The Exeter Advocate, 1922-1-19, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR,
Our Corner
A man ,of words; end not: of deede
eik:e ai .garden. Lull of weeds.
Stone columns hold the bui1dsrag Trp
but ;newspaper columns hold the busi-
ness up. Use the calumny of The
Advocate to keep your btts„ki.ess one
'the move.
The proposed gasoline tax of one
peek a gallon eta be ;apposed by the
Ont .rare Legislature, together with
the sales tax. wwl be 'collected from
the wholesalers and oil Oompanies and
not from the conal er.
Phone 81a
Men's and Boys'
Try this Store'
T I E S.
ar Bern They're 411 new, of course.
We never .tarry over last year's styles
The .new offerings are sure enough
wvtnners .if t• h colors, beautiful eat-
atterns and fuse materials .;Dunt forany-
Zing. Prices are just as all right,
too. Drop in and look them "`under
and over, around and through."
W. W. Taman
Tailor& Furnisher
ten t e the ,.Ment looks over his
beoks, it is hard for la= to believe
that man is made crf dust Dust set -
It is understood that despite eheem
pltati,: di,sapprgvai Of the clergy of
I Montreal the Quebee Liquor Commies- The local hockey team won -their
T y a e a ire .y wgame away front home MARRIED IN V N •
i tare afternoon when 46 were present
nw. _ .,
managed entirely thy female employee. theMitchell team on 1litc;hell ice by l In St. Paul's Anat.:a,it, Church V u ,omm, atdat.on on her sand tray
slam plats o a and at au earl d t first ho•cke
wine shop .for women, , hieh will be on Frido ai u when they defeated
The members Of the "Old
Home"a+ town ore this week
up &helve ,supply of wool, the
one atheir snembers� They,
rt,ea„ntite the greater port
ld weather ather as yet to come;;
the home Peres burning," boys.
l' Dime's Thi. Salvation Army services were.
rutting wall attended last Sunday in Exeter
gift of Public Library, and much blessing was
doubt- received by all. ''lfajor Byers,ihe Div-
ot the csiaz„ai Commander sat the Stratford
"Deep Dives:no, was lap= midst axed his en
sp:rang wards were enjoyed. He was
Rdalighteale with the Sunday school an
�The Primary Class t'eaeher received
d e ' �.
a scare of 6-1. A. large .number of ,:.auver, B.C., at :nine a.m. Jan,. 10th demonstrations and teaching. A Jirass
It ir, announced that free distribu-
teen of samples, of seed "gran will be
conducted this year as usual by the
Central Experimental .Farm, Ottawa,
Seed 4>ain furnished will be sgr
wvlt•.at iii about Five -pound samp e$
vh:teoats, about four pounds; barley
ebout five pounds;; feel(' peas, about
v pounds; field beans, about
two, pounds; Flax, about two pounds,
Only one samole ie allowed eanh, ape
The influenza •s again prevalent an
Britain, and has 'made its appearance
izt certain places in Ontario,. Protect
=selves by following these preeau-
J'aris;-- rtight: wing, McKinno , wing, , ie- their .Binet invitation to lie p7
1. Iafluonz,a tis spread fron he se- hew .;entre, Hotftuan; spares, Calfasa The bride looked very elt:irne ng
, r •awns of the nose; and theoat and teen scee I bar 'p ratty laze x,o n which i sh
rel' ,e do unto others as you wsauld 1liwtiht:ll--Coal, Campbell; right de�- not even attempt o des.:r:be, tory
haw^a them ;do to you, •end sly eros; lett �ietenee, Bmerman; centre I wet soe et later. can:ng en, the ar
cough or sneeze in the faze of the Thome; right wing, Sawyer; left WSang of Air. Harper the brother of one
other her rte• peeves, spares, Gsallenby and Balfour. Wog.,
Reading's most i¢ttunste friend
' ;').o not .tit others ,lough oy: Referee, (;has. Lightfoot,. Stratford.lshe waike4 ice the altar whe'e lir
sneeze :at your Face., haat, ew e:heal :her. ;vin Harper ga
3. Do not snit :pt, public places lu r away After the ceremony
fans motored over to see the game by the teeter, Rev, H. G. icing, Miss B3n1 :s b n ,orgass_zed.
aril gave the bad°s lots ,o en-eou.rag ,leets R a lies; of Chrlstehurch, New
meat.. The first tst°o;e was made by Zealand, and fir. 1-X Freeborn Junin
:,he Mame teem on, a long shot before 'Sten, of 'Washington, I) C wvere,;u et-
ilei Exeter bays bot their eyes open,, l ly married. From Aa letter were
u v s tore , anntet back wash two this w-ee by the groom's mother, Johns—In Toronto, on Jar.. 12. to Mr.
