The Exeter Advocate, 1922-1-19, Page 3RWQUISIIMENT OF BRITISH CONTROL IN IRELAN D NOW IN PROGRESS Departure of Contingent of Police Auxiliaries • Made a Public Ceremony m Dublin. A despatch, from Dublin says:—The first evidence of the relinquishment of British control in Ireland was given to the people, when a contingent e Police auxiliaries- numbering between is still its President, and: all its ma ehinery heretofore has been directed eztusively toward independent Re- pznlal#can• aims. The transfer of the fun etions of the 250 and 300 cadets, mewled otic of various departments, at Dublin Castle, Dublin, to be demobilized in England. which. is expected immediately after Carryiug Titles and sidearms anal with ratlfi,,ation by the Southern Perlia - band playing and flags flying, the ment on Saturday, will' probably be auxiliaries emerged, frown their bar- effected without the pretence of Sir' racks at 0,15 o'cleek in the evening Hamar Greenwood, Chief Secretary and marched through the streets to for Ireland, who will likely remain in the Westland Row Station. London, James Ma :Mahon, the The withdrawal ofl the remainder of under-Seeretary, who in the absence the me xiliaa•iee will quickly follow and of the Chief Secretary, is the prints- the eva,cua.tien .of the army win bean pal executive authority, will probably in a few days. This action is hater- make the actual transfer,. preted as an earnest confidence of the The amnesty proclamation occupies British Government in the faith of thea prominent position in the Dublin Provielonal. Government. pars and has been the cause o£ Membersof tike Griffith Cabinet great satisfaction. It had been feared that attempts ;might be made to dis- have discussed the advisability of pe- crinnivate between one political psis Eacin i'he Mies of march e the aux- otter and. another, but the sweeping Marks aaaTd it is inferred from a state- eharadter a the amnesty. allays :socia trent to the press that adequate proms appreht atsiat. a cion will be made by a guard l from Only one difficulty remains. At one the Irish Republkan Army against stage there were incendiary* fire; and an attempt at hostile demonstrations, distil -themes aaa Englan:i for Willett al - The ICirg's proelanaation of aunties- lava Sinn eeeiners were convicted. include the auxiliaries, and the resolution of is understood that their ea -=e will re. the Sinn Fein Executive Council to main raver for discussion between the FRENCH PREMIER MSS G4.ADYS ROSIN$ON Catnadieu and luternattonal Wanular Spee,•1 Skating Cl unpian, wlio defeated tlzo TJnited States National Chaanapion, Miss Elsie Muller, in the 440 -yard dw.sb .them. It at Newburgh, 2 Y. She covered the distance in 52„ and 2,5,eeconds.. tee,announcement of the departure o£ Amnestydoes not in.t* summon an extraordinery •conention British Government and the Govern- RESIGNS QF Fehra exy 7. to - decide upon the future ntent orf the new Free State. With of the organization and its p¢liby, rofereem to offence:, committee) since after Eannonn de Valera bad predicted a slit in the organizattion, were the chief developments in the Irish situa- tion on Thursday. the truce, the Free 'Stante Governtaacnt will have complete power to deal, with all sa .a cases la clue eours e. r released t'� o e r a The fia,.t t e Behind the Dail Eireann stands tee under the amnesty proeleamaatien is Dr. •Siris Fein' organization of nearly 1,500 aleCei v-ille, of Monaghan. who left clubs from every distriee in irelani. Mountjoy this afternoon, Dublin It is responsible for the suet.