The Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-09-21, Page 5AR E • 4r• Help, please Dear Editor, William E. Grace was a prominent resident of Goderich in its early years. His name is found in many real estate tran- sactions; for example, he was first owner, after the Canada Company, of ,the lot at northwest corner of South street and Elgin avenue. In the 1912 file of the Signal appears a brief announcement of his death "at St. Luke's Hospital, Vancouver, Feb. 1,8, of influenza." , Investigation has failed to turn up any obituary in Vancouver papers, and the fact that there is no St. Luke's Hospital there casts doubt upon the reliability of the item. Perhaps someone among Signal -Star readers can offer a suggestion; I do not like to accept this as a dead end. W.E. Elliott Darn decent Dear Editor: In the Signal Star of Aug. 31st, in your editorial on Darcy MCKeough, you wrote with insight and flair embellished with glittering necklace of alliterations:6 May I repeat them, out of context? • Darcy (never) Dull • (never) Dumb, Distur- b in g , Disquieting, Dev ill ish, (never) Dreary, (never, Doltish, Drastic, Dream, •(couldn't) Deliver, Dear Editor: I think the enclosed "panoramic view" es the harbor should be given to our tourist bureau and the "save our trees" committee. It is the only view ybu can get of the harbor from Harbor Park. Determined, Different, enDearing. I call that an alliterative achievement_ Thank you. Mary B. Howell Invitation Dear 'Editor: The • Centennial Dear Readers....... • from page 4 families of people who have been seriously in- jured or killed in a car crash don't like to see the pictures of the vehicles in the newspaper., Just the sight of my car brings it all back to me in explicit detail ... and starts the shaking and the tears all over. - I was reminded that people can be wonderful - policemen, passersby, Witnesses, others who are involved, husbands and families, friends and associates. I learned that life is sweet and that it is love that lasts. Material possessions can disap- pear in an instant. This week the whole world looks different to me and in a strange but sure way, I'm thankful for the whole blessed incident. Very per- sonally, it rekindled my faith in a living God. Every week, the Signal - Star gets requests from people who do not want their names mentioned in connection with accidents or other police in- vestigations. I can un- derstand this better this week than ever before. I was deemed the careless driver in this incident and was charged accordingly. It is now a matter between me and the courts. The fact remains, this incident could have been sup- pressed. It need never have made print. So far as I know, it wasn't reported anywhere else before today in this newspaper. Because it happened to Shirley Kell& is what makes it interesting. But let me assure you, the fact • that it was reported in this newspaper is not in any way a deterrent to me. I am more convinced than ever now that if the ac- tual incident doesn't make people think twice hefore deliberately putting themselves in a similar situation again, nothing will. Certainly a story in the local newspaper won't help. Accident do happen. They happen because people are human with human failings. In themselves, accidents are vivid lessons for people who accept responsibilities_ By the same token, then, peOPle who don't seem to learn much from an accident just aren't as responsible as they thought. So there it is, folks. My weekend. I'm hoping for better days ahead. By the way, you will probably all notice a few more safety editorials (walking as well as driving) in the. Signal -Star for. a -few weeks to come. Seems like some of us need to brush up on a few things. Cbill)PeY il () cli 6, COOLER NIGHTS ARE HERE. TIME TO HAVE YOUR CHIMNEY & FIREPLACE SWEPT OUT Take achiontage of the opportunity of a professiona' chimney sweep - (Top Hat and English accent included). CALL CHEERIO'S . 524-8055 Your chimney and smoke charnber are wire brushed nd o soot sweeper with a -wind load rating of ISO 7i1.0.41 •Iteps atta soot out of your living room. "VOW* let a CitiMney Aro, spark a coil to us.” Committee of ,tt e Town of Mount Forest feels that there may bd some of your readers who have lived in our town at some time, or may have friends or relatives who have done so. • Because we want to reach as many a ii.ese 'people as possible to invite them te our cen- tennial festivities in -1979 we are hopi,,,: you will publish this letter and help us reach them. The main events centre aroundthe week of June 29 to July 7 with the monster centennial parade on Moinday, July -2. Anyone wishing to be on the list of invitations can notify Mrs. Annabelle Langdon, Mount Forest, Ontario NOG 21111. We would like to thank you for helping as reach The look -out point at the anchor is not much better either. Let's show the tourists wt we do have.. • Yours truly H.W. "Bud" MeCreath. former aren residents your newspaper_ • Yours tinily, liars_ Jean We Centennial • Chairwainian r Jiwin OPEN LEI JACK DELL 1,; - Dear Jack: On December 211, 1976„ the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed 11979 •the International Year ,t1 Child in order that •governrments and in- dividuals around the world would concern themselves with the present co 7tion off' eir children_ In Ontario, the Government has always looked alt children as our most precious resource and we 1,:•• ve enema:raged the .twth Lf excellent ill —Jr 11 0 1 (1;iication and social( systems for our children_ In 11979, we intend to expand and strengthen our sea -vices and tine beliefs thafQrtgliiitdremthe peace ands.31.7/!0' erity of .,ie future depends on