The Exeter Advocate, 1922-8-10, Page 2TTFTTgTTar+TTT MP, BLUE WATER A TALE OF THE DEEP. SEA FISHERMEN BY FREZERICEWILLIA WALLACIre . Hies reply wae. quiet wed deter- mined, "Not girlie. 1 don't fancy a theatre to -night, I'm looltint for little quiet whari 1 Idn, talk with ye,. Gerrie- Land, girlie, et ye only knew hiow I've bin 'ellen' ti see ye. 'Twas th theughts of you that nerve1 me for 'ehtus•-ele out yonder. Let's go sornewheee whas"tis quiet" 1. Tie girl assented, with reluotartee,{ and they strolled out to Dorchester„ and forgetful of the hum, bustle, and lights of the big' city, they evalidered II k in reminiseeet memory to their chilenocci days on the Bay 'Shore when Wireless Wonders. Until nOW wireless meseages have alien like the rain from heaven, mid anyoue who hail a proper instrument evuid 'reach eut leis cup and receive his fill. A zneseage Wended for the intouriation only of the seeder and addreesee is poered iuto the ears of thou.samis a watting listeners, arid ex- cept for what protection a private code providee. it is known to all the world, And now Marefull, the original wire- less -wizard, annouo,ces through the American Xastitute of Radio Eagineers place. and the admiraticn or his his newle• 01seovered -method a BO . . How the Story Started. fluttering idly half -way up h main- the eomparnons„ directing radio wave:: aa to coucen. Praline Weedieeete areaeri as rigging. "'Who's gate?" opyright by ssou Bo ie COpaUy Shorty Westhaver waS the plague of iase "Soriei.'' rives e,t Lorre 'Cove ea Beer -"Skipper died euddenly at Fea-••'• "And die yeez remember. Fxerthe hev. trate them on a desired spot: instead TO11 used to read us that etary ef the e i i , of the wain denvieg where it will. clf• n-iee coast, with is mother and tha.t's an:- And the weary, sea ire , e ee • e . his eiriniie, Captain Jerre Cloak% lie hey staggenal on to the wharf to re- ee eeP r Rose &Rem 0 eaten aim anti anavas neneen aria -.1„ brnadeaste Marhoni new forces et through en Invisible hose aa it were. ar.e. his ehene Lemuel Iting drinit a ` part to the owner's offiee, while 'the.- e -Aye, to be sem Jena, bettie of rain, whereupen. Frenk's hardy, sun and wind bronzed trawlerea That was and delivers his wave -4 on a SeleCtSd Naiestward Ayr -a great book - object, Not ouly can he aireeely prci- UL'iie U.:Zs him the story a his fatli- rictided eempathetleally and murmured er's feedrese for iiririlt- and how the their requiem. "Waal, oP Driver Toni grand beholt. I ye read it Over a dezen th. whole o' till' 100 .1 - lees- led thus definitely to a distance of Westetereen went down off hez Act in for his last port. May tune. s, etnees )7 . tabus gang -now tt off by heart. Jud mi es, but tbe reflector used in Sairie Isiand with ten of leer crew and Gtiel he god to Mull" i Haehins neeter grip a shaek-linife an' sending servete retell tee echo of liic ielier. This lias the desarr.fd ef-ri! iota slices out tie' eabin leekere w'rien the wave thus nurted toward the nu- e,:upera Frank. He finishes school CHAPTER. NINE. I read about the lequisit,ion. 1 eariate seen mart, and this eaabies the send - wine. eredet ta himself and spends thei F ienk W eihav r el an -shaved arid Jed eiee ha' bin fer euttini that Guz- ing operator to determine both dis- .eigereer as en apprentice te "Lang • 4' e:“ ''' e ' e e h l'enee" Jenraireit. In Aueuet Ws unele rigged iout in his ehare c ot es1,LI N, 1 WS ha . .. t la 9 n feiler Inteor treewl bait he ii'd• Mince and direction. In the ease of etet.trat 2n 'the waitingereem at -Lie ati na laid Ikande ti hun An Treast.re ra.,,,,Igaters seehing out the location, of tithY' him ..e'n.e'a'-' fishiag trip ns spare pita- irlie nehtren bad snehen th him Islancr---4"ye remember that? *Fifteen tee eightho winch they can neither tiariel arieard the Ke-estetikat Whilie a anaticr in earea ether *ire first fishing fer u few minutes' and had "tv*"rel to 'lien " a dead In"'s eitest'l Lg i" ,„ e •it . e te. can Carrie Dexter from the dormitory. jam sneer. an, or paw, an. leetieecet:necenotrhrhoeutri itthlielso;rsouirucillbrieg"q .. "-••••“, • ‘:',II. t.. 5 41 re...4.a 0 t'Q' Pl uoiftediaS' Ci-treatagera ny his ferlow-eailoree, "Oh- Frank?