•ess t.P Castle Naas issued a lilt of 370 prison - Parliamentary and other eleetlons, anti ers for re?eaa �e Saturday. Five per- ls regarded as the authentic popular sons were liberated from Mountjoy sedee by all • Slim Feirers. De Valera and 3& from Limerick en Thursday. NEWS FROM PARIS BREAKS UP MEETING Supreme Council -Adjourns In. definitely on News of Bi'iand's Resignation. URGE RESTORATION OF WHEAT BOARD of trade against her amounted to 500,000,000 gold marks This could FICE President Millerand Requests l Poincare to Form a Cabinet. A despatch from Cannes says:—The, Allied 1% A,..seal Su -euro Coult.al adjourned tool J? dJ x definitely on Thursuay night follery-1 ing retie ipt of the new. of the resign• i ation of the Briand Cn tinct. Adjourein nt was taken when Wal ter Rathenau, German financial exhort,. had finishes ;addressing the couneila because Dermaxy was now buying not be offset by dearea,ing imports, { agricultural producte, chiefly gram; the wee.. and eves leaded to oyez t ina'azl tiny foal earl neses..aayr xa*s 000. During, the fr# eight months ocrc>. e„ turkeys, rni ey ea.s and lwclsnatcriats. . the current fis:al year income tax col This is the first attempt at ;annul zity So far as could be learned, the le:Aione were 5;0,000.000, against $48,- ehlppirg from dale dtstriet aed eom- Canada From Coast to Coast Sunnntet.side, P,E.,,1--The develop- it sheen. There owe 13,694 silver merit of Prince Edward Island and foxes on the:farms in 1920, three blame this locality it pe.rtieel�ar is symbol. foxes end only: one write fox. The ized in the ,gzawth of the hitsin!ees of total value of theee animals was $4,- R. T. Heiman, Ltd., �eleinaecl to he the 722,995, The total value of fur -'beer- provineeee largest small town depart- ing anaianal�s solei from these fur farm's mental Sterewhich rezentiy celebrat- last year was $763,221, The number ed its 65th hirth• da by as considerable of live foxes exported. during the fiscal addition to its property. The animal year .ended:! dareh -31, 19221. was 1,070, business of the establishment ' en- value $277,182. proaches in volume the $2,000,000 Wiatnipeg, 3ifan.—Ant average ,reek ;nark. of 22% bushels per were of flaxseed. Halifax, ?.f?,--114,---The special six was secured from a 25 -acre field in weeks fiis^hizrg season for larbsters. be- the Winnipeg district, according to g;irnin November 1st granted by the advice of C. E. Howe. The flex was of Dominion Fisheries Department re- high quality and the entire crap was salted in a catch vaeuetl at about $250 - ee d for 'seed ata substantial premium000. Though in Halifax county' about over ti market price. $100 per boat Per anonth was cleared, Regina, Sask.--Further co -aper-- the whole returns represent only about tion in the matter of ;equal educational half of what x•as expected; there being stardarls between the four' western an extensive loss of traps due to se Caarca.dian provinces bas been, aehievee vere storms. ins a standardized reader for the entire St. John, N.I3.