The Goderich Signal-Star, 1979-05-17, Page 20PAGE 18—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1979 $3,000 weekend... • from page 1 the present vandalism and thefts under in- vestigation. However, they have no firm leads or suspects. Chief King says he is not sure if all the acts of vandalism which occurred this past weekend are connected but that he is inclined to think they are. He says he' is also inclined to think that the vandals were under the influence of alcohol. Chief King says there are usually more acts of vandalism in the warmer months . because people tend to stay out later at night. Vandalism or acts of wilful damage are hard to control and the culprits are hard to track down because there are usually no real reasons behind the destruction, he says. The Chief says the police will be spreading themselves out more on patrol. Concentrating on one certain area is not good , policing, he feels, because the vandals will simply act in another area that is not being policed. The police can't be everywhere at once though, he explains. That is why he is asking for.co- operation from the public in reporting anything suspicious, even something they are un- sure of: The police don't mind checking out even the smallest suspicions. since a motorist knocked several stop signs over throughout town late last year. That motorist has been charged and con- victed. Lights th •from page 1 - Lawson Lawson said he' had contacted the firm that sold the lights to the town but had heard no reply as,; to the cost of the globe.' Lawson said that the vandals that tried to uproot the street light may have been fortunate they weren't injured. He said it is possible that when the light was being pushed over, the wiring could have shorted putting a current in the standard. He said the vandals could have received a bad electrical shock and possibly been "electrocuted. He said the lights were designed to blow a fuse if something happened to them but pointed out that anything was possible. He said the safety features are by no means foolproof. Police chief Pat King said he planned to have foot patrols in Court House Park stepped up. The chief noted that people head outdoors in the warm weather and Court House Park is a natural place to gather. The acts of vandalism The chief said he felt it over the weekend are theme was only a matter of time most major damage -wise, until one of the lights in One final act of destruction occurred in Goderich on Sunday evening just before midnight when a door was kicked loose from its frame at the arena e target. • • the park was smashed. He said when he saw them being installed and noticed how low to the ground they were he knew they would be an obvious target for van- dals. The chief said he hoped incidents of vandalism would decrease with the extra foot patrols. He said the added precautions on The causing about $100 damage. Unlike the other acts though, the culprit has been found and charges are being laid against him. -Sq-ua-re rnay- reduce -i-n- cidents of vandalism there but added that while police are in the core area vandals could • be elsewhere. He said the only way to curb vandalism is to change the thinking of the vandals. He noted that vandalism is normally a sign that someone has absolutely no respect for someone else's property. Where will it end... • From page 1 parking on the street to attend a function at Agriculture Park have parked on lawns. Palmer said she was totally against the resurfacing of the -road on Catherine Street but added the residents had a valid claim to curbs and gutters. Reeve Bob Allen defended the request saying the residents hada right to ask under the Local Improvement Act. Hunter suggested the road was sufficient for town traffic and was low on the list of priorities. Under the act the residents will share the cost of the project based on frontage measurements. McCabe said the engineer will have to measure the frontages and an estimate - of the cost. The residents. will recieve notice of the estimate and tenders will be called. Payment for the work can be made on a cash basis or it can he added to -the residents tax bill, which McCabe estimates would double the resident's cost over about a 10 -year period. Past brides, groomsfeted On Mother's Day May 13, Holmesville Church was filled for the Cen- tennial event to welcome bridal couples of former years, including 1979. