The Exeter Advocate, 1922-7-27, Page 7WORRIED WOMEN
If the Blood is Not Kept Pure
Health Will Break flown.
It is useless to telt a hard working
woman to take life easily anl not to
1,vo3TY. To do so in to ask the almost
impossible. But, at the same time. it
is the duty of every woman to save, her
strength to meet any uniaseal demands.
It Is a duty ate owes herself and
family, far her future health may de-
pend upon it,
To guard against e. complete break-
down in health the blood must be kept
rieli, red and pure. No other meal.
Latent Power. waste pcYwer by giving it to the man
who has no hard task. As thy dare,
IL yon visa one of the great depart- so Shall they strength lee." Let tie
ment stores you may be unaware what tb.en rejoice if our tae; 4s hard, and
power is required for the many me-
chanical contrivances round you—the
radiators, the myriad overhead lamps,
the cash tubes, the elevator that saves
you so many steps. It is only when
you go down to the third basement and
see tine power plant that you realize
bow great is the mechenlcal energy
that is being expended.
All is silent in the basement; there
are only a few men on duty. Yet more
than a score of boilers are constantly
.Measuring Instruments Must
be Standardized.
Most industrial parocesses•, surveying,
especially it it le just a little beyond ` trade and other activities of modern
our strength, for floe's strength makes civilization depend upon measure-
meats of ens kind er another. The
steel maker must be able to measure
temperatures and other quantities 'con-
nected with bas work; the 'surveyor,
perfect our weakness.
DURING HOT WEATHER weights and volumes and the relent;sit
distances, angles ,and thee: the trader,
still further properties et materials.
It is obvious that the accuracy of
Every mother knows• how fatal the J ally measured quantity depends upon
hot summer months are to small child til (y'
receiving coal; automatic etcetera feed ren, Cholera infantum, diarrho y played for then measurement. While x one.
themjust enov le to maint in the need- sentry, cone and atomacb, troubles are the precisten gP w of a measuring instru• " 3'anlac did me so much good that I
ed pressures. Tete steam from the rife at this time and often a precious , meat can be verified by comparing its ebould like to tell everybody about it,"
boilers is converted into electrical little life is lost atter only a few lxours i indications with those of one known said Charles. H. Davin 24 Croa`tiaw'aita
energy. Meet of tbe motors are idle illness. The mother who keeps Baby's to be accurate, a little eourlderation Ave., Hamilton, Ont., a popular ma -
now, but if you were to slay there Own Tablets iu the /►ease feels rate. shows that ultimately. eihter directly chinist.
through a winter afternoon you might. The occasional use of the Tablets pre or Indirectly, !t taut he cntnpared with "'may :gluey se 6
gave fta >w rxiucii
Chas. Davis Was Often Forced
to Lay Off From Work.
Days at a Time Before He
Began Taking T a n l a cc—.
Stomach Trouble Now En,
e prec ,ion of the instrument em- ea a • _ tical
Um -
Dr. this so well as liams be astonished to see ane after another, vents stomach anti bowel troubles, or a uplt or standard which is accepted ; bis that I often hadMONEY ORDERS.
to ley off irate
Pink Pills, dens medicinestenigthens apparently of its _own elolition, take it the trouble comes suddenl —as it by common consent—as
the n. nerves, restores the appetite and X n illustrations, work for two or three da} at a time. bend a I)oaiinron Eapreiaa bforey
up its task. No human hand has . generally does—the Tablets will bring the three fain;.Iarr.€ntal ;standards, the I head awful n irri ;scars the Oraer. Tktey are payable everyw#rere.
keens every organ healthily toned 13P. touched thein; but something has hale baby safely through, They are sold yard, the pound, and the teeond. small o[ muy back and I dtteta zseat
Women cannot always rest when they pone a s se o y me clue seders or
Classified Advertisements
www } iY 1 i+4:ieetile Z r 'Tr.a.e y` ene..,yy:
. Vier _. T +ri Vin. 1!1.CASee #'UIiC Trtas t;
r a wetly aewspeper ih One.
Uric,. Price must be attractive, Oen
Co., Ltd,. 73 tioa to Adelaide E Wilson n.Torontto.%
IRF1 ..BF.IffS A.uD
.t TI.. N hose. new ax�d used, ehlp
subject to approval at lowest pricey
Canada. Xbrk Belting Co., lilt TorF4
$t.. Toronto, Ont.
