The Exeter Advocate, 1922-6-29, Page 5l?id You Eves
natural leaf Green Tea? It has proven.
a pleas, int revelation to thousands of
those itherto used to Japan and
• Chine, hine reens. Se 3
Furniture Bargains
Funeral Director & Embalmer,
Your Storage Battery
needs to be safe.guarded.
We will test it and put in
water free of charge.
W. J. BEER, xeter
Tiltage of Exeter
n.......101wjeammovt Imo
By -Law No. a a.. a 1922
.. By -Law to provide for the issue of
debentures to the extent of sIx
thousand dollars ($6,000.00) for
the cost of the construction of
Sewer Drains. And to provide for
the borrowing the said sum of Six
thousand dollars.
Provisionally adopted after the
21d reading on the 19th day of June,
WHEREAS if is necessary to raise
by way of loan an the credit of the
Village of Exeter, the sum of six
thousand dollars ($6,000.00) to
provide for the cost of Works, Tile
Sewer Pipe, Basins, etc., necessary
for the said sewer drains and to
provide for the expense of discount
and other charges negotiating the
said loan.
.AND WHEREAS the amount of the
whole rateable property of the Vil-
lage of Exeter according to the
last revised assessment foil thereof
is $781,750.00
AND WHEREAS the existing deben-
' ture debt of the Village of Exeter
is $96,049.50 and no part of the
principal nor interest is in arrears.
AND WHEREAS the sum of Six
Thousand Dollars (6,000.00) is
the debt intended to be created by
this by-law.
AND WHEREAS it will require he
sum of Seven Hundred. and Ninety1
Six Dollars and two ::encs f.$796.-;
02) to be raised annually for the'
period of ten years, by a special I
rate sufficient therefore on all the
rateable property in the Village of I
Exeter. iI
Therefore the Council of the corm
poration of the Village of Exeter en-
acts as follows:
1.It shall be lawful for the Reeve
of the Village of Exeter, and the
Treasurer thereof to raise by way of
loan upon the security of the deben-
tures hereinafter mentioned fromany
person or persona, body or bodies cor-
porate who may be willing to ad-
vance the same upon the ch'edit of
such debentures a sum of money not
exceeding the whole . suni .: of Six
Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) ,and to
cause the same to be paid into the,.
hands of the Village Treasurer for
the purposes • chid with; the objects a-
bove recited
2. It shall be lawful for the ;said
Reeve and Treasurer to cause any
number of debentures" to be made for
such sums of money as may be re-
for the purposes aforesaid.'
peyable for not less than One 'Hun-
dred dollars ($100,00 each, and not
exceeding in the whole the sum of
Six Thousand Dollars ($6.000.00)
and the said debentures shall be seal-
ed with the seal of the corporation
and to be signed by the Reeve and
Treasurer, and be payable at the of
!ic of the . said Treasurer in the said
3. The said debentures shall bear
date from the day of issue thereof
and shall be payable yearly there-
after for and during the said period
of Ten Years and be for the respect-
ive 'amounts following: -
That is to say -
Year. Int. Print. Annuity.
1923 330.00 466.02 796.02
1924 304.38 491.64 796,02
1925 277.32 518.70 790.02
1926 248.82 547.20 706.02
1927 218.70 577,32 796.02
1928 186.96 609.06 796.02
1929 153.48 642.54 796,02
1930 118,14 677.88 796.02
1931 80.82 715.20 796,20
1932 41.52 754.50 796.02
4. The said debentures shall have
coupons attached thereto for the pay-
ment of interest thereon. 'Which in-
terest shall be at the rate of %'ire and
one huff per cent per annum from
the dating thereof in each year, and
shall be payable annually from the
place where the said debentures are
made payable.
6. The said debentures shall have
printed across the face thereof the
words "Exeter Sewer Drains Deben-
6. During the currency of the said
debentures there shall be raised an-
nugily by special rate on all the rate-
able property of the Village of Exeter
the sum of Seven Hundred and Nine-
ty Six Dollars and Two Cents ($796.-
$796.02) for the purpose of repaying the
amount due each• of the said years
for the principal and interest in re-
spect of the said debt.
7. This by-law shall take effect on
and after the passing thereof.
8, The votes of the electors for
and against this by-law shall bs taken
by ballot on Monday, the 17th slay
of July, 1922, from the hour of rine
^'clock in. .the forenoon, until five
o'clock in the afternoon of the same
day at the places within the said cor-
porationporation of the Village of Ex-
eter, and by the Deputy Rtelturn&ig
Officers hereafter specified.
That is to say: -
Polling sub division Nott 1, at Mrs,
E:izabeth }landlord's Residence, on
the. West side of Main, Street; Ed-
ward Treble, Deputy Returning Of-
fiser: Sidney Davis, Poll Clerk.
