The Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-09-21, Page 16PAGE SIGNAL: ST4 T itIRS#MAY. SEPTEMBER 21. 1978 UNTRY 1. Articles for sale SMALL Massey Harris 22 tractor - good for large garden, excellent running condition. $250.00. Phone 482- 9161.-38-39 1977 TRUCK CAMPER, 101/2 ft. long. Excellent condition. Phone 524-2707., 38tf WAIT automatic propane space heater, 35,000 BTU like new, . $100; pulley for older Ford or Ferguson tractor, $35. Phone 529-7778.-38x ONE' 12' aluminum boat; one 14' aluminum boat; two 5 H.P. motors. Phone 524- _.6996._-38.39.x _........... GENDRON stroller and child's Dorel car seat. Phone 524-6847.-38 MODEL railroad, two tracks on 4' x 8' table. Complete layout, transformer and accessories. Phone 524- .2424.-38 DASHWOOD window storm screen, like new, 24" x 36"; dressed lumber, random lengths, cheap; bundle, fiberglas R12, 15 x 48 x 31/2, half price. Phone 524- 8689.-38 WESTINGHOUSE dish- washer, 5 years old, in good condition; $35.00. Kroehler foot stool, gold $25.00. Large armchair $35.00. Mone 524- 8553.-38 SUPER YARD SALE. Terrific items from six different households. Everything from Armstrong flooring, baby carriages, car seats to lace tablecloths, sets of wine glasses, a Hoover washing machine and a Hi Fi Saturday, Sept. 23, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 146 Elgin Ave West, corner Elgin and Wellington. In case of rain it will be held Sat. Sept. 30, 1978.-38nc COMBINATION radio and record player. Phone 524- 9062:-38 COOEY .22 rifle -repeater Model 66, Mossberg 16 gauge, shotgun, Lee -Enfield .303 rifle. Each gun has gun case. Phone 524-2788.-38x GRAPES: blue and white picked daily, excellent for eating, jam or wine. Phone Carl Seeger, RR3 Auburn 529-7514.-38 1977 KAWASAKI 175, low mileage, good shape. $800 or best offer. Phone 524-9215 after 4:30 p.m. -38,39,40 Wilcox Trailer Sales TRAVEL TRAILERS FIFTH WHEEL MOTOR HOMES THEDFORD 296-9692 NEW MATTRESSES Everyday Prices Lower Than Most Sales 40 DINETTE SUITES of Wood and Chrome C&E Furniture NEW AND USED '/2 mile south on hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 We Take Trades CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Mobile Homes 3. Articles for rent 4. Articles wanted 5. Cars, trucks for sale 6. Pets 7. Real estate for sale 8. Real estate wanted 9. Accommodation torrent 10. Wanted to rent 11. Room and board 12. Help wanted 13. Wanted (general) 14. Employment wanted 15. Tenders 31.. Cards 16. Mortgages 17. Auction Sales 1.8. Services available 19. !Notice to ceditors 20. Public notices 21. Personal 22. Lost and found 23. Miscellaneous 24. Business opportunities 25. To give away 26. Births 27. Deaths 28. Engagements 29. Marriages 30. In°memoriam of thanks DEADLINE Classified Ads 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY Adscannot be accepted after 12 o'clock for that week's paper. CLASSIFIED - 11' per word, minimum $2 " 1. Articles for sale GRADE "A" BEEF - hinds $1.35 Ib.; fronts, 95 cents lb.; sides, $1.15 lb. Cut, wrapped and quick frozen at no extra charge. Ripley Abattoir, 395- 2905.-38,39 . 1969 VAN made into camper. Best offer. Phone 482- 9374.-38tf DOWNHILL skis used once with bindings, poles and boots, $45.00. Phone 524-6749 or 524-2894 after 5 p.m. -38 SMALL Electrohome stereo phonograph in Swedish walnut finish cabinet. Phone 529-8757.-38x FRIDGE, excellent working condition. ideal for cottage; Girl Guide uniform size 10, used three months; day bed upholstered in tapestry with blanket storage; arm .chair, end table, small table, 'an- tique blanket chest or ot- toman with curved arms, gold upholstery. Phone 524- 7107.-38 MF mounted plow 3 x 16 with parts for four furrow and MF semi -mounted 4 x 16 plow with parts for five furrow. Phone 524-8057.-38-39 TRUCK CAMPER for sale, insulated. Call 482-9611.-38x ONE set bunkbeds, good condition. One five drawer dresser. Call 524-9177 after.4 p.m. -38 1977 KAWASAKI 1000 LTD, like new, 3600 miles. $3,200.00 -certified. 1972 Yamaha 100 twin, good condition, 5,500 miles $300.00 certified. Phone 524-6767 after 6 p.m. -38,39 LADY'S leather coat, grey size 20. Worn one season. Phone 524-8844.