N4 Cause for Worry.
xis coa�sir.r- "I leePo Ria eesrs lt#e
begat been blighted. by that cruel
His sister --•• " Bent woerry. dear,
Dzcl y IP too much infatuated with, l�im:-
idi to be injured by any external love
by mail
d. D rknes bas tUed d wn y b d.' i dail at 25 ) In practice it Is visual for the Gov- fora whole day without eating, be•
should, but they can. •keep their first on the lower doors and the on cents a box from the Er. wallet:we 4 erntnent to undertake the work of ter•' canes of tbe by the occasional use of Dr. the severe veins in t1. pit ot
Williams' Pill& Pills- Among those. the upper Boars; one person here and: ltiZediefne Co., 13:e..kvdlle, pact. � cifyi>sg tci^flee precis:t;rzot measuring in-' spy stoma�cli Atte; every meal. I had
another there baa switched on the , >,a strume..te (eseec€ally eaten these are: frequent spells of weakneaa and be -
who . have found benefit from this 1 lights. The engines respond to the callt� directly en, ,
medicine is Alia. Cora Conrad, Broad t ;The Orchestra's " tep.Child. employed In twine, and eitlaere teens so dizzy at time( that I couldn't
Care, N.S., who says: "MY system was .
very much run lows, and lily blood
poor and watery. I suffered a great
deal front headaches and dizziness
or mora power. Another .daX Xotr Wheat the ave - to feet all ape:terms before they can, gee velem I was golzig and would
rage person ;astatic an
might be astonished at the suddenand concert by a w,ymphoray orchestra. lye i be Put to no, or to teat a proport.o'n u bulsap tato people in the street. I just
furious activity of some of the motors, or site Is probably tett to follow the Medea can be used as secondary or re-, felt tired out all the tune gni WaM get -
What has happened? A fire has s: t ferenee r,dards b • manufacturers', i Ong weaker every day.
stria section ea tete orcee~uri 'more y
started on one of the upper #doors, i�adtty than aaty other. And of the t trade; s azd others. 'But Taitlae Dina rid ins of these
my appetite was pear, and 1 tired ,a Formerly inetiraaaatelets ter teeasurin
easilX. 1 dte to try lir' A'illiared bent of which has IueRed the Plugs strluned lust.aments the vita .us hold g•: troubles and I'm ru't on the geed every
Pi k P. from the automatic fire sprdirl►lers: the •
the Centre of the stage. Of the cedes,
mese, volume end Ie stir were the only! day sow asdi lam 7u t Feelim geed and
violas ndouble-bees.octet;; ire ebich way accuracy or agree` getting etron er ell t time. T " e
and Watch go tapsits L an
complete the stung section. the viola meta was ceiisidered necessary, bunter certainly a Acta„derhul medicine.”
le tiie least know-;. many people thinly. tender nioilern tendinous it hoe bei:ii i Tai:l;ac ta cold by all goal araggists.
rt ilia ;ltd h.3ve ovary reason to bei amount ot water in the great tank on
glad that I did Q. Soon I felt better, the root has suddenly deers:tamed, and
and under the continued use of the the motors are worklug to pump more.
Pills the headaches and dizzleess were What a wonderfully complicated and
gene, and my blood seewotl In a lief• . timely adjusted power pint it is!
ter condition than before. For this Broadly speaking, every shilling gust
reason 1 recommend Dr. Williams' wind that blown against the buiidiu
Pink Pills."
of g g
that the viola Is ver} like the 'cello.
The viola le the alto violin. Its
strings are tuned a bolt ocsuve below
the violin, and a whole, octavo above
found ne e sury to es tabu -:h ad4 Lioa-
al standards of aneeeurentent.
The Inti ris<. fun:
s ! r
Bureau i' �t htis
aaot c
and else urge, Sievres. France, en- n analyzed and faun
You (taxi gat Dr. Williams' Pink Pills -ends a shiver through the heating 1 the 'cello The viola etristgs are the abies differeett countries in the world #event substances.