* abr cried as she burst Hands Teo nee lays tre- tiaiir hand at dery anxieusly nito the room, "hew are Carrie nodded. But, Prank, you' denendalde as the time•houoied ens: • i.-5 Casserole of vegetable --2 c. cooked reeen ie. iigtetit stories, aii' all aheut poor gine' other. tile mariner should be able to ' 2 0 enekeel eerier -a -ens 2 ,q, luip,-• 2 riPient an-, teutsbethnelaptatetirenIts. ‘ntsbalyl Te. n -,.-...E.4 w -,•,..n ,.,:e.,a A stlzm barsts, Pu, How do ynn feel after the Sloold see the dandy books we get at tom of loeatieg position in fog or darle string heans, 2 c. cooked rots, diced,l'------- 1NAllah l n enen, "Feeitege peeeeeee avant ehlihirieriee You bO4?" Alli $he the hoeeital-Charles Garvice, llertria" liens by sounding bottom, With lite, - -- ""r" ''''' ' .'"' . given many more years of lite if net • ;,. e,a,,,ed, 11.,w ve.,,,,. I ere= eet eciristir.izeil hie faee with eyes et con- M. Cmy. mil Mrs, Georgie sheidon--- two methods to eheeet against eeeh tbsp. flour, 2 tleep. huller, Dread a oompioto oare, sw.rmer. 'When Frarn is *:'',171^ arnhA, salt and pepper. Arrange in ,,,,.;;,:,,•,,-,„ azz,i ju,5 eitieti.en. they ' "Whee I'm fine an fit. Carrie," he who end up be. marryirig 1ord4 ani navigate ea tOg themot moult arataga e'er a eieteee with cepa wee, renlied,• "but hmv did yen gilt TO IttiONv,millior,aires., You sb.culd reuil some courses ao4 aro d . .._ un unseen IS4aftua, calls on Ms ,,,c,,,,h0,-.4 save-, that we heti any experiences? Ihee. cf them, They are paper -backs, and, 1.0„eett , ' • • - • • ." „ , *A . • $ it ' you van get a whoite pile for a dollar: P 4 lig points o lean, The sailors iiiniin, Carrei Pexter, now nurse iri Peet!' . am raellnri— dream for centuries nes been of some treenieg ie e Ei.seee beseleoe, eee ite • Mies Dexter's blue eyes epeneelnepost auywhere - - t .4.4 • •• P 't. • ''' . ti " 10 re -ii. • ee es ga tete wide. "Haven% You seen tile naner "4.-11. elioreig mast run amities a .niagie vision which would permit fli-ill V";,,,'. ., ri , Z:4,7, ar :i F2,,,nnh, st-„,,„rs :he yea. me into a mees with the giris- ltere, /amens, and they had not impreeeee eight LS nnt. yet available. this oseeona Place in the even to browe. Servei this before and they did not know The EverydayVegetAhlet Main'tained" se°11 add4 "°r°1°334Y tr41 dr,TeseiseirloervyediyaybuctriNs.vvbagtinagjhoayui house_ theharden planed npon the eircelatore up in a Sanday frock! SimilarlY, the. Adults are beginning to enahe practice of having blood pr eieseere •everyday vegetable, fresh from the in ee _nee each year ,aa that garden., is whelesOMe and goothserVed 4'•'• iiiiveiTtive detected mat „meow hi the ordinary way but why not serve tY it in 41:75pra:lrangekIthent in different hilstinaizrregreerelgu°12siillaY7ealei-Yrtt°11auarnad:Ie4Ftd:ereoetlielr: waye, giving thought to color 0111- has a theme to And the source of tee binatitnis. we may haw aifferent troulde and correct it, to order Yeget•sibie •dishes everY day in the year' changes in diet, perhaps to• insist upon Cream of vegetable soups with overwork. Overwork and veroernut°fIllosa'teinrga few gtrhaeillScr9efa'entr-isoPf-corni3"' x*I.:Legliheftetflortiodm'alri worry are en 'the chief eausee of therousTesetsebaallcleinpegddivse4etbioleiasststeorraved-awei: caoetugege.,:te:romepepielettetelZ)Fir tthheei:ofataett: or peppers stuffed with left -over meat; certain articles of diet that always vegetables au gratin with an appetiz- wake the wed are,5sure 14, ehese °aver' and erisP vegetable use of taleattee and alcohobl ar; quito to drese gignils" salads ell introduce