—Ccnsiderabi,e pro- West. . Past educational ecnferenees gress bus been made in the construe, between the previews have beer re - time el the new look -out tower and epcnsible for the clese apinent of a rangers' cabin on Quisibis Mourduin, standard training in normal schoche near Green River, New Brunewielt. mei a standard standing of admission. The cost is being equally borne by Cal ;axe*, Alta, --One of the interest• the Department of Lands 'eel Mines ing functions of the winter in Calgary and the New Drurswiok Railway Co., will he the re -union of Albertaold- and is one of the number of towers timers in Calgary on janeery le. No which have been built operatively one is eligible unless thirty years a foie the protection of Crown ani tail- residert. Thep ee'e`rs meet, &veep vray lands. steres and experiences of the olden Montreal, Quebee.—The grand total days twit: wind. up with a real western of Canadian trade for the month of dingle!•' of the style of a quarter of a November was M1,911,000, of which century or more ago. sum imports •mounted to $04,271,000 Claimant, Alta.—The first carload and exports $77,650 000. Molle than of cire:s ed poultry eve: shipped from fifty* per emit. of the experts were the Grade Prairie country left der. pulp :mil paler oxpor is wc. $17,700,- its c pneity' of 20,000 pounds with mcaite.e , , c c au i tit re ant ti- zeC nc e n f. 6 a .s 000,000 for�� 0 the whole of 1920. prised all first grade birds. orally intpre=seal by Dr. Ratbenau's Toronto. Ont.—It is et:pm:tee that; '4*icter--n .C.--- i ° e ' - tatereent, .-asserting that it la�eketl T3 . Id Ftrie ani an^:ii. ,, the that office to rc^seize saving,: dee' recti} rite ttanser :rdD.isiries of l3ritint precision end logic. posits will he opened in Toronto early' Cotu,r.',:a represent nearly half the in Sar.;nary by the Ontario Goverrnaent'trade en•t ccribmer.e of this provinee i Savings Dept. Arrangements are being 'Ix 1920 they r in:e` r.ea,. 03 ann;- A New University Course. completed far the opening of off,es ;t 000 worth of' etmxcaeia; neseriat and ant no action or comment WAS model a number ,f' points in t?nturie. The it ie estiaaaat(�:l ;bier sial- e -ear will rim upon ills remarks coreerning Ger- Co Ci• ie n^1 T 'an -p � - i On Men lacy caf this week the S • hort preliminary: list of eoatemp:ated,; well over the : 190,01!;1.01±0 m: r ;,"There United Farmers of Manitoba Urge Matter on Dominion Government A. despatch from Paris Faye:-- A desyp: teh front 'ti innipcg saes:— Arieti.l' Briand has resigned from the The cenves tion of the lanitC.l. Farmers Premiership, and Raymond Poineare, of Manitoba on Thursday dee:area fcrmor President of the Republic, will ten anirously far the re -es tehitehmeut tikoty succeed him. of the old wheat board, ;antler its M. Briand's resignation :ane with foriu r management, and with wide drtimatic sud:lts�nrss in the Chamber Pewees over «heat anti other grains; of Deputies, for the Premier, return- adapted the greater part of zt. plat- ing en Tlaur:;al;ay morning front his form on which the aaseemiation experts conference with the British Prime to contest the next Provineial elec. ltiinister at Cannes, had brought the ton in Manitoba, oars a leeted C. H. oiapoeing members of bis Cabinet into Burnell, of Oakville, Meniteba, Pres- accord with his policies, and, bye, dent and W. G. Rat ewel+. of Beresford, powerful 1;eeeh in the Chamber, had apparently Manitoba. vice-president of the organ- powerful parently won over the great major- izatic,n, iiy to his side. His blunt eloquence The convention accepted the follow- ing resolution on grain marketing: "Whereas there is general dissatis- faction with the present system of marketing, our grain, "And whereas the deplorable condi- tion of our agricultural industry is such that it demsnd the attention of the lectiend Government to the need for