The Exeter Advocate, 1922-8-10, Page 7Still Struggling.
"You say they are twins, and yet one
iSt five year older than her sister?"
"Yes. You see one ot tb.ena is mar.
ried and one is note'
"No, siren feed George. "I make it a •4
rule never to pend more'n two-thirds
of my wages 1311 B.() account wliatevere"
"Well, well," said the curate pleas-
antly, "you put the rest ia the bank,
suppoze?" ' "No," said George, "I put
it to a bete''. use than that, sir. I give
it to the wife to keep house on."
Can Yeti Beat It?
Hurry, while on a visit to the coun-
trY, became deeply interested in watch -
All thie 'world is heavy with
the promise of greater things.
and a day will come, one day in
the unending succession of days,
when beings (beings who are
BOW latent ia our thoughts and
hidden le our loins) shall stand
upon. this earth as one stands
upon a footstool, and shall laugh
and*reaoh. out theft bends amid
the stars.—H. G. Wells.
ing an old gardener. After a while the
following dialogue took plate:— er•
Gardener— "Some toe vegetables
Asking Too Much. here!"
"Keep etill!" said mother, who was Harry—"Rather."
tying Helen's shoelace. Gardener—"I once grew a cabbage
"Well, I caret stand on one foot like
a mailbox," proteetee he child.
Cautious, Anyway.
Father—"That young man of nuns one! But we have some big vege-
has more brains than I gave him credit tables in London. I remember seeing
three men sleeping on one beat!"
which, when cut in two, and the heart
removed, made a grand cradle ter
Harry—"It must have been a. ilne
Daughter ---"Oh, papa, you really
don't mean it!"
Father—"Yes; instead of coming to
see me he called me up on tire tete-
In the Morrell in a little town in Ala-
bama, Deacon Lee arose one Sunday
morning to read a list of subscribers
to the missionary fund. He began:
"The Rev. Montgomery Trawers,
;10; 13rother Steve Walker, $5; Sister
Margaret Kemp, $7; anonymous donor,
myself, ea
in the Fall They WIre.less,
Gardener—"Three men?"
Harry—"Yes, policemeur
Many of the eayinee of jeens we do
Romantic Case of a.Deaf
Mute by War.
A strange Case growing out of the
war is the mystery of a deaf mute in
the Bologna 'hospital who lost memory, are a severe tax upon the strength. -P
S «emanars pretors of testory, guides, stray Arabs,
speech and hearing in. the bombard- Also, girls eater business soon after.
ment on the Austrian front and has leaving school—at an age when they and street Iouegers, who demand some
Desert Flying.
The Royal Air Force has recently
ANAEMIA PREVAILS completed a chein of air-statione
across the Syrian Desert, to enable an
air route between. Cairo and Bagdad to
be ineleigisrated.
The Strenuous Conditions of Life The first Air Force party to be sent
To -day Responsible. across the clesert was ear convoy,
says an English newspaper. They
Mothers who remark that girls to- were (-Merged with the duty of select -
suitable lantileg-grounes, and,
day are more prone to eleven:ea than ins
the girls of a generation ago, should more important stile of building a de-
finite track across.
look back at tee surroundings in which
The track was es.sential because it
thoy and their companions lived. Thee'
relic are numbered In thousands every
would easily see the reason in life's
altered circumstances today. year. Each one gives a mall centre
bution towards the upkeep of this Now the selimal girl's life le more
an -
strenuous; her more numerous studies cient sb.ow-piece, to say nothing of the
• th
no e ens ea •
small coin before they will divert their
most reed rest and outdoor life Their
WU For four years one family after an. womanly develop:smut is hampered by , =welcome attentgat9 to others, tetiroe.
Altogether, guarding tide bit of
other has clainied him until now he the stress of working hours, hurried i
Noah's Ark Is quite a, profitable bust -
has almost a.s many patents as Italy's anti often scanty meals. OW'S are:
more liable to bloodlessness to -day, 1 ness, end It ir: eerlain- the. guards
unknown soldier, says a despatch from
Rome. In Bologna Lady Emma Zara- but there is this consolation that this •4 would fall asleep if sufileiently bribee,
E.0 as to enable the over -zealous tour -
orbs' became interested in the man 0010h:ion is now more easily remedied
than in the years past.
and Europe, precipitating a torrent of cine aS Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills has ' show Ms fooltlY-
Suck mede t let to take back a chip ot tee Ark to
and sent kis photoeraph all over Italy
not fully understand unless we know letters and telegrams, claiming tise Iped tbouands oC eat, ari^e111'0! It is recorded that an Australian eel -
something of Palestine, For examPle, mysterious soldier as a son or bus.girls and women, eirrply bemuse they titer during the war badly watited to
contairi the elements eeeeeettry to en- tae a cutting from the splintered re -
take the phrase, "The water of life." baud.
get all the water we want merely by to give free passage to would be par- rieh the blood. whites met= good Ile. The guards refesee, and neele
.. .