the Sunday-froek idea that seezns to make our "every- day" food friends nicer, anyway. decided in them la effects.. The great thing is to find and- re- move the cause of the inereaeeet Wood heagnlass,sablaahyl:rgociflschairrk aetIsa,YtelnotaSltarylaelgri "Joy Corneal in the Morning," of asparagus, Pour over these a Mother had been thlten ill suddenly. sauce made from the mine, floar and Father, pale a taco, had telephoned butter, with the addition of seuson. for the doctor. The children, subdued. gatbered, mond' ro a teei veva, ti-oniglit° Oh, Frank. but you got few Jutting around in fisbermen's to see thteugli tog, and wbile actual 1 gee Cover with buttered crumbs and ucl fri hten° h2d * -t "" *;* *4 ' ° - ' bin); mother never had beee ill like • wait and I'll brieg the 'Post' to peehim. But he was no judge, and abet eight"' promise to be hardly eese hot i from the baking dish. The contrast in ' 4 What tie de, i Lti seen leer: ter et:to:alb a heavy. , Sbe was back in a few seconds, and, suited him wouldn't suit everybody.' portaattheastiosre.oreieeable; ,eilooroe atte otoblell'a of the hvierionihs lajersi.of hareling the paper to him, he read:. ieYes, 1 callate the' be good yarns u • - nek a .es seen t route the .Mss con- wrt.L, voyAGF. OF ciEoRGEs 1 b , , to 1 * - of safety compared to that of the s i for them that likes them Rindir i"re ' lit° ecli e4 t h a-- — tainer xnakes a delightfully decorative vee The elector earne that day and. Vie' riext and the next, for the illness we% where automobiles are passiug. Dressed,up Ileets_li c. sugar, phi-mu:tonna and it wits a, matter of hie te.us e, an o much ovey-tiovey tm• "cf,,,e1 Brought late Port by One "How can you say that: I'm sere 11 th cl i her 00M Man of of Sehooner Dies at Sea ' "Oh, Frank," interrupted the girl. What will be the next surprise thee"re einzplv splendid. The hereitie this astounding radio? Star..iitattJAPIFR fInd scatterei frala4 tha sta.va, hararaa., vatc axe, an;',1 iran uaaaaaarg, ;la , valaaa a A.' xata acai thn i and death. Then Caine the night, whet an :quart who inUst CreSS etreets dish - 1 (I' FISHERMEN riste----" of the (irew After Terrzble T',1-.;rg to tire 'Winter Trip -140 -1,.."p in °IwaYs l'1' al)ve tle st4t1t5n "4 IV° hav° alteadY had s° maul* evi" gay alal 'ettirrfa"eti"dd "leg"' their mother, to be eo ill AS that: orth-West Gale. marries SOIlle01W. great----" dences of tnings accomplished vellich""s-ll Mtn rn•nn•ns. - ann ever beets "Who ehh.1 she went ti do that ' were preylouely nlinown" -to b i s +1which have been cut in "Get the children to bed," father 't i'nt );0-• The ltnst on fasiling eznooner Fannie eiettie lerlinei, v. -ho had an 1 t 't1;e" mph ' e 111PU -1 Ill siliVi-14'1 wIlispered to ihlolly; his face was white Car -an arrived at T Whlre yeater,- feeling that "Mae Dexter's natunreapl wen '' that slioina Marconi or one of Ids •/ cubes or fancy shapes. Coo on tie with anxiety; „they ettu 40 no good, with her flag nt ba:f.anasa for her tiered a little to rontanees otthis twa, , thOlisailds of diseanee succeed in corn. back of the stove one-half hour. And here:, •=tv• Cap*ain Toawai Watzon of 44 ,, ever en . • 0. • % 1 munleatileg evith Mars or other plimets "butter just before serving. Moi'ity ebedieatiy led the eliiitiren to Cabbage with cheese sauce -1 hard their own rums. 4,N -cm mother Ryer, bead catbage• 2 e. milk' 2 tbsrk" flour' little Alice aeked. as Molly unbuttoned 4 tbep. butter, he ie. grated cheese, salt elle pepeute, Tutesloy. Take off out_ nts ginghant frock arid tOnk OM her side leaves of cabbage, soak in cold ha;',. FILb„14,7,„' A „,%.,„ „„.