In the .first pe lad, the score standing 1 wr,.tt.n by Airs. Rev Wesley E. Kerr anal .Mr. Frank Jahns, iorm:ris o
there 2-1. In the second period the whose Itusb2. 1 is pastor of Vancouver Ex :ser, a so:,' , f
locals played lirtchell o{f their feet heights Methodist Church, end who 'S ou.b. ott--At I)r. 1-iyndirtan's hospit-
s. oring .four ',goals. The last period, is wall-koawn here, as he was pallor a1, Ex.:ter, an, Jane lath, o Mr. ;vend
however, was a real fight, and both of the 11cnsall ' rcult tt the nineties, Mrs. J. Al. S'outlt.;ottg aF sang
teams showed up pretty evenly, neith- I w: Print the follow: ee extract, ' .'►S'ss Taylor -At !Detroit, Ml. -h,., oat, tan. 13
er seem€; C. goal Only two penalties ' Reading after her arrival: from New to Mr. and Mrat Arnold ,5 . TMylnr,
y r
wone to a
h st'de Zealand on the 7th stet., stayed wv:th a son—Robert V:xt.ent.
I. gh:ifoot handled the game well. :V [r. avid Mrs. Raspier at Molly Lodge,
'Phe 1ut,e up g— a fine apartment one block from St,
Exeter—Goal, Cook; right Klefenet, I Paul's Chur 1i where the, ceremony tj
Mindtnar.,h; left defer II ft
ice, o plan; took plane, Mr. Kerr aaud i accept
n• left w S'
4. Awed crowded places. Walk 'go LOt,AL. DEFEAT CLINTON 8-1 r•iirel to the Vestry where Mr.IIar-
and ,from your work On airnday night wvat,:h ed by a, par aacl :11r. Kerr signed the register
w'�h th:epwv�ta•Ihwv end put vww1 P° the t' ;" st ` 4)wd 01 fans the Esetcr-•Glucit when. Fwe rpafor ,the r o • journey, Lodge
Flu.,.b d cleated Clinton site OH , tL e'en . or wo, then o
lomat Exe.w r a:iW by u score of mtk 1 a' a to
t 8 -1, I he 7 to the
a, C�wr r w�our faze ;S you have-o.�ttt. •wve ,h (:Envoi was an .mportant bait' tabid titan. God-epee:l. They
..'ain't or sneeze. l t I:ft looke happy and full of hope
q Aseel wve.: deet, a<• a3 t..r'I1.�o4r, wvas in, second *ia,:l-
.n in tit,. grouo, and a wvin by the and 1424"'' " The ,young couple w, 11
8 lameably wash tit ��1n3n;1. 1siore;w s .,rs wveoulei haw" made the ten) spend; vetch h-Qneyrnooi in 1, ,,
1'i yeti have rt:d' i°all a ...m= ev a ;at games; The 1•i,•,,a,Is, ''alt. and Southern�, ex -
1:'. for and go to bid at oxen , ' o.ang to reach Exeter early,in Feb-
9.Be L (1 Wever, went after the seor:,n„ :n
..,erfui, , 1 gr ai serape :tad six ar the goals were niers, �wh re the} Weil visit the par -
The "fel' nray ttelak its victim mere t's. or.•1 on, pretty combination wort., t 'n`s 04 the ;roam, bett> a i,o ng to
titan once and therefore people 'The manner, Clayton Hoffman, -; shale home m1vash notou.
who. have sttfti:re:l from previous at eisted on team play, even on. a,;hanee
int iia shuuld not con:,fder themselves of losing the game, and it worked
:mmuae. beaukifttlly. Only one score was E. F. S. COMMENCEMENT.
tallied on an individual rush, Siebert'
` 'turning the trick in, the last period.
