 PILON & FOOTE Huron Garage Exeter SOME REAL SNAPS IN USED CARS. Drum The World Over ou Cannot Beat Harvey's Flour. Harvey giros. Rusin•ess is.like a wheelbarrow— it stands still unless it is pushed. After you have mounted the ]adder, 1.be Exeter High School end Pub - remember the fellow who gave you Lc Schoe s will re -open on Sept. 5th the first lift~ ll Emalie Hogarth has successful- -Tea Deraw e, Qovernmertt »=111 not lv passed her Agricultural course at go into the purchase of coal, leaving Guelph it with the dealers, , Mis3 Bertha ;,lack was operated on m St. Johns' Hospital, Toronto, and So five that when ,yoa come to die the latest report is most favorable. your death noire :wili not be printed lire George Windsor was able to } �.st of toes '. r e- ts. era the, 1., as �mp os .men, return home from tile hospital en Ion- a ...-.-rte...-�.....,....- Local News don on Saturday, following. operations A bechelor is contented. for the ane is improtrz aicel}. content with candles. They didn't ' '�`w turd .2gs costing Sie500,s300 will • C lam reason that people once were be cpertiedb y the Canadian. National knew any batter, -,� W* Exhibitionthis year, including the Cal Th. Etude. the wom,k, uown musical Aetna and the Pure Food building. magazine, theaterss it i, .about time to� Tit'? ea.��susatian report o? Borden quit blaming jazz, or .any other kind Gutuurtgh tm, which eras not received in time .for last sociis, ,has, since corn to of music for dissolute daaczng and to haatd, and h.: succeeded in snaking five put the ,responsibility where it be.. subjects out of eight --second class longs. Nifhen you see young people in honors at Composition, credit in Liter their tee.ns going; through performan, attire, Ancient History, Physics, and yes that would.bare been stupressed Cieamstr . in. 11e4 noway, it is Rime, says mei On Friday last when; Dr. and Mrs, Etude "to ask parents .whether they i Ward t Gxu► Betide rsl re Ward had ...➢rave lost all conttrol. of their children narrow escape from drove ' ,. a. ca or whether they have lost their sen-' ' p_ eu ,, sate ssitls plants entendixug outward s.:,, The b oee'L haat tan the music s was being used as a, teeter, and as but what doai. With the music,. Jaz. of },Ward slipped off the plan] hit is but a passing phase of exaggerated her on the head. She was about to go u sic»i exp ens o�e; it grill exhaust .it- dcswse for the th rd time when the doc- self in, rime It is .thea lack of paretet- for reached her and brought her to The al bje *s the sir's©us thing. s,tarc. ,td she pas soonresesr tate? Tlee cla;ef objection to jazw i,s that zt _„_ $054s the taste .i or what is good and THE TA11.OR PIC iIC. beautiful to music; but there is little - tSW a wasting time .denntenc in jazz;. ? Eighty representatives of the Tay - Petrolea Advertter. Ior Families of Canada and the United 'States assembled at Springbank Park The farcical pretence of the Kingion Wednesday of last week ;n picnic, Gavarnment to form a. wheat board to end had a joyous time. They were in make. the farmers of the West believe •�»tteedan...c a'rom as Tar as Toronto, t#sat: ugly were go• ta • • to da mid paints en Michigan: lir. John W. e something for them 5.s ;now at an end, iprcs nt from Ewiie xeter. Itd was decided others and there will be a general feeling of Ito, make it an annual affair. eatisfaction that Canada is not .going to make the false rued impracticable S1XT➢ETIi ANNIVERSARY. move again this year of trying t4' A very pleasant picture of happy torm a wheat board. So many other old age was presse.nted by lir, and countries are now: in the world mar- Mrs. William Treble at their diamond leets with their wheat crops that the, wedding enniversary on Saturday, Aug idea that a portion of Canada trying ust 17th, when they ,received many to h:tve a wheat board was simply ab-, congratulations and good wishes from surd awl ,out of the questitonl.. We relatives and friends, having been mar - can quite understand that the prey- Tied in Clint sixty years ago. Mr, sure came from farmers .lin. the Wrest Treble :s ,noisy tin its b3rd year, while who thous ht ea nenefit. by such a Mrs. .reb'e is in her 79th year, Mr. Treble enjoys remarkablely good health. while firs. Treble cannot boast of being so well blessed. move* and the King government prom- ised action,. at the ,same time knowing %t was out of the question, Even if it lead been possible to get anybody to operate