„, „tyarp,- mony water (head down) for half an hour. ,,,,milie 4""Nrielth""q"uht;e'rrim'vlipZ Cook the whole bald in a .large ant- "i' When the children were tucked cunt of boiling water in uncovered ,,,,w,i, she went beep to the „en* room kettle. Forty-five minutes to one ' he. again and int by the bed, hen. cornsterela e. vinegar, 2 ei breathlessly and prayerfully evatchai keil beets, 2 than, butter. Mix th ti" 11 re en the bed Mother , -- -• au -0 1,V,,",1 , I fear WO wotild nOt be halt properly reete et. hii i en.r.ie iaen EFF.,:rx.. Th, captain burst a bleed.; sante: honest feller what earns a in alaa uhar..-.:aat ',rata ,,t.s., yeti rel while the Feller erier was tinn ilving? Lords an' millionaires ain't. ,n1.0elied with that surprise and maize- - !or vra.4 -tr,,,t. (eeargee Bank, and eucearnhed while eeerythaigess That jo?oiarly be can., lier n'hich eueh an event reallY do. el ie er ice: ti.0 inli °0 kr,-.°V) handing the vale of the Careen over eireraa, i•Wiiy, Carrie, yell be throwitit; herein% ip Wt -Ty• .'","It:`,.. -.---12-("1,1'1»: hif ta 1'r -iWeetlia.ver---a yeling Nova' lite ever 'merit o' hem' etiwthlui hilt .-........-....--_,........... " n' • ('1";• 'I.' a2% ' " t: t1 ro'n h.": Seeitien who was tele cif the 'crew. , a comagie tanehe what epeetes hat" ii .1,infe. a ti 1eciward• liarke to BC,St'r4li during the beaver The allueien did not pleese Carrie, . . Night. . 'he '-'" -i''414. hi'''inir riiiittii-wesr. gtac which raged lie" although she liughed nervou9ly and J 1 here are a nimiber of plants and ;- 41: w, , 7?..0.: ants That Shine in the 46' Weathaver, who is a, mere boy, his :Atli everything, brought the Sehnoner in from the gem, an, time in Haskins an rubber beats,,:: stavanw.1 deem the half- Wederielay and Thursioy, and it was ans,,,wred chidingly: 4•Hav,, eau you tinwerS which give out a pbosphoros- diger will be required for ecraking. de - ,'ea ehyiigiete ;eel wen:in- evident front her iee-eonted deelts and i At quarter past •three in the morn- „ talk that way ? YOU'le, not going to, tligi liglit in tho dark. Lit -mans first , pending upon size of head. in g the tinder turned to her. "She's ' r'"'e" ”' 4'''1 t i'" s.'''''s snhs that tine Young fisherman and ma he a common tratvltr all your life, i za-ditt al thls phenomen in the common,. Make ii Sauee et scalded milk, flour, • . • • cheese, .g.,..eing., to live:: he stud m a, low voice. , e I want,4 to be sure before I told •,,,,.,ro. Tn.. lamps crew had 3 hail thnO. illap. You'll liv eaptain naon-thougb nasturtium, whose flOWers seemed to butter, seasoninge and grated it ;aims to me that captain of a nib- him to have a neat irritlescenee at I Remove eabbage from water in .rihe nas reaenen the crisis and passed :xi went cut, while men When interviewed by our reporter, eieeeene I an! PzzrF. : in wikl. mean- mentIrns of the schooner's Crew told .ing sehooner isn't, much of a ponition olght. Later observations by others I -which it WAS cooked. Place en a largz, it - ' .,.ont.o that the light was stronger an; rouud plate or platter and, using thin, ' i Molly bowed her head and whisper- - very sunny days. Among other sharp knife, cut in quarters er eigh'ths ' plants winch possess this alngular inie., leaving the parts connected at thes„ed a little prayer; father's pale lips perty are the marsh lily and the 1e» • stem end, to hold together. Spread etoved ;ilea. Theo Molly slipped noise - 1 1- d t ' • t th k't h I izn.?leF, c.,•aths as tiley extricated them., talcs .44 incredible hardship while on after all ----P .. l',, , rent wee tannee ninat•htng the par,Fage to th ls port. For fifty ; eilow d'ye mean, girlie?" expand t i nieward, ; hours they fought the bitter eold and: (To be venitinued.) The. elitiee were hauled• back, "Alli savage snow stitutlis, pounding otr ieei -----ei-----e- right below ihar'?" value a muffled continually during the whole thine Pat and the .Parrot. lien algae the rear ef the wind andi In the height of the. gale the sehoonei inella. The last name!' seerAtf9 1/0- the seetiors a ert at th to Pour • er's jib •was blown nu•ay, and at one , ,Pea,t Lvai;t:, v1tIthe' hens° °f tll 11 1 . a e le a