Owing to the tli,versieied opinion of
some of the eitirrens of Exeter, re, the
peliey of the ,Progressives*
relative to
the best interests of Eaceter, the Ut
F. 0, club tat Exeter at a. meeting ro-
eently held, thought it would be'aaa the
interest of both toww•n, and surrounding
country to debate the question on its
merits and thus bring town sand eoun-
try° iloser together, socially, financial-
Iy and otherwise, without which, the
best results cannot be attained.
The subject for debate is as follow;
"Resolved it;hat ,the policy of the Pro-
gressives is en tie interest of the
citizens of Exeter arid surrotuiding
.:ornntuxiti.ty;" The hest spirit must
prevail throughout. Three members
of the U,R,O \w•wll take athe affirma-
tive, white we invite any three Citi
cent of Exeter to take the negative,
The three eitrzens who wish ;to de-
bate the auestiton with us, evi11 please
give their names to the chairman, of
eammittee. Date to the fixed when
accepted, Hoping than will beaccept
ed, Yours truly,
W. D. Sanders, Chairman.
THEM'. Good advise if you don't.
J. WARD, D.C., Optometrist, Exeter,
We are prepared to care for your car. Try us .
Hur6n Garage ,
CORN—'A food supply ,of splendid e•orn and the /n cel is eight.
OATS—We Barry ,stock of Western Oats that we have re teamed, tak-
ing out the dust, hulls and small weeds. These we are selling -on a
very narrow mairgiab
• SEED OATS—We ere acne negotiating for Western Seed Oaks; aped will have
thein hereearly. See us before pur,;h'aeing.
BEET PULP—Try .our Sugar Beet Pulp; It ,as good feed eand will please
you, One customer took five tons'.
MIDDLINGS—We have just unloaded a car ,of 1Vliddlwtgs,
yea Try ,some.
OIL CAKE -1f ;you have never fed .Oil Cance; try Islonee,
wows, . pigs, On fact, all your stow.k,
TANKAGE --Sixty per cent, protein,. - Just the +stuff to push tholaet page
OU1p 1.41LL FEED—It in!' going out a teal we;kri act
..AT g g s � alt!
olryour mach'
Harvey Bros.
a,Z13, large number of people at --
The good work of AleGeoch in goal ( tended the First Annual Cominen;:,c.
for Clinton ,saw^ad them from haviing mint >•xer.. sees .of the Exeter High
a mu.1t larger margin against them. S.:lnsof „it lite: Opera House on Fri-
ll.: turned away a half-dozen deadly day evening last. The meagre= was
sleets by Hndmarslt, and also many lengthy and thoroughly repp"e.:,ated by
others. Siebert did most ,of the seor- all. The Chairman, of the Board of
ung tsar the 'locals, on ,passes from l,slin:a fen, Air. F. W. Gladman, on.
other players He ,got two In the pcuTni,ad the chair, and, ',n the, opening
first framein thin way, and the per- ; a:1 tress gave .a review cr ,he ,history
:4 ended 2-0. In the second the two of eduction i'n Exeter; from the corn-
Hoffmans notched the first after a 1 mencemeni of the ContinuationSchool
pretty piece .of team play, and Little i to the formation of a four -teacher
Dodo and Babe got, the second in like 1 High School. Miss A1abel johns and
manner. Clinton seared one, and. the 1 Miss Helen D1green rendered a; piano
period ended 4-1. The younger duet +n pleasing manner; Mks Verna
Hoffman. got .the first tally in the Walker- gave a charming recitation,
last period, and a pirtetty pie:•e of An address by Col. Walter James
work got the s•eyond ;fallowing the Brown, of W stiern University Ex-
face-off aftler an off slide. Combine- tension Department was most in-
t:ion. by the twins accounted for the s trui siva and entertaining, and should
thend, and ,Siebert on a mien rush have been heard by all our eitisens
chalked ue ,'the fourth, Ceeaton. tail- A. I violin solo by Kenneth, Stanbury
„nig to s::ore. The sicaund of the bell wvas much appreceratied1
heft the snore at the f iiu(sh 8 -ill The principal (of 'the High School
Cook in goal for 'the locals, was play- lir. Edmund 5, Wethey, .11.A gavean
tang under a handleap, havnig a broken ,ante:resting address on the wank of
the school and mew;die the, presentation
of the .certificaites and diplomas, as
Lower Schoo—Compleie— Margaret
e et1?ey, Carrie +Davis, Harry Greb,
J. Aylmer Christie. Standing— G.
Aurelia Anderson, M. Helen. Elder, L.