-38x GARAGE SALE - large selection of china, glassware, books, or- naments, etc,.. Some old, some. new. Open at 9:00 a.m. Saturday;mSeptember 23 at 339 Eldon Street. Don't miss this one. -38 QUART and pint sealers. Phone 524-9467.-38 GOOD DRY firewood 4' x 8' x 14'%. Phone 529-7545.-37-38 FOUR pair of girls' figure skates. Size 3 brand new, ($20.00; Bauer's, size five, in good condition, $20.00; Bauer's size 13, 410.00; Daust's size 6, $20.00. Phone 524-8185.-37-38 Reach all of ONTARI with your special classified ad Through a special arrangement between this newspaper.,, and The Ontario Weekly Newspaper's Association we now offer an Ontario -wide classified advertising service. Call 5248331 for details SIGNAL-SYAR PUBLISHING 110. P.O. Roe 220 Goderleh, Orttrrlo 1. Articles for sale GEESE ready for Thanksgiving. Order now. Live or dressed. Ca11 Carl Seeger, 529-7514.-38,39nc PLUMS, MacIntosh apples and honey at Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Closed week of Plowing Match. Phone 524-8037.-37tfar LADY'S new hand-knit cable stitch sweater, camel, long length, size 40. Phone 524- 8565,-37,38 GARAGE SALE -- ends of lumber, cherry, birch, walnut, white ash, numerous odds and ends, at 120 Park Street, September 23rd starting at 10:00 a.m.-37-38 U -PICK tomatoes. 51.00 11 qt. basket, $3.00 per bushel, 'Excellent quality and sup- ply, Evans' Farm Market, two miles north of Bayfield, 482-7562.-37,38 HENS have only been laying for tent months. Good ',for eggs or meat. $1.00 each. Mel Klazinga. 524-2395.-37, 38 A- R QUEEN size water bed, frame and heater $175. or best offer. Phone after 5 p.m. 524-7106.-36TFNC FIREWOOD for sale - hard maple. Will deliver. Phone 482-7539.-36-39 FRESH cut cauliflower for your freezer, only 35c per head. Open every day. Dobson Farms Limited, two miles west of Kippen on the left. Phone 262-2822.-35tf AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffineyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-Itfat SEWING MACHINES - Singer, White and other models. Repairs to all makes. All machines and repairs guaranteed. Morris Draperies, 36 West Street, Goderich 524-2551-20tfar MARKEL,• 18" 2 -speed electric ' an mounted on wheeled base, 545. Shallow white porcelain cast iron sink. with high back, taps and trap, $25. Two used tires G78- 15, $8 each. Phone 524-7901 after 5 p.m.-35tfnc SINGER - For authorized tales and service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and notions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. We also do alterations and install zip- pers. Pratt's Sewing Centre, 73 Hamilton St., 524-8431, Goderich.-8tfar 2. Mobile Homes MOBILE HOME, three years old, three bedroom, 12' x 66' white with brown trim. Try your offer. Phone 528- 2841.-37-38 1970 two bedroom Champion mobile home, partially. furnished, recently' redecorated. Phone 524- 4215.-38 1973 MOBILE home 12 x 60, two bedrooms, large 'bath, must sell, very ,reasonable. Phone 524-4353.-38 MUST SELL - two bedroom 1975 Marlette set up at Huron Haven', -Any serious offer will - be considered on this beautiful home. Phone 526- 7184.-30tf MARLETTE - Large living room with cathedral ceiling plus many other deluxe features. Price $16,900.00! Phone 524-2472 weekdays, 529-6576 weekends and evenings. -35-38 3. Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS for all occasions. Tree style brochure, Rawson's Shop for Men, Goderich.-ltfar illppwe can suit you for every occasion FREEMAN'S FORMAL RENTAL Exclusively at CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS Free catalogue FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524- 6231. 4. Articles wanted WANTED: Piano in good condition that holds a tune. Reasonable price. Phone 524- 4612.=38, 39 WANTED: Old brick buildings for demolition and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. -451f 'WE ARE now handling lots or part lots of .furniture and appliances. If you have articles to sell privately or by auction, contact Rath - well's Auction Service. Phone 482-3120 or 527- 1336.-ltfar TV Tower and aerial. Call Lucknow 528-2746.