el 00aeS out ir weatla the sauce in the -centre. Garnish with' • . p, e p. a fes minutes she had a brisk fire go- -Ail right be ilainned!" was the in- thee she was hove on her beam ends, '1%'"",. proud owner of a . spreade over a Grin layer over •the parsley and serve. ling; then quickly end deftly the made varlall'a answer fore 4ini aft. "Blame' ay a terrific Sea Which mused havoc pizryfu, -rat +tau never seen a PerroO flowers, ,ind forms a vapor wilat be- f Cauliflower au gratin-Reatovel voffee, mexed waffles in the big yellow near iieewned. Ceelets knockgi stiff' lie• in the ca"in and forezaitl Th bod • e • e. e e i, • before I ino 1 1 d 1 e bowl and put on the waffle iron. ii !aril hitting, him, an' every blame' cf the cl*Cieeaetal master was throevn' "Tialloar exclaimed the bird, as the fine of us wes hove out our hunks. out of the hunk in which it was beingei vleitor walked past the cage. . What a gory mese!" and the cook was knocked unconscious, Pat turned in amazement, anti, after Westhaver wus now at the wheel--- by being struck by a flour barrel whichl elating at the parrot for a moment, it wile anther man who had allowed was hurled at him by the impact of. raised his cap in salute. her to he knocked (1,nwn-and he the sea. "Good Milling to Yez," he said, simnel dewn the cabin gangway.' Westhaver, who remained on deck “Open tie door -skipper's berth -seta at the wheel the whole trip from politely, "'Sure, at first I though yez was a bur -rd!" how ha is!" I Georges, is a Nova Scotian hailing; ' tk A ghastly f . dabovefrom Long -Cave, . ., and is nzti . . i During a thunderstorm the safest one hand for insulation and with the , In a shallow baking dish, sprinkle elide. "He's fetelral adrift in his, twenty-two years of age. of waffles. How fragrant the coffee berth-awshin"round in water-' The Carson hailed for a fare a; place to be in is a train, with bed other I would create a shorecircult bee with grated cheese and le tt d u --ere- i was! He wondered why Molly was gatg says you'd better come down- 78,000 pounds of mixed fish, haddock,I as a good second. a ,quick connection against your i crumbs, and brown in oven. Removei tti b kf t t +1,4- I li . the coal mines near Dresden gtows a! species of fungus which exhibits the : appearance of shifting eolors, A Blowout, Bold Suitor -"What would you do it Itiesed you?" Electrician's daughter -hi would use e ea, am, „,,, „,,„ ant of cauliflowerniud soak head down ini the first eaNeS 8- "" -- """ -"` ---41 What the doctor came down:dein cold, slightly salted water for one gray at/Talcs of dawn were hour. Place in kettle of boiling salted visible in the east. The doctor stumbled minutes. seme..! a little; he had bad little steep for water and cook thirty times to retain shape of head, i several nightie. How tired he was! necessary to tie a semare of cheese, it is As he reached for his hat he caught a i glimpse of the dining room; the table cloth over head. Place the vihole 000ked ,cauliflower! was neatly spread, and there was I Moll comin in with a smokin 'nit scare sti hake, and cod, and was an unlookeda 14Inard,s Liniment for Dandruff. ebeel;," 4,011, Sabot!' Take her for a rno-' for yet welcome arrival owing to that ment!" And juIes grasped the spokes scareity of fresh ground -fish. 1 while Westhaver entered the deluged Frank laid the paper down with al cabin and lifted the heavy body a grunt of disapproval. "Huh!" he said.' the dead skipper from out of the "Wonder who they got all that yarn' water, hants, Caps. charts, and buckets tora..