mail at.50 cents a box or six boxes the sty and every gleam of sttnlii;ht and a little lodger'. The viola. is only; ;ruts afire' :•1 UPOU by 3A Internaticinal tKinard'e t.tnimocr Relieve N u -a1
el2ect the lighting yeteio which is so : } 1 Committee, re(nres;,trtltsg nearly every tl
for enet) front The Dr. Williams' Medd• adjusted as to respond to every need; `e few incllag Ion gt�r the ordtriarir
eine Co., Brockville, Ont. addled, as it most also be held at thea clvilizeil ceaetr •. Slagle are r Crenadtes forest resources are eeeen-
the pre; encs ot au overseer is wares- . shounler, and because a man's area i provide! for b4 stet uationa.l irestitu- w tinily of tome' emus nature, the hand_ a
ly necea5ary. If we admire file genius 4 t
system. FFvery shadow that crosse� to be et �et.>el with co lei
11 any dealer In medicine or by
m seat;; as cialici stooge. easy tltss;t4.r 13 1�, ; of the mean I -x
as been minutely
o contain Iia eif-
as a limit in its reach. 1 lovas z 1e :+;;etas l?xys:c:tl Tubal; woot;s as a. whole forinieg about 3 per,
that has sievlsrd the wonderful plan. ; ., tory : r. ,
Practical experience as whet comets who has created for ars body flat i� ;child'" of the orcicestra's string sec- tan °�• ub ut to I•riitel :,fret'. sestet ; Pxadaice •
e s more , y . a t.Q used. ,t„ .
011e Cause of Forest Fires. The viola lana beets ternte+I the step. -'� Eg.^an"1, argil the Bureau of cent. of the total (eternity e r i
. r. stow much more slaauld we
admire Gori - cgaanti t:..armlaer,
in all waits of life and nothing1 1 tion. Foriraerl • it l t' d I many 'Is ev'"2 tr' zw'mertg are ver
true with regard to tire prevention. ".� I far more wa�ai,lt"rful. s is said that ht earlier times about the F Keil' ar"i ttcueh rt'rre3roi( uat~�,rrral et:.
many per, oua tell as to pray .or . , Whitt; (or ..a1t'Y lWr5_ 1tat. as Sot,
burnt child dreads the tare'" is as true lion t... but, tlaaaaagli gs> oyer ie, loo i, - ewe mall sri,a gala; ell a sola was the
taller as it was in olden tisanes, but . men who was sin poor a violinist Haat large 4c�� arg'.:ticK�t:oat cftrre gattncl•
Caere is another duty to verferau in s u Int. to t ,,,,c, :alsor.ateeie . lit ieli et tat
Lha average citizen has nothe millet tlu:itaT){ even ter Llta secaiitl
yet been order to get power: we muss learn, ss .. ,
burntburnt and it as to make hire realize Isis', sialitis, day rioltrs wze ~o intig orJ- ssoriz UV ;e rtai:� a by ticenz is rlt+(e at
siblllty not omly to ltltr self, lint ; ourselve:i to a,task that requires it, To ant that trey are entrusted with ram : the Gey rertiert f<aber, leen e a t Ot-
turn power ir.,ts en engine teat bas no of evesi(tl pre teeneeee. feed uvea costes. r Mesa. In to Survey Labor t.aries oe
to hi; until;, his aasigilbe , anal (lee a "Iord" 15 rule as: when a shill► pitches the Ise.„
coittiitiunity at lazr a Haat. our eiYorts There is so ether tatted effect In the ; aneait o! the Ia:2erlor a dare;;
�" u and the propellor cone above the oreboafra, that caro be treetu teal for the volume eel v nets of instrunieu^s are
ahouid be direeted.--Uepanty Fire liar- ' water tine the t�iagir.Cs race. ;ata► the viola, and the feet that this In..:tavriiac'nt r `` . " ` a
shad, G. F. Lewis, Ontario. ,,, s p ., ...a t"e.,.ell n 4llte. Tian ani"d;21IIn ," ill^
holo s.. -p treiatb1.,. God doe; ;Wt.ft;:o st�Itlotrt be:3rai is Palo gr:atra es,1etruaar::ty vernal at tale tubsr:acne'
Surnames and Their Origin
Variations--Liddane, Leydon, Layton.
Racial Origin•—irlsh,
Source—A given Hama
Isere is a fancily name which, in any
torui you may consider, Leadon, Lay -
den, Layton or Liddene seems to be
typically English. But it is not, It is
True, the form Layton dots often
come from an English source, but it's
not that Layton we are speaking of in
this article.
You'd never be mistaken about the
Gaelic form of the nacre, however. It
is "O'Liodbeen." From this form bav e
come the foregoing varied assortments
of Anglicized forms, all of them based
more upon the :sound of the Irish name
than upon its smelling.