national marketing of wheat and other grains.. ":Therefore be it resolved that we urge upon the Dominion Government the necessity for re -c staablishing the Canada: Wheat Board, under the form- er management with wide powers to dolt; has Briand risen to the high piteh c=f eloquence attained on Thursday, when in a voice trembling with ill - suppressed emotion, and facing his colleagues on Lite Ministerial benches, he said: "A statesman has no right to go to the post of 'battle if he has not A despatch front Washington the eertain;ty that he shall not receive says•:—Statements by Ain-erican and gullets from behind. Ile can -face the British spokesmen revealed that there bullets- of the enemy, but he must not will be at bast 12 treaties growing out receive any from his own country." of the conference. They wile be: Four - power Pacific Treaty, Five -power Naval Treaty, Nine -power Far Eaet- The Ontario Legislature will meet ern Treaty, Two -power ' Treaty on an l+'elrruary 14. Shantuwn�g, Treaty on F•oi tiff eations in the Pacific, with the United Stateoe Great Britain, Japan, and possibly Should ,moths get into a piano the France as signatories; and separate best means orf destroying therm is to treaties on stt�bnarines, poison gee, make up a mixture of turpentine, Yap, Pacific cables, and revision of •benroline, and ail of lavender, and the rubes of warfare. squirt this inside the instrument by means of a scent 'splay, ore any: small syringe. Use seven parts of she iz-o- Mine to one of tuapentina, And, add e few drops of oil` of lavender. evoked a tremendous ovation and when he abruptly- delared hie intentisn of withdrawing ^frown the Government, the members of the Chamber seemed overwhelmed. Although the retirement of Premier Briand was unexpeeted, it was appar- ent from the beginning that he felt keen resentment against the many ob- stacles placed in his way in the im- portant negotiations in which he had been engat ea. Xie had the appearance of a anan aged and physically= fatigued throughout his entire speechh, • °-p n ntg branches in the ;-ovine .numbered 'have been 1,400 Poggaae imerations tai many'e default of her January zep.ara-t c,i cued at the University nS Toronto. ag cut ten or twelve but it is a este,3 ;the •r :-'ne .the ,• tours payment. M t a p , � '�' n C Q1�Sr9rn a'33t'tR"@ Ce.'LS'.3, IThough only twenty -fire students had that the will be materially eatee. eel, • 3-.10 snwcei is, 100 shireeee nri ia, si;t The news of M. Briend's resignation . Nen certetett, forty -cue enronea en Ottawa, Ont.—There are azo less; pulp ar:,1 peper �i-:nr,x a'3 t�'a •ra •A;,, ached. M. J:,�uchcur while the Su-, � ., P , �e to .. ° anal cls al en,aneer,, Taal., as the #ir.-t a i 'i th F C rtl,e fare; tray, :neat of therm aarebiteete titan 587 fair farms an C'at:mit ae-- s cte'a iii.. The ti• • e2 prenae Council was at tea tart; created e a lz .t; aaa 1 al wee a�a la aramcnse itngrt+5 i(laa. � , •+ ioie iia ,' to �e auresu of Sta1isties., peen mete y 2,e0 � i.� eetiP(hl feet of wood w ec-ur.a of the Lind ever given in Can-aSiiver. parch, red, )bet' an white'ureleet , ere mm faitene ntea3 ;i�eg., German aura aa'ations is the only s all oda and ' 1' experiment, if town -louse eia:•,g is a. eauzu , helot•-, lyra, marten: and Kara- I qu aa:tity. The action taakien prior to t Bra it. isle then town -planning shonl,x he ia, theretcre. 6cant.