--" 1 i sluieirg around the lee side of the Carrie sat down in the chair be i p:ace. side him. "Oh, Prank," she lamented,' "Come en here, bear a hand. bleat "That isn't the worst—a you!" he started at the frightened `Sow's that, sweetheart?" queried' xra..b huddling as far aft as they could Prank ht surprise. get. -D'ye think I kin handle him. "The girls 'here -the newspaper, you alone? Come here, Simms, an help' know. It has given xne away. The me lash him into his bunk!' And with girls saw the account and they've been the perspiration pouring off his face jellying me about my Captain West - with the ardor ef his gruesome task, haver all day long. I'll never be able Shorty- lifted the corpse reverently to lotk lhem in the face again." hack and shored it fast with pillows The young fishermen laughed.! and lashings. "Waal, Carrie, that's what ye git for; They put it hard to her after that, iyini-they allus hit back some time; and -when morning broke, bitter cold er ether." but clear. they were sliding in past 'Me girl pouted indignantly the Bug Light, while the crews of the wasn't lying,' 'she protested. "I was! barges and anchored coasters turned only doing it for your sake, and you out to stare at the iced -up fisherman don't seem ta appreciate it." coming in from outside. "My dear girl," 'hastily replied' "Thi flag," croaked Westhaver dully. Frank, "I -I appreciate it all right,' "}Pist it,--half-masti" And when the' but still I'd rather you hadn't called tug ianged alongside them off the me Captain before those people. It' might get around, an' I'd be th' laughini-sback o' the fleet." , Carrie drew on her gloves. "Well,: Frank, it's up to you to make my' words good. YOU should get a vessel; manageable sheets, Westhaver left the neve wheel and turned: to meet the crowd "Sa I will, girlie. I'm vire to ask - jumping aboard tor news. They press.- th' Carsonee owners for her tonnorrow ed around him-reparbers with note- morning. I kin handle her, an' a I, books and pencile p.oised; fishermen gilt a cbanst I kin cabeh fish. Nowt from ()thee vessels, sedesmen, ;buyers, what &ye say to a little stroll out' and loafers, and all. pointed to the flag Franklin Park way whar"tis quiet?". Mise Dexter's eyes fell. "Why not a theatre, Frank? There's nothing to see gut at Franklin Park—" , Frank was slightly taken aback. After After ithe exp,etieneest he had gone through he wished! for canetneee and the delights of Carrie's company a, la solitaire. Theatres did not appeal to m the hin, and before he replth ied; to e • suggestion hie mind' went back to the heart -rt scenes he had witnese- en hut a few hours before. The night on Georges; the dying skinper With his farewell of "So long, boys!" mut- tered through •blood -smeared lips; the ,e•oherreei of strong men; the nor'- ' wester; the night off Eastern Feint' -when•, alone. he had -picked the -body: out of the debris:-Iittered water in the cabin- and laistly, the taking ashore of Tom Watson's body and bhe weeping Old lady W1h0 10101t •OS'er the disardere.1, )15ea-ewni1ed Lan- and her deacl, dcek, the curiotts crowd of fishermen and spectators wondered whom it was for. When they passed their lines ashore and let the sails drop in stiff, me - Our education, our training, our experience,s all througl-i life are constantly enlarging our consciousness in different direc- tions. nut' it rests with our- SelveS to determine what kind of consoiousneas we shall culti- vate. If, for instence, we concen- trate upon money getting, if we hold the picture of money in mind, we develop a money con- sciousness; and if we sacrifice to thie the opportunities tor de- veloping coneciousnees along other lines ---social, aesthetic, musical, philanthropic, etc., and confine ourselves lo the selfish permilt of ' m c.