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The Exeter Advocate, 1922-6-8, Page 6
STRUTS OF BELFAST SWEPT BY :MACHINE GUN FIRE. AO BAYONETS City of Horrors Scene of Bo mb Throwing — Two Whole Blocks of Houses Set on Fite—Crown Forces Suppressed Gum Men With Bayonet Charges. A despletrh .&m London says:-- cult task in suppressing the gunmen. The hottest battle between the mite- Their concentrated fire reduced the tart' and Sinn Fein gunmen sinee the gulled= to silence for a while, but Belfast turmoil began oeeurrel on . later the rebels . mounted a lnaehin'e Thursday looming in the Roman gun and swept the streets, causing Car o fe areas between Grosvenor , men, women and children to fly for Reed and Fells Reed. The Even�.ng1 their lives." Standard's BLifr st coirespoedent More than thirty houses were burn - says: ted in the tlilfield and Peter's Hill Appalling tileor1ers have oceurred area of Belfast on Thursday. Only, the here,' the :fie of. whieli this eity' cf nelete:t wails of 13 )reuses in Boyd horrors has never experienced befo e Street remail:. All the 14 houses on Between eeven u::lock and: noon am Peter's Place' were destroyed,while bular_ces were summoned thirteen dwellings on California Street and tines. The streets were. raked with; Waodfard Street were damaged by ;Hach: •Ie gun fire; the rebels, in turn,; fire and looted, bombed several paces; two whole r Oz: Thuretley a public house in Pet - blacks of henries were set on tire, and" ors Hill was burred. Heavy firing whole the firemen fought the flames,: o, eurreti near the Stanhope Street the bat tie waged is the streets all are;,. after which the pekoe made ex- tensive raids foe elit=e, "Nine civiiines were carried sant The barreeks ks cf t e ' eeial can_ 4riPad from this inferno, two e St,:.L^'.e•> : t Cronar.ael n and Jackson W:.e.. 'tI +lt :Skae k'"ee iIl' leeesese II eeeM wee miles irtiee the Louth - /use ~meta tee rival aeeit roe p1a's;le,l, Arnre gh bert'er, were c t ache i by par- te in fury. The 1''e. lies were meeue-dairs of , :n' 1 men 1 -it s y rile fining only in time le er ,vera eren ,tine e^ t:(•,. for helf :in beer. :titer which "Beyrnet eharae, ley the military lien teteeeing party witleirew, upper - were naZeillizary to dispel the rtiolas eney w thaut casualties. which gatl;^eree to ,loin in the Fettle.' The i3ritieh destroyer Warwick held Theum-lien retren tete to the Gros- up a steamer Brom Moville to London - "Greener Reed Brea, where a freelt battle (terry in Lough Foyle, elf the Northere. stroke out, invelvinl; L nStreet,' county Let tenderly eoaet. The de - Stave:, leeasvcr„.r }'l rze, Me etroye?r teat puiice on board the steani- I em e'.; S;re4 and ;eller ti+,rou: h er. They searched the passenger:, but foxes. The Crowe f'ort'e' )eel ,( d ffl-, made no arrests, THE KING CONFERS' tan Price Fixed BIRTHDAY HONORS For Soft Coal Canadian Premier Becomes Privy Councillor According to Established. Custom, A deseatch from Lo+ 1mr. rtayst, Comprised in the ezael of birth- day rth- d tz lsonere ant the fol«p vin , made :i t rr> ornmerd atio�n of Rt. Hoon. Win- ston Churchill, ceeretarr of State for the Colonies: Privy correi;lor i ernier. W. L. M ieken e' king, of Cauada. Keight Commander of ,t. Mieha.el &rd St. tiezrrge. -Premie II. N. Bar- well of South Australia. Knight Commander of the Bath— Colonel Hoy, General. Manager of the Souter Afriean Railways. Seven new Dominion Companions of St. Michael and St. George are created. The solitary a^ppointrne nt to the Order of the British Empire is given to at representative of the New Zealand na- tive races. Dr. M. Pontare, C.tti,G who is the New Zealand .eeinister in charge of Cool: Wands. Eleven Knights Baehe:orsh�ips are distributed ahnest evenly among the Dominions. _. Disastrous Fire in Newfoundland Town A dispatch from St. John's, Nfld., says:—It is reported here that Woody - pc nt, the main settle=ment of the Bonne Bay Inlet, tete been almost coni pletely swept cif the neap by fire. Every -business establishment was de- stroyed, as well as- a number of dweil- iz.g louses. Damage done is estimated; as