When the Government was induced
turning a small tap will end it hard eats and wives- countless emereeeece , TLIS Is proved by the statement of ; on being ellowel a baYEnet la one band
to catch the real signideance of these began to esoloesta, but the unfortunate _Miss Eldora Acker, Lake Plemeant.' vsud splu° money in tbe et-ze're they be-
hied ie came diplomatic mei left the Inert:ore"
words of Jesus, lessen we can see in man remained unholy's. Recently an ee.S., who nye: -"I shall he
imagination the land of the Jews as It old couple and a young woman, claim- some ether axing girl will profit by est N'ealt to the jeclelmlfe (4 the Ates -l.
'lee parched under the August sun. In lug to be the man's parents and wife, nee' ent elence with De Williams' Pieltl! tralisa TeallalF•
Palestine water is precious beyond be- reepeetively arrived in Bologna. After 11111s* 1 v"''''' ye*. touch run 4( wr'l n'Y
lief viewing several s,obuers steamed to tate was pale and there was dark Not Loose.
We who live in a. land where we can
a t 3
some devece.stration of protest* but
iClassified Advertisements
1 EN{zi." Nir,d,NUD AL/VE; 35 CENTS
a pound. Albert Lewis. 555 London
Vest. Toronto.
'97E,EICLVTiX•wisr.e.7zrz wheNwise.
.f Y for a weekly newspaper is On-
ntrio. Price must be attractive. Send
full information to 'Wilson Publishing
Co.. Ltd.. 73 Adelaide St. W.. Toronto.
Willie—"Ma, teacher said the wires .
Near the ancient city of Jericho, on the waist, they fell upon the deaf mute, eireles around toy eyes. My appetite I "Put out yeeritongne, niy dear," said
on the telepraph poles are educated." was hail. and I had no ambition to i10 , the doctor.
s the slope that leads up from the level showeriug him with irissee. Tbe man
anything^ or go about. I had Duce be- '
A14--"Slie e°11.1dret h"s said Ulu" of the Dead Sea, is a barren waste of mystery showee no filial emotion. Little Dorothy ehowisl the tip of her
Willie—"Well, she saki the wires ex- much like parts of the Solara Desert. but seemed interested in the girl. who• - " . tongue.
froLliaen,11,:leeevniedrlobvtoDrtreeynitlbliearns'ainaik. „come. come!.
What did she mean?"
it seems as if onlY a miracle eould said sbe wns bis sponse. cried the doctor.
pand in summer and get saggy, while
in winter they contract and become , than twe months tune I felt In every „ . .. 1. .
make anything grow on those rugged The visitors elf:stifled him as Max!- It. P761:41 a 11-17'e d4sel:lian. frr In le9s "Pult iIt ricagyrt putr:;eee Doroths, tear -
elopes: yet front Elisha s Fountain milian Meniehetti, but the suespicions
taut!" way better: heti a spleneld appetite. feu, lee i-,,l,p,,1 ,-,,-, ,t. ow, 1,,,,t.::
jibit a few rods away water is brought. of the authorities were aroused by the
the tired feeling dieeppeared, and I ' "---' "-:- -- - -- - ----"
so that some of the land is a tropical solicitude of the self-styled wife in the o
can wore. N
garden in whieb is an abundance of amount of the pension receivel by the with enjoyraerit. aturally Long Ranee Cemera.
I think there is no better medicine
Age, olives, dates, bananas, orangee. deaf mute. Investigation soon dia. A long range mm
otion picture caera.
youeg irls thee De Willi:m' Pinkfor
ponumeanatethat s and luscious white closed the fact at the real hieniebetti II" ge
; has been perfartel %Meet ha paetce
What Bobby Said.
Bobby's mother was anxious to gnaw
whether he had obeyed her injunctions
and behaved 'himself at the party. He grapes. That water works the miracle; was killed in the war and the girl was •
was euro that he had. "Whet' Mrs. it has actually caueed the desert to looking for a new provider. You can procure Dr. Willie:nen Pipit bur:eines ose, ear eeesee es
Smith asked me if wanted more mire, blossom as the rose. It has producedi MeanwIrile another family arrived! Pills '-ugh any dealer in medicine
or they will be :sent to you by moll at !