the wheat ,board, it was BASEBALL, doomed to failure, laaeause it was un- sound from an sec gnomic standpoint. Owing to the break up of the .rig- incl schedule of the Junior Letgue the 13E STING AND i)IE. : Exotex and Luean teams shave been ordered to play home and home ;ones A see loses .its sting and its life to decide the district. when, it stings a person because ,of the The .first game took place on the peculiar shape of the sting,, It is us- local diamond on Monday night when taally a workrg bee that stings bum -.the locals showed decidedly ,superior farm, defeating Lucan by a score of an beings, for, although the queen has 12-3 %n seven innings. The boys put a. sting, she generally ,uses it upon tie- pep and real class unto the game, and Ws only. The working bee's sting is if they can keep it up there should only a tube which ,carries thepoison be ,no doubt about their winning the The tube Ss fitted`, with two ;harply district, and then some,. toothed minute saws, which are driv- Lawson pitched a goose game and en into the sound alternately;. If the Medd behind the home plate did the. person who is being .stung remains receiving in fine style. perfectly stilithe bee can withdraw, - its sting somewhat after the fashion DEATH OF MRS. ALLEN. of a cork screw—that is by :roving it round in. a circular direction„ iii which l Many of the older residents of this case of course it jives to sting again section will learn with regret of the Usually however, the outraged human death of an old and highly esteemed retaliates ,on the bee, ,which, driven i foirmer resident of the Thames Road away, perforce leaves its sting, tearing hz the person of Mrs,. Thos. Allen, away a portion of the stomach to ! who for many years kept stores onthe which it is attached ,anal so killing it. Thames Road, familiarly known as self. Allen's Corners., she having passed away at the home of her daugltei; FROM REV. TRUMPER. 1 Mrs. Leach, Winnipeg, ,on Saturday, Rea. A. A. Truan er, why has charge August 12th. She had reached the pgreat age of ,94 years an,d 6 months,. of Holy Trinity Church, WinriPeg, Mrs. Allen left These parts aboet 35 writing tba The Advocate, in part says years ago for Winnipeg, where she —"Many thanks ;for Tha Advocaite had since made her home with her which is doubly interesting when away • d eghtesrl1e Bes es surves i`led by daughterer oneMrs, from home. - I have seen Mr. and Mrs Thomas of Joliette, Quebec. The•fun- eral took place on. Tuesday, Aug. 15 in Winnipeg. McAlister several times,'and last Sat- urday met Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Bir- ney's daughter. Winnipeg is certain- ly a eine city with spacious thorough- Miss Coursey visited over Sunday fare.s and a large number of parka, all Visa Hiida Powe. - beauty spots. The gardens are a pie- ylrs. G. Holmberg aped fam•vly of tore, filled with every ,kind bf veget- Sault St. Marie, Ont., are visiting with able, but SE I xd become any sate, yah her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Day. would say I .had become infected with _ that peculiar Western, malady. Manit- oba; has a.wonderful crop this year;. 'I have been out 50 ,males into the coun- try, and have ;,seen, ;fields that were hailed out, but have ,..very fine look -s n,e,sday, featuring the visit ;of Premier ing crap now. Binders are busy .ev Drury, was a huge success, between exywhere, and Harvesters Excurs.i,ons....:n and fifteen thousand people being axe arriving daily, Holy' Trinity present Besides the Premier on the iatform were James C. Brown M.P.P of North Middlesex, Wan,. Black, M.P. for South Huron; J. W. King, M. :P. North Huron; Andrew Hicks, M,P,P. far South Huron; L. W. Oke, M.P.P., East Lambucui--a11 'Progressives; John J•oynt, Ind. -Con,, of North..Huron, and A. E. Kennedy of London, and the Chairman, Gea. 