-37-38 5. Cars, trucks for sale 9° tocrettnmodation 12. Help wanted 1973 HORNET stationwagon Sportabout, six cylinder automatic, both mechanism and body in good condition. $1200.00. Phone 565-5343.-38 1971 FORD Galaxy 500, 43,000 miles, 351 engine, automatic; power steering and brakes, certified, asking $850.06, good shape. Phone 524-6602.-38x 1978 GMC 3/4 ton truck for sale. Four wheel drive, Ziebarted. Excellent con- dition. Phone 524-4618.-38tf 1977 GRAND PRIX excellent condition, air conditioning, power- brakes-, power steering, electric defogger, radial tires, velour seats, vinyl top. Phone 524- 6870.-38-39 1971 TOYOTA COROLLA in good condition. As is, $400.00 or best offer. Phone 524-2894 or 524-6749 after 5 p.m.-38tf 1968 GMC truck, good mechanically, many new parts, for sale as is. Phone 524-4.443.-38 195rMERCURY 1/2 ton runs well; 1970,GM 1/2 ton in good shape. Call evenings 524- 7087.-22tfnc 1974 PINTO Runabout in running condition. $500 as is or best offer. Phone 524-6233 after 4:30 p.m. -37; 38x 1974 IMPALA stationwagon in excellent condition. Phone 482-9869.-37,38 MUSTANG '68 fastback. Best offer. 154 Essex Street. Phone 524-8480.-37,38 6. Pets URINE -ERASE guarantees removal urine stains, odors from carpets: Free brochure. Reidell Chemicals Ltd., Box 7500, London, Ontario:-38BC FREE puppies `to good homes. May be •seen at 27 Bruce Street East. -38 BLUE TICK and Walker hounds. Three months old. Priced to sell. Phone 482- 7562.-38 TROPICAL fish, canaries. Complete pet supplies. Pat's Pet Shop, 350 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario. Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily and Friday evenings.-ltfar 9. Accommodation to rent BACHELOR PAD, available in centrally located red brick home, private room with 5. Cars, trucks for sale kitchen privileges. Share this large home with two other males. $30 per week, available immediately. Call John 524-6055.-38 FIFTY police cars, trucks, vane, and stationwagons: 10- 1977 Fords and Plymouths; 14-1976 Fords, Plymouths and Chevs; 4-1974 to '76 stationwagons, Plymouth, Ford, Chev and Ambassador; 8-1972 to 1974 lf, three-quarter and one o trucks, Chevs and Dodges, some *ith duals; 5- 1972 to 1974 Dodge club cabs and crew cabs; 6-1973 and 1979 vans, Fords and Dodges; 3 cars on choice for $595.00 - 1-1975 Plymouth licence LJS 352; 1-1979 Dodge.licence No. KKE 849; 1-1973 Chevrolet, licence JKL 636. Mightbn's Car Sales, 6 miles east.. of Hanover on No. 4 highway. Phone Ddrham 369-3136.-38 s 1973 OLDSMOBILE stationwagon, good con- dition. Phone 524-6514.-38;t 1974 TOYOTA CORONA, brand new condition, radials. Has to be seen to he appreciated. Phone 524-7184 or 524-7882.-38 • 1974 DODGE COLT, in good PORK FOR FREEZER - ,condition, from Alberta. No save money, buy direct from ` rust, easy 6n gas. For in - farmer. Phone 482- formation contact 524-4217 or 3149.-32tf 529-7915 evenings.-38nc HARDWOOD Firewood, 14" x 4' x 8' long, 820, bought by double order - delivery free. Phone 524-2052.-35tf. September 26 - 30, 1978 FIIIIMN COUNTY Selling your cor? Need a Safety Inspection? Cali 524-2121 Now only $15.95 GODERICH EXCELLENT facilities - Car or boat cold storage. Receiving storage October 15th to November 1st. Will lie in storage until March 15th to April 1st, 1979. $30 per space large enough for one car.' Archer's Farm Sales and Service Ltd., Phone 482-3991. We do not insure. -38 Office TO,RENT 524-8382 ' BENNETT APARTMENTS One' and Two bedroom apartments, includes fridge, stove, cable TV and utilities. Call: 524-2071 524-2725 MAPLE GROVE SENIOR RESIDENCE LODGE IS NOW COMPLETELY RENOVATED offering Delicious living In private and semi- private rooms. Home cooked meals, close to downtown and most churches. Monthly rates from '400. and up FOR MORE INFORMATION CAU 524'-4610 or 524-7324 Maple Grove Senior ResIdenfs Lodge OLDER three bedroom country home, 5125.00 per month. Phone 529-7431 after 6:00 p.m. -38 FOR SALE OR RENT - three bedroom tri -level home on one third -acre to Bayfield. Phone 482-7116.