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sturdy greeted the worshippers as they entered the church. x" After the organ prelude, Mrs. Verna Lobb played appropriate music for the procession of the .30 bridal couples to the front pews appropriately decorated for the oc- casion. The church was beautiful with tulips; and• cherry blossoms also coil oil lamps in each window. A pink hydrangea was placed in the sanctuary in loving memory of Mrs. Kaye (Huller) Beck by the family. Rev. Oestreicher welcomed all who worshipped, saying, "We . are delighted that you are here .to share in this event." The senior choir sang the centennial hymn Our Little Church written by choir director, Hugh Lobb. A gift of an Altar Cross and a pair of can- dlesticks, donated by Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Brown (formerly Thelma Cudmore) were dedicated by the minister. Bill Crawford, Tom Lobb, Lloyd and Larry Jantze received the of- fering. Prior to- the sermon, "What Makes a House a Home", Mrs. Avice Bisset sang "Because" and af- terwards sang "Morning has Broken". Rev. Oestreicher—.. requested the bridal couples to stand and reheat their marriage vows. "I take you to be my wife -husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse; for richer for poorer; in sickness and in health; in joy and in sorrow; to love and to cherish and to be faithful to you." The service came to a close by singing "O „ Perfect. Love" and the benediction. Following the worship service, a fellowship hour was enjoyed while coffee, punch and wedding cake was served. Centennial events to come Thursday, June 7, 5- 7:30 p.m., ham and salad supper; Sunday, June 17, 9:45 a.m., Sunday School Rally Day; Sunday, October 7, at 2 p.m., "Old Tyme" Thanksgiving anniversary service. Personals • After the funeral of Mrs. Wm. Bender on Monday afternoon, family, relatives and friends gathered in the church where they were served lunch and coffee by the social committee of the UCW. The Centennial UCW meeting held in the church on Wednesday afternoon, May 9 was covered by Miss Elaine Townshend and may be found elsewhere in this paper. Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Mathers and family to. the community. The Mathers have purchased the Squires' farm. May their stay be a long and happy one. Get well wishes go to Edna Cox from the community. Edna is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. The community wishes to express their sym- pathy to the families of the late Mrs. Wm. Bender. Sunday, visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nor- man were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Trewartha, Rev. and Mrs. Stewart Miner of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Crampton and sons of Orangeville, Mrs. A. T. Addison of Midland and Shirley Norman of Kitchener. On Mothers' Day, Marie and Kelso Fitz- simons of Bayfield, Peggy Ann and Murray MacLeod of Clinton at- tended the Centennial Bridal • Sunday. All returned to Alvin and Barb Betties' home for dinner along with Mark MacLeod and Vince Fitzsimons. Supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Betties and Mrs. CULBERT'S BAKERY 1177 "Homo of Tasty.Pastry" 49 WEST ST. GODERICH 1979 524-7941 GERMAN CHOCOLATE CAKE WI'fIH MOCHA REG. X1.29 99 Holmesville news Blanche Deeves, correspondent McMurray all of Clinton. On Monday evening Mrs. Jay Ball of Bayfield was a supper guest then went to the W. I. meeting enjoying the plant sale. Mr. and Mrs. R. Penny of Dayton, 'Ohio were recent guests'- at the' Bettles' home. . Goderich Twp. WI. The president, Mrs. Hazel McCreath presided for the Goderich Township WI meeting held in the school on Monday night. The meeting opened in regular form with a good attendance. The new table was put to good use. Anyone who took part in the needlepoint course, is asked to bring her work to the June 11 meeting. The group in charge of the meeting each month is to serve lunch of its choice. The WI will help with the program for the Goderich Township Recreation Barbecue. Some seats are still 482-3383 available on the bus trip. to the Erland Lee Home on June 7. The District Annual meeting is to be held in Holmesville United Church on Monday, May 28, registration at 9:15 a.m.Everyone is welcome. The voting delegates are Mrs. Hazel McCreath, Mrs. Berneice Mcllwain, Mrs. Laura M'cLarty and Mrs. Millie Dempsey. A plant sale was held and an exciting auction sale took place with Barb Betties and Millie Dempsey as auctioneers. A lilac bush sold for $5.00. The Sunshine Sisters of the previous year ex- changed gifts. In the coming year a resident of Huronview will take the place of a Sunshine Sister. The roll call took place during lunch hour. "What did you growl about today and what can you do about it?" Many in- teresting comments ensued.r DEHUMIDIFIERS ELECTROHOME DEHUMIDIFIER Doors & windows sticking? Basement pipes dripping? If you have any of these problems at home chances are excess humidity is to blame. Ask^& s about' one. ......