Polling sub -division No. 2, at the
Town Hall, ,east side ,of Main Street;
Wellington Johns, D. R. 0.; - J. H.
Grieve, Poll Clerk.
Polling sub -division Na 3, at the
brick office building at the corner of
Main. and Wellington. streets; James
\i%.ekes, D. R. 0.; Alfred Gambriil,
?oil Clerk.
PolIino• sub -division No. 4, at the
north end Fire Hall, corner of. Market
and Elizabeth streets; Frederick Wit-
wer, D. R. 0.; John Kydd, Poll Clerk.
9. That on; Friday evening, the 14tH
day of July, 1922, at the Couiriccil
Chambers in the said Village. of •Ex
,titer, at the ,lour ,of 8 o'clock in. the
afternoon the said Reeve shall appoint'
n'writirng, signed by himself, two per-
sons to attend to the final summing
up of the votes aforesaid by the Clerk
of .the the,
and one person toj
attend at such polling place on be-
half of the persons interested in, and
desirous of promoting the passing of
this, by-law, an,d a like ,number on be-
half of the persons interested in, and
desirous of opposiag the passing of
this by-law,
10, That on, Tuesday, the 18th day°
of July 1922, the ,Clerk of the Council
shall. at •trio Clerk's :office, in the said
Village of Exeter, at 11 o'clock it the
forenoon, sum up the number of votes
ror and against this by-law, in th'
presence ,of the persons appointed to
attend thereat, oz'•iin the presence of
such of th:m, and any other persons
sntit1ed by by-law to be present as
may he present.
Signed ReeveJune, A. D. 1922. "'
Clerk Clerk of the Corppration.of
the Village of Exeter;.
jAt First Methodist Church, London,
on June ?,1st, the enerxiage teak place
!of Lydia N, Pope, eleaghter of Mars. E'.t
Pape of Hen,sall, to. Percy E. South -
en of London, Son ,of Mr„ axed Mrs.
Percy .Southen, Rev,. D. Rogers of St
Thomas officiating. The bride was
assisted by her sister, Miss Eileprope
and the ;room by his brother, Reg'..
Souther,, The young couple wi (1 re-
side in: Londonh .
Mrs. Smith of Detroit is venting
leer sister, lens.. S. B. Humneerstern;
-"Nees. Laughton, accompanied by her
tittle son of Toronto, are spending a
holiday with Mrs. Lataghton's parents
efr. and 11trs. C. M'cDoriell.-Tommy
Simpson, who underwent an operation
for appendicitis en St. jos•e.ples Hos-
pital, London, is now progressing very
nicely: -Miss Fassold, having complet-
ed the millinery season with Mr. E,
Rennie, left last week for her home
at Dashwood, -Mie W. Bell of Wind
sor spent a part of last week 'cv3tlti
friends here,. -Mt. and Mrs. George
Ryckmae, di South Broadman, Miche.
visited their nephew, :lir. Edward Mc-.
Queen.. -Mr. and Mrs. E.,C. Casehave
moved from their" farm near Egmand-•
vine, and are 'occupying the residence
recently vacated by 11r, ,Frank Finni-
A very pretty ;wedding was sol-
ernuzed at Sa atsbury Anglican Church
on Jun: 21st, at 10 Aerie when Vera, A.
dau;hter ttf Mr. and ,\irs. Fred Davis,
tt`t, united La marriage to -Mervin El-
ston of Centralia, by the Rev. C. O.
Ph.irrell rector. The church was pret..
tilt'- decorated :for the occasion by ;the
br,da'.s girl ,friends, and .a, beautiful
arch of snowy white, ,trimmed with
myrtle orange blossoms and rose peon -
banked with ferns and flowers,
made a charming setting for the bride
and ;room, showing the esteem in
which the bride was ,held, as organist,
of the church for the last five years,
Mrs. C. W. Fiawksltaw, Cousin of the
bride, played sweetly as the bride ,en.-
tered the church lean.:ng on the arm
of her father and. took her place be-
side. the groom. She looked hand-
some in her charming gown of ivory
satin. caught at the shoulders by tiny
s eed pearls and cascades hell softly
ei which Tram the belt. ,n t t h. h was fastened
len- bouquet of orchids and sweet
pas with satin streamers, and wear-
: .ng the girdle sash her grandmother
wore on. her wedding day 54 years
ago and customary bridal veil, pret-
ab• embroidered and hemmed with
pearls, and caught with orange blos-
soms. She carreed a white leather
prayer book with satin streamer:, knot -
tad witl-, sweet peas. Her only orna-
ment was the. gift of the groom, a
pearl crescent. The young couple unattended. During the si.gnizng
of the register Miss, Marion Neil, cou-
sin of the groom, sang sweetly, "The
Gordan of My J-Ieart " After the
ceremony the guests motored to the
home of the bride's parents, where a_
sumptuous wedding dinner was .erred
by four girl cousins :of the bride, dres-
sed in their pretty organdies. ''The
dining room was nicely,decorated in
pink and white, and the tables were
strewn with myrtle and orange blos4
soms. After dinner the bride and
groom left amid showers of rice and
rood 'wishes in their car for Guelph
and Toronto, and will spend a short
honeymoon at Midland, on the Georg-
ian Bay, the bride travelling in xtavy
tr cotin: suit, with hat to match„ On
their return they will reside on the
ion's farm at Centralia.