�th.r'„ of ,anfoxei are lured' r.ls>a man?: rasr ^i ', * ;, 1 • jeet that r emairs on the c ommit's . o a t as p Vel to lei t'.l t<e tlai3 caac•.: raga:as pro- sell wheat a d ct rvr g;rain.:. Conference is the Mother of Twelve Treaties The Irish Free State is entitled to representation in. tele League of Na- tions. t Kkoaar A t_ enTLE JUST Atjoutr Yat'R Adie. HiS i�lAf�te 5 .404Mit, DuG Ni. i HOV••E OLD •ARE `(o v 3 J gram. ,came (aro anent peeple agree that and's , resignation, tuetwithstandncg taught; '€f it shouid be 'might, the France's present defection, is regard- eravir.:inl utdver ity is the plaice to ed generally* ail conference (circles as teeeh it. To page by the numbers Weekly art Report _.0.,.111,,,-_,,...,, binding M. Briand-'s retirement, ac- en :1 the enth is taste of the stu.k' t , it z l ;mei a. a ., t crtUn 'to ;has tneor • ilei:: net affect seaman;., ,,a. al't ' lin ,ci,.ia .t ane , per (:Duel g y, nt.ty FeeiXy ire lMileted Haat tial, nevi Iaaaatolia w leate-Ne. 1 Nortek:ua. ll.,u to e4.30. the Genoa conference or the Interna et:aarce is tine first of a ser]ea ref an- t1 25i , a Smoked meats—Ham , med., 24 to tional Comporation, plans for which maul eourses on the; subject. ! '•I<tnitebn os,ts --No, 2 CW., u t e. 26. ; cooked ham, $i, to 40:: sura e,i have already been adopted with the outlines of a 'central company. The Council, adjourning indefie ' Six -Eight Years Ill House adjournin g J; nitely, after Dr. Rathenau had finish-' of Lords. extra No. 1 fryers, 51?ec; :3.40.•1 feede rmo, 2 i to 24e; cottage nate. 25 to Gil e, 12,:e breai:fast bettor:, 25 to 80e; •.spit- •.:.,Manitoba barley—Nominal. brar.:i breakfast nation, 30 to 35e; All the above, track, Bay ports. hawk:, lbene'eFs, 32 to flee. ea hie explanations toe]: no action; • Amerman earn—No. 2 yellow, 69eti ('ureal me:d •-i,ong; eater bacon 13 therefore, the question gearce back, to the tee:nations commission, whicb, after January 15, when the payment is due, will again call it to the atten- tion of the Supreme CounriI. Dr. Rathemau, at -the close of his speech, said that Germany was able to meet the London terms of 500,- 000,000 gold marks in crash, and 1,000,- 000 ,000,000 000 gold marks in ]cine annually, but could not go beyond thce figures. He explained tbst Germany's inability to pay was due =to the disastaaus ex-. cehnnge which had made it necessary for Germany to use marks to buy for- eign currency, until the mark was a drug on the market. Germany's exportations amounted in the past year to only •one-fourth of the exports in 1914, and the balance The Earl of J)aiie, who died in Octo- ber, was the *lather" cf the House of Lords, having sat in that body slime 1858, more titan sixty-eight years, A1 - though he was in les ninety-fifth year, he was not the of ire;t member at the upper House. Lord 1Ia -4inry is ninety- eight, but the has been in lnhe 1-Iouse of Lords only since 1885. The Hari of Coventry became a peer in 1843, but as he was hen only live years old he did not enter the Reuse until 1859. The Earl of Ducie was remarkable not qtly for h a age but also as a mem- ber of a large family. He was the old- est of ten brothers and four sisters,. His title now goes to one of the broth- ers, who is eighty-seven years old and who has ttvo sons ands even daugh- ters. • otairazarastmanommniot HERE!S THE NEW CANADIAN "NICKEL" Made of Canada's own important and alm,oat exclusive metal, nickel. The coin is the s'axne size as the_ United States';nickel, but is of better quality. Iia B u struck the first o•f then from the new dies now busy