I said, `Na
thank you: " His mother me, from a remote province with the vil- 50 ceete 4t box or 5iX 1.1CMOS f4)11* $2 50 .
was relieved, but, wanted to know Wherever the precepts of Christ are , lege priest and documents virtually he 1,21,4„,e,,,, direct , e ere,. De. u.,ii,,,,,..‘
more. Did she ask you again?" "Yes, taught and believed lite in the fullest identifying the deaf mute as Raphael .72.—, en-te,„'"'" 4 : 4-r :•! 4". +"4"' i
Afeeteeee to., Lreceenue, tent.
and I still told her, ewe, thane you.' But settee of the word, springs into being. Fanere. When the aged mother eiu-
after a while she asked me another -Where they are denied there is death, braced the soldier tears rolled down
time." Bobby looked confident.
9 Side by side on the Judean hills near his cheeks, but he immediately re- Mock Suns.
said what pa always says; "Take the the city of Jerusalem are two small pulsed her. Moth enee ere ,irailtir in pint of
darned stuff away!' " villages. One is a model of eleanle I Evidently be has decitlee to adopt origin to the niece of the deeert.'
Zeph the Optimist.
"I see you've got a new hose, Zeph,"
the mall carrier in a small town said to
one of the inhabitants who was brush-
ing a chestnut mare.
"Ye -up," replied Zeph.
"Do you trade often?"
"Ye -up; Sat'day I swapped tbree
"You must be doing pretty well."
"Ye -up, pretty good; generally come
out second best—that isn't doing very
bad, is it?"
Not What He Ordered.
The new curate wanted to make a
good impression, it being his first ser-
mon. He was determiued not to neg-
lect his personal appearance.
Smoothing his hair, the said to the
old verger: "Could you get me a glass?
A small one will do."
The verger hurried away, but soon
returned concealing something under
his coat.
"I know what nervousness is," he
said. "I've brought you a wlhole bot-
Light Relationship.
Professor X has a bright boy who
dne day at the age of four appeared in
his father's study clasping in his et nds
a forlorn. looking little chicken which
bad strayed from. a neighboring incu-
"WiRie," said his father, "take that
chicken back to his mother,"
"Ain't dot any mudder," answered
the child.
"Well, then, take it back to its
father," said the professor, determined
to maintain parental authority.
"Ain't dot any fadder," was the re-
ply, "Ain't dot anything But an old
Didn't Spend 'Em An.
The curate was admonishing the vil-
kge sport. "You ought not to spend
ail your wages, George.” George in-
dign,antly retorted that he did not.
eNo?" queried the curate suspiciously.
New Kitt
For -
New Life, Remedy is the
Standard Remedy for the
last quartercenturyfor
Rheumatism Sciatica,Lum-
bago, Neuralgia, Gout and
flees and thrift; you would he gad to the other family, and he ;teems eon- only teey eetear in the Aretle eirele. As
ehoose it for a home. The other is an , tented with Its new wife. She now the le Meter nicht of the peter re-
example of filth and shiftlessness; you confesses that her dead soldier bus-; gem waees. once every twenty-four
would avoid staying there even for a band made her unhappy with his eon- time: a segie slew ts seen at some
single night. The one is Christian; Unmet scolding, and says she much point lif the horizen. Often atecompame
the other Is Moslem. One has pate.' prefers the deaf mute, who hes never lug thle glow is seen the pheeoreenen
tired the teaehings of IIim who was spoken an unkind word. of the mei: sun'. tilp in the heavens
the Water of life; the other has large.' ___es,.___. as mares as five of the -e epeetral orbs '
ly rejected those teachings. One have heen 'seen at twee. Invariably
thee :tre all eonneeted in a. geemetrie •
figure, the suns sePibiligly being bound
stands for lite; the other stands for SUMMER HEAT
Cargoes Sailors Dread.
Recently three members of the crew
of a French ship were: killed by the
cargo she was =trying! This consist-
ed of onions. Not only are these apt
to swell teben touched by water, but
they give off a very unpleasant gas af-
ter they have been at sea for some
Grainis heartily disliked. by sailors.
Care must be taken that no moisture
reaches such a cargo or the grain will
swell and burst elle ship like an egg-
The crew of a ship have to put up
withmany restrictions when the yes.
lel is carrying explosives. They must
keep any sort of light away from the
cargo, and must smoke only in certain
parts of the vessel. On entering port,
the ship flies the red burgee or danger
flag. Other ships, seeing this warning,
give her a wide berth.