in the neighborhood of $150,000. The Government is mashing relief to the people in response to appeals frim Bonne Bay. The sum of $156,500 for the Banff- Windernlere highway has been grant- ed by the Federal Government. A large portion of the road has been oompl'eted and it is expected that the whole highway will be finished this year. It is believed that when the work is completed it will _increase CanadUa'e tourist traffic by $3,000,000 ear Tillrt LATEST hl(yVl R N Y IN RARIQ Tire wireless outfit is so constructed as to lit insids the ordinary high (sometimes called a stove 11ipel and leas a wave length of 250. to ;000 titres. The photo shows H. Day. an. English youth of 18 years, who built novel outfit. BRITISH EXCHANGE SOARS IN WALL STREET True Economy in Education.. Dminion News in Brief Sumnlersi 1e, P,E.I,--•The present 000,000 acres of the total, Manitoba outlook is that the prodwation of 3,750,000 end Alberta 5,500,000. Al- registerecl seed potatoes will be in -I, berth, s the enIY province to register ereased iarom 50 to 100 per cent. for an increased acreage,' 1922, with average : crap .eonditions,1 Saskatoon, Sask. -- Hundreds of The experience of farmers en grow -i farmers in Saskatdhewan have come ing and marketing seed potatoes was, into good fortune for thousands of dol - the best and the returns highly profit-, )ars will be salvaged from the appal:- able. ppar able. As en inatance one young nano ently� Twined crops ,zf last year, The of 18 years secured a loan of $600: damaged wheat, not con,idered worth. from a heal hank and at the end of : 'thlreshing last fell because of loW the season the returns on this invest -I, prides, is now being threshed Sand the anent in growing registered seed pee resulJts axe surprisingly •good, the. tatoes was $1,800, a profit of $1,200.`•`•grain ,grading Nos. 3 •and 4 Northern, Halifax, N•.S.—"Exports froze the. Spring threshing has been carried on port of Halifax for the first three" to a eomielerabl'e extent in ether years months of the present year amounted `•• but the volume 'this year will probably to $14,235,027, as compared with $11,-1, exceed. any year do the history of the 063,553 for the eorreeponding period; province. Edmonton, Alta„—The first sawmill for the Arctic Coast left here recently, being consi gned to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police at Herschel Island, via Waterways and the Maekenzie River. in 1921. Exports in January, 1922, totalled $4,912,720, February 84,209,- 605, and March $55,112,902. Quebec Que,---It is anticipated by heal shipping men that the volume of , business on the harbor front this year it wt 1 be used by the police fox maim - will exceed that of the accord year, factttriaLg lumber for various post 1921. Many new improvements are buildings along the Areb e eons., The being made by the harbor Oemmission• able sawmill consists of a heavy pene ort- to neconimedate the new freight and able sawmill and an 18.horsatwo e ole passenger steamers, Which leave in E gine. The engine is of the ttiio cycle eluded Quebec on their eating list for variety, is minus n either or igru the first time, tion and carr be ran either on frith al or on the crude oil from the Fort Fort William, Out. ---The e $2,000 Norman well, mother fox en the Cross -Nature I+” arm, ereneo tees, B.C. To date 6,045,008 'Silvio islet, has justified the invest- bushels ,of' Wenteru Canadian woe. t anent ley presenting her owners with. have been shipped through this port a litter of eight "slivers." . She re- to British and foreign markets title 7' theed 14 eters in the last two sw ins, all of ' 1920-21, according to the Vancouver oleos in posers on o young- season, as :wallet 640,000 be; bels in which bid fair to resell )risk priced Mertihants' Exchange. From October Renewed interest in Ontario's Pro - silver Altogether 100 black and 1, 1921e to April 8, this year, ship - al University axed its needs has silvan foxes have been bora 011 the i mentis to .japan amounted to 2 $=8,0x:1 im4atebs, to the United Kingdom., 3,- 189,327 bush els, and to the United States 