Mary Elworthy, Gertrude B. Francis,
A. Margaret Gladman, E. Kathleen
I -Th ks, Vivian A. I-Iogairt,h, Edith I.
Ho„artli, R. Russell Ratcliffe, el. Mil-
dred Rowe, Florence Mt Welsh, Vio-
let R Whiteside
Normal. Entrance—Honors—M. J ma-
Iite i-iogart,h, 'J. Edgar Thomson Pass
—Iva M. Francis, Vara. G. Heywood,
Mabel G. Johns, ,Verai I. Jones, Mar-
gu r_te M. Kuntz, Win L.,Lawson,
jamas W.'Morley Standing— 'Clyde
S. }iceman, ;Alma I. Harding,-MVIidred
al. Harvey, Amy I. Shap•tion; Howard
J. Diemen, M. Violet Ratcliffe, Wilfrid
G. Turnbull, Verna, Walken t , with
General D:rploma, fon 1eavlivg Formclll)
Juror elatraculatJion—Compaete —Vi,
Emali. Hogarth, Al. Bruce Medd, Jas
W. Morley, L'(<lian M. Walker. Stand-
ing ---Clyde S. Heamain,.
Mr. W, G, Medd, Chairman, of the
Scholarship Comnuitte,e, gave a talk an
the value and need oil ,schdlarshipee
told why the Board; of Education, de-
cided to give a number of ,proficiency
scholarships, nand made al pea to h.:-
daviduais and organizations to supple-
ment the ,present list by donatingwspec
al scholarship prizes ,tor the High
School. He then , presented these
achoia.rship�s its •ww,on. las-h. nddsumun,er,
as follawvs, -
Entrance to High School— Fromthe.
Exeter Public: Scheel., Maie. Abbioltt ;
From Exeter •Haigh School District.
Mare Abbott`se,cond; Form I., Gener-
a. Proficiency, Marion. Woods first
Kenneth Slatnbury, second;; Form, U.,
General Proficiency, Margaret Wethey
end Harry Greb; equal; Form 11., Lo-
wer School, Margaret Wethey; Nor-
mal Be inane e, iM. J±. ma 1 e Hagar t1v first
J. Edgar Thomson, second; Jr. Metric-
ui'atiion, M, Emaa+ Hogarth, a Gold
ele'1ai, .
The Scholarships :were of the value.
of Tenn and Fine Dollars, ee,specei:vely,
wvhal,e Ibe Gold Medal was' of the value i
of Ten i o`tere, end had engraved on
i•t the school motto, "Fioie Coronet
Opus," (The ,,End Gnown,s the Work,),
the yelir, the .names of the school and
of the winner.
Muss Mergers, Gladman :rendered a
choice piano solo, a,rrd, the valedictory
address was ,read by Moss 1d. Elisa;ii�e
Hogarth ,the gold nvedaliso
The various numbers were all most
heartily applauded, and the musical
numbers cheerfully responded to,
With the •singing of "God 1lavethe
ended a eery pleasing
--one long io be remendbkrred ass a
landmark ;n 'the hiistory of education
in Exeter.
(anger, but he weal there watt the time
and stopped some a Ocie ones} Referee
Bowman of ,Preston was =partial
but not any :toot quick son the off -
skies, Only a few penalties were
awarded and they were well deserved.
The line up—
Clinton—Goal, MaG,aoch; : defence
Manning and Ceov?en o.:k; centre Baty -
den; wings, Elliott and Draper;; subs
Graham and Helliei.
Exeter-Zurich—Goal, Cook; defence
Hiindmarsh and Hoffman; centre Hoff-
offmann; wings, Siebert and McKinnon;
subs, Collies and Rob,:mteon; -
Refere.e—Bowman of ,,Preston.