Deck cargoes are always dangerous,
especially if they consist of timber or
tracks. In a storm they are likely to
break adrift, no matter how securely
they may be lashed. Before now shipe
have been lost as the result of such
Tile tourist stood in front of a sign
—"Subway Entrances."
"H'm! It doesn't entrance me," he
'said coldly.
One bottle for One Dollar; t
Six bottles for Five Dollars.
Mailed direct to customers,
New Ei'U Mentettg Compang
73 West Adelaide St., Toronto
se %es
HARDON BABY„,,ihtipt:1071115e.$0annetize=ligt
No season of the year is so danger.
ous to the life of little ones as is the
summer. The excessive heat thrown
the little stomack out of order so
quickly that unless prompt vett is at
relstalten for the real sun, and natives
rejoice at the early end of the long
winter night, only to be disappointed
as the image disappears. The ex.
planation of the pheaomenon is given
by physicists as retraction and reflec-
tion ot light from the real sun below
hand the baby may be beyond all hu- the horizon on the mists in the upper
man help before the mother realizes atmosphere.
he is ill. Summer is the season when
diarrhoea, cholera infantum, dysentery
and colic are most prevalent Any one
Photography by Wireless.
of these troubles may proveedeadly if Through wireless means, supple.
not promptly treated. During the sum- mented by an instrument somewhat
resembling in its mechanism the hu-
nter the mother's beat friend is Baby's
Own Tablets. They regulate the man eye, we shall be able before long
to talk to a person hundreds of thous -
bowels, sweeten the stomach and keep
baby healthy. The Tablets are sold ands of miles away, and at the same
by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 time see that person's face. Converse.
cents a box from The Dr. Williams, tion by radio will thereby be rendered
more intimate and agreeable. "We can
Medicine C...._oeBrockvill_e, Ont.
even watch the other person's changes
Where Ignorance is Bliss, of expression while he talks—zee him
smile at a joke while we hear him
"My ar g." erid the roman :c laugh, etc.
lover, "I offer you this delightful blos-
Nikola Tesla, the famous electrician,
som whic'h 1 picked myself in a field. Is responslble for this prediotion. He
May your life be like this flower and says that he is now trying to perfect
as beautiful as its fruit." the requisite apparatus for this ex -
And the maiden. blushed with plea- pected new development of radio,
sure, for she did not know that the which he calls "television."
flower was a broad bean blossom.
Duty is what one expects from
Minard's L;niment Rellevoa Neuralgia
Stnanies and Their Origin
Variationsl-Multully, Flood.
Racial origin—lrish.
Source—A given name.
Thii Tully clan Of Ireland is an off-
shoot of the °Nellie, " of Tyrone.
"011.-Maoltuile" is, the rather more
complicated' evening according to the
Gaelic Custom, and illultully is prob-
ably the most accurate Anglicized
form of the name if you are judging by
the spelling or pronunciation. Though
if you are going to take its meaning
as -the standard you must award the
first place to the form of Flood,
The clan is one which dates from
about the year 700 A..D., which was
just about the time the Saxons were
busy .completing their task of conquer-
ing England, a period before the Dan-
isa invasions- of England and Ireland,
before the great forays of the Vikings,
and before tbe Norman invasion of
A , ebieftain "Maoltuile"
(which may be translated as, "flood -
follower') was the founder of the
clan.. He was the brother of -one of
the Hip Kings of Ireland, the 15601e
in that long line of enbnarchs of tee
Trih natien Which began about 1700
BIM B.C. and did not end until the, death of
Roderick O'Connor and the Anglo -Nor -
Man conquest of Ireland.
Variations — Kimselagh, Kinsela,
Kingsfey, Kinsley.
Racial Origin—Irish.
Source—A nickname.
Every once irt -a while you run across
an Irish family name which does not
sound yery Trish. There are not many
people, comparatively speaking, who
would regard Kinsella as an Irish
name, just as there are not eo many
who know that Costello is Irish and
not Italian or Spanish,.
Certainly any one might be forgiven
for not thinking that the form Kings-
ley is Irish.
The Gaelic form ef this family name
is "eeCeennsalaighe," whioh, though it
does not look much like "O'Kinsellee"
as a matter of fact Is pronounced al-
most exactly like it.
The founder of this clau was a chief-
tain who came of the Kavanagh line,
named "Eauna," and surnamed "Cean-
'Malec')." There seems little chance
to a.void taking this surname as a per-
sonal reflection, at least from our mod-
ern viewpoint, though apparently the
chieftain himself did not object to it,
for it means "unclean head."
Bunyan Gets New Nose,
John Bunyan has got a new nose.