0,666 bushels. Varnouver, B.C: A special feature each has made its appearance on the r P,;e orations Commissiz n have felly are tote c to a U Y oa • i municipal market hereisyoung Eng- � ashen p • e e. ,, lucre for, maintenance with „•,.,120,000 acres in the preceding lash sere) Japanese walnut trees, ors Result of Granting to Gale. ! been aroused by the publication of a islet this year. Not rare death is re - many a Provisional Mora, f A ,.m'ii Feiet'ttuor of the University Brandon, Men. --The total acreage of Toronto. One thee -re to es ern aria a sown n^ 1 series of bulletins issued by the corded, tc'a tun? for 19 2. 1 • . <O. of h bulletins -W t C d to heat this A despatch from Paris says ;,._,The refers to questions asked by some who yeas is estimated ay the Grain Tracie r s din th nfvcrs,t as to News at 21,250,000 a a, as compared A despatch from approved the German reply to its inti rely the yper 1 ton says :—Establishment of a matam and definitely decided to grant shut" be so cluck greater than it was year. Saskatchewan accounts for 12,- year old, grown in British Columbia. zziaximum price of $3.50 a ton Germany a provisional moratorium for seventeen years ago, before the re- ---------- - -� Com - for bituminous coal at the the yore 1902 The test of the Com organization which took place in x905, Maple pa adxicts-- Sy-rup, per imp, letter t Cl o Wirth and In reply to thew lnqutries it is point Mark s Q t t World gar„ S 20 per 5 imp, ;els., $2,10; decisions 4 44 • • , �: , - socd out that, for some years previous say• to 1906, the Provincial University was, in80per cent. of the znr5s ins o lent r mines n were issued alter the Maple sugar. Ib. 20e. 2 its present production fields for the duration of the strike was announced on Thursday night by Secretary Hoover. The maximum price, he ex- plained, applies solely to soft coal. EARL OF BALFOUR AS IRISH MEDIATOR Ulster Premier Allowed Use of British Troops to Defend Province. A. despatch .from London ens:— The now Earl of Balfour hall been asked by the British Cabinet to act as mediator to try and smooth out the i quotation of 100 for 32 cents. entire Irish situation, both as regards Strength of British exchange, ac - Southern Ireland and the border situa- cording to wall -informed brakes, tion in the north, seemed to be predicted on the Belief In the meantime Sir .lames Craig, the Ulster Premier, has given the Cabinet his views of the state of af- fairs in Ulster, Although he now has 10,000 British troops apart from his Commission had feinted thorn at a a(iniittAedlg, starved. It 'was literally Sian lasting many )roues. The decision in a dying condition, To remedy this was unanimous, the French delegate state of affairs the Royal Commis joining in it, despite the report of op- position from a section of the Cham- ber, which caused deep eonaern in commission circles during the day. A despatch from New York says:— The granting of a one-year provisional moratorium to Germany by her form- er enemies was followed by a series. of interesting movements in the local foreign exchange market on Thursday. Remittances on London rose to the highest quotations in three years, de- mand sterling selling at $4,453'.1, with cables a fraction over 54,46, and a ful economy consistent with efficiency; $30; sheets, per tan, $30 to $32; good corresponding gain in sixty-day bills, no dollar is wasted. The British Gov- feed flour, 51.70 to $1.80. The German rate also imps ,! erziment received an adverse vote in Baled tray—T�iack, Toronto, per ton, marks rising to the equivalent of 100 the douse. of Commons recently be- extra No. 2, $,2 to $,3, mixed, $18 for 38 cents, ars against the recent low 1 t • f the b to $19; clover, $14 to $18. sion of that year recommended greatly enlarged government support wad this was forthcoming. Then the Provincial University began to expand and to offer the type of education demanded by intelligent people. To compare maintenance expenditures of seven- teen years ago with those of the pre- sent Year is )ileo comparing the food. better, 60 to 65e, accar sing to freigIlta