'The Sa.:al. hockey team has now won
four games ,out sof four played, with
four to •,go, and the. group should be
th, lure,. This Wiedniesday .they go to
St. Marys ' Next ,11eronndray night the
Clinton Senior N. I . L. tteans meets
the Exeter-Zuuiich IN. H„ L. Senior
team on the Exeter ece en, the first of
game and home game,sa This is a diff-
erent fugue ;from the one .inn which
this other games are 'scheduled.
Game Goals
Winn Los;t' For Ag„
4 -0 26 8
1 2 15 15
1 3 12 13
1 2 6 8
2 2 13 13
Exe ter-Zureel
St, Marys •
Godeni h
C1'h3to,t ,
Local News
The Annual V
Trlvitt Memorial
was bald on T
has been the. �:u
to hold this meeting
+allowirng $aister,
hirings has been
ra mt wed h
Tuesday of the
uary, The ;msec;
er about ,eight
wsin,ess was iron,
statement was r
E J. We�tln+ey, arcv
fin -
epees of the clitsr
outr3itioTn, and •
Guild was pa
Votes of bhkanit
ec tor, wardens,
organizations of
following officer
current yeah,—R
er umaa n ham
C ng
Warden, Wnt.. Winer
i�a,:ticaily all vii
es'try Meeting of the
Church as announced
uesday night ,last, It
s tom for many years
�etiing oin, the Monday.
f, but this. order of
t t.:hanged, an,d int• Elft-
u ,eld loin. the iVlondary or
third week in Jan-
uting was . ai1ed to o¢-
d lorclock, and ,the usuaa
bsaeted. Thee:financial
s ead by the •:lerk, Mr„
d it showed the fiun-
a,chi,to be in a healthy
cthat .opt the Ladeies'
rtectear-ly gra.ti,fyin,g
s ;wlerel teundered the
s? organist, amid` various
',th,a churchi. The
f s were elected for the
ec tort's Warden, ' Wal-
t: re ,e1e,�te,d; 1'e�aple's
of Stephenif
P other officers were
'Murdo ,k.. -At Lucas, on Jas?,,. 9, Ellin
Brown, relict eel the late Thomen
sen Murdock, to his 94th year.
Cole—In. Clinton, ')>n�Jer j. 8, Jeanf
Marshall. wife of Ale, T. H. Cole,
aged 47 years,
Bentbronl.--In Toronto, on Jan 12th,
;Miss Kate Bonthron, formerly of
H:xasar! an L .Exeter.
L adnoan--In Ex: ter. on San.. 16, .Nancy
A. Mel:r, widow of ,he late James
• len-Oman, in. her 8811 year.
Swan --In Stratford, -en Jam. 16, Mrs:
-ilerri t D. Swan. of Clinton. aged
a. 82 years.
1RAAISA1---At Edmonton, Alta., on
Monday, January 18, Clara Maud
Campbell, beloved wife of Dr. 4r,.
thur C. Ramsay, late of 98 Leeut-
ing street, Hamilton, and also of
Exeter. The remains will be
brought to Exeter for burial, In-
terment on the arrival of the train
N. H. L.
Hockey Match,
Monday, Jan. 23rd
Great Smas
Prices Oil Furijlluffi
In order to keep business booming we are go-
ingto offer our entire stock of Furniture at prices
that will make it move.
We have a big stock and a good one, but every
thing goes at the big cut in prices.
Phone 20w. Kr% N. ROWE
Resid. 20j.
Phone 16
Stock Taking Sale.
Every Ladies' and Misses Water Coat must be sold en-
gardless of .pri. e, You can, surely "Save Dollars" by buyiung,an
isp••tio-date Coat eor nice set of Furs now; also odd Muffs and
Ladies' pure wool Serges in Navy Bluee, Brow.;Gtteen„
Gley and Bleak in; Remnant fog Dresses, Skirts, Waists, or Ernie
for Children's presses alt Gexa: tly half pride.
Ladies' and Children's Stockings—black only
or tune ribbed, 25,;: per ,pain or 4 pair For 95;,,
Our £.test shipment :of Spring Goods "in now in SLoek. Sea
our 14e range of New, Ginghams in, the veryita,test pattter as auud,
in, the . planets
13e sure and visit our Grocery Department, wheat, in went
of ,fresh ..groceries et the Luowest Prices
pst Pia s paid for All Psod"uee,
Highest Prices paid for Poultry and all Produce.