The many presents showed the h'gh
esteem in which the bride and groom
are, held. Among them was an alumi-
u um casserole and percolator from
the Girls' Branch of W .A., in which
the bride has been an active worker.
Th: pianist and soloist received ster-
ling silver bar pins ,set with nnyx and
pearl setting,
Following is a list of the School
im thie locality and dates for 1922
: -
Grand Bend Sept. 7
Crediton Sept. 8
Zurich Sept. 11
Clinton Sept. 12
Varna ... . Oct. 2
Dashwood Oct. 3
Winchelsea .......,Oct. 4
The above is a true copy of the pro-
posed lir law : which has been taken
into consideration, and which will be
finally passed •by the Council of the
corporation of the Village of Exeter,'
in. the event of the consent of ,the
electors being obtained thereto after
one month from the first .publication
thereof in the Exeter Times and Ex-
eter Advocate newspapers, the first
publication of ' which shall be on
Thursday, the 22.nld day ,ef June A.D
1922. And 'at thie hour, day and
places •therein ,fixed, for taking the
vote of. the Electors a poll will he
Every tenant sof property who de-
s r -s to vote on ',the said by-law must
deliver,to the clerk ,of the. Municipality
net later' than, 10 ,days before the date
appointed for taking the said vote, a
declaration pmovirdedby sub -section: 3
of section 265 ,Chapter 192 of ' the
lefunicipal Act.
Where a corporation entitled to
appoint a nominee to \cote ion. its be-
half d e,sires to -vote lit shall not later
, than. 'the tenth day before the day
appointed for taking the vote file with
tip,' Clerk of the Municipality an ap
po:at: erst, in writing of a person to
vote as its nominee and on its behalf.'
Dated at Exeter this 19th .day sof
Miss Violet Baton of ,Windsor is vas..
ikatg her , efie%, :Mr•. Herb George
has commenced rebuilding the elevator
which was destroyed by fire last fall.
-Mr. Wm. Lewis has erected a coal
shedat tbe station. here, -;Lir, James,
Nichols has started aa ice cream par-
lor in the south tend of the Victoria
House. He also intende intendserving meals
and soft dr .ks. ?Miss Neil has return-
ed home after spending a few weeks
n Brantford, The divine healer who
came here from Crediton, has bought
a house and is xemodelEn,g jt. People'.
come many miles to be treated.
The Isietbod,ist Church held a highly
successful strawberry festuival on, the
20th. A splendid program was given,
'ties 1afoody of Exeter and Mrs
Sbarp: 'of Byron, were the soloists ;
Miss Hurd of London, the. elocutionist;
Mr. Ogden of Whalen, the violinist,
Mrs. Ogden, the accompanist; Dr;
Orme of Lucan, the cha n:tana; and
Rev, Gifford gave a stirring address
on; Ow training of children. The Clan-
deboye Trail Rangers had a booth on
the grounds and the bays raised a nice
SUM. .for club purpose:a.. In: all over
$75 was the not proceeds--Vic-toe*
Lodge. L,O.$.A., celebrated ',ihe an-
niversary of their organization on the
19th. joining with Granton Lodge in
holding a strawberry festival. -- A
pleasant evening was spent at Fraser
Presbyterian Church, Biddulph at a
strawberry festival held there on June
20. -Tho children of S. S. No. 4,
McGillivray, presented the teacher;
Mss Atkinson, with a coffee set. Ev
1yn Flaytee read an adress, express
Mg the regrets of,the school at friss
Atki son's re.;i.anatioin, and EdnaSimp•
son to the presentation. Miss At-
kinson has arranged to hold a toffy3
pull at the .school before the holidays
begun. -Frank McCarty has sold 31i3
house, and Lot in. Lucan to Jas. Sutton
formerly of Clandeboye.-E. Hodg'rrs
his sold his property in, Lucan to
Frank McCarty: -:firs, A. Clarke of
London is spending some. weeks with
her daughter, Mrs. Flynn. in the village
When one sees a girl painted, like
that, one can't help yeatag to take
her to some quiet place and show .her
how to put the stuff on, .