weilltut rales en > Ne,, $i8; itea eight east of a delicate, starving child with outride, rolls, $40< Taarde---Prime, tie -ems, 'if>c; tubs, 161eic; pains, 17c; prints, 18e. Short- ening tierces, 16c; tubs, 151ee; pails, 16c; prints, 18e, Choice heavy steers, $8.50 to $9; butcher steers, choice, $8,50 to $8.75; do, o , 57.50 to $$7.75; do, med., $0.60 to $7; rte nom. e6 to $6.50; butcher' heifers $7.75 to $8.50; <1A, med., $0.76 to $7.26; do, com,, $6 to $6.50; butcher cows, choke, $6.60 to $7.25;; do, med., $5.50 to .56; canners and cutters, 1. to $2; butcher bulls, good, $5 to $6 that moratorium would be follow- db, coni,, 3 to $4; feeders, good, $7 the people of Great Britain, may per- side, to $7,50• da, fair., $6 to $7; stockers, ed by a large German loan and re- haps be most concisely expressed in Ontario corn 53 to GGe, outside. good $5'50 to $6.25; da, fair, 55 to re- sultant re-establishment of large ere- the feliotving sentence from the Ontario fiout�--1st pats., in cotton $5.50; milkers, $40 to $80; sprilVere, Bits by that country in London, more.„Mont.real Gazette": "]economy at all sacks, 93's' $7.70 per bbl', 2nd pats' $50 to $90; -calves, chaise, $10.50 to or less to the disardFantage of Prance tames is requisite, it is admitted but; ('bakers), $7.20. Straights, in bulk. $11.50; do, need.. e6 to $7.25; do, tom,, "Ulster volunteers" and speelal con ' , $4 to 55; spring lambs, ;10 to +15; and other Continental centres. sealuoard $G.55. stairulairy, he complains that his con- a failure to secure the best and most lsianitoba flour --•1st. pate., in cultori sheep, ()mica, 57 to 57,50; de, good, trol of the situation is insufficient and progressive system of education for sarlcs, $8.70 per bbl.; 2nd pat;,, $8 20. &5 t7 $6; do, cam., $3.,i0 is $4; year- he wants a free hand to use the troops Times Have Changed, a cOvntry is not economy in any sense' Cheese—New, large, 1;i to 151zc; Bruce., elioire, :412 to 13; do, come $0 as he pleases. "Do you remember the HiQ stories of the word, but rather a peculiarly twins, 151e to 10c; triplets, 17 to' to $7; liege, fed earl watered, $14 to ! He alsoput forward an explanation about the boy who went to the great 1eprehensible form of extravagance.” 17 i�c. Old, large, 21e; twins, 21 s to $14.25; do, f.o b., $13.25 to $13,50• do, city and came back home Iu�t in tune' • 22c, SLIltan , new, 19e. Extra elel ,t, , y- ae to whY the Ulster Government is - --m Extra re.,. u, ry no:n,s, $13 to 113. ,r• to pay the mortgage off the farm?" The Duke 'of York Premier Lloyd' 1<. ige, 2f1 to 27c, Old Stilton S•,, 2.1c, Montreal ' Eutter--Fresh 'Yes:' re111fed Farmer Gorntossel, George and Rt. Hon, Winston Church-, , r , 24c: crealne y Toronto, Manitoba wheat ----No, 1. Northern, 5142?1i; No.. 2 Northern, $1,37'x4; No, 3 Northern; $1.29. Manitoba oats --No. 2 CW, 60%o; NO.. 3 CW, 67%e; extra No. 1 feed 5734e; No, 1 feed, 55%e. Manitoba barley--l4ominal. All the above track, Bay ports. American corn—Ne. 2 yellow, 761.4( No. 3 yellow, 75e e, all rail. Barley --No.. 8 extra, test 47 lbs. or Honey -20 -80 -lb. tins, 14':. to 15e per lb.; 5-2ee-lb. tins, 17 to 18c per lb.; Ontario comb henry, per doz., 46.50. Potatoes --Ontario, p0 -1b. bag, 51.155; Delawares, $1.15 to 51.25. Smoked meats—Hams, mod., 38 to 36c; cooked ham, 50 to 52e• smoked roils, 25 to 27e; cottage robs. 82 to 34e; breakfast naeea, 3o to 36c; backs, boneless, 36 to 40c. Cured meats—Long clear bacon, 517 to $19;dear bellies, $21 to $'23; light - that of a vigorous, full-grown man. The University of Toronto is managed, the Bulletins state, with the most care - Buckwheat' --No. 3, $1.00. Rye—No. 2, 95e. 11411lf ee l—De1. Montreal freight, bags included: Bran, per ton, $28 to cause the majority a e mem ez s oto Straw—Car lots, per ton, track, To- teenparently thought that the attempt to AS ill advised The feeling of $ 40 t $145 t ' 1 eonimercial, ionto, $12 to $18. effect so-called economies iii educe- Ontario wheat—N w , 1. o , ou ?i , the people of Canada, like that 01 Ontario No: 3 oats, 40 to 45o, out - a y . unable to maintain law and order