-38 ONE BEDROOM house, available October 1. Phone 524-9405 after 5 p.m. -38x THREE bedroom house, newly decorated. Phone 524- 7630..-38 t.f. THREE BEDROOM country home;. in Seaforth area. " C'ontact in.' person, Donald Lamb, RR4 Goderich.-38x PAUL BUNYAN CAMP, Highway 21 - Convention Centre, weddings, service club parties, all facilities,. bar, smorgasbord if needed. Write }}ox 46, Bayfield, phone 565-5355, 565-2183 or 565-5010.-38,39,40' ONE bedroom furnished apartment available October 1st, no children or pets please. Phone 524-6536.-38 THREE bedroom brick bungalow, attached garage on Highway No. 8. Available October lst. Rhone 524- • 7397.-38,39 TWO bedroom bungalow, beautiful location $300 plus utilities. Phone 524-2472 or 524-6576.-37,38 ATTRACTIVE two bedroom apartment for rent ' in Dungannon. Fridge and stove included carpeted throughout. Possession immediate. Ideal for elderly or retired persons.. Phone 5?4-7186 after 6.-Itfar AVAILABLE October 1, centrally located two bedroom, semi-detached house with garage. Rental $215 per month plus utilities. Phone.524:9839`-38 TWO BEDROOM brick bungalow with garage and pool. Possession October 1st. Phone524-6885.-37tf HOUSE for rent, available October 1st, near airport. Reply to P. O. Box 184, Goderich, Ontario. -38 t.f. FURNISHED room with kitchen privileges. Close to Square. Phone 524-6989.-37- 38 THREE bedroom house on Gloucester Terrace, $250.00 per month. Available October 1st. Call' 524- 8735.-37-38 10. Wanted to rent SMALL house in country with shed for pensioner. Will consider option to purchase. Phone 887-6991 or write Mrs. Zon Schrag, R.R. No. 2, Blyth. -37-39 URGENTLY required one bedroom apartment. Will consider any equivalent accommodation. Phone 524- 7374, ext. 286, before 4:30 p.m. -38 WANTED TO.RENT - room and board for clean • cut, young man in Goderich. Phone Michael Cox, 524- 2621.-38 WANTED - room to rent with kitchen privileges if possible. Phone 528-2006, after 6:00 p.m. -38 r 12 , Help wanted RELIABLE PERSON WANTED to look after school age children for several days. Good home. 524-2031 Full Time WAITRESS WANTED Experience preferred Apply to Nick Club Restaurant and Steak House 524-8168 12. Help wanted J.A.M. CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LTD. REQUIRES AN EXPERIENCED CARPENTER Full Time employment - Goderich and District PHONE 524-2916 -CLASS A - TRUCK MECHANIC "REQUIRED contact: E. MacLAREN SERVICE MANAGER Phone: 524-7379 BLUEWATER TRUCK CENTRE AIRPORT RD. GODERICH BP REQUIRES Gas Bar Manager -Good starting salary -Company benefits -Training The right person should have -Min. grade 12 -Some experience in handling people -Some accounting ex- perience For appointment please contact D. Stewart„Lon- don (toll Free) 1-800-265- 4157 SUPERMARKET MANAGERS r'. Unlimited income potential - Reply in writing to'.Harold Roth Vice President Merchandising Knechtel Wholesale Grocers Limited P.O. Box 1358 Kitchener. Ont. N2G 4H8 RELIABLE BABYSITTER wanted, Monday to Friday. Phone for particulars. Phone 524-6903.-38 WOMAN'S DAY OUT requires one babysitter 'to begin October 4th, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Phone 524-2450 or 524-9919.-38,39 RESPONSIBLE babysitter wanted in my home from three to four weeks, five days per week. Phone 524- 7266.-38 OCCASIONAL babysitter one or two evenings a week in Cambria Road area for small baby. Phone 524- 4317.-38 TEACHER required for in student's. Phone 524 - organ lessons own home. 7870.-38 t.f. COMMUNITY Child Abuse worker, a B.A., B.S.W. or M.S.W. required for eight month project. The . task involves public education concerning child abuse issues. Expgrience and knowledge of child abuse issues required. Good communication skills essential. Apply in writing to John Penn, M.S.W., Family and Children's Services, 46 Gloucester Terrace, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1W7.-38 PERSON. for Poultry Farm and deliveries, must be, mature, responsible and have or acquire Class "A" drivers permit. House available. CaII McKinley Farm and Hatchery Ltd. at 262-2837 or 262-5460.-37,38 HELP WANTED in welding shop with welding and repair experience. Phone 529- 7922.