As an &Locative of industry, enter-
prise and thrift we don't know of any--
theng That can bleat twins,
A f Mir years ago parents thought
daughter bad nd chance to catch a
hushand unless they kept her can
\Lin of the Hudson's Bay Company;,
the. title, of a new continued fea-
ture which starts ,in the July issue
of Rod end Gun. 3.a Canada. It is by
N. M. W. J. 'McKenzie, a man who
so. int msny g ars n the serve of
the company, and who, by reason of
Ws long term of service, leable.topre,
sent a earative of absorbing ,nternet
full 'of r'miniseeese s of the .lays and
the events of the North of bygone.
days. It will.. be continued in future'
issues of the magazine, pad it is cer-
tain to prove an intensely popular real
tura. Then there is ether, in',fact
many, features and articles which are
a pleasure and delight to read.
Rod and Gun n ,Canada ?.s publish-
ed monthly at Woodstock, Ontario, by
W. J. Taylor, Linditad.
SBAFORTH-The death -occurred
here on June -20, of Margaret McPhee
widow of the late Samleel Smith, aged
91 years1.
s1UTCHLJL-Q Saturday after-
noon, at the hour p f 2.36 o'clock, Knox
Church. was ,tin scene =of a very met-
ty tr.ddirlg, When Muriel Madeline,
youngest da.'ugh'ter of M and Mrs.
Clark,, ?tioaes of .thie tow's was unit-
ed en nrs.trdnscny to Mr.,Clifford Hall
West Lorne, formerly of Mitchell.
The Winning Pair:
Pit •C7 -LITE Trademark
IL and. WREST.O-Lr E Service
WHEN you consider
TT that you can get a
Prest-0-Lite Battery- nI
tbe correct size for your
-and link it up with the
Prest-4-Lite trademark
-and remember that it
contains the famous
and is guaranteed by
the regular Prest-g-Lite
gee reettee, a generous,
4'efinite obl:_ation plusa.
spirit that says the ear
owner- most be pleased.
'--you are sure to realize
that the Prest-Q-Lite Bat-,
tery is the best buy on the
Haw is your hatter" action"
It it is not working eagerly *ad
vigorously, arive around andket
.our specialistspnneribo the right
treatment ter it. Our tusineaa
tap the life of
alt date,
aeries. We r,ver say yea creed
a ne¢: batt ry until nos do.
We ere part of the Pre.t•O.
Lite .Service, the oldest otgszt.
heft scrag* to motorists.
Taylor's Tire 8bop & Garage
100 par. Gent.
Have your crank case properly cleaned and re-
filled with the right grade of Imperial Polarine
Motor Oils t
Thera -check up on tha way your car perforins.
You will immediately notice that your engine.
has more power; that it climbs hills more easily;
that it runs more smoothly and quietly and
that operating troubles occur less frequently.
Manufacturers and Marketers of Imperial Polarine
Motor Oils and Marketers in Canada
of Gargoyle Mobiloil
Made in five grades for the proper lubrication of
all makes of automobiles, trucks and tractors.
S ea,1
Jam and jellymakhig withou,
WHY continue the wasteful, la-
borious, old-fashioned process
of making your jams and
jellies? ' Use Certo and cut your task
in two.
You will enjoyjams and jellies so
perfect that you will want to make
them from all your • favorite fruits.
And you can make them from any
fruit you like if you use Certo. You
will get
-50% more jam or jelly,
' • -all the original flavor of the fruit,
-natural sparkling fruit color,
-correct texture -not too thin-
not too stiff -just right.
Certo is pectin, and pectin is the
natural element infruit that makes
jelly "jell."'
With Certo you boil the fruit and
sugar just one minute; the flavor you
formerly boiled away now stays in.
The Certo process is simple -economi-
cal -and never fails. Certo contains
no gelatine or preservative. Free Re-
cipe 13ook
ecipe'Book with every bottle. At your
How- to make delicious
Raspberry Jam
4 level cups (2 lbs.) Crushed Berries.
lee leveled cups (3eie lbs.) Sugar.
x/z bottle (scant 3i cup) Certo.
Crush well, in single layers, about 2
quarts ripe berries, using wooden
masher, crushing each berry. Measure
crushed berries into large kettle. Add
sugar and mix well: 6 Stir mixture
hard and constantly. Bring to vigor-
ous boil over hottest fire. Boil hard 1
full minute, continually stirring. Take
from fire and add Certo, stirring it in
well. .From time jam is taken off' fire
let stand 5 minutes:only,-by the clock,;
before pouring. In. meantime, skim,
stir a little to cool slightly, then pour
Douglas Packing; Company, Limited, Cobourg
Selling Agents: W. G. Patrick & Limited, rforonto and Montreal'