-..... SERVICE ' DOMINION HARDWARE 10 VICTORIA ST. NORTH' �1i RICF1 821• llitl Demolition at the corner of West and Waterloo Streets got un- - derway this week to make room for the new senior citizens' housing complex which is to be built on the site. Here, a member of the Underwood Demolition crew from Shelburn, tosses some • 0000• 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 • • •A• •0000••••••• •••••••••• •••••• • MAXWELL HOUSE G UTILITY GRADE 6.10 LB AVG • MIRACLE WHIP • wood from a former house on the site into the garbage. The former BP station is already gone but the former A&P store shown here and another house are yet to be torn down. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) (JIL-sI S• •010.00 :ROASTED 1 LB BAG FRESHTURKEYS $ 1 1 9 'SALAD $ 1 FRESH TURKEYS _ DRESSING :COffEE�2,$9' • • • DRESSING 1L. DREAM *CHICKEN QUARTERS 99 • LB.- • ... • • • • •• • .49• • :• 4 •. • LB. • FRESH BACK & WING.PORTIONS ATTACHED • • TULIP • SCHNEIDER'S 6VARIETIEs 802. • LUNCHEON • • • --- - - S 4: MINI DELI • WHIP $1.2 9 EA.: Z. TIN • MEAT 99 12 O • 3 OZ. PKG. ,• SCHNEIDER'S FRESH • • • • ENGLISH ecu STYLE [SAUSAGE 1• : BLUE BONNET • MARGARINE • !SUGAR 'KG. n n a SANDWICH SPREAD ROLLS 691!$ • �. SCHNEIDER'S ��. • - 7 / A X3 LB. PKG. 1.99 ED • PUSS 'N BOOTS • �• LI\VLIJII JI ILL • WHITE . SCHNEIDER'S 8 VARIETIES • •JELLO 3OZ • DESSERT 4 FOR • •FOR BARB. O. __-___ BOLOGNA 4 SCAT FOOD 4 FRESH PORK RIBLETS 89.: 15FL.OZ.NS•POWDERS 993 FOR 1 • •• LB. • • • BREAKFAST LINK SAUSAGE $1.49 • • •• CORDON BLEU ASSORTED • • DR. BALL'ARD'S •STEWS : DEVON SLICED BACON 1 PKG. $1 49 DOG• • • • LB. • 40 24FL.OZ. 1.29.TAILLIFER COLE SLAVA 16 OZ. • PKG. • . •••••••••1.,•••000000•• ••••:•••+ • :FooD 4942 9 9 • 25 OZ. TINS • NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE ;A • HOSTESS POTATO CHIPS 99 TIDE ,,,.•5.89: • • 200GRAM69ALLEN'S PURE APPLE JUICE 48, FL. OZ. 5g• • SUNSPUN • • • STARKIST WHITE FLAKEDTU N A b'/z OZ. $ 1 .29 BEANS WITH PORK oz. is FOR 9 q 4 • RIO 10 FL. OZ, ♦ SUNSPUN 19 FL. OZ•. • MUSHROOMS STEMS & PIECES 59 (WHOLE POTATOES 3 FOR$1.00• 750 PLUS 4 2 ROLL • • KISTGItVC;ERALEML• DEPOSIT 3 FOR99 KLEENEXPAPER TOWELS C'' 99C: • • CEOLNELLE HOUSE • BATHROOM TISSUE $ 1 .09 JOHNSON'S RAID GARDEN 12.202. x2.59: :MAPLELEAF E -Y REDSOCK E _SAL OZ -MON .•••••••••••• ••••••••••0• • 0 • • BRIGHT'S FANCY 48 FL. OZ. • PRODUCE OF. ONTARIO NO. 1 GRADE 12 OZ. PKG. 4 •• • • MICE ICE • WH E MUSHROOMS 990.HEINZ • • 794 • • • • :TOMATO 5 FOR DO. FOR S PRODUCE OF U.S.A: NO. 1 "ADE 2 Z $1.99 1 • 00: •: 10 FL.OUP OZ. 2 HEADS FOR 9 9 •• • 994 E V • • SUNKIST :NAVEL ORANGES • TREESWEET :• • ORANGE -BLENDED • GREEN CABBAGE • PRODUCE OF U.S.A. NO. 1 GRADE' • GRAPEFRUIT . 9,�HEADS FOR • TANG .ORAN *JUICE 48 FL. OZ. D HEAD LETTUCE 2 G FLAVOUR • • • NEILSON DRINK • PRODUCE OF U.S.A. NO. 1 GRADE • CRYSTALS • ; CRYSTALSIt CELERY STALKS 59' • •$ $1:09• 1 4 9 ••-PRODUCE OF ONTARIO NO.1 GRADE • • ENGLISH • 2402 TIN : SEEDLESS. CUCUMBERS FOR 794: PKG.OF4-3'/40Z. • :............... • GIANT • B®X PLANTS ASSORTMENT . FOR YOUR • HOLIDAY PLANTING • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••*••••••••••••••••••••.••••M SUNSPUN FROZEN :LEMONADE 12'/2FL.OZ. 2 FOR 694 FRENCH FRIES 2LB. BAG 694: • YELLOW- ORANGE LIME y $:VINYLLAWN CHAIRS $ 1 1.59 VINYL LOUNGER 14.98: • '•• am •• • •••••• •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 00 0 OPEN SUNDAYS • VICTORIA DAY • • f 10 A.M-6 P.M. Red& `8 A.M.-10 P.M. MAY 21 J. M. CUTT LIMITED RED 8 �NHITL FOOOMASTER -91 VICTORIA ST. NORTH REP & WHITE FOODMASTER 91 !!!it 5T. NORTH Above prices In effect Monday, May 14 until closing time, 10:00 p.m. Saturday, May 19 or hlle quantities last. •e•• ••••000 011•411•••••••••••- 0111•111111•011 rt.