-37-38 CLASS "A" mechanic - New car dealership requires Class "A" mechanic or advanced apprentice. Contact,,Gordon McGarvey, Birrell Dodge Chrysler, Kincardine, Ont. Phone 1- ^ 396-3373 •or '1-396-2565 after hours. -37,38 SALES STAFF required for local retail business. Reply in . own handwriting giving complete details, age,, education andprevious experience, etc. to drawer .No. 68, c -o Signal -Star Publishing Ltd., P. O. Box 220, Goderi ch. -36-38A R EARN extra money selling Watkins products to your friends and neighbors. Watkins, 504 Limeridge Court, Hamilton. -37to 42X'-' SALARY PLUS BONUS - $12,000.00 salary, plus $6,000. bonus, first year income is what we offer for the right persons. Do you qualify? The position is selling insurance out of one of 'our many general insurance agencies in southwestern Ontario. Excellent training provided: Previous selling experience an asset. Call London 1-800- 265-4499 toll free. -37 to 40 MATURE housekeeper to live in and to give daytime care to invalid lady. References required. Phone Bayfield 565-2833. 37,38 13. Wanted (general) •OLDTIMER hockey - anyone wishing to play, telephone 524=4211 or 524-8742. Everyone welcome. -38 WANTED old wood fur - of con 524 - niture, regardless dition, phone 2725.-24tfar 15. Tenders TENDER Tenders to be submitted on or before October 2. 1978 for complete in- stallation of air con- ditibning, ventilation and heat pump. three floors, each floor to con- tain its own unit of ven- tilation, heating and air conditioning control. Contact for specifi- cations of the tender can be made by calling. 524-8798 or 524-9390. Address tenders to the Royal Canadian Legion, 56 Kingston Street, Goderich, Branch 109. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accep- ted. 14. Employment wanted LOOKING for a babysitter? Will do babysitting in my home, Monday to Friday. Phone 524-2558.-38-39 ,FARM work part time, references, some ex- perience, wages negotiable. Phone 524-8122.-38 15. Tenders FARM FOR. SALE BY TENDER 0 146 acres with 140 cultivated, all one field, at Lot Front NTP, Lot 12 PT Ashfield Twp., with drilled well, Highway 21 frontage, approximately 1200 ft. from Lake Huron, tiled. Mortgage available. Closing date on ten- ders September 28, 1978. Apply Box M, Lucknow Sentinel, Box 400, Lucknow -35-38 ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER General Contractors Interior Alterations Huron County Court House Court House Square Goderich, Ontario Ministry of Attorney General Project No. W.827 52 .. G. O.54 SEALED TENDERS will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on October 10. 1978 Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ministry of Government Services, Regional Of- fice, 400 Elizabeth Street, Guelph, Ontario. N1E 2Y1. Telephone No. (519) 822-1 50. NOTE:For ether Infor- mation re arding this tender pie a call Miss J. Robinson, at the above address. Telephone No. (519) 822- 1150. The lowest or a Tender not necessa ly accepted. Ontario Mlnist Gave ^ ment Ser ces Of TOWNSHIP OF COLBOIRNE TENDERS For Tractor Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 4 p.m. Sept. 29/78 for Industrial type tractor complete with Industrial loader approx. 50 H.P. P.T.O. and 3 point hitch cutter bar mower, 6 feet. Trade -In 1 - Industrial Ford 4400 complete with Industrial Loader. Tenders must be submitted on the tender forms available at the t®,wnship office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. John Clark, Road Supt. Township of Colborne, R.R. 5, Goderich, Ontario. - N7A 3V2 Township of Colborne TENDERS For Snowplowing Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until 4 p.m. September 29/78 for the 1978-1979 winter season. One dump, truck weighted with sand or gravel. Such truck to be equipped with hydraulic snowplow and wing, and chains, driver & wingman with a minimum G.V.W. of 27,000 or 40,000 with either a single or tan- dem axle. Tenders must bo submitted on the tender forms available at the township office. Lowest or any ten'ller not necessarily accepted.' John Clark, Road Supt. Township of Colborne, R.R. 5 Goderich, Ont. NIA 3Y2