The given name from which this
clan name is derived is "Liodlian,"
based upon the Irish word for "litany,"
and, theretore, likely -to appeal to
parents of religious inclination as a
suitable name for their sons.
The chieftain of this name who
founded the clan came of the same
line as the O'Connors. The clan ter-
ritory was in Tipperary.
Raolaal Origin—Enolish.
Source --A locality.
Hera is a family name of very
simple, though to the average person
today, particularly the city dweller,
the source might not at once he appar-
In most places modern methods of
factory production, together with the
cheapness of hardware, have made the
farm gate and the slip -rail fence more
economical and handy than the old-
fashioned "style" or "stile" as it was
variously spelled. So one's mind does
not jump eo quickly to this explana-
TJie old records aro literally cram-
med with such names as ":Peter atte
Stile," "Cecilia ad Style," "Reginald
ad le Stile," etc. It is interesting to
note that this prolix "at the,e' used
pretty much in the same manner as
the modern French "a la" in contrast
with our more modern way "of the"
took many forms, sometimes a simple
contracted form of "a," sometimes
"tt " "t "" 1 ""d I d
a e, a e, a a, a e au so
on. It is interesting also to note that Scientists state that it is possib
"le" and "la" appear to have been for disease germs to travel to eart
used pretty much as a matter of choice from other planets en the tails o
without regard for gender. cornett.
mauve itz ie,troduetion an the more iaclutlt' .r.a;;ceruet' r i anal watches,
eacasuree of length, surveying Metre
renis, barometers arael prc, surf±
gauge", tlle.rinou tern, telescopes, etc.
Wages. Mirrnrd'u Liniment for sale everywhors
Living foreete provide us with wood
mtxterial of all ].laded for our hates and
lndus'trles, but. burned tore a provide
ito lumber. no work for the wcrl:tag• Da (•, canteen. 1)oputy Ammeter of
area, no bu eines for the merchant and, Mines, has bout named by the Hon.
no freight for the railway or steam -'.Charles Stewaxt, Minister of minces'
ship.. Mest of the land on wliteh our tains ettelster of the interior, as dolen
Canadian forests now stand is not=fit gate to represent Canada at the Triter--
for agriculture, but it is lit to grow national Geological Congress, to he
fine crops of trees to keep our saw' ",held in Hruss,'l;, Be'gium, in August
mins, our wagon factories, our furn;t- next,
ture factories and our paper mills run- This congress, at which all the lead-
ning at full force forever. Let us all . lug mining countries of the world will'
take part in protecting our valuable be represented, is held triennially. The
forests. _ last ee.rslon, however, wars that field in
Canada in lela, the war having made
Not Eo be i-lurrled
Burned Forests Pay No
To Cultivate Marken; for
Canada's Minerals.
subsequent sessions until the present
.en old Scotsman, David Gordon, wbo impossible. Eight Canadian geolog ,:ts,
was seriously ill, had been wheedled most of them representing Canadian
by his relatives into making a will. universities,, will attend the cougre s.
They were gathered about his bedside Dr. Canisell has already left for Eng -
watching him sign it. He struggled as hind, his intention beimg to take a
far as D av i, then fell back exhausted. close study of the market peesibiiities
"D, Uncle David, D," urged a nephew. there for Canadian mineral'_. In view
"Deet" ejaculated the old Scot, with of the impending enactment of high
feeble indignation. "I'dl des when I'm tariff legislation in the United States
ready, ye avaricious wretch!" tending to restrict the market for OUT
minerals in that country. it is of great
le importance to the mineral industry
h that new markets be cultivated. This
f subject will be fully convasse•d with
the Imperial Mint net Resources Bur-
eau, who have already shown a keen
interest in the development of a mar-
ket for Canadian products. Among
other minerals to be considered in this
regard are graphite, tar sands, feld-
spar and bentonite. The last-mention-
ed is a clay used in the manufacture
of textiles, very high-grade deposits of
which ;have recently been discovered
in Alberta and British Columbia.
The terms of peace have divested
Germany of some of her best mineral
territory, notably in Alsace-Lorraine
and Poland, and there is a possibility of
developing a market for certain of our
minerals in that country. It is under-
stood that German interests nave an -
ready made tentative enquiries re-
specting the possibility of obtaining
iron ore from Newfoundland. While in
Germany Dr. Cumsell also hopes to in-
vestigate methods' perfected there for
the briquetting ort coal, a subject which
it of vital importance to the Prairie
Provinces. He will also give special
attention to phosphates' and other
minaret fertilizers.