-.3 es, WO shall be- [ conle grer,riy, zpraajdous, from oven 4SaS -- pour two cups white saute; Th hild hrdh b from baking dish. I Baked stuffed green peppers- 12 thoney, take Molly smiling. "I've wafflles and The e s ou ave een in ed. ill you come to breakfase, sir?" i over cauliflower and serve at table ewe Igreen peppers (sweet), 2 e. stale bread, codee and soft-boiled eggs." • en:Innen 2 e. chopped left -over meat,i ex„eAssbtsheeadmocetmorislte o_o_ked at her his tired ' 2 eggs, 2 thep. melted butter, milk to i ' with tear. If his md pepper. Select large own little Dorothy had lived e oisten, salt anI have been just Molly's ag,,,she would smooth peppers,cnt a round openingi and per - in stem end, remove seeds and- pulp,. haps he would have made wallet, for hint "You oureht not to have done and, soak in cold water hall' an hour.; this for me, too. Melly," he said-. Fill with a mixture of bread erumbs, I left -over meat, slightly beaten eggs,, But Molly only smiled. "This is 5 butter, milk to forma soft moist mix- thanksgiving brealdast," she replied ture and seasoning. S -me , i almost gayly. She paused and then flavors of herbs or minced onion, tasics enA°Y: added shyly, "Weeping may endure for adeied. Place in baking dish and bake eneee ' a night, but joy corneal in the morn - in moderately hot oven forty rninutesa ' or until the peppers are tender; 1 The dector nodded. "We have only from baking dish or platter. servel one mother," he said eieherlY. Blood Pressure. A Doctor's Thumb. There are many reasous Why -the Not long ago a famous physician in Saxony, Dr. Metzger,- celebrated his blood) pressure is an important item to, seventy-fifth dirthday. He nett retired eonsider in standards of health. It is from active practice for some years, an indication, of the power of the heart ; having become immensely wealthy beat. It is an index to the resistance, through the thumb of his right hand. or elasticity of the arteries. It tells t 'Phis thumb stands out at a right angle something as to the total volume of from his hand mid, it is said, cannot blood in the body. It has bean demon- ' be bent back automatically. He soOn strated She there are certain degrees fi found it of great service in niassage, of blood; pressuee that are normal to and wheigne became a speciallaa in 131., itahto ete.i,of rnrehyoindivttanafew ual and degrees,avarte,stiag disorders he was called as as- ;sistant to -the greatest surgeons ot espeeially a- variation upward, is a.' Europe, bringing relief to many illus. warning symptom, tams patients, Blood pressure varies a few degrees , The Queen of Rumania sent for this f$aexr,aleaxeyexcitement, wIteaicvant thumb when age, doctor with the curious thmwhen slie suffered from facial neuralgia, dhaerafnaediorl,odi,,ghelelnte:rialaocir?. d:insttei jasiins.::.,theouotr h,nouorrgaltlale.; s -e a beaatifal span of hors -es over , ;eine the late King of 'Sweden once •tbwieeoncitypyreeaaratslroeli,,iswiatradfiztioan, op; person taet 11sbdooradtoeil: u:otadhiosilkiin.egtdizingtoiecottnetuhlee age. In order to make sure of the I There was year et I, horses as a. token of gratitude to his half point for each increasing nela'irouallacli seal-le:ma foe laitjnd4vjdij a Itil'eme111.1bWiNiveans thislt°11°aaketdililnaleielP°eonafriaSjan form Chi 181. 1 °el 1:8; times. chieria.teniem, :but so well did Dr. Metz - No, this is n,..t a picture of a railwayStrike. it is the reeult oE the, in -1 letood Pre.s.*,..ure often indicates , get esta.blish reputa.ton it • • • • • , . • hat the • medical rateesion accernedhis thumb without Ing • VI!"1 heat effe-t ea a ' d ' P • habitants ot ,$wan..doo (Lngland) going aWay for their anneal week's balialay: . .1 nemia, ee `ciao. Wiltshlre. centre of the Aea, Western alis ay walks ant Th•e dOUTO1031 error in blood pre=aare! t° for what it .was. worth plain the 'phonoeienon. , . v , _ bility ehranfle :weakness. . when 25,0001wori,zers go op their 'holidays the place is deserted. The uiper . „ . , , i!..lat bei -ng higher than normal. It, photo shows the' maia street absolutely deserted and the lower photo sl ows • s few of the inhabitants about to board treina for points all over Great icsrevaesle"Vd ii.T14.-13as!srut,:a,ref to I vhOoltni.r°di Britain. neelimete•rs oi pressure el:instantly enoarcea einimeet for Ohm*, Ilt-ai•