'Marks., of .Greenway;. Mr. Drury delivered a, great ad- dress and. re -iterated ,his opinion re- garding class and party gov;e,rnment He sa&I,-"Frankly my ownconviction ?s that group goviennme,nt is impractic aloe and class consciousness as ap- plied p-pl ped to legislative: bodies is bound to be a failure. The thing we want to see when ,we go to deal with legisla- tion isnot clams ,consciousness, but cit- izen consciousness; the sense of the Mr, and :qrs. Robt. Traquair an- needs ,of the whole ,peoples," nounce the engagement of their young Mr. Black and Mr. Hicks spoke very est daughter, Viir,gin May, to. Mr. Ro- briefly, land B, Ikrilliams, enly on. of Mr. ands Pete- F senbach's team WOO the tug - Mrs Benson Williams of Usbarne the ox .war against 12 picked men, and marriage too take place quietly the lets Flay Township defeated Grand Bend ter part of Aug-ust, U.F.O. PICNIC AT THE BEND. The U.F.O. pilmic •here. last Wed - Church is located just ,one --block from the heart of the •business section, and seats 1000 people. It draws its con- gregation ,from . the .entire city, and we have bad large turnouts morning and evening each Sunday, connsidering so many'` are away. We had visitors last Sunday= from Port Arthur, • New Vrestmiunister, Seattle, and N. Dak- ota. Business conditions here are im- Proving rapidly _in expectation of a bumper crop, and the cost of livrng ‘ is by no. means as great as one is, ]ed to believe ie the East. One can buy a goad satisfying meal here for 50c., far better than a ,similar meal sewed an 1 certain well-known hotel, in, London . O.n t" Mrs. Chas. Randall and two ehil dren of London are visiting at the home of \fr„ and Mrs. Cha:>. Box. Stephen. A rich mart could be happy if :he could overcome the suspicion that ha friends have designs on his purse. Greenway Rev. G. J. Kerr of Bothwell .s spending holidays, with bis sister, Mrc. Al- 3f Wilson, And preached very ac • ceptably •t.bis old friends here Sun- day, in the absence of the pastor, Rev. 1D. W. Williams, M.A—Rev. J. E. Holmes and ASrs. Holmes also called on friends in our burg on, Friday even- ing,-•-Mrs. Herb Sherritt and daughter returned to their home in. Alberta— Mrs. W A. Thompson and three sons have gone to their hortTe in Montreal, BIRTHS DayrnartmIn Mrs. Patterson's Hosie t - al, Hensel', on .Aug. 13, to Mr,, tend Ars. Thomas Dayanan, a son—Donald McGregor. Gingerich--At Goshen Line, Hay Tp., on. August 12, to. Nil. and - Mrs. Jac- ob Gingerich, a son, Mardiin—At Whalon, ou Aug. 5th, to? Mr. and Mrs. Geso. l.faxdlin, a $on MARRIAGES L400dy—Hicks--At Centralia. Meth dist Church, on. August 15th, Hal; I May, youngest daughter of the late Wm. Hicks o.nd Mrs: Hirers,,, to Nor- man Henzell Moody of Calgary. DEATH'S Ca wron—In St, Marys, on August 10 Daniel P. Cameron, aged 61. years. Notice! MR. S. M. SANDERS HAS DECIDED TO 73ISCO3TINUE AS flit, REPRESt:NTATIVE FOR McLAUGHL,IN MOTOR CAR CO., LIMITED,. I.VHICH COMPANY IS NOW OPEN TO RECEIVI. APPLICATIONS FOR THIS AGENCY IN EXETER AND ADJOINING TERRITORY.. ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE. TO MchAUGHLIN MOTOR CAR COMPANY, LIMITED, CORNER RICHMOND & BATHURST ST., LONDON, ONT. HAVE YOU SEr.N THE NEW 1923 McLAUGHLIN - BUICK ? Phone 9 ppERVIOE t)ATISFAOTION If You Know That meat is down in price, and it will pay you to get our prices fore buying Farmers When you thresh lrt us supply you with a choice meatty ROAST. - DELIVERED ANY TIME. Let this Bright, Sanitary Store supply your wants. RIVERS' ERS' EAT MARKET WHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN PRICE. We close Wednesday afternoon, but are open every night J. A. STEWART Phone 16 " THE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE .•1?RICES" Big Clearing Sale of all Summer Lines LADIES' VOILE WAISTS All sizes Ladies' White Voile Blouses, in, very meat styles, to clear at $1.19. LADIES' GOWNS. Ladies' White -Cotton Night Gowns in a very fine quality & neatly trimaned with gingham Reg. $1.50; Bale Price 98c. OVERHAND STOCK DINNER WARE We have just received another shipment of our Famous Stock Patter of Dinner Ware, Nearly all lines are in stook. Look aver your.dishea and fill as any odd piece you may niee•d., $1.65 'MEN'S OVERALLS $1.65 Blue and White Stripe Over- alls, in all ,sizes, and good quality Regular $2.25; Sale price $1.65 RBI TANTS Our' table of 'Remnants ,is sure a worth fools aver, s it con- tains looking , ,, on tains some real bareeins in all limes. NEW FALL GOODS. New Fall Goods are arriving daily, We have a full range Home Spun in tall ,the popular shades. Also many new lisfes Dress Goods and Silks, of of• GROCERY SPECIALS 10 bars any Laundry Soap 70c. 7 cakes pure Ca.tile Soap 25c. OT 13 bees for 91c, 6 rolls � T ret Paper far 25c3 battles of Extracts for 25c. Pura Clover Honey per lb: 15c, Special Cofree per lb. 38c. Sugar is good buying at present prices. Stocks may be very short in the neer Ifuture. J. A. STEWART This Store will close Wednesday afternoons during June, July and August, is a baseball match, 17. to, 5. Aip a