Let Taste and Health
Take the Benefit
HERE'Sa doubledelight in
Instant Postum—that famous
cereal beverage.
Taste finds the full satisfaction of a
hot, comforting mealtime drink, and
health finds a real friend—for Postum
is free from any -of the drug elements
contained in tea and coffee.
Thousands of people all over the
Instant Postum
"There's a Reason"
world use Instant Postum regularly
as the better table drink.
Suppose you order Instant Postum
from your grocer today. Note its re-
freshing taste and benefits to health
You, too, will be a regular Postum
user, thereafter. Instant Partum is
made instantly in the cup at the table,
merely by adding hot water.
Made .by
Canadian. Postum Cereal
Co., Ltd.
Windsor, Ontario
Pat Won
An Eng'Tiebeatm, a Scotsman, and an
Irishman ware arguing as to who had
had cerbaiie things the longest.
The Englishman said, "I've had this
hei's.e ever since it was a,"
The Scotsman said, "I've had this
cow ever since it wass a calif."
"Wed/, that's nothing," exclaimed
the Irishman. "I've had this cart aver
since it was a wheelbarrow."
Mother (to the Vicar) : "Oh, please
sir, I was agoin' tc asic you, could any-
thing be done to change pure 'little
Lloyd Ceorge's name sere? The child's
'ad to suffer surnmat cruel. 'E can't
do n ,thin' right since 'is father chang-
ed'ia views about the, Prime Minister!"
ISSUE' No. 29—'22.
The path oi' duty generally parallels
The rood to happiness.
In proportion .to its size, the ;wale
',ow bas a larger nieuth than any nether
ii00% eta
aatii Il oar to Feed
eette+t #`res to any Ad -
res the Author.
Ll raves
t We with Street
New Tor•k, LO.$.A„
Bulk Carlota
Wash With Cuticula Soap
and Have a Clear Skip
Bathe with the. Soap and hot wa-
ter on rising and retiring, us i n g
plenty of Soap. If any signs of pim-
ples, redness or roughness are pres-
ent smear with the Ointment an d
let It remain five minutes b efo re
bathing. Always includetheCuticura
Talcum in your toilet preparations.
Soap25e. oicta:en2SandStk. Tattun,25e. Sold
throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot:
lapLimited, 344 St. Paul St., W., Montreal.
Cuticura Soap shaves without mug.
T:he Original alnd
'Swans; o2 X uita3tone so
Melte or
.sieved by Taking 14741
E Pinkham's Vegetable
Cohourx, Ontario—"Porniany years
I have lied troubles with any nerves
end have been in a genoral run-down
condition for ;oma time. I could
not do my wort: half the time bemuse
of trouble every month. I was told
of Lydia. E. Pinkhare's Vegetable
Compound by friends and advised to
try it. It has done me good and I
strongly reconenend it. Since I
have taken. it I have been able to do
all my own work and I also know
friends who have found it good. Yon
Can use these facts as a testimonial."
-JIns. I Lx,P.:v FL .'iTLnS, Box HCl,
Cobourg, Ontario.
Any Woman in this condition should
take the Vegetable Compound, for it
has helped other women and so it
should help you.
For nearly fifty years this good.
old-fashioned root and herb medicine,
which contains no narcotics nor
harmful drugs, has been the standard
medicine for female ills, and has re-
stored the health of thousands of
women who have been troubled with
such ailments as displacements, in-
flammation, ulceration, irregularities,
Lydia E. Pinlcham's Private Text -
Book upon "Ailments Peculiar to
Women" will be sent you free upon.
request. Write to The Lydia E.
Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.
UNLESS you-- see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you
are not getting Aspirin at all
Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer. Tablets of
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose walked out by
physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache' Lumbago Pain, Pain
Sandy Bayer" bones of 12 tablets—Also bottles of 24 and 100 --Druggists.
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer bian'itaothre of Mono
*Cettcacidester of Saliosnicaeid. While it is well known that Aspirin means' Bayer
manufacture, to .assist the public against ihnatations, the Tablets of Bayer Company
asst bn stamped with their general trade marl:, the 'Bayer •Cross."