For several years he bus lain on his
tomb in a London graveyard quite
noselese—a fact which bee distressed
hundreds at pilgrims who have come
to pay him homage. His Bede had
either been, accidentally broken off or,
more probable, stolen by some souve-
nir hunter.
But now, thanks to the good offices
of the Baptist and Congregational Un-
ions, Bunyan's ill-used effigy is once
more presentable. The only difficulty
was that no one seemed to be quite
certain of the exact shape of Bunyan's
nose and the stone mason had to de-
pend on the advice of antiquarians and
an old print.
Send a Dominion Express Money
Order. Five dollars costs three cents.
No Need to Talk.
"Does the baby talk yet?" asked a
'friend of the family. ,
"No," replied -the baby's disgusted.
little brother, "the baby doesn't need
to talk." •
- "Doesn't need to talk?"
"No. All the baby has to do is to
yell, and it gets everything that's
,worth having."
Minard's L.Initnent for sale everywhers
When cream is too thin to whip add
the unbeaten white of an egg to it
first. It becomes es stiff as the rich-
est of cream.
ISSUE Ido. 31—'?2„
1 TION loose, new and used. shipped,laeTdea.ot rot:Lao.prplronvEtaleltelnirt 17.? , 1P1r51°eYsog
Silent Psalms,
Net only in cloud eSsisan and Realm
Is Gods love sung! Within the calm
Of Miele upon. the fields and moors
A holy anthem swells ane soars!
Tired feet tread out a sweet -delight
When paths e2 E-sitzs cense tete sight;
Spent hearts sing ellen-LIM; dim eyes.
Turn looks of praise to quiet skies!
Soule a -weary, eity-preseed.
Send God dumb thanks for country
rest. --Lilian Gard.
Certainly Not,
Toneerie. expect keee yetis'
friends if you give them awe3-.
/laving Sick Animals
it .• ef,
iir''. , es
' „ES -eel -see_ , . ,
...-4.0...1...... 7...;, -. ''.''''.. . --..:,,
OE' f.a- nil tlir.-74t i4it iiiest disecePs.
, Piesemeer. i i31:gt:i SPrc,i, ililiii5 .0.
C'cl:e, Mange, bpatati. Itugstiv., k:. ;$nr,liklil Ca a WZ.V.-,9 0111 tr. Tito
--,,,..l.-to.----.•,-4--*-1.1) EVEItYttlit.'inV,
Deo% On
and Mow to Feed
Walled Free to any Ad -
dates by the Auther.
z. elley Mover Ceeerso.
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New lore,
Bui Cariots
4. cum, • TORONTO
Cuticura Is The
Best Beauty Doctor
Daily use of Cuticum Soap, with
touches of Cetitura Ointment now
and, then, keexo the skies fresh,
smooth and clear. Code= Talcum
is also ideal for tbe skir..
Sosp29E: Oishnent25an5ar. Werra:4Se. Sold
Lynm', Limited, 344 St. Paul St.. W.. Montreal
2911F-Cutieura Soap shaves without mus.
Lydia E. Pinkbam's 'Vege-
table Coxnpouncl Advised for
all Women in Poor Health..
Toronto. Ontario,—"I tool: Lydia
Plialthana's Vegetable Compound
for lean and it is the only patent
medicine I ever reeornmend. I am a
nurse and if I find a woman is in
poor health I always tell her to tahe
It, Although you know that doctors
and nurses do riot use patent medre
eines I must say that I think there
is nothing better than your Vegetabia
Compound. When I first took it
many years ago, I was so tired when
I got up' in the morning that I coull
not eat, aud when I went to bed I,
was too tired to sleep. My mother-
in-law told me that Lydia E. leinke
hnnes Vegetable Compound was just
what I wanted so I tried it and only
took two bottles when I felt betters
Since then I have found that there
is nothing that makes me feel so
well, for it seems to build MY sYsteell
right up. I don't know any other
medicine that has done so muck for
women."—Mns. W. II. Peresen, 113
Wellesley Ave., Toronto. Ontarle.
Women testify again and agaia
that they have been helped by Lydia
E. Phil:ban:es Vegetable Compound
"after other medicines have failed."
It has been tried for nearly fifty
years and not found wanting.
If you ars suffering from any a
the various ailments which accom-
pany female weakness try Lydia. E..
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you
are not getting Aspirin at all
Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of
Asjoirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by
physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for,
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia • Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets—Alec, bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists.
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufaeture of 114ono-
aceticaeldoster of Salicylleacid. While It is well known that Aspirin means Bayer
manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer company
-win be stamped. with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross."