The Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-09-21, Page 4PAGE 4-- 'OD] RIC SIG.,NAI,-ST;AR,.THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1978
A The County Town Newspaper of Huron
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The/plaque should stay
There are few issues that stir up the people of
Canadalike the bilingual issue, and last week's
story from town council about taking down the
existing all -English• plaques on the stone pillars at
the intersection of Britannia Road and Toronto
Street to make room for new English -French
versions has riled the citizens of Goderich. In a
word, the people here aren't having any of it.
Apparently the government of Canada deems it a
priority item to replace all existing federal plaques
that are unilingual with plaques that contain both
English and French. Goderich's plaques come
under the Department of Indian and Northern
Affairs and it seems there is little choice in the
matter. The plaques 'will come down and new ones
will go up ... if not in Goderich, then elsewhere in
the Huron Tract.
Perhaps' even more disagreeable to the people of
Goderich is the suggestion that the text of the
plaque will be changed when the new one is put up.
Although the government has promised that the
wording and location of the plaque will be
negotiable, citizens here believe that the plaque is
historical and that it should remain unchanged.
The plaque in question was erected in 1929. It was
dedicated to the pioneers of the Huron Tract who
opened the roads, felled the trees, built the farms,
made the homes and reared the children who would
live on to perpetuate what was begun in the Huron
Tract during 100 years from 1828 to 1928. The plaque
was affixed through the Historic Sites and
Monuments '••Board•of^€anada fora purpose'= a -moble
purpose, a solemn purpose. To remove that plaque
now would be an insult to the honorable intent of
those well-meaning citizens of the past. It should
not happen.
Many people in Goderich feel that government
officials are incorrectly mixing historical matters
with current federal concerns. It is almost as
though the Canadian government is attempting to
wipe out what it believes are the errors of the past
150 years with a bilingual push in 1978. In 1929, the
bilingual issue was the furthest thing from the
minds of the men and women responsible for
erecting the plaque on the pillars. Their sole in-
tention was to honor the pioneers. Ifthey were
wrong, that too is a part of the area's history.
Comments have been heard throughout this
debate that in cost alone, the federal government is
tallying up a siieable account which the Canadian
people will have to pay. And for what, people are
asking? To destroy those things which are dear to
the hearts of Canadians everywhere, whether they
are English-speaking or French-speaking?' To
attempt to forde the English and French to get
together in the future by taking away even the
visible reminders of ' those differences that
separates them today?
There would be little opposition in Goderich if the
government wanted to erect another plaque, an
exact replica of the existing plaque perhaps, but
with a French text:
And there should be little concern if in future, any
federal plaques erected anywhere in the country
must certainly be in both English and French.
But to remove an historical plaque - to destroy it
as though it never really was there at all -' is tam-
pering with the very soil of this country. The plaque
-on theppillar at -the- entrance to town -'should remain -
there. When the pillars crumble, the plaque should
be reaffixed in another prominent .place nearby. It • -BY ,
You know the usual
questions you get from •
friends on Monday
"How was your
weekend? they ask.
"Great," you reply, if it
was .... or maybe even if
it wasn't.
Or,°you might answer,"
Terrible. The weather
was wet for camping, the
kids played hide-and-seek
in the poison ivy, my wife
lost her diamond ring in
the drain and the dog is
having another batch of
Well, this past Monday
morning when I got to the
office, I had a- batch of
news to deliver about my
weekend. And what a
story it was.
+ + +
It started Thursday
morning when I drove to
Kitchener for a meeting
of the public relations
department - of our
church, the O1•ario
District of the Lutheran
Church -Missouri Synod.
The deliberations went
well but when we broke
for our usual lunch at the
Valhalla Inn down the
street, things took a turn
for the worse.
Having ,had polio as a
kid (and being left with
one leg shorter and
smaller than the other)
I'm a little shaky on my
feet in some situations. It
The Maitland in fall dress
By Jeff Seddon
is history - as much a part of Canada's complete
story as the parliament buildings in Ottawa. It
should not be removed. —SJK
Doctors plan a team
The search for doctors to come to Goderich is
bearing fruit. At Monday's meeting of the board of
Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, the
doctors in attendance -aid they have made contact
with several interested physicians. They have been
showing them around, making them aware of what
it is like to practice medicine in a small town away
from a major medical centre. And they have some
good prospects.
Goderich people will remember that town council
offered to help lure doctors to"town by holding out
bait like office accommodation and financial
assistance to set up a practice if that Was
necessary. The feeling of council was genuine -that
there is a severe doctor- shortage in town, that
people get sick regardless of how busy doctors are,
and that town council has a responsibility to the
taxpayers even where the provision of adequate
health care services is concerned.
There is little doubt that the board at AM&G and
the doctors of this community would welcome town
council's support, but Dr. Ken Lambert pointed out'
another aspect of- the 'situation which should be
noted. According to Dr. Lambert, the doctors don't
want "somebody welcoming with open arms
someone who is probably inappropriate".
The concern is to find doctors who will fit into the
local medical scene and add to it. The object seems
to be to build a team,- a medical team with players
who will complement eachRother and co-operate to
provide the best health care the people of Goderich
and area could expect.
One pressing need in town right now is for an
anaesthetist. There may also be a need for a doctor
with special skills in geriatrics, for instance. Or
internal medicihe. Or pediatrics. Who knows better
than the doctors of the community exactly what is
required to make a full team with every aspect of
medicine covered as completely as possible with a
limited number of doctors in,town.
Before a doctor opens a practice in Goderich, that
doctor must have the approval of the medical staff
and the hospital board. Privileges to practice
medicine are not necessarily extended to a person
merely because he or she has a degree. That is as it
should be, for the protection of everyone involved.
It was interesting to hear that even in the city of
Toronto where there seems to be a doctor's office in
every block or two,' general practitioners are
hard to find. There are lots of specialists in the
cities, but the family physician who cares for
,patients with scraped khees as well as cancer of the '
colon is difficult to locate in Toronto as well as
People can take heart. Doctors are expressing
interest in coming to town. There are high hopes
that there will be two or three new doctors in the
community in the next few months.
It behooves the people of Goderich and area then,
to respect the medical profession and to remember
that doctors have private lives and individual needs
like everyone else. A little common sense and some
extra consideration may make the difference
whether doctors stay here or leave in a few short
Think about your vote
The.federal government can put off an election
until spring. The provincial government seems to
be limping along with some degree of success and
should., be able to continue. But this is definitely
election year for the municipal governments of the
province and it is time the people of Ontario started
to think about it.
As the election Jooms for politicians everywhere,
it isn't difficult to see that some are campaigning
vigorously in anticipation of the event. To be fair, of
course, some politicians are on the job for the full
two years, but for some the activity . increases
noticeably just prior to elections, often soon after
the summer recess.
Municipal elections will be held earlier this year.
Monday, November 13 is the big day. Nominations
begin October 16 and end October 23.
If you are thinking about seeking election to 'a
municipal office, you might want to begin to make
plans now. If you are already an elected official,
you will probably be weighing the pros and cons of
another year in office.
But perhaps voters are the most important people
at this time of year. Voters should be making
themselves aware of what is happening on council
and at the PUC. And they should be quietly
assessing the worth of their elected people and
whether or not they are deserving of support should
they seek office in the upcoming elections.
It isn't too early to begin to think about the'
November 13 contest. Plan now to be an informed
A dash of class
Gpderich is finally to get its Coat.of Arms. Next
Thursday is the big -'day, and a representative of
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will be in town to
minake the presentation.
It has been a long time since the initial plans were
set down. There has been a fair amount of expense
connected with the acquisition of the Coat of Arms.
Much of the thunder was -taken out of the project
when the Coat of Arms' did not arrive during, the
Sesquicentennial Year. In fact, the presentation of
the Coat of ALMS niore than a year later IS"i early a
non-event. It's something akin to being invited to a
marriage feast at the time a couple is engaged
and then not actually eating that meal until several
years - and several feasts - later.
But the Coat of Arms will be distinctively
Goderich and it will be officially recognized by the
Royal College of Heralds as the only onp of its kind.
It is a nice touch in any community, adding a little
dash of class to letterhead, doors, council chambers
and shoulder flashes. —SJK
might also have had
something to do withthe
fact I was . in something
other than sandals for the
first time in a while.
Anyway, in the com-
pany of five men (four of
them .ministers) d went
down on the sidewalk, flat
on my stomach, taking
the left knee out of my
stockings and theskin
from my left knee in the
The gentlemen helped
me to my feet, trying
desperately to keep their
faces properly solemn. I
don't know which hurt
most my pride or my
Upon arrival home that
evening, I was limping
pretty well and suffering
to boot. It was bathing.
and bactine for the rest of
the evening.
The next morning, I
was .leaving home again.
I was off to Kitchener
once more this time ,for a
convention of the
Lutheran Women's
Missionary League. My
knee isn't something of
which to be proud at the
best of times, but with an
ugly looking bruise and
scrape, I decided to wear
my slacks and a pair of
low heeled shoes.
My husband cautioned
me to be careful.
"Stay on your feet," he
I arrived at the con-
vention to find that I
would be working on
public relations alone,
something •I hadn't ex-
pected. I figured I would
just organize things and
let others do the actual
job .... but that wasn't to
be the case. So I spent all
day Friday and Saturday
running ,in 100 different
directions at a -convention
that had something going
on every moment from
sunup to wets after
By Saturday afternoon
I was bushed, but I had
successfully pulled
together the required
materials for the public
relations department.
Knowing I was very tired
but determined to get
home in time to give my
family some attention for
the first time in three
days, I struck out in my
car for Goderich.
I almost made it. It was
just outside Goderich that
I met disaster...I was
involved in a nasty ac-
cident with another car
containing two elderly
ladies on their way home
to Seaforth from Zehr's.
What happened isn't
really important. Let's
just say it was a com-
bination of weariness and
The fact remains that
our cars collided before
my car headed off to the
ditch. The damage to the
two cars speaks for itself.
The three of us were)
lucky to get away with
our lives but the miracle
of it was that none of us
was injured at all. Not a
scratch save a very
minor bruise to the leg of
one of the ladies in the,
other car.
There isn't any doubt in
my mind - or for that
matter in the minds of the
ladies in the other car
that God was with us that
. Nevertheless, I arrived
home in a shaken con-
dition in a police cruiser,
faced with explaining to
my family what really
happened. That's when
the tears came.
I'm usually a very
weepy person - you know
the kind, big wet eyes in
just about any situation
that is the least bit
emotional. At the scene of
the accident, I didn't shed
a tear but once home, the
torrent let loose.
My husband had
planned to take me to a
party Saturday evening
... but I wasn't in a party
mood. In fact, I haven't
been doing much more
than reflecting on life for
the past few days.
There are some things
I've learned and I want to
share them.
First of all. I learned
that accidents can
happen in a flash and that
there is no way to turn
back the clock. For-
tunately in this case,
there was only serious
property damage .... but
it could have been lives.
In a split second, lives
could have been snuffed
out for no real reason at
I learned that one must
be alert every second of
the time at the wheel of a
car. One must never get
complacent about the
responsibility of driving a
car and must never
assume that he knows
what the other driver will
And one must wear a
seat belt. All of us were
belted in which is
probably why none of us
was hurt.
I learned that the
Signal -Star isn't wrong
regarding its policy of
police news. The agony of
being involved in an
accident is sufficient
without having one's
name splashed all over
the newspaper..
In my own case, of
course, the accident
couldn't. be ignored. I'm
well known in town. I'm
the editor of the Signal -
Star. If the accident
wasn't reported, someone
would certainly have
charged that I covered up
for myself.
I also learned, why it is
Turn to page 5 •
The representatives of
the Blaine Harrow
Manufacturing Company
who were here last week
have withdrawn their
proposition for the
location of a factory here.
There is a rumor to the
effect that owing to the
large increase in traffic,
the C.P.R, is to build
three large- passenger
boats for their lake
business. It is possible
that these boats may run
from this port on the
Completion of the Guelph
to Goderich extension.
Now that the rafters of
the roof of the library
building are up, one can
get a good idea of the_
improvement it will be to
that corner.
Mayor Lewis is urging
upon the powers that be
to have the new Gover-
nment steamer Bayfield
laid up here for the
winter. The steamer is in
need of extensive repairs
and we have the machine
shops to do the work.
The historic Canada.
Company, which played
the leading role in the
dramatic founding and
development of Goderich:
will pass into history at
midnight. on Wednesday,
September 30. Although
the company came into
existence with con-
siderable fanfare in the
early part of the last
century, an obscure
notice in a few Ontario
newspapers is the only
clue to its passing away
and the ending of an era.
Workmen started
yesterday to repair
damage caused to the
basements of three of the
rental homes in the south
end of Goderich caused
during last Friday's
heavy rain and electrical
Mr. H. R. Heath has
been appointed .manager
of the Goderich branch of
The Royal Bank of
Canada effective today,
succeeding Mr. W. G.
Dulmage who is retiring
on pension.
Eighteen new members
were sword into No. 538
Maitland Air Cadet
Squadron at the regular
parade on Tuesday night
as the result of a drive for
new cadets conducted
this fall.
During discussion at
Planning Board last week
on proposals for a row
housing complex on
Sunset Drive, board
member Gus Chisholm
told the meeting he felt
the project might look
like the low cost housing
on South Street, which to
Mr. Chisholm's view "is a
damn slum."
The ublic , Works
Comm ttee will
recom nd to Goderich
Town Council this
evening that a parking
authority be es,ablished
in this municipality.
'Construction began on
September 10 on the'
Huron -Perth Regional
Assessment Office ad>
dition which is to cost an
estimated $164,551. The
addition is to be com-
pleted early,in 1974.
The Goderich twater
tower is currently un-
dergoing repainting for
the second time since its
erection in 1949. The
'project at a cost of about
$6,800 is being carried gut
by NorVar 'Paint Com-
pany of Owen Sound. The
tower will probably not
be painted again until
Over the weekend stiff
winds whipped Lake
Huron up to six and 12 -
foot swells and as a result
forced the ore barge
Charles W. Johnston,
towed by the tug John
McLean out of Sault Ste.
Marie to take' refuge in
Goderich Harbor.
Blood Donor.