them t"d y S y turning out at. the Ottawa mint. REGLAR it �.iT. it, t yV Gene Byrnes i1\To. 3 yc3lmv, tifyee, 'co, •1 Yellow, 07e; to 20?; elcaa t aile„ Mae to 201;c trazk,'raronto. I•ard•--Pure, tierces, 14 to 14i:,e; Centeno oats—No. 2 white, noznieal. a tells, 143e to 15e; Tails, 15 to 15? e; Ontario wheat—Nominal. prints, let?s to 17e. Si: tenial;;, tierces, Laney—No. 3 extra, test 47 lbs. or, 13e; tubs, 18-e; pails, 14e prints. :better, 57 to 00e, a�ceordin;; to freights 3.512e. outside, o r Choice lt?avy eteers, $B to $8.50; I' k •1 t ai . 2, 8 8 nuc w o. 2, o t to Oa do good 47 to 88; butcher steers, Ityc.—Ne, 2, 8r, to BSc. choice. $G 75 to 87.0; do, a ode $ti to Manitoba flour ---First pats:, $4.40; $0.50 do,ine3., a$5,75, sc'sone pati,, $0.90, Toronto. ' $$ 25 to yr t do, Manitoba flour -90 Per nt cont„ y 1 to ., i . a, 'butcher ateifer bulk .s • ,; a cent. choke, $(1.75 to $7,25. cin med. $5.50 lr 1:.�a�t..ax,:3, ger barrel, ,,5. Mildfeed—Deli iifiantr 9M1 tit 80,0; ciu., •cline., $4 to �i,; butcher cal freight, tt, . c°v;s Choice, $., to 8b.50; do, bags included: Brun, per tory $26 to 'med., $3.50 to $1,130; tanners and $27; shorts, er ton, $28 to $29; good emitters. $2.50 to $3; butcher bulls feed• flour, $1.70 to $1.80. } good, $4.50 to ,S6 do, (: ant., S3 I' 2`e l +ha.S—Track, Toronto, per ton., to 81; feeders, g;oo+i, 55.60 to 80.60; No. 2, $21.50 to • mixed $18, : e e ,l Strau•-•-Cat hit , per ton, x+1'2. Se frig, fair, to 1 ^ .:cr , good. 54 to Sea c, r 8•, to i; milkers 565 to Cheese --New, large, '?0 to 0.ac; $85; ,priners, $75 to $95; calves; twins', ` 0 ,e to 21e; triplets, 21 to • choice, $12.50 to $13.50; de, med., $ei 1.1ec. Old, large 25 to 26,e; tins, to S11; do, cont., $3.:;0 to $7; iambs, 5.1 to Mee; triplets, 26 to 27e; SW- choice, $13,50 to $14; do, tont., $7 tc tette, new, 25 to 26e. $8; sheep, choice, $5,50 to $6.50; do, Butter --fresh daily, •choice, 43 t=t good, $4 to $5 do, coal, $1.50 to $31 4a'c; creamery prints; fresh, 40 wo 43e; hags, fed and watered, $11 to $11.2b; No. 2, 38 to 39c; .cooking, 26 to 30e. do, tole. $10:25 to $10,50; do, country Dressed poultry—Spring chicken;, points, $1a to $10.25. 25 to 35e; roosters, 20 to 25c; fowl, 20 hlanl. to 28e; ducklings, 30 to 35e; turkeys, 55 to 60e; gees -e, 32 to 35c. Oats, Gan. West. treaNo. 2, 58 to 59e; Live poultry—Spring chickens, 20 do, No. 3, 56 to 57c. Flour, Mann to 25c; roosters, 14 to 16e; fowl, 14 to Spring wheat pats, firsts, $7.50. Rob 22e ducklings, 22 to '25c; turkeys; 45 lied oats, bag:90 lbs., $2,85 to $2.95. to 50e;. geese, 20 to 22e. Bran, $26.25. Shorts, $28.25. Hay, M^argaarine-23 to 25c. No. 2, per ton, car lots, $27 to $28. Eggs—No. 1 storage, 45 to 46c; Butter, choicest creamery, 37 to 38e se- lect, storage, 50 to 52e; new laid Eggs, selected, 47c. Potatoes, pes straights,. 58 to 59e; new laid, in ear- bag, ear lots, 95e to 51. tons, 60 to 61•c. Cont. dairy cows, $4; good fat cows, Beans—Orin.. hand-picked, bushel, 57; med. heifers of dairy type, $4.75 $3.30 to $3.50; primes, 52.80 to 53.10. to 55.25; good heavy burls, 55.25; Maple products—Syrup, per imp., fairly fleshy dairy bulls weighing gal., 52.50; per 5 imp. gals., -2.35, around 1,2.50 ibs., $4.75; butters', 52.x:5; Maple sugar, I,b., 19 to 22c, catvners; $2; sucker calves, `58 to $10; Hon,ay'-60 30 ;db.. tins, 14 to 15o better quality, 511; hags, select, 511.50: per lb.; 5 -2% -ab. tiny 1.3 to 17c per to $12; sows, $7 to $8. WHEk1 1rcltla.E. `(o u HOP_ he T