the well-being of our children today_ However„ while we can produce services and pro:1,p for ahiadareal, we cannot enure that ese services, are used„ nor can we provide the -Rove and concern that is essential to the healthy devell% panent a (*it'd. If the International Year of e Child is to be truly meaningfull, t is necessary that in - d v kit: a s • and organimitions in daily con Itr.ct with children become involved_ ; 0111 Tern Vi ART'S ::::itf;aeNG GARDEN CENTRE Tbo Beane/ St. E. Godeirkih 71" kS'irr •IIT;",t/1 t • k• FALL ; 1P, I ULBS haps. Iiaircksi, Deffodas. I/mistits WILL BE SOON A". ,*IVING CEMENTLAWN ORNAMENTS PLANTERS Veil#111111111111MIIIIM Nona is the tkno to use OFF C.1.L. WINTERIZER or WINTERIZER WEEDER TO GET YOUR LAWN READY FOR wnira TIME FO FAU. PLANTING OF SHRUBS & EVERGREENS SKYROCKET. MT. BATTEN. BLUE HAVEN. PYRAAUD CEDARS. BLUE NUM. TOMS JUNIPER. GLOBE IL SPREAD/NG YEWS "FREE"Bon of Transpkinter with purchase aPlo.i! shrub Or evergreen 'hg AT' MUMS • "FREE" 1 LADIESDAT 1st Allondav of every month Sox of Noose Naafi Food with every •10-'' peg -these cif indoor sacdoning supplies, soil pats. plants. etc. I •••. I am writing to request yam- persomPll support for the Year and hope that within yaur riding„ you Can develop awareness and entleusiaSm for- IYC and encourage activity on behalf of our children. Attached is a list of suggestions of the type of activity proposed thus far for individual in- volvement. If you could share with me any of your ideas as to how we can stimulate IYC activities within the province, I would be pleased to hear from )ratk. . 1 ani comtedent that we in Ontario can work pouRRict SIGNAL -STAR. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2j, I978—P*0g 5 Ai letters received by the editor will be published,, unless they are considered y legal opinion to, be libellous. All letters mast be signed but penuarnes will be asect on request. flow:ever> should someone call toreciaest the name of the writer, the writer's identity will be recatied together to ensure our children's future and would appreciate your support for this goal. With best widliVs- Yours sincerely, Margaret Birch Pawl/nein' Secretary Editor's Note: Although the list is .. tong, it is worthy of publication_ It contains plenty of new and different ideas. Maybe you could check off one or two things you could do to help_ Here's the list: I. Become a Block parent or set up a Block Patent Association if there is not one already in your neighbourhood_ 2. Invite a guest speaker to your club - "on -Horne and School Association to talk about positive parenting, educattan, day care, handicapped children, children with special needs or any area per- taining to children that would be of benefit to YAM- 3. Contact your local Children's Aid, "Y", Big Brother -Little Sister Association or other voluntary 'organization regarding volunteer 4. Contact your local Children's Aid with regard to becoming a foster parent. .. 5_ Make a personal commitment to your own children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces to set aside extra time in 1979 for an educational or recreational experience, e.g.. trip to zoo, museum, conservation area or art gallery; camping or sporting events. 6. Construct a special children's recreation area in a local park or school yard. 7: Develop a children's theatre group. EL Hold an art, music or drama festival for and by children_ 9. Set up a system of volunteers, to help teachers in the classrooms or on field trips. 10_ Plan sports or games events. 11. Develop a family project which involves your children's creative talents, e.g. build a playhouse, set up a greenhouse, make your own greeting cards, start an aquarium, learn to sail, camp, explore nature, start a vegetable or flower garden. 12. Offer to babysit for a single parent family. 13. Is there a latch -key child on your block? Arrange lunch or after school supervision for children of working parents. 14. Drop in on a new mother to see if she needs any assistance or even just some reassuring talk_ 15. Hire young people for home maintenance jobs. 16. Start a young people's program at your . place of worship_ . • 17. Prepare a booklet listing the community resources available ta assist children and their families - e.g. Block Parents. Parents' Anonymous, aid to new mothers, parent education courses, single parent groups, children's aid societies - pre -post natal courses. 18. Set up family social events that include children of all ages - pot luck dimier, movie night, community fair, games night, sports day, hobby fair. 19. Involve children in volunteer • work with senior citizens, the physically handicapped, a recreation centre, - hospital patients, other younger children. 20. Have your school class -office -club adopt a foster child in an un- derdeveloped country. Got something to say? Write to the editor today FAMILY & CHILDREN'S SERVICES OF HURON COUNTY Operated by (CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OF HURON COUNTY) ANNOUNCE ANNUALEIR BANQUET FOR FOSTER PARENTS & FRIENDS To be held at PINERIDGE CHALET RR 2 HENSALL THURSDAY, OCTOBER Sth 7:00 P.M. GUEST SPEAKER: DAVID LINK CONSULTANT PSYCHOLOGIST TICKETS54.s° Please phone 524-7356 for reservations MUFFITT APPLIANCES & TELEVISION IS PLEASED TO PARTICIPATE WITH AT THE SALE GODERICH COMMUNITY ARENA • SEPTEMBER 21, 22, 23. TELEVISIONS -WASHERS -DRYERS REFRIGERATORS -RANGES - FREEZERS -MICROWAVE OVENS VACUUM CLEANERS 42, We carry the lines of: MOFFAT - KELVINATOR - ADMIRAL - WOODS & MAYTAG Appliances RCA & SANYO MUFFITT HOOVER & EUREKA Televisions Vacuum Cleaners appliances & television US HURON ROAD GODERICH 0==mereate.r • S24-4301