in Belfast, but he apparently failed to impress the Cabinet, which finally con- sented to the use of British troops for the sake of the defence of Ulster, but refused to allow him to use them for operations across the border. Among certain African tribes brides can be purchased on the instalment system. I The production of cinema films is now the third largess, industry in Germany. dairy, choice, 20 to j , prints, . fresh, i'inest, Oats, Can. West., No. 2, tie% to 67e; .'It's different now. when a boy leaves 11 Colonia] Se rotary tvi11 attend the r. 2 ;•� , l:in� do, No, ,3, r,2? to lade. rlour, Man, 35, No 1 ; 4c l� o. , , c, coo the farm the home folks nave to holt) : Dominion Day dinner yin London. 118 to 21e. , "' Spring wheat p.3.:s., a first- $8. hotted themselves in readiness to go to town' When hemstitching linen it Is a'65e; Dressed poultry—Spring ehdokens,"oa' � L'a'd 9 lbs., f3, brsn, $28 h5, and help him out with Ills rent and his 65c roosters 25c• fowl 24 to 30e Straits, $30 -a Ifay. :da. :?, per ton, grocery bili' good ideato use the thread which has ducic_sings, doe, turf:eys, 4U to 45c, ' : car lot,, $29 to $30. been pulled out of •the linen. This is. Live poultry—Spring thickens, fisc; C ties'', finest l�aste: r,, 123( to Q especially wise if the fabric is catered. 13 7 -)tier Butter ,hole es . el4aniery,. roosters, 17 to 20e; foul, 266; cluck- , Show that you are abu.'tvciantly, He who plants a tree lightens therlin:gs, 3Frc; turkeys, 30 to 35c. I29% to 301,1cr. Eggs, selected, 35e. worthy of better things. Express) burdens of his fellow -men. He who' Margarine -20 to 22e, , Potatoes, pee bag, cat lots, 8'e, *ourself as freely as you please in this' plants a tree erects to himself a living; Eggs—New laid, candled, 32 to 33c• t Good veal ealryes^, $7 to $7.50; rboiee manner, for it is the only Ivey that; monument and makes bold an attempt new laic), in cartons, 38 to 37e. Jots, $8; fight inferior calves, $5,50 up. count; that will lead ^ou to the) to leave the world more beautiful than Beans—Can, 'hand-picked, bushel,' ehecp and reading la mbs', mixed med. will co , ya quality, $6.50; sprung l.amos, 13 to 15e . higher place you desire, the found zt. $4.25; primes, �+3.r5 to �.�.9, ' per pound. light curb) sheep, $4 up; hags, selects, $15; mixed lots, $14.50 and up; thick, smooth, earn -fed, $14; Gene Byrnes Says: "It's a Great Life If You Don't Weaken. - sows $10 o $Il._ ..�. _._ SEEK DINOSAURS '1 4tteea t#L•L 4eP -Il NAP SPNW. '•t. . ca,R t R - tis p,isctrr -1IP4 . l 6c1 W os. -Co NW S etiZfEP $I'*k . NCGoONT -rt{o5E soGKs Loo (nova -to rum — 5 t 1 G© tt^r 1.8e4(> 6::E.1- 50S41,11 `eT5osn G ( / s-Ct . _ TAS ? 1,,,. .3. ..„,,, ..,,,,,,,,r,„,..„,.. ,-, ,.-,-.. ti r� • + 6a> .,sr:4.4wames... z.:rz+.�M::;c •x,:e,^a.:n:a:.ar..a .,�-�;xn,=•^ new .ETTta Ltf s .• st;1rP'S e.'tD -CES t 4`+.5 We.U.• PIS ( rif$ A E T LITE ,1 EAd •�•l"-t�!•',----. � , moi•- ��.-- _ ,n4s .44,444,444,4-4,444444.4444444,4-4 FOR FIELD MUSEUM. Chicago Expedition in Search of Canadian Lizard Long Extinct. A despatch from Chicago says:•- A Party of Chicagoans left on .Thuirsday night or an exploration trip in Can- ria to search fee the remains of "the ,.'• terrible -earth",ar boa -id of roristrotus sive, equipped. <<rit1i hue at•nlor },elates cf bene fold her os, The . eleperli1^ion is : being sent out by the Field Museane No museum In the country lois yet acquired an entire s-kelSe;bof•, of one el • thce e pt•eh'.isbarle monsters, but the ex- •ertil.ion :f'rotn the Field Museum, head cd by E. S, Riggs, Assistant Curator_ hopes to rol:urn with a complete speer met HTu'gin ,. for clip seers is very meet like prospecting for minerals, accord - i ,g to J. B Ab•1:Nott, one of the party,. Oft,r4 fragments. of bone are failed is a vetch whichcomea from some dire fiance, `!'.hese are traced )rack to the mother rock ' n.il digging • is begun there.. - 1)o you know what country has thk u gest t,uexploied area/ Anica i You're v:ronn; it's Soutli America. The civilize() people r4 the \eerie.- see